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Denominational Concerns

Showing 101–150 of 559 results

  • More Radical Gospel


    Gerhard O. Forde has stood at the forefront of Lutheran thought for most of his career. This new collection of essays and sermons-many previously unpublished- makes Forde’s powerful theological vision more widely available.

    The book aptly captures Forde’s deep Lutheran commitment. Here he argues that the most important task of theology is to serve the proclamation of the gospel as discerned on the basis of the doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone. For Forde, the doctrine of justification is not one topic among other theological topics; rather, it is the criterion that guides “all theology and ministry. Throughout the book Forde applies this truth to issues of eschatology, authority, atonement, and ecumenism. Also included are seven insightful sermons that model the Lutheran approach to proclamation.

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  • Brief Introduction To Martin Luther


    In the sixteenth century, Martin Luther started a reformation movement that revolutionized Europe and the history of the Christian faith. His far-reaching reforms of theological understanding and church practices dramatically changed both church and society in Europe and beyond. In honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Steven Paulson provides an engaging, concise introduction to Martin Luther’s life and the major themes in his theology.

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  • Living Flame Of Love


    St John of the Cross was a Carmelite friar and mystic who lived in Spain in the second half of the sixteenth century. He helped Teresa of Avila with her reform of the Carmelite Order and was imprisoned for political reasons.He wrote this beautiful poem on the love between the soul and God while in prison in Toledo. The work consists of the poem and a prose commentary on it. “Justly celebrated as a milestone in Spanish literature as well as a spiritual classic.’ (Baroness Cox, from the Introduction)

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  • Formula For Parish Practice


    This book combines a rich description of the (Lutheran) Formula of Concord (1577) with experiences in today’s Lutheran parishes to demonstrate how confessional texts may still come to life in modern Christian congregations. Timothy Wengert takes the Formula of Concord, traditionally used as ammunition in doctrinal disagreements, back to its historical home, the local congregation, giving pastors, students, and theologians a glimpse into the original debates over each article.

    The most up-to-date English commentary on the Formula of Concord, A Formula for Parish Practice provides helpful, concise descriptions of key theological debates and a unique weaving of historical and textual commentary with modern Lutheran experience. Covering the entire Formula of Concord the book includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

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  • Beating The Boundaries


    Using the image of the traditional practice of “beating the bounds” of the parish, this book contrasts the desire to mark boundaries with God’s call to explore boundaries in order to open them. Building on visits to nine Episcopal and Church of England congregations, Spicer explores how they are opening the boundaries between inherited expressions of church and the unique contexts in which they find themselves. He argues that to beat the boundaries around their current expressions of church, congregations should (1) name a missional identity common to both their past expressions of congregational life and the church they hear God calling them to become; (2) identify whom they’re seeking to reach in the community and how they intend to do so; (3) identify what sort of new church expression God is calling them to create; (4) empower a missional leader and plan for governance issues their work may raise; and (5) collaboratively identify how to define success and how to understand what might be seen as failure in terms of common church metrics.

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  • Parish Handbook


    A parish church gathers people together from across the community and is a site of resistance against the increasingly atomized and segregated society in which we live. The social and political revolution at the heart of parish life is people learning to relate to each other in the name of Christ.
    Making clear that it is ordinary living which is at the heart of parish life, Bob Mayo provides an important and accessible resource for all involved in church leadership. Drawing on a wealth of experience and research, the handbook brings together sociological observation and theological insight to shape sound practical theological reflection. It will appeal to ordinands as much as practicing incumbents.

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  • Formed By Love


    In volume five, Scott Bader-Saye, Academic Dean and Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology at Seminary of the Southwest, examines the moral life through the lens of the Episcopal Church and its traditions. Beginning with an introduction to ethics in a changing world, Bader-Saye helps the reader move past the idea that we either accept cultural change as a whole or reject it whole, suggesting that we need to make discriminating judgments about where to affirm change and where to resist it. Part I looks at distinctive aspects of the Episcopal ethos, noting that “ethics” comes from “ethos,” and so has to do with habits and enculturation of a particular people. Topics include creation, incarnation, holiness, sacrament, scripture, and “via media.” Part II looks at big moral questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What are good and evil? What are right and wrong? Part III examines how an Episcopal approach might shape a typical day by examining Morning Prayer and Compline as moral formation, in between discussing work, eating, and playing. Each part begins by analyzing cultural assumptions, asking what should be affirmed and what resisted about contemporary context, setting the stage for discussion in subsequent chapters.

