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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Care For The Soul


      Nineteen psychologists and theologians look at the boundaries between science and religion, trying to find common ground in an area fraught with controversy. How does modern psychology’s approach differ from the age-old techniques used by clergy? What can each side learn from the other?

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    • Peace


      First appearing during the peace-loving 1970s, this book now receives a welcome reintroduction as part of Chalice Press’s Understanding Biblical Themes series. Brueggemann, professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, looks at the protean concept of “shalom” and its relation to concerns today for peace and justice. The task is daunting, but Brueggemann tackles it with his characteristic penchant for conceptual clarity. He outlines a broad biblical vision for shalom (“one community embracing all creation… including all those resources and factors which make communal harmony joyous and effective”) and identifies some of its comprising factors (freedom, unity, order, justice, etc.). The second half of the book begins to work out what it means for the church and its people to be a community of shalom. One of the best sections is the new introduction, which is Brueggemann’s own insightful critique of the book (and the era in which it was written). Brueggemann seems just as at home with the New Testament as the Old, and like many seminary educators, his style slides between the pedagogical and the sermonic. Once in a while there’s a clunky cluster of theological terms, but just as often a memorable and poetic turn of phrase. This is another fine example of what Brueggemann does best: squeezing the Bible to produce hard-working theology for the church.

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    • Cross Purposes


      Cross Purposes offers a rich historical and theological overview of the evolution of various atonement theories, using literature, art, and philosophy to provide a creative and provocative reading of Christian atonement. But Bartlett argues that a minority tradition of the compassion of Christ provides a possible way out of Christian violence. His study gives this tradition a dynamic new reading, showing how it undoes both divine and human violence and offers a powerfully transformative version of the atonement for the contemporary world.

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    • Control Of Biblical Meaning


      The Control of Biblical Meaning pursues a series of questions associated with canons of the Bible.How does the canon influence the meaning of the texts of which it is composed ? Could texts be “liberated” from the canon,and what would this liberation do to them or to the canon ? What does the biblical canon signify about the texts it contains ? What does canonical status imply about texts that are included in the Bible,as well as texts that are excluded from it ? With dazzling skill,George Aichele interrogates the form and function of canon as a mechanism that both reveals and conceals texts from its readers.

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    • Reformed Worship


      14 Chapters

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      Pastors, seminarians, and worship leaders often find themselves in a quandary when it comes to worship planning. At one end of the spectrum are congregations that worship in ways that may be amusing, interesting, and entertaining but lack a sense of tradition. At the other end are congregations that go through the motions of repeating inherited patterns of worship, even when those patterns have lost their meaning or are boring or trivial. Finding ways to weave together the tradition inherited from the past and the culture of a particular community can be a difficult task. But the Reformed tradition has, from its beginning, tried to take both tradition and local culture equally seriously.

      Here, is discussions on the history of Christian worship; baptism; the Lord’s Supper; the Service for the Lord’s Day; music; prayer; the setting for worship; the church year; weddings, funerals, and other special occasions for worship; and worship style, Howard Rice and James Huffstrutler do what no other book does-they explain the Reformed liturgical tradition and give applications to actual settings of worship in congregational life.

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    • Silent Cry : Mysticism And Resistance


      1. We Are All Mystics
      2. Ecstasy
      3. Definitions, Methods, Delimitations
      4. Finding Another Language
      5. The Journey
      6. Nature
      7. Eroticism
      8. Suffering
      9. Community
      10. Joy
      11. As If We Lived In A Liberated World
      12. Ego And Ego-lessness
      13. Possession And Possession-lessness
      14. Violence And Nonviolence
      15. A Mysticism Of Liberation

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      Mysticism, in the sense of a “longing for God,” has been present in all times, cultures, and religions. But Soelle believes it has never been more important than in this age of materialism and fundamentalism. The antiauthoritarian mystical element in each religion leads to a community of free spirits and resistance to the death-dealing aspects of our contemporary culture. Religion in the third millennium, Soelle argues, either will be mystical or it will be dead.

