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  • Fanny Crosby – (Spanish)


    Lee la historia real de una de las escritoras de himnos mas famosa del mundo. Frances mejor conocida como Fanny fue ciega la mayor parte de su vida, pero se regocijaba en saber que lo primero que sus ojos verian seria el rostro de Jesus en el cielo. Fanny uso su extraordinaria habilidad musical para escribir himnos que cantamos hasta el dia de hoy, tales como A Dios sea la gloria y En Jesucristo.

    Esta biografia para nios bellamente ilustrada de Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) es parte de una serie diseada para mostrarle a los nios que Dios usa personas ordinarias para hacer cosas extraordinarias.

    Estas historias pueden ser leidas a nios pequeos o tambien pueden ser disfrutadas por lectores jovenes.

    Read the true story of one of the world’s most famous hymn writers. Frances or Fanny, as everyone called her was blind for most of her life but rejoiced that the first thing her eyes would see would be “the face of Jesus in heaven.” Fanny used her extraordinary musical ability to write hymns we still sing today, such as “To God Be the Glory” and “Blessed Assurance”.

    This beautifully illustrated children’s biography of Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) is part of a series designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

    These stories can be read to young children or enjoyed independently by early readers.

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  • Gladys Aylward – (Spanish)


    Lee la historia real de Gladys Aylward, quien vencio muchos obstaculos para ser misionera en China.

    Despues de algunos contratiempos iniciales, a Gladys se le dio la oportunidad de ir a China. Pero esas dificultades no terminaron ahi. Despues de trabajar dia y noche para ahorrar dinero suficiente para viajar a China, su tren llego solamente hasta Siberia. Ella tuvo que subirse a un barco, luego a otro barco, a un tren, a un autobus y !finalmente a un burro!

    Cuando eventualmente llego a China, los aldeanos estaban muy sospechosos !y le lanzaron lodo! Pero con el tiempo, Gladys se gano su confianza y les compartio de Jesus.
    Esta biografia para nios bellamente ilustrada de Gladys Aylward (1902-1970) es parte de una serie diseada para mostrarle a los nios que Dios usa personas ordinarias para hacer cosas extraordinarias.

    Read the true story of Gladys Aylward, who overcame many obstacles to be a missionary in China.

    After some initial setbacks, Gladys was given an opportunity to go to China. But the setbacks didn’t end there! Having worked day and night to earn enough money to travel to China, her train only got as far as Siberia. Gladys then had to sneak onto a ship, take another boat, another train, a bus and lastly a donkey!

    When she eventually arrived in China, the villagers were deeply suspicious and threw mud at her! But, with time, Gladys earned the trust of those around her and told them all about Jesus.

    This beautifully illustrated children’s biography of Gladys Aylward (1902-1970) is part of a series designed to show kids that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

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  • Juan Calvino – (Spanish)


    Este libro es un recuento puntual de la vida y obra del reformador franco-ginebrino que presta especial atencion a sus origenes familiares, sus anos formativos y el rumbo que tomo al convertirse en uno de los humanistas devotos de su pais natal. Tambien se presentan los fuertes conflictos que tuvo antes de ser ubicado como quien consolido la Reforma.

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  • Martin Lutero – (Spanish)


    Una historia desde los inicios de Martin Lutero hasta la epoca moderna. Donde se aprecia claramente, como los valores de la reforma y el protestantismo han influido en la Modernidad y en temas tan actuales como: La vocacion, el trabajo, el capitalismo, la democracia. Un excelente libro de Historia del Cristianismo desde la Edad Media a la Modernidad, y a su vez un excelente libro de sociologia sobre los valores en los que descansa la modernidad.

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  • Siete Hombres – (Spanish)


    En Siete Hombres, Eric Metaxas, uno de los autores mas leidos del New York Times, presenta siete retratos cortos exquisitamente elaborados sobre hombres cristianos ampliamente conocidos -aunque no del todo comprendidos-, cada uno de los cuales demuestra de forma singular su compromiso de vivir, bajo determinadas virtudes, en la verdad del evangelio.

