Books (Spanish)
Showing 651–700 of 1562 resultsSorted by latest
Dones Espirituales Para La Gue – (Spanish)
$14.99Que son los dones espirituales, y por que son importantes? Quiza nunca haya oido de los dones espirituales fuera de las pocas veces en que aparecen en el Nuevo Testamento, o quiza se pregunte como un concepto aparentemente tan antiguo sigue siendo aplicable a usted hoy dia.
Los dones espirituales son importantes herramientas para batallar y vencer a Satanas, y Dios los da gratuitamente a sus seguidores. La iglesia no tiene que ser ignorante por mas tiempo. En Dones Espirituales para la Guerra Espiritual, Tom Brown presenta los dones espirituales y describe sus usos en la guerra espiritual, equipandole para…
*Reconocer los diversos dones espirituales
*Recibir el bautismo del Espiritu Santo
*Activar los dones espirituales en su vida
*Apropiarse de los dones de revelacion, poder y expresion
*Ser sabio discerniendo la voluntad de Dios
*Impartir sabiduria y dones espirituales a otrosNo esta usted solo. Tiene un Ayudador, el Espiritu Santo, que quiere ayudarle a vencer la tentacion y derrotar al enemigo en su vida. No se alarme por la obra de Satanas. El Espiritu que esta en usted es mayor que el que esta en el mundo. Por lo tanto, !levantese y use las herramientas que le han sido dadas para caminar valientemente en el camino de la verdad!
What are spiritual gifts, and why are they important? Perhaps you have never heard of spiritual gifts outside of their few appearances in the New Testament, or perhaps you are wondering how a concept to seemingly ancient is still applicable to you today.
Spiritual gifts are important tools in battling and overcoming Satan, and God freely gives them to His followers. The church need not be ignorant any longer. In Spiritual Gifts for Spiritual Warfare, Tom Brown presents the spiritual gifts and describes their uses in spiritual warfare, equipping you to…
*Recognize the various spiritual gifts
*Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
*Activate the spiritual gifts in your life
*Appropriate the gifts of revelation, power, and speech
*Become wise by discerning God’s will
*Impart wisdom and other spiritual gifts to othersYou are not alone. You have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who wants to assist you in overcoming temptation and defeating the enemy in your life. Don’t be alarmed by Satan’s work. The Spirit who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) So, stand up and use the tools you’ve been given to walk boldly in the way of truth!
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Busqueda Apasionada – (Spanish)
$15.99“Usted fue creado con un vacio interior que solamente Dios mismo puede llenar”.
“La profundidad de su hambre de Dios es la longitud de su alcance hacia El”.
“Puede estar tan cerca de Dios como quiera estar”.
Muchos de nosotros hemos oido esas frases, u otras parecidas. Son meros cliches? O sealan a una verdad que es tan profunda que deberia ser el principal enfoque de nuestra vida?
El poderoso Dios del universo es tambien su Padre celestial que le ama profundamente. El le entiende desde dentro hacia fuera, y desea tambien que usted le conozca personalmente a El. El autor James W. Goll le guia gozosamente a dejar atras los cliches y entrar en la realidad espiritual de conocer el corazon de Dios mediante una relacion intencional y continuada con El
Busqueda Apasionada le muestra como abrir su corazon para encontrarse con el Seor viviente. Cuando se despliegue su descubrimiento de Dios, y su relacion con El sea mas profunda, se sorprendera y se deleitara al oir su voz, aprender de El, y tocar su corazon. Sera lleno de la vida de Dios, y siempre deseara regresar a buscar mas. En el proceso, sera gradualmente transformado para ser semejante a El y para reflejar la imagen de El a otros.
“Acercaos a Dios, y el se acercara a vosotros” (Santiago 4:8).
“You were created with an internal void that only God Himself can fill.”
“The depth of your hunger for God is the length of your reach to Him.”
“You can be as close to God as you want to be.”
Many of us have heard these statements-or similar ones. Are they mere cliches? Or do they point to a truth that is so profound it should be the main focus of our life?
The mighty God of the universe is also your heavenly Father who loves you deeply. He understands you inside and out, and He desires for you to know Him personally, too. Author James W. Goll joyfully guides you past the cliches and into the spiritual reality of knowing God’s heart through an intentional, ongoing relationship with Him.
Passionate Pursuit shows you how to open your heart to encounter the living Lord. As your discovery of God unfolds, and your relationship with Him deepens, you will be surprised and delighted to hear His voice, to learn from Him-and to touch His heart. You will be filled with the life of God, and you will always desire to come back for more. In the process, you will gradually be transformed to become like Him and to reflect His image to others.
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (Ja
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Atrevase A Creer Para Recibir – (Spanish)
$16.99Se ha preguntado alguna vez si la sanidad de Dios es para las personas en la actualidad? Desea ser sanado pero no sabe como abordarlo? Si esta batallando con estas preguntas, no esta usted solo. Julia Loren ha compilado los escritos de heroes de la fe, del pasado y del presente, para mostrar a los creyentes que Dios sigue siendo un Dios de sanidad y que se deleita en manifestar sanidad sobrenatural hoy dia, tal como lo hizo hace mas de dos mil aos cuando su Hijo Jesus camino por la tierra.
