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    Christian Living

    • 9780785271697 Welcome Holy Sprirt

      Welcome Holy Sprirt


      1. A New Day Dawning
      2. The Unique, Divine Person Of The Holy Spirit
      3. “Suddenly From Heaven
      4. The Names And Titles Of The Holy Spirit, Part 1:
      “In The Name Of The Father, And The Son, And The Holy Spirit”
      5. The Names And Titles Of The Holy Spirit, Part 2: “In Your Name
      6. The Wind Of The Spirit
      7. The Work Of The Spirit In The Life Of Christ
      8. From Sinner To Saint
      9. Changed From The Inside Out
      10. The Presence And The Power
      11. The Transforming Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit
      12. Removing The Barriers To Blessing
      Endnotes P. 272
      Study And Discussion Guide P. 279
      About The Author

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    • 9780785271635 When Men Think Private Thoughts (Student/Study Guide)

      When Men Think Private Thoughts (Student/Study Guide)



      14 Chapters in 249 pages

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      Men ask these measure-up questions of ‘themselves in times of quiet contemplation as they consider what they are not, what they think they ought to be, and what they ultimately want to be. Author and pastor Gordon MacDonald addresses them all in When Men Think Private Thoughts.

      MacDonald explores avenues that include sexuality and masculinity; intimacy, romance, and friendship; and achievement, and definitions of success, revealing how each road intersects with a man’s soul. You’ll be able to put, aside the stereotypical definitions of maleness that plague men’s private thoughts-and will see instead a Christ-centered model.

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    • 9780785271604 Life God Blesses

      Life God Blesses


      In The Life God Blesses, author and pastor Gordon MacDonald asks the question, are we prepared to weather the storms of life? In this book, MacDonald steers us toward the disciplines, convictions, silence, beauty, and spirit that feed and prepare the soul to recognize and recieve God’s blessing.MacDonald reaches into the Bible and into the experiences of godly men and women of history to discover what can be done to lead a blessed life, then leads you through the steps that are necessary to develop a mature soul.

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    • 9780785271628 Renewing Your Spiritual Passion (Student/Study Guide)

      Renewing Your Spiritual Passion (Student/Study Guide)


      1. It’s Got to Glow in You All the Time
      2. Doing More and Enjoying It Less
      3. It’s All Over!
      4. Running on Empty
      5. Further Threats to Spiritual Passion
      6. Those Who Bring Joy
      7. The Happy and the Hurting
      8. Friendly Fire
      9. He Knew I Couldn’t Handle It!
      10. It’s What’s Inside That Counts
      11. Rack ‘Em Up
      12. Safe Places
      13. The Place of Secrets
      14. The Still Times
      15. Special Friends
      16. More Special Friends
      17. Renewing Your Spiritual Passion

      Additional Info
      Have- you ever been too far- from home to turn back yet too weary to want to continue toward your destination? Renewing, Your Spiritual Passion looks at the journey we-are on, as. Christians, and poses just that question: All of us want to have the passion to be godly people. But too many times, having that passion is easier to talk about than to actually find or maintain.
      Do you have so many things to do, and, do well, that you are unable to do them all? Are, you tired and passionless about your spiritual journey? In Renewing Your Spiritual Passion, Gordon MacDonald asks if there is a growing weariness of spirit -among Christians and discusses what they can do to change that.

      Learn what is happening to you, why it is happening, and what you can do about it by Renewing Your Spiritual Passion.

      For years, Gordon MacDonald has been giving -readers, conference-goers, and church members guidance and encouragement on a variety of important issues. Now, his, best-loved works can be found in The Gordon MacDonald. Bestseller Series, each including a study guide for individual of group use. Look for all four titles in the series: Ordering Your Private World, Renewing Your-Spiritual Passion, The Life God Blesses and When Men Think-private Thoughts.

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    • 9780830813674 Listening To God In Times Of Choice

      Listening To God In Times Of Choice


      We sometimes think there are only two ways to discern God’s will—the “divine blueprint” plan and the “grow in wisdom” school. Smith offers a third way! Drawing on centuries of teaching and experience, he suggests that discernment is a spiritual discipline—a deepening relationship that helps us see God’s will in crisis and in daily life.

