Books (Spanish)
Showing 651–700 of 1520 results
Iglesia Unica – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartWritten by church consultant Will Mancini expert on a new kind of visioning process to help churches develop a stunningly unique model of ministry that leads to redemptive movement. He guides churches away from an internal focus to emphasize participation in their community and surrounding culture. In this important book, Mancini offers an approach for rethinking what it means to lead with clarity as a visionary. Mancini explains that each church has a culture that reflects its particular values, thoughts, attitudes, and actions and shows how church leaders can unlock their church’s individual DNA and unleash their congregation’s one-of-a-kind potential.
Amor Nunca Muere – (Spanish)
$17.49Add to cartAligera tu carga pena cambiando la forma de ver el dolor.
El Amor Nunca Muere: Aceptando Duelo con Esperanza y Promesa ayuda a dolientes, cuidadores y profesionales que ayudan a entender lo siguiente:
* El duelo es la expresion constante de amor a la persona que ha muerto. Dolientes no necesitan ser fijados, curados, diagnosticados, lastimados o corregidos.
* Dolor saludable abraza y experimenta la perdida. El dolor sirve a un proposito. Evitar el dolor retrasa la curacion.
*Mantener una relacion continua con la persona que ha muerto es saludable y la curacion. Los dolientes no tienen que dejar de lado sus seres queridos con el fin de progresar en su dolor.
Notas tecnicas de diseadores expertos dolor pueden aliviar la presion de olvidar a un ser querido o dejarlas en el pasado. Dado que el dolor es una expresion de amor, es saludable y apropiado para recordar a un ser querido, extraar a el o ella , y llorar. -
Sigueme – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartPart One: Learning Kingdom Values
Part Two: Learning Kingdom Ministry
Part Three: Learning Kingdom LeadershipAdditional Info
Sigueme” La estrategia de Jesus para hacer discipulos.“David Schroeder sabiamente observa que la principal tarea de la Iglesi es hacer discipulos y que el verdadero discipulado toma lugar en el contexto de las relaciones intimas. Combinando la investigacion academica con ricos conocimientos practicos y devocionales, examina los valores que Jesus enseo como la humildad, las compasion y la rendicion de cuentas y muestra como pueden transformar a los individuos y las comunidades. Conozco a David desde hace casi cuatro decadas, y le recomiendo su importante trabajo.” – Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Fundador y Presidente, Ravi Zacharias Internacional Ministries
“Dr. Shroeder presenta una percepcion sobre el al llamado de Jesus a seguirle que remueve los obstaculos comunes hacia el verdadero discipulado. Sigueme resume un camino practico hacia la madurez espiritual. !Es una gran lectura!”
-Dr.David D. Ireland, Ph. D., Pastor y Autor, The kneeling Warrior“Sigueme es convincente, preciso, y especialmente significativo para mi en mi actual proceso de madurez en Cristo.” -Dr. Bill McCartney, fundador de Promise Keepers
Sigueme y Sigueme Guia de Grupo tambien estan disponibles en ingles bajo el titulo Follow Me.
Traves Dela Biblia En Un Ano – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartUna introduccion a los 66 libros de la Biblia en 52 lecciones
Durante mas de tres decadas, A traves de la Biblia en un ao ha aportado una mayor perspectiva a la Palabra de Dios para miles de creyentes. Llevando al lector a lo largo de toda la Biblia, libro a libro, esta aclamada herramienta de aprendizaje desgrana la revelacion progresiva y paso a paso de la voluntad de Dios, muestra como se ha manifestado a lo largo de los siglos, y explica como afecta a las vidas de los creyentes en la actualidad.
*Con cada estudio, el lector aprendera…
*A identificar temas principales en cada libro de la Biblia
*A memorizar versiculos clave
*A reconocer los mensajes centrales de DiosComo cada libro se formo y el papel que desempea en la historia biblica
Al embarcarse en este viaje de todo un ao, los creyentes veran la Biblia revelarse como una historia real, hermosa y divinamente inspirada, con un principio, una parte central y un final que aun ha de llegar. Y al aceptar sus temas y sus verdades, estaran mejor preparados para afrontar los retos diarios de la vida.A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible
For more than three decades, Through the Bible in One Year has brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Taking the reader completely through the Bible, book by book, this acclaimed learning tool spells out the progressive, step-by-step revelation of God’s will; shows how it has become manifest over the centuries; and explains how it affects believers’ lives today.
With each study, the reader will learn…
*How to identify major themes in each book of the Bible
*How to memorize key Scriptures
*How to recognize God’s central messages
*How each book came into being and the role it plays in the Bible storyBy embarking on this yearlong journey, believers will see the Bible unfold as a beautiful, divinely inspired true story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end yet to come. And by embracing its themes and truths, they will be better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.
Como Entender La Iglesia – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartWith clear writing and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Church explores the community of all true believers for all time—the church. Topics include but are not limited to the invisible church—the church as God sees it; the visible church—the church as Christians on earth see it; the purity of church—the degree of freedom from wrong doctrine and conduct; the primary purpose of the church—ministry to God, believers, and the world; the power of the church—its God-given authority to carry on spiritual warfare, proclaim the gospel, and exercise church discipline; and spiritual gifts—abilities empowered by the Holy Spirit and used in any ministry of the church. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Church helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.
Razon De Mi Esperanza – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartAmerica’s Evangelist presents his masterwork.
Who would refuse rescue? This is the question Billy Graham asks throughout this book. The answer is sometimes surprising because there are actually people who refuse to be saved, even if they are in a hopeless situation. Why? Each chapter draws the reader in by posing questions for contemplation using relevant illustrations about what the world thinks in contrast to what the Bible says.
As Mr. Graham has expressed for decades, his purpose is to engage the reader in considering his or her life in light of the here and now and the hereafter. Who would refuse rescue from a plane crash, a sinking boat, an automobile fire, or an assassin’s bullet? True accounts are given that cause readers to ask what they think and how they would respond to similar experiences and to ultimately bring them to life’s most important question.
In what could be his final book, Billy Graham presents the core message that has guided his life and calling for more than 70 years. Filled with new stories and timeless truth, Graham once again calls the world back to its spiritual priority as only he can. The book coincides with a massive campaign of the same name by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that will mobilize millions of people in the United States to invite friends and neighbors into their homes to hear the message of Jesus Christ through customized video and a new message from Mr. Graham.