Esta compilacion incluye los escritos de…
*Bill Johnson
*F. F. Bosworth
*Mark Stibbe
*Mary K. Baxter
*Maria Woodworth-Etter
*Randy Clark
*Andrew Murray
*Marilyn Hickey
*Jerame Nelson
*Smith Wigglesworth
*Aimee Semple McPherson
*John G. Lake
*Kathryn Kuhlman
*Cal Pierce
*Guillermo MaldonadoSus palabras fortaleceran su fe y le alentaran a acercarse a Dios para recibir su sanidad. El le sanara. Sus promesas para su sanidad son si y amen. !La sanidad es para usted hoy!
Have you ever wondered if God’s healing is for people today? Do you desire to be made whole but don’t know how to go about it? If you are wrestling with these questions, you are not alone. Julia Loren has compiled the writings from heroes of faith-past and present-to show believers that God is still a God of healing and that He delights in manifesting supernatural healing today, just as He did over two thousand years ago when His Son Jesus walked the earth.
This compilation includes the writings of…
*Bill Johnson
*F. F. Bosworth
*Mark Stibbe
*Mary K. Baxter
*Maria Woodworth-Etter
*Randy Clark
*Andrew Murray
*Marilyn Hickey
*Jerame Nelson
*Smith Wigglesworth
*Aimee Semple McPherson
*John G. Lake
*Kathryn Kuhlman
*Guillermo Maldonado
*Cal Pierce
*Smith WigglesworthTheir words will strengthen your faith and encourage you to approach God for your healing. He will heal you. His promises for your healing are yes and amen. Wholeness is for you-today!
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Inventatario De Los Dones Espi – (Spanish)
$4.99Ayede a sus miembros que hablan Espaol a identificar sus dones dados por Dios Espirituales con el Inventario de Equipo de Pastoral, utilizado por mas de 5 millones de personas. La edicion actual en Espaol (punto 401x) esta ahora disponible….y una visita obligada para aquellos que hablan y leen Espaol como primer idioma.
Muestra a sus miembros como Dios les ha regalado una vida cotidiana y de ministerio…..y van a estar entusiasmados y motivados para servir donde encajan mejor.
With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. The Spanish version is a must for those who speak and read Spanish as a first language. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church…and in daily life! Covers nine task-oriented “team” gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.) The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory includes questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; and instructions.
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Apocalipsis – (Spanish)
$19.99En esta nueva edicion revisada, casi, 30 anos despues de la edicion original, se actualizan los datos, pero siempre manteniendo los pensamientos originales con la frescura literaria que caracteriza al autor y el lenguaje sencillo que usa en la formacion de estudiantes. Ensenando, biblicamente, las principales ideas y mensajes que nos aporta el libro del Apocalipsis en todo su lenguaje figurativo y literal.
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Daniel – (Spanish)
$15.99Este libro fue editado hace unos anos en base a las conferencias que el autor dicto sobre Daniel, escatologia y profecia. La presente actualizacion, se ha escrito teniendo en cuenta las nuevas aportaciones del estudio biblico, pero manteniendo la frescura literaria que caracteriza al autor y el lenguaje sencillo que se usa en la formacion de estudiantes. Un libro que ayuda a entender, biblicamente, su lenguaje figurativo y literal, y a contextualizar el mensaje de uno de los libros mas importantes en la escatologia y la profecia.
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8 Secretos De Un Buen Lider (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Gui
$12.99This study guide goes hand in hand with the book ‘Pastoral Principles of Psalm 23’ which the author is planning to promote heavily for the purpose of enabling leaders to cultivate healthy growth in their churches. In this study guide, intended to complement the book and not as a replacement, each chapter from the book is reflected in a series of weekly reading to facilitate both group and individual study. The author is also very committed to the idea of follow-up assignments that may be useful for discipleship groups for leaders as well as for the mentoring of ministerial students.
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Modelo Coach Para Lideres Cris – (Spanish)
$14.99The COACH Model is a radically different approach to leading people. Rather than provide answers, leaders ask questions to draw out what God has already put into others. Learn how to create powerful conversations to assist others to solve their own problems, reach goals, and develop leadership skills in the process.
Whether you are working with employees, teenagers, or a colleague living in another city, you’ll find powerful tools and techniques you need to increase your leadership effectiveness.
The COACH Model for Christian Leaders is packed with stories and illustrations that bring the principles and practice to life. Based on first-hand experience and taught around the world, this book will transform your conversations into powerful learning and results.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Tu Identidad Si Importa – (Spanish)
$15.99Como hombres vivimos tiempos complicados. Donde la autenticidad de nuestro cristianismo esta siendo diluida entre la confusion de genero y el virus de la pasividad. La lectura de este libro contribuye a comprender y eliminar los falsos estereotipos; fijando definitivamente los paradigmas de la autentica masculinidad, y cumpliendo asi el proposito de Dios para todo hombre identificando, definiendo y afirmando que: Tu identidad de hombre Si importa.
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Matrimonio Blindado – (Spanish)
$16.99El matrimonio fue idea de Dios. El decidio que el hombre y la mujer deberian ser una carne. Aun mas, la Biblia dice: Dios es amor.
Desafortunadamente, muchas parejas no han aprendido a amarse el uno al otro. Un sentimiento, una pasion o alguna otra influencia los unio, pero no han aprendido a conocerse o a explorarse el uno al otro, o descubrir lo que les hace felices. Cuando no conocemos a otra persona, es imposible amarla porque no sabemos lo que le agrada o le molesta, sus sueos y batallas, o como piensa. En tal ignorancia, cometeremos errores en nuestra relacion, y asi causaremos muchos problemas. Estos problemas nos haran alejarnos, aun estando casados y aun cuando alguna vez estabamos enamorados.
