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    Christian Living

    • Cabeza Y No Cola – (Spanish)


      Conocer las promesas del Padre o tomarlas? Ser solamente el pueblo de Dios o ser, ademas, el ejercito de Dios? Escuchar la voz de Dios o escuchar y obedecer la voz de Dios? Acusar y condenar o ensear y ser ejemplo? Argumentar y excusarse delante del Seor o arriesgarlo todo por obedecerlo? SER CABEZA O SER COLA?

      Los hijos de Dios son llamados a ser CABEZA Y NO COLA; esto es lo que se expone en este impactante libro a la luz de la Palabra. Un reto continuo a ser la Iglesia que Jesucristo planeo y no ser una iglesia movida por el yo.

      Este libro es un viaje a traves del cual comprenderas por que el Israel que salio de Egipto no pudo conquistar la tierra prometida, y como la Iglesia de hoy debe actuar para conquistar su tierra prometida, que es el llamado del Seor a ella.

      CABEZA Y NO COLA reta al lector a responder una pregunta basica: Estoy dispuesto a obedecer la voz del Seor y asi conquistar el proposito divino para el cual fui creado?




      The head and not the tail

      Know the promises of the Father or take them? To be only the people of God or to be, in addition, the army of God? Hear God’s voice or listen and obey God’s voice? Accuse and condemn or teach and be an example? Argue and excuse yourself before the Lord or risk everything to obey Him? BE HEAD OR BE TAIL?

      The children of God are called to be THE HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL; this is what is exposed in this powerful book in the light of the Word. An ongoing challenge to be the Church that Jesus Christ planned and not to be a self-driven church.

      This book is a journey through which you will understand why the Israel that came out of Egypt could not conquer the promised land, and how the Church today must act to conquer her promised land, which is the Lord’s call to her.

      THE HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL challenges the reader to answer a basic question: Am I willing to obey the voice of the Lord and thereby conquer the divine purpose for which I was created?




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    • Mas Alla Del Liderazgo – (Spanish)


      Liderazgo es una palabra que nunca parece estar fuera de moda. Resuena en la mayoria de los ambitos de la sociedad, y no es para menos si se piensa que cualquier emprendimiento depende de la calidad y el buen desempeo de quienes lo lideran. Por esta razon existen tantas herramientas que estan a disposicion de quien desea progresar para llegar a ser un lider exitoso.

      Posiblemente tu seas un lider en ejercicio, te estes entrenando para ocupar un lugar de liderazgo, o tal vez reconozcas que tienes el potencial para ser un excelente lider. Sea cual fuere tu caso, debes hacerte algunas preguntas: la meta mas elevada es llegar a ser un excelente lider?, habra alguna meta superior que este mas alla del liderazgo?

      En este libro aprenderas que:

      *El concepto de liderazgo practicado en la actualidad es un engao que conduce a alimentar el egoismo y la ambicion personal.

      *La funcion de dirigir no tiene como finalidad servirse a uno mismo, sino servir a otros.

      *Existe una meta mas alta que llegar a ser un lider, porque la intencion original de Dios con el ser humano va mas alla del liderazgo.

      Mientras lees, respondes y trabajas en Mas alla del liderazgo, comprenderas una realidad que te sorprendera, porque tu destino es ser mucho mas que un lider. Descubrelo por ti mismo.

      Beyond leadership

      Leadership is a word that never seems to be out of style. It resonates in most areas of society, and it is no wonder if you think that any undertaking depends on the quality and good performance of those who lead it. For this reason, there are so many tools available to anyone who wants to progress to become a successful leader.

      You may be a practicing leader, training for a leadership role, or you may recognize that you have the potential to be an excellent leader. Whatever your case, you should ask yourself some questions: Is the highest goal to become an excellent leader? Is there a higher goal that is beyond leadership?

      In this book you will learn that:

      *The concept of leadership practiced today is a deception that leads to nurturing selfishness and personal ambition.

      *The function of leading is not intended to serve oneself, but to serve others.

      *There is a higher goal than becoming a leader, because God’s original intention with man goes beyond leadership.

      As you read, respond and work on Beyond Leadership, you will understand a reality that will surprise you, because your destiny is to be much more than a leader. Find out for yourself.

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    • Together For A Purpose


      A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor. This engaging and often humorous narrative written by a high-powered Christian woman publisher and a ready-for-retirement widowed pastor deals with change and criticism, blended families, issues of compatibility, and meshing as a couple. More than just a love story, this growing-in-faith story touches on what we all long for-belonging, being loved for who we are, and finding a place of service to God and purpose in our everyday lives.

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    • Together For A Purpose


      A unique story of two seasoned travelers who find each other and marry later in life is told from two viewpoints with openness and candor. This engaging and often humorous narrative written by a high-powered Christian woman publisher and a ready-for-retirement widowed pastor deals with change and criticism, blended families, issues of compatibility, and meshing as a couple. More than just a love story, this growing-in-faith story touches on what we all long for-belonging, being loved for who we are, and finding a place of service to God and purpose in our everyday lives.

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    • Coming Alive : Daily Meditations For Spiritual Renewal


      A spiritual practice for serious-minded (but busy) people.

      Everyone needs renewal, even the most committed among us. The spiritual life requires regular practice and a bit of time. Coming Alive: Daily Meditations for Spiritual Renewal offers five brief meditations each week for focused reading, reflection, and prayer. Each entry centers on a passage of scripture or spiritual writing. The meditations are deep, insightful, and beautifully simple, as readers have come to expect from Steve Harper’s writing. This timeless book offers a gently challenging daily habit, which leads to renewal of spirit and mind.

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    • Heart Speak : A Visual Interpretation Of Let Your Life Speak


      In this visual interpretation of a classic work, Sherrill Knezel brings Parker J. Palmer’s bestselling book Let Your Life Speak to life. With more than seventy heartfelt images to go along with excerpts from Palmer, Heart Speak pairs these images with brief personal reflections. Readers are invited to explore and embrace both their own limits and potential, as they listen to their inner voice, and courageously following its lead.

      I’m very excited about the way Sherrill has used her gifts of art and insight to interpret and express some of the key ideas in Let Your Life Speak, Palmer writes in the preface. Clearly, images speak to a wider range of people than words alone, and are helpful even to ‘word people’ like me. Think of traffic signs that feature an upturned palm that clearly says ‘Stop!, ‘ or a snake-like line that says, ‘Caution, sharp turns ahead!’ Images incarnate words, making them not only more accessible but more actionable as well. Images instantly deliver a message: ‘Here’s something you need to know to negotiate the road you’re on.’