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  • Among The Early Evangelicals


    1. Introduction
    2. Looking Back: The Rise Of Transatlantic Evangelicalism In The Eighteenth Century
    3. Evangelicalism Rapid Growth In The 1790s
    4. Thomas Campbell In Ireland
    5. Alexander Campbell’s Early Formation In Scotland
    6. The Campbells’ Evangelical Society In The U.S.: The Christian Association Of Washington (1809-1812)
    7. The Baptist And Anti-Missionary Years (1812-1830)
    8. The Campbells, Their Origins, And The Impact Of Transatlantic Evangelicalism

    Additional Info
    Though many of its early leaders were immigrants, most histories of the Stone-Campbell Movement have focused on the unique, American-only message of the Movement. Typically, the story tells the efforts of Christians seeking to restore New Testament Christianity or to promote unity and cooperation among believers.

    Among the Early Evangelicals charts a new path showing convincingly that the earliest leaders of this Movement cannot be understood apart from a robust evangelical and missionary culture that traces its roots back to the eighteenth century. Leaders, including such luminaries as Thomas and Alexander Campbell, borrowed freely from the outlook, strategies, and methodologies of this transatlantic culture. More than simple Christians with a unique message shaped by frontier democratization, the adherents in the Stone-Campbell Movement were active participants in a broadly networked, uniquely evangelical enterprise.

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  • Pilgrim The Eucharist


    Course 6: The Eucharist: How do Christians know and worship God? The six sessions of Course 6 reveal reasons why the Eucharist is celebrated as a memorial of Christ’s saving passion and stands at the very heart of Christian worship. Session 1 looks at worship as communion with God. Session 2 explores the Eucharist as the pattern of all Christian worship. Session 3 looks at the intimacy we have with God in Holy Communion and how we are transformed by the encounter. Sessions 4 – 6 look at worship as a sign and foretaste of heaven, shaping our whole life, and how the whole of life is sacramental.

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  • Break Away Amish


    21 Chapters

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    “I am the grandson of Bishop Sam Mullet, who was arrested for the Amish beard-cutting attacks. This is my story.”

    Beard-cutting attacks on Amish people in the middle of the night. Five incidents. Nine victims. How could members of a Christian tradition known for peace and forgiveness enact such violence? What could make members of one Amish group turn against other Amish? In Breakaway Amish, Johnny Mast tells in riveting detail how his Amish community became increasingly isolated from other Amish people, and how the wishes and edicts of his grandfather, Bishop Sam Mullet, overtook daily life in the group. Over time, members became convinced that cutting their own hair was a sign of repentance and remorse. When that conviction led them to cut off the beards of those outside their community, however, it was more than a strange religious ritual. It was a crime.

    Here is an eyewitness account of the disturbing events at Bergholz, an Amish community gone awry. Yet redemption dwells even here, in the bravery and conviction of one who chose to break free.

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  • Holy One In Our Midst


    1. The Flesh Of Christ And The Extra Calvinisticum
    2. The Flesh Of Christ In Modern Theology
    3. The Logos And The Flesh Of Christ
    4. The Temple Of God And The Flesh Of Christ
    5. (De)Limiting The Flesh Of Christ
    6. Why One Ought To Embrace The Extra Calvinisticum

    Additional Info
    The Holy One in Our Midst: An Essay on the Flesh of Christ aims to defend the doctrine of the extra Calvinisticum-the doctrine that maintains the Son of God was not restricted to the flesh of Christ during the incarnation-by arguing that it is logically coherent, biblically warranted, catholically orthodox, and theologically useful. It shows that none of the standard objections are devastating to the extra, that the doctrine is rooted in the claims of Christian Scripture and not merely a remnant of perfect being philosophical theology, and that the doctrine plays an important role in contemporary theological discussion. In this way, James Gordon revives an important Catholic doctrine that has fallen out of favor in contemporary theology. Also, this project aims to integrate biblical, philosophical, and systematic theology by showing that the tools and methods of each distinct discipline can contribute to the goals and aims of the others.

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  • Church Meets World


    The New Church’s Teaching series has been one of the most recognizable and useful sets of books in the Episcopal Church. With the launch of the Church’s Teachings for a Changing World series, visionary Episcopal thinkers and leaders have teamed up to revitalize the series with fresh voices and style, making it grounded and thoughtful enough for seminarians and leaders, yet concise and clear enough for newcomers.A leading thinker and vibrant presence at the intersection of church and world, Winnie Varghese explores the “what”, “how”, and “why” of Episcopal engagement with contemporary social issues. Like the master of the household in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 13:52) who “brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old,” Varghese leads readers to discover theological resources from generations past and how they help to guide our action around thorny issues like racial justice, gender and sexuality, economic disparity, definitions of “family,” the environment, and much more.

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  • Reconciliation Reconsidered : Advancing The Conversation On Race In Churche


    Reconciliation Takes Time.

    A broad racial divide mars Churches of Christ, and courageous leaders from across the United States have joined together to listen to one another. Rather than adopt a posture of resignation, they have met for honest, God-honoring conversation.

