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    Bible Studies

    • Whole Armor Of God


      When Paul wrote to the Ephesians people were likely to encounter soldiers in armor.In areas making up the Roman Empire elements of armor were present in daily life. Today one is much less likely to observe someone wearing and training for battle in Armor. Merry’s book describes elements of armor and training those who read Paul’s words in early times might have encountered. Each element is then applied to the spiritual warfare we face today with scriptural references. Mary’s purpose is to help the reader better appreciate the context of Paul’s instruction “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD”!!

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    • Conversations With Scripture The Psalms (Student/Study Guide)


      Written in accessible language and sensitive to those who have little or no experience in reading the Bible, each book in the Conversations with Scripture series focuses on exploring the historical and critical background of the biblical texts, while illustrating how these centuries-old writings still speak to us today. Countryman brings his considerable biblical studies erudition as well as his skills as a popular writer and published poet to bear on the Psalms. Though an accomplished scholar of the New Testament, Countryman illumines the Psalms with insight and creativity. Readers will experience this most beloved part of the scriptural canon in a fresh and exciting way.

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    • Royalty Principle : A Guide To Reigning In The Kingdom Of Heaven


      If you’ve ever wondered, “Is this all there is?” to your Christian experience, you will be blessed to learn there is more, much more. The day you are born again, you enter God’s household and become a member of His royal family in the Kingdom of Heaven. Roy-al-ty n 1 the rank, status or authority of a sovereign; 2 a royal personage; and, 3 royal nature or quality Prin-ci-ple n 1 A basic truth upon which others can be founded; 2 an essential character; and, 3 moral standards or rules of conduct Royalty principle = a basic truth and moral standard, which is necessary for the essential character of royal personages with rank, status and authority, to develop and maintain their royal nature The Royalty Principle is a ten-week course about the Kingdom of Heaven. It will instruct you in how to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples as you go about the Father’s business. As an ambassador for Christ, His royal representative here on earth, you will learn that you can make a difference. The Royalty Principle will help prepare you for the ultimate end-of-life experience-ruling and reigning with Lord Jesus for eternity. Inside you will learn about your Kingdom of Heaven: * Responsibilities * Rewards * Crowns Lady Dylyce, Princess of the Kingdom of Heaven, invites you to join her in discovering the daily excitement of walking with God.

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    • Revolutionary Bible Study


      Revolutionary Bible Study introduces a totally new way to study God’s Word, making the Scripture clearer than it has ever been known before. It can, not only revolutionize our understanding of the New Testament, but it can also change the very practice of Christianity. Until now, there has been a built-in blockage to our study of the Bible. Unnoticed, this barrier has prevented all of us from understanding what the New Testament is saying. The problem? The chaotic arrangement of Paul’s letters. Now this hindrance is removed. Suddenly, we have a dozen new helps for clearly understanding what the New Testament is saying. As you read this book, expect to see the New Testament opened to you as you never imagined. The change is profound.

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    • Waiting For God (Student/Study Guide)


      We spend much of our life waiting. For healing for ourselves or a friend. For a wayward daughter to return to God. For a new job. For marriage and children and grandchildren. Sometimes the waiting can cause us to feel stuck, or forgotten by God. But waiting time is not wasted time. These eight studies by Juanita Ryan help you draw near to God in times of uncertainty and postponement. As she leads you and your group through significant moments of waiting in Scripture, you will become familiar with the dynamics of such times and learn to hear God’s call to rest in his timing.

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    • Faith And Creeds


      * The Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds begin with “I believe,” but what does that phrase mean? Providing a compelling defense of Christian doctrine, McGrath examines the nature of faith to reveal how our beliefs affect our understanding of God’s world and our place in it. A wonderful introduction to “mere Christianity” for a new generation!

      In this book–the first in a series of short, accessible guides–noted author Alister McGrath examines the nature of faith. Offering an extended reflection on the opening words of the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed–“I believe”–McGrath provides a compelling defense of core Christian beliefs. In his usual learned yet accessible style, McGrath demonstrates how these enduring Christian beliefs help explain God’s world and our place in it. With future volumes to examine other core Christian principles, McGrath’s new series will define “mere Christianity” to a new generation for years to come. Ideal for group study and personal devotion.

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    • Come With Me Through Mark


      It is an extraordinary story. An unknown young man of thirty abandons his job and launches into a new career as a traveling preacher and healer. Immensely popular with the general public, he quickly falls foul of the religious leaders of his day and then the political authorities. Just three years later he was dead, executed as a dangerous criminal. End of story? Just the opposite! Three days later, his body had disappeared from his grave. That was only the beginning of the story of which you, the reader, are now a part.
      David Pawson

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    • Isaiah-Lamentations (Student/Study Guide)


      With the input of leading Bible scholars and teachers, Immersion Bible Studies feature a format that focuses on readers, encouraging them to explore key events, people, teachings, and ideas throughout the Bible.