      Whether the words of Let Your Life Speak are familiar signposts on the roads you have traveled or they are new to you, you will enjoy this opportunity for reflection and discernment in regard to your life, community, and calling.

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    • Power Of Group Prayer


      Revival starts when people pray together.

      Christians often dream about the possibility of revival. But revival doesn’t come because we wish or plan for it. Revival occurs when groups of people pray together. However, praying together effectively doesn’t come easily, and we’re often left wondering how to best engage in the work of intercession.

      Carolyn Carney offers a practical guide for those who want something more than “just another prayer meeting.” Drawing from decades of ministry experience, The Power of Group Prayer includes stories and practices for corporate prayer, reflection questions, and supplemental resources to help build powerful intercession groups. Pastors, small group leaders, and campus ministry leaders-or anyone who wants a deeper prayer life-will be equipped to lead others in the kind of prayer that is necessary for effective, resilient ministry.

      Praying together has the power to transform you and the world around you. Come to a place of deep intimacy with God as you learn ways to pray in community.

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    • Come Sit With Me


      Being human is hard. Being in relationships with other humans is even harder. People are complex and relationships are messy but loving one another well is possible. Whether navigating political or religious differences, or dealing with toxic people or our own unforgiveness, this book tackles the struggles no one really wants to talk about. But there is hope! We can actually grow closer to God and others through the circumstances we’d rather run from.

      In Come Sit with Me, 26 (in)courage writers help you navigate tough relational tensions by revealing their own hard-fought, grace-filled learning moments. They show you how to:

      – delight in your differences
      – honor and value others even when you disagree
      – connect before you correct
      – trust that God is working even when people disappoint you
      – live and love like Jesus by serving others

      Whether you’re in the middle of a conflict without resolution or wondering how to enter into a friend’s pain, this book will serve as a gentle guide. Discover how God can work through your disagreements, differences, and discomfort in ways you might never expect.

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    • Meeting God In Matthew


      Whether you are completely new to Matthew’s Gospel or have read it many times before, Meeting God in Matthew will help you see the First Gospel with fresh eyes and better understand its essential meaning and purpose.

      Elaine Storkey, one of the world’s most widely respected theologians and author of Women in a Patriarchal World and Scars Across Humanity, offers an accessible introduction to the main message of Matthew’s Gospel. Powerful and absorbing, it is packed full of many compelling observations about the personality and impact of Jesus both in the first century and today.

      Meeting God in Matthew explores what the Gospel of Matthew teaches us about the revelation of God in the person of Jesus Christ. An essential reading for anyone wanting to understand the gospel message better. It will leave you with a new appreciation of and enthusiasm for the riches of Matthew’s writing, and the desire to return to it over and over again. Its straightforward, enlightening approach also means it is brilliantly helpful for new Christians just beginning on their faith journey.

      Each chapter includes discussion questions and reflection, making Meeting God in Matthew a perfect book for Bible study both for individuals and small groups. With a focus on the Passion narrative in Matthew’s Gospel, it is also ideal for use as a Lent devotional for 2023.

      Simple yet profound, Meeting God in Matthew is an invitation to anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of the Gospel of Matthew and through it to meet the God that is revealed in Jesus Christ.

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    • Gods Word : A Guide To Holy Scripture


      You read it. But do you understand it?

      While the Bible is the most famous book in history, it can be intimidating. Yet God’s word is for us and all people. It is living and active and has the power to save, give life, and heal. Do we read the Bible attuned to the power of God’s word?

      John W. Kleinig opens up the riches found in the Bible. He likens God’s word to a lavish meal that nourishes and satisfies our souls. He shows us the centrality of Scripture to Christian faith–the word through which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit speak with one voice to believers on Earth.

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    • 60 Days Of Purpose


      Unearth the Greatness That God Placed in You!

      Every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God’s grace. – 1 Peter 4:10, TPT

      Before He created the world, God destined you to live a purposeful, exciting, and deeply fulfilled life. Claiming your destiny is easier than you think!

      In Walk Toward Purpose, entrepreneur and business consultant Karen Conrad helps you unearth the raw gifts and talents that God has placed within, offering practical guidance for building a more fruitful, purposeful life. The insightful, quick-read entries, inspired from Karen’s book The Promise of Purpose, will encourage you to…

      *Break free of the fears that keep you from fulfilling your dreams
      *Be present in each moment
      *Shape your future around your purpose
      *Identify and break through obstacles to your potential
      *See the greatness that God sees in you

      What are you waiting for? In this book, you’ll discover the inspiration you need to step into all that God made you for!

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    • Restore My Soul


      How is your self-care? These soul-restoring practices lead to a rich, satisfying life.

      Have you tried self-care but found that you still feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and are struggling emotionally? The most effective efforts aren’t desperate last-ditch attempts but practiced daily–moment by moment and hour by hour.

      Janice McWilliams, a therapist and spiritual director, uses the life of Jesus as her model to help her clients achieve new levels of peace and fulfillment. In Restore My Soul, Janice shares her practical counseling insight to help you understand and practice the essential skills to:

      *manage your thoughts,
      *live well with your emotions,
      *establish soul-restoring rhythms, and
      *live a fulfilling life.

      With these practices, you’ll become increasingly comfortable and confident in working through your inner experiences in real time. Instead of burning out, you can follow the lead of Jesus toward a sustainable, fulfilling life.

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    • Elige Sabiamente En El Amor – (Spanish)


      El amor es un arte que se aprende, de manera que un noviazgo no puede nacer de un encuentro casual, porque no debe ser solo una emocion pasajera. Debe guiarnos a una amistad que podria conducirnos al matrimonio y, por lo tanto, debe verse como el fundamento de una relacion para toda la vida. En el amor no se improvisa, ni tampoco nos aventuramos a una experiencia a ciegas. El amor crece cuando nos damos el espacio necesario para conocernos. En su nuevo libro, Sixto Porras analiza el desarrollo apropiado de una relacion amorosa conducente al noviazgo y luego al matrimonio, explicando las etapas que esta relacion necesita tener, y las conductas recomendadas y no permisibles en cada etapa. La obra resulta ser una guia para evaluar nuestras posibles relaciones con objetividad, y elegir la pareja que en realidad nos conviene.

