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    • All For Liberty (DVD)


      Renews Interest in The Forgotten Hero

      Based on a previously untold story, All for Liberty depicts the true events of Captain Henry Felder, a backcountry hero of the American Revolution. A Swiss-German immigrant farmer in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Felder is convinced to respond to British tyranny by writing an Articles of Separation from the English king and raising his own militia, including a female tavern owner who gathers a patriot spy ring. In the ensuing struggle against the British Empire and community loyalists, including his old comrade, Bill Jenkins, Felder and his family find the cost of freedom. A multi-award winning independent feature film, All for Liberty stars film and TV actor Clarence Felder, the sixth-generation great-grandson of Captain Henry Felder.

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    • Jesus Enters Jerusalem And He Is Risen


      Jesus Enters Jerusalem and He Is Risen are the two Bible story favorites in this unique The Beginner’s Bible flipbook format. The story of the Jesus and his disciples going into Jerusalem until Jesus’ death and the story of the resurrection and Jesus’ visits and gifts to his disciples will help young children learn the true meaning of Easter and salvation. Two sticker sheets are included for added fun! Using the beloved The Beginner’s Bible artwork to bring the stories to life for young readers and their families, this book is sure to become a favorite holiday read!

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    • Berenstain Bears And The Trouble With Things


      In this new Berenstain Bear, Living Lights 8×8 The Berenstain Bears and The Trouble with Things, the Bears are dealing with a typical family issue … the idea that they need ‘things.’ And even more things! Brother Bear wants a Space Grizzlies play set. Sister Bear begs for a Bearbie dream house. Even Papa Bear thinks he needs a new fishing rod! But thanks to Mama Bear’s wisdom the family learns that God offers more than just material things.

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    • America The Beautiful


      What is America becoming? Or, more importantly, what can she be if we reclaim a vision for the things that made her great in the first place? In America the Beautiful, Dr. Ben Carson helps us learn from our past in order to chart a better course for our future. From his personal ascent from inner-city poverty to international medical and humanitarian acclaim, Carson shares experiential insights that help us understand … what is good about America … where we have gone astray … which fundamental beliefs have guided America from her founding into preeminence among nations Written by a man who has experienced America’s best and worst firsthand, America the Beautiful is at once alarming, convicting, and inspiring. You’ll gain new perspectives on our nation’s origins, our Judeo-Christian heritage, our educational system, capitalism versus socialism, our moral fabric, healthcare, and much more. An incisive manifesto of the values that shaped America’s past and must shape her future, America the Beautiful calls us all to use our God-given talents to improve our lives, our communities, our nation, and our world.

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    • If Its Not Close They Cant Cheat


      This is a book about winning elections in an age when security has trumped almost every other issue and the technology of political effectiveness is evolving with lightning quickness. Hewitt offers real-world tactics for individuals who (1) care about the future of the United States and (2) want to work effectively to help elect candidates who will lead the country-on a national or local level-in the right direction.

      In this book, Hugh Hewitt does more than rehash conservative grievances, preach to the choir, or even preach to the choir plus the undecideds. He aims to change the behavior of the choir, one reader at a time. Hewitt includes material targeted to people of faith when appropriate and appeals to all readers who consider themselves conservative or center-right. Material has been updated to cover current events in 2006.

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    • Recovery In Christ


      “Through the words of Recovery In Christ, Floyd Kelley has brought unique and insightful teaching on the mysteries of deliverance and healing. The ability to reach inside of his own personal experience gives Floyd a unique gift and perspective to break down Biblical truths in these areas. He is able to take a vast subject and walk readers through comprehensible steps to understanding healing and spiritual deliverance.” Rabbi Curt Landry “Floyd’s understanding of Hebraic Roots along with his personal testimony and background as a gentile have given him the perfect vantage-point from which to write this powerful and practical book that is sure to establish all of us in Yeshua!” Dr. Dwain Miller In these end-times, compulsions, obsessions and addictions are at epidemic levels. Satan uses compulsions, obsessions and addictions to force his slaves to build up his kingdom. Satan also uses compulsions, obsessions and addictions to prevent Christians from living the abundant life. As compulsion, obsession or addiction becomes too painful people reach out for help. So Satan formulated a recovery program that revolves around a couple of biblical principles that, when misapplied, do not harm his kingdom. Unsurprisingly, this “Biblical” program pushes people away from the Father’s table. In contrast, Recovery In Christ invites people to the Father’s table where they can dine with Yeshua’s Spirit and feast on His Word to overcome compulsions, obsessions and addictions as a part of the One New Man, and live the abundant life. Floyd Kelley earned degrees in Engineering and Psychology at Louisiana Tech University before entering the corporate world. After becoming a successful executive, Floyd hit Rock Bottom. After recovering, Floyd and his wife, Stephanie, joined Lowery International Ministries and ran their woman’s shelter and jail ministry. Today, Floyd is the Founder and President of Recovery In Christ Ministries Incorporated.

