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Dating and Sex

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  • Becoming Happy And Healthy


    There’s never been a more complex and confusing time to navigate the transition into adulthood than right now. And for more than 10 years, YouTube star, podcaster, and Bible teacher Jeanine Amapola has been the trusted big sister young women need, getting to the heart of their struggles and offering practical, inspirational guidance to help them flourish.

    In her debut book she goes even deeper, sharing stories she’s never shared before–including how she overcame and healed from her own struggles, poor choices, secrets, and darkest thoughts. Tackling everything from dating and friendship to body image and confidence to faith and career choices, Jeanine shares real-world advice and tips to help you:

    *make wise decisions to set you up for success in every aspect of life
    *heal and deal with your past for a better future
    *discover your true identity in Christ
    *grow mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually to be your best self

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  • More To The Story


    What does the Bible really say about identity and gender, dating and sex? Are its teachings out of date and repressive? Or are they the way to joy and contentment?

    Long-time youth worker Jennifer Kvamme knows teens are grappling with these questions. In this book she helps readers cut through the cultural confusion and find answers to questions like:

    *why does God care what I do with my body (if I’m not hurting anyone)?
    *why does it matter what pronouns I use?
    *why is sex “good” in marriage but “bad” before it? Isn’t love love?
    *is the Bible really against gay marriage?

    Rather than listing dos and don’ts, this book looks at the whole story of God’s love for us to give readers an essential backdrop for the Bible’s teachings on sexuality. It will help you navigate wisely complex issues around dating, sex and gender. You’ll not only learn how to honor Jesus in this area of life, but why he can be trusted to bring the kind of lasting joy and contentment that “sexual freedom” can’t. You’ll discover there’s hope even if your experience of sexuality has been painful, complicated or filled with shame.

    Each chapter includes reflection questions to help you think through these issues and apply them to your own life, as well as a discussion guide for youth groups.

    You will be encouraged to trust Jesus with your deepest desires as you follow him in all of life, including your sexuality and relationships.

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  • Ready Or Knot Prayer Guide


    Who you choose to marry is one of the most important decisions of your life. This decision affects everything that will happen to you from that point forward. So how much have you and your significant other prayed together about your shared life to come?

    The best time to start praying for your marriage is before you say, “I do.” This devotional guide helps you learn how to pray together for twelve specific areas of your relationship, including:

    * the purpose of marriage
    * communication and conflict
    * spiritual, emotional, and sexual intimacy
    * understanding your roles and your differences
    * friendship and romance
    * money
    * parenting
    * and more

    It may sound like a cliche when you hear the old adage that “couples who pray together stay together,” but the reality is that the divorce rate for couples who pray together, out loud, on a consistent basis is less than one percent. Prayer is key to a strong and lasting relationship. The Ready or Knot Prayer Guide shows you how to develop a lifelong habit to sustain a lifelong marriage.

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  • Dating With Discernment


    Done with dating? Don’t know where to start? Wondering if your date is the one to marry? Pastor-scholar Sam Andreades brings single Christians in that vulnerable life moment the practical, theological help to make the dangerous decision confidently. Bringing the Bible’s wisdom on relationships to bear on the dating scene, he helps you lay a foundation for a love that lasts.

    This book will teach you how to:

    *Confidently say good-bye to ill-suited suitors

    *Deepen your relationship with God as you date

    *Find, and make a lifelong commitment to, a worthy, compatible mate

    *Understand the role of gender in developing intimacy

    *Form a strong foundation for marriage in your dating as you grow into what marriage is about

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  • Dont Believe The Swipe


    Modern dating is not for the faint of heart. Texting, online dating, dating apps, ghosting, social media, and cancel culture have made what was already an emotionally fraught endeavor even more complicated. It can take a toll on your self-esteem and self-worth.

    But the good news is, you can learn to date with dignity, to refuse to let the “swipe” rule your life, and to stand confident and not settle for less than what you deserve. In this funny, in-your-face, and self-affirming book, Mandy Hale gets honest about common frustrations, fears, foibles, and anxieties about modern dating. She offers life-tested advice about how to flip the script on dating, showing you how learning to love yourself first makes all the difference.