      Love is an art that is learned, so that a courtship cannot be born from a casual encounter, because it should not be just a passing emotion. It should lead us to a friendship that could lead to marriage, and should therefore be seen as the foundation of a lifelong relationship. In love we do not improvise, nor do we venture into an experience blindly. Love grows when we give each other the necessary space to get to know each other. In his new book, Sixto Porras analyzes the appropriate development of a love relationship leading to dating and then marriage, explaining the stages that this relationship needs to have, and the recommended and not permissible behaviors at each stage. The work turns out to be a guide to evaluate our possible relationships objectively, and choose the partner who really suits us.

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    • Grace Is Free But It Isnt Cheap


      When Jesus walked the earth, rather than expressing anger toward cheating tax collectors and prostitutes, He gently urged them to walk away from their sins. Jesus saved His wrath for the hypocritical Pharisees who pretended to offer grace but only demanded adherence to their endless rules.

      Today, Pastor David Tomberlin says, some preachers offer another kind of grace that’s just as damaging-a cheap, “greasy” grace that says there’s no need to repent because Jesus paid for all of our sins on the cross.

      “Fake, cheap, greasy grace doesn’t transform,” he says. “It doesn’t set the captive free; it pats the captive on the back reassuringly on his road to destruction. Therefore, those ensnared in sin stay stuck while heaps of feel-good words pile on them.”

      In Grace Is Free, But It Isn’t Cheap: Challenging Today’s Watered Down Version of Christianity, Tomberlin takes up the clarion call once voiced by Dietrich Bonhoeffer for believers to appreciate the high cost Christ paid for the salvation of humankind and pursue a life of following Him.

      This pursuit requires a true appreciation of the cost of grace and a nuanced understanding of the dynamics of liberty and accountability.

      “The greasy grace movement tries to represent God without actually knowing Him,” Tomberlin says. “True grace, lavish grace, doesn’t tell someone they are okay when they aren’t; it empowers them to overcome their sin and get truly free.”

      Claim your inheritance as a beloved child of the King, and discover what it really means to follow Christ.

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    • Out Of The Embers


      Deconstruction: Trendy brand name for falling away from belief in God? Or a process essential to authentic faith?

      Liberation or trauma? Prison break or exile?

      It’s complicated. Just like you.

      Christian history records a Great Reformation and a Great Awakening. But today’s “Great Deconstruction” will surely leave an equally profound impact.

      In Out of the Embers, Bradley Jersak explores the necessity, perils, and possibilities of the Great Deconstruction-how it has the potential to either sabotage our communion with God or infuse it with the breath of life, the light and life of Christ himself.

      In this collection of vulnerable memoirs, philosophical memos, and candid provocations, Jersak resists both the hand-wringing urge to corral stray sheep and the exultant desire to play the happy-clappy Ex-vangelical cheerleader. He employs the wisdom and expertise of the great deconstructionists-Christianity’s ancient influences (Moses, Plato, Paul, and the Patristics), “beloved frenemies” (from Voltaire to Nietzsche), and the masters of deconstruction (Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and Weil)-to double down and deconstruct deconstruction itself.

      Where is faith after deconstruction? The author’s heart is to engage and empathize with the bereft and disoriented, stoking the brittle ashes for live embers. In this quest for the resilient gospel of the martyrs, the marginal, and those outside the threshold…inexplicably, in this liminal space, life stirs. A Light shines through the ashes. We find, often for the first time, that living connection Jersak calls “presence in communion.”

      There is a sea change occurring across the Western church and civilization. Whether we’re watching a radical course correction or a complete collapse remains to be seen, and how it pans out will likely depend on how we see what’s happening, who we are becoming, how we live in response-and, most important, where we find Christ situated in this storm.

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    • Secret Garden Devotional


      Devotional Inspiration from Mary Lennox’s Beautifully Mysterious Secret Garden

      The Secret Garden Devotional offers lovely inspiration that explores the themes of faith, family, contentment, wisdom, and joy in the classic Frances Hodgson Burnett novel, cherished by generations of readers.

      Each reading corresponds with a chapter from the book and invites you to embrace God’s guiding hand in your life as you are becoming His new creation. With themes of growth, spiritual nourishment, God’s love and care, and His transforming power, this beautiful chapter-by-chapter devotional includes original artwork throughout. Each reading includes examples from the novel, scripture, life application, and prayers perfect for groups, book clubs, or personal reflection.

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    • Girl Persist In Prayer


      Refreshing Devotional Readings Pave the Way to a More Courageous Faith!

      If you’ve ever desired a stronger connection to the heavenly Father through prayer, this lovely devotional collection is for you! Dozens of practical and encouraging devotions and just-right-sized prayer starters will inspire you to be persistent in your conversations with God as you build an unshakable foundation of faith for life. Girl, Persist in Prayer will help you discover that God is always listening, and He will answer your prayers in His perfect timing. This book is just the motivation and encouragement you need for a deeper prayer life!

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    • Exit The Cave


      After years stuck in the painful cycle of past abuse and ongoing addiction, actor and artist Blaine Hogan received the greatest gift: his life fell apart. No longer able to hide behind the veneer of success or find comfort in the shadows of addiction, Blaine was forced to look at the story his life was telling. And while he hadn’t lost God, he’d lost himself along the way.

      Desperate to find hope, he gave up the career he was building and took a major life detour where he discovered that facing his past was the key to unlocking a new kind of creativity. In Exit the Cave, Blaine shares the stories that shaped him–his own, others’, and God’s greater story–while exploring how our relationship to our past defines the way we live in the present. Through powerful personal revelations and insightful takeaways, he invites you to take up the practices of radical imagination and real creativity so you can tell a better story with your life.

      If you’ve ever been stuck, addicted, ashamed, discontented, or lost, take courage–a richer, more whole, imaginative, and meaningful life is waiting for you just outside the cave.

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    • How To Know God Exists


      Three questions are etched into everyone’s subconscious: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Josh McDowell and Thomas Williams team up to show why nothing short of God answers these questions. But the problem is that in today’s secularized culture, God has largely been banished.