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    • Ezra-Esther (Student/Study Guide)


      With the input of leading Bible scholars and teachers, Immersion Bible Studies feature a format that focuses on readers, encouraging them to explore key events, people, teachings, and ideas throughout the Bible.

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    • 1 Corinthians 10-16 (Student/Study Guide)


      Why Study 1 Corinthians 10-16?
      1. Keep On Running – 1 Cor 9 V 24 – 10 V 13
      2. Love, Liberty And Legalism – 1 Cor 10 V 14 – 11 V 1
      3. Loving Authority – 1 Cor 11 V 2-16
      4. Thoughtful Unity – 1 Cor 11 V 17-34
      5. Your Gifts, Their Good – 1 Cor 12 V 1-31a
      6. The Most Excellent Way – 1 Cor 12 V 31b – 14 V 40
      7. Resurrection: Hold On – 1 Cor 15
      8. Good Examples – 1 Cor 16
      Leader’s Guide

      Additional Info
      What can turn a struggling church around? What can help a church which has sold out to the culture; which is riven by division; which is dominated by me-first materialism; and which is uncertain about the gospel itself?

      “Be on your guard”, wrote one church planter to just such a church. “Stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
      “Do everything in love.”

      So wrote the apostle Paul to the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 16
      v 13-14). This was a congregation which seemed to have lost its way. But Paul did not give up on them. He encouraged them to love their church.

      And, in the second half of his first letter to them, he showed them how to do this-how to love each other as Christ had loved them.

      This was the love that could turn the Corinthian church around. And this is the love that all our local churches need. These eight studies in 1 Corinthians 10 – 16 will enable, motivate and challenge you to “do everything in love”, individually and collectively.

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    • Glory Of God


      Many believers ask, “Does God speak to us today? Is Jesus just a historical figure, or is He the living Christ? Can the Lord still do the same miracles the Bible talks about?”

      God has not changed, nor is His glory just a theoretical concept. It is a heavenly reality that every believer can experience now. In The Glory of God (Spirit-Led Bible Study), you will learn how to build on your scriptural knowledge with fresh revelation from God. Each lesson will move you toward an exciting, purposeful life in which you experience the God of the Bible-the God of glory-every day as you are changed into His image and become a carrier of His transforming, healing presence to the world.

      Through these studies, you will…

      * Develop a passion and thirst for God

      * Be ignited by God’s fire to do the “impossible”

      * Become a dynamic witness and see lives transformed

      * Confirm the gospel with supernatural signs

      * Enter into spiritual rest-and watch God work!

      * Receive your own miracles

      * Live continually in God’s glory

      The glory of God is a reality to be experienced. Enter into His manifest presence today and be changed forever.

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    • Give Up Something Bad For Lent (Student/Study Guide)


      Invites readers to focus on, with God’s help, eliminating habits or attitudes that may be destructive in their lives, such as envy, self-pity, procrastination, gossip, resentment, or negative thinking.
      Seven sessions, one for each Sunday in Lent and Easter Sunday
      Each session features a Scripture reference, a personal reading, questions for personal reflection or group study, and closing prayer

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    • Matthew And John


      The Cotton Patch Gospel recasts the stories of Jesus and the letters of Paul and Peter into the language and culture of the mid-20th century South. Born out of the Civil Rights struggle, these now classic translations of much of the New Testament bring the far-away places of Scripture closer to home: Gainesville, Selma, Birmingham, Atlanta, Washington, D.C.

      As Jordan once wrote, “While there have been many excellent translations of the Scriptures into modern English, they still have left us stranded in some faraway land in the long-distant past. We need to have the good news come to us not only in our own tongue but in our own time. We want to be participants in the faith, not merely spectators.”

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    • Esther : Royal Rescue (Student/Study Guide)


      There are times in our lives when we question whether God truly loves us, whether He is really in control of the world, whether He knows what He is doing, whether He even notices what is happening to us.

      These are exactly the kind of questions that God’s people in Esther’s day must have been asking. Not only were they exiled from their home, the land that had been promised to them by God, but they were facing ethnic cleansing on an unprecedented scale.

      The story of Esther reveals that whatever the appearances, God is in control. Although the enemies of God and His people are many and powerful, their plans are doomed. God’s plans are the ones that will triumph. He delights in answering His people’s prayers often in most unexpected ways.

      As He delivered the Jews of Esther’s day from seemingly unstoppable destruction, so He has and will deliver all who turn to Him in Christ. He is to be trusted in all situations at all times.