Si se ha estado preguntando:
Amo todavia a mi esposo/esposa?
Me case con la persona equivocada?
Por que es mi conyuge tan frio conmigo?
Por que nos amamos pero no podemos permanecer juntos
Como puedo asegurarme de que mi matrimonio dure?
Como puedo vivir con una persona que es tan dificil?
Por que nuestros problemas se alejan, pero despues regresan peores que antes?
Se va a tratar siempre mi matrimonio de dificultades, o encontrare algun dia la felicidad?!Animos! Con este libro aprendera como amar de modo inteligente y como ser feliz con su conyuge, incluso si el (o ella) se comporta como King Kong.
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No Me Averguenzo – (Spanish)
$13.99The musicians who best represent today’s Christian young people have united for the first time in a book challenging them to lift up the values of the gospel. Each chapter presents one musician writing about Christian values such as holiness, mercy, forgiveness, inclusion, evangelism and integrity. Featuring comments and notes by: * Alex Campos * Coalo Zamorano * Lilly Woodman * Funky * Lucia Parker * Rescate * Timmy Ost* Kyosko* Renova * Redimi2 * Pescao Vivo * En Espiritu y en verdad.
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Tormenta Interior – (Spanish)
$14.99Sin importar la tempestad, Dios sabe, Dios se interesa y -l esta siempre presente.El caos de la vida puede ser abrumador, y las mujeres llevan una carga mayor que la de la mayoria de las personas. Cada dia viene con sus propias presiones y decepciones que poco a poco van reduciendo el gozo, la paz y nuestra cercania a -l. !Pero hay esperanza!En La tormenta interior, Sheila Walsh, autora de exitos editoriales y oradora de Mujeres de Fe, te invita a profundizar en diez formas transformadoras que te llenaran de esperanza y cambiaran tu vida. A traves de ensenanzas biblicas, historias intimas de sus propias tormentas y el caos que otras mujeres han afrontado y superado, Walsh nos muestra de que manera:El sufrimiento se puede convertir en fortaleza.La pena puede conducir al amor.El resentimiento puede encontrar libertad.La restauracion puede anular la ira.La valentia puede superar a la insignificancia.!Y mucho mas! En La tormenta interior, encontraras paz en la verdad mas tranquilizante de todas -que siempre seras hija de Dios sin importar como te sientas-.
No matter the storm, God knows, God cares, and He is always there.In this book, best-selling author, Sheila Walsh invites you into ten life-changing, hope-filled transformations where God’s divine redemption quiets the chaos you feel.
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Instinto – (Spanish)
$21.99Modern life can seem like being lost in a jungle. With distractions and dangers emerging from every direction, it’s easy to lose focus. Over time, we lose touch with one of our most powerful, purposeful, God-given attributes–the desire to be fruitful and multiply, what Bishop T. D. Jakes calls our “instinct for increase.”
Combining historical, cultural, and personal examples with biblical insights, in INSTINCT Bishop Jakes outlines how to re-discover your natural aptitudes and re-claim the wisdom of your past experiences. When attuned to divinely inspired instincts, you will become in sync with the opportunities life presents and discover a fresh abundance of resources. Knowing when to close a deal, when to take a risk, and when to listen to your heart will become possible when you’re in touch with the instincts that God gave you.
Bishop T.D. Jakes–iconic preacher, bestselling author, and entrepreneur–has inspired millions of people around the world. Here he writes from the peak of his personal power about how to experience the satisfaction of a life well lived. If you long to conquer the jungles of life, INSTINCT offers the personal and professional tools needed to navigate your course successfully and according to God’s design.
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Movimientos Milagrosos – (Spanish)
$13.99How do the people most resistant to the transformative power of the gospel come to be its most devoted followers? Miraculous Movement recounts an amazing change taking place within Muslim communities where the truth of Jesus Christ is turning around the lives of many thousands of Muslims from more than twenty people groups. Discover through the sometimes humorous, often sobering, but always enlightening and encouraging true stories how imams, sheikhs, and entire mosques are forsaking Islam and embracing Christ. This close look at what the Lord is doing to spread the gospel highlights the key scriptural principles that help Christians reach out in love to share the gospel in their own community. The authors outline the principle of service to others that open doors of opportunity to the work of the gospel. Authors Jerry Trousdale and Muti Abdul Masih work with CityTeam Ministries, an organization dedicated to helping disciples make disciples through CityTeam’s own ministry and through training other ministries in more than thirty countries.
Features includes:
*Outlines important principles on how to share the gospel with non-Christians
*Explains how ordinary people can lead neighbors to Christ in love and humility
*Tells many exciting and encouraging stories of Muslims who have accepted Jesus *Describes CityTeam’s unique program focused on God’s work through disciple-making movements, a strategy that harnesses the power of disciples making disciples and churches planting churchesAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Riqueza De Los Anos – (Spanish)
$12.00Johann Christoph Arnold, cuyos libros han ayudado a millones de lectores en los desafios de la vida, desea que redescubramos las riquezas espirituales que la edad tiene para ofrecer.