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    • 9781576730355 To Follow Him

      To Follow Him


      1. The Ultimate Personal Trainer
      2. A Tunnel-Vision Romance
      3. God’s Gymnasium
      4. The Reflection In God’s Mirror
      5. Bring Your Own Cyanide
      6. Follow The Leader
      7. The Eternity-Based Investment Guide
      8. They’ll Know We Are His Disciples
      171 Pages

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      Most Christians know that Jesus commanded His followers to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” Yet many of us remain unclear about what Christ intended such a disciple to be or do.

      Recognizing that now, more than ever, believers need clear, biblical teaching ion this all important subject, author Mark Bailey cuts through the confusion surrounding the term “discipleship,” providing a scriptural measuring stick to help us discern what it means to follow a Christ.

      Learn how to recognize the seven biblical marks of a disciple, and make these qualities a part of your own life as you whole – heartedly answer Jesus’ call To Follow Him.

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    • 9780825428777 Living Wisely In A Foolish World

      Living Wisely In A Foolish World


      1. The Wisdom Of Proverbs
      2. Financial Wisdom
      3. Family Wisdom
      4. MArtial Wisdom
      5. Moral Wisdom
      6. Sexual Wisdom
      7. Religious Wisdom
      8. Educational Wisdom
      9. Political Wisdom
      10. Vocational Wisdom
      11. Social Wisdom
      12. Practical Wisdom

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      Everyday we are bombarded with advice from magazines, newspaper columns, and radio and television talk shows – finding sound advice and making wise decisions becomes a constant struggle. Where can we turn for reliable guidance on the important issues of money, family, work and morality?
      Authors Wayne House and Kenneth Durham believe that the guidance we all need can be found in the book of Proverbs. This biblical book was designed to teach wise living and help readers find a safe path through the minefields of life. Living Wisley In A Foolish World shows how to apply the practical wisdom of Proverbs to everyday decisions regarding finances, politics, marriage, education, work, sexuality, and much more. Unlock the wisdom of Proverbs and begin living wisely!

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    • 9781563940781 3 Most Important Things In Your Life

      3 Most Important Things In Your Life


      No Student of Success Should Be Without This Book. If you are seriously interested in succeeding, you need this book! The Holy Spirit / The Assignment / The Seed / 17 Facts About The Holy Spirit / 7 Secrets of Survivors / The Power of Expectation / Singing To The Holy Spirit. Proven Results That Will Last You A Lifetime. 31 Chapters!

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    • 9780995363434 What Is Man

      What Is Man


      This book speaks to you about you… about man from a Orthodox Christian perspective. It speaks about man’s capabilities and instincts and the way to control them.

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    • 9780802842060 Disiciplined Heart : Love Destiny And Imagination (Reprinted)

      Disiciplined Heart : Love Destiny And Imagination (Reprinted)


      Much like The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis, Simon’s illuminating book richly and insightfully probes the vagaries of human love through perceptive discussion of the works of theologians, philosophers, and novelists including Flannery O’Connor, Leo Tolstoy, William Kennedy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Eliot, and Isak Dinesen.

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    • 9780830816835 To Forgive Is Human

      To Forgive Is Human


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Forgiving can be one of the hardest things we’ll ever do. We sense deep down that it will be good for us and others to put the past in the past. But sometimes no matter what we do, we just can’t seem to forgive and get on with life. We still feel hurt, bitter and angry. How can we break the cycle? Grounding their analysis and advice in the latest psychological research, the authors of To Forgive Is Human reveal how we can forgive and begin to repair broken relationships

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    • 9780687014514 Care Of Men

      Care Of Men


      “From the Publisher:” THE CARE OF MEN by Christie Cozad Neuger and James Newton Poling Provides new ideas for caregivers in helping men forge identities in a world of changing roles and expectations.