      How to Know God Exists explores in depth solid reasons for believing in God and restoring him to his rightful place in our lives. Josh McDowell is widely known for his powerful defenses of God based on historical and biblical evidences. In this book he and Thomas take a new direction and present often-unexplored but formidable evidences based on sheer reason, observable reality, and solid science. They show that belief in God is not the blind, unthinking, and intellectually indefensible fancy today’s secularism makes it out to be.

      How to Know God Exists will:

      *Offer rational defenses for the existence of God, truth, morality, meaning, and reason

      *Open vistas of beauty and joy denied to readers by the sterility of secularism

      *Use reason, logic, experience, and common sense to show that God offers the truth required to make sense of reality and bring meaning and joy to life

      By reason and common sense, How to Know God Exists shows that meaning itself is rooted in the existence of God.

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    • Establishing Home : Creating Space For A Beautiful Life With Family, Faith,


      What is your unique path to a more beautiful and fulfilling life? Walk alongside award-winning designer Jean Stoffer as she chronicles her own surprising, unhurried journey and be encouraged that there’s plenty of time to discover yours.

      When Jean Stoffer’s husband announced he was quitting his extremely stressful job to look for another career, she suddenly needed to bring in a lot more of the family income. The problem was, while she had a degree in business, her part-time job paid very little and she had few obvious options for earning more anytime soon. In Establishing Home, Jean tells how necessity sparked her journey from part-time receptionist to founder of an award-winning home design company and star of the Magnolia Network’s show, The Established Home. Along the way, she shares what’s she learned about design, business, parenting, and relationships. In Establishing Home Jean will:

      *Inspire you to discover a dream you didn’t know you had

      *Reassure you that whether you’re building a career, raising a family, or redoing your home, it’s okay to slow down and enjoy the journey

      *Teach you practical ideas for combining work and family?and how to work in harmony with adult children

      *Reveal her pro tips for making your home a beautiful place to be

      *Provide gorgeous 4-color photos of her classic, elegant designs for your own inspiration

      Any home?and life?can become even more beautiful with a little bit of heart.

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    • I Am A Christian


      In this concise book, respected pastor, author, and church consultant Thom Rainer explains how the local church is God’s primary plan for reaching the world with his love. “I am a Christian” and “I am a church member” go hand in hand.

      What does it really mean to be a Christian? In a world where everything from sports to politics, social media to podcasts, and movies to television vies for our attention, we need to get back to what is essential. We need to know who we truly are and who we serve.

      When people finally grasp who they are in Christ and what their participation means to their local church, everything changes. Life begins to make sense. Their purpose becomes clear. Their mission through their local church is confirmed. Their hearts start longing to cooperate with God in the company of fellow believers. When Christians become committed church members, the church becomes healthy. When the church becomes healthy, communities become healthy. When communities become healthy, the world can be transformed.

      The urgent need of our day is for Christians to understand who they are, what they believe, and how that affects what they do. And the best place to answer those crucial life questions is in the context of the local church. It’s nothing short of amazing and miraculous what God will do through a group of devoted Christians who become committed and selfless church members. I Am a Christian is your first step on that incredible journey.

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    • Come Sit With Me


      Being human is hard. Being in relationships with other humans is even harder. People are complex and relationships are messy but loving one another well is possible. Whether navigating political or religious differences, or dealing with toxic people or our own unforgiveness, this book tackles the struggles no one really wants to talk about. But there is hope! We can actually grow closer to God and others through the circumstances we’d rather run from.

      In Come Sit with Me, 26 (in)courage writers help you navigate tough relational tensions by revealing their own hard-fought, grace-filled learning moments. They show you how to:

      – delight in your differences
      – honor and value others even when you disagree
      – connect before you correct
      – trust that God is working even when people disappoint you
      – live and love like Jesus by serving others

      Whether you’re in the middle of a conflict without resolution or wondering how to enter into a friend’s pain, this book will serve as a gentle guide. Discover how God can work through your disagreements, differences, and discomfort in ways you might never expect.

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    • Mission Possible One Year Devotional


      In his first devotional, the New York Times bestselling author and athlete challenges you to find your mission and pursue a bolder, brighter, more fulfilling life–by building your faith every single day.

      Do the days blur together, leaving you to wonder if you’re actually making progress on what matters? Do you need a spiritual boost? This daily devotional connects Tim Tebow’s Mission Possible wisdom to your life in an easy, quick-to-read format that points you to the Bible and helps you go deep.

      The secret to a truly meaningful life is not more comfort or ease, but a clear mission. That’s why the Mission Possible One-Year Devotional will help you:

      *Focus on what really matters each day
      *Live according to your goals and values
      *Remember God’s purpose for your significance
      *Make decisive, impactful choices
      *Fuel your drive and passion
      *Set your sights on eternity

      Let this daily devotional ignite a new spark in your life. Wherever you are, whatever your work, it’s never too early or too late to start living a mission-possible life. Every single day.

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    • Forgive : Why Should I And How Can I


      Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller outlines the reasons why forgiveness has to be a central part of everyone’s lives.

      Forgiving anyone in a meaningful way is one of the hardest things a person has to do. If you do not, resentment and vengeance begin to consume you. It is nearly impossible to move past transgression without forgiveness, but few people have the resources and the tools to forgive others fully and move on with their lives. Forgiveness is an essential skill, a moral imperative, and a religious belief that cuts right to the core of what it means to be human. In Forgive, Timothy Keller shows readers why it is so important and how to do it, explaining in detail the steps you need to take in order to move on without sacrificing justice or your humanity.

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    • Bright Hope For Tomorrow


      Hope is fuel. For Jesus’ disciples, the hope of seeing their risen Lord again, face to face, powered their endurance through persecution, their patience in discipling new believers, and their courage to renounce injustice and sinful passions.

      But have we set aside that fuel because the topic of Jesus’ return is mired in confusion and controversy? Many Christians have lost or overlooked the importance of the Lord’s appearing, resulting in a sluggish, ineffective faith.

      What if there is a way to recapture spiritual momentum? What if we could tap into the apostles’ longing to simply be in the presence of the resurrected Christ without getting entangled in date-setting or disagreements about the Millennium? And what if this fresh hope could drive our daily responses to temptation, affliction, discouragement, and life in a broken world?

