Christology (Theology of Jesus Christ the Son)
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Jesucristo Es El Senor – (Spanish)
$17.99El libro Jesucristo es el Seor, Cristologia del Nuevo Testamento, de Samuel Pagan intenta identificar, analizar y explicar las afirmaciones teologicas neotestamentarias en torno a la vida y las acciones del Jesus de los evangelios canonicos, que nos permiten comprende la importante profesion de fe que declara sin inhibicion que “Jesucristo es el Seor”.
El enfoque y esfuerzo fundamental del libro esta orientado a descubrir como la teologia en torno a Jesus de Nazaret tomo un giro extraordinario luego de la experiencia de la resurreccion. Una vez se difundio la noticia de que la muerte de Jesus no habia finalizado con las expectativas mesianicas de sus seguidores, la resurreccion de Cristo toma dimension nueva.
Este libro explora la cristologia del Nuevo Testamento. Y esa vertiente teologica analiza la figura de Cristo, segun se revela en los evangelios canonicos, la literatura epistolar y en las revelaciones apocalipticas y visiones de Juan. Esa tradicion cristologica en torno a Jesus se revela inclusive al finalizar el canon del Nuevo Testamento. El vidente Juan, al comenzar la redaccion de la revelacion divina, afirma de manera categorica la importancia de la revelacion de Jesucristo. Nuestro estudio en torno a Jesucristo el Seor explorara el desarrollo de la teologia referente al Cristo de Dios, desde la resurreccion hasta las revelaciones de Juan en el Apocalipsis.
Ademas, estudiaremos los titulos cristologicos, los himnos de las iglesias primitivas y varias reflexiones pastorales que se incorporan en las cartas del apostol Pablo y sus seguidores. La finalidad es identificar y analizar el contenido teologico de esa gran declaracion de fe para explorar sus implicaciones contemporaneas.
Jesus Christ is Lord: Christology of the New Testament
The book Jesus Christ is Lord, Christology of the New Testament, by Samuel Pagan attempts to identify, analyze and explain the New Testament theological affirmations about the life and actions of the Jesus of the canonical Gospels, which allow us to understand the important profession of faith that declares without inhibition that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The fundamental focus and effort of the book is oriented to discover how the theology surrounding Jesus of Nazareth took an extraordinary turn after the experience of the resurrection. Once the news spread that Jesus’ death had not ended the messianic expectations of his followers, the resurrection of Christ took on a new dimension.
This book explor
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Jesus – (Spanish)
$13.99Jesus. Love Him or hate Him, He’s everywhere: on our T-shirts, bumper stickers, and even the covers of leading news magazines. We see Him on the silver screen, in the headline crawl on the TV news, and on the homemade signs held up at ball games. Hotly debated, He remains the most conspicuous figure of all time, even twenty decades after His inglorious death.
Best-selling author Tim LaHaye, together with co-author David Minasian, looks back through history and peers into the future to show us why the world’s “Jesus fascination” should come as no surprise. Every generation since Christ has grappled with the questions, Who was He? and What does He mean to us today?
Whether readers are longtime believers or merely spiritually curious, Jesus: Why the World Is Still Fascinated by Him will clarify why Jesus has had – and continues to have – such a profound impact on our world. From His once counter-cultural view on the role of women to the debate He stirs in modern public schools, Jesus’ influence continues to reverberate today.After reading about Jesus’ life, legacy, and pervasive influence, readers may find themselves connecting the dots of their own spiritual journeys and answering the timeless question from the lips of Jesus Himself: Who do you say that I am?
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3 Preguntas Clave Sobre Jesus – (Spanish)
$13.99Did Jesus really exist? Is He God? Did He rise from the dead? Jesus is one of the most questioned and debated people in history. This volume proves that the Christian faith is authentic, not an invention or crazy belief.
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