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    • 9780835808064 Gathered In The Word

      Gathered In The Word


      From the publisher: Gathered in the Word offers a step-by-step approach to lectio divina or divine reading–a form of bible reading. Vest explains that this type of reading leads to a deeper understanding of scripture as well as a deeper relationship with God. Intended primarily for congregational or group leaders, this book also helps individuals who wish to read the Bible for spiritual insight.

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    • 9780830815357 Doctrine Of Humanity

      Doctrine Of Humanity


      At the end of the twentieth century the forces of race, gender, ethnicity, culture, social status, life-style and sexual preference threaten to disassemble any notion of universal “human nature” or “human condition.” In light of this historical moment, the Christian doctrine of human nature is ripe for rethinking and reformulation.

      Charles Sherlock sees this theological task as demanding a “double focus.” To reflect on the subject of human nature, he says, is like “moving around the different areas of an ellipse with two focal points”: humans as made in the image of God and the particular realities of human existence. Both must be brought into sharper, more detailed focus in our quest to understand human nature.

      The result of Sherlock’s “double focus” is The Doctrine of Humanity, a new volume in IVP’s Contours of Christian Theology. Sherlock notably engages the communal dimension of humanity in its social, creational and cultural aspects before examining the human person as individual, as male and female, and as whole being. He offers a timely and engaging look at what it means to be human on the continuum between our creation in the divine image and our recreation in the image of Christ.

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    • 9780788003882 Runway



      Suppose you are flying alone at night. It is stormy and you are lost. Your fuel is running low…. You are about to give up when suddenly there is a break in the clouds and there below you is a narrow string of lights. A place to land! Thank God! Would you be angry because the path between the lights is narrow? No! It guides you to life! With this opening statement in his introduction, Dr. Robert Tuttle leads to a fascinating study of the Ten Commandments.

      These much-needed messages will become sermon fodder for pastors preparing a series on the commandments. Each one is well illustrated to hold both reader and listener interest.

      Chapters include:
      The Ten Commandments And The New Morality
      False Gods And False People
      The Rediscovery Of Reverence
      The Christian Home, Our Hope For A New World
      Life Yields Only To The Honest Man
      Uncontrolled Desires Will Wreck Your Life
      … and more!

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    • 9780785275749 Happiness Is A Choice For Teens

      Happiness Is A Choice For Teens


      When you think you’ve been given nothing but raw deals in your life, remember that you can choose to be happy. That’s not just a pat theory but a truth that you really can discover and use for your life. Dr. Paul and Jan Meier work with thousands of teens struggling with the same dilemmas … feelings of stress, worried that there’s no future, tempted to check out on reality. They will show you how to deal with issues such as: anger, grief, goal-setting, the opposite sex, siblings, self-image … to name a few.

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    • 9780883683347 If You Want Gods Best

      If You Want Gods Best


      Your cup will run over!
      The desire, the longing, the heart of God is to give you His very best. Derek Prince teaches you how to receive God’s many gifts, including how to….
      Enjoy the Holy Spirit’s fellowship
      Hear God’s voice
      Set priorities biblically
      Obtain strong faith
      Be overtaken by blessings
      By incorporating these principles into your life, you can begin today to receive from God – the Giver of all good gifts.

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    • 9780849962684 Gods Promises For Every Day

      Gods Promises For Every Day


      9 Chapters

      Additional Info
      New Century Version – God’s Promises for every day is full of helpful sayings and scriptures from the Bible to help you through every day happenings in your life.

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    • 9780802843036 Communion Of Saints A Print On Demand Title

      Communion Of Saints A Print On Demand Title


      The communion of saints gathers a rich and diverse selection of prayers from famous people of all walks of life from the past two thousand years. Here are the prayers of such individuals as John Donne, Soren Kierkegaard, Mother Teresa, Abraham Lincoln, Ludwig van Beethoven, Michelangelo, Augustine, Martin Luther King Jr., C. S. Lewis, Anne Bradstreet, Blaise Pascal, Francis of Assisi, and many more. Diverse in intention, emphasis, style, and feeling, these prayers are grouped according to six practical classifications: “Prayers of Gratitude and Dedication,” “Prayers of Confession and Penitence,” “Prayers of Petition,” “Prayers of Intercession,” “Prayers Marking Times,” and “Prayers for the Christian Year.” Much more than a work of historical interest, this anthology makes an excellent tool for personal devotions, inspiring readers to deepen their own prayer lives.