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    • Leading The Way Through Ephesians


      Throughout the book of Ephesians, Paul refers to the riches of Gods grace, our riches in Christ, and the riches of His glory as he reminds believers of the spiritual treasures they already possess in Christ.

      Leading the Way through Ephesians applies these great truths in such practical areas of the Christian life as:
      enduring trials, suffering, and persecution
      maintaining the unity of the church through Christian love
      living out the gospel in our marriages and family relationships
      praying with power
      maintaining our armor against the attacks of Satan

      Through sound teaching, vibrant illustrations, a brisk conversational style, and a discussion guide that applies Gods truth to the realities of the twenty-first century, Leading the Way through Ephesians will show readers the way to a stronger, more active, more dynamic faith.

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    • Letters Of John (Student/Study Guide)


      Getting The Most Out Of The Letters Of John
      Suggestions For Individual Study
      Suggestions For Group Members

      1. The Word Of Life
      1 John 1:1–2:2

      2. The New Old Command
      1 John 2:3-14

      3. You Have The Anointing
      1 John 2:15-29

      4. God’s Children Now
      1 John 3

      5. God Is Love
      1 John 4

      6. Faith Conquers
      1 John 5:1-12

      7. The True God
      1 John 5:13-21

      8. The Sign Of Life
      2 John

      9. Welcome The Family
      3 John

      Guidelines For Leaders

      Additional Info
      In his letters, John expresses delight at believers who are “walking in the truth”: behaving with that integrity which reflects the gospel. This involves not just correct doctrine and proper outward behavior, but also love for God and fellow believers. It’s this love, John writes, that shows that the truth of the gospel has really been grasped, not as an abstract idea but as what it is, the very life of God himself at work in his people.

      These nine studies from Tom Wright help us become believers who are “walking in the truth” in our own day–people in whom the very life of God is at work for all to see.

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    • Wrestling With Romans


      `I have vowed,’ Dr Robinson says, ‘never to write a biblical commentary. For in a commentary you have to say something on everything, whether you have anything to say or not. This is why most commentaries, in my experience, are duller than other books written by the same persons, even on the same subject. But they are indispensable quarries.’ Sensing the lack of something between them and books designed for daily or group Bible study, he has provided a guide to the Epistle to the Romans which will set the historical context, draw attention to the points of interest and importance, and help the would-be reader to wrestle with its often difficult message. `I do not promise only blood, sweat and tears. On the contrary, the Epistle to the Romans offers what Winston Churchill also called the sunlit uplands, indeed the very heights of Christian experience and theology. But to appreciate them one must be prepared to work at it. A church where this wrestling is not being seriously attempted, especially in the most educated generation of its history to date, will be impoverished in its capacity to transform the world rather than be conformed to it.

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    • Leading The Way Through Daniel


      Daniel lived as an exile in a hostile country, yet when he committed himself in faith to serve his limitless God, he achieved the impossible. How did Daniel maintain his bold witness for God in spite of bullying and intimidation? How did he prepare himself for the tests and temptations of life?

      Like Daniel, believers today live in a culture that is hostile to biblical values. It takes great courage and faith to live as followers of Christ in a post-Christian world characterized by moral depravity, injustice, idolatry, and more. In Leading the Way through Daniel, Michael Youssef passionately shows readers that the resources Daniel relied on are equally available to them. Sound teaching, vibrant illustrations, a brisk conversational style, and a discussion guide will enable readers to take the truths of the book of Daniel and apply them to the pressures, trials, and temptations they face in today’s culture.

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    • Hosea : Gods Love Song (Student/Study Guide)


      Hosea is a love song, with a difference.

      Love songs are everywhere. On the radio; on movie soundtracks; in the background as we shop and eat out. Theyre often stuck in our heads and hearts, too.

      And yet their lyrics are full of desire leading to disappointment, and hope followed by heartbreak. Love songs reflect our yearning for a love that is solid and sure; and they expose our inability to find it.

      The book of Hosea is a love song. But uniquely, its lyrics are about a love which will never fade; which will never disappoint; and which will never say: Enough. The singer throughout Hosea is God: and the love He talks about is His own love, lavished upon His people. Its a love song that is surprising, raw, emotional, at times uncomfortable, but always compelling.

      These eight studies will thrill you with the wonder of Gods love, even as they challenge you with the truth about His people. And, as you read through Hosea, youll be provided with a soundtrack for your life which truly is worth singing along to.