    In Reconciliation Reconsidered, Tanya Brice pulls together the early fruit she has gleaned from this ongoing conversation about racial reconciliation. Learn about yourself in the context of community as you explore these key ideas:

    Exercise truth-telling: it’s what is needed before any reconciliation can happen
    Discover how race relations are not as simple as you think
    Challenge your stereotypes
    Understand the meaning of current events like the Ferguson shooting in fresh ways
    Revisit Christ’s teachings with a careful eye toward discipleship and love of your neighbor

    Each chapter concludes with discussion questions that can help you and others navigate this perplexing and difficult topic.

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  • Representing Christ : A Vision For The Priesthood Of All Believers


    The priesthood of all believers is a core Protestant belief. But what does it actually mean? Uche Anizor and Hank Voss set the record straight in this concise treatment of a doctrine that lies at the center of church life and Christian spirituality. The authors look at the priesthood of all believers in terms of the biblical witness, the contribution of Martin Luther and the doctrine of the Trinity. They place this concept in the context of the canonical description of Israel and the church as a royal priesthood that responds to God in witness and service to the world. Representing Christ is much more than a piece of Reformation history. It shows that the priesthood of all believers is interwoven with the practical, spiritual and missional life of the church.

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  • Wesley And Anglicans


    Why did the Wesleyan Methodists and the Anglican evangelicals divide during the middle third of the eighteenth century? Many would argue that the division between was based narrowly on theological matters, especially predestination and perfection. Danker suggests, however, that politics was a major factor throughout driving the Wesleyan Methodists and Anglican evangelicals apart. Methodism was perceived to be linked with the radical and seditious politics of the Cromwellian period. This was a charged claim in a post-Restoration England. Likewise he explores the political force of resurgent Tory influence under George III which exerted more pressure on evangelicals to prove their loyalty to the Establishment. These political realities made it hard for evangelicals in the Church of England to cooperate with Wesley and meant that all their theological debates were politically infected. Rich in detail, this book traces the personalities involved along with the relative importance of canon law (“regularity”), public criticism and episcopal censure, parochial boundaries, lay ordination and sacramental administration, and alternative theological visions related to the Church of England. Here is a book for all who seek deeper insight into a critical juncture in the development of evangelicalism and early Methodism.

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  • What Do We Believe Why Does It Matter


    A general introduction to the beliefs of Christian theology and their significance for Christian worship, living and thinking

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  • Cinco Marcas De Un Metodista – (Spanish)


    Cinco marcas de un metodista confirman nuestra identidad como seguidores genuinos y fructiferos de Cristo: 1. Un metodista ama a Dios 2. Un metodista se regocija en Dios 3. Un metodista da gracias 4. Un metodista ora sin cesar 5. Un metodista ama a su projimo Este breve libro, disenado para ser compartido con otras personas, ofrece una meditacion sobre cada una de estas caracteristicas. Con oracion, apliquelos en su peregrinaje con Jesus. Si usted es parte de la familia metodista o wesleyana de todo el mundo, estas cinco marcas le otorgaran un mayor conocimiento y aprecio de por que y como seguir a Jesus. Si usted se encuentra en otra parte del cuerpo de Cristo, puede emerger con una base solida y fuerte para mantener su fundamento espiritual. Las personas cristianas que sigan estas cinco marcas, tienen caracter. Cada capitulo termina con preguntas para reflexion o discusion. Now available in Spanish! Five marks confirm our identity as genuine and fruitful followers of Christ: 1. A Methodist Loves God 2. A Methodist Rejoices in God 3. A Methodist Gives Thanks 4. A Methodist Prays Constantly 5. A Methodist Loves Others This brief book, suitable for sharing with others, provides a meditation on each of these characteristics. Prayerfully apply them to your journey with Jesus. If you are part of the worldwide Methodist or Wesleyan family, these five marks will grant a greater knowledge and appreciation for why and how you follow Jesus. If you are located in another part of the body of Christ, you can emerge with a solid foundation to keep your spiritual house standing strong. Christians marked by these five habits, when taken together have character. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection or discussion.

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  • Massacre At Sand Creek


    Sand Creek. An American tragedy occurred there that remains a symbol of the difference between what Americans believe themselves to be and the reality of what happened to Native peoples in the creation of the nation. Nearly 200 Cheyennes and Arapahos, camped under the protection of the United States government, were slain. The Sand Creek massacre seized national attention in the winter of 1864-1865 and generated a controversy that still excites heated debate more than 150 years later. At Sand Creek demoniac forces seemed unloosed so completely that humanity itself was the casualty. That was the charge that drew public attention to the Colorado frontier in 1865. That was the claim that spawned heated debate in Congress, two congressional hearings, and a military commission. Westerners vociferously and passionately denied the accusations. Reformers seized the charges as evidence of the failure of American Indian policy. Sand Creek launched a war that was not truly over for fifteen years. In the first year alone, it cost the United States government $50,000,000. Methodists have a special stake in this story. The governor whose polices led the Cheyennes and Arapahos to Sand Creek was a prominent Methodist layman. The commanding officer who ordered the attack on the Sand Creek village was a Methodist minister. Perhaps those were merely coincidences, but the question also remains of how the Methodist Episcopal Church itself responded to the massacre. Was it also somehow culpable in what happened? The Sand Creek massacre was tragedy in the truest sense, raw, visceral, brutal, but with hints of heroism and even nobility in its blood-red story. Coming to grips with what happened at Sand Creek involves hard questions and unsatisfactory answers not only about what happened but also about why. It stirs ancient questions about the best and worst in every person, questions older than history, questions as relevant as today’s headlines, questions we all must answer from within.