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    • 9780800629823 Challenge Of Diversity

      Challenge Of Diversity


      David Rhoads examines the four Gospels and the letter to Galatians and finds a suprising amount of material that relates to diversity. By looking at these passages, and explaining their relevance to contemporary Christianity, Rhoads hopes to create better understanding of diversity, thus facilitating respect for differing Christian groups. The volume also includes a study guide, references for further reading, and suggestions for parish study. David Rhoads is Professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago.

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    • 9780802801272 Why Believe : Reason And Mystery As Pointers To God

      Why Believe : Reason And Mystery As Pointers To God


      C. Sephen Evans has written a pointed and personal book directed to those who want to have faith but whose thinking has been obscured by the static of prevailing philosophies, illuminating the attraction and reasonableness of Christianity.

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    • 9780829704662 Conocimiento Del Dios Santo - (Spanish)

      Conocimiento Del Dios Santo – (Spanish)


      In this classic testimonial the author presents God’s attributes with words that touch our hearts. This masterpiece helps readers strengthen and deepen their spiritual lives.

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    • 9780664256791 Spirituality Of Mark

      Spirituality Of Mark


      Mitzi Minor offers a reading of the Second Gospel that emphasizes the book’s instruction for a life of faith. Mark, according to Minor, provides extensive guidance to Christians on how to live authentically – even radically – in Christ. Its messages of profound faith and boundless love are timeless. The only comprehensive examination of Markan spirituality currently available, this book is of immense value to those preaching and teaching the Gospel of Mark, as well as to all who seek to expand their life in faith.

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    • 9780849936043 Right From Wrong

      Right From Wrong


      336 pages in 18 chapters

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      According to Josh McDowell, our children are being raised in a society that has largely rejected the concepts of truth and morality. In Right From Wrong, McDowell offers hope and provides families and the church with a sound, thorough, biblical and workable method to clearly understand and defend the truth.

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    • 9780664256340 Like A Garden

      Like A Garden


      In this book, Juengst explores the use of garden as a metaphor in the Bible. Various garden metaphors convey images of God’s providential care, our responsibility to steward the earth, the discipline of the Christian life, what it means to bear fruit, and the harvest waiting for us in the “new heaven and earth.” She also discusses ancient gardening routines to shed light on the significance of the symbolism in biblical passages.

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    • 9780687017164 Listening And Caring Skills

      Listening And Caring Skills


      Nine specific, teachable techniques to improve communication skills for pastors, counselors, and small-group leaders.

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    • 9780834115521 Laymans Guide To The Apostles Creed

      Laymans Guide To The Apostles Creed


      Next to Scripture, the statement of faith most often used to communicate the essence of Christianity is the Apostles’ Creed. Paper.

      88 pages.

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    • 9780883683781 Holy Spirit Power

      Holy Spirit Power


      Spurgeon shows that the Holy Spirit wants to be our Comforter, Teacher, and mighty Helper. The mi-raculous new life the early Christians lived amazed the world and turned it upside down. You can know Him personally and experience His miracles.

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    • 9780687014910 Jesus Prescription For A Healthy Life

      Jesus Prescription For A Healthy Life


      Leonard Sweet, with his profound insight and humor examines how Jesus laughed, hung out with friends, played with children, walked, enjoyed the good times at social gatherings, and poked fun at pious pretensions. By examining the life of Jesus, this prescription for health and well-being details the ways and habits through which Jesus lived a disciplined life and healthy existence during his ministry among us.

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    • 9780825431531 Sin The Savior And Salvation

      Sin The Savior And Salvation


      23 Chapters
      318 Pages

      Additional Info
      With scholarship that is thorough yet accessible and a tone that is convincing but noncombative, Dr. Lightner explores the current confusion over issues such as: the vanishing concept of personal sin in our secularized society, the influence of New Age ideas on the deity of Jesus Christ, and the controversy over “Lordship salvation” among evangelicals.