      Therefore, Soelle identifies strongly with the hunger of New Age searchers but laments the “religious fast food” they devour. Today, a kind of “democratized mysticism” of those without much religious background flourishes. This mystical experience is not drawn so much of the tradition as out of contemporary experiences. In that sense, each of us is a mystic, and Soelle’s work seeks to give theological depth, clarity, and direction.

      This, her magnum opus, conjoins Soelle’s deep religious knowledge and wisdom with her passion for social!justice into a work destined to be a classic of religious literature.

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    • Church History : An Essential Guide


      Looking for a church history refresher? Gonz<#225>lez, renowned church historian, gives you a substantive overview in this handy guide. By providing a broad sweep through the main periods in Christianity (from 313 A.D. to today)—then offering suggested readings to peruse in depth—Gonz<#225>lez helps you focus your thoughts on more specific areas of study.

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    • 1 Bible Only


      1. The Background And Origin Of The Version Debate
      2. The Old Testament Text And The Version Debate
      3. The New Testament Text And The Version Debate
      4. The Preservation Of Scripture And The Version Debate
      5. Translation Theory And Twentieth-Century Versions

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      Manufactured On Demand Title

      Is there only one inspired Bible? The debate over the veracity of modern translations of the Bible continues to create confusion in the minds of believers who know that Scripture lies at the heart of the Christian faith. Yet many don’t understand why some believers insist that the King James Version is the only accurate translation of the Bible. “King James Only” proponents claim it is the only choice for those who want the “inspired” Scripture as their guide for faith and practice.

      Pastors and church members alike need solid, sensitive answers to the ongoing questions they confront in ministry regarding the KJV. This honest examination of the “King James Only” position offers a balancred and scholarly presentation of the issues based on biblical and historical evidence. The authors, each associated with Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota, address the issues of origin, textual variant, and fallibility by drawing on the best current scholarship.

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    • Regnum Caelorum A Print On Demand Title (Reprinted)


      Regnum Caelorum is a groundbreaking book that explores the largely overlooked connection in early Christian thought between understandings of the millennium and beliefs about the intermediate state of the soul after death. Charles Hill traces Christian views of the soul’s fate in Jewish texts, the New Testament, and early Christian writersthrough the mid-third century A.D. His findings lead to a provocative new assessment of the development of Christian eschatology that corrects many misconceptions of earlier scholarly research. This second edition updates and substantially expands Hill’s highly respected work originally published be Oxford.

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    • GodViews : The Convictions That Drive Us And Divide Us


      GodViews is a provocative and insightful look at the divisions within the church. The author is a notable conservative Presbyterian whose thinking and writing style has many fans on the liberal end as well. Here, Jack Haberer discusses five different concerns of Christians: preservation of truth, promotion of intimacy with God, unity in the church, caring for victims, and welcoming the marginalized.

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    • Life Transforming Truth


      The body looks healthy on the outside, but inside a sickness has set in. With the line between truth and error blurred, theological distinctives considered inconsequential, and the pulpit becoming the focal point of a commitment to entertainment rather than the faithful ministry of the Word of God, postmodern evangelicalism is suffering from theological anemia. In spite of this weakening state, a strengthening cure is available.In Life transforming truth: an introduction to the doctrines of grace, William E. Payne has provided the mega-vitamins so needed today. With a thoroughly biblical approach coupled with clarity of thought and expression, Life-transforming truth is the perfect primer for a weak and ailing Christian church. Explaining and amplifying “the doctrines of grace with the grace of the doctrines,” Pastor Payne provides answers to the profound questions of those struggling with the wonderful truth of God’s sovereign grace while strengthening and bringing a deeper understanding to those already embracing these God-honouring doctrines. Understanding depravity – Rejoicing in election – Affirming particular redemption – Effectual calling – Explaining perseverance – Exploring regeneration – Declaring justification – Experiencing sanctification – The privilege of adoption – The hope of glorification. Be prepared to be challenged and changed as you read these pages and discover God’s gracious dealings with humankind. These truths will transform your life – from the inside out – as you consider God’s wonderful kindness to a sinful world.