Siete Hombres – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEn Siete Hombres, Eric Metaxas, uno de los autores mas leidos del New York Times, presenta siete retratos cortos exquisitamente elaborados sobre hombres cristianos ampliamente conocidos -aunque no del todo comprendidos-, cada uno de los cuales demuestra de forma singular su compromiso de vivir, bajo determinadas virtudes, en la verdad del evangelio.
Escrito en un hermoso y cautivador estilo, 7 Hombres aborda lo que significa (o deberia significar) ser un hombre en la actualidad, en donde los medios y la cultura popular nos muestran imagenes de masculinidad diferentes a las que observamos en las Escrituras y en la vida civil historica. Que significa realmente ser un modelo ejemplar como padre, hermano, esposo, lider, instructor, consejero, agente de cambio y hombre sabio? Que significa ser simbolo de honestidad, coraje y caridad, especialmente cuando la cultura y el mundo van en contra de esos valores?
Cada una de las siete biografias representa la vida de un hombre que lucho y afronto desafios, haciendose fuerte ante circunstancias que hubieran acabado con la determinacion de cualquier otro hombre. Los siete personajes reseados -George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Juan Pablo II y Charles Colson- invitan al lector a seguir un camino y un estilo de vida superior, uno que sea reflejo del evangelio en el mundo que nos rodea.
In Siete Hombres, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas presents seven exquisitely crafted short portraits of widely known-but not well understood-Christian men, each of whom uniquely showcases a commitment to live by certain virtues in the truth of the gospel.
Written in a beautiful and engaging style, Siete Hombres addresses what it means (or should mean) to be a man today, at a time when media and popular culture present images of masculinity that are not the picture presented in Scripture and historic civil life. What does it take to be a true exemplar as a father, brother, husband, leader, coach, counselor, change agent, and wise man? What does it mean to stand for honesty, courage, and charity, especially at times when the culture and the world run counter to those values?
Each of the seven biographies represents the life of a man who experienced the struggles and challenges to be strong in the face of forces and circumstances that would have destroyed the resolve of lesser men. Each of the seven men profiled-George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric
Power People Gente De Potencia – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartLa persona con el sello “POWER PEOPLE” -Gente de Potencial- es aquella que brilla en cualquier escenario, por su actitud ganadora y su capacidad de proyectar todo en una sola palabra: ganas.
Si le preguntamos a un presidente de empresa o cualquier otro lider, por que escoge para su equipo entre dos candidatos con las mismas capacidades y preparacion, siempre dara una respuesta inmediata: por su energia… por su actitud.
Esa postura ganadora y chispeante ante la gente y ante la vida, genera un sello “POWER PEOPLE “que proviene no solo de sus habilidades y destrezas, sino del espiritu que le imprime a todo lo que comunica.
La gente con la marca “POWER PEOPLE” se identifica por 5 factores:
Presencia de animo, ganas de “comerse el mundo,” seguridad, energia y fuerza interior.
Este libro le ayudara a descubrir estos factores determinantes para el triunfo de su proyeccion personal. Tal vez ya se encuentra en un buen nivel, pero con “POWER PEOPLE ” llegara a esferas mas altas de impacto e influencia.
Poder De Creer Correctamente – (Spanish)
$21.99Add to cartWhat you believe is everything!
Believing the right things is the key to a victorious life. In THE POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING, Joseph Prince, international bestselling author and a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace, unveils seven practical and powerful keys to help you find freedom from every fear, guilt, and addiction.
These keys come alive in the precious testimonies you’ll read from people across America and around the world who have experienced breakthroughs and freedom from all kinds of bondages-from alcoholism to chronic depression-all through the power of right believing.
God intends for you to live with joy overflowing, peace that surpasses understanding, and an unshakable confidence in what He has done for you. Get ready to be inspired and transformed and learn how to win the battle for your mind by developing habits for right believing.
Mantenimiento Milagros – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartCon cada don que “recibe” de parte de Dios esta la responsabilidad de “mantenerlo”, pues si no, se arriesga a perder la bendicion de ese don. Aunque muchos cristianos entienden este concepto con respecto al area de la sanidad fisica, tambien se aplica a muchas otras areas de nuestra vida. Los dones pueden llegar en forma de respeto, honor, favor y oportunidades, al igual que compasion, amor, perdon, reconocimiento e instruccion. Y lo que hagamos con los dones que recibimos de Dios puede afectar a la trayectoria de nuestra vida.
La autora y maestra Joan Hunter le conducira por un viaje de revelacion a medida que usted…
Aprende la diferencia entre tomar y recibir
Edifica su confianza en la provision milagrosa de Dios
Entiende como posicionarse para recibir los dones de Dios
Es consciente de obstaculos para recibir
Descubre los secretos de mantener las bendiciones que recibeAprender a mantener los milagros que recibe afectara a cada area de su vida. Cambiara su modo de pensar, vera usted con vision renovada, y vivira con el latido del corazon de Dios.
With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this concept as it relates to the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives, as well. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.
Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
Learn the difference between taking and receiving
Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
Become aware of hindrances to receiving
Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receiveLearning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.
En Su Presencia – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartEste libro no habla de quienes fueron otros y lo que hicieron, !sino de quienes somos nosotros y lo que podemos hacer!
El internacionalmente aclamado maestro de la Biblia, Dr. E. W. Kenyon, levanta el telon para revelar el lugar santisimo y nuestra capacidad de entrar en su interior para estar en la presencia del Padre, quien esta disponible para cada hijo de Dios. En el aprendera a…
Escalar a nuevas alturas de realidad espiritual.
Quitar la neblina que ha rodeado el tema de la oracion aventurandose a la Luz de la Vida.
Estar firme sobre sus derechos como hijo de Dios.
Situar todas las cosas en sujecion bajo los pies de Dios.
Vencer a los enemigos de su vida de oracion.
Usar la autoridad del nombre de Jesus.Este libro ha sido un desafio y una bendicion para incontables multitudes en todo el mundo. No aceptara la invitacion, abrira la puerta y entrara en la presencia del Padre?
This book is not about who others were and what they did but about who we are and what we can do!
Internationally acclaimed Bible teacher Dr. E. W. Kenyon lifts the curtain to reveal the Holy of Holies and our ability to enter within to stand in the presence of the Father, who is available to every child of God. In this book, you will learn to…
Climb to new heights of spiritual reality
Remove the mist that has surrounded the subject of prayer by venturing into the Light of Life.
Stand on your rights as a child of God.
Put all things in subjection under God’s feet.
Overcome the enemies of your prayer life.
Use the authority of the name of Jesus.This book has been a challenge and blessing to multitudes all over the world. Won’t you accept the invitation, open the door, and enter into the presence of the Father?