    Dating isn’t just about finding someone you can be happy with in the future, it’s about discovering the amazing, dynamic, whole person you are right now, today. So don’t believe the swipe. Let Mandy help you find love without losing yourself.

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  • Gen SeXYZ : Love, Sexuality And Youth


    “Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex….”-Vladimir Lenin, 1921, How to Destroy the West

    Going through each of the prophetic statements made by Lenin in 1921 shows why America is where it is today. Only 4 percent of Gen Z think about life through a biblical lens. To them, sexuality is more important than friends, family, or their faith.

    Jeff Grenell’s goal in Gen SeXYZ: Love, Sexuality & Youth is to reach youth, youth leaders, and the church with a message that kicks the devil to the curb and restores sexuality to its God-given origins.

    When the church failed to respond to the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the present one of the 21st century, its role in society crumbled. The media stopped censoring, the government redefined marriage, schools taught progressive sex education, and the list of genders grew. We’ve experienced generational loss because we’ve gotten further away from the source of our original knowledge of sexuality: the Bible.

    Jeff points out that our understanding of sexuality must be anchored to the fact that God is love and the devil stole sex. He provides direct quotations from teenagers and leaders, practical knowledge, and tools to launch a spiritual revolution of love and truth that will grow the church to reach younger generations and combat the loveless, godless sexuality ethic in our culture that’s misleading them.

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  • Relationship Goals : How To Win At Dating, Marriage, And Sex


    A candid, inspiring guide to finding lasting love by getting real about your relationship goals–based on the viral sermon series about dating, marriage, and sex.

    Realer than the most real conversation you’ve ever heard in church on the topic, Michael Todd’s honest, heartfelt, and powerful teaching on relationships has already impacted millions. Michael believes that relationships are the epicenter of human thriving. All too often, though, we lack the tools or vision to build our relationships on the wisdom and power of God.

    In other words, it’s good to have a goal, but you can’t get there without proper aim! By charting a course that candidly examines our most common pitfalls, and by unpacking explosive truths from God’s Word, Michael’s debut book will transform a trendy hashtag into a future where your most cherished relationships thrive in relational life, hope, and abundance. Now those are real #relationshipgoals.

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  • Single Dating Engaged Married


    Navigating the Four Critical Seasons of Relationship

    The vast majority of young people will still pass through the key phases of singleness, dating, engagement and marriage in their twenties. Yet they are delaying marriage longer than any generation in human history. Why?

    For the first time in history, the average age for an American woman having her first child, 26, is younger than the average age of her first marriage, 27. More children than ever are growing up in fatherless homes, despite the overwhelming evidence that in every measurable way this is bad for the child. The Center for Disease Control also recently reported a dramatic rise in sexually transmitted disease nationwide. In Rhode Island alone, since the onset of online dating, reported cases of Syphilis has risen 79%, and HIV has increased by 33%. Though many young people can avoid early pregnancy and STDS, most cannot dodge the depression and feelings of isolation that characterize this modern generation. Studies show a dramatic rise in self-reported loneliness among the young. All of our technological connectivity has not made us feel more connected. In many ways, the very screens that are meant to link us to others have become shields blocking us from the deep intimacy we crave. Many have discovered that where there is a lack of intimacy,addiction often rises to take its place. How can a young person navigate such troubled waters? Is there hope out there?

    Like a sailor on turbulent seas, we need to look up and see the North Star: the fixed points in the sky whereby we might navigate the objective realities in life. We need the skill-set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. In this book we will chart a course through the four relational phases that the vast majority of human beings on the planet will pass through in their twenties: singleness, dating, engaged and married. In each of these phases, we will look at what eternal purposes should be pursued in each stage, and how to pursue them.





    Our desires for intimacy are powerful. This power can be constructive or destructive. Our satisfaction and our safety will be ensured if we can aim these powerful desires toward divine purposes.