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    • How To Love A Man Forever


      The institution of marriage is under attack. These days, many marriages are unstable and unhealthy, and divorce has become commonplace. Is love that lasts forever a thing of the past?Author Olapeju Otsemobor offers God’s remedy for solving the issues of married life. She provides godly insight on how to improve communication, deal with conflict, respect your spouse, and handle money matters to help your marriage survive the test of time.Do not lose heart; a godly woman has the power to change the course of her marriage and keep it on the right path. Whether you are married or single, How to Love a Man Forever provides the tools you need to become a confident, virtuous woman of God, and pass on a legacy of godly marriage relationship to your children and generations to come.

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    • Body Book


      Here it is-a book that has all the “girl stuff” young girls have been dying to know about. The transition from young girl to teenager makes the tween years a time of great change-especially in the body department! For all of the questions adolescence raises, this unique and creative book for girls ages 7-11 answers the common questions girls have during this often confusing and overwhelming stage in life. The Body Book gives girls the scoop on everything from body changes and cramps to diet and exercise in an inviting and conversational manner. Filled with fun magazine-type quizzes and imaginative activities, The Body Book not only offers accurate, up-to-date information on personal issues tween girls experience but also shares it from a positive biblical perspective. Above all, the message that all of these changes are a God thing is highlighted on each and every page.

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    • Making All Things New


      1. Dreams Of Another World
      2. Between Two Dreams
      3. Power In The Blood
      4. The End-Time Work Of Christ
      5. A War-Waging Jesus
      6. A Global Invitation Of Joy
      7. The Wedding Of All Time
      8. A Distant Thunder
      9. The End Of Our Dream
      10. Fire In The Sky
      11. Gods Great City
      12. The Dream Of God And Mission
      13. A Dream Beyond Justice
      14. Joining God In Making All Things New

      Additional Info
      Often this world seems like a nightmare. Human trafficking, young girls trapped in brothels, child soldiers forced to become killers, unchecked plagues and diseases, economic injustice and the oppression of the poor. Millions around the world are trapped in this nightmare, and we may feel helpless to do anything about it. But God has a dream. York Moore paints a vivid picture of how the dream of God is breaking into history to make all things new. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God is bringing an end to the world’s nightmare of sin and death. Scripture’s vision of Jesus’ end-time work shows how the wrongs will be made right, and God’s just judgment is good news for the world. Unpacking how the Bible describes the last things, Moore shows how we can partner with God as he brings his dream to reality. Every time a well is dug for a community, food is provided for the hungry or sex traffickers are brought to justice, the dream begins to take hold. This is no mere wishful thinking. The dream of God is more real than your dreams could ever imagine. It is what we were created for. So wake up from the nightmare and join in what God is doing in the world. And flourish as your own dreams are transformed by God’s dream for all creation.

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    • Western Christians In Global Mission


      Preface: An Invitation To A Journey
      Introduction: Questions For The Journey
      Part 1: Where Are We Now?
      1. The State Of The World
      2. An Appraisal Of The North American Church
      3. An Appraisal Of The Majority World Church

      Part 2: Moving Forward
      4. Biblical Continuity
      5. Posture Of Humility
      6. Purposeful Reciprocity
      7. Sacrifice–Not Just Generosity
      8. Partnership Equality
      9. Listening To Our Non-Western Brothers And Sisters
      10. United Together–So That The World Might Know

      Conclusion: Responding To The Invitation
      Appendix: Letters To The North American Church

      Additional Info
      The world has changed. A century ago, Christianity was still primarily centered in North America and Europe. By the dawn of the twenty-first century, Christianity had become a truly global faith, with Christians in Asia, Africa and Latin America outpacing those in the rest of the world. There are now more Christians in China than in all of Europe, more Pentecostals in Brazil than in the United States, and more Anglicans in Kenya than in Great Britain, Canada and the United States combined. Countries that were once destinations for western missionaries are now sending their own missionaries to North America. Given these changes, some think the day of the Western missionary is over. Some are wary that American mission efforts may perpetuate an imperialistic colonialism. Some say that global outreach is best left to indigenous leaders. Others simply feel that resources should be focused on the home front. Is there an ongoing role for the North American church in global mission? Missions specialist Paul Borthwick brings an urgent report on how the Western church can best continue in global mission. He provides a current analysis of the state of the world and how Majority World leaders perceive North American Christians’ place. Borthwick offers concrete advice for how Western Christians can be involved without being paternalistic or creating dependency. Using their human and material resources with wise and strategic stewardship, North Americans can join forces with the Majority World in new, interdependent ways to answer Gods call to global involvement. In this critical age, the global body of Christ needs one another more than ever. Discover how the Western church can contribute to a new era of mission marked by mutuality, reciprocity and humility.

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    • Way To Be A Winner


      Everyone wants to be a winner, right? But what does that mean? Join Little Tommy in The Way to Be a Winner, the second book in the Little Tommy seven-book series, as he learns how to be a winner in God’s eyes. Little Tommy is just like every other five-year-old who yearns to be a winner. And with the help of his parents and basketball coach, Little Tommy learns that he is a real winner every time he plays on God’s team and uses his special talents to work together, help others, and honor God.