      In Bright Hope for Tomorrow, pastor Chris Davis points the way forward. Exploring the return of Jesus on the terms of the New Testament letters, this book looks at portraits of Jesus’ appearing, rhythms necessary to maintain expectancy (including gathering, fasting, and resting), and the practical transformation such anticipation effects. Bright Hope for Tomorrow is not the next new thing. Rather, it is a recovery of what has been lost by end-times studies that have veered into peripheral concerns. Join this return to the gospel center: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

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    • Pocket Prayers For Every Day


      The Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional is a pocket-sized devotional offering 365 short, powerful, and faith-filled prayers to strengthen your faith.

      The softcover devotional’s cover features a blazing sun setting over fields of wheat. The title is framed by a gold-foiled frame and is presented in gold-foiled lettering. The subtitle is printed in black letters.

      Pocket Prayers for Every Day
      365 Days of speaking with Jesus and experiencing a closer walk with Him.

      Do you sometimes wonder what you should pray for? Do you long for a richer, deeper prayer life? In this pocket-sized devotional, author Angus Buchan will be your prayer partner as you speak with Jesus through 365 short, powerful, and faith-filled prayers. Pages are printed in one color, and each daily entry features a key Scripture verse accompanied by a prayer to inspire a deeper prayer life. Entries close with pointed quotes for meditation.

      Author Angus Buchan felt God’s calling on his life to spread the gospel and started Shalom Ministries in South Africa in 1980. He spends much of his time writing, recording faith-filled TV messages, and traveling around the world to preach. Angus is a full-time evangelist and sought-after speaker.

      Whether you are in search of patience, peace, joy, or God’s loving grace, the Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional will guide you as you open up your heart to God and develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. The Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional will be a meaningful gift to give to a new believer who needs guidance in prayer or a seasoned believer who needs a fresh perspective on prayer. This year, offer the Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional as Easter or Christmas gifts to family and friends.

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    • Smuggling Jesus Back Into Church


      What’s gone wrong with the church?

      If you’ve been feeling that something vital has gone missing from our spiritual lives, you’re not alone. But from scandals involving celebrity preachers, to busy programmes that have little sense of God and struggling to find time to pray, what is it that lies behind the church is crisis? Is it possible that we’ve forgotten to put Jesus at the centre of everything? And if so, what can do we about it?

      In Smuggling Jesus Back into Church Andrew Fellows shows us with a sharp eye how secularism has reshaped church culture, changing the way many Christians and churches live and worship without being noticed. Both provocative and practical, he challenges us to live with radical Christ-like distinctiveness – distinctiveness that requires both reformation by the church and revival by the Holy Spirit.

      Timely and prophetic, Smuggling Jesus Back into Chur ch is essential reading for anyone concerned about the effects of secularism on Christianity and modern church culture, or for anyone who struggles with Church and wants to understand why. Filled with passion and vision, it will point you back towards Jesus and revitalise your understanding of what Christian discipleship should be.

      It’s time to remember what lies at the heart of our faith. It’s time to smuggle Jesus back into church and back into the centre of our lives.

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    • Creative Soul Within


      When was the last time you did something just for the joy of it? The Creative Soul Within invites you on a 52-week journey to embrace the creative soul within you to help you grow in your relationship with God, yourself, and those around you. With each entry, you’re invited to unplug, rediscover your imagination, let go of stress, learn how to play again, and take the deep and meaningful journey to develop the creative gifts the Lord has given you.

      The Creative Soul Within invites you to:
      *Reflect on your emotions and let go of stress
      *Connect back to the simple things that bring you joy
      *Reflect on God’s faithfulness and His goodness in your life
      *Explore your creative side with easy, guided prompts

      Each entry includes:
      *A Bible verse about God’s creation
      *A brief and encouraging reflection about faith, friendship, nature, and beauty
      *A simple writing prompt, craft, or gardening tip to help you engage your creative side
      *A low-budget shopping list, as needed

      For creatives of all skill levels, The Creative Soul Within is a perfect gift to give to people who want to know themselves and their God more deeply. Featuring four-color photography and a bright and fresh design, The Creative Soul Within is a beautiful gift for Mother’s Day, graduations, birthdays, holidays, or self-purchase.

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    • Journey Of Joy Mini Devotions


      If you feel like you are barely making it through life, add a daily reading from the A Journey of Joy Mini Devotions and stop trying to survive; instead, learn to thrive. The readings in this little devotional book will guide you on a journey filled with joy as you discover God’s presence, His purpose, and promises for your life.

      The midnight blue cover of the small devotional is splashed with bright yellow and orange flowers supported by muted blue-green leaves. Delicately understated UV-varnished leaves create an interesting texture and feel. The sentiment is presented in white and rose gold-foiled letters in the middle of the front cover.

      A Journey of Joy

      Through 180 joy-filled devotions, you will be reminded to embrace your wonderful self and find comfort in knowing God is always with you. A presentation page in the front of the devotional can be personalized when given as a gift. Topics include: accepted and sustained, right-side-up parenting, shadow selves, obedience and impact, awareness, and many more. The small size of this devotional makes it easy to slip into a purse or backpack, or even a Christmas stocking.

      Author Dalene Reyburn is a well-loved speaker and best-selling author. She shares truth, courage, and hope on her website and contributes to various online magazines and devotionals. She has a master’s degree in Applied Language Studies.

      Let the A Journey of Joy Mini Devotions help you to stop plodding along and live with joy and purpose. Stuff your stockings with joy this Christmas season when you add the A Journey of Joy Mini Devotions to a mom or grandmother’s Christmas gift.

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    • From Where I Stand


      You are invited to trace the footsteps of a man who went from relentlessly persecuting Christians to becoming one of the greatest evangelists in history.

      The path of the apostle Paul is one of transformation. For 30 days, you will be transported back in time to the places where Paul, once a notorious opponent of the faith, preached the Gospel to nations who had long been enemies of God’s people. You will feel what he felt, see what he saw, and encounter the living Christ along beaten dirt roads and within dank prison walls. As you walk in Paul’s shoes, you’ll be encouraged to journal (or even paint, draw, and handletter) along and answer heart-provoking questions that will illuminate your own spiritual journey.

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    • 3 In One Teen Devotional


      In this 12-volume series of monthly devotionals, students will gain a deeper biblical understanding of Jesus’ presence throughout Scripture and the role He continues to play in our lives today. Students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives.

      Discover (Identity + Theology): Who is God? Who am I in light of who God is? These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be.