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    • Unfading Light : Contemplations And Speculations


      With its scholarly discussions of myth, German idealist philosophy, negative theology, and mysticism, shot through with reflections on personal religious experiences, Unfading Light documents what a life in Orthodoxy came to mean for Sergius Bulgakov on the tumultuous eve of the 1917 October Revolution. Written in the final decade of the Russian Silver Age, the book is a typical product of that era of experimentation in all fields of culture and life. Bulgakov referred to the book as miscellanies, a patchwork of chapters articulating in symphonic form the ideas and personal experiences that he and his entire generation struggled to comprehend. Readers may be reminded of St. Augustine’s Confessions and City of God as they follow Bulgakov through the challenges and opportunities presented to Orthodoxy by modernity.

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    • Christianity Without Superstition


      A re-examination of Jesus’ way for living and what it means to be Christian

      Author’s earlier works are evergreen best-sellers

      Is belief in the Nicene and Apostles Creed required to be a Christian? Does science support or diminish belief in the divine? How does one live Jesus’ way in the world?

      A careful study of Jesus shows that his intended legacy for us was not a set of propositional beliefs, but a way for being in the world, a way that opens us to the extraordinary opportunity of the present, a way that can convert our hurried, anxious lives into something luminous.

      Our obsession with “what to believe” misses the primary message of the Bible, says McQuiston, who illustrates that the paramount message of Jesus, and even the Hebrew Scriptures, is not about what stories to believe, but how to live.

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    • Gracia Guia Del Participante (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Gu



      We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.

      But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no?

      Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?

      God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.

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    • Grace Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)



      We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.

      But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no?

      Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?

      God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.

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    • Distorted Images Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      How To Get The Most Out Of Distorted Images Of God

      1. The God Of Impossible Expectations Versus The God Of Compassion
      Psalm 103:1-14

      2. The Emotionally Distant God Versus The God Of Empathy And Grace
      Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:1-10

      3. The Inattentive God Versus The God Who Knows Us Intimately
      Psalm 139:1-18

      4. The Abusive God Versus The God Who Heals Us
      Matthew 20:29-34

      5. The Unreliable God Versus The God Who Is Trustworthy
      Psalm 145:1-16

      6. The God Who Abandons Versus The God Who Pursues
      Luke 15:1-7

      7. The God Who Withholds Versus The God Who Provides
      Matthew 6:25-34 And 7:7-11

      8. The God Who Is Weak Versus The God Who Is All-Powerful
      Luke 8:22-56

      Leader’s Notes

      Additional Info
      Though we say God is loving, trustworthy and all-powerful, our actions and thoughts reveal the subtle and not-so-subtle lies we’re believing: that God is impossible to please, manipulative and likely to abandon us. Written with compassion and conviction, these eight studies bring to light our distorted thinking and point us to the truth of who God is–the great healer who knows us intimately and pursues us with love.

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    • 1-2 Peter And Jude (Student/Study Guide)


      Getting The Most Out Of 1 & 2 Peter And Jude
      Suggestions For Individual Study
      Suggestions For Group Members

      1. 1 Peter 1:1–2:3
      Ransomed By Grace

      2. 1 Peter 2:4-25
      Living Stones

      3. 1 Peter 3
      Seek Peace, And Follow After It

      4. 1 Peter 4
      Transformed Living

      5. 1 Peter 5
      Stand Firm

      6. 2 Peter 1
      Confirming Your Call

      7. 2 Peter 2
      False Prophets

      8. 2 Peter 3
      God’s Patience: Our Opportunity

      9. Jude
      Contend For The Faith

      Guidelines For Leaders

      Additional Info
      How does a Christian behave when surrounded by a hostile world that doesn’t understand who we are or why we do what we do? In three letters, Peter and Jude provide some answers: Abandon the old pagan ways. Learn the new habit of love. Put on the mental armor that will make you strong to face suffering that may come.

      These nine studies from Tom Wright show you the wisdom of their words for us today and remind you, in the midst of hardship, that the God who deserves all praise is still “the one who is able to keep you standing upright.”

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    • Embracing A Life Of Meaning (Student/Study Guide)


      Newest Embracing title taps Kathleen Norris for unique 5 to 10 session study

      The newest installment in the Embracing collection features the essential components of earlier works: (1) DVD with five 10 to 15 minute presentations by the host, in this case Kathleen Norris, including her interpretive interactions with a small group, plus (2) a printed guide with all the material needed by participants and facilitator.

      Norris provides a unique viewpoint of “what matters most,” including BELIEF (that to which we give our hearts), THE BIBLE (the collective story/tradition of the Christian people), COMMUNITY (where individualism and imperfection meet grace and acceptance), PLACE (setting faith within the physical space of home, church, land, and people) and US (what it means to remain in God’s image, countering our selfishness to embrace the world and its needs).