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    • Nonprescription Drugs In Pregnancy


      A Smart Start Press Title

      Many women of child-bearing age buy over-the-counter medications for a variety of disorders, such as seasonal allergies, colds, headaches, and others. Whether planning their pregnancy or already pregnant, they want to know if these nonprescription drugs are safe for unborn babies. All nonprescription drugs contain one or more active ingredients that treat the patient’s symptoms and are actually drugs themselves. Twenty to thirty years ago, many of these active ingredients were FDA-approved prescription drugs. At the time, those prescription drugs were assigned a Pregnancy Risk Category: A, B, C, D, or X. Although some of these drugs switched from prescription to nonprescription status, meaning they could be sold over-the-counter, their Pregnancy Risk Categories still applied. This unique book contains the FDA’s Pregnancy Risk Categories for the active ingredients in five hundred nonprescription drugs, and includes a procedure for locating risk categories for any drug that isn’t in the book.

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    • Gods Champion : The Life Of Job


      Job, God’s champion, offers experiential insight into the nature and workings of God. Job is not the main character of the book of Job; rather, it is God. The opening scene is in heaven, and God’s relationship with humanity is challenged. Job’s life becomes the arena of contention in this attack on God. As a result, Job loses family, wealth, and health. Job and his friends argue over God’s actions and men’s experiences in the world. God clarifies that Job spoke what was right about Him.

      Here are a few important lessons from Job’s life:

      * God wants a relationship with you.
      * We need a mediator for our spiritual condition.
      * God operates for His own glory.
      * Suffering may be a part of God’s plan.

      Don’t let the suffering temper your enthusiasm for the understanding offered by God’s champion. Job’s life illustrates a substantive spiritual relationship with the God of heaven. The more we know Him, the more we will value the relationship. Our relationship with Him facilitates our being made in His image. Learn to be a champion!

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    • 55 And Counting


      “Without personal responsibility there can be no personal prosperity.” – Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. In this reflective work, Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. shares timeless truths and life lessons that will position parents and leaders to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. You will learn: * Why work is about more than just paying the bills. * One simple way fathers can immediately change our culture * How platforms alleviate pressure (and how you can leave one behind) * and much more… Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. is a pastor, scholar, entrepreneur, artist, and motivational speaker. Dearest to his heart, he is a loving husband and dedicated father. Since 1983, Bishop Hilliard has served as Senior Pastor of Cathedral International (the Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Bishop Hilliard is a man of many hats and he wears them all well.

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    • Life And Witness Of Peter


      1. Background Of Peter
      2. Peter In The Gospels: Part One: From Call To Confession
      3. Peter In The Gospels: Part Two: Transfiguration To Resurrection
      4. Peter And The Early Church: The Book Of Acts
      5. Peter In Paul’s Letters
      6. 1 Peter: Encyclical To Exiles
      7. Peter’s Christology
      8. Christ & The Spirits, Christ And The Holy Spirit
      9. Suffering For Jesus
      10. The People Of God
      11. 2 Peter: Introductory Questions
      12. Theological Themes In 2 Peter
      13. The Character And Destiny Of The False Teachers
      14. Eschatology Of 2 Peter
      15. The Rest Of The Story: Tradition
      16. The Rest Of The Story: Legends About Peter
      17. The Rest Of The Story: Peter’s Legacy

      Additional Info
      Who was Peter and what was his true stature in the early church? For Protestants at least, Peter seems caught between two caricatures: the rustic fisherman of Galilee and the author of two lesser New Testament letters. And in both cases he is overshadowed by Paul. Yet Peter plays a significant role in the Gospels and is an apostolic leader in Acts. And those who study his letters find them filled with theological insight. In The Life and Witness of Peter Larry Helyer seeks to reinstate this neglected and underestimated apostle to his rightful stature as an early Christian leader and faithful witness to Christ. Arguing for a more confident assessment of the apostle’s presence and contribution to the New Testament, Helyer pulls Peter out from the long shadow of Paul. What we find is a Peter whose firsthand witness stands behind much of Mark’s Gospel, a Peter whose striking portrait in Acts can be trusted as reliable, and a Peter whose letters glow with spiritual and theological intelligence. Along the way we are rewarded with a careful analysis of prominent theological themes in Peter’s letters. And we learn much about the traditions, legends and legacy of Peter in the post-apostolic era.

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    • Saint Street (DVD)


      Saint Street is a classic American Christmas tale for the entire family. The story follows Percy who is a good man, but has found himself caught up in the riches of the world and is neglecting his most prized possession — his family.

      Christmas Eve has arrived and Percy is still hard at work late into the night, once again breaking his promises to his wife and kids that he would leave early so that they could drive to their traditional family Christmas party. After being warned time and again to change his ways from a heavenly being from beyond, Percy is about to experience some grave consequences for his actions.

      In a series of tragic events, Percy faces humble circumstances after losing everything in a car accident — his family, job and home. Paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair, he is forced to be homeless and live in the gritty world of misfits on Saint Street.

      It is on Saint Street where Percy sees the light and changes his ways trough the examples of the most unlikely of souls. We soon discover that things aren’t always what they seem and second chances and redemption just might be closer that we think.

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    • Healed By Grace (DVD)


      When an accident shatters her dreams of being a dancer, Riley Adams turns to equine therapy, where she develops a special bond with a horse named Grace. A romantic journey of faith, Healed By Grace is a powerful reminder that God’s grace can appear in the most unexpected place.

