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    Christian Living

    • Our Eyes Are On You


      A study of the context and contents of 35 Biblical prayers to make connections to our lives, informing us about prayer, the things about which we should pray, and the God to whom we pray. The prayers covered include those of Abraham, Moses, Hannah, David, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Jesus, the Apostles, Paul, and many others.

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    • Sober Spirituality : The Joy Of A Mindful Relationship With Alcohol


      When author and Episcopal priest Erin Jean Warde quit drinking, she heard from many others in a similar situation seeking support. In Sober Spirituality, she combines personal storytelling with theological reflection to offer encouragement, wisdom, and practical insight for readers who want to reexamine their relationship with alcohol.

      Warde explores the way our culture promotes alcohol consumption and shows how we can choose to change our perception of alcohol in our spiritual communities. She names not only the challenges of sobriety and spirituality but also the tremendous gifts and blessings that come through quitting drinking or being more mindful about alcohol use.

      Readers will emerge with a deeper understanding of how their faith informs daily habits and choices. Sober Spirituality also calls the church to a better understanding of how it can ally with recovery communities. Ultimately, this book declares we are all worthy of an abundant and joyful life in mind, body, and soul.

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    • Christianity And Critical Race Theory


      Critical race theory has become a lightning rod in contemporary American politics and evangelical Christianity. This irenic book offers a critical but constructive and sympathetic introduction written from a perspective rooted in Scripture and Christian theology. The authors take us beyond caricatures and misinformation to consider how critical race theory can be an analytical tool to help us understand persistent inequality and injustice–and to see how Christians and churches working for racial justice can engage it in faithful and constructive ways.

      The authors explore aspects of critical race theory that resonate with well-trod Christian doctrine but also that challenge or are corrected by Christian theology. They also address the controversial connection that critics see between critical race theory and Marxism. Their aim is to offer objective analysis and critique that go beyond the debates about social identity and the culture wars and aid those who are engaging the issues in Christian life and ministry. The book includes a helpful glossary of key terms.

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    • Carpe Diem Redeemed


      You only live once–if then. Life is short, and it can be as easily wasted as lived to the full. In our harried modern world, how do we make the most of the time we have?

      In these fast and superficial times, Os Guinness calls us to consequential living. As a contrast to both Eastern and secularist views of time, he restructures our very notion of history as linear and purposeful, not as cyclical or meaningless. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, time and history are meaningful, and human beings have agency to live with freedom and consequence in partnership with God. Thus we can seek to serve God’s intentions for our generation and discern our call for this moment.

      Our time on earth has significance. Live rightly, discern the times, and redeem the day.

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    • Non Toxic Masculinity


      Dismissals such as “boys will be boys” and “not all men” are ingrained in our world.

      And the purity culture of our youth sold the same excuses with a spiritual spin. Can we break the toxic cycle and recover a healthy identity for men?

      In Non-Toxic Masculinity, Zachary Wagner tells men, “If you are in Christ, this is your problem–and you should be part of the solution.”

      Reflecting on his own coming of age in the purity culture movement and ongoing recovery from sexual shame, Wagner confronts harmful teaching from the American church that has distorted desire, sex, relationships, and responsibility. For those–both men and women–who feel disillusioned and adrift, this book offers a renewed vision for Christian male sexuality founded in empathy and selflessness.

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    • On Getting Out Of Bed


      We aren’t always honest about how difficult normal human life is.

      For the majority of people, sorrow, despair, anxiety, and mental illness are everyday experiences. While we have made tremendous advancements in therapy and psychiatry, the burden of living still comes down to mundane choices that we each must make–like the daily choice to get out of bed.

      In this deeply personal essay, Alan Noble considers the unique burden of everyday life in the modern world. Sometimes, he writes, the choice to carry on amid great suffering–to simply get out of bed–is itself a powerful witness to the goodness of life, and of God.

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    • Limites Saludables Despedidas – (Spanish)


      Lysa TerKeurst, autora best seller del New York Times, ayuda a los lectores a detener la disfunción de las relaciones no saludables al mostrar formas bíblicas de establecer límites y, cuando sea necesario, decir adiós, sin perder lo mejor de lo que son.Has escuchado todos los consejos. Pero estás empezando a darte cuenta de que, si la otra persona no quiere cambiar lo que está roto en la relación, no puedes cambiarlo tú solo. ¿Y ahora qué?Lysa TerKeurst entiende este baile con la disfunción y quiere ser tu amiga perspicaz y compasiva que te enseñará que establecer un límite no es falta de amor, y que no es poco cristiano decir adiós. Te sentirás aliviado al saber que los límites no son solo una buena idea, son una idea de Dios.Límites saludables, despedidas necesarias te ayudará a:Comprender los cinco factores que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de poner límites saludablesDeterminar la cantidad adecuada de acceso personal y emocional que alguien tiene hacia ti, en función de lo responsable que sea con ese accesoDejar de ser engañado y paralizado emocionalmente por pasajes bíblicos mal interpretados que perpetúan dinámicas poco saludables en las relaciones difícilesSuperar el frustrante ciclo de establecimiento de límites ineficaz con guiones realistas y estrategias prácticas que te ayuden a comunicar, mantener e implementar patrones más saludablesEstar equipado para decir adiós sin culpa cuando una relación ha pasado de ser difícil a destructiva y ya no es sostenibleEste libro revelador lleno de sabiduría bíblica nació de las propias luchas personales de Lysa con los límites, una extensa investigación teológica y las experiencias terapéuticas que transformaron la forma en que definió y persiguió las relaciones saludables. Lysa ahora está más comprometida que nunca con amar bien a las personas sin perder lo mejor de sí misma. Ella quiere ayudarte a hacer lo mismo.Good Boundaries and GoodbyesNew York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps readers stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships by showing them biblical ways to set boundaries–and, when necessary, say goodbye–without losing the best of wh

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    • Her Calling : A Woman’s Guide To Fulfilling Her God-Given Destiny


      What Every Woman in Ministry Needs to Know

      Her Calling is a mentor in a book. Dr. Jamie Morgan uses her decades of experience and insightful leadership to inspire women to fulfill their God-given destinies. All women called to ministry will be blessed by the practical guidance and wisdom shared by Jamie Morgan. Regardless of what God has called you to do in your ministry, this book will become one of your most valuable resources.