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    • What It Means To Be Human


      1. On Being Human
      2. Human Being In The Image Of God
      3. Conflict, Sin, And Grace
      4. God Reaches Out To Us
      5. Goodness Outside The Garden
      6. Living In The Imago Dei

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      In this short, clear volume, Bartel tackles the question, “What does it mean to be human?” Human beings are created by God and defined by relationships — both with God and with each other. As Christians, we believe that people are created by God. But what does it mean to be created by God? What is it that God has created?

      Bartel encourages readers to think about what they are asking and what they hope to get from exploring the issues surrounding this age-old question. Even if we believe that we understand these concepts, how do they affect our day-to-day life as Christians? Commissioned by the Office of Theology and Worship of the Presbyterian Church (USA), this book provides a brief but complete approach to the Christian doctrine of humanity.

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    • Searching For Truth


      1. Confessing Christ As An Act Of Love
      2. Loving Our Enemies: Faith’s Difficult Questions
      3. The Arrogance Of Modesty And The End Of Autonomy
      4. Trinitarian Life
      5. Telling The Truth As An Act Of Faith
      6. Other Voices, Other Claims: The Gospel And Other Religions
      7. Feeling Uncomforatable At Home: The Gospel’s Encounter With North American Paganism
      8. The Language Of Love: Confessing Christ Before An Indifferent Or Hostile Culture
      9. The Hope That Is Within Us

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      How can we speak the truth as truth, yet speak it in love? How can we confess Jesus Christ without that confession being merely a rock we throw at a culture we are only too ready to dismiss or, worse, without reducing its gospel truth to something we find manageable and, finally, harmless? How can we avoid the temptations either to think that we alone possess the truth or to trim the truth to make it less offensive to the world? These are the questions that this cleary written book will attempt to answer, quesitons about the challenge of claiming and trusting the truthfulness of gospel in a time when all such truth claims are suspect.

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    • Introducing The Reformed Faith


      McKim examines Reformed beliefs on sixteen theological topics (e.g., scripture, the Trinity, sin, salvation, the person of Jesus; Baptism) and discusses distinctive emphases of the Reformed faith. He shows how Reformed beliefs relate to the broader ecumenical family of Christian teachings.

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    • Belief Matters : United Methodisms Doctrinal Standards


      144 Pages

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      Belief matters! This book is written for two purposes. The first is to reminds us that what we believe does matter. The second is to explain the doctrinal standards of The United Methodist Church–matters of our belief. Intended for use by both laypersons and clergy, this book describes and exposits the four official Doctrinal Standards of The United Methodist Church. The standards will be explored in the following order: Explanatory Notes, Sermons, Articles of Religion, Confession of Faith. The book also includes a study guide, a glossary, and suggestions for further reading.

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    • Christianity And The Roman Empire


      The rise of Christianity during the first four centuries in the common era was a pivotal development in Western history, one that profoundly influenced the later direction of world history. Yet, for all that has been written about the early Christians, the source documents that teach us who they were have been widely scattered, difficult to find, and generally unknown beyond those specifically trained in the field. In Christianity and the Roman Empire, Ralph Novak interweaves these primary sources with a narrative text, and constructs a single continuous narrative account of how Rome and the early Christians inteeracted in these fascinating and critical centuries.

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    • New Testament Themes


      For anyone who wants to be introduced to the worldview and thought of the early church, this book discusses the development of the four predominant themes of the New Testament-grace, discipleship, community, and apocalypticism-and its message.

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    • Powers Weakness And The Tabernacling Of God


      As we embark on a new millenium, uncharted challenges await the church. This volume by one of today’s most valued voices on modern church life offers a wealth of insight into the role of local churches in the twenty-first century. Rooted in solid biblical research and extensive experience, Marva Dawn’s newest book will help churches and their leaders avoid falling into the temptations of contemporary secular culture, including the popular “success” models of church management. Dawn offers ground-breaking scholarship – from the first significant critique of Walter Wink’s work on “the powers” to a relevant new translation of 2 Corinthians 12:9 – and challenges readers to rethink the goals and mission of the congregation, to develop practices that follow God’s “hidden” way of weakness, and to expand their sense of what it means to be a faithful church. Complete with discussion questions, this book provides the trustworthy theological and biblical foundations necessary for building strong churches – and keeping them strong – in today’s world.