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    • No Hay Futuro Sin Perdon – (Spanish)


      In No Future Without Forgiveness, Tutu argues that true reconciliation cannot be achieved by denying the past. But nor is it easy to reconcile when a nation ‘looks the beast in the eye.’ Rather than repeat platitudes about forgiveness, he presents a bold spirituality that recognizes the horrors people can inflict upon one another, and yet retains a sense of idealism about reconciliation. With a clarity of pitch born out of decades of experience, Tutu shows readers how to move forward with honesty and compassion to build a newer and more humane world.

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    • Hope Beyond Your Tears


      “The risen Christ meets us in our hearts.” With these gentle words, Trevor Hudson invites readers into the story of Mary Magdalene’s world-changing encounter with Jesus on Easter morning. As he examines Mary’s tears and Jesus’ loving response to them, Hudson gives a new perspective on the pain of living and the triumph of Christ’s resurrection.

      With the theological acuity and pastoral wisdom that his readers have come to love, Trevor Hudson urges readers to pour out their hearts to God, to be with those who weep, and to live with hope.

      Individuals and small groups are offered a variety of tooks for encountering this study. Each chapter includes a memory verse, breath prayer, and for group sharing suggestions. This book would make an excellent resource for a Lenten study, a grief support group, or anyone searching for a deeper understanding of the Resurrection.

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    • Organic Outreach For Families


      In Organic Outreach for Families, Kevin and Sherry Harney share insights from the Scriptures and give practical advice from their own experience to help you learn how to transform your home into a lighthouse of God’s amazing grace.

      The Harneys discuss five ways you can naturally share your faith with others: Reaching your own children with the message of Jesus Sharing God’s grace with your extended family Raising your children to be beacons of light in their schools and in the neighborhood Opening the doors of your home to make it attractive and welcoming Shining the light of grace into your broader community The Harneys balance a concern for developing your home into a safe, secure environment with the biblical mandate for believers to be salt and light in the world. Pastors and parents will discover creative ways families can become a natural and winsome presence in their schools, through community activities, and as a witness in their neighborhoods.

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    • What Your Husband Isnt Telling You (Reprinted)


      It’s the rare woman who isn’t perplexed by her husband. What’s going on inside his man-brain? What secrets is he keeping? What is he afraid of? Why is he so obsessed with (fill-in-the-blank)? Why do men see things so differently? And what about his spiritual life (or lack of it)?

      David Murrow leads women on a groundbreaking tour of a man’s heart, mind, and soul. More than just a book about what men think, it explores the deep forces that determine what they say, do, and believe–secrets most men do not give voice to. Readers will be surprised, fascinated, and encouraged by what they find.

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    • Prodigal Republican : Faith And Politics


      The Prodigal Republican chronicles the historic relationship between blacks, Democrats, and Republicans. It is based on three topics: voting your values, family leadership, and Christian faith, all geared toward strengthening the American family generally and the black family in particular.

      The Prodigal Republican encourages everyone to return to core values by being self-reliant and realizing that government aid is never a pathway to prosperity; by promoting the sanctity of human life; and by favoring traditional marriage to perpetuate humanity.

      The Prodigal Republican is a guide to strengthen the family through a common-sense approach by avoiding teen pregnancy before marriage, graduating from high school and university or trade school, considering marriage, and having a work ethic.

      The Prodigal Republican makes a case for Christians to actively engage in the political process. Christians are called to engage in the political process in order to elect godly leaders and to consequently impact the community with their Judeo-Christian values.

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    • Apostle Paul : His Life And Theology


      Paul’s writings are centrally important not only for the establishment of the Christian faith but also for the whole history of Western culture. Senior New Testament scholar Udo Schnelle offers a comprehensive introduction to the life and thought of Paul that combines historical and theological analysis. The work was translated into clear, fluent English from the original German–with additional English-language bibliographical reference materials–by leading American scholar M. Eugene Boring. First released in hardcover to strong acclaim, the book is now available in paperback. It is essential reading for professors, students, clergy, and others with a scholarly interest in Paul.

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    • 13 Apostles : The Men Who Journeyed With Jesus


      In this engaging book, Kalas reveals a portrait of each apostle as a servant in ministry, a human being, and a unique individual. He draws from Scripture as well as historical writings and traditions. A chapter is also devoted to Mathias, the successor to Judas Iscariot.

      Each chapter features a key passage of Scripture. At the end of the book is a 16-page discussion guide.

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    • Dancing With Max


      Meet a remarkable young man. Max doesn’t communicate like we do. But he communicates better than we do about the most important things. Max doesn’t think like we do. But his actions reflect deep spiritual truths. With candor and wit, Emily Colson shares about her personal battles and heartbreak when, as a suddenly single mother, she discovers her only child has autism. Emily illuminates the page with imagery—making you laugh, making you cry, inspiring you to face your own challenges. Chuck Colson, in his most personal writing since Born Again, speaks as a father and grandfather. It is a tender side Max brings out of his grandfather, a side some haven’t seen. As Emily recalls her experiences, we discover that Max’s disability does not so much define who he is, but reveals who we are. Dancing with Max is not a fairy tale with a magical ending. It’s a real life story of grace and second chances and fresh starts in spite of life’s hardest problems. And Max? Max will make you fall in love with life all over again, leaving you dancing with joy.