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    • Called And Accountable 10th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      Potent, passionate, encouraging, insightful, practical

      The Blackabys challenge every follower of Christ to explore the life-transforming, world-changing call that God gives each believer in this bold sequel to Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God. This anniversary edition contains fresh perspectives bookended by all-new personal testimonies that illustrate God’s calling and accountability for all who experience Him. The authors help ordinary individuals to experience the reality that God is still calling them today just as He did in the Bible, to accomplish His eternal purposes. This six-week workbook will help believers answer: What is a call? Who are the called? How am I called? When am I called? and How do I live out the call?

      The study is ideal for individual or small-group use. A leader DVD is also available and includes teaching sessions with Norman Blackaby as well as vignettes with Norman and Henry providing a retrospective on the past and continuing impact of this study born from the Scriptures.

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    • John (Student/Study Guide) – (Other Language) (Student/Study Guide)


      The Word & Life series guides Korean readers to study the Bible more deeply promotes better meditation on how the Bible’s teachings can apply to our everyday life. Personal meditation and quiet time will be enhanced, and it will help readers change their lives by listening more closely and understanding God’s word. With study guides included, this series is designed for both individuals and small group study.

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    • 1-2 Samuel-1-2 Chronicles (Student/Study Guide)


      With the input of leading Bible scholars and teachers, Immersion Bible Studies feature a format that focuses on readers, encouraging them to explore key events, people, teachings, and ideas throughout the Bible.

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    • Joshua-Ruth (Student/Study Guide)


      With the input of leading Bible scholars and teachers, Immersion Bible Studies feature a format that focuses on readers, encouraging them to explore key events, people, teachings, and ideas throughout the Bible.

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    • Revelation : 22 Studies For Individuals And Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Informed by several significant books from N.T. Wright, including the popular New Testament for Everyone commentary series.
      Uses the popular inductive Bible study method with notes and comments from a world-renowned New Testament scholar
      Designed specifically for laypeople and contemporary application of Scripture

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    • Christianity Explored Universal Handbook (Student/Study Guide)


      Before We Begin (map And Background To Mark)
      1. What Is Christianity?
      2. Who Is Jesus?
      3. Why Did Jesus Come?
      4. Why Did Jesus Die?
      5. Why Did Jesus Rise From The Dead?
      6. How Can God Accept Us?
      7. What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?
      8. What Next?
      Optional Readings Through Mark

      Additional Info
      The Christianity Explored Universal Handbook contains everything a guest needs to take part in the eight-session course.

      The Universal edition of Christianity Explored is designed to be universally accessible with a special emphasis on clear and simple English.
      Written in a Bible study format, participants discover the life of Jesus together as they work through eight sessions in Mark’s Gospel. Use of the CE DVD is entirely optional.
      It is ideal for International students or anyone who would benefit from a Bible study format and straight-forward, everyday English.

      * Revised and updated from the “English made easy” edition
      * Eight Bible studies in Mark’s Gospel
      * Written in simple and clear English
      * Includes help in running a course, detailed notes for leading each Bible study, answers to common questions from Mark or about Christian belief
      * Additional resource material available as free downloads

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    • Biblical Ministries Through Women


      God has a mission and ministry for every believer, and women have always been called to make a significant contribution to the ministry of the church. This study guide explores the role of women’s ministry in the Bible and the church today. Readers will learn about the unique and dynamic contributions of many key women in the Bible, and find guidance for discovering their own role and ministry in the body of Christ. The Spirit-Filled Life study guides are perfect companions to the New Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible or for use on their own. Their interactive approach offers an in-depth look at practical living in God’s kingdom and challenges users to examine and live their daily lives in the light of God’s Word. Features include: 12 lessons, plus an introduction to experiencing the hope and purpose that come with living with God’s covenants in view Foundational, practical helps like Kingdom Extras, Probing the Depths, and Word Wealth in each lesson.

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    • Pauls Epistles


      The Cotton Patch Gospel recasts the stories of Jesus and the letters of Paul and Peter into the language and culture of the mid-20th century South. Born out of the Civil Rights struggle, these now classic translations of much of the New Testament bring the far-away places of Scripture closer to home: Gainesville, Selma, Birmingham, Atlanta, Washington, D.C.

      As Jordan once wrote, “While there have been many excellent translations of the Scriptures into modern English, they still have left us stranded in some faraway land in the long-distant past. We need to have the good news come to us not only in our own tongue but in our own time. We want to be participants in the faith, not merely spectators.”