Ahora en sus setenta, Arnold se encuentra a si mismo enfrentando las pruebas que vienen con la vejez. Pero el sabe, de decadas de experiencia pastoral, lo que pueden hacer las personas mayores y sus cuidadores para aprovechar al maximo el viaje.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Como La Gente Exitosa De Plomo – (Spanish)
$16.99In this perfectly compact read, #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell explains how true leadership works. It is not generated by your title. In fact, being named to a position is the lowest of the five levels every effective leader achieves. To be more than a boss people are required to follow, you must master the ability to inspire and invest in people. You need to build a team that produces not only results, but also future leaders. By combining the advice contained in these pages with skill and dedication, you can reach the pinnacle of leadership-where your influence extends beyond your immediate reach for the benefit of others. Derived from material previously published in the Wall Street Journal bestseller The 5 Levels of Leadership.
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Como Las Personas Exitosas Cre – (Spanish)
$19.99Are there tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over fifty years, and here, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In the way that only he can communicate, John teaches . . .
The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
The Law of Modeling: It’s Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow
The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be
The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop OthersThis compact read will help readers become lifelong learners whose potential keeps increasing and never gets “used up.”
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Setenta Veces Siete – (Spanish)
$12.00Setenta veces siete” es una coleccion de historias autenticas de hombres y mujeres como tu y yo, gente afectada por el racismo, la infidelidad matrimonial, la represion politica, la brutalidad policial, el sufrimiento de la guerra, la muerte violenta de un ser querido. No se trata de una discusion abstracta o teorica. Al leer estos relatos, entramos en la vida de personas que han sufrido y han sabido perdonar (y de las que no han perdonado), de personas que descubrieron que el perdon tiene el poder de sanar aun las mas profundas heridas (y de las que continuan en busqueda de reconciliacion).
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Como Las Personas Exitosas Pie – (Spanish)
$18.99Gather successful people from all walks of life-what would they have in common? The way they think! Now you can think as they do and revolutionize your work and life! A Wall Street Journal bestseller, HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE THINK is the perfect, compact read for today’s fast-paced world. America’s leadership expert John C. Maxwell will teach you how to be more creative and when to question popular thinking. You’ll learn how to capture the big picture while focusing your thinking. You’ll find out how to tap into your creative potential, develop shared ideas, and derive lessons from the past to better understand the future. With these eleven keys to more effective thinking, you’ll clearly see the path to personal success.
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Haga La Cuenta De Hoy – (Spanish)
$19.99Drawing from the text of the Business Week bestseller Today Matters, this condensed, revised edition boils down John C. Maxwell’s 12 daily practices to their very essence, giving maximum impact in minimal time. Presented in a quick-read format, this version is designed to be read cover to cover in one sitting or taken in as brief lessons in a few spare minutes each day. It covers such topics as:
— Priorities
— Health
— Family
— Finances
— Values
— GrowthReaders will learn how to make decisions on important matters and apply those decisions daily to put them on a path to more successful, productive, and fulfilling lives.
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Segundas Oportunidades – (Spanish)
$15.99Nosotros los humanos somos propensos al fracaso. Somos expertos en enredar, revolver y estropear nuestras vidas. Quien de nosotros no ha mirado hacia arriba desde el fondo de un hoyo y se ha dado cuenta de que lo ha cavado por si mismo? Quien no ha caido tan hondo y ha echado a perder las cosas de tal manera que ha llegado a pensar que no habia esperanza? Es en estos momentos de desaliento cuando anhelamos un recordatorio de que hay esperanza para los quebrantados.
Ningun recordatorio es tan conmovedor como una historia que hable de segundas oportunidades. Una historia de gracia en accion. A cuantos no les servirian mas historias como estas?
Segundas oportunidades llega al mercado en el momento oportuno para las ofertas de Pascua y es el complemento ideal de GRACIA: Mas que lo merecido, mucho mas que lo imaginado. Esta lleno de relatos biblicos, contemporaneos y de ficcion extraidos de las obras publicadas de Max Lucado, donde se observa la gracia de Dios en accion, e incluye historias sobre nuevas oportunidades para aquellas personas propensas al fracaso, llenas de rebeldia, orgullo y otras condiciones. Desde Pedro hasta el rey David, pasando por una hija prodiga, estas historias les recordaran a los lectores la magnitud del evangelio sobre segundas oportunidades.
We humans are prone to failure. We’re experts at muddying, mixing, and messing up our lives. Who among us hasn’t looked up from the bottom of a pit and realized he dug it himself? Who hasn’t fallen so far, messed up so badly that she thought there was no hope? And it’s at these low points that we crave reminders that there’s hope for the broken.
No reminder is quite as poignant as a story of second chances. A story of grace in action. Who couldn’t use more stories of grace like this?
Second Chances releases just in time for Easter promotions and is an ideal companion to GRACE: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine. Filled with biblical, contemporary, and imaginative accounts of God’s grace in action pulled from Max’s previously published works, Second Chances includes tales of second chances for the rebellious, prideful, failure-prone, and more. From Peter to King David to a prodigal daughter, these stories will remind readers of the magnitude of the gospel of second chances.