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    • God Named Josh


      Again and again, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” It is a question that still demands an answer from each of us today. With deft, insightful, and humorous strokes, award-winning biographer Jared Brock weaves archaeology, biology, psychology, history, and theology to create a portrait of Jesus we’ve never seen before.

      Here is a book about all the things we don’t think about when we think about Christ: The child refugee who needed his diaper changed. The teenager with acne. The “carpenter” who actually probably worked with stone. The adult who walked at least 21,525 miles during his lifetime; ate bread, fish, and figs; but never tasted corn, tomatoes, or potatoes. The itinerant rabbi who was brutally murdered by a Jewish mafia family.

      More than just a fascinating biography, A God Named Josh seeks to illuminate our Lord from new perspectives that draw you closer to him.

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    • Multiplique El Potencial Que D – (Spanish)


      “No retengamos nada y muramos vacios, derramandonos completamente como un regalo para Dios. . . Aqui es cuando realmente volveremos a vivir y experimentaremos la vida al maximo “. – John Bevere

      Alguna vez te has sentido como un espectador en el reino de Dios? Quizas sabes que hay algo que deberias estar haciendo, pero no puedes identificarlo. La mayoria de nosotros queremos tener un gran impacto en nuestras vidas, pero luchamos con preguntas como:

      *Como puedo estar seguro de que no me estoy perdiendo la voluntad de Dios para mi?

      *Que papel juegan mis dones unicos en la construccion del reino de Dios?

      *Como me aseguro de estar a la altura de mi potencial dado por Dios?

      *Mi llamamiento es menos significativo si no estoy en el “ministerio”?

      *Como equilibro el descanso en la gracia de Dios con acciones significativas para su reino?

      *Como rompo el miedo y sigo adelante incluso cuando se siente incierto y arriesgado?

      En este libro profundo, el exitoso autor John Bevere se basa en una exploracion cuidadosa de las Escrituras y utiliza historias poderosas para ayudarlo a pensar de manera diferente acerca de su llamado y por que es tan importante para Dios. A medida que pasa estas paginas, tendra el poder de multiplicar sus dones dados por Dios y aumentar su potencial.
      Si esta listo para cambiar la inaccion por un proposito mayor, su viaje comienza aqui.

      Let’s hold nothing back and die empty, pouring ourselves out completely as a gift back to God… This is when we’ll truly come alive and experience life to its fullest. –John Bevere
      Do you ever feel like a spectator in God’s kingdom? Perhaps you know there’s something you should be doing, but you just can’t pinpoint it. Most of us want to make a big impact with our lives, but struggle with questions like:

      *How can I be sure I’m not missing God’s will for me?
      *What role do my unique gifts play in building God’s kingdom?
      *How do I make sure I live up to my God-given potential?
      *Is my calling less significant if I’m not in ministry?
      *How do I balance resting in God’s grace with meaningful actions for His kingdom?
      *How do I break fear and move forward even when it feels uncertain and risky?

      In this profound book, best-selling author John Bevere relies on a careful exploration of Scripture and uses powerful stories to help you think differently about your calling and why it’s so important to God. As you turn these pages, you’ll be empowered to multiply your God-given gifts and st

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    • Gods Not Done With You


      We all experience setbacks and disappointments in life. Sometimes those setbacks become entire seasons of life. Businesses fail, relationships falter, discouragement and doubts set in and circumstances overwhelm us.

      This book uses nine amazing comeback stories from the Bible to show how God provides everything needed to get through challenging setbacks.

      Rather than showing people overcoming hardship through simple grit, the stories of Moses, David, Abigail, Esther, Joseph, Jonah, Elijah, Hezekiah and Peter tell of extraordinary changes of heart and how God works in all things for the good of those who love him. Readers will be given a new perspective on their struggles and will be encouraged to trust God in them.

      Author John Meador uses his 35 years of Bible-teaching ministry, as well as his own experience of suffering permanent hearing loss, to write with faithfulness, compassion and authenticity. He says:

      “These stories are real-life events that often brought more drama, heartbreak and tragedy, and had more at stake than most any other situations in history. They show us greater and more meaningful outcomes than we can possibly imagine.”

      This is a great book for anyone looking for answers to life’s challenges. It is a useful ministry resource for pastors and church leaders searching for stories of faith to encourage others. Coming back from regrets, adversity, hopelessness, discouragement, anger, moral failure, disillusionment, physical crisis, grief and oppression are some of the themes covered.

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    • Camino De La Fe – (Spanish)


      Ya somos bendecidos con toda bendicion en cielo y en la tierra, dice la Palabra de Dios en el libro de Deuteronomio. Y esa bendicion esta intimamente enlazada con una vida de fe inquebrantable que se afianza a cada paso de nuestra jornada. En La Biblia, ese viaje en el que nos embarcamos los cristianos fue iniciado por Abrahan, conocido como el Padre de la Fe. El camino de la fe es el libro que nos revela los misterios mas ocultos de la fe, el poder de Dios que estamos llamados a conocer y la autoridad y las bendiciones con las que fuimos investidos por El para vivir y a la vez bendecir nuestra generacion y las venideras.

      We are already blessed with every blessing in heaven and on earth, says the Word of God in the book of Deuteronomy. And that blessing is intimately linked with a life of unwavering faith that takes hold at every step of our journey. In the Bible, that journey on which we Christians embark was initiated by Abraham, known as the Father of Faith. The Journey of Faith is the book that reveals to us the most hidden mysteries of faith, the power of God that we are called to know, and the authority and blessings with which we have been invested by Him to live and at the same time bless our generation and those to come.

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    • Receiving Gods Promises (Revised)


      God’s Promises for Every Need

      God is inviting you on a journey through the land of His promises and provision-the riches of your inheritance in Christ. The process by which you enter into your inheritance is similar to the journey made by the Israelites in the promised land. God gave them a specific way to gain possession of that land: step by step, stage by stage, area by area. He pledged, “Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you” (Joshua 1:3 NASB).