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  • Steps To Online Dating Success


    What You Need to Know About Online Dating… First! Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not.

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  • Amor En Los Tiempos Del Facebo – (Spanish)


    Lo que comenzo con algunas publicaciones en el perfil publico del Facebook, inmediatamente se transformo en un fenomeno que atrajo a millones de seguidores en todo el mundo que solicitaban a Dante que cada viernes escribiera algo referente al amor. Y asi se creo una serie de textos que hoy estan recopilados en este libro plagado de romanticismo. El Amor en los Tiempos del Facebook es una cronica desprolija acerca del amor, una compilacion de apuntes que surgen del alma, pero que en definitiva provienen del mayor sentimiento que nos regalo nuestro Dios.

    What began with some publications in the public profile of Facebook, immediately became a phenomenon that attracted millions of followers around the world who asked Dante every Friday to write something about love. And so a series of texts were created that today are compiled in this book plagued with romanticism. Love in the Times of Facebook is a disjointed chronicle about love, a compilation of notes that arise from the soul, but ultimately come from the greater feeling that God gave us.

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  • Mastering Life Before Its Too Late


    Pastor Rob Morgan provides ten biblical laws for pleasantly productive people by answering the question: How do I gain mastery of my life before it’s too late?

    A lifelong student of the Bible, Rob Morgan has spent forty years reading thousands of pages about maximizing each day and becoming purposeful and productive. Now he has found a simple plan that works-featuring ten biblical principles that transcend human wisdom. These life patterns can be implemented today whether you’re a student or a senior adult, a novice or an executive. They can help anyone, anytime, anywhere develop a perpetually effective life.

    1. Listen to a twelve-year-old: Jesus’ first statement was: Be about your Father’s business.
    2. Redeem the time: Wasted hours can never be regained.
    3. Clear the decks: God isn’t disorganized; why should we be?
    4. Maximize the morning: Schedule a standing appointment with God.
    5. Pull off at rest stops: Routinely replenish your inner resources.
    6. Operate on yourself: Diagnose and treat yourself spiritually.
    7. Live “As If”: Act by faith even when your emotions aren’t cooperating.
    8. Bathe in the Dead Sea: Experience the buoyancy of biblical joy.
    9. Practice the power of plodding: Effectively complete major tasks by persistently working in small increments.
    10. Remember there are two of you: It’s Christ in you Who’s achieving significance.

    Based on actual Scriptures, this simple, hope-filled plan for mastering life before it’s too late will put you on the path toward a lifetime of success.

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  • Prude : Misconceptions Of A Neo Virgin


    “SEX. LOVE. VIRGINITY? In the dating game, the V-word has become as strange and complicated as the L-word, with purity as outdated as pay phones. What is an ex-athiest, post-porn addict, unorthodox Christian girl to do these days? How can she create boundaries without scaring off every available guy? Is purity even possible without being puritanical? In this candid, humorous account of the true-life trials of Christian dating, the author shares the wisdom she’s gleaned in her quest for love in a modern world. She guides with grace and honesty through the often hush-hush topics of sex, porn, shame, female competition, misconceptions about purity, and those dreaded “waiting till marriage: conversations.

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  • New Lady In Waiting


    1. Lady Of Reckless Abandon
    2. Lady Of Diligence
    3. Lady Of Faith
    4. Lady Of Virtue
    5. Lady Of Devotion
    6. Lady Of Purity
    7. Lady Of Security
    8. Lady Of Contentment
    9. Lady Of Conviction
    10. Lady Of Patience

    Additional Info
    You Are Worth Waiting For!

    In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking-

    What’s the benefit to actually waiting for God’s best?
    Is there a perfect plan for my future-or is it just a fairy tale?
    Should I just settle like everyone else?

    With all-new insights from Jackie Kendall, a new generation will answer these questions and discover what made Lady in Waiting a life-changing encouragement to over half a million readers worldwide.