    Escrito en un hermoso y cautivador estilo, 7 Hombres aborda lo que significa (o deberia significar) ser un hombre en la actualidad, en donde los medios y la cultura popular nos muestran imagenes de masculinidad diferentes a las que observamos en las Escrituras y en la vida civil historica. Que significa realmente ser un modelo ejemplar como padre, hermano, esposo, lider, instructor, consejero, agente de cambio y hombre sabio? Que significa ser simbolo de honestidad, coraje y caridad, especialmente cuando la cultura y el mundo van en contra de esos valores?

    Cada una de las siete biografias representa la vida de un hombre que lucho y afronto desafios, haciendose fuerte ante circunstancias que hubieran acabado con la determinacion de cualquier otro hombre. Los siete personajes reseados -George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Juan Pablo II y Charles Colson- invitan al lector a seguir un camino y un estilo de vida superior, uno que sea reflejo del evangelio en el mundo que nos rodea.

    In Siete Hombres, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas presents seven exquisitely crafted short portraits of widely known-but not well understood-Christian men, each of whom uniquely showcases a commitment to live by certain virtues in the truth of the gospel.

    Written in a beautiful and engaging style, Siete Hombres addresses what it means (or should mean) to be a man today, at a time when media and popular culture present images of masculinity that are not the picture presented in Scripture and historic civil life. What does it take to be a true exemplar as a father, brother, husband, leader, coach, counselor, change agent, and wise man? What does it mean to stand for honesty, courage, and charity, especially at times when the culture and the world run counter to those values?

    Each of the seven biographies represents the life of a man who experienced the struggles and challenges to be strong in the face of forces and circumstances that would have destroyed the resolve of lesser men. Each of the seven men profiled-George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric

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  • Donde Esta Dios Cuando Mas Lo – (Spanish)


    As a mother who lost her two little daughters to a congenital illness, Gloria Vazquez is well acquainted with the difficult and dark pathways of suffering. This sequel to her testimonial book ‘Los caminos altos’ (The Higher Pathways), helps us discover a little more about the source of the faith and hope that has enabled her to endure her trials with gratitude to God and with a greater understanding of His unsearchable will.

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  • Bonhoeffer – (Spanish)


    From the New York Times bestselling author of Amazing Grace, a groundbreaking biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the greatest heroes of the twentieth century, the man who stood up to Hitler.

    A definitive, deeply moving narrative, Bonhoeffer is a story of moral courage in the face of the monstrous evil that was Nazism.

    After discovering the fire of true faith in a Harlem church, Bonhoeffer returned to Germany and became one of the first to speak out against Hitler. As a double-agent, he joined the plot to assassinate the Fuhrer, and was hanged in Flossenberg concentration camp at age 39. Since his death, Bonhoeffer has grown to be one of the most fascinating, complex figures of the 20th century.

    Bonhoeffer presents a profoundly orthodox Christian theologian whose faith led him to boldly confront the greatest evil of the 20th century, and uncovers never-before-revealed facts, including the story of his passionate romance.

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  • Fe De Barack Obama – (Spanish)


    Discover the unapologetically Christian and liberal Barack Obama-and how he represents the changing face of religion in American politics.

    You’d have to live in a cave to have avoided hearing about Barack Obama’s woes as he deals with the crises arising from the close mentor relationship he had with the senior pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ, Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. How, people ask, could Sen. Obama represent as president people of all races, when he attended for 20 years a church permeated by a defining, if understandable, spirit of anger toward white America? There is, however, much more to the senator’s faith than this one issue. As early as 1994, as he delivered a powerful speech to the Democratic National Convention in Boston, he was taking a stand for his faith: “We worship an awesome God in the Blue States… Those of us on the political Left who believe in a woman’s right to choose an abortion and who defend the rights of our gay friends and who care for the poor and who trust that big government can be a tool of righteousness-we also love God… No longer will we be painted as the non-believers” In The Faith of Barack Obama, Stephen Mansfield explores Obama’s religious faith without political or ideological bias. Because if a man’s faith is sincere, it is the most important thing about him, and it is impossible to understand who he is and how he will lead without first understanding the religious vision that informs his life.

    Descubra al Barack Obama que es cristiano y liberal sin ningun reparo en admitirlo -y como el representa el rostro cambiante de la religion en la politica estadounidense.