      Likewise, as you step into each promise of God-in every area of your life-you will possess that much more of your inheritance as an heir of His kingdom. Every day, we face challenges that can be met through God’s powerful provision. In a very practical way, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince shows you how to address your difficulties and have your needs supplied by applying the specific promises appropriate for each situation. You can receive the blessings of wisdom, guidance, favor at work, good relationships, financial prosperity, healing, peace of mind, and many others.

      God’s provision is in His promises, and His promises are our inheritance-not only in eternity but right now. Start walking through the land of God’s promises and claim your inheritance.

      “[God] has given us everything we need…. He has given us His very great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV).

      Revised and updated edition. Includes topical listing of Bible promises.

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    • Little Way : Reflections On The Joy Of Smallness In God’s Infinite Love


      We want to love God with all our hearts, but we often find ourselves striving in our efforts to please Him, acutely aware of our weaknesses. As our failures pile up, we become frustrated and discouraged.

      Have we missed the essence of the gospel? Is there a simple but true way to serve God that can fill us with joy and peace rather than fear and discouragement?

      St. Therese of Lisieux faced similar struggles. As a young woman who desired to abandon herself to God, she felt daunted at the thought of climbing “the steep stairway of perfection.” Therese searched the Scriptures until she discovered a path to freedom she called her “little way.” This is “the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute surrender.” It is a recognition that while we are small and imperfect, we have a mighty God who reaches out to us with infinite love, grace, and strength to take care of all our needs.

      As Therese followed this new path, she considered herself a “little flower” in Jesus’s garden. She understood that she was beloved by her heavenly Father and delightful in His eyes. And she could bloom right where He planted her as she daily demonstrated His unconditional love to others in small but meaningful acts of kindness and interceded on their behalf.

      This beautiful book highlights St. Therese’s deep insights into faith and devotion, while visually capturing, through simple floral illustrations, the theme of simplicity that permeated her life. As you read excerpts from St. Therese’s autobiography, poetry, and letters, with accompanying Scripture verses, you will learn to rest in the loving arms of your heavenly Father, allowing your own faith to grow and flourish.

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    • What Will You Do When Youre Dead


      From the moment of birth we are destined to die. Sooner or later it will happen!

      When young and fit we don’t think about it, though we may attend the funeral of a grandparent. Then, in middle age, we lose our parents. Then it’s our turn!

      But what then?

      This short book explains what Jesus tells us and what the Bible reveals about God’s wonderful future for those who trust in Christ as their savior.

      For those who refuse His offer of salvation a fearful prospect awaits, but it is never too late to repent and believe the gospel that Christ died for your sin, paying the price so you would not have to.

      This short book explains what Jesus said and the Bible teaches about death, eternal life, Heaven and Hell and what we can expect once the human spirit leaves our physical body and returns to God . Is there life after death? See what the Bible tells us.

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    • Her Calling : A Woman’s Guide To Fulfilling Her God-Given Destiny


      What Every Woman in Ministry Needs to Know

      Her Calling is a mentor in a book. Dr. Jamie Morgan uses her decades of experience and insightful leadership to inspire women to fulfill their God-given destinies. All women called to ministry will be blessed by the practical guidance and wisdom shared by Jamie Morgan. Regardless of what God has called you to do in your ministry, this book will become one of your most valuable resources.

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    • Donkey Principle : The Secret To Long-Haul Living In A Racehorse World


      You have what it takes to live well. It’s all about embracing your inner donkey!

      Some of us feel like donkeys in a world that celebrates racehorses–the shiny and flashy success stories that make us question our own worth and abilities. But life isn’t about competing for gold medals. It’s about understanding your unique strengths and using them to mine all the gold that’s already within you.

      A delightful blend of short reflections and original illustrations, Rachel Anne Ridge’s The Donkey Principle has a central, timely message: Embracing your inner donkey is the key to overcoming obstacles, creating lasting change, and achieving meaningful success.

      Each chapter of The Donkey Principle includes:

      *Beautiful, original, block print art

      *Memorable stories and practical wisdom that will inspire you to gain new perspective and take action that will unlock your future

      *Ideas to help you discover your own strength and perseverance

      *Inspiration for moving forward with your personal definition of success

      If you’re looking for an inspiring read, this charming book is for you! Let Rachel provide the motivation you need to keep going through difficult situations, especially if you need a “gentle kick” in the right direction to find the path and work that suits you best.

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    • Take Every Thought Captive


      We do not have a spirit of fear and timidity; we have a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. When we walk by the Spirit, we are not conformed to a world of worry and anxiety. Bad habits must cease. Negativity, confusion, and worry are banished. The enemy has no playground.

      Sound impossible? With God, nothing is impossible. Author and speaker Kelly Balarie offers a rousing call to be transformed through the renewing of your mind by taking every thought captive to Christ. She shows you how to:
      – recognize the lies of the enemy
      – replace those lies with the truth of God
      – pray through times of mental and emotional strife
      – proactively use God’s Word instead of living defensively and defeated

      If you long for clarity, purpose, or peace of mind, the clear, actionable steps laid out in this book will be a game-changer.

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    • Make Your Splash


      Test the Water, Take the Plunge and Turn the Tide of Culture

      If we were created to make an impact, why do most of us feel like we’re drowning in problems and fears? Why does making a living feel like fighting the current? The answer, say pastors and culture-makers Christopher and Laura Harris Smith, is simple: You need to find your river of influence.

      With fresh revelation and contagious excitement, Chris and Laura introduce the groundbreaking twelve cultural rivers of influence. Full of hands-on assessments, thought-provoking questionnaires and dynamic Scripture teachings, this is your map to a river adventure like no other. Along the way Chris and Laura help you:

      * discover your spiritual personality
      * discern your natural, acquired and spiritual giftings
      * channel your personality and giftings into your God-appointed purpose
      * identify–and jump into!–your river of influence
      * flow with God toward your future
      * and more!

      Don’t let fear erode your purpose or ebb your eternal impact. It’s time to dive in to all He has for you–and make your splash that turns the tides of culture and ripples into eternity.