    You will learn to:

    * Step into your royal identity as a daughter of the King and experience contentment, security, and patience in your life
    * Protect your purity as you see how God sees you-valued, beautiful, and one-of-a-kind
    * Take advantage of the waiting process and use it to become a woman of devotion, faith, and conviction
    * Refuse to settle for anything or anyone less than God’s best for your life

    Enjoy the wait, embrace the journey, and experience the extraordinary power of being a Lady in Waiting!

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  • Sex Plus Faith


    Talking with your child about sex can be scary! Sex + Faith helps parents incorporate their faith values with sexual information so they can answer questions, discuss sexuality at each stage of childhood, and show support of sexual differences. Section one explains how faith relates to sexuality and the essential role parents play in forming healthy, faithful, sexual children . The second section designates a chapter for four age groupings of children from infancy through high school. Each chapter explains the biological and developmental issues of the age, answers questions children tend to have, provides relevant Biblical and faith stories helpful to discuss with children of that age, and lists five to ten key educational issues for parents to keep in mind. Shaded text boxes are interspersed throughout the book with real life, practical questions that parents and children ask. Expertly written by Kate Ott, Sex + Faith is an easy to use reference guide for parents of kids of all ages.

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  • Passion And Purity (Reprinted)


    We know we need to commit daily to Christ all matters of the heart and to wait upon Him. But so often it is a painful, lonely process that takes longer than we want it to.

    In her classic book, Passion and Purity, Elisabeth Elliot candidly shares with you her love story with Jim Elliot as evidence that she has been there. Through letters, diary entries, and memories, she shares the temptations, difficulties, victories, and sacrifices of two young people whose commitment to Christ took priority over their love for each other. These revealing personal glimpses, combined with relevant biblical teaching, will remind you that only by putting your human passion and desire through His fire can God purify your love.

    Includes honest, biblical direction on these important matters of the heart
    *loving passionately while remaining sexually pure
    *whether or not to marry, and who is the right one
    *the man’s and woman’s role in relationships
    *putting God’s desires ahead of personal desires
    *how far is too far, physically

    In a culture obsessed with dating, sex, and intimacy, the need for Elliot’s freeing message is greater than ever.

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  • Truth About Guys


    Okay, it’s a fact. God made guys and girls different in more ways than just the physical.

    But how different could we really be? After all, we are all made in His image, right? Well, yes, but let’s just say that guys and girls view the world in such different ways, that it’s a miracle we communicate at all. What’s worse is that girls this age often think they know what makes guys tick. That couldn’t be more wrong!

    Chad Eastham tells it like it is . . . to girls . . . from a guy’s perspective. As a popular presenter at Revolve conferences, he is known for his ability to speak truth and to give girls clearer perspective about guys and themselves as well as understand their own value. Chad explains, “You are incredibly valuable and worthy simply because God created you.”

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  • GLAM Girls Guide To Sex


    Sex is everywhere.You can turn off the television, never buy another magazine, and keep your children home until their grown, but we absolutely cannot keep them from learning about sexuality…and it would be wrong if we tried. Often people still grasping at some form of morality over-react to our sex saturated society and stick their heads in the sand, letting people make God’s gift to a man and his wife, dirty. Our young people want to learn about this subject, and if their mentors zip their mouths and make it uncomfortable, they will go to other sources. The G.L.A.M. Girl’s Guide To Sex is a book to teach young ladies that they need to prepare their hearts for purity so when they are faced with (and they will be at some point) the temptation to yield to the lust of the flesh, they will instead stand up for Christ.

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  • What Is He Thinking


    In WHAT IS HE THINKING??, Rebecca interviews a range of men from high-profile types to the guys next door, men that every woman can relate to. Although the interviews focus on single guys ages 20-35, Rebecca also includes words of wisdom from older mentors she respects who have been successfully married for years, people like her dad, life coach, and pastor.

    The men share their thoughts on topics like how women can respect themselves and the men in their lives, modesty, purity, taking it slow, friendship, letting guys lead, and more. This book gives them the floor to say what they would really like women to know.