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Con Permiso – (Spanish)
$13.99‘Excuse me’ is an open and honest consideration on the real condition of the Church and the experience of Christianity nowadays. The author transfers to us several troubling questions and thoughts born in his heart that cannot leave us indifferent. ‘All along my ministry, I have made two mistakes systematically and constantly: I have raised certain ‘forms’ to the category of ‘principles’ while degrading certain ‘principles’ to the category of ‘forms’.’ Starting with this initial confession, the author approaches diverse subjects and seriously evaluates them while challenging us to look at those subjects under the light of the Gospel and the Word of God, in an effort to find out if we are really following the instructions given to His Church by Jesus. ‘Confusing what is emotional with what is spiritual, bestowing more importance to certain ideas, experiences, strategies or even doctrines than to the Gospel of Jesus Christ itself, is a serious error. This dreadful inability to discern between what is essential and what is minor robs us enormous amounts of energy, diverts our attention from what is really important, diminishes the effectiveness of the Church in the world, and entangles us in a thousand barren arguments.’
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De Las Ideas A La Accion – (Spanish)
$14.99Whether you’re just a creative type, or the leader of an organization, you must figure out a creative process and develop an infrastructure for implementing your ideas. Good Idea. Now What? offers systematic advice for moving your ideas to execution. It will show you: The fundamental elements of a good idea
Tangible pathways to follow after initial inspiration
The importance of branding and its impact on ideasPractical advice for developing a loyal tribe of supporters who will take your idea to a whole new level It’s not enough to be inspired. Learn how to follow through on your ideas and discover how great an impact you can have!
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Rostro Hispano De Jesus – (Spanish)
$15.99Magnifico libro que trata los desafios y esperanzas del pueblo latinoamericano de Estados Unidos; una vision cultural, hermeneutica y pastoral desde la realidad migratoria de este pueblo. Los autores, desde diferentes perspectivas, llegan a una misma conclusion: la necesidad de una accion Pastoral Hispana para el pueblo latino inmigrante en Estados Unidos. Para un “Compromiso de un Futuro Mejor” del ministerio de la Iglesia Hispana.
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CHICAS Tus Suenos Tu Identidad – (Spanish)
$11.99The life of a girl in the 21st century is unique and challenging. The knowledge that makes you a unique individual is a mystery that at times becomes hard to reconcile. Who am I? How can I better understand myself? How can I be different from the crowd? What is my role on this earth? These are some of the questions that every girl inwardly asks herself.
In this book you will find thoughts, ideas and practical testimonies showing how a girl can discover her mission in life and change the world.
Carina, after years of experience working with young people, will reveal facts and secrets that you will not want to miss. In your hands this book will become a manual that will guide you in knowing what God wants from you.
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12 Sermones Selectos De John M – (Spanish)
$14.99Los 12 sermones selectos de John MacArthur, estan ordenados cronologicamente, comienzan con una introduccion al contexto historico en que se predicaron y luego el sermon completo. Son actuales, contemporaneos y practicos, de circunstancias que vivimos hoy en dia, y con los que podra aprender, educarse e inspirarse a traves del estilo de predicacion de John MacArthur. Una forma biblica y profunda basada, tal y como el y Gracia a Vosotros consideran, en que: “La palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz, mas cortante que toda espada de dos filos -” Hebreos 4:12
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Paladin Las Siete Dimensiones – (Spanish)
AMOR_ es lo que todos estamos buscando, es una busqueda de caracter universal. Cuanto realmente sabes tu al respecto? Como podemos entender sus secretos y encontrar amor por la eternidad? Paladin ha aprendido acerca del Universo y del tiempo mediante sus encuentros con la bella Genio y tambien de como aplicarlos en la vida real en todas las relaciones. Aun asi descubre que el conocimiento sin proposito no tiene sentido y la vida sin amor esta totalmente vacia. Entonces La bella Genio se revela como una ayudante celestial enviada por Dios, su angel que lo lleva a descubrir la energia mas poderosa del universo.Paladin en las 7 dimensiones del amor explora esta y muchas otros misterios acerca de las mas grandes fuerzas y la mas poderosa energia en el Universo. Ed Vergara no solo examina las muchas facetas del amor, sino tambien nos ayuda a descubrir el profundo significado y proposito en nuestras vidas. De este gran conocimiento procede la habilidad de amar y de ser amado.
Quieres descubrir como amar y ser amado en todas sus dimensiones? Quieres conocer este gran misterio, y como tu creador te puede llevar a la siguiente dimension del amor? En las aventuras de Paladin juntos descubriremos como la gratitud te llevara muy, pero muy lejos, como vencer al temor y como el amor sobrepasa cualquier adversidad hasta que puedas seguir a tu Corazon con toda confianza y aprendas a vivir tu vida con toda plenitud por la eternidad.
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Ministerios De Servicio Laico (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G
$12.00“God calls you to a life of servanthood as a disciple of Jesus Christ. … Lay Servant Ministries is the first step for many laypersons toward their faith journey as they strive for a closer relationship with the Lord,” the authors write in the introduction.
The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course is a foundational course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It explores
personal spiritual gifts
servant leadership
each leader’s role in developing future leaders
the importance of consistent spiritual practices
the core ministries of Leading, Caring, and Communicating
and much more.The Basic Course can be used for both adults and youth. Consisting of five two-hour sessions, it may serve as a short-term study for small groups, Sunday school classes, and new member classes.
NOTE: This book replaces the Lay Speaking Ministries Basic Course, DR551.
A Leader’s Guide is also available.
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Ministerios De Servicio Laico (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)
$12.00“God calls you to a life of servanthood as a disciple of Jesus Christ. … Lay Servant Ministries is the first step for many laypersons toward their faith journey as they strive for a closer relationship with the Lord,” the authors write in the introduction.