    Barack Obama enfrento ciertas tribulaciones mientras trataba con la crisis causada por su ex pastor, el doctor Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. ?Como pudo el senador Obama asistir durante 20 anos a una iglesia impregnada por un definitivo (aunque comprensible) espiritu de ira hacia los blancos de Estados Unidos? Hay, sin embargo, cosas mucho mas importantes en la fe del senador que tan solo este tema. En La fe de Barack Obama, Stephen Mansfield explora la fe religiosa de Obama sin inclinaciones politicas o ideologicas. Su premisa basica es esta:ASi la fe de un hombre es sincera, entonces es el factor que mas lo define. En consecuencia, es imposible entender como dirigira Barack Obama sin primero entender la vision religiosa que informa su vida.

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  • Funky De Ahora En Adelante – (Spanish)


    This is a story that will not leave you indifferent. You will identify with each one of the details, anecdotes and episodes in the life of Luis Marrero, better known as ‘Funky.’ In this book you will find that behind his greatest achievements there are great stories that few people know about. In his honest way, Funky will take us to the most intimate places of his heart, his family and his dreams. ‘From Now On: The true story of Funky’ is a book that will confront you and challenge you to understand and continue along the paths that God uses to take us to our destinies.

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  • Hijo De Hamas – (Spanish)


    A gripping account of terror, political intrigue, and unthinkable choices.

    Hijo de Hamas is the gripping true story of a Hamas insider who rejected his violent destiny and is now risking everything to expose the secrets of the extremist Islamic organization to show the world a way to peace. Since he was a small boy, Mosab Hassan Yousef has had an inside view of this deadly terrorist group. The oldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas and its most popular leader, young Mosab assisted his father for years in his political activities while being groomed to assume his legacy, politics, status, and power. But everything changed when Mosab turned away from terror and violence and embraced instead the teachings of another famous Middle East leader. In Hijo de Hamas, Mosab Yousef, now called “Joseph,” reveals new information about the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization and unveils the truth about his own role, his agonizing separation from family and homeland, the dangerous decision to make his newfound faith public, and his belief that the Christian mandate to “love your enemies” is the only way to peace in the Middle East.

    Una conmovedora historia de terror, intriga politica y decisiones impensables.

    Hijo de Hamas es la conmovedora historia verdadera de un miembro del movimiento Hamas que rechazo su violento destino y ahora lo arriesga todo al exponer los secretos de la organizacion extremista islamica para mostrarle al mundo un camino hacia la paz. Mosab Hassan Yousef conoce este devastador grupo terrorista internamente desde que era un nio pequeo. Como hijo mayor de Sheikh Hassan Yousef, miembro fundador y el mas famoso lider de Hamas, el joven Mosab ayudo a su padre por aos en sus actividades politicas mientras era preparado para asumir su legado, ideologia, estatus y poder. Pero todo cambio cuando Mosab dio la espalda al terror y a la violencia, y acogio en su lugar las enseanzas de otro famoso lider del Medio Oriente. En Hijo de Hamas, Mosab Yousef, ahora con el nombre de “Joseph”, da a conocer nueva informacion sobre la organizacion terrorista mas peligrosa del mundo y revela la verdad sobre su propio papel, la dolorosa separacion de su familia y de su tierra natal, la peligrosa decision de hacer publica su nueva fe, y su creencia de que el mandato cristiano de “amar a tus enemigos” es el unico camino hacia la paz en el Medio Oriente.

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  • Manos Prodigiosas – (Spanish)


    The story of Ben Carson, M.D. will inspire readers as they watch an inner-city youngster rise to become director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University Hospital.

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  • Toma El Riesgo – (Spanish)


    You can find our culture’s obsession with avoiding risk everywhere, from multiple insurance policies to crash-tested vehicles. But is ducking risk the most productive way for us to live? Surgeon and author Dr. Ben Carson, who faces risk on a daily basis, offers an inspiring message on how accepting risk can lead us to a higher purpose.

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  • Introduccion A La Vida Y Teolo – (Spanish)


    Explores the formation and teachings of Martin Luther, examining his life, his times, and his writings

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  • Sanidad Del Corazon – (Spanish)


    Joan Hunter Ministries Publication

    In her new book Joan shares the struggles with obesity, breast cancer and the heart-breaking end of her 25 year marriage.