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    • Milagros En El Desorden – (Spanish)


      We live in a world that can best be described as a collective mess: messes in our families, careers, communities, and culture. We find ourselves fighting through the chaos just to survive. But our God is still God in the mess.Inspired by the story of the blind man in John 9, bestselling author and pastor Samuel Rodriguez shows us that sometimes Jesus makes a mess first–and out of that mess emerges a miracle. Full of biblical inspiration, scientific findings, and true stories, Pastor Sam reminds us that God’s process is temporary but his promise is permanent–and we must never confuse the process for the promise. Here is the practical, hope-infused roadmap for anyone with the audacity to replace fear with faith and walk through their mess and into God’s miracle.

      Que pasaria si tu dolor y tus luchas no fueran castigos que debes soportar, sino oportunidades para mostrar la gloria de Dios?

      Inspirado en la historia del hombre ciego en Juan 9, el exitoso autor y pastor Samuel Rodriguez nos muestra que a veces Jesus hace que tu situacion sea primero un lio y de ese lio surge un milagro. Con inspiracion biblica, descubrimientos cientificos e historias reales, el pastor Sam traza una hoja de ruta practica y llena de esperanza para cualquier persona que tenga la audacia de reemplazar el miedo por la fe, lavar el barro del pasado y caminar a traves de su desorden hacia el milagro de Dios.

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    • Your Mess Gods Miracle


      What if your pain and struggles were not punishments to endure–but opportunities to showcase God’s glory?

      Inspired by the story of the blind man in John 9, bestselling author and pastor Samuel Rodriguez shows us that sometimes Jesus makes your situation a muddy mess first–and out of that mess emerges a miracle. With biblical inspiration, scientific findings and true stories, Pastor Sam lays out the practical, hope-infused roadmap for anyone with the audacity to replace fear with faith, wash away the mud of the past and walk through their mess into God’s miracle.

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    • Words With God


      For most of us, prayer is a struggle. We know we should pray. It would be good for us–help us be more grounded, more connected to God. But in our hurried lives, slowing down to pray can feel like a cosmic waste of time. Do our prayers even matter? What, if anything, happens when we pray? Are we having words with God or just words with ourselves?

      In this thoughtful book, Addison Bevere takes you into and through the tension of prayer–the struggles, the doubts, the answers–to the place where God makes himself real to you.

      Tired of boring, empty, transactional prayer? This is the book for you.

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    • Heaven In My Home


      Experience the Power and Peace of Heaven in Your Home!

      Through today’s culture, the enemy has declared war on your family. Relentless attacks from television, movies, and social media chip away at your hope for change. You long for a home marked by encounter and presence, but most days are marked by weariness and resignation.

      Yet change even transformation is possible under your roof.In Heaven in My Home, spiritual leader and family expert JerriAnn Webb empowers you to overcome the discouragement and dysfunction in your home to become a healthy, Holy Spirit-filled family that will change the world.

      With heart and humor, JerriAnn shows you how to:
      *discover the miraculous and holy amidst your daily routines
      *heal from past hurts, trauma, and rejection
      *teach your children how to access their spiritual inheritance through Jesus
      *become a model of great faith and adventure
      *dream big with your family and turn those dreams into reality

      Don’t settle for society’s status quo or strife-filled days. Fight back by creating a culture marked by the Father’s supernatural hope, healing, transformation, and power. Revival for your family starts with you, flowing from your heart into your home and then to the world.

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    • Whispers From Heaven


      Powerful prayers begin with whispers from Heaven.

      Many struggle with prayer, hoping to offer up words that achieve results.

      Seasoned intercessor and Bethel Church leader, Beni Johnson believes that prayer is most effective when we allow God’s heart to guide our requests. When we pause to ask, “God, what are You doing?” before we pray, there is no limit to what He can do through us!

      Whispers from Heaven is a collection of Beni’s writings on prayer and intercession. Presented in short entries which the reader can use as a daily devotional or reflective reading, each chapter teaches you to discern the voice of God before you enter into prayer.

      You will learn how to:

      *Listen for God’s voice to give you prayer assignments
      *Recognize what spiritual realm you are dealing with in prayer
      *Pray from the victory that Jesus purchased at Calvary
      *Know when it is time to war and time to rest in prayer
      *Be equipped to pray effective prayers that see results

      Join with seasoned intercessor Beni Johnson and ignite your prayer life to bring Heaven to Earth!

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    • 60 Devotions Inspired By Women Of The Bible


      This insightful, inspiring devotional examines the lives of specific women in the Bible and how their wants, needs, and feelings relate with those of women today. Each devotion includes a Scripture verse, reflection prompt, and ruled lines to write down your thoughts.

      This inspirational two-month devotional provides you with guidance and answers by highlighting the stories of women such as Esther, Ruth, Abigail, and many more. Each devotion focuses on relevant issues, such as:

      *Anxiety, depression, prioritizing mental health
      *Enoughness, equality, self-worth
      *Grief, loss, infertility, healing
      *Feminism, navigating a career, motherhood

      60 Devotions Inspired by Women of the Bible is the perfect go-to daily reader for Christian women wanting to deepen their faith. This book is a thoughtful gift for women of all ages for birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduation, holiday gift giving, teacher appreciation, or as a token of appreciation when someone special needs a “just because” gift.

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    • Winning The War In Your Mind For Teens


      Do your thoughts and your life feel out of your control? Have you found yourself in a spiral of unhealthy thinking? Let God’s truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

      As teens, it can feel difficult to find a way out of our bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, too often feeling like our thoughts are running out of control and finding ourselves off-track from where we want to be. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel deeply understands this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this book adapted from his bestselling Winning the War in Your Mind, Groeschel explains how you too can challenge your thinking and change the course of your life for the better, revealing the strategies he’s found that help.

      Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. With all-new stories, science that explores the unique realities of how the teenage brain is wired, and visually-engaging callouts and short sections that appeal to teenage readers, Winning the War in Your Mind for Teens will help you:

      *Learn how your brain works and see how to rewire it
      *Identify the lies the enemy wants you to believe
      *Recognize and short-circuit your mental triggers for negative thinking
      *See how prayer and praise will transform your mind
      *Develop practices that allow God’s thoughts to become your thoughts

      God has something better for your life. It’s time to change your mind so God can change your life.