The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course is a foundational course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It explores
personal spiritual gifts
servant leadership
each leader’s role in developing future leaders
the importance of consistent spiritual practices
the core ministries of Leading, Caring, and Communicating
and much more.The Basic Course can be used for both adults and youth. Consisting of five two-hour sessions, it may serve as a short-term study for small groups, Sunday school classes, and new member classes.
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Caso De La Gracia – (Spanish)
$17.99The Case for a Creator explored the scientific evidence for God;
The Case for Christ investigated the historical evidence for Jesus;
The Case for Faith responded to eight major objections about Christianity;
The Case for The Real Jesus refuted the current challenges to the Bible and Christ …Now, in The Case for Grace, Lee Strobel crafts a compelling and highly personal experiential case for God, focusing on God’s transforming work in the lives of men and women today.
Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the “how” and “why” behind God’s amazing grace. You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have received God’s power to forgive those who have harmed them—and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves.
Through it all, you will be encouraged as you see how God’s grace can revolutionize your eternity and relationships… starting today.
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Inconmovible – (Spanish)
$14.99Christine Caine offers life-transforming insights about how not only to overcome the challenges, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience, but also to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered to help others. Using her own dramatic life story, Caine shows how God rescued her from a life where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified. She tells how she overcame abuse, abandonment, fears, and other challenges to go on a mission of adventure, fueled by faith and filled with love and courage. Her personal stories inspire readers to hear their name called, just as Christine heard her own—‘You are beloved. You are the hope. You are chosen’—to go into a dark and troubled world, knowing each of us possess all it takes to bring hope, create change, and live completely for Christ. Part inspirational tale, part manifesto to stir readers to lives of adventure, Undaunted shows the way with spiritual wisdom and insight.
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Viejo Violin – (Spanish)
$31.99Dios usa a Olga poderosamente!!
Nos gozamos enormemente de ver la transformacion que Cristo ha hecho en ella y en su vida. La amamos mucho!!!
Es impactante ver y escuchar la manera en que Olga comparte el amor de Cristo en cada emision.
De verdad, es impresionante ver la intensidad con la que Olga ama y exalta a nuestro bendito Salvador, Cristo Jesus!
Yo le doy gracias a Dios por su vida.
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Viejo Violin – (Spanish)
$19.99Dios usa a Olga poderosamente!!
Nos gozamos enormemente de ver la transformacion que Cristo ha hecho en ella y en su vida. La amamos mucho!!!
Es impactante ver y escuchar la manera en que Olga comparte el amor de Cristo en cada emision.
De verdad, es impresionante ver la intensidad con la que Olga ama y exalta a nuestro bendito Salvador, Cristo Jesus!
Yo le doy gracias a Dios por su vida.
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Cristiano Ante El Fenomeno De – (Spanish)
$15.49“Los misterios de Ia Internet… revelados”
“Ideal para fortalecer el Programa de Evangelismo de las iglesias”
“Todo lo que deseaba saber sobre Evangelismo por Internet…
y no se atrevia a preguntar”“Samuel De Jesus es un comunicador y productor con un paradigma de excelencia quien ha desarrollado un tema muy necesario en nuestro continente. Las nuevas oportunidades digitales para la iglesia en proclamar el evangelio son numerosas. Sin embargo, son relativamente pocos los autores que de una forma tan sencilla y simple proveen herramientas practicas para hacerlo como lo hace Samuel a traves de este libro. En estas paginas encontrara una orientacion practica y oportuna de como ser efectivos y eficientes en compartir la buena noticia a traves del medio de la internet.”
Arnold J. Enns, Presidente COICOMAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Arte Del Liderazgo – (Spanish)
$17.99Esta guia practica y concisa sobre el liderazgo cristiano efectivo llevara su liderazgo rapidamente a un nivel superior. El arte del liderazgocomienza en uno mismo con un enfoque en el liderazgo propio, y transiciona a la habilidad de liderar a los demas. El libro propone a los lideres el desafio de desarrollar su propio potencial y despues ocupar su vida en la de otros.Esta obra ha sido disenada para el estudio individual o grupal, con actividades y medidas concretas que se centran en la transformacion de la vida, y cuyos resultados le mantendran ocupado en la lectura y en la practica. Ademas, puede usarse como herramienta de capacitacion para otros lideres.Algunos de los capitulos incluyen:Primera parte: Liderarse usted mismo
1. El lider entiende el liderazgo
2. El potencial del lider
3. El lider y La vision
4. El lider y Los objetivos
5. El lider y El tiempo
6. El lider y Las prioridadesSegunda parte: Guiar a otros
7. El Lider y Las habilidades de la gente
8. El lider y El elegir a otros lideres9. El lider y La personalidadAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Transformacion Sobrenatural – (Spanish)
$16.99Cada problema espiritual, mental y emocional, y muchos fisicos, esta arraigado en el corazon. El estado de nuestro corazon espiritual afecta a todos los aspectos de nuestra vida diaria. Por lo tanto, la condicion de nuestro corazon sera la condicion de nuestra vida. Acompae al Pastor Maldonado en un viaje de descubrimiento del proposito, los motivos y el potencial de nuestro corazon espiritual.