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  • Viral Multiplication In Hispanic Churches


    Reverend Iosmar Alvarez created this book to teach church planting leaders how to plant new, healthy, vital, and vibrant churches with multiplication DNA. Using scripture-grounded values, principles, and the author’s own testimony, this book will help reach both new and diverse Hispanic/Latino people, as well as other cultures and contexts.

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  • Copious Fountain : A History Of Union Presbyterian Seminary 1812-2012


    A Copious Fountain tells the two-hundred-year-old story of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. From its first days at Hampden-Sydney College, Union Presbyterian Seminary has answered its call to equip educated ministers to serve the church. As the first institution of its kind in the South, Union Presbyterian Seminary created a standard for theological education across denominational affiliations.

    This systematic history of Union Presbyterian Seminary gives cultural and historical context to the school through its bicentennial year. Combining research, photographs, and primary source documents, Sweetser’s book celebrates the enduring influence of Union Presbyterian Seminary in the church and beyond.

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  • Faith Rules : An Episcopal Manual


    * Modeled on Michael Pollan’s best-selling Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual * Written by a prominent church figure Ian Markham, Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary, introduces both the Christian faith and The Episcopal Church to the seeker and Episcopal laity in this indispensable manual. Each page in Faith Rules is Episcopal wisdom set in concise, straightforward language for anyone in the 21st century.

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  • History Of The Amish 3rd Edition


    The Amish, one of America s most intriguingly private, unique, and often misunderstood religious communities, have survived for three hundred years! How has that happened?

    While much has been written on the Amish, little has been revealed about their history. This book brings together in one volume a thorough history of the Amish people. From their beginnings in Europe through their settlement in North America, the Amish have struggled to maintain their beliefs and traditions in often hostile settings.

    Now updated, the book gives an in-depth look at how the modern Amish church continues to grow and change. It covers recent developments in new Amish settlements, the community s conflict and negotiation with government, the Nickel Mines school shooting, and the media s constant fascination with this religious people, from reality TV shows to romance novels.

    Authoritative, thorough, and interestingly written, A History of the Amish presents the deep and rich heritage of the Amish people with dozens of illustrations and updated statistics.
    Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in history–books about World War II, the Third Reich, Hitler and his henchmen, the JFK assassination, conspiracies, the American Civil War, the American Revolution, gladiators, Vikings, ancient Rome, medieval times, the old West, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

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  • United Methodist Way


    An overview of the history, beliefs, organization, and mission of The United Methodist Church. Great for membership training classes and as a gift for new and prospective members.

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  • Manera Metodista Unida – (Spanish)


    Traduccion y adaptacion de *The United Methodist Way.** A traves de este librillo se ofrece informacion general sobre la historia, las creencias, la organizacion, y la mision de la Iglesia Metodista Unida.

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  • Works Of John Wesley 27


    Although many of the letters of John Wesley are of value as literature-especially as crisp statements of his views or desires with little attempt at embellishment-their major importance is as a revelation of him as a man and of the people and events of his day, especially those linked with the Methodist movement. They furnish us, in fact, with a portrait through seventy years that is both more revealing in detail and fuller in coverage than any other source. The correspondence presented in this third of seven planned volumes of Wesley’s Letters illuminates critical developments in the Wesleyan movement in the period between 1756 and 1765, including very significant rifts between John Wesley and his brother Charles and between John Wesley and his wife Mary, Wesley’s attempts to deal with radical enthusiasts and separatists (such as Thomas Maxfield) within the Methodist movement, his relationship to Greek Orthodox leader Gerasimos (Erasmus) Avlonites, and Wesley’s activities related to the Seven Years War.