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    • Living The Resurrection


      A post- “Easter Day” set of reflections written by the Bishop of Montana

      How do we live as “resurrection people?” How do we take those stories into our hearts and lives, living as though we believe resurrection to be a reality?

      Frank Brookhart takes stories of the resurrection and illuminates a way for Christians and seekers to explore life in the new creation. Tying the Gospel narrative to our lives as followers of Jesus, he proposes a means for transforming people and churches through living into the resurrection with the Risen Lord.

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    • When Your Parent Becomes Your Child


      Hope and inspiration for helping parents through the aging process and the decline that comes with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.Dementia is one of the world’s fastest growing illnesses. Without a major medical breakthrough, the estimated 24 million people living with some form of the disease could easily jump as high as 84 million by the year 2040. It is rapidly becoming everyone’s problem.

      When Your Parent Becomes Your Child tells the story of one family who reluctantly began to recognize and then deal with the common issues found in caring for their elderly loved one:
      memory loss
      physical decline
      personal hygiene
      dangers of driving and living alone
      aberrant behavior
      uncharacteristic attitudes

      As he chronicles his own mom’s degenerative condition, New York Times bestselling writer Ken Abraham not only educates but offers inspiration to help readers cope with and manage their family circumstances.

      With humor and spiritual reminders of God’s command to honor our parents, Abraham encourages readers, helping them shoulder the additional, often difficult responsibilities. And though patients will not recover this side of heaven, he suggests many practical things that families can do to make the experience safer, kinder, and more endurable for everyone involved.Helping our loved ones live out their remaining years in dignity paves the way for a rewarding and enriching experience for our families, and for the people whose lives they have affected for all eternity.

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    • My Babys Feet


      Choice, Death, and the Aftermath
      Fearfully and desperately wanting to hide my mistakes and deny the unwanted, but not totally unexpected ramifications of my earlier choices, I chose what seemed to be the easiest answer. I chose death, and then I moved into the aftermath of my choice. I, for a lifetime and beyond, will live in the aftermath of my choice. Although there is recovery, through forgiveness, there are lasting ramifications. No one told me that the ramifications of my choice would last forever. No one told me what my choice would do to my heart. No one told me that my choice was, in fact, a death sentence for my baby.

      Are you, or someone you know, facing an unwanted pregnancy? Are you wondering if “choice” is the answer, the easiest solution?
      After the “choice” comes the aftermath. A living choice not only gives life to a baby, but results in an aftermath of life. Abortion results in an aftermath forever shrouded in death, death of a baby, perhaps death of your own baby. For those struggling with the aftermath of abortion, you and your loved ones can find forgiveness.

      This book is for:
      Teenage moms wrestling with choice and an unplanned pregnancy
      Loved ones who are seeking resolution after abortion
      Anyone who needs hope and healing after abortion
      This book is a great tool for teen pregnancy educators, pregnancy center advisors, and those seeking to learn more about the emotional struggles, post abortion. It is written out of love and understanding by a woman who thought her choice was the best answer. Whether or not you are a Christian, you will be inspired by the author’s incredible faith, without which it would have been impossible to write this book.
      Through my story, I pray that you will know that a living choice is the only real choice.
      Join me in my story of running from my mistakes, hiding my choice, and slogging through the aftermath. Come with me as I discover a new truth about an old choice. Join me as I struggle with guilt and heartfelt shame, knowing the new truth. Observe the aftermath.

      What choice would you have made? What choice would you recommend?

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    • Communication Key To Your Marriage (Reprinted)


      What does it take to make a marriage intimate, loving, and fun? It all starts with communication, the key to a vibrant, happy, lifelong partnership. In this new updated edition of the bestselling classic, trusted marriage and family counselor Dr. Norman Wright does not just show readers the different ways men and women communicate. He shows how to do it right! Readers will find practical ways to reduce marital conflict, manage anger, build up one another’s self-esteem, and listen and understand each other at deeper and more satisfying levels. This updated edition also includes all-new reflection questions at the end of each chapter for couples or groups.

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    • 101 Questions To Ask Before You Get Remarried


      Respected Christian counselor H. Norman Wright draws from his extensive experience to help couples establish strong, loving marriages. Whether divorced or widowed, people who marry again face unique challenges. Through 101 questions, Norm helps readers know their own views and understand where they agree and disagree with their future mates on finances, roles, sexuality, children, responsibilities, and previous relationship issues. Couples will work together to:
      make sure they’re ready for a new marriage
      discover the essentials for successful remarriages
      clearly communicate personal and family needs
      establish realistic expectations for their new marriage
      handle common problems in remarriage: previous partners, in-laws (past and present), merged families, money, sexual issues

      Offering plenty of room for written responses, this essential premarriage guide helps couples work through problem areas before they become issues. They will also discover areas of strength and agreement that will help them establish a solid foundation for success. Ideal for couples, study groups, ministers, and counselors.

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    • Cambiando De Lente – (Spanish)


      Crime victims have many needs, most of which our criminal justice system ignores. In fact, the justice system often increases the injury. Offenders are less ignored by this system, but their real needs-for accountability, for closure, for healing-are also left unaddressed.

      Such failures are not accidental, but are inherent in the very definitions and assumptions which govern our thinking about crime and justice. Howard Zehr proposes a “restorative” model which is more consistent with experience, with the past, and with the biblical tradition. Based on the needs of victims and offenders, he takes into account recent studies and biblical principles.