60 Cosas Que Dios Dijo Sobre S – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartIn many TV shows, the characters move from partner to partner, making sex the be-all and end-all of the male-female relationship. In many magazines, the advertised topics are centered on sex-good sex, better sex, more sex. The entertainment shows are focused on who’s having sex with who. Sex, sex, sex. It’s everywhere! But the only thing that seems to be a definite is that people are trying to find happiness through sexual relationships. God created sex for a specific purpose–and created it good. Sex is a gift from God. The Bible candidly deals with sex (more so than many modern sex manuals!), and this book is forthright in presenting the biblical view of sex as a gift from God, its intended use, and the spiritual parallel of a husband and wife’s sexual union as a symbol of the sacred consummation of Christ and His bride–the church. In this straightforward explanation of the biblical view of sex, Lester Sumrall will show you that the best way to have sex is God’s way. This book is perfect for couples about to get married, parents who think it’s about time to have “that talk” with their child, or anyone who finds that the world’s view of sex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Templo Su Ministerio Y Servici – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartThe work of Alfred Edersheim on ‘The Temple’ is considered one of the best and most exhaustively researched works ever conducted and presented in our times on the nature and function of the Jewish cult. In the words of the author: ‘My intention is to travel with the reader to the Jerusalem of the past, to tour its streets together and discover what the city was like when our Lord lived; to visit together the synagogue where he taught, and to explain in depth the details of his life and ministry.’
Rey David – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartThe purpose of this book is to ‘Explore the complexities of David, his aspirations, projects and triumphs, as well as his defeats, anxieties and sins, going beyond the ‘sweet Psalmist of Israel.’ We are not trying to present David as pious and consecrated, but as a man full of conflicts and uncertainties.’ The author’s purpose is to identify the human David of yesterday with the problems of the modern reader of today; and to demonstrate how such a complex and contradictory personality, full of achievements and limitations, virtues and defects, such as David, can in the hands of God be transformed into a symbolic ideal, an emblematic personality, and a good role model. This magisterial analysis of the Biblical narrative, united with the critical evaluation of information provided by archaeologists, has resulted in an exemplary book. A biography that presents the newest exegetical and hermeneutical research with a generous literary clarity. This work includes a variety of illustrations on almost every page highlighting the important points, which greatly facilitates reading and comprehension of the text, along with a comprehensive bibliography. ‘We have not had access, to date, to many of the texts that offer more facts or a more rigorous analysis of the academic sources of information about David and his historical times.’ angel Velez, director of the School of Theology ad the University of Puerto Rico.
Por Terminar – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartQue haces despues de creer?
Antes de su partida, Jesus les encomendo a sus discipulos–y tambien a nosotros–una mision muy importante: iniciar una revolucion espiritual y social que le diera un giro total al mundo. Debiamos ir a los confines de la Tierra a proclamar el evangelio y demostrar el amor de Dios a un mundo lastimado y hostil. Jesus llamo a esta mision “apresurar la llegado del Reino de Dios” y prometio regresar cuando el trabajo estuviera hecho.
A Veces Se Gana A Veces Aprend – (Spanish)
$18.99Add to cartJohn Maxwell cree que las mayores lecciones que aprendemos en la vida son de nuestras perdidas. Todo el mundo experimenta perdida, pero no todos aprenden de la misma. En veces se gana – A veces se aprende, el Dr. Maxwell explora las lecciones mas comunes que aprendemos cuando experimentamos la perdida. A continuacion, explica como convertir un reves en un paso adelante mediante el examen de los once rasgos que conforman el ADN de los que aprenden:
1. Humildad – El Espiritu de Aprendizaje
2. Realidad – La Fundacion del Aprendizaje
3. Responsabilidad – el primer paso del aprendizaje
4. Mejora – El Enfoque de Aprendizaje
5. Esperanza – La motivacion del aprendizaje
6. Enseabilidad – El Camino del Aprendizaje
7. Adversidad – The Catalyst de Aprendizaje
8. Problemas – Las Oportunidades de Aprendizaje
9. Malas experiencias – La perspectiva para el Aprendizaje
10. Change – The Price of Learning
11. Madurez – el valor del aprendizaje
El aprendizaje no es facil en los tiempos muertos, se necesita disciplina para hacer las cosas bien cuando todo anda mal. Este libro proporciona una guia para hacer precisamente eso. Como John Maxwell a menudo seala – no experiencia es la mejor maestra, la experiencia es evaluada.John Maxwell believes that the greatest lessons we learn in life are from our losses. Everyone experiences loss, but not everyone learns from it. In Sometimes You Win–Sometimes You Learn, Dr. Maxwell explores the most common lessons we learn when we experience loss. He then explains how to turn a set-back into a step forward by examining the eleven elements that make up the DNA of Those Who Learn:
1. Humility – The Spirit of Learning
2. Reality – The Foundation of Learning
3. Responsibility – The First Step of Learning
4. Improvement – The Focus of Learning
5. Hope – The Motivation of Learning
6. Teachability – The Pathway of Learning
7. Adversity – The Catalyst of Learning
8. Problems – The Opportunities of Learning
9. Bad Experiences – The Perspective for Learning
10. Change – The Price of Learning
11. Maturity – The Value of LearningLearning is not easy during down times, it takes discipline to do the right thing when everything is wrong. This book provides a roadmap to doing just that. As John Maxwell often points out–experience isn’t the best teacher; evaluated experience is.
De El Salto – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartWe were not created to just get by with average, unrewarding or unfulfilling lives. God created us to leave our marks on our generations. Every person has seeds of greatness planted within by the Creator. When life weighs upon us, pushing us down, limiting our thinking, labeling us in negative ways, we have what it takes to overcome and rise above into the fullness of our destinies. In his dynamic, inspiring and faith-building new book, BREAK OUT: Five Ways To Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life, best-selling author Joel Osteen provides practical steps and encouragement for creating a life without limitations. This book will help readers break out and break free so they can believe bigger, increase their productivity, improve their relationships and accomplish their dreams. Osteen’s uplifting message focuses on moving beyond barriers by:
-Daring to believe that the best will happen for us
-Adopting an irrepressible “break out” attitude
-Making room for increase
-Praying bold prayers
-Following God’s plan beyond our circumstancesFilled with faith and inspiration, BREAK OUT challenges readers to have a new perspective, to let nothing hold them back, and to reject any labels that might limit them. Osteen inspires and encourages with the message that our first break outs must occur within our own minds: “When you break though in your mind, believing you can rise higher and overcome obstacles, then God will unleash the power within that will enable you to go beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary life you were designed to live.”