    The men respond candidly to questions such as:
    *What is the most attractive quality to you in a woman?
    *Is modesty truly attractive?
    *Is neediness a turn-off?
    *What do you find beautiful?
    *How can we be dependent on God for our identity, not on you?
    *How can we help you with boundaries physically?

    Rebecca also discusses her own dating life, speaking openly about the single life, her struggle with loneliness, and her hope for the future. She challenges women to see the men in their lives as brothers in Christ and to trust God with their dating lives.

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  • Dating For Life (DVD)


    My friends are dating. Some of them are going too far, I think. My parents tell me to wait, but how long do I have to wait? How far is too far? Does the Bible say there’s just one person for me? How far can I go without regretting it later? The divorce rate is over 50% in western culture; this statistic is no longer a shocker. More disturbing than this reality, however, is the ease with which culture seems to have absorbed this trend. Incomes are being split, families are being divided and children are asked to choose which parent they want to live with. This presentation, intended for those dating age, begins the discussion on the concept of dating. Addressing many of the tough issues facing young people today. Brett explores the concepts of culture, sex and money and how these issues relate to Christian dating in the 21st century world.

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  • Making Sense Of Sex


    Having sex can be a loving and delightful experience, but it can also be emotionally, physically, and spiritually devastating. Many singles struggle to sort out how to make their own sexual experiences physically and emotionally healthy ones. This book can help. Duffy offers a thoughtful guide to sexual decision-making for single twentysomethings, exploring ten issues readers should consider when deciding whether and when to have sex. Appropriate for non-Christians and Christians alike, Duffy’s work is as relevant to those who have already had sex as it is to those who are considering it for the first time.

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  • Young Hearts Pure Lives


    Staying pure in a reckless world…is that even possible in the culture we live in today?
    Young Hearts, Pure Lives addresses the fact that God created sex because He has a plan and that plan is good! This program encourages young women to believe that they are worth waiting for! It teaches them to be responsible in making wise choices in friends; setting standards and boundaries in dating relationships; recognizing the media’s persuasion of selling sex; observing the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases; and understanding God’s forgiveness and cleansing power. He truly is the God of the first and second chance!

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  • Como Encontrar El Amor De Tu V – (Spanish)


    Encontrar al amor de tu vida es obligatorio para sentirte realizado en la pareja, pero como encontrar a esa persona? Que caracteristicas debe tener? Cuando es el momento de casarse?Eso y mucho mas es lo que responden Hugo y Tati Martinez en este libro. A traves de estas paginas ellos te ayudaran a considerar las diferentes etapas que se transitan en el noviazgo y, sobre todo, te ayudaran a conseguir una relacion exitosa con una persona que sera la indicada para tu vida.

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  • Intimate Issues : 21 Questions Christian Women Ask About Sex


    Intimate Issues answers the twenty-one questions about sex most frequently asked by Christian wives, as determined by a nationwide poll of over one thousand women. Written from the perspective of two mature Christian wives and Bible teachers-women who you’ll come to know as teachers and friends-Intimate Issues is biblical and informative: sometimes humorous, other times practical, but always honest. Through its solid teaching warm testimonials, scriptural insights, and experts’ advise, you’ll find resolution for your questions and fears, surprising insights about God’s perspective on sex, and a variety of practical and creative ideas for enhancing your physical relationship with the husband you love.

    With warmth and wisdom, authors Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus speak woman to woman: examining the teachings of Scripture, exposing the lies of the world, and offering real hope that every woman’s marriage relationship can become all it was intended to be in God’s design.

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  • 10 Commandments Of Dating


    The Ten Commandments of Dating, completely revised and updated, offers hope and sanity to singles who are sick and tired of the dating scene.

    Many people are tired of pouring time, energy, and money into relationships that start off great and end with heartache. Because of that, they need The Ten Commandments of Dating to give them the hard-hitting, black-and-white, practical guidelines that will address their questions and frustrations about dating.