      Delight (Spiritual Disciplines): What does it mean to delight in God? What leads to delight in God? Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. When students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

      Display (Leadership, Mission, + Disciple Making): How do students display the glory of God? How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him? How can they lead others to display the truth of God? Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded.

      Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

      6 in stock

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    • Beyond Welcome : Centering Immigrants In Our Christian Response To Immigrat


      Many American Christians have good intentions, working hard to welcome immigrants with hospitality and solidarity. But how can we do that in a way that empowers our immigrant neighbors rather than pushing them to the fringes of white dominant culture and keeping them as outsiders? That’s exactly the question Karen Gonzalez explores in Beyond Welcome.

      A Guatemalan immigrant, Gonzalez draws from the Bible and her own experiences to examine why the traditional approach to immigration ministries and activism can be at best incomplete and at worst harmful. By advocating for putting immigrants in the center of the conversation, Gonzalez helps readers grow in discipleship and recognize themselves in their immigrant neighbors.

      Accessible to any Christian who is called to serve immigrants, this book equips readers to take action to dismantle white supremacy and xenophobia in the church. They will emerge with new insight into our shared humanity and need for belonging and liberation.

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    • ESV Prayer Journal 30 Days On Hope


      A 30-Day Bible Journal to Help You Engage with Scripture and Pray with Purpose, Featuring Artwork from Ruth Chou Simons

      ESV Prayer Journals guide your study of a foundational Scripture topic over 6 weeks and create space for writing and prayer-turning your quiet time into a meditation on God’s Word. Each week opens with an overview related to that week’s passage, followed by 5 days of teaching and prayer prompts. Each journal also includes space for writing, clear definitions of biblical terms, and artwork by Ruth Chou Simons.

      This ESV Prayer Journal focuses on what Scripture teaches about the nature of our hope as Christians and how it calms and steadies our anxious hearts.

      *Weekly Overview: Begin each week studying a Bible passage on the journal’s central theme

      *Interactive Bible Study: Each week includes 5 days of teaching with prayer and journaling prompts

      *Strengthen Spiritual Disciplines: Combine prayer and Bible study to connect with God and understand basic Bible themes

      *Makes a Great Gift: Perfect for birthdays, graduations, and to use with a friend

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    • Holiness In A Restless World


      The Bible is filled with stories of wandering, restlessness, dispersion, and coming home-stories in which the people of God are looking for a place to belong in God’s world even as they are also invited to welcome others into God’s household. These themes are familiar to Christians today because some of us feel like prodigals and wanderers, not quite at home in the place where we find ourselves, yet called to create home for the outsiders around us. In Holiness in a Restless World, Joshua R. Sweeden and Nell M. Becker Sweeden explore the ways that Christians can pursue a holy life that is grounded in restfulness. When rest is absent from our lives, we can become unsettled and develop shortsighted notions about the nature of a holy life, but the Sweedens present holy rest as the bedrock for faithful Christian engagement with the world.

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    • World Of The End


      In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible?

      Join New York Times bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher, Dr. David Jeremiah’s as he unpacks the scriptures to reveal that the problems we are facing is to be expected, and in fact will increase as we draw closer to the End Times. But even more importantly we should not worry since Jesus has overcome the world. And because of this there is hope for this life, but more importantly for the next.

      Learn how:

      *The Bible has already laid the foundation on how we can live victoriously, even in difficult times

      *Jesus not only calls Christians to a higher standard, but equips us with the tools and strength we need to confidently follow him daily

      *And explore the gospels more closely to find the comfort you need to trust God is in control and that his plan is still working to completion

      Grow your faith, by going deeper, with Dr. David Jeremia

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    • In The Hands Of A Fiercely Tender God


      Is it possible to face the darkest days of life with hope and joy and purpose?

      The life of Colleen Chao was bright and beautiful–it was brimming with hope and possibility. She was a talented, confident, and accomplished young woman. So, Colleen never imagined that she’d swim through two decades of deep-water anxiety and depression. She didn’t guess that she’d marry late, suffer years of chronic pain and illness, and give birth to a child with health complications. And never in her life did she imagine hearing the words: “Cancer. Stage four. Terminal.”

      In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God is born of the suffering that on its own could have crushed Colleen. Her pain, instead, opened her eyes to eternal realities and has wrought a soul of indestructible joy. How do we suffer long and well? What do we do when we feel cheated? How do we face pressing darkness? One thing Colleen has learned is that we cannot bear the suffering alone. We need lots of help. To that end, Colleen shares a precious devotional gift with the suffering soul: thirty-one days of wisdom, hope, and encouragement. Drawing upon stories from past saints, rich truths from Scripture, and habits that build joyful endurance, Colleen helps fellow sufferers to embrace one day at a time, to trust and love Jesus more, and put themselves In the Hands of a Fiercely Tender God.

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    • Evangelio Del Reino – (Spanish)


      En El evangelio del reino, George Eldon Ladd da una explicacion clara y practica del mensaje central del ministerio de Jesus para el lector comun.

      Al evitar discusiones tecnicas y argumentos largos sobre temas de interpretacion, Ladd ha buscado en cambio explicar el reino de Dios y la urgencia de su significado y mensaje para nuestro tiempo. El estudio de Ladd de las parabolas de Jesus y el Sermon del Monte es tan devocional como instructivo. Pocos leeran este volumen sin sentirse profundamente convencidos.

      En palabras de Oswald J. Smith, la explicacion de Ladd del concepto del reino de Dios hara de la Biblia un libro nuevo.

      En este libro encontraras:

      *Un estudio tecnico de la doctrina del reino
      *Estudios biblicos practicos de los muchos aspectos del reino
      *Material devocional
      *Analisis de las parabolas, el Sermon del Monte y otros pasajes claves de la Biblia

      The Gospel of the Kingdom

      In The Gospel of the Kingdom George Eldon Ladd gives a clear and practical explanation of the central message of Jesus’ ministry for the general reader.

      Avoiding technical discussions and long arguments about issues of interpretation, Ladd has instead sought to explain the Kingdom of God and the urgency of its meaning and message for our own time. Ladd’s study of Jesus’ parables and the Sermon on the Mount is as devotional as it is instructive. Few will read this volume without becoming deeply convicted.

      In the words of Oswald J. Smith, Ladd’s explanation of the concept of the Kingdom of God will “make the Bible a new book.”