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  • Letters From Samaria


    Louie Crew Clay has been the leading voice in LGBTQ issues in the church over the past forty years; founder of Integrity;
    * Well-loved, well-known Episcopalian
    * Funny, sharp, sad, thoughtful, poignant, historic
    * Afterword by Bishop Mary Glasspool, Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

    Letters from Samaria gathers together much of Louie (Crew) Clay’s best and most influential prose and poetry, written from 1974 until the present day, including an essay composed especially for the volume. Much of the material has not appeared since its original publication in newsletters and other ephemeral sources. It is crisply written and often surprising for its bravery, matter-of-fact self-disclosure, insight, and love. Louie played a pivotal role in transforming The Episcopal Church – and, indeed, Christianity – over the past 40 years. This collection provides a window into Louie Clay’s unlikely and at times shocking ministry throughout the years as history was unfolding.

    For LGBTQ Christians and their allies across denominations, those interested in the history of acceptance, fans of Louie Clay’s writing

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  • Arts Camp : A Creative Customizable Alternative To Vacation Bible School An


    Less packaged, more theologically and pedagogically appropriate, thoughtful, and community-based alternative toVacation Bible School
    * A way for churches to conduct an artful exploration of faith

    Arts Camp provides practical, concrete instruction that a church needs to plan, organize, staff, and conduct an annual five-day Arts Camp, including guidance on logistics, funding, finding art instructors (within both the local church and the broader community), ideas for structuring and scheduling the five days of camp, and a celebration on the Sunday following camp. Each chapter includes details on art projects, programming, music, drama, games, and resources.

    For Episcopal and other mainline churches looking for alternatives to pre-packaged VBS programs, directors of Christian education and children’s ministry, camps and retreat centers

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  • Naked Anabaptist : The Bare Essentials Of A Radical Faith (Anniversary)


    Part I

    1. Uncovering The Anabaptists

    2. The Essence Of Anabaptism

    Part II

    3. Follow Jesus

    4. Read Scripture Through Jesus

    5. Thrive After Christendom

    6. Reject Status, Wealth, And Force

    7. Create Communities Of Discipleship And Mission

    8. Seek Justice

    9. Pursue Peace

    Part III

    10. The Original Anabaptists

    11. Anabaptism Today

    Resources On Anabaptism

    Study Guide


    The Author

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    5th Anniversay Edition
    In churches and kitchens and neighborhood centers across the world, communities of Jesus-followers are crafting a vision of radical service, simple living, and commitment to peace. Many are finding a home in a Christian tradition almost five centuries old: Anabaptism.

    Who are the Anabaptists? What do they believe? Where did they come from? What makes them different from other Christians? And can you become an Anabaptist without leaving your own church?

    Follow Stuart Murray as he peels back the layers to reveal the core convictions of Anabaptist Christianity, a way of following Jesus that challenges, disturbs, and inspires. Glimpse an alternative to nationalistic, materialistic, individualistic Christian faith. If you are seeking a community of authentic discipleship, heartfelt worship, sacrificial service, and radical peacemaking, consider this your invitation.

    New Edition features:

    – Voices and stories from North America and the global church.

    -Updated and expanded definition and discussion of Christendom.

    -Updated resource section.

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  • Trinity In The Stone Campbell Movement


    An assessment of Trinitarian thought in the two-hundred-year-old Stone-Campbell Movement, including suggestions for ways in which the renewal of Trinitarian doctrine can revitalize the church’s life and mission.

    Throughout its history the Stone-Campbell Movement has noticeably neglected Trinitarian doctrine, prohibiting a biblical understanding of God as Trinity from significantly impacting the movement’s churches. This book attempts to rectify this weakness in three ways. First, a focus on the Trinitarian positions of Thomas Campbell, Alexander Campbell, and Barton W. Stone sheds new light on the early shapers of the movement.

    Second, the book lays out specific ways in which the movement would benefit by a biblically grounded Trinitarianism and the contributions of contemporary trinitarian theologians. And third, it presents a plan for the advancement of biblical Trinitarian doctrine among Stone-Campbell churches.

    Significant contributions of this study include the most thorough examination to date of Trinitarian doctrine in Stone-Campbell thought, an original presentation of the historical theology that stands behind the Trinitarian positions of Thomas Campbell, Alexander Campbell, and Barton W. Stone, and a fresh proposal regarding the roots of Barton Stone’s quasi-Arianism.

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  • Peace Progress And The Professor


    Preface And Acknowledgments
    1. Geography Of A Prairie Childhood
    2. Becoming C.
    3. The Democracy Of Learning
    4. In The Service Of A Usable Past
    5. How To Write The Mennonite Story
    6. The Way Of Exile
    7. The “Most Liberal Wing”
    8. Forays Down A Winding Road
    9. Diverging Readings Of Anabaptist History
    10. Mennonite Intellectual In A Time Of Crisis
    11. The Final Mennonite History
    12. Epilogue
    Selected Bibliography
    Studies In Anabaptist And Mennonite History Series
    The Author

    Additional Info
    What does it mean to be Mennonite in the modern world? And what is the witness of a peace church that is always at risk of splintering? C. Henry Smith-son of an Amish family, erudite historian, urbane bank president, and pioneer of Mennonite scholarship-sought answers to these questions in the middle of the 20th century, and his answers reverberate through the church to this day.