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    • Creation According To The Scriptures


      Subtitled A Presuppositional Defense of Literal Six-Day Creation, this symposium by thirteen authors is a direct frontal assault on all latitudinarian and otherwise waffling views of Biblical Creation. It expldes the “Framework Hypothesis,” so dear to the hearts of many respectability-hungry Calvinists, and it throws down the gauntlet to all who believe they can maintain a consistent view of Biblical infallibility while abandoning literal, six-day creation. It is a must reading for all who are observing closely the gradual defection of many allegedly conservative churches and denominations, or who simply want a greater grasp of an orthodox, God-honoring view of the Bible.

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    • 5 Festal Garments


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface
      1. The Song Of Songs: Garment Of Love
      2. Ruth: Garment Of Kindness
      3. Lamentations: Garment Of Suffering
      4. Ecclesiastes: Garment Of Vexation
      5. Esther: Garment Of Deliverance
      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

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      These five Old Testament books, traditionally known simply as “the Scrolls,” are among the most neglected parts of the Christian Bible. In Judaism, the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther were eventually adopted as lectionary readings for five of the major festivals. In Christian tradition, however, no consensus has emerged about their proper use. Each book presents particular difficulties with regard to how it relates to the rest of Scripture and how it should be understood as the Word of God for us today.

      In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Barry Webb offers a Christian interpretation of these problematic writings. He allows each book to set its own agenda, and then examines each in relation to the wider Old Testament and to the New Testament gospel with its basic structure of promise and fulfillment. In this way, Webb presents fresh and illuminating perspectives on these five “festal garments” of love, kindness, suffering, vexation and deliverance.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Christ Our Righteousness


      Series Preface

      1. The Conversion Of Paul As The Justification Of The Ungodly
      2. The Righteousness Of God: The Message Of Romans
      3. Beyond Romans: Justification By Faith In The Letters Of Paul
      4. The Righteousness Of God And The Law Of God
      5. The Justification Of The Ungodly And The Obedience Of Faith
      6. The Justification Of Ungodly Israel And The Nations
      7. Justification In Paul, The New Testament Witness And Beyond

      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Subjects
      Index Of Bible References
      Index Of Ancient Writings

      Additional Info
      New Studies in Biblical Theology. Paul’s theology of justification. In this new study, Mark Seifrid offers a comprehensive analysis of Paul’s understanding of justification, in the light of important themes including the righteousness of God, the Old Testament Law, Faith, and the destiny of Israel. A detailed examination of justification in the letter to the Romans is followed by the survey of the entire Pauline corpus.

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    • Teologia Practica Pastoral – (Spanish)


      Would you like to know how to prepare your vision and present it to writing to the church? How to give specific job functions to each of your collaborators? How many types of leaders there are? How to write thankful notes to thankful offerings? Which are the critical phases in the pastoral ministry? What place the pastor’s wife occupies? How many different ecclesiastic governments exist? How to celebrate different ceremonies, from funerals to dedicating babies? These and other topics are discussed in this practical guide for pastors.

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    • Beyond The Ordinary A Print On Demand Title


      Over the past few decades mainline Protestant congregations have not easily embraced the notion of spirituality. As much as any aspect of church life, spirituality has been misunderstood, misused, and resisted by both clergy and laity. Yet times are changing. Today many people feel a deep spiritual hunger and are out looking for fulfillment in a wide variety of settings. In this new context, mainline congregations need to awaken to the presence of the Spirit in their midst and equip leaders to nurture both the personal and corporate spirituality of their congregations.