Buscando Su Presencia – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartI will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old.
-Psalm 78:2 NIVThousands of years ago, God imbedded mysteries within the pattern of Moses’ wilderness tabernacle. But just as earthly treasures must be searched for and mined, we also must diligently search for the spiritual riches that God has buried for us in His Word.
With David Cerullo as your guide, this book will be your treasure map to assist you on this journey of discovery and transformation. With it, you will…
*Explore ancient scriptural truths unveiling the pathway into God’s awesome presence.
*Understand as never before the riches hidden within the tabernacle.
*Discover the joy of ever-deepening intimacy with the Lord.Get ready to embark on a life-changing path that will draw you straight into the very heart of God!
Saldras De Esta – (Spanish)
$17.99Add to cartNo sera sin dolor.
No sera rapido.
Pero Dios usara este desastre para bien.
No seas insensato, ni ingenuo.
Pero tampoco desesperes.Con la ayuda de Dios, saldras de esta.
Tienes temor de no lograrlo. Todos le tememos a eso. Tememos que la depresion nunca se vaya, que los gritos nunca cesen, que el dolor no nos deje. En los abismos, rodeados de paredes escarpadas y dolorosos recordatorios, nos preguntamos: Se aclarara este cielo gris? Se alivianara esta carga?
En Saldras de esta, el pastor Max Lucado, uno de los autores mas leidos segun el New York Times, ofrece una dulce seguridad. “La salvacion es a la Biblia, lo que el jazz a Mardi Gras: bien definida, estridente y esta en todas partes”.
Max les recuerda a los lectores que Dios no promete que salgamos de las pruebas rapidamente y sin dolor. No fue asi para Jose -lanzado a una fosa por sus hermanos, vendido como esclavo, arrestado injustamente, olvidado y rechazado- pero su historia en el Antiguo Testamento esta en la Biblia por esta razon: para ensearnos a confiar que Dios triunfara sobre el mal.
Con la compasion de un pastor, el alma de un narrador de cuentos y el regocijo de aquel que ha visto lo que Dios puede hacer, Max explora la historia de Jose y la verdad del Genesis 50:20. Lo que Satanas intenta para mal, Dios lo redime para bien.
You’ll get through this.
It won’t be painless.
It won’t be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
Don’t be foolish or naive.
But don’t despair either.With God’s help, you’ll get through this.
You fear you won’t make it through. We all do. We fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. In the pits, surrounded by steep walls and aching reminders, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten?
In You’ll Get Through This, pastor and New York Times best-selling author, Max Lucado offers sweet assurance. “Deliverance is to the Bible what jazz music is to Mardi Gras: bold, brassy, and everywhere.” Max reminds readers God doesn’t promise that getting through trials will be quick or painless. It wasn’t for Joseph–tossed in a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery, wrongfully imprisoned, forgotten and dismissed–but his Old Testament story is in the Bible for this reason: to teach us to trust God to trump evil.
With the compassion of a pastor, the heart of a storyteller, and the joy of one who has seen what God can do, Max explores the story of Joseph an
Jesus Es – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cart!Un best-seller del New York Times!Jesus es ____. Como terminaria usted la frase?El sujeto esta ahi, y tambien esta el verbo, pero lo que viene despues? Su respuesta podria arrojar luz sobre el camino para convertirse en quien usted fue hecho para ser.En estas paginas, Judah Smith llena esa frase una y otra vez, cada vez que revela aun mas el caracter de Jesus. Escribe como si escribiera a un amigo, ilustrando la importancia del mensaje de Cristo a los hombres y mujeres modernos. -ste es un libro para los nuevos creyentes, para los seguidores de toda la vida, y para los simplemente curiosos.Juda Smith nos muestra al Jesus que las pinturas e himnos sombrios no pueden captar. Con pasion, humor y conviccion, el muestra que Jesus es vida. Jesus es la gracia. Jesus es tu amigo. Jesus es una nueva y mejor manera de ser humano.
Teologia Para Discipulos – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartChristians who seek a better understanding of their faith will find clear instruction in Dr. Stafford’s book, which is designed for serious laypersons as well as college students and ministers. He believes that a confident grasp of theology should lead a Christian disciple to faithful practice in everyday life.
Derribando Fortalezas – (Spanish)
$8.99Add to cartUsted esta en una guerra, lo sepa o no
La mayoria de cristianos no vacilarian en afirmar el concepto de que Dios tiene un reino, con sus huestes angelicas. Desgraciadamente, muchos cristianos no son conscientes de que Satanas tambien tiene un reino, representado por una hueste de demonios. Con la tierra como el campo de batalla, mientras estos dos reinos se enfrentan en una guerra por nuestras mentes y almas.
Como cristianos, necesitamos entender la naturaleza de esta guerra y como opera el reino de Satanas. El legendario autor y maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, examina el concepto de la guerra espiritual como un aspecto inequivoco de la vida cristiana. Gracias a esta crucial enseanza, usted podra…
*Descubrir por que existe la guerra espiritual
*Entender como opera el reino de Satanas
*Aprender cuales son las seis armas de la guerra espiritual
*Implementar estrategias que ataran las maquinaciones de Satanas
*Conectar con el triunfante poder del Espiritu SantoSatanas ya ha declarado la guerra al reino de Dios. Como ciudadanos del reino de Dios, no tenemos eleccion; ya estamos en guerra. Por lo tanto, es vital que estemos preparados a fin de derrotar los planes del enemigo, hacer retroceder la oscuridad, !y proclamar victoria para nuestro Dios!
You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not
Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.
As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…
*Discover why spiritual warfare exists
*Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates
*Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare
*Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes
*Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy SpiritSatan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!
Rojo – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartIn times when spirituality is becoming more and more fashionable, and more rock bands are appearing, here is an album that you will not only enjoy, but it will encourage questions about your faith, goals, and your reality: Rojo. The project is fresh, different, and experimental. It has the excellent production of Emmanuel Espinoza, one of the most creative young producers, but, more over, connected to God’s purpose. In brief, Rojo will encourage you to see your reality in other ways, for you to be what God wants you to be, and to connect yourself with the Almighty: Jesus Christ.
Donde Esta Dios Cuando Mas Lo – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartAs a mother who lost her two little daughters to a congenital illness, Gloria Vazquez is well acquainted with the difficult and dark pathways of suffering. This sequel to her testimonial book ‘Los caminos altos’ (The Higher Pathways), helps us discover a little more about the source of the faith and hope that has enabled her to endure her trials with gratitude to God and with a greater understanding of His unsearchable will.