    In this engaging narrative biography, historian Perry Bush chronicles Smith’s childhood in an Illinois farming community, his youthful turn toward intellectual inquiry, and his confidence that Anabaptist faith and life offer gifts to the wider world. By recounting the story of one of the foremost Mennonite intellectuals, Bush surveys the storied terrain of 20th-century Mennonite identity in its selective borrowing from wider culture and its tentative embrace of progressive reforms and higher education, and growing conviction that Anabaptism served as a taproot of Western civilization. Bush argues that Smith’s body of historical writing furnished a new generation of Mennonites with both an understanding of their shared past and the tools to navigate an ever-shifting present.

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  • Peace Progress And The Professor


    Preface And Acknowledgments
    1. Geography Of A Prairie Childhood
    2. Becoming C.
    3. The Democracy Of Learning
    4. In The Service Of A Usable Past
    5. How To Write The Mennonite Story
    6. The Way Of Exile
    7. The “Most Liberal Wing”
    8. Forays Down A Winding Road
    9. Diverging Readings Of Anabaptist History
    10. Mennonite Intellectual In A Time Of Crisis
    11. The Final Mennonite History
    12. Epilogue
    Selected Bibliography
    Studies In Anabaptist And Mennonite History Series
    The Author

    Additional Info
    What does it mean to be Mennonite in the modern world? And what is the witness of a peace church that is always at risk of splintering? C. Henry Smith-son of an Amish family, erudite historian, urbane bank president, and pioneer of Mennonite scholarship-sought answers to these questions in the middle of the 20th century, and his answers reverberate through the church to this day.

    In this engaging narrative biography, historian Perry Bush chronicles Smith’s childhood in an Illinois farming community, his youthful turn toward intellectual inquiry, and his confidence that Anabaptist faith and life offer gifts to the wider world. By recounting the story of one of the foremost Mennonite intellectuals, Bush surveys the storied terrain of 20th-century Mennonite identity in its selective borrowing from wider culture and its tentative embrace of progressive reforms and higher education, and growing conviction that Anabaptism served as a taproot of Western civilization. Bush argues that Smith’s body of historical writing furnished a new generation of Mennonites with both an understanding of their shared past and the tools to navigate an ever-shifting present.

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  • Meal Jesus Gave Us (Revised)


    In this introductory volume, perfect for Protestant new member and confirmation classes, acclaimed theologian and writer N. T. Wright explains in clear and vivid style the background of the Last Supper, the ways in which Christians have interpreted this event over the centuries, and what it all means for us today. This revision includes questions for discussion or reflection after each chapter.

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  • Preparing For Baptism In The Episcopal Church


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819231710ISBN10: 0819231711Anne KitchBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2015Publisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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  • Fully Engaged : Missional Church In An Anabaptist Voice


    Mission happens when congregations fully align themselves with God’s purposes. As the missional church movement matures, Anabaptists bring a time-honored theological tradition, a contemporary spiritual vitality, and practical stories of witness to the conversation. How are churches and individuals living out Christ’s call to engage locally and globally? And how is it changing them in the process?

    Featuring the voices of missional Mennonite leaders, Fully Engaged offers stories and analysis about how mission is taking shape in local congregations and contexts. A diverse chorus of Anabaptist pastors and laypeople explores the roots, tools, and applications of the missional movement. From nurturing church planting to creating a missional culture to preaching for missional engagement, Fully Engaged offers insights and ideas for churches looking for direction.

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  • Earn Save Give Devotional Readings For Home


    John Wesley believed money was important as a way of expressing and living out Christian faith. To Wesley, the task was simple: earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can. In this exciting stewardship program, pastor and author James A. Harnish presents Wesley’s concepts and beliefs in plain, useful language, suitable for individuals to grapple with and groups to discuss and act upon. This little companion piece, useful for all church members as they consider their pledge, contains 20 devotions and weekly activities on the topic of commitment. Perfect for enhancing personal or group study and reflection, the devotions and activities are organized to support the program structure and contain family activities.

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  • Vital Ministry : Chaplaincy In Schools In The Post Christian Era


    John Caperon highlights the nature and significance of the distinctive ministry of school chaplains and seeks to raise the profile of this key ministry in the Church

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  • Finding Their Voices


    Finding Their Voices is more than a book of sermons. It seeks to honor a generation of women who stand at the headwaters of a stream of change in Churches of Christ in regards to women in ministry. It records history in the making and preserves the words spoken by 29 women from pulpits across the U.S. and Canada. It also recognizes the churches and institutions that welcomed these women and provided space for their voices to be heard.