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Como Probar Un Espiritu – (Spanish)
$14.99A fin de caminar en la verdad y evitar ser engaados por filosofias mundanas y ataques satanicos, debemos probar los espiritus para ver si son de Dios, segun el mandato de 1 Juan 4:1. Muchos creyentes son conscientes de este mandamiento pero no saben como probar los espiritus. Por donde comienzan?
Si es usted una de esas personas, no se preocupe. !Este libro puede ayudar! Mary Garrison ha compilado una guia de los principales espiritus malos que estan obrando en nuestro mundo actualmente, para que usted pueda identificarlos y eliminarlos de su vida y de las vidas de otros. En este libro aprendera…
*Los nombres biblicos de los principales espiritus malos
*Los frutos de esos espiritus
*Las tacticas que utilizan en las vidas de los creyentes
*Metodos biblicos para vencerlos
*Como vivir en victoria sobre el malignoNo continue siendo engaado. Aprenda a probar los espiritus y camine en la victoria que Cristo ha comprado para usted en la cruz. Usted fue creado para caminar en la verdad, !y la verdad le hara libre!
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Realidades De La Nueva Creacio – (Spanish)
$16.99Hemos encontrado el secreto que los psicologos han buscado por tanto tiempo. Es el “hombre interior”; es el espiritu creado de nuevo; es el alma que ha sido cambiada por la obra redentora de Dios. Es la constante revelacion de quienes somos en Cristo hoy: quien El dice que somos y quien El nos ha hecho ser.
Los cuatro Evangelios describen el “caminar terrenal” del Maestro, pero las Epistolas paulinas nos dan una revelacion de lo que sucedio en la cruz y lo que significa para nosotros que Cristo fue resucitado de la muerte. Mediante esas cartas, obtenemos una imagen viva de la obra sustitutoria de Cristo: el marco legar de nuestra redencion.
En este importante libro, el Dr. E. W. Kenyon desgaja el proceso de la “nueva creacion”. Usted descubrira la verdad acerca de su nueva identidad en Cristo, y obtendra una imagen mas clara de lo que Dios ve en usted y lo que El piensa de usted.
Si alguna vez batalla con la culpa o la condenacion, o si alguna vez piensa que el amor de Dios es “demasiado bueno para ser verdad”, debe leer este libro. Vera por las palabras de la Escritura lo verdadero que es el amor de Dios por usted.
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Iglesia Unica – (Spanish)
$17.99Written by church consultant Will Mancini expert on a new kind of visioning process to help churches develop a stunningly unique model of ministry that leads to redemptive movement. He guides churches away from an internal focus to emphasize participation in their community and surrounding culture. In this important book, Mancini offers an approach for rethinking what it means to lead with clarity as a visionary. Mancini explains that each church has a culture that reflects its particular values, thoughts, attitudes, and actions and shows how church leaders can unlock their church’s individual DNA and unleash their congregation’s one-of-a-kind potential.
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Amor Nunca Muere – (Spanish)
$17.49Aligera tu carga pena cambiando la forma de ver el dolor.
El Amor Nunca Muere: Aceptando Duelo con Esperanza y Promesa ayuda a dolientes, cuidadores y profesionales que ayudan a entender lo siguiente:
* El duelo es la expresion constante de amor a la persona que ha muerto. Dolientes no necesitan ser fijados, curados, diagnosticados, lastimados o corregidos.
* Dolor saludable abraza y experimenta la perdida. El dolor sirve a un proposito. Evitar el dolor retrasa la curacion.
*Mantener una relacion continua con la persona que ha muerto es saludable y la curacion. Los dolientes no tienen que dejar de lado sus seres queridos con el fin de progresar en su dolor.
Notas tecnicas de diseadores expertos dolor pueden aliviar la presion de olvidar a un ser querido o dejarlas en el pasado. Dado que el dolor es una expresion de amor, es saludable y apropiado para recordar a un ser querido, extraar a el o ella , y llorar.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sigueme – (Spanish)
$17.99Part One: Learning Kingdom Values
Part Two: Learning Kingdom Ministry
Part Three: Learning Kingdom LeadershipAdditional Info
Sigueme” La estrategia de Jesus para hacer discipulos.“David Schroeder sabiamente observa que la principal tarea de la Iglesi es hacer discipulos y que el verdadero discipulado toma lugar en el contexto de las relaciones intimas. Combinando la investigacion academica con ricos conocimientos practicos y devocionales, examina los valores que Jesus enseo como la humildad, las compasion y la rendicion de cuentas y muestra como pueden transformar a los individuos y las comunidades. Conozco a David desde hace casi cuatro decadas, y le recomiendo su importante trabajo.” – Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Fundador y Presidente, Ravi Zacharias Internacional Ministries
“Dr. Shroeder presenta una percepcion sobre el al llamado de Jesus a seguirle que remueve los obstaculos comunes hacia el verdadero discipulado. Sigueme resume un camino practico hacia la madurez espiritual. !Es una gran lectura!”
-Dr.David D. Ireland, Ph. D., Pastor y Autor, The kneeling Warrior“Sigueme es convincente, preciso, y especialmente significativo para mi en mi actual proceso de madurez en Cristo.” -Dr. Bill McCartney, fundador de Promise Keepers
Sigueme y Sigueme Guia de Grupo tambien estan disponibles en ingles bajo el titulo Follow Me.