Resucitado De La Muerto – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cart“He’s Breathing!”
In 2001, Reinhard Bonnke was debating whether or not he should move to America. Before he could even conceive of leaving decades of missionary work in Africa, however, Bonnke did something he had never done before: he prayed for a sign to confirm that God truly was calling him to go to America. God was about to answer that prayer.
A few days later, a woman brought her husband to the Nigerian church where Bonnke was preaching, in hopes that his partially embalmed body would be raised from the dead after three days in a coffin. Although Bonnke was unaware of this and never even prayed for the man, the woman’s husband, lying in the church basement, began to breathe again during the sermon. In front of thousands of witnesses, this man, who still couldn’t move because of rigor mortis, was raised back to life. After his message, Bonnke was besieged by a crowd yelling “He’s breathing! He’s breathing!”
This incredible miracle, now detailed for the first time, is part of a movement of God, birthed in a small African church and stretching around the world to America! It is the beginning of a work of God that will confirm His word: “America shall be saved!”
En 1972, Reinhard Bonnke oyo un mensaje de Dios: “Africa sera salva”. En obediencia, Bonnke se mudo a Africa, donde su ministerio crecio desde humildes raices hasta cruzadas delante de mas de un millon de personas cada noche. Su ministerio genero increibles milagros de sanidad de Dios, vio la conversion de musulmanes a un ritmo que justifica una carta personal de amenaza por parte de Osama bin Laden, y registro mas de 74 millones de decisiones por Cristo.
En 2001, Bonnke debatido si desea mover su ministerio a America. Antes de poder pensar en dejar decadas de trabajo misionero en Africa, Bonnke hizo algo que nunca antes habia hecho: oro por una seal que confirmase su llamado a America. Dios estaba a punto de responder esta oracion.
Unos dias despues, una mujer llevo a su esposo a la iglesia nigeriana donde Bonnke estaba predicando, con la esperanza de que ese cuerpo parcialmente embalsamado fuese resucitado de la muerte despues de haber estado tres dias en un ataud. Aunque Bonnke no sabia eso y ni siquiera llego a orar por el hombre, el esposo de aquella mujer comenzo a respirar de nuevo durante el sermon. Delante de miles de testigos, este hombre, que aun no podia moverse debido al rigor mortis, fue resucitado a la vida. Despues de su mensaje, Bonnke fue rodeado por una multi
Poder Del Caracter En El Lider – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartHow to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power
You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same-only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They’ve been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall.
Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character.
Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.
Como proteger la influencia y el poder de su liderazgo
Usted ha trabajado duro para lograr sus sueos y metas. Muchos otros han hecho lo mismo, solo para perderlo todo al final. Cada dia, leemos sobre personas exitosas en varios ambitos de la vida que han perdido su poder y su influencia. Han sido despedidos, obligados a renunciar, o sacados con verguenza de la vida publica. Ya no tienen un mercado para sus dones, y puede que incluso se enfrenten a acciones judiciales. Esos lideres han perdido la confianza de sus empresas, electores, naciones, seguidores y familias. Muchos quedaron sorprendidos al descubrir que sus talentos por si solos no fueron suficientes para evitar su caida.
Por que fracasaron al final? Porque carecian de la unica cualidad que habria protegido su liderazgo y les habria dado influencia perdurable. Ironicamente, esta cualidad rara vez se ensea a los lideres actualmente, ya sea formalmente o informalmente. Es la cualidad de la fuerza moral, o caracter.
Todo ser humano es un lider sobre algun dominio en el que el o ella ejercita dones e influencia. Ese dominio podria ser los pasillos del gobierno, la sala de juntas, el salo
Como Influenciar A Las Persona – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartNo importa si eres gerente de una prestigiosa compaia, o bien, jefe o jefa de hogar; normalmente la clave del exito esta en la capacidad que tengas para influir en las personas que estan a tu alrededor.
En Como influenciar a las personas, John Maxwell ensea formas simples y perspicaces para interactuar de manera mas positiva con los demas. Al poner en marcha sus enseanzas:
*Los gerentes veran que sus empleados responden con un entusiasmo renovado
*Los padres estableceran vinculos mas cercanos con sus hijos
*Los entrenadores veran prosperar a los jugadores
*Los pastores lograran llegar a la gente
*Los ejecutivos de ventas batiran recordsYa sea que quieras crear una empresa, dar apoyo a tus hijos o atraer a la gente, puedes lograrlo aumentando tu nivel de influencia en la vida de los demas. Alcanza el exito en el hogar, en el trabajo y en cualquier otra area de tu vida. Nota que tu exito personal y organizacional se sale de la grafica cuando te tomas el tiempo necesario para influir en los demas.
A small book with big impact that shows readers how to achieve John Maxwell’s core teaching:”Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Whether you’re the head of a Fortune 500 company or just the head of your household, having the ability to influence those around you is often the key to success.
In Como influenciar a las personas, John Maxwell teaches simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others. By putting his teachings into action:
*Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
*Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
*Coaches will see players blossom
*Pastors will reach more people
*Salespeople will break recordsWhether your desire is to build a business, strengthen your children, or reach the world, you can accomplish it by raising your level of influence in the lives of others. Achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. Watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts when you take the time to influence others.
Conformados A Su Imagen – (Spanish)
$23.99Add to cartWhat does a relationship with God look like and how do we obtain it? It is vital for church leaders to grapple seriously with this question, for pat answers no longer suffice. Lives well-lived, not just words eloquently spoken, must become our response. The quality of our relationship with God is what will influence the health, potency and witness of the church in an increasingly complex and hostile world.
Poder Del Amor – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartLa mayoria de los matrimonios con el pasar del tiempo se sumergen en la mediocridad de la rutina, el desencanto, y el egoismo. Descubrir El poder del amor te llevara a caminar en dimensiones de gozo, proposito y disfrute jamas soados.
El poder del amor ayudara los lectores a recuperar el brillo perdido de su vida conyugal y miraran su futuro con mayor entusiasmo compartiendo en su matrimonio honra, generosidad, comunicacion, intimidad, tolerancia y benignidad.
With the passing of time most marriages get immersed in the mediocrity of routine, disillusionment, and selfishness. To discover the power of love El poder del amor will lead them to walk in dimensions of joy, purpose and enjoyment never dreamed of.
El poder del amor will help readers to recover lost passion in their marriage. It will help them look into their future more enthusiastically.