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    • Acts : Kingdom Power


      The Book of Acts records the spread of God’s kingdom in human lives from Jerusalem to Rome, citing the outpouring and witness of the Holy Spirit and His power working through people like you. This in-depth study guide introduces ordinary people experiencing extraordinary grace and shows how their faith released the miracle-working power of God. Through this study guide, you will learn how to receive the Holy Spirit’s promise and power, how to minister freely to others, and how Christians can live together as God’s new, expanding family. The Spirit-Filled Life study guides are perfect companions to the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible or for use on their own. Their interactive approach offers an in-depth look at practical living in God’s kingdom and challenges users to examine and live their daily lives in the light of God’s Word.

      Features include: 12 lessons, plus an introduction to experiencing the hope and purpose that come with living with God’s covenants in view Foundational, practical helps like Kingdom Extras, Probing the Depths, and Word Wealth in each lesson.

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    • Spiritual Warfare Self Study Bible Study Course


      Be Prepared for Spiritual Warfare

      Do you know how to wage effective warfare against our spiritual enemy, Satan? Spiritual battles are not just for preachers or other spiritual leaders. Whether you are a new believer or have known the Lord for many years, you will inevitably experience the devil’s attacks. But you can learn how to protect yourself from them, take the offensive, and fulfill what God has called you to do in life.

      The principles in the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course apply to all believers. They show you step-by-step the nature of the spiritual realm and how to effectively defeat the enemy. Be encouraged! God has provided everything you need to be “more than a conqueror.”

      You will learn how to:
      *stand firm against Satan to protect your spiritual health and growth
      *loosen the devil’s chains and cast down demonic strongholds through the weapons of warfare God has given believers
      *fight on behalf of others whom Satan is attacking and help set them free
      *thwart Satan’s schemes and bring the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven
      *live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, enjoying fellowship with your heavenly Father and receiving all that He has for you

      In Jesus Christ, you have both authority and power to overcome the enemy’s attacks against you and your loved ones. Are you prepared for this warfare? You can be ready and equipped through the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course.

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    • Genesis 1-11


      General Introduction
      A Guide To Using This Commentary
      Introduction To Genesis 1–11
      Commentary On Genesis 1–11
      Map Of The Reformation Timeline Of The Reformation
      Biographical Sketches Of Reformation Era Figures
      Bibliography Of Works In Original Languages
      Bibliography Of Works In English Translations
      Author/Writings Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      The first chapters of Genesis are the bedrock of the Jewish and Christian traditions. In these inaugural pages of the canon, the creation of the world, the fall of the human creature, the promise of redemption and the beginning of salvation history are found. Interwoven in the text are memorable stories of the ancient biblical patriarchs and matriarchs. Throughout the history of commentary, interpreters have lavished attention on the rich passages recounting the six days of creation, the tragic fall of God’s creature–from the expulsion of the first parents to Cain’s fratricide and the catastrophe of the Flood–as well as the allegorical sign of hope in the ark of Noah. Commentators in the Reformation continued this venerable tradition of detailed focus on these primordial stories, finding themselves and their era deeply connected to the tragedies and promises, the genealogies and marvels of God’s providential election and governance. Above all, Reformation-era interpreters found anchor for their teaching, preaching and hope in the promise of Christ running through these first chapters, from creation to the calling of Abraham. While following the precedent of patristic and medieval commentators on Scripture, as well as Rabbinic midrash, the Reformers provide insightful and startling fresh readings of familiar passages, inviting readers to see the ancient text with new eyes. This volume collects the comments of not only the monumental thinkers like Luther, Calvin and Melancthon, but also many important figures of the time who are lesser-known today. Here we find rich fare from Johannes Brenz, Wolfgang Capito, Hans Denck, Wolfgang Musculus, Johannes Oecolampadius and Peter Martyr Vermigli. Readers will encounter comments from a wide array of perspectives, from the magisterial Reformers to radical Protestants like Balthasar Hubmaier, Menno Simons, Pilgram Marpeck and Dirk Philips, as well as some Catholic thinkers, such as Desiderius Erasmus and Cardinal Cajetan. Important contributions from female voices, like Katharina Schtz Zell and Anna Maria van Schurman are included also. The wealth of Reformation interpretation is brought together here for study and reflection, much appearing in English for the first time.

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    • James : 9 Studies For Individuals And Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Getting The Most Out Of James
      Suggestions For Individual Study
      Suggestions For Group Members

      1. James 1:1-8
      The Challenge Of Faith

      2. James 1:9-18
      The Snares Of The World And The Gift Of God

      3. James 1:19-27
      The Word That Goes To Work

      4. James 2:1-13
      No Favorites

      5. James 2:14-26
      Faith And Works

      6. James 3:1-18
      Taming The Tongue

      7. James 4:1-17
      Humility And Faith

      8. James 5:1-12
      The Rich And The Suffering

      9. James 5:13-20
      Praying In Faith

      Guidelines For Leaders

      Additional Info
      Every generation in the church worries, rightly, about people who just glide along, seeming to enjoy what they hear in church but without it making any real difference. James faced exactly the same problem in the very first generation. So it’s not surprising that translating belief into action–making sure faith is the real thing–is near the heart of his message.