      Beyond the Ordinary is explicitly written to help church leaders who have had no formal training in spiritual formation. Drawing from years of experience teaching Christian spirituality, Ben Campbell Johnson and Andrew Dreitcer explore the spiritual dimensions of leadership, looking in depth at the meaning of spirituality as it relates to the tasks of ministry. This friendly, inspiring book will enable readers to erase the negative stereotypes of spirituality and develop vital models and practices for the church today.

      The book introduces a faithful understanding and practice of the spiritual life to those who have not yet dipped into the well that is Christian spirituality. For those who have already tasted this water and still thirst, it offers a way to dip even more deeply. Chapters discuss the issues surrounding a meaningful spirituality for our changing times, the importance of holding prayer and mission in tension, and the crucial role of Scripture in the formation of our lives. The authors also underscore the importance of vision, myth, and discernment in the spiritual life of the church. And they discuss the power of spiritual practices like discernment and visioning for enhancing the spirituality of congregations and for helping them become agents of social transformation.

      Intended for personal and group use by pastors, elders, other church leaders, and those preparing for service in the church, the book includes suggestions for reflection and discussion as well as journaling exercises that encourage learning and growth.

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    • Roman Catholics And Evangelicals (Reprinted)


      1. Revelation
      2. God
      3. Human Beings
      4. Christ
      5. Salvation
      6. The Church
      7. Ethics
      8. Last Things
      9. Apocrypha
      10. Scripture
      11. Infallibility
      12. Justification
      13. Sacramentalism
      14. Ecciesiology
      15. Mariology
      16. Purgatory
      17. Social Action
      18. Educational Goals
      19. Spiritual Heritage
      20. Evangelism

      544 Pages

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      Protestants and Roman Catholics find they are not as separated thelogically as they may have thought in this comparative study of beliefs.

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    • Living The Presence Of The Spirit


      This popular theology on the Holy Spirit is at once profound and remarkably accessible. Jack Haberer tracks the doctrine of the Spirit through the Bible, contemporary experiences, and church life and examines the way it applies to social issues in the world today. Haberer’s clear presentation brings stories from the Bible to life and makes this book a standout among those on the Spirit and spirituality.

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    • Concise Theology : A Guide To Historic Christian Beliefs


      Finally, there’s a book that explains the essentials of theology in a style and length that busy readers can appreciate J. I. Packer, noted theologian and author of Knowing God, offers 94 concise studies. Each focus on a unique facet of our great God and his wonderful plan for us.

      Where does the Bible say that?
      Each study is just a couple of pages long. That means you can find the answers you need quickly. But don’t be fooled, there are plenty of Scripture references on every page. You can go as deep as you want at the pace you want.

      Short studies on the essentials.
      In these chapters, you’ll find what Packer calls the “permanent essentials of Christianity.” The essentials are expressed so that you can both understand and appreciate the greatness of God.

      So jump right in. Discover for yourself why Christian theology is not just a system of beliefs, but a way of life.

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    • Quest For Truth Answering Lifes Inescapable Questions


      This invaluable tool seriously discusses profound truths that apply to every facet of life. Biblical truth should be made applicable to the total personality. The “inescapable questions of life” are answered from the standard of God’s authoritative Word.

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    • Christology And The New Testament


      Christology and the New Testament offers an up-to-date, comprehensive and critical survey of the whole question of the Christology of the New Testament writers. It covers recent discoveries in the area of Judaism and critiques older approaches to the subject. It looks at not only the Christological emphases of the individual writers, but offers suggestions about Jesus’ own self-understanding. It concludes with hermeneutical questions concerning the place of New Testament Christology within the contemporary theological debate.

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    • Neither Poverty Nor Riches


      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      Introductory Considerations
      A Sampling Of Statistics
      Christian Response

      1. The Old Testament And Material Possessions: The Historical Books
      2. The Old Testament And Wisdom And Prophetic Literature
      3. Additional Historical Background: Between The Testaments
      4. The Teaching Of Jesus In The Synoptic Gospels
      5. Earliest Christianity
      6. The Life And Teaching Of Paul
      7. The Rest Of The New Testament
      8. Summary, Conclusions And Applications

      Index Of Authors

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      In NEITHER POVERTY NOR RICHES, Craig Blomberg asks what the Bible has to say to these issues. He avoids easy answers, and instead seeks a comprehensive biblical theology of possessions. Beginning with the groundwork laid by the Old Testament and the ideas developed in the intertestamental period, he draws out what the whole New Testament has to say on the subject and finally offers conclusions and applications reverant to the modern world.