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    • 9780687006144 Lord Teach Us (Student/Study Guide)

      Lord Teach Us (Student/Study Guide)


      The Lord’s Prayer – the prayer taught by Jesus himself that unites Christians throughout the world – is dissected phrase by phrase in this very readable book by two eminent theologians. From “Our Father” to “Amen,” Willimon and Hauerwas apply this ancient prayer to the whole of the Christian experience so that we come to see our life in Christian community as reflection of these very words.

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    • 9780829703993 Vida Cristiana Victoriosa - (Spanish)

      Vida Cristiana Victoriosa – (Spanish)


      In this conference the author starts by examining the personal experience of every Christian that shamefully, leaves a lot to be desired. Then he describes the kind of Christian life that God told us to have. Some of the themes that he covers are to commit and believe; these are the conditions for victory. But also the author advises about the tests of faith that will follow. He exhorts all the believers to grow in the grace of Jesus Christ.

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    • 9780806620374 Nurturing Silence In A Noisy Heart

      Nurturing Silence In A Noisy Heart



      1. Silence For Survival And Hope

      2. Discovering Your Privacy In Order To Nurture Silence

      3. Down-to-Earth Centering In Silence

      4. Silencing The Strange Noises Within Your Heart

      5. Silences You Cannot Safely Ignore

      6. The Serenity Response To Silence’s Call

      Questions For Reflection And Discussion


      For Further Reading

      Additional Info
      This highly readable and engaging guide to finding and cultivating inner peace offers practical tips for the general reader whose life is filled with busyness and stress. Nurturing Silence in a Noisy Heart includes a “practice of silence” test and questions for reflection and discussion, which make the book ideal for small group study or as the focus of a retreat or conference.

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    • 9780806620367 Inward Pilgrimage : An Introduction To Christian Spiritual Classics (Revised)

      Inward Pilgrimage : An Introduction To Christian Spiritual Classics (Revised)


      Now back in print! Get your reading lists ready, for Christensen invites you to discovery. Learn about the setting and high points of the Confessions, The Desert Fathers, The Little Flowers of St. Francis, The Imitation of Christ, Pilgrim’s Progress, The Way of a Pilgrim, and many other classics.

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    • 9781601423689 Designing A Womans Life

      Designing A Womans Life


      There is no one else in the world exactly–or even remotely–like you.

      You may already believe God made you as a singular design. What you may overlook is that he has a unique purpose for your life.

      We all dsire to live purposefully. This commonality binds women together.

      -We want to know our lives have meaning, that what we do matters.
      -We desire to develop and nurture our God-given talents and abilities.
      -We search to discover what it means to be ourselves.
      -We long to discover our purpose, our reason for being.

      In Designing a Woman’s Life, Judith Couchman sensitively explores these timeless longings, reflecting upon the critical issue of personal significance. Discover how you can move beyond mere existence to a life you truly love–one that’s overflowing with meaning and purpose–with Designing a Woman’s Life.

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    • 9780829720341 Sufrir Por Que Yo - (Spanish)

      Sufrir Por Que Yo – (Spanish)


      This is a testimony by David Yonggi Cho after suffering for so long. Some of his ailments were tuberculosis, heart problems, and heartburn that required a complicated surgery. Many times he was close to death. Every time that he had to be in bed he examined the Word of God, determined to conquer his illness through the grace of God.

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    • 9780801051692 Redeeming The Time

      Redeeming The Time


      This fully developed biblical perspective of work and leisure finds in the Puritan enjoyment of both as important to life a holistic balance often missing today.

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    • 9780785277477 Wonderful Spirit Filled Life

      Wonderful Spirit Filled Life


      Life abundant — Jesus promised it and we long for it. Yet few Christians seem to have it. Blending lively anecdotes, commentary, and teachings from the Bible, Stanley introduces you to the Holy Spirit. He is not an oversized electrical current you just plug into when you need additional help, or a theological concept, but just as real and active as Christ. He has personality as well as a specific job description and a definite desire to be an active part of our lives.