Religiones Del Mundo – (Spanish)
$10.99Add to cartUna introduccion basica sobre las ocho religiones mas importantes del mundo. Gerald R. McDermott explica lo que debes saber sobre las religiones mas importantes del mundo para involucrar a personas de otra fe, al mismo tiempo que comprendes de una mejor manera tu propia fe y practica cristiana. McDermott ofrece una vision general de las creencias principales del cristianismo, el judaismo, el islam, el hinduismo, el budismo, el confucianismo, el daoismo y el sintoismo. Cada capitulo incluye explicaciones de sus tradiciones y rituales. Ademas, McDermott analiza las figuras mas importantes dentro de cada religion. Caracteristicas:Perspectivas de los miembros de cada comunidad religiosa Glosario de terminos importantes
Mensaje Para Mi Hijo – (Spanish)
$11.99Add to cart‘Message for my Child’ is Patrick Atkinson’s international classic that has been enjoyed by millions. Rich with powerful and straight-forward advice for people of all ages, and particularly teens and young adults, this book guides the reader to take control of their life, responsibility for their decisions, and create victory and success. Simple and beautifully-illustrated by the author’s son, Ernesto, ‘Message for my Child’ is the perfect birthday, graduation, holiday, and just-because-I-love-you gift. This easy-to-read book has the power to change lives forever.
Apocalipsis – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartThis book about the Apocalypse reviews some of the most erudite research on the New Testament text and discusses the troubling questions often raised by people of faith. He unites the precise terminology of a theology professor with the edifying words of a pastor who is concerned about the spiritual health of believers.
Grupos Pequenos Y Celulas De I – (Spanish)
$12.99Add to cartYour small group can accomplish big things in the lives of your teenagers. And in ‘Help! I’m a Small-Group Leader!’ you’ll find methods and approaches you can use, foibles and minefields to avoid and solutions and tips that will help you nurture your small group into a growing community, whatever your goals. To top it all off there are 20 pages of questions that you can use in your small-group Bible study.
Reino De Poder Estudio Biblico – (Spanish)
$24.99Add to cartSencillo. Practico. Poderoso. !Asi es el evangelio del reino! Donde quiera que el reino de Dios gobierne en la tierra, es demostrado visiblemente.
El reino de Dios es su voluntad ejercida en la tierra como es en el cielo. Cada vez que Jesus anuncio las buenas nuevas del reino, el pecado, la enfermedad, los demonios, la pobreza y la muerte no podian permanecer. Por eso mismo, Jesus no autorizo a la iglesia a predicar un evangelio solo de palabras. El nos empodero para proclamar las buenas nuevas con evidencias sobrenaturales de milagros, sanidades y liberaciones. Somos portadores del reino, el cual es revelado en y a traves de nosotros por el Espiritu Santo.
El reino es una realidad hoy-no solo en el futuro-y puede ser aplicado a cada circunstancia que se nos presente en la vida. Por medio de estudios como El Reino de Poder: Como Demostrarlo Aqui y Ahora (Estudio Biblico Guiado por el Espiritu Santo), aprendera a…
Entrar en el reino de Dios
Demostrar la existencia de Dios por medio de evidencias tangible
Manifestar sanidades y liberaciones
Expandir el reino en el “territorio” que Dios le dio
Echar fuera el reino de las tinieblas
Superar lo “imposible”
Gobernar en la tierra como rey y sacerdote de Dios
Jesus dijo, “El reino de Dios esta entre vosotros” (Lucas 17:21). !Lo unico que debe hacer es demostrarlo aqui y ahora!
Hombre Del Reino – (Spanish)
$16.99Add to cartCuando un hombre sigue los principios de la hombria biblica, todos a su alrededor se benefician de su cuidado y de su liderazgo. Un hombre del reino desafia e equipa a los hombres a entender completamente su posicion bajo la autoridad de Dios asi como tambien su posicion sobre lo que Dios le ha dado. La definicion biblica de un hombre es aquel que ha aprendido a operar bajo la autoridad de Jesucristo llevando a cabo un liderazgo responsable y legitimo dentro de la esfera de influencia en la que Dios lo ha puesto. Un hombre del reino proporciona conceptos que los hombres pueden seguir y les ayuda a desarrollar al maximo calidades de caracter de la hombria biblica en sus vidas.
When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence in which God has placed him.
Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.
Ninguna Religion – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartThis book will help you find those revolutionary concepts from the gospels that will really shake you out of your routines and transform your relationship with the Creator. The abundant life offered by Jesus is much more than a list of do’s and don’ts. It is an exciting reality full of freshness and adventures that can only be enjoy by those who do not yield to mere religiosity. It is interesting to notice that the most heated confrontations of Jesus were not those involving the most corrupt sinners of his era, but rather with the pastors and religious leaders of that time. Mere religion tends to make us lose focus and gives us a distorted view of the image of God, of others, and of ourselves. In many of our Christian concepts and practices we make the mistake of thinking that God said something that in reality He never said. This is how we become estranged from the essence of Jesus’ original purpose. Daily expressions of our faith may become infected by a chilliness that derives from having limited ourselves to obeying a set of rules, regardless of how good and Christian these might be.
Corazon Del Lider – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartThe greatest crisis in leadership today is character. While much has been written about the need for character, this book focuses on practical areas of every person’s character that can be transformed through application of biblical principles. The author begins the book by looking at the importance of character and how character is formed but quickly transitions to chapters on specific character issues of critical importance in leadership: a servant heart, brokenness, use of the tongue, relationship to authority, forgiveness, family and finishing well, etc. In each of these areas Biblical principles are examined, illustrated, and applied.
The work is based on the author’s premise that effective Christian leaders are strong and balance in three essential areas: Character, knowledge and the skills of leadership. Of these, character is the most pivotal as well as the most difficult to develop.
The book grows out of the author’s experience in teaching developing leaders and searching for ways to work at shaping their character. The material has been tested in the lives of many leaders at different levels and different cultural backgrounds and has consistently produced transformation.
This book is a powerful tool for personal use, but itsgreater value is that it provides a starting point for pastors, mentors, educators, and parents to work with others in developing Christ-like character.
La mayor crisis del liderazgo, en la actualidad, es el caracter. Aunque se ha escrito mucho sobre la importancia del caracter, este libro se centra en las areas practicas del caracter de cada persona, las cuales, pueden ser transformadas con la aplicacion de principios biblicos. El autor inicia el libro senalando la importancia del caracter y como se forma, pero pasa rapidamente a los capitulos sobre aspectos especificos del mismo que son de vital importancia en el liderazgo: un corazon dispuesto a servir, quebrantamiento, uso de la lengua, relacion de autoridad, perdon, familia y un buen final, entre otros. Los principios biblicos se examinan, ilustran y aplican en cada una de estas areas.