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    • Dont Stop Believin


      Arranged chronologically from 1950 to the present, this accessible work explores the theological themes in 101 well-established figures and trends from film, television, video games, music, sports, art, fashion, and literature.

      Elvis Presley. Andy Warhol. Nike. Stephen King. Ellen DeGeneres. Sim City. Facebook. These American pop culture icons are just a few examples of entries you will find in this fascinating guide to religion and popular culture. Arranged chronologically from 1950 to the present, this accessible work explores the theological themes in 101 well-established figures and trends from film, television, video games, music, sports, art, fashion, and literature. This book is ideal for anyone who has an interest in popular culture and its impact on our spiritual lives. Contributors include such experts in the field as David Dark, Mark I. Pinsky, Lisa Swain, Steve Turner, Lauren Winner, and more.

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    • Dancing With Death


      In a small North Texas town a family is devastated when their son is diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease. In the lowest time of their lives, God works through

      Michael Jordan, Derek Harper, Coach Grant Teaff, Dino, Joe Montana, J. D. Hill, a camel, and the local community to give strength and support to the Martin family. Dancing with Death illustrates the power of faith, hope, love, Christian friends, and family.

      The authors’ details are gripping. Readers will feel a bond with the authors through reading about their inner feelings. The Martin’s bravely make themselves vulnerable to their audience, even including such questions as, “God, don’t you think we’ve been through enough?” It’s a question we all ask in our minds but are usually too intimidated to say aloud. Things like this make the book unique, touching and very valuable reading for everyone.

      The authors give God credit, glory and praise throughout the book, terrifically conveying how God was with them every step of the way.

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    • Ministerio Del Matrimonio – (Spanish)


      En El Ministerio del Matrimonio, el Dr. Jim Binney ofrece soluciones biblicas a las comunes luchas conyugales. El afirma que los matrimonios fracasan porque estan fundamentados en el egoismo en lugar del servicio. El mundo presenta el matrimonio como felicidad a cualquier coste, sin embargo, la Biblia presenta el matrimonio como compromiso a cualquier coste.

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    • Excellence In Marriage


      Married and Happy?

      Yes, it is possible! Your marriage can be all that you ever dreamed it would be-no matter what season you are in. In this honest, open, down-to-earth book, Diane Hampton explores the wonders of married life, as well as the woes. For those who want make their marriages better, Excellence in Marriage offers life-changing principles that are easy to put into practice.

      Learn to live in true unity by using these biblical principles. Enduring love, stored-up treasures, intimate communication, and true forgiveness are just a few of the marital building blocks you will be able to establish in your home. Your marriage can be transformed and flourish, far exceeding the expectations you had on your wedding day.

      Are you ready to be blessed with the “marriage made in heaven” that God desires for you? Keep reading-this book has the answers!

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    • Fearless Daughters Of The Bible (Reprinted)


      Christian women are often led to believe they are God’s afterthoughts–as if they were created inferior to men or destined by God to play a secondary role in life. Not so, says bestselling author J. Lee Grady, father of four daughters and a leading international voice confronting the abuse of women. He counters that the Bible’s message is neither sexist nor patronizing.

      Through sharing the lives of mold-breaking biblical women, Grady shows how God enables his daughters to do amazing, even impossible things. He also reveals the empowering, yet often-overlooked, gifts God longs to give each of his daughters–gifts like wisdom, fruitfulness, leadership, family, and boldness. When women learn to receive each of these, and more, as a divine inheritance, they will live the fearless and beautiful lives of purpose God desires for them.

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    • Leading The Way Through Daniel


      Daniel lived as an exile in a hostile country, yet when he committed himself in faith to serve his limitless God, he achieved the impossible. How did Daniel maintain his bold witness for God in spite of bullying and intimidation? How did he prepare himself for the tests and temptations of life?

      Like Daniel, believers today live in a culture that is hostile to biblical values. It takes great courage and faith to live as followers of Christ in a post-Christian world characterized by moral depravity, injustice, idolatry, and more. In Leading the Way through Daniel, Michael Youssef passionately shows readers that the resources Daniel relied on are equally available to them. Sound teaching, vibrant illustrations, a brisk conversational style, and a discussion guide will enable readers to take the truths of the book of Daniel and apply them to the pressures, trials, and temptations they face in today’s culture.

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    • Portable Patriot : Documents Speeches And Sermons That Compose The American


      What does it mean to think, believe, and act like an American?

      The soul of America is far more than a concept-it is a people. Even the most sacred principles mean very little unless lived out passionately by an informed citizenry. In The Portable Patriot you’ll find a carefully assembled sampling of American history’s most formative words, written by the people who made that extraordinary history. Speeches and sermons, essays and extracts, poems and proclamations illumine such values as independence, virtue, humility, bravery, thrift, prayer, enterprise, liberty, and reliance on God. While peering back to the cradle of America’s national identity, The Portable Patriot also points a way forward, compelling us to heed poet John Dickinson’s plea to “rouse your bold hearts at fair Liberty’s call.”

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    • Wild Grace : What Happens When Grace Happens


      Bestselling author Max Lucado explains that if teens let God’s grace change them, shape them, and strengthen them, their lives will never be the same.