    Find out how God turned her around and she became an international author and teacher with an awesome healing ministry.

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  • Joel – (Spanish)


    Joel Sonnenberg was only two years old when an 18-wheel truck crashed into his family’s car. In the resulting inferno, he was burned over more than 85 percent of his body. This is his story told in the way that only he can tell it. Experience the world from Joel’s point of view while he takes the reader through a personal journey that includes more trauma than any Hollywood film could suggest. His life is a story of great struggles and suffering. Prepare to fall in love with this young man named Joel.

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  • Sueno De Toda Mujer – (Spanish)


    This book shares what goes on “behind the scenes” in ministry and leadership. The wife of well-known evangelist Dante Gebel shares how a person who thinks she has no possibility of achieving her dreams, fulfills the dream of every woman – to fall in love, serve the Lord and conquer the craziness of the future. She discusses discrimination of women in Latin America and those women who maintain a low profile but accomplish their vision secretly. “Nobody saw you when your husband wanted to give up and you helped him stick with it, nobody recognized you when your husband cried on your shoulder.”

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  • Atravesando Fronteras – (Spanish)


    Nuestra “casa”, mas que un lugar fisico, es un conjunto de recuredos que nos permite comprender mejor quienes eramos, quienes somos, y puede ayudarnos a comprender quienes seremos. Ese sentido de pertenencia es el que nos define. Algunos dejan su “casa”, su hogar, muy pronto en sus vidas; para ellos es muy dificil encontrar su centro emocional. Estan, a veces, condenados a una vida sin equilibrio. Pero tambien es una existencia con mucha libertad. Sin frontera alguna, estos eternos viajeros no dejan de buscar aventuras y experiencias limite esperando encontrar algun dia, como Ulises, un lugar que puedan llamar su “casa”. Asi empieza el viaje de la extraordinaria autobiografia de Jorge Ramos, un periodista que encarna este espiritu aventurero a la perfeccion, y que espera, algun dia, encontrar un lugar en el cual se sienta como en casa. Por primera vez, Jorge Ramos, el mas prestigioso presentador de noticias en espanol comparte su vida personal con sus lectores, televidentes y radioescuchas. Hable de lost amores de su vida, de su pasion por el periodismo de sus viajes y entrevistas y de su propio concepto de realizacion espiritual. Es, al mismo tiempo, una invitacion a aprovechar al maximo cada instante de nuestra vida. En este libro conocemos al hombre de la television al que millones de latinos e hispanoparlantes le han dado toda su confianza durante anos. Asi descubrimos que Ramos es alguien que comprende que para vivir plenamente, hay que tomar riesgos, y que sin riesgos no hay recompensa. Ramos cuenta de sus conflictos, de nino, con los sacerdotes benedictinos, de sus luchas como estudianted en Los Angeles a principios de los ochentas, de su primera incursion en el periodismo norteamericano y de las advertencias de las grandes cadenas de television en ingles de que jamas llegaria a un puesto importante si no perdia su acento. Se equivocaron. De esta manera Ramos nos abre las puertas al mundo de los medios de comunicacion en espanol, un mundo que muchos criticos veian como innecesario e irrelevante y que ahora se ha convertido en uno de los sectores mas poderosos de la cultura estadounidense. Con las historias de las muchas guerras que has cubierto, los lugares que has visitado y los poderosos y temidos lideres mundiales que ha entrevistado, Ramos cautiva a sus lectores contandoles la trayectoria y los altibajos de un periodista que llego a un pais que quisiera llamar su casa, pero que no puede. Descubrimos tambien, a un hombre cuya atraccion por las e

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  • Senor Hazme Llorar – (Spanish)


    This book is the moving, and often times offensive, true story of Cookie Rodrigues and how she found something she longed for even more than her addiction to heroine.

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  • Corre Nicky Corre – (Spanish)


    This is the emotional story of Nicky Cruz and how he escaped from the barrios under extreme and desperate pressure to find a better life. This biography is of a young man that won the battle of alcoholism, escaped the violent crimes of his past and become an inspiration to teenagers around the world.

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