El trabajo se basa en la premisa del autor de que los verdaderos lideres cristianos son fuertes y equilibrados en tres areas fundamentales: caracter, conocimiento y habilidades de liderazgo. De estas, el caracter es la mas importante, pero tambien la mas dificil de desarrollar.
Este libro constituye una herramienta de gran impacto a nivel personal, pero lo mas valioso
Me Perdieron – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartDavid Kinnaman trains his researcher’s eye on these young believers and reveals the factors that contribute to the dropout problem. You Lost Me shows why Christians ages 18 to 29 are leaving the church and rethinking their commitment to the faith. Based on new research conducted by the Barna Group, You Lost Me exposes ways the Christian community has failed to equip young adults to live ‘in but not of’ the world–to follow Christ in the midst of profound cultural change. This wide-ranging study debunks persistent myths about young dropouts and examines the likely consequences for young adults and for the church if we maintain the status quo. The faith journeys of the next generation are a challenge to the established church, but they can also be a source of hope for the community of faith. Kinnaman, with the help of contributors from across the Christian spectrum, offers ideas for pastors, youth leaders, parents, and educators to pass on a vibrant, lasting faith, and ideas for young adults to find themselves in wholehearted pursuit of Christ.
Encrucijada – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartAnthony Spencer es egoista, esta orgulloso del exito empresarial que ha conseguido por si mismo y se encuentra en el punto maximo de su carrera a pesar de que el costo de ese logro ha sido dolorosamente alto. Una hemorragia cerebral deja a Yony en coma, en la sala de terapia intensiva de un hospital. Despierta para encontrarse en un mundo surrealista, un paisaje viviente que refleja las dimensiones de su vida terrena, desde lo bello hasta lo corrupto. Es, en ese sitio, donde tiene vividas interacciones con otros individuos, que supone son proyecciones de su propio subconsciente, pero cuyas instrucciones sigue, sin importar nada, con la posibilidad de que puedan conducirle a la autenticidad y, tal vez, a la rendencion. La aventura sumerge a Tony en profundas e intrincadas relaciones donde es capaz de ver, ocultar sus intereses personales y la perdida que surgen para oponerse a los procesos de sanacion y confianza. Esta conjuncion inesperada de sucesos provocara que Tony examine su vida y se percate de que he creado un castillo de naipes sobre el terreno envenenado de un corazon roto? Tendra tambien el valor de tomar una decision critica que pueda resarcir la grave injusticia que puso en marcha antes de entrar en coma?
Para Que Estoy Aqui En La Tier (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99Add to cartYou are about to embark on a journey of discovery. In the next forty days, you and a group of friends are going to discover together the answer to life’s most fundamental question: ‘What on earth am I here for?’And here’s a clue to the answer: ‘It’s not about you … You were created by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead end. The Purpose Driven Life Small Group Curriculum is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren—the book Publishers Weekly declared the ‘bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.’The six video lessons are taught by Rick Warren, and are supplemented by small group discussion material in the accompanying study guide. When combined with the reading of The Purpose Driven Life, this study will give your small group the opportunity to discuss the implications and applications of these life-changing truths. You’ll see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created you to live.
Sexo Mis Deseos Y Mi Dios – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cart“Every time a man knocks on a brothel door, he is really searching for God.” — G.K. Chesterton
Could the growing struggles with pornography and fantasy really be reminding us of our heart’s deepest desire, something greater and more fulfilling than sexual gratification?
According to counselor and ministry leader Michael John Cusick, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Through personal examples, lively illustrations from Scripture, and twenty years of counseling experience, Michael helps readers to understand how porn struggles begin, what to do to prevent them, and most importantly, how to overcome them once compulsive behavior presents itself.
Freedom is not an easy, how-to process:
25% of search engine requests are for pornography – 68 million per day
70% of the hits on Internet sex sites occur between 9-5 on business computers
Over 50 percent of evangelical pastors report they viewed pornography last year
Over 70% of Christian men report viewing pornography in the last yearEl sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios leads readers down a clear path toward understanding how porn struggles develop, how to distinguish between sexual gratification and intimacy, and how to break free from the shackles of this pleasurable prison.
?Podria ser que nuestra creciente lucha interna con la pornografia y las fantasias, en realidad nos esta recordando el profundo deseo de nuestro corazon, algo superior y mas satisfactorio que el placer sexual?
De acuerdo con el consejero y lider pastoral Michael John Cusick, la respuesta es un rotundo si. Mediante ejemplos personales, ilustraciones vividas de las Sagradas Escrituras, y con 20 anos de experiencia como consejero, Michael ayuda a los lectores a entender como empiezan las luchas internas con la pornografia, como evitarlas y, lo mas importante, como superarlas al presentarse ese comportamiento compulsivo.
La liberacion no es un proceso facil con pasos definidos:
La pornografia representa el 25% de las busquedas en la Internet.
El 70% de las visitas a sitios Web con contenido sexual ocurre entre las 9 a. m. y las 5 p. m., desde computadoras ubicadas en las oficinas.
Mas del 50% de los pastores evangelicos reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.
Mas del 70% de los cristianos varones reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.El sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios guia a los lectores por un camino claro que les permitira entender como surgen las luchas internas con la porno
Efecto – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartEven when they are silent, hard to read, shy, or unexpressive, people are transmitting “something” from their unique and individualized essence.
Even when asleep, quiet, distant, or with their backs turned, people are constantly sharing something from their lives with those around them. Through the simple miracle of continual breathing, we project an image, our internal climate that transcends and reveals our “personal” air. No one knows what to call it, but there it is!
This experiential and personal “breath” is neither heard, seen, nor felt, but you exhale it from within upon people, permeate the atmosphere with it, and even seem to leave your environment soaked in it. It is your marvelous footprint, your very own trademark.
This is El efecto. No one knows where it comes from, but it is always there. It is your indescribable, intangible, fantastic differential that connects you in an exclusive way with others and makes you unique and unrepeatable.
It is this intangible yet ever so real “who knows what” that will draw you through the pages of this fascinating book, El efecto. You will want to devour it in a day to figure out what your effect has been throughout your life.
Aun cuando permanezcan callados, hermeticos, timidos e inexpresivos, todos los individuos transmiten “algo”, desde su esencia particular y unica.
Incluso dormidos, quietos, distantes o de espaldas, siempre infunden parte de sus vidas en las otras personas a su alrededor. Tan solo con el milagro permanente de respirar, proyectan una imagen. Un clima interior que trasciende y revela el “aire” personal. Nadie sabe como llamarlo, pero es evidente que !ahi esta!