    Revised and updated for a new generation of daters, this guide will help men and women keep their head as they search for the desires of their hearts. The Ten Commandments of Dating isn’t more relationship advice; it’s relationship common sense.

    If people keep the ten commandments of dating, their relationships will run more smoothly, they will be protected from the pain of contemporary dating pitfalls, and they’ll be on their way to building living, lasting relationships.

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  • Sex And Dating


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830836055ISBN10: 0830836055Mindy MeierBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2007Publisher: InterVarsity Press

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  • Doing Things Right In Matters Of The Heart


    There is a radical, biblical alternative to much of what is taught and practiced today regarding relationships. Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart presents a bold plan for escaping the swift currents of contemporary patterns of hooking up, shacking up, and breaking up. It draws a compelling vision of complementarity between the sexes. It instructs men on what to do and informs women on what to look for in their mutual pursuit of a healthy, tender, long-term relationship.

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  • Your Knight In Shining Armor


    P.B. Wilson’s Knight in Shining Armor (more than 150,000 copies sold) lets women know that if they desire true love, they need to prepare themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally…and God will bring their knight in shining armor to them. Readers will discover what they need to change and what should stay the same to make themselves attractive to godly men. Principles taught include-
    *emotionally healthy women attract emotionally healthy men
    *dating someone in hopes he’ll change later is asking for trouble
    *a potential knight’s past reveals how he’ll act in the future

    Practical and realistic, this book helps women break free from ineffective behaviors and attitudes to discover God’s design for waiting, dating, and choosing a mate.

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  • Sex 180 (Reprinted)


    On TV. In movies. On the web. In magazines. In high school and even in some youth groups. Yet even with all of this exposure, a big part of the sex story is not being told-a whole dimension that goes way beyond the traditional answers. If you’re fed up with our sex-saturated culture and are tired of being told to “just wait until you’re married,” then check ou the biblical understanding of sexuality. It’s 180 degrees from what we see or hear every day. It’s the start of a sexual revolution. Dive in and hang on, because this book will turn everything you know about sex upside down. Turn the pages and join the revolt against our culture’s view of sex and grab on to what God really says about it all. You’ll relate to the opposite sex in a whole new way, and you’ll never be the same again. Maybe your world won’t be either.

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  • Noviazgo Con Proposito – (Spanish)


    Instrucciones practicas para lograr una relacion exitosa. La decision de elegir a la persona con la que se compartira el resto de la vida es crucial. La importancia de la temporada prematrimonial llamada noviazgo no tiene referente alguno que pueda enmarcarla en un simple paso previo al matrimonio. Es mucho mas que eso. Es determinar bajo ciertas premisas el futuro de la pareja como gestores de la familia. Y esas premisas no pueden ser otras que las que nos ofrece la Palabra de Dios y el sabio consejo de su voluntad.

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  • Ending Violence In Teen Dating Relationships


    Foreword By Dr. Jill Murray

    1.Hell On Earth: Violence In The Dating Relationships Of Christian Teens
    2.How Christian Teachings And Popular Culture Contribute To Teen Dating Violence
    3.Unique Challenges: Dating Violence Among Urban African Ameridcan Teens
    4.How Clergy, Youth Ministers, Christian Educators, And Parents Can Help
    5.Healthy Teen Dating Relationships: Why Teamwork Is Essential

    Appendix A: Qualities Of A Healthy Christian Marriage: A Sermon On Domestic Violence Awareness
    Appendix B: Selected Resources

    Additional Info
    Miles, a nationally recognized expert in the field of domestic violence and teen relationship violence, explores the complex issue of teen dating violence. Through interviews and other research, he provides critical information that parents, caregivers, clergy, and educators can use to protect teens and help them foster healthy dating relationships.

    Miles offers thoughtful advice and answers to such questions as: What constitutes violence in teen dating relationships? Why is the problem so pervasive? What are the warning signs that parents and other caring adults can watch for that may indicate a teen is being either abused or abusive? And what can the church do to help?