      That kind of faith, he explains, is the faith that matters, the faith that justifies, the faith that saves. We need that kind of faith today. These nine studies on James’s passionate letter will help you live out a faith that makes a difference.

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    • Everything We Need For Life And Godliness


      Why do we read the Psalms? We read them because we find comfort in them. We identify ourselves with the ups and downs of the writer, his feelings and emotions. They show the struggles of the writer with God’s activities, “how long before you….” The psalmist says, and our cry to the Lord mixes with his. They show his fears when he writes: “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” and our fear becomes one with his. The theologian reads them because of their prophetic and Messianic teachings. But, do we ever read them because they teach us how we relate to God?

      See how the Psalms teach us what a person in a right relationship with God does in his relationship with Him. Experience a thrilling, growing, and often convicting journey in God while being richly blessed as you learn what it means:

      “He establishes the work of our hands”

      and see the Apostle Paul’s example.

      “We know that our times are in God’s hands”

      and see how God created time for our salvation and why He determines our days.

      “We consider all precepts right”

      and see the problems of the pick-and-choose theology.

      “We are devoted to God”

      and see how we’re little burning bushes walking the streets of this world.

      “We trust in God”

      and see how little we do…and much more.

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    • Abuse Of Christian Women In India And Remedy (Student/Study Guide)


      Jane McNally, who spent most of her life in India, uncovers the problem of abuse in Indian Christian homes with accuracy and authority as well as with pain and passion. The outlined Bible studies help the reader to understand the true biblical and God-given relationship of woman and man, which is the only hope for the redemption of family life, in India and the world.

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    • Stress Point : Thriving Through Your Twenties In A Decade Of Drama


      Body image. Friendships. Career. Money. Dating. All these issues and more serve as points of stress for the 20-something woman, and combined they can make for a decade of drama in a girl’s life. Sarah Francis Martin has been there, done that, and got the not-so-cute t-shirt. Through this interactive Bible study, Sarah helps young adult women address each stress point by encouraging them to wait on the Lord, worship Him, and make Him the focus of their lives.

      Features include:
      10 interactive chapters of study for personal or group use
      Journaling space within each lesson
      Group discussion guide and instructions for forming a Stress Point Survival Group
      Links to video blogs from Sarah

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    • Stages Of Faith Workbook


      Published by Biola University, Stages of Faith is a powerful 13-week study for personal and small group use, which should be in every small group leader’s toolbox.

      Instead of simplistic, trendy formulas or canned prescriptions, you’ll explore a rich metaphor of three dynamic stages of spiritual growth – the Childhood stage of faith, the Young Adulthood stage of faith, and the Parenthood stage of faith – and eight milestones you will encounter en route to spiritual maturity. The stages model offers a convincing description of the growth of one’s Christian faith as well as compelling insights into how the journey proceeds.

      Stages of spiritual growth can be measured. You will complete the Spiritual Growth Profile – a one-of-a-kind instrument – and find out how far you have progressed in the three stages and eight milestones.

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    • What You Need To Know About Bible Prophecy


      Prophets. Rapture. Tribulation. Judgment. End times. Learn what the Bible has to say about prophecy, how Christians differ in their views of the end times, and what the universal aspects are on which all Christians agree. The Max Anders What You Need to Know About series is made up of ten 12-lesson study guides covering the fundamentals of Christianity. The ten books in the series together form a “Basic Knowledge” program for seekers, new believers, and veteran believers who want a stronger foundation in the Christian faith.
      Features include:
      12 lessons that can be completed in under 1 hour each
      Real-life application of biblical truth
      Explanations of prominent Christian views on each topic
      Easy-to-teach lessons, including previews and summary features
      Questions for discussion

      Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation.

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    • What You Need To Know About Defending Your Faith


      Today believers encounter a dizzying array of religious options. What You Need to Know About Defending Your Faith gives every believer seeking answers complete training that will firm up their faith and provide confidence in sharing the gospel. The Max Anders What You Need to Know About series is made up of ten 12-lesson study guides covering the fundamentals of Christianity. The ten books in the series together form a “Basic Knowledge” program for seekers, new believers, and veteran believers who want a stronger foundation in the Christian faith.

      Features include:
      12 lessons that can be completed in under 1 hour each
      Real-life application of biblical truth
      Explanations of prominent Christian views on every topic
      Easy-to-teach lessons, including previews and summary features
      Questions for discussion

      Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation.