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    • Common Rule : Habits Of Purpose For An Age Of Distraction (Expanded)


      Habits form us more than we form them. The modern world is a machine of invisible habits, forming us into anxious, busy people. We yearn for the freedom of the gospel but remain shackled by our screens and exhausted by our routines.

      The answer is a rule of life that aligns our habits to our beliefs. The Common Rule’s four daily and four weekly habits transform frazzled days into lives of love for God and neighbor. Justin Earley provides doable, life-giving practices to find freedom and rest for your soul. This expanded edition now includes study guide questions for individual reflection and group discussion.

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    • Shaping Of A Christian Family


      Parenting in today’s world can feel like an uphill battle. How do we guide our children through the social and spiritual minefields of our culture? How do we make sure that they are ready when they leave the nest? And how do we trust God to watch over them as they do?

      In this classic book, beloved author Elisabeth Elliot reveals cherished memories and valuable insights she gathered from her experiences growing up in a Christian home. Through the stories of her parents, grandparents, and siblings, Elliot extols the importance of obedience, prayer, trust, courtesy, and forgiveness, among many other lessons she learned as a child.

      The Shaping of a Christian Family is an inspiring book for new and experienced parents, grandparents, and all who have come to trust Elliot’s compassionate wisdom.

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    • So Many Lions So Few Daniels


      Like Daniel in Babylon, Christians today are exiles in a hostile culture. Every day, we face the lions–the easier road of moral compromise, the lure of earthly wealth and influence, the temptation to give into our fears or our apathy. Yet we are called to obey God rather than man, and we need courage to do it.

      Award-winning apologist Ray Comfort wants to help you develop the fortitude to look into the mouths of lions without flinching, trusting that God will not only bring you to the other side of the trial but that he is refining you through it.

      This encouraging and practical book draws on inspiring stories from Scripture to help you identify the lions you face and build a strategy for combatting them, recognizing that nothing catches God off guard and reminding you that, by his power, you have victory over the darkness.

      For any Christian who is feeling beaten down, burned out, or ready to give in, this book offers a spiritual shot in the arm.

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    • Parents Battle Plan


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      You are not alone–there is hope and healing for every hurting heart.

      Today’s technology has made sinful experiences and deadly choices accessible to our teenagers and young adults with just a click. And parents are left with the disappointments–and devastating fallout–of their children’s choices.

      Through sharing her own story of praying three very wayward prodigals home, Laine Lawson Craft offers not only hope and insight, but also a practical, tried-and-true battle plan for parents walking this heartbreaking season of life. You’ll discover how to

      * handle the emotional roller coaster of trust
      * deal with your children’s self-destructive choices
      * pray emboldened by God’s promises
      * fight for your child’s destiny
      * and more

      You can win the war of darkness over your children–even when you don’t get the miracle you asked for.

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    • Touch The Wounds:


      A University Of Notre Dame Press Title

      In this masterfully written book, Tomas Halik calls upon Christians to touch the wounds of the world and to rediscover their own faith by loving and healing their neighbors.

      One of the most important voices in contemporary Catholicism, Tomas Halik argues that Christians can discover the clearest vision of God not by turning away from suffering but by confronting it. Halik calls upon us to follow the apostle Thomas’s example: to see the pain, suffering, and poverty of our world and to touch those wounds with faith and action. It is those expressions of love and service, Halik reveals, that restore our hope and the courage to live, allowing true holiness to manifest itself. Only face-to-face with a wounded Christ can we lay down our armor and masks, revealing our own wounds and allowing healing to begin.

      Weaving together deep theological and philosophical reflections with surprising, trenchant, and even humorous commentary on the times in which we live, Halik offers a new prescription for those lost in moments of doubt, abandonment, or suffering. Rather than demanding impossible, flawless faith, we can look through our doubt to see, touch, and confront the wounds in the hearts of our neighbors and–through that wounded humanity, which the Son of God took upon himself–see God.

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    • Devotions For A Moving Mountains Kind Of Girl


      Girl, you were created to be a mountain mover!

      Jesus said. . . , “For sure, I tell you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to over there,’ and it would move over. You will be able to do anything.” Matthew 17:20 NLV

      And this lovely devotional is a wonderful reminder that you can build a faith that lasts. . .and that nothing is impossible with God. These 180 encouraging readings and inspiring prayers touch on topics important to your heart–like Doubt, Trust, Anxiety, Courage, Uncertainty, God’s Love, and so much more! With each turn of the page, you’ll bloom in the light of your heavenly Creator. You’ll come away with the reassurance that you are God’s girl–and you can have the kind of faith that moves mountains!

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    • Trust : Knowing When To Give It, When To Withhold It, How To Earn It, And H


      New York Times bestselling author, psychologist, and leadership expert Henry Cloud equips us to understand and manage trust for successful relationships through five foundational aspects.

      Trust is the fuel for all of life. We are wired biologically, neurologically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically to trust. Trust is the currency that drives every relationship, beginning with the foundational bond between infants and their mothers, extending to the trust networks that undergird every human endeavor – art, science, commerce – and binding together every relationship we have ever had or ever will have. Nothing in our world works without trust.

      It is tempting to think that trust is simple, that we should be able to spot a lack of trustworthiness relatively easily. But we all have our stories about misplaced trust. We either missed clear or subtle warning signs or there just were not any warning signs to see. Everything looked good on the surface, and maybe it was. But we got burned anyway.

      And sometimes we struggle to earn and keep the trust of those around us when trust bonds fail to form or are broken. When trust breaks down, so does our ability to move forward.

      Dr. Cloud explores the five foundational aspects of trust that must be present for any relationship to function successfully and helps us to understand how to implement them. He also guides us through the difficult process of repairing trust when it has been violated and broken, even when restoring trust feels impossible.

      Rich with wisdom drawn from decades of experience in clinical practice, business consulting and research, Trust is the ultimate resource for managing this most complex and fundamental of human bonds, allowing us to experience more fruitful and rewarding relationships in every area of our lives.

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    • Character And Courage Teen Devotional


      Who is your mentor?