      *A technical study of the doctrine of the kingdom
      *Practical biblical studies of the many aspects of the Kingdom
      *Analysis on parables, the Sermon on the Mount, and other key Bible passages

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    • Comfort And Joy


      Comfort and Joy speaks to the heart of those who long for hope and to those who find joy in the sacred celebration of Christ at Christmas.

      Advent is the period in the Christian calendar that culminates in the celebration of the birth of

      Christ. During this holy season of waiting, we reflect, meditate, and prepare our hearts for the coming into the world of the promised Messiah.

      Advent reminds us of our longing for light, comfort, love, and joy, the eternal qualities of God.

      Advent is a time to look within and listen for the voice of God. Advent responds to our deep
      yearning for a closer, more intimate relationship with God through Christ.

      In this book of devotions, you will find:

      *a daily thought
      *a prayer suggestion
      *a study scripture
      *a question for consideration about how God is alive in Christ in your life and in the world.

      As you read the devotional for each day, may you feel the presence of God in Christ in the love that holds you close at Christmas and always.

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    • 6 Conversations : Pathways To Connecting In An Age Of Isolation And Incivil


      It’s time for a conversation revival!

      Conversation is getting harder. We’re feeling more isolated. Loneliness is becoming an epidemic. The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting Again in an Age of Isolation and Incivility reflects one of the deepest passions of Dr. Heather Holleman’s heart: to connect people in loving community. Professor Holleman often fields questions like:

      How can I foster meaningful connection with others?

      Why doesn’t anyone ever ask meaningful questions?

      If my personal happiness depends upon having warm relationships–like all the research shows–how can I become a better conversationalist and create connection?

      Can you relate? Are you longing for loving, meaningful, and joyful conversations? For practical skills to connect with others? Heather invites us to reimagine better conversations. Her work demonstrates how we can develop authentic community by changing our relational mindsets to become more curious, to believe the best about others, to express concern about their lives, and to share our own. Heather shows us how to embrace the Four Mindsets of a Loving Conversation and the Three Fresh Goals for Conversation. Using the latest research, she shares the foundational training necessary for engaging in truly loving conversations. Readers will be equipped with effective questions, self-assessments, and action steps to immediately implement in any situation–both personally and professionally.

      If you desire deeper relationships with your spouse, dating partner, children, friends, in-laws, grandchildren, coworkers, clients, students, people in your neighborhood–or all the above–then read this book and grow in the art of The Six Conversations!

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    • Extravagant : Discovering A Life Of Dangerous Generosity


      From the senior pastor of New Life Church, a revolutionary book that redefines the notion of extravagance by using the parable of the Good Samaritan to demonstrate how to live a truly compassionate and selfless life of giving freely without expecting anything in return.

      We all know people in our lives who have “yes” faces. They are calm but energetic, present but still purposeful with their time. They are curious. They ask questions. They’re genuine in their desire to know about you-how you’re doing, what you’re up to, how you feel. Even with full lives of their own, they somehow still have the energy to inquire about others. These are extravagant people.

      In Extravagant, Pastor Brady Boyd shows us that by constantly offering up our time, talents, and hearts we can live life more like these exceptional people. Drawing on the parable of the Good Samaritan, he encourages us to stop living a life driven by selfish desire and start building lasting relationships that will be spiritually fulfilling.

      Discover how to begin this transformation by ceasing to be a passerby and become one who pauses in the course of daily life. By embracing the spirit of generosity, Pastor Boyd shows us that the path to a happier life is by living closer to God’s vision and building a community that will be there in times of need. Timely, thought-provoking, and inspiring, Boyd’s uplifting message of reclaiming your connections to others and being a good neighbor is just the remedy we need in today’s fractured culture and troubled times.

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    • Justice Primer 3rd Edition


      Christians should know that social justice internet mobs are a far cry from truly Biblical justice that accords with God’s law. But we don’t. Biblical justice requires multiple witnesses, matching stories, and objective facts considered by an appropriate authority.

      A Justice Primer is written by two longtime pastors who have worked inside denominations, sessions, and institutions, and who have seen more than their share of controversy where people do not know what the rules are. A whispered conversation is not authoritative. An anonymous comment on a blog is not authoritative. A party of disgruntled church members who “feel abused” is not authoritative. Instead, the key to true justice is due process conducted by wise men who know how to weigh evidence.

      God is justice, and it is because of His justice that Jesus went to the cross. Therefore, we must care about what justice is and how God says to pursue it.

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    • Gift Grows In The Ghetto


      In his classic essay Of Our Spiritual Strivings, W. E. B. Du Bois asks, how does it feel to be a problem? This question has become a means of diagnosing the lived experience of Black men, particularly in America’s most neglected and feared environment: the ghetto. What is often overlooked, however, is the vital role that spirituality has in remedying the problem. A Gift Grows in the Ghetto examines how not being in relationship with one’s gift can lead to feelings of despair, entrapment, and abandonment, all of which contribute to Black men feeling as though they are nothing more than a problem. By utilizing the biblical story of Ishmael’s miraculous survival, growth, and giftedness in the wilderness, the book encourages Black men to embrace a life of faith that is dependent on the God who always sees, nurtures, and is in relationship with us and our gifts in the wilderness and the ghetto.

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    • Things That Matter Most


      Have you forgotten how wondrous life can be? Chris De Vinck offers a timeless collection of wisdom on family, childhood, God, love, compassion, buttered toast, snowmen, Hamlet, Bugs Bunny, bees.

      For anyone who is caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, weary and perhaps a little jaded by all that seems wrong in the world, this is a book that helps us to see again.

      In essays that are warm, evocative, and often amusing, Christopher De Vinck gives us back the eyes of a child, the fresh vision of delight, and a renewed reminder that we are surrounded with awe that we often take for granted. This is a book about living with a perpetual array of treasures: the voices of people we love, the taste of marzipan, the sounds of October geese. This is a book that reminds us to look, smell, see, touch, and listen to what is revealed to us each morning. Chris invites us to realize life as we live it, every minute.

      Reflecting on the joys of family, writing, and education, Chris doesn’t shy away from loneliness, disappointments and regrets. His is a voice that combines both the joys and sorrows of living, speaking with hope and acceptance, and celebrating the power of simplicity in our modern age.