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  • Our Only Comfort


    This book is a collection of fifty-two devotions based on the Heidelberg Catechism, one of the foundational documents of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Former PC(USA) moderator Neal D. Presa begins each devotion with a few of the questions from the catechism, along with their Scripture references, and follows with a brief meditation on those questions. Presa’s reflections tie the catechism questions to daily life in contemporary America, helping readers find meaning and relevance for their own lives. Our Only Comfort is a helpful resource for those interested in learning more about their Reformed heritage and how they can apply it to their daily lives.

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  • In Search Of Promised Lands


    The wide-ranging story of Mennonite migration, theological diversity, and interaction with other Christian streams is distilled in this engaging volume, which tracks the history of Ontario Mennonites.

    Author Samuel J. Steiner writes that Ontario Mennonites and Amish are among the most diverse in the world-in their historical migrations and cultural roots, in their theological responses to the world around them, and in the various ways they have pursued their personal and communal salvation.

    In Search of Promised Lands describes the emergence and evolution of today’s thirty-plus streams of Ontarians who have identified themselves as Mennonite or Amish from their arrival in Canada to the last decade. In Search of Promised Lands also considers how various Mennonite groups have adapted to or resisted evangelical fundamentalism and mainline Protestantism, and it identifies the nineteenth- and twentieth-century shifts toward personal salvation and away from submission to the church community.

    Volume 48 in the Studies of Anabaptist and Mennonite History series.

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  • Journey With J.W.


    Children will ride through United Methodist history with John Wesley and the early Methodists. Children will experience life in the times of John Wesley and the circuit riders. It’s a great learning experience that’s fun! Easy-to-follow directions for crafts, games, and music, Scripts for historical dramas and Bible stories, ideas for setting up interest centers, and ways to utilize the gifts and talents of the adults in your congregation area also included. Children will learn about the United Methodist heritage and how it has shaped who we are as people of faith, that God inspired John Wesley and other early leaders of our church to spread the good news about Jesus throughout the world, and that God continues to call us to tell the world about Jesus today!

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  • In Search Of Promised Lands


    The wide-ranging story of Mennonite migration, theological diversity, and interaction with other Christian streams is distilled in this engaging volume, which tracks the history of Ontario Mennonites.

    Author Samuel J. Steiner writes that Ontario Mennonites and Amish are among the most diverse in the world-in their historical migrations and cultural roots, in their theological responses to the world around them, and in the various ways they have pursued their personal and communal salvation.

    In Search of Promised Lands describes the emergence and evolution of today’s thirty-plus streams of Ontarians who have identified themselves as Mennonite or Amish from their arrival in Canada to the last decade. In Search of Promised Lands also considers how various Mennonite groups have adapted to or resisted evangelical fundamentalism and mainline Protestantism, and it identifies the nineteenth- and twentieth-century shifts toward personal salvation and away from submission to the church community.

    Volume 48 in the Studies of Anabaptist and Mennonite History series.

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  • Feasting On The Word Worship Companion Year B 2


    This is the sixth and final volume in the Feasting on the Word Worship Companion series, which provides liturgical pieces used in preparing for worship. It offers a multitude of poetic prayers and responsive readings for all parts of worship for churches that use the Revised Common Lectionary. In addition, the weekly entries include questions for reflection and household prayers for morning and evening that are drawn from the lectionary, allowing churches to include them in their bulletin for parishioners to use throughout the week.

    During times of the year when two different tracks of Old Testament texts are offered by the Revised Common Lectionary, this resource offers an entire set of materials for both tracks. Also, a CD-ROM is included with each volume that enables planners to easily cut and paste relevant readings, prayers, and questions into worship bulletins.

    Liturgy writers include:

    Kimberly L. Clayton, Director of Contextual Education, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    David Gambrell, Associate for Worship in the Office of Theology and Worship, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Louisville, Kentucky; Presbyterian Church(U.S.A.)
    Daniel M. Geslin, Pastor, Union Congregational Church of Hancock, Hancock, Maine; United Church of Christ
    Kimberly Bracken Long, Associate Professor of Worship, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    L. Edward Phillips, Associate Professor of Worship and Liturgical Theology, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, Georgia; United Methodist Church
    Melinda Quivik, Liturgical Scholar, Houghton, Michigan; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    Carol L. Wade, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington, Kentucky; Episcopal Church

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  • Reclaiming Pietism : Retrieving An Evangelical Tradition


    The historical movement known as Pietism emphasized the response of faith and inward transformation as crucial aspects of conversion to Christ. Unfortunately, Pietism today is often equated with a “holier-than-thou” spiritual attitude, religious legalism, or withdrawal from involvement in society.

    In this book Roger Olson and Christian Collins Winn argue that classical, historical Pietism is an influential stream in evangelical Christianity and that it must be recovered as a resource for evangelical renewal. They challenge misconceptions of Pietism by describing the origins, development, and main themes of the historical movement and the spiritual-theological ethos stemming from it. The book also explores Pietism’s influence on contemporary Christian theologians and spiritual leaders such as Richard Foster and Stanley Grenz.