      Today’s teens are being shaped by the pressures and disappointments of the world. But Max Lucado encourages them to take a close look at what can shape their hearts and their futures from the inside out-God’s grace.

      As Max explains, “God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A whitewater, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you.” Wild Grace gives teens an understanding of how grace can change their lives in powerful ways, even when those lives are messed up, off track, or in trouble. Each chapter describes another miracle that happens when we allow God’s grace to work on us and through us: “Grace is God’s decision to change everything. Good-bye, earthly labels. Stupid. Unpopular. Ugly. Failure. No longer. You aren’t who they say you are. You are who He says you are. Spiritually alive. Connected to God. Amazing.” Teens will be convinced that God knew what He was doing when He made them and His grace is always there, ready to work wonders that are bigger than anything this world has to offer.

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    • 4 Seasons Of Marriage


      Spring, summer, winter, fall. Marriages are perpetually in a state of transition, continually moving from one season to another-perhaps not annually, as in nature, but just as certainly and consistently. Sometimes we find ourselves in winter-discouraged, detached, and dissatisfied; other times, we experience springtime with its openness, hope, and anticipation. On other occasions, we bask in the warmth of summer-comfortable, relaxed, enjoying life. And then comes fall with its uncertainty, negligence, and apprehension. The cycle repeats itself many times throughout the life of a marriage, just as the seasons repeat themselves in nature.

      The seasons of marriage come and go. Each one holds the potential for emotional health and happiness, and each one has its challenges. The purpose of this book is to describe these recurring seasons of marriage, help you and your spouse identify which season your marriage is in, and show you how to enhance your marriage in all four seasons.

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    • Graceful For Young Women (Reprinted)


      You know her–the good girl. She’s the reliable one who shows up every week at youth group wearing a purity ring and a smile. She gets good grades, makes the team, and doesn’t need to be told to come home on time. But deep down she is crushed by the weight of the responsibility to be the good one, the smart one, the one who never messes up.

      With the same candor and gentle spirit she showed women in Grace for the Good Girl, Emily Freeman now gives young women what they need to be free on the inside, no matter what’s going on outside. Through an honest look at the roles girls play, she helps them learn to stop trying and start trusting that the Jesus who came to save them also comes to live with them, right here and now.

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    • God Is On The Cross


      When people suggest in their letters . . . that I’m ‘suffering’ here, I reject the thought. It seems to me a profanation. These things mustn’t be dramatized. I doubt very much whether I’m ‘suffering’ any more than you, or most people, are suffering today. Of course, a great deal here is horrible, but where isn’t it? . . . No, suffering must be something quite different, and have a quite different dimension, from what I’ve so far experienced.”
      -from Letter to Eberhard Bethge from Tegel prison, 9 March

      These forty-seven stirring devotions will guide and inspire readers as they move thematically through the weeks of Lent and Easter, encountering themes of prayerful reflection, self-denial, temptation, suffering, and the meaning of the cross. Passages from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letters and sermons provide special encouragement as readers prepare themselves spiritually for Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Supplemented by an informative introduction to Bonhoeffer’s life and a Scripture passage for each day of the season, these daily devotions are moving reminders of the true gift of Christ on the cross.

      Also available: God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas.

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    • This Momentary Marriage


      The chasm between the biblical vision of marriage and the common human conception is-and has always been-gargantuan. Reflecting on over forty years of matrimony, John Piper exalts the biblical meaning of marriage over its emotion, exhorting couples to keep their covenant as a display of Christ’s covenant-keeping love for the church. He aims to lift the church’s low view of marriage to something infinitely greater, namely, a vision of Jesus’s unswerving allegiance to and affection for his bride. This Momentary Marriage unpacks the biblical vision, its unexpected contours, and its weighty implications for married, single, divorced, and remarried alike. Now available in paperback with a freshly redesigned cover, Piper’s book on marriage holds even greater appeal.

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    • Breakdown On Bethlehem Street


      Imagine that it’s Christmas Eve and you’re on your way to the store before the annual candlelight service. Suddenly you find yourself transported back in time to the night of the birth of the Messiah! The places you’re used to seeing are all gone; the usual trappings of modern society don’t work. And, to top it off, you’re placed in a situation where you have to help a young couple deal with having a baby — with no hospital! Yikes!

      This imaginative chancel drama for Advent / Christmas will make the members of your congregation think about the night of Jesus’ birth in a new way. A variety of ages can be used in the production from young children to older adults. The dialogue can be easily modified with local references. Suggested readings and music are included for use between scenes for additional congregational involvement.

      Copy privileges are included.

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    • 12 Unlikely Heroes Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Building on the success of his best-selling books Twelve Ordinary Men and Twelve Extraordinary Women, Dr. John MacArthur turns his attention to twelve of the most unlikely heroes in the Bible. Summarizing their lives and the depth of their individual faith, he demonstrates the way in which God also requires men and women to fortify his kingdom. Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, Dr. MacArthur highlights a wide range of heroines, including Joseph, Miriam, Samson, Jonathan, Esther, Mark, Onesimus, and more! Features include: Insightful questions for in-depth study Places to journal Guided prayers

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    • You Cant Make Me But I Can Be Persuaded


      For more than 10 years, this popular resource has been equipping exasperated parents with proven techniques to motivate, discipline, and communicate effectively with even the most frustrating strong-willed child.