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    • Where Is God In This


      Life is unfair. Bad things happen to good people. Not all dreams come true. We lose people. We fail people. And when we encounter the inevitable struggles of life, we may be tempted to ask God Why me? as we try to reconcile our pain with God’s promises. But a far more helpful and life-enriching question for us to ask God is What are you trying to teach me in this?

      Tackling ten common struggles, such as isolation, fear, rejection, failure, insecurity, temptation, and more, Landra Young Hughes shows you how to have peace even when life doesn’t make sense. Speaking with great empathy born from her own losses and years in ministry, Hughes doesn’t suggest you “get over” your hard times. Instead, she helps you recognize that, while you will always live in a broken world this side of heaven, your pain has much to teach you about God and yourself. With her empathetic help, you’ll discover how to grow through grief and thrive despite adversity.

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    • Single Just Because


      Why are you single?

      Just because.

      However we answer that question, what’s more important than why we are single is how we live as singles. Regardless of our relationship status, all of us are called to a life of vital discipleship. And walking with God can reshape singleness into a pilgrimage of transformation.

      Pilgrim and podcaster Bridget Gee shares her singular journey of vibrant life in the kingdom of God. Her travels have become a personal pilgrimage of walking with God and others, experiencing spiritual formation in the ups and downs of literal mountains and valleys. She explores her longings and hopes in vulnerable narratives, navigating issues of identity, community, mental health, dating, sexuality, and more.

      Gee invites us into a purposeful story of following Jesus in life not as we think it might be, but as it really is. The pilgrim journey takes us places we did not expect to become people we did not know we could be.

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    • Join The Resistance


      An awakening has been happening across our society.

      People increasingly recognize how long-standing, systemic issues have prevented many from flourishing. But often Christians are not sure how best to engage. Does it help to march and hold signs? What can we do to contribute and not further complicate things?

      Faith-rooted justice advocate and activist Michelle Ferrigno Warren equips Christians to join Christ’s restorative work in the world. In nearly three decades of experience, she left much of her privilege to work alongside the poor and marginalized in the restoration of individuals and communities, collaborating with community leaders, marching in streets, and meeting with and speaking truth to power. She says, How you show up is just as important as showing up. From the grassroots to the grass tops, Warren invites us to understand our place in this moment and learn from those who have gone before: the poets and prophets who call us to resist oppression and injustice.

      Biblical, historical, and contemporary examples give us ways to walk in God’s righteousness, truth, and peace. We can better understand our shared solidarity, persevere in the midst of struggle, bring people along, and remain rooted in joy as we continue the good work of kingdom justice.

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    • Embracing Rhythms Of Work And Rest


      In our frenzied culture, the possibility of living in balanced rhythms of work and rest often feels elusive. This rings especially true for pastors and leaders who carry the weight of nonstop responsibility. Most know they need rest but might be surprised to find within themselves a deep resistance to letting go and resting in God one day a week, let alone for longer seasons of sabbatical.

      The journey to a meaningful sabbath practice is slow and gradual, and it is a journey we need to take in community. Sharing her own story of practicing sabbath for the past twenty years, Ruth Haley Barton offers hard-won wisdom regarding the rhythms of sabbath, exploring both weekly sabbath keeping as well as extended periods of sabbatical time.

      Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest grounds us in God’s intentions in giving us the gift of sabbath, providing practical steps for embedding sabbath rhythms in churches and organizations. Each chapter concludes with What Your Soul Wants to Say to God, an opportunity to reflect and engage God around your own journey with the material. Sabbath is more than a practice–it is a way of life ordered around God’s invitation to regular rhythms of work, rest, and replenishment that will sustain us for the long haul of life in leadership.

      Includes a conversation guide for small groups and communities.

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    • Cultivating Mentors : Sharing Wisdom In Christian Higher Education


      Many colleges and universities informally highlight the value of mentoring among academic professionals.

      Yet scholars often lack clear definitions, goals, practices, and commitments that help them actually reap the benefits mentoring offers. As new faculty members from younger generations continue to face evolving challenges while also reshaping institutions, their ability to connect with more experienced mentors is critical to their vocations–and to the future of higher education.

      In Cultivating Mentors, a distinguished group of contributors explores the practice of mentoring in Christian higher education. Drawing on traditional theological understandings of the mentee-mentor relationship, they consider what goals should define such relationships and what practices make their cultivation possible among educators. With special attention to generational dynamics, they discuss how mentoring can help institutions navigate generational faculty transitions and cultivate rising leaders. Contributors include:

      *David Kinnaman
      *Tim Clydesdale
      *Margaret Diddams
      *Edgardo Colon-Emeric
      *Rebecca C. Hong
      *Tim Elmore
      *Beck A. Taylor
      *Stacy A. Hammons

      This book offers valuable insights and practical recommendations for faculty members, administrators, and policy makers. Whether pursuing their vocation in Christian or secular institutions, Christian scholars will benefit from the sharing of wisdom mapped out in Cultivating Mentors.

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    • Doing Nothing Is No Longer An Option


      During a bus ride with a group of fellow college students, Jenny Booth Potter came to a life-changing realization.

      She decided that racism in all its forms–in policies and systems, in organizations and churches, in neighborhoods and families-could no longer be tolerated. And even though Jenny didn’t know what to do about racism, she was certain of one thing: doing nothing is no longer an option. That declaration Jenny made to her peers was more than seven words uttered on a bus. It was a vow, a lifetime commitment to seek racial justice.

      With candor and humility, Jenny shares her very imperfect but relentless journey of growing in awareness of racism, of reckoning with her own white privilege, and of learning how to be an antiracism advocate alongside her young family. If you’re anything like Jenny was on that bus–overwhelmed by the enormity of racism and compelled to do something, but uncertain if you can actually make any difference–then this book is for you. Join Jenny and see for yourself what everyday antiracism looks like.

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    • Wandering Toward God


      Is it wrong to doubt? Many Christians assume that doubt is faith’s opposite and that wandering among the hard questions of faith will lead us further and further away from God. True believers, the assumption goes, never waver in their confidence in the fundamental truths of the Christian faith.

      Professor and philosopher Travis Dickinson disagrees. Instead, he says, our doubts and hard questions about the faith are actually an important way we can express our commitment and love to God. Doubt isn’t our destination but it’s an important step on the way. It’s possible to wander toward God as we ask our questions honestly, in faith and trust. As we do, we’ll discover the truth, goodness, and beauty of God waiting for us.

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