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    • Handbook Of Contemporary Theology


      An introduction to contemporary theology tracing trends and discerning direction in today’s theological landscape.

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    • Unapologetic Apologetics : Meeting The Challenges Of Theological Studies


      InterVarsity Press Publication

      Throughout these presentations the authors, all one-time students at Princeton Theological Seminary, expose the permeating influence of naturalism in theological studies as well as other philosophical tenents that are neither critqued nor defended but merely assumed in much mainline theology. As a result, they expertly administer their prescription for false ideas – not quarantine but inoculation.

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    • Invitation To Theology


      Challenge believers to examine what and why they believe, and how to live out their faith in the world. Jinkins offers a clear explanation of the tenets of our faith by walking Christians through the Apostles’ Creed. An engaging introduction for astute laypersons and students. Includes discussion questions and “homework” assignments.

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    • Sermon On The Mount (Revised)


      This revised edition of Vaught’s theological investigation of the Sermon on the Mount begins with the assumption that the text cannot be understood apart from a transformation of the human spirit. The stages of this transformation are outlined in the Beautitudes; and against this background, the book comes to focus on the perfection that Jesus demands from his followers.

      Vaught’s study is a theological attempt to explore some of the ways in which perfection can be achieved. The text moves from matthew’s Beatitudes, through simple illustrations of salt and light, to indications about the way in which Jesus fulfills and transcends the religious tradition from which he comes. In The Sermon on the Mount, we also find suggestions about how to deal with the practical problems of murder and anger, adultery and divorce, the problem of retaliation, and the problem of responding to our enemies.

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    • Christian Beliefs : 12 Studies For Indiviuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Christian beliefs are vital to Christian living. They are the foundation of your relationship to God – and even with others. So… what do Christians believe? In this study guide, Stephen Eyre introduces one by one twelve key tenets of the Christian faith. Here is what you need to know (and tell others) about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, salvation, holiness, the church, mission, revelation, and last things. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, “Christian Beliefs” features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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    • Trustworthiness Of God


      While few Christian thinkers would question the trustworthiness of God, this topic is key for understanding the divine nature and God’s revelation to the world. The Trustworthiness of God offers a comprehensive look at the theme of God’s faithfulness, exploring the relationship between the doctrines of God and of Scripture from every possible perspective.

      Written by a team of international scholars, the book begins by surveying what key biblical texts say about God’s faithfulness. Other chapters look to Jesus as a model of God’s trustworthiness, examine Paul’s writing on the subject, consider the thoughts of the church fathers, and place all of this evidence within the framework of systematic theology. Broad in scope and irenic in design, The Trustworthiness of God will benefit teachers, students, and
      general readers alike.

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    • Shape Of Practical Theology


      Pastors, your belief system affects more than your congregational statement of faith—it shapes every aspect of your day-to-day ministry. In this lively, groundbreaking text, Professor Anderson uses case studies to inspire church leaders to integrate faith and practice, empowering their ministry through exploration of the shape, praxis, and pastoral aspects of practical theology.

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    • New Dictionary Of Biblical Theology


      Make this landmark resource the cornerstone of your biblical reference library! Comprehensive and accessible, this A-to-Z encyclopedia offers 215 entries from top evangelical scholars that explore key issues such as “atonement,” “creation,” and “redemption.” In-depth articles examine the theology underpinning each Bible book, the unity and diversity of Scripture, and more. Includes bibliographies and cross-references.