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    • Why Not Now Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Like most of the rest of us, Christian students tend to set the bar too low for themselves, especially when it comes to actively following Jesus. This 6-week Bible study curriculum and correlated-but-stand-alone daily devotional will challenge students to accept the mission to live like Jesus now, not later, by telling the stories of adolescents from the Bible and in modern life who did — and are doing — significant and amazing things in the world and for the God who saves. In a society where cultural adolescence is lingering into the 30s, its no wonder Christian students often fail to confront the call to act meaningfully on their faith in Christ. It’s easy to package that commitment with big ideas like picking a college, a spouse, and a career — and then to never quite get around to it.

      God, however, posts no minimum age on discipleship, and his book contains several examples of younger people both willing and able — in his power — to do extraordinarily difficult and necessary things with their lives for him. Why Not Now? will mine stories from the young lives of Miriam, Joseph, David, Solomon, Daniel, and Mary to find why and how they said yes to God before they would have been old enough to rent a car in our modern society. All six of these people believed God could use their lives to do something that mattered. What is holding us back?

      To bolster the argument and generate interest in the books, Why Not Now? will also seek contributions from living examples of people who are doing or have done things we just don’t expect students to do these days. Abby Sunderland, for instance, generated worldwide controversy for attempting to sail around the world solo simply because she was 16 at the time. How dare she? How cold her parents allow that? Another 16-year-old, cheerleader Kealey Oliver, recently made news for courageously tackling a shoplifter at the local mall rather that letting him escape. She saw it as her responsibility to stand for justice. And 17-year-old Steven Ortiz made headlines by demonstrating the practical wisdom of bartering his way from an old cell phone to a convertible Porsche.

      Why Not Now? will use stories like theirs — and those from Scripture — to equip youth leaders to challenge students to use their unique gifts, skills, and opportunities right now to do bigger things with their lives for God’s glory. The curriculum will include teaching outlines, commentary, group activities, discussion questions, a

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    • Joy : A Bible Study In Philippians For Women


      Keri Folmar has written a worthy Bible study for women based on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Keri has a heart for women to experience deep and fruitful Bible study. Carried by the desire to see her sisters in Christ grow in their knowledge of the Lord, Keri has written a book toward that end. The book starts with a brief but concise explanation on how to do inductive Bible study and notes for leaders. From there it dives into a 10 week study of Philippians. Each week is broken up into 5 days. Each day there is a reading and some questions to answer.

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    • 1-2 Timothy-Philemon (Student/Study Guide)


      With the input of leading Bible scholars and teachers, Immersion features a format that focuses on readers, encouraging them to explore key events, people, teachings, and ideas throughout the Bible.

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    • Understanding Expounding And Obeying Gods Word


      Understanding God’s Word is a clear and thoughtful book giving guidance and practical suggestions to help you discover what Scripture actually says–and what it means.

      Containing 3 books in this one handy volume, it provide with all the steps you need to faithfully interpret God’s word.

      In book 1, entitled Understanding God’s Word Stibbs sets out the basic principles of right understanding and proper interpretation. All Christians will benefit from this excellent foundation: the insight here will stay with you for a lifetime of Bible reading.

      Book 2, Expounding God’s Word draws out the central principles and methods of biblical exposition, with plenty of practical illustrations and examples. It will help those leading Bible studies, teaching or preaching to get God’s message across in a relevant and easily understandable way.Lastly, book 3 Obeying God’s Word shows us that God’s word has practical authority, which determines what we believe, what we teach, and how we act. If you believe God meant his word to be read with all your mind, and also all your heart and all your soul, this is the book for you. Alan Stibbs knew there was a danger in growing our critical knowledge of the Bible–without responding in faith and God-given obedience, in reverence and right living.

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    • Genesis


      Studying the Bible can be a daunting prospect, with each passage revealing new truths at every reading. The Studies on the Go series is designed to help keep your youth group focused and exciting, exploring the rich depths in every book of the bible.

      In Genesis, Laurie Polich-Short delivers a set of 30 in-depth study sessions to unlock the potential in the first book of the Bible. Every chapter is examined with care and matched with questions to promote discussion in a group study setting. These segments also include tips to help your students apply what they learn in their everyday lives.

      The Studies on the Go series has provided invaluable resources for small group leaders, and Genesis is a title in that same tradition. Structured study questions and varied discussion topics promise a rich experience and deeper understanding of God’s word for your small group.

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    • Deuteronomy (Student/Study Guide)


      With the input of leading Bible scholars and teachers, Immersion features a format that focuses on readers, encouraging them to explore key events, people, teachings, and ideas throughout the Bible.

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