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Traves Dela Biblia En Un Ano – (Spanish)
$19.99Una introduccion a los 66 libros de la Biblia en 52 lecciones
Durante mas de tres decadas, A traves de la Biblia en un ao ha aportado una mayor perspectiva a la Palabra de Dios para miles de creyentes. Llevando al lector a lo largo de toda la Biblia, libro a libro, esta aclamada herramienta de aprendizaje desgrana la revelacion progresiva y paso a paso de la voluntad de Dios, muestra como se ha manifestado a lo largo de los siglos, y explica como afecta a las vidas de los creyentes en la actualidad.
*Con cada estudio, el lector aprendera…
*A identificar temas principales en cada libro de la Biblia
*A memorizar versiculos clave
*A reconocer los mensajes centrales de DiosComo cada libro se formo y el papel que desempea en la historia biblica
Al embarcarse en este viaje de todo un ao, los creyentes veran la Biblia revelarse como una historia real, hermosa y divinamente inspirada, con un principio, una parte central y un final que aun ha de llegar. Y al aceptar sus temas y sus verdades, estaran mejor preparados para afrontar los retos diarios de la vida.A 52-Lesson Introduction to the 66 Books of the Bible
For more than three decades, Through the Bible in One Year has brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Taking the reader completely through the Bible, book by book, this acclaimed learning tool spells out the progressive, step-by-step revelation of God’s will; shows how it has become manifest over the centuries; and explains how it affects believers’ lives today.
With each study, the reader will learn…
*How to identify major themes in each book of the Bible
*How to memorize key Scriptures
*How to recognize God’s central messages
*How each book came into being and the role it plays in the Bible storyBy embarking on this yearlong journey, believers will see the Bible unfold as a beautiful, divinely inspired true story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end yet to come. And by embracing its themes and truths, they will be better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.
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Como Entender La Iglesia – (Spanish)
$17.99With clear writing and a contemporary approach, emphasizing how each doctrine should be understood and applied by present-day Christians, Making Sense of the Church explores the community of all true believers for all time—the church. Topics include but are not limited to the invisible church—the church as God sees it; the visible church—the church as Christians on earth see it; the purity of church—the degree of freedom from wrong doctrine and conduct; the primary purpose of the church—ministry to God, believers, and the world; the power of the church—its God-given authority to carry on spiritual warfare, proclaim the gospel, and exercise church discipline; and spiritual gifts—abilities empowered by the Holy Spirit and used in any ministry of the church. Written in a friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect, Making Sense of the Church helps readers overcome wrong ideas, make better decisions on new questions, and grow as Christians.
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Razon De Mi Esperanza – (Spanish)
$15.99America’s Evangelist presents his masterwork.
Who would refuse rescue? This is the question Billy Graham asks throughout this book. The answer is sometimes surprising because there are actually people who refuse to be saved, even if they are in a hopeless situation. Why? Each chapter draws the reader in by posing questions for contemplation using relevant illustrations about what the world thinks in contrast to what the Bible says.
As Mr. Graham has expressed for decades, his purpose is to engage the reader in considering his or her life in light of the here and now and the hereafter. Who would refuse rescue from a plane crash, a sinking boat, an automobile fire, or an assassin’s bullet? True accounts are given that cause readers to ask what they think and how they would respond to similar experiences and to ultimately bring them to life’s most important question.
In what could be his final book, Billy Graham presents the core message that has guided his life and calling for more than 70 years. Filled with new stories and timeless truth, Graham once again calls the world back to its spiritual priority as only he can. The book coincides with a massive campaign of the same name by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that will mobilize millions of people in the United States to invite friends and neighbors into their homes to hear the message of Jesus Christ through customized video and a new message from Mr. Graham.
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Power People Gente De Potencia – (Spanish)
$14.99La persona con el sello “POWER PEOPLE” -Gente de Potencial- es aquella que brilla en cualquier escenario, por su actitud ganadora y su capacidad de proyectar todo en una sola palabra: ganas.
Si le preguntamos a un presidente de empresa o cualquier otro lider, por que escoge para su equipo entre dos candidatos con las mismas capacidades y preparacion, siempre dara una respuesta inmediata: por su energia… por su actitud.
Esa postura ganadora y chispeante ante la gente y ante la vida, genera un sello “POWER PEOPLE “que proviene no solo de sus habilidades y destrezas, sino del espiritu que le imprime a todo lo que comunica.
La gente con la marca “POWER PEOPLE” se identifica por 5 factores:
Presencia de animo, ganas de “comerse el mundo,” seguridad, energia y fuerza interior.
Este libro le ayudara a descubrir estos factores determinantes para el triunfo de su proyeccion personal. Tal vez ya se encuentra en un buen nivel, pero con “POWER PEOPLE ” llegara a esferas mas altas de impacto e influencia.
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Poder De Creer Correctamente – (Spanish)
$21.99What you believe is everything!
Believing the right things is the key to a victorious life. In THE POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING, Joseph Prince, international bestselling author and a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace, unveils seven practical and powerful keys to help you find freedom from every fear, guilt, and addiction.
These keys come alive in the precious testimonies you’ll read from people across America and around the world who have experienced breakthroughs and freedom from all kinds of bondages-from alcoholism to chronic depression-all through the power of right believing.
God intends for you to live with joy overflowing, peace that surpasses understanding, and an unshakable confidence in what He has done for you. Get ready to be inspired and transformed and learn how to win the battle for your mind by developing habits for right believing.
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