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    • Finding The Church


      Amongst the churches, Anglicanism is distinctive by virtue of its attempt to participate in the life and purposes of God and to make them known through history and in the practicalities of particular situations. Yet the distinctiveness of this position, and what its implications are for the Church’s ongoing life, are not well appreciated. As a result, the churches of the Anglican Communion often find themselves caught in painful struggles about major issues concerning their own basis and practice, to such a degree that there are constant threats of division. The essays in this book begin from the struggles which have emerged in recent years, since the 1998 Lambeth conference, and show the deeper issues at stake. They respond with proposals for the future, focusing especially on the wisdom which manifests itself in the Church, and how this needs to be furthered in the worship, order and practice of the Church in the breadth of its mission in each place. They conclude with some considerations of the wider role of the Church.

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    • Let The Reader Understand


      This book is not about the Gospel of Mark. Rather, it is a book about the experience of reading the Gospel of Mark. By redirecting critical focus away from the text per se and toward the reading of the text, we gain new sensitivites that should enable us to read in new ways and achieve new insights.

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    • Naked Before God


      Written from the perspective of Nathaniel, an imaginary disciple of Jesus, Williams wanders through the Gospel narratives, constructing a theology of suffering from his own unique perspective. Arguing with Jesus and the other disciples, Nathaniel seeks healing for his soul even as his body falls apart. In painfully honest and often humorous language, he demands to understand grace, suffering, and forgiveness while seeking to know the reality of God’s love for him. This is a new theology that comes from experience and striving, rather than from a textbook. Fearless in his search for answers and clarity, Williams never backs down, all the while maintaing an extraordinary sense of humor.

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    • In Ordinary Time


      “Prayer is a hard topic for most of us modern folk, and we have little place to talk about it. My own first conversation partners were the great ancient teachers, the Abbas and Ammas of the Egyptian desert…These men and women have been urging me for nearly thirty years to pray and to seek healing for the wounds of my heart I carry from childhood, from my own temperament, from my culture, even the culture of my church. They have also urged me all along to write about what I have learned from them and from my own experience, for, as they tell us, nothing, neither the most wonderful nor the most humiliating thing we are given as Christians, is ever given for ourselves alone…The chapters that follow are in the form of letters to a friend. My intention, of course, is that you, the reader, understand yourself to be the friend to whom I am writing…” –excerpted from the author’s Preface

      “What a wonderful example of spiritual guidance through letters! Out of her own rich experience and struggle and scholarship Roberta Bondi speaks about prayer as one who knows. Those who have a lot of questions about experience of God in everyday life will not want to miss reading In Ordinary Time.” –E. Glenn Hinson, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Richmond, Virginia

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    • Our Lives As Torah


      SKU (ISBN): 9780787944735ISBN10: 0787944734Carol OchsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2001Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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    • Fidelity Of Heart


      What does it take to follow and not merely admire Jesus? How do religious affections reshape the practice of Christian values like love, peace, justice, and compassion? How can they possess both universal truth and local meaning? What role can they play in public life? In Fidelity of Heart Gilman answers these questions, while showing, in an innovative and provocative approach, how Christians can practice these values in ways continuous with the life of Jesus.

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    • Reading The Hebrew Bible For A New Millennium 2


      A collection of essays that applies the methodology of Rolf P. Knierim to Hebrew Bible texts, including Joshua 1-12, and Leviticus 15.

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    • Christ Our Mediator


      A Sovereign Grace Publishers Title

      This famous discourse regarding the Mediatorship of Christ forms the greatest part of Volume V of Goodwin’s Works.

      Of all the sublime subjects tackled by and opened by Goodwin, this one is among the best known, and most often read. However learned one may be, however near he or she may have drawn to God, these pages will certainly deliver fountains of living water into their souls. it is a legacy left to us by our Savior God, the opening up of heavenly views of the Mediator from the beginning to the end.

      In the eternal counsels it was determined and decreed that man should be made, that he should fall, and that certain elect ones should be rescued by a Mediator. For ”all things are of God, the [One] having reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, . . .” (2 Cor. 5:18).