      It’s easy to recognize a strong-willed child. Difficult to discipline, at times impossible to motivate, strong-willed children present unique, frustrating, and often exhausting challenges to those who care for them. But now, the miracle parents long for can happen. Offering new hope, achievable goals, and a breath of fresh air to families and teachers, Cynthia Tobias explains how the mind of a strong-willed child works – and how to use that information to the child’s best advantage.

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    • Daddy Dates : Four Daughters One Clueless Dad And His Quest To Win Their He


      One day motivational leader Greg Wright realized that the four set of pretty young eyes under his own roof were looking to Dad to be strong, fearless, and wise.

      The reality was, the lone male in an all-girl household (“heck, even the dog was female”) was only thirty years old and felt like he had been shoved into the deep end of the estrogen pool without swimming lessons.

      That’s when the love-struck father of four gorgeous pre-teens started searching for a plan for how to be a successful Dad, and did what any sensible guy would do. He bailed. Not only on his family, but into the woods, to seek a “solution.”

      Daddy Dates is an entertaining and practical look at how one American father found his sea legs and is navigating through the tricky waters of parenting girls. In this game-changing book, Greg shares his easy-to-follow secrets for how married and single dads can go beyond high-fiving to bridge the gender gap and become the clued-in man who knows his daughter best.

      Dads have more influence on their girls than anyone. Learn what makes your daughter tick, how to talk to her effectively and connect more profoundly, at any age.

      If being their hero is your mission, it’s not impossible. Daddy Dates is your road map to get there.

      “Hi honey. It’s Daddy. I’m calling to see if you’d like to go on a date with me tonight.”

      “Um, yes, Daddy I think I would.”

      It’s a phone call Greg Wright has made over and over again. By age thirty, Greg was the overwhelmed father of four beautiful little girls, with one thought running through his mind over and over again: Don’t Screw Up.

      Daddy Dates is about a guy taking his best shot at being a successful dad by trying to know his girls-really know their fears, dreams, and opinions-and how he stumbled across an incredible strategy to do that with daughters of any age or stage. This funny, insightful, and relatable book poses the wildly original concept that should be a “duh” for most dads-but isn’t. In order to raise a confident woman-to-be, show your daughter what it feels like to be treated with love, respect, and true interest by a man who loves her.

      Daddy Dates is not another “how to” book from a parenting expert. It’s a personal, eye-opening, often humorous look at an Average Joe’s intentional pursuit of his daughter’s hearts and minds, and the love-inspired steps he is taking to solidify Dad’s place in each of their lives, forever.

      Whether married or single, Daddy Dates can help you

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    • Letters To Karen


      Every bride wants her father’s blessing and to have the wisdom that comes from more than forty years of happy marriage. In this classic book, a father writes letters of love, encouragement, and advice to his newly engaged daughter. In his letters are the hopes and dreams that all parents share for their children as they begin a new chapter of their lives. Beloved for its thoughtfulness and insight, the advice found in Letters to Karen is a sound and relevant today as when it was originally written in 1965.

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    • Almost Home : Helping Kids Move From Homelessness To Hope


      Inside the lives of homeless teens-moving stories of pain and hope from Covenant House

      Almost Home tells the stories of six remarkable young people from across the United States and Canada as they confront life alone on the streets. Each eventually finds his or her way to Covenant House, the largest charity serving homeless and runaway youth in North America. From the son of a crack addict who fights his own descent into drug addiction to a teen mother reaching for a new life, their stories veer between devastating and inspiring as they each struggle to find a place called home.

      *Includes a foreword by Newark Mayor Cory Booker
      *Shares the personal stories of six homeless youths grappling with issues such as drug addiction, family violence, prostitution, rejection based on sexual orientation, teen parenthood, and aging out of foster care into a future with limited skills and no support system
      *Gives voice to the estimated 1.6 million young people in the United States and Canada who run away or are kicked out of their homes each year
      *Includes striking photographs, stories of firsthand experiences mentoring and working with homeless and troubled youth, and practical suggestions on how to get involved
      *Discusses the root causes of homelessness among young people, and policy recommendations to address them
      *Provides action steps readers can take to fight youth homelessness and assist individual homeless young people
      *Written by Kevin Ryan, president of Covenant House, and Pulitzer Prize nominee and former New York Times writer Tina Kelley

      Inviting us to get to know homeless teens as more than an accumulation of statistics and societal issues, this book gives a human face to a huge but largely invisible problem and offers practical insights into how to prevent homelessness and help homeless youth move to a hopeful future. For instance, one kid in the book goes on to become a college football player and counselor to at-risk adolescents and another becomes a state kickboxing champion. All the stories inspire us with victories of the human spirit, large and small. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each book will help support kids who benefit from Covenant House’s shelter and outreach services.

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    • Pequeno Manual Para Novios – (Spanish)


      This is a fantastic guide for couples who already are engaged and want to be well prepared for married life. This book is also designed as a resource for pastors and leaders, to serve as a foundation for counseling and follow up with the couples. The author discusses the most important factors that contribute to the healthy development of a romantic relationship and to adequate preparation for a future with God.

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