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  • God Gave The Growth


    The Episcopal Church has recognized that planting new churches is a high priority through the Mission Enterprise Zones initiative, which provides grant funding for new worshiping communities, in partnership with dioceses. While there is significant literature and training available for church planters in evangelical contexts, very little is available for planters in the Episcopal/mainline context. This book addresses how to rise up and train leaders for the difficult task of planting new churches in the twenty-first century. It answers the essential questions, such as why should we plant churches, what models of church planting are most successful, what kinds of leaders are necessary, and what problems can be expected. Through the author’s personal experience and interviews with diocesan experts and leaders in mainline denominations, it provides strategies, approaches, and problem-solving techniques.

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  • Hazardous Saints Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This exciting new six-session DVD study invites small groups and individuals to explore the lives of six Christian saints” who risked all for the sake of the gospel. Like Jesus, each of the featured leaders were change agents in their times: the Subversive Bridge-Builder, Barnabas; the Lovable Rebel, Francis of Assisi; the Tightrope Walker, Thomas Cranmer; the Persevering Prophet, Sojourner Truth; the Idealistic Realist, Dorothy Day; and the People’s Voice, Oscar Romero. Each session concludes with three possible endings, one for adult study groups, one for individuals, and one for vestries and other gatherings of church leaders. Illustrative slides promote conversation starters and interaction. It also includes a bonus resource: A Simple Prayer Liturgy for Use by a Small Group. The program calls for one study guide per participant and one DVD for the individual or group, each sold separately.”

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  • Reconsidering Arminius : Beyond The Reformed And Wesleyan Divide


    The theology of Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius has been misinterpreted and caricaturized in both Reformed and Wesleyan circles. By revisiting Arminius’ theology, the book hopes to be a constructive voice in the discourse between so-called Calvinists and Arminians. Traditionally, Arminius has been treated as a divisive figure in evangelical theology. Contributors: Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs Mark G. Bilby Oliver D. Crisp W. Stephen Gunter John Mark Hicks Mark H. Mann Thomas H. McCall Richard A. Muller Keith D. Stanglin E. Jerome Van Kuiken

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  • Rhythms Of Worship


    There are many books written for liturgical experts, but not many for laypeople. This book bridges that gap. In clear, everyday language, Waschevski and Stevens describe why Protestants worship and help to equip worship planners and leaders for excellence in their tasks. The authors explore the different elements of the worship service and how each expresses our Christ-centered faith. They also describe the feasts and festivals of the liturgical year, helping the reader understand and appreciate these special times and seasons in worship. An additional chapter considers music and arts in worship. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter invite discussion in local congregations. This book will be a valuable resource for pastors, worship committees, members, and all others who engage in worship planning and leadership.

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  • Rite Place : Kids Do Church Adults Do Too


    Ready-to-use liturgies with music, for all seasons of the church year

    * Offers a practical guide for child-directed, inclusive worship

    Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, Illinois has become a model for how to
    engage all generations in an experiential and fully inclusive Eucharistic liturgy. The
    Rite Place is a 30-minute service designed for young children and their households
    in response to the congregation’s desire to offer welcoming worship for all ages.
    This book has three parts: the theology of intergenerational worship, including
    pastoral issues and how a church might get started to implement such a model;
    the use of music as an integral piece to worship as formation; and complete
    liturgies for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Maundy Thursday/
    Good Friday, Easter, and the Season of Pentecost/Summer that are accessible for
    other congregations to use in their own settings.

    For clergy, Christian educators, musicians, liturgists, Episcopal schools, chaplains,
    children’s hospitals, seminaries, and faith formation organizations.

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  • Justice In Everyday Life


    Justice in Everyday Life, a Lay Servant Ministries advance course, takes an in-depth look at the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church-the church’s attempt to speak on contemporary issues with which it is confronted today. The book covers topics such as: natural world, social community, economic community, political community, Biblical foundations of the Social Principles, teaching the Social Principles. This book is not only for Lay Servants, but is for anyone interested in t studying the octal Principles in greater detail.

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  • Eyes To See


    Written by a Protestant for a non-Orthodox readership

    * Includes full-color images of eight icons

    * Strong potential for group study

    Eyes to See: The Redemptive Purpose of Icons offers the discovery of life-giving
    spiritual insights found through learning to read the language of religious icons. Written
    especially for those whose traditions have not included icons, this book introduces eight
    icons written (painted) by the author. Historical notes, explanation of symbolism, related
    scriptures for interpretation, and a reflection for each icon deepens understanding and
    appreciation for the ancient holy images of the Church.
    The book is eight chapters in length, each describing one of the eight full-color icon
    plates in the insert.

    For individuals and study groups, plus those with interests in iconography.

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