      The highest attainment is to see the Gospel in its original, those eternal transactions between God the Father and God the Son for the salvation of man. God the Father contrived the best means to accomplish salvation, which required a full and complete satisfaction for His Justice. The difficulty of devising a way to accomplish this. Christ’s acceptance of the Father’s terms. God agreed to bestow all the blessings Christ would purchase. Why all these are of pure grace. Christ alone was fitted to be the Mediator. First, our Mediator must be God, and God the Son was best fitted to be the Mediator. Yet our Mediator must also be man. Therefore, the Mediator must be both God and man.

      How were the Divine and human natures of Christ united. Why Christ must be born of a woman, yet without sin? Christ as Redeemer has repaired all which was lost by the sin of His elect. Why Christ must be emptied of His glory and made of no reputation.

      The greatness and super-eminent worth of Christ’s satisfaction. He answered all the demands of the Law. Not only was He willing, but He performed all the parts of the Agreement. What is the meaning of Christ giving Himself for us? Why must Christ be made sin and a curse for us? The sufferings of Christ before His crucifixion. The extremity of the pain Christ endured in His body. Yet the greatest sufferings were of Christ’s soul. The fullness of our justification through faith in Christ.

      How the perfect holiness of Christ’s can be imputed to us.

      Christ is our great Shepherd, our great High Priest. The privilege of believers to enter Heaven by faith through His high-priesthood.

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    • Experiences In Theology


      Theology always has been (and is for Moltmann) not an abstract or otherworldly endeavor but one nourished by, and responsive to, experiences in and with life itself. In this volume, the final in his series of systematic “contributions” to theology, Moltmann looks ahead from the landmarks of his own theological journey. He searches out those intersections of his own life with contemporary events that have kindled and impelled his theological thinking (part 1). The perspective of hope, the central moment in Moltmann’s thought, is freshly explained, while other basic theological themes and concepts are developed and interrelated (part 2).

      But more than that, Moltmann uses these theological tinders to spark the flames of the chief directions in liberating theological thought today_black, Latin American, Minjung, and feminist theologies _(part 3) and the central motif of Trinity (part 4).

      This volume not only introduces Moltmann’s theology, it also utilizes the contemporary religious and political scene to incite ones own theological reflection.

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    • Better Hope : Resources For A Church Confronting Capitalism Democracy And (Repri


      A leading American theologian reflects on the challenges of the American church and explores how the church can faithfully survive in a peculiarly American Christian ethical system.

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    • Witness


      Witness, the third and final volume of McClendon’s Systematic Theology, considers the wider context in which the life of the Christian community takes place. It asserts that the church’s identity is established not only by how it lives and what it teaches but also by how it enters into conversation and connects with systems of thought and social structures outside itself. McClendon continues here his exploration of “the baptist vision,” a tradition of the church’s understanding of itself, its relation to Scripture, and its place in the larger society, which flows from the Radical Reformation of the 16th century.

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    • Saints Of The Anglican Calendar


      The Saints of the Anglican Calendar introduces us to the 232 men and women who are commemorated in the Common Worship Calendar. Nearly five hundred years after the Reformation, the Church of England is coming to a fuller appreciation of the saints, and their contribution to our spiritual heritage. Medieval accounts of saints’ lives were often marred by confitsion and contradictory oral traditions, the writers’ desire to tell an edifying story, and the exploitation of the commercial opportunities of pilgrim shrines. Embellished with improbable miracles and unlikely legends, these accounts made the saints seem remote and unbelievable figures, but recent theological scholarship has cleared away the accretions of centuries, enabling us to see the saints as real people who faced up to the challenge of living out the Christian faith, often in conditions of great difficulty or danger – and who made mistakes like everyone else. aaThis lively and informative volume presents the experience of men and women from the days of the ea

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    • Moral Quest : Foundations Of Christian Ethics


      How do issues of right and wrong affect the believer’s life? Beginning with this fundamental question, Grenz steers you through the basics of Christian ethics. His concise guide examines ethical approaches of the Bible, ethics of classical Christian theologians, and pertinent issues in today’s church. A practical guide to the moral dilemmas we all face.

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