Ese “soplo” vivencial y personal, no se oye, ni se ve, ni se siente, pero usted lo exhala desde su interior sobre las personas, lo infunde en el ambiente y hasta parece que lo deja impregnado en su entorno. Es su maravillosa huella. Su marca personal.
Eso es El efecto. Nadie sabe donde le queda, pero ahi esta siempre. Es su diferencial indescriptible, intangible y fantastico, que lo conecta de manera exclusiva con los demas y lo hace unico e irrepetible.
Y es justo ese “no se que” intangible, pero tan real, lo que lo llevara por las paginas de este fascinante libro de El efecto, que querra devorar en un dia, para saber cual ha sido su EFECTO de toda una vida.
Se Un Hombre De Fe Inquebranta – (Spanish)
$14.99Add to cartDuring the course of his 60-year ministry, John Osteen combined an extraordinary love for people with a vision for ministry best described in his own words: “No limits.” In this volume not only includes content from John’s sermon transcripts, but also a foreword and commentary written by his son, Joel; the principles of this “no limits” faith come alive again for a new generation.
For the moments of struggle and temptation that every man faces, and the times in life when he feels surrounded and under attack, John’s message is profoundly simple-those moments are precisely the time for an unwavering faith.
In this book, John schools today’s believers in seven qualities of unwavering faith:
1. It hears and sees what the world cannot see or hear.
2. It prays earnestly even though it has already heard the answer.
3. It is strong when there is no evidence of the answer.
4. It always says, “Go Again!”
5. It goes on when there’s just a little evidence.
6. It believes for the big when it sees the little.
7. It begins with nothing but ends up doing mighty things for God.Durante sus 60 anos como pastor, John Osteen combino su extraordinario amor por la gente con una vision de ministerio que el describia mejor que nadie: “Sin limite”. Esta edicion no solo incluye parte de los sermones escritos por John, sino tambien un prefacio y comentarios de su hijo, Joel; los principios de esta fe “sin limites” vienen a acompanar a una nueva generacion.
Para esos momentos de luchas y tentaciones que todos enfrentamos, esos momentos en que nos sentimos rodeados y atacados, el mensaje de John es sumamente simple -esos son precisamente los momentos para una fe inquebrantable.
En este libro, John ensena a los creyentes de hoy las siete cualidades de una fe inquebrantable:
1. Escucha y observa lo que el mundo no puede ver ni escuchar.
2. Ora fervientemente aunque ya hayas conseguido una respuesta.
3. Es mas firme cuando no hay senales de la respuesta.
4. Siempre dice: “!Vamos de nuevo!”.
5. Sigue adelante aunque las senales de respuesta sean minimas.
6. Cree en grande aunque parezca poco.
7. Empieza de la nada y termina haciendo cosas impresionantes por Dios.
Gente Comun Perdidos Y Hallado – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartGente Comun. Maybe you heard their names in a childhood Sunday school class. They’re not often the champions or the go-to sermon illustrations. They probably didn’t stand at the foot of the cross or even hang next to Jesus on one of their own. But they pepper the pages of the Bible, reminding us that we’re not alone.
Just like you and me, these ordinary people stumbled and struggled. They faced their own sin and came face to face with a God who not only wipes it away, but also makes the common extraordinary. They discovered that an encounter with the living God changes everything.
Dive into the lives of more than twenty of the Bible’s most compelling characters through inspirational selections from the writings of bestselling author Max Lucado. An ideal companion volume to Gente Comun. This book features a whole new cast and the encouragement from their stories.
Gente Comun. Quiza escuchaste sus nombres en la Escuela Dominical durante la infancia. No siempre son los campeones o estan en las ilustraciones del sermon. Tal vez no estuvieron al pie de la cruz ni fueron suspendidos en su propia cruz junto a Jesus, pero salpican las paginas de la Biblia, recordandonos que no estamos solos.
Como tu y como yo, eran personas comunes y corrientes que cometian errores y afrontaban dificultades. Enfrentaron su propio pecado y se encontraron cara a cara con Dios, quien no solo limpia los pecados, sino que convierte aquello comun y corriente en extraordinario. Descubrieron que todo cambia al encontrarse con el Dios viviente.
Profundiza en la vida de mas de veinte personajes biblicos sumamente fascinantes, a traves de una inspiradora seleccion de las obras del exitoso autor Max Lucado. Este tomo es el complemento ideal para el libro Gente Comun. Incluye nuevos personajes y sus motivadoras historias.
Todo Lo Que Quieres Saber Pero – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartEverything you need to know about world religions and philosophies in one convenient book!
As our global world becomes smaller, we encounter more religions and popular beliefs than we ever have before. This book from a high school religion teacher and a professor of religion clarifies the founding, history, practices, and beliefs of forty groups. Each chapter puts the group in context and explains how the religion is similar to or different from Christianity. No other book covers such a wide range of topics from Islam, Shamanism, and Mormonism, to atheism, vampirism, and astrology.
Features include:
Charts and tables for easy comparison of different religious beliefs and practices
Coverage of world religions, new religions, and religions in popular culture
Overviews of the founding, history, and typical followers of each religion
Written for classroom or individual study!Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las religiones y filosofias del mundo en un practico libro!
Conforme se acortan las distancias en nuestro mundo globalizado, encontramos mas religiones y creencias populares que antes. Este libro, escrito por dos profesoras de religion -una de secundaria, la otra universitaria- expone los origenes, historia, practicas y creencias de cuarenta grupos. Cada capitulo pone al grupo en contexto y explica en que se asemeja o diferencia determinada religion con respecto al cristianismo. Ningun otro libro abarca tan amplia variedad de temas, desde el islamismo, chamanismo y mormonismo hasta el ateismo, vampirismo y la astrologia.
Algunas caracteristicas:
Tablas y graficos que facilitan la comparacion de las diferentes practicas y creencias religiosas
Abarca religiones mundiales, nuevas religiones y religiones de la cultura popular
Generalidades sobre los origenes, historia y tipo de seguidores en cada religion
Practico para el estudio individual o en el aula. -
Hermeneutica Biblica – (Spanish)
$29.99Add to cartThe most complete and documented work in Spanish on Scripture interpretation. It is not limited to principles, rules, and methods of hermeneutics, but also includes a wealth of teaching on Biblical Theology. Divided in two parts (General and Special Hermeneutics), it follows the theologically conservative evangelical position, although always including the most up-to-date and varied opinions.