      Can you imagine if one of the most prolific writers of the New Testament offered to mentor you? Imagine if you could sit down and hear his stories and learn from his mistakes. Imagine if you could learn about the amazing things he had seen God do and how to walk closer with Jesus. Guess what? We don’t have to imagine it. The letters of 1 and 2 Timothy are like sitting at the feet of Paul himself. His message to Timothy is the same message to us: we are to be people of character and courage.

      In this 12-volume series of monthly devotionals, students will gain a more thorough understanding of key Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible. Students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives.

      Discover (Identity + Theology): Who is God? Who am I in light of who God is? These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be.

      Delight (Spiritual Disciplines): What does it mean to delight in God? What leads to delight in God? Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. When students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

      Display (Leadership, Mission, + Disciple Making): How do students display the glory of God? How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him? How can they lead others to display the truth of God? Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded.

      Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

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    • Widows Hope : A Guide For Widows In Survival Mode


      A Widow’s Hope shares a unique story as a young widow with children who shares the raw, relatable ways she dug her way out of the trenches and back to the land of the living.

      There are many books about widowhood and grief. While helpful when the time is right, the shock and the aftermath of such a traumatic experience can make it difficult to find the time and motivation to read them while surviving the daily obstacles that zap your energy.

      Right now, the widow is too busy surviving funeral planning, endless calls and texts from family, tireless efforts to obtain the death certificate, meetings with social security, arrangements to be ironed-out with banks, mortgagors, and debts. Not to mention the practical things, like ensuring the children have been fed, arranging who will take them to school while you deal with the horrible details such as picking out his casket, or helping your children with things only you can help with?

      And then it hits her, “How will I even tell them that their father is dead? They don’t even know what ‘dead’ means!” Just thinking of the unending list of things to be done can leave the widow feeling smothered and breathless. Now is not the time for a novel; now is the time for a survival book, because right now, that’s what the widow is doing– surviving.

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    • Downstairs Church : Finding Hope In The Grit Of Addiction And Trauma Recove


      The addiction epidemic is traumatizing our families, communities, and places of worship.

      In the last year alone, there has been a record of overdose fatalities and a rise in substance use, especially for women. Tragically, many are living in the darkness of shame often created by the consequences of addiction like sexual violence and even death.

      In Downstairs Church: Finding Faith in the Grit of Addiction and Trauma Recovery, Caroline Beidler, MSW explores the problem of addiction and trauma for women today and then highlights the freedom–and hope–that can be found in the downstairs church or recovery community. Beidler also highlights the radical vulnerability required of addiction and mental health recovery, something that all people can benefit from. When we share our stories of struggle in real ways, authentic transformation can happen.

      With compassion because of her own personal experience of addiction and sexual violence, as well as insight because of her professional expertise, Beidler blends relevant statistics and practical information with real-life testimonies of redemption.

      Beidler also provides a practical list of ways that faith communities can become more trauma-informed spaces for those who may be seeking love and acceptance inside church buildings. Ultimately, Downstairs Church offers a portrait of radical grace and a God whose love persists even in church basements.

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    • Shaping Of A Christian Family


      Parenting in today’s world can feel like an uphill battle. How do we guide our children through the social and spiritual minefields of our culture? How do we make sure that they are ready when they leave the nest? And how do we trust God to watch over them as they do?

      In this classic book, beloved author Elisabeth Elliot reveals cherished memories and valuable insights she gathered from her experiences growing up in a Christian home. Through the stories of her parents, grandparents, and siblings, Elliot extols the importance of obedience, prayer, trust, courtesy, and forgiveness, among many other lessons she learned as a child.

      The Shaping of a Christian Family is an inspiring book for new and experienced parents, grandparents, and all who have come to trust Elliot’s compassionate wisdom.

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    • Authentic Influencer : The Barnabas Way Of Shaping Lives For Jesus


      You may feel like an ordinary believer, but God has a knack of using ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary purposes. Authentic Influencer encourages you to walk with Barnabas, learn from God, and shape the world for Jesus Christ- one life at a time.

      God’s approach to influencing the world is through His people. People shape people. And yet, many of God’s people spectate from the sidelines unsure of what to do. Authentic Influencer is rooted in principles emerging from the life of God’s choice example in the Scriptures-a man called Barnabas-rather than recycled quotes from corporate leadership works.

      Every follower of Jesus can be inspired, instructed, and mobilized to influence the world from right where they are. In fact, it is everyday believers-not just professional Christians such as pastors, church leaders, authors, and others-who are specifically tasked by Jesus Himself to bring godly influence to the world. We are all His agents of change, be it shaping one person or a thousand.

      Authentic Influencer is a Christian leadership book that:

      *Highlights 15 key principles that emerge from Barnabas that are relevant, practical, and customizable to every believer

      *Inspires you to shape those around you for Christ

      *Urges you to practice investing in others through discipleship

      *Challenges you with inspiring stories and practical wisdom emerging from biblical truths

      By studying the life of Barnabas, we see how he influenced the world for Jesus Christ in practical and doable ways. Become encouraged to shape our world for Jesus- beginning with whoever happens to be close by.

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    • Putting Jesus First


      In all the busy and bustle and noise of life, do you find it hard to keep first things first? We know that Jesus should be our first priority as believers, but with so many things fighting for our attention, what was once at the center can start getting crowded out. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Courtney Tracy has not only been there, she faces this struggle every single day. And you know what helped her return to Jesus as first priority? God’s Word! Particularly, the book of Colossians.

      In this warm and encouraging devotional, Courtney walks with you through the lessons she learned in her journey through Colossians, and helps you discover the life-changing power of treasuring Jesus above all things. Each day includes a passage to read, a devotional entry to help you reflect, insightful questions to help you respond, and a prayer to help you approach God in confidence. On top of that, this devotional you are given:

      *A beautiful experience and space each day for you to actively reflect on God’s Word, no matter how busy your day is.

      *A 21-day format so that you might build a practical habit of prioritizing your time with Jesus daily.

      *Powerful gospel truths that offer daily encouragement.

      *The help you need to throw off your old identity and walk in the power of your new identity.

      Jesus reigns supreme over all things, including our noisy homes and busy schedules. Let’s discover the joy that is ours when we live like that’s true, putting Him first!