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    • 9780801053344 Broken Image : Restoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer (Reprinted)

      Broken Image : Restoring Personal Wholeness Through Healing Prayer (Reprinted)


      1. Lisa’s Story: Repressed Memory
      2. The Causes Of Homosexuality: Contemporary Theories
      3. Matthew’s Story: Identity Crisis
      4. The Search For Sexual Identity
      5. The Identity Crisis According To The Scriptures
      6. Listening For The Healing Word

      176 Pages

      Additional Info
      As a sexual neurosis, homosexuality is regarded as one of the most complex. As a condition for God to heal, it is (in spite of the widespread belief to the contrary) remarkably simple. This is a book about how to pray for the healing of the problem. The stories in this book were selected as being the most representative among those to whom I minister. Details such as names and places are changed in order to protect the persons whose inner lives are here opened to view. Within these personal histories we see classic examples of injuries that can lead to the homosexual crisis in identity. None of these stories was lightly or easily written, for I stand in awe of what it means to be a human being, one in the process of becoming:

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    • 9780785278115 Discovering The Mind Of A Woman

      Discovering The Mind Of A Woman


      In Discovering the Mind of Women husbands learn to understand their wives as Christ would. From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result. Drawing from his own story and the stories of husbands whose marriages were dissolving, Ken Nair reveals major problems in life and marriage. After discussing the problems, he reveals relationship altering concepts which not only will revive a marriage, they will radiate throughout couple’s lives as well.

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    • 9780829718591 Modelos Para Orar - (Spanish)

      Modelos Para Orar – (Spanish)


      If you have a deep desire to cultivate the quality of your prayers and increase the time you spend in prayer, this book will help you develop your communion with the heavenly Father.

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    • 9780800628918 Soul In Society

      Soul In Society


      Gary Dorrien’s major work addresses the roots of and remedy to the current crisis in American Christian social ethics. Focusing on the story of American liberal Protestantism, the book examines in fascinating depth the three major movements in this century—the Social Gospel, Christian Realism, and Liberation Theology—in a way that also brings African American, feminist, environmentalist, Catholic, and other voices into the increasingly multicultural quest.

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    • 9780941405577 12 Steps For Christians (Revised)

      12 Steps For Christians (Revised)



      240 Pages In 12 Chapters In Twelve Steps

      Additional Info
      The Twelve Steps for Christians, Revised Edition is a powerful resource for merging the practical wisdom of the Twelve Steps with the spiritual truths of the Bible. This combination of recovery and spirituality offers Christians an effective way to work a traditional Twelve-Step program and name Jesus Christ as their Higher Power.

      The authors have a theoretical understanding of the Twelve Steps as well as a personal understanding as a result of their own recovery journeys. They know from first-hand experience how God can use the spiritual essence of the Twelve Steps to transform broken lives, heal damaged emotions, and mend shattered relationships.

      The Twelve Steps for Christians, Revised Edition has a number of new elements that enrich an already effective tool. Among them are:

      –Ideas for choosing and working with a recovery partner
      –“Step Overviews” to assist in understanding, working, and preparing for the step
      –“Helpful Hints” to aid the reader in areas of prayer, meditation, and Bible study
      –Expanded examples for “Common Behavior Characteristics”
      –“Key Ideas” in each step to reinforce central concepts.

      A truly great book has just become better!

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    • 9780941405447 12 Steps : A Spiritual Journey (Revised)

      12 Steps : A Spiritual Journey (Revised)



      259 Pages In 8 Parts (weeks 1 – 30 And 3 Appendices)

      Additional Info
      A Spiritual Journey
      A Working Guide for Healing Damaged Emotions
      Revised Edition
      He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Psalm 107:20

      The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey, Revised Edition is the ideal working guide for adults who seek healing from the brokenness of damaged emotions. Through the use of biblical principles, Twelve-Step wisdom, and the power of self-disclosure, The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey becomes a road map on the journey toward lasting change and healing. The path toward wholeness is one of surrender and The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey gently leads the reader to a proper dependence upon God, rather than a false trust in self.