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    • Verdadera Confianza – (Spanish)


      Que pasaria si dejaramos de poner nuestra confianza en las cosas de este mundo y, en cambio, pusieramos nuestra confianza en el unico que es verdaderamente digno de confianza?

      A medida que comiences a aplicar el material de cada capitulo, descubriras:

      *el verdadero significado de la confianza
      *la diferencia entre el miedo negativo y el miedo positivo, y
      *como cambiar la herramienta del miedo del Enemigo con una confianza fuerte.

      Se sincera: Quien de nosotras no esta plagada de miedos, inseguridades y dudas sobre si misma?

      La sabiduria popular dice que la solucion es simplemente creer mas firmemente en nosotras mismas. Pero la galardonada autora y conferenciante Mary A. Kassian explica que la forma de combatir el miedo es con mas miedo, miedo de un tipo diferente.

      En esta continuacion de su popular libro La verdadera fortaleza, Kassian recurre de nuevo a sus vastos conocimientos biblicos para mostrarnos una forma mejor de navegar por la vida. Compara la definicion biblica de confianza con las trilladas formulas de autoayuda del mundo y nos pone en el camino correcto.

      Tanto si buscas mas confianza como si ya te sientes llena de ella, cuando te apoyes en una fuente de confianza que es inmutable, firme y digna de confianza, te pareceras mas a la mujer audaz y valiente que Dios quiso que fueras.

      The Right Kind of Confident

      What if we stopped placing our confidence in the things of this world–and instead put our trust in the only One who is truly trustworthy?

      As you begin to apply each chapter’s material, you’ll discover:

      *the true meaning of confidence,
      *the difference between negative fear and positive fear, and
      *how to turn the Enemy’s tool of fear on its head with strong confidence.

      Be honest: Who among us isn’t plagued with fears, insecurities, and self-doubt?

      Popular wisdom says the solution is to simply believe more strongly in ourselves. But award-winning author and speaker Mary A. Kassian explains that the way to combat fear is with more fear–fear of a different kind.

      In this follow-up to her popular book The Right Kind of Strong, Kassian again draws on her vast biblical knowledge to show us a better way to navigate life. She compares the Bible’s definition of confidence with the world’s well-worn self-help formulas and sets us on the right path.

      Whether you’re seeking more confidence or already feeling full of it, when you lean into a source of confidence that is unchanging, firm, and trustworthy, you’ll

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    • Why So Many Christians Have Left The Faith



      At a time when the Bible and Christianity are considered untrustworthy, will we choose faith or follow the culture?

      This book will provide you with the facts and understanding you need to respond to difficult questions biblically and stay rooted in your faith even when others seem to be abandoning theirs.

      We are living in unprecedented times when Christian leaders are renouncing their faith and large numbers of believers are falling away. Is this the final apostasy prophesied by Jesus and Paul? And can we do anything to help those struggling with their faith? In Why So Many Christians Have Left the Faith, Dr. Michael L. Brown confronts the problem of “Christian deconstruction” with solid, faith-building answers and honest responses to difficult questions. He addresses:

      *What the Bible says about an end-time falling away and whether that is what we are seeing in our day;

      *How solidarity with and sympathy for the LGBT movement has brought with it a rejection of biblical values;

      *The effect of leadership scandals on the credibility of the gospel;

      *How the me-centered gospel is contributing to the current faith crisis by putting God on trial;

      *The contemporary objections to the Bible’s moral standards;

      *The problem of pluralism; and

      *What the Bible does and doesn’t say about future punishment in hell, while also examining the scriptural statement that “God is love.”

      Looking at the stories of those who fell away as well as the larger cultural factors, this book offers solid answers to the major attacks against the Bible and helps readers build an unshakable faith.

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    • Why Do I Do What I Dont Want To Do


      We live in an upside-down culture. We wink at our vices as coping strategies while restricting our virtues to our online personas, where they won’t interfere with our real lives. And we wonder why we feel empty, exhausted, and directionless. But why do we do things that we know are harmful for us?

      Jonathan “JP” Pokluda wants you to know there’s a better, more fulfilling way to live, and it doesn’t involve looking inside yourself for the answers–because that’s not where you’ll find them. With his signature wit and wisdom, he explains, unpacks, and expands on the age-old virtues we’re told to pursue in Scripture: humility, forgiveness, generosity, diligence, self-control, authenticity, rest, and optimism. Far from being restrictive, these God-given goals for living free us to love and live as we wish we would.

      Practicing virtues is not just something you do–it’s something done in you, slowly but surely transforming you into the person you were meant to be all along. Whether you’re 18 or 80, it’s never too late to redefine what’s important to you and reclaim a life of virtue.

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    • Strong Like Water


      There’s a cost to being a certain kind of strong.

      When it comes to difficult circumstances, we’ve all heard the platitudes: “No pain, no gain.” “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But if we spend our lives trying to be “the strong one,” we become exhausted, burned-out, and disconnected from our truest selves.

      What if it were different? Could there be a different way to be strong? Could strength mean more than pushing on and pushing through pain, bearing every heavy burden on our own? What if, instead, true strength were more like the tide: soft and bold, fierce and gentle, moving together as one powerful force?

      In Strong like Water, author and trauma therapist Aundi Kolber offers a framework for true flourishing. With each page, you’ll:

      *Learn how your nervous system shapes your experience so that we can move through pain instead of being stuck in it.

      *Explore various practices, rhythms, and resources to support you in challenging circumstances with compassion and hope.

      *Discover how to internalize connection, love, and safety empowering you with greater resilience.

      A different, more expansive way of healing, wholeness, and possibly especially strength is possible. We were made to be strong like water.

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    • Triumph Over Trauma


      Traumatic experiences happen to nearly everyone, at some time, in some form. The aftereffects–depression, anxiety, addiction, panic attacks, insomnia, and more–can affect us for years or even a lifetime. But the brokenness following a traumatic event is never a life sentence. We are all changed by trauma, but we do not have to be defined by it.

      Drawing on cutting-edge research, Triumph over Trauma empowers you to find relief and hope once and for all. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution, this whole-person treatment approach recognizes you as a unique constellation of emotional, physical, intellectual, relational, and spiritual dimensions. This book explains how trauma affects your emotions, body, brain, relationships, soul, and dreams. Then it shows you how to create a personalized plan to find your way back to wholeness, joy, and peace.

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    • Dont Hold Back


      The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics–and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all.

      Pastor David Platt believes we’ve gotten really good at following a really bad gospel–one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It’s time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future.

      But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel. Worldly division or otherworldly unity. Compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God’s call in our lives. In Don’t Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find unimaginable reward as we:

      – Work for–not against–each other, especially when we disagree
      – Turn the tide on centuries of racial division in the church
      – Trust all of God’s Word with conviction while loving everyone around us with compassion
      – Do justice with kindness, and experience the good life according to God
      – Play our part in spreading the gospel to all the nations of the world

      We can experience the full wonder of Jesus and transcendent beauty of his church here and now. But in order to do so, some things need to be different. Starting not in “those people,” but in each one of us. With the gospel in our hearts and God as our prize, let’s press on and don’t hold back.

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    • So Many Lions So Few Daniels


      Like Daniel in Babylon, Christians today are exiles in a hostile culture. Every day, we face the lions–the easier road of moral compromise, the lure of earthly wealth and influence, the temptation to give into our fears or our apathy. Yet we are called to obey God rather than man, and we need courage to do it.

      Award-winning apologist Ray Comfort wants to help you develop the fortitude to look into the mouths of lions without flinching, trusting that God will not only bring you to the other side of the trial but that he is refining you through it.

      This encouraging and practical book draws on inspiring stories from Scripture to help you identify the lions you face and build a strategy for combatting them, recognizing that nothing catches God off guard and reminding you that, by his power, you have victory over the darkness.

      For any Christian who is feeling beaten down, burned out, or ready to give in, this book offers a spiritual shot in the arm.

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    • Way Of The Victorious


      Are you tired of stale Christianity? Do you desire to spend time with God, but have no idea what to actually do? Are you both fascinated and intimated by spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, solitude, and biblical meditation? Way of the Victorious reveals how these ancient disciplines are actually pathways to greater intimacy with Jesus, and keys to unlocking revival power.

      Parker Green was living life as a Christian but knew there could be so much more. Then he discovered that following Jesus could actually be PRACTICED in everyday life, not just thought about and talked about. This revolutionized his life and gave him genuine hope that it is possible to model your life after Jesus.

      Through a clear and simple approach to the spiritual disciplines, author and revivalist, Parker Green leads you into the same supernatural results experienced by early church fathers and mothers.

      Way of the Victorious will give you:

      *Powerful vision for what each of the spiritual disciplines can produce in your life
      *Practical steps for getting the most out of prayer and Bible reading
      *Simple strategies on what to do during your devotional time
      *A spiritual compass for cultivating a fruitful and dynamic devotional life
      *Keys to creating and enjoying your secret place with God

      Break free from lukewarm faith! Walk in the ancient paths, and experience the same intimate relationship with Jesus that empowered the early church!

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    • Present : The Gift Of Being All In Right Where You Are


      Present is an invitation to a deeper, richer, quieter life with God. So often we sleepwalk through our days, but there is a tremendous gift in practicing awareness right where we are.In a world marked by transience, envy, and rootlessness, committing to staying put is a radical, unusual act. Hungry for rootedness, Courtney Ellis and her family decided to truly commit to a place and a people God had given them for a season, to grow some deep roots and discover what it would mean to be “all in.” Through winsome storytelling, Courtney demonstrates that there is tremendous growth when we stop holding a community at arms’ length and open ourselves to the blessing of stability, the grace of limits, and the joy of presence. This book is divided into these three major sections, with chapters devoted to each of the gifts that come with our increased attention to being all in fully present, right where we are.

      Join Courtney for a thoughtful, funny, and realistic exploration of stability, limit, and presence as means of grace. Journey deeper into the heart of God that calls us to cultivate community being present to what God has placed before us and discovering the gifts of the present. Delve into reasons readers might experience transience, how to press in when called to that, and how to know when it’s time to move on. Explore the ways borders and boundaries in our lives are for our good. When we are able to say, “This is my place, and these are my people,” and then, like Ruth, really commit, beautiful things can happen. With humor and honesty, Courtney draws in readers who are longing for that rootedness, trying to figure out how to make this place their own in other words, those who are figuring out how to be all in, right where they are, for the time God has given them.

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    • Best Of Friends


      Friendship is one of the best things that God has created.

      It is unparalleled as a building block of society, a universal theme in great literature, and has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness. But many of us are lonely or feel suffocated by the pressures of life and quantity of relationships we have to maintain, and almost all of us could benefit from better friendships.

      Phil Knox, author of Story Bearers and Head of Mission at Evangelical Alliance, celebrates the best of friendships in The Best of Friends. Punctuated with personal story, poetry, and practical application, Knox examines friendship in the setting of the church and explores how Jesus invested his time both with his closest companions and one-off encounters. Readers will recognise the power of friendship in bringing non believers to church, and Knox explores the importance of becoming friends with people who are different from us. Advising that our church circles are always open and invitational, not closed cliques. Finally, Knox considers intergenerational friendships and the most important friend request of all time: one’s relationship with God.

      Full of practical advice, The Best of Friends shows us how to choose our friends wisely and maintain lasting and meaningful friendships, especially our relationship with God.

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    • CANCEL THIS : What Today’s Church Can Learn From The Bad Guys Of The Bible


      Why read a book about biblical characters who messed up? Because we can learn so much from them by taking a close look at what led to their disastrous decisions and lack of sound judgment at critical times in their lives. Bad Guys of the Bible examines how anger, bitterness, greed, pride, and unforgiving spirit, and a desire for vengeance led these men down dark paths that ultimately shipwrecked their lives. Asa remedy for such errant emotions, the book explains how we can apply the Gospel to critical times in our lives when our feelings tend to lead us away from the Lord .It all comes down to understanding God’s grace and the full scope of His forgiveness of our sins. It’s on that basis that we forgive others. To help further integrate the powerful lessons we can learn from these men, each chapter concludes with thought-provoking questions to help readers apply solid biblical truths to their own lives through personal or group Bible study.

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