      This book was written by people who have experienced the healing love of God and the transforming power of the Twelve Steps. The authors approach recovery from a traditional Twelve-Step perspective, but they also understand the spiritual basis and Christian roots of the Twelve Steps and recognize Jesus Christ as their Higher Power.

      The Twelve Steps–A Spiritual Journey, Revised Edition has a number of new elements that enrich an already effective tool. (See inside front cover.)

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    • 9780829719482 Ayuno Fuente De Salud - (Spanish)

      Ayuno Fuente De Salud – (Spanish)


      “What you have is incurable!” a doctor told to Lee Bueno. “Any moment you can suffer a heart attack. This pill will help you for a short period of time.” “What would happen if I decide not to drink this?” “Well, ma’am, you will die.” When she didn’t receive any hope from the doctors, Lee fasted and became completely healthy. Today she teaches others of how the body can restore his itself through fasting. This book will answer common questions like “What benefit do I have by fasting?”, “Can fasting help me in my spiritual life?” and “How do I prepare for fast?”

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    • 9780849936791 Laugh Again

      Laugh Again


      1. Your Smile Increases Your Face Value
      2. Set Your Sails for Joy
      3. What a Way to Live!
      4. Laughing Through Life’s Dilemmas
      5. The Hidden Secret of a Happy Life
      6. While Laughing, Keep Your Balance!
      7. Friends Make Life More Fun
      8. Happy Hopes for High Achievers
      9. Hanging Tough Together and Loving It
      10. It’s a Mad, Bad, Sad World, But
      11. Defusing Disharmony
      12. Freeing Yourself Up to Laugh Again
      13. Don’t Forget to Have Fun As You Grow Up
      14. A Joyful, Grace-Filled Good-bye

      Notes p. 245

      Additional Info
      Did you hear the one about the Christian who couldn’t keep from laughing?

      Chuck Swindoll has not only heard it, he tells it in this delightful book that gives us permission to be happy again.

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      Tenemos Hambre De Cristo – (Spanish)


      This moving book is for believers who already know Christ but are hungry to know him better. It is also for believers who want to know Christ in a way that they never knew they could.

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      Healing And Christianity


      Reissue! “Of inestimable value to those who wish to understand the historical roots of the present attitudes toward healing. Prophetic and timely,”—Union Seminary Quarterly. The role of healing in western Christianity from N.T. to modern times.

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      Dont Let The Jerks Get The Best Of You


      11 Chapters With 246 Pages

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      Dr. Meir combines years of counseling with a light-hearted look at this own life in this handbook on human relationships to help you

      Be aware when you are being manipulated or abused
      Understand how your past can influence your reactions to people now
      Identify your own “jerks” tendencies
      Develop and nurture mature relationships based on respect

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    • 9780785279662 Door Of Hope

      Door Of Hope




      1. Healing Emotional Wounds
      2. Step I. Face The Problem
      3. Step II. Recount The Incident
      4. Step III. Experience The Feelings
      5. Step IV. Establish Responsibility
      6. Step V. Trace Behavioral Difficulties And Symptoms
      7. Step VI. Observe Others And Educate Yourself
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      9. Step VIII. Acknowledge Forgiveness
      10. Step IX. Rebuild Self-Image And Relationships
      11. Step X. Express Concern And Empathize With Others
      12. Restoration – His Redeeming Work

      Commonly Asked Questions About Abuse And Recovery
      About The Author
      Books For Further Reading P. 227

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      Victims of abuse – any abuse – need to know how other people have made it through the recovery process. As a victim of incest herself, Jan Frank understands the myriad emotions that victims struggle with and offers ten proven steps toward recovery in DOOR OF HOPE.

      A powerful story of inspiration and restoration, DOOR OF HOPE is Jan’s journey toward wholeness. But it is much more than a story. It is hope for other victims. And in this updated edition, Jan provides a special section featuring answers to questions most often asked by abuse victims and those who love them.

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