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  • How To Get A Date Worth Keeping


    In How to Get a Date Worth Keeping, Dr. Henry Cloud gets to the heart of the issues dating raises for many readers and gets them on the road to fun and fulfillment in the single life. He explains both stagnant dating (it’s virtually nonexistent) and unfruitful dating (you keep attracting the wrong types or have other unhealthy patterns). But Dr. Cloud doesn’t leave you after giving you explanations; he offers you a program designed to solve your dating woes. If you are single and dating is not working for you, it’s time you find success. Get ready for lots of growth, healing, stretching, and dates!

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  • Gift Wrapped By God


    Women who have maintained their sexual purity often ask, Is it really that important for me to wait until I get married? Meanwhile, single women who have been sexually active mourn the loss of their innocence, wishing they could somehow start again.

    Women want to protect the purity that is God’s gift to them, and they also long to be loved. This volatile combination makes them vulnerable to temptation. That is why it is vital that women know not only that God wants them to wait, but why God wants them to do so. They need solid reasons, conviction, and a strategy that will prepare them to live out their sexual purity as God intends.

    Filled with powerful true stories of hope and healing, Gift-Wrapped by God provides compelling emotional and spiritual reasons for choosing God’s path of sexual purity, as well as practical help for following it. Whether women have held onto their sexual innocence, have become prematurely sexually active, or have had their purity taken by force, they can express and fulfill their desire to come to their wedding day–and live out every day-sexually pure and whole.

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  • You Didnt Complete Me


    You finally meet “the one” and plan to remain his forever. But what if Mr. Right turns into Mr. Wrong? Sharing the pain of her broken engagement, Harris asks, “Who am I without him?”—and discovers that in Christ she is made whole. Her story will encourage you in your own journey from heartbreak to healing.

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  • 101 Questions To Ask Before You Get Engaged


    More than half of all couples who become engaged this year will never make it to the altar. Why? Leading experts believe it’s because couples fail to really get to know their potential mate before getting engaged. Relationship expert and noted couples counselor Norm Wright steers potential brides and grooms through a series of soul-searching questions to discern if they’ve really met “the One.” A dynamic book with a great message for people who seek God’s guidance in finding a perfect lifetime companion.

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  • Limites En El Noviazgo – (Spanish)


    Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries — boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self-control. If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in Dating could revolutionize the way you handle relationships. And even if you’re doing well, the insights you’ll gain from his much-needed book can help you fine-tune or even completely readjust important areas of your dating life. Written by the authors of the best-selling book Boundaries, Boundaries in Dating is your road map to the kind of enjoyable, rewarding dating that can take you from weekends alone to a lifetime with the soul mate you’ve longed for.

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  • Finding Mr Right


    In discussions about finding a marriage partner, we often hear the cliche, “you’ll just know.” Unfortunately, this conjecture can be dangerous, as love is blind to many faults. When those words have faded, the heartache of an ailing or broken marriage will still be sharp.
    In Finding Mr. Right, the authors offer a list of ten characteristics to look for in Mr. Right — physical attraction is NOT one of then — along with ten principles on how to choose well. They dispel the “one perfect person” myth, encouraging women to abandon the search for Mr. Perfect and become comfortable with Mr. Right. Additionally, they share steps to becoming Mrs. Right. Among other attributes, readers will learn to look for men who: Are responsible men of integrity Communicate effectively Are not misers with emotions, time, or money
    For women confused by the dating game or seeking guidance in this major life decision, Finding Mr. Right is an essential resource.

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  • Too Close To The Flame


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    “Our world is aflame with sex,” warns counselor and author Dr. Gregg Jantz. We live in a society where sex is practiced openly, talked about freely, engaged in creatively, and flaunted shamelessly. Cultural stigmas that once kept sex within definable boundaries have all but disappeared.

    Anyone can fall prey to sexual temptation or become the target of a sexual aggressor. Any man or woman who has contact with the opposite sex – whether at church, in the workplace, or at play – needs the vital information contained in these pages.

    Would you recognize a sexually charged relationship soon enough to avoid falling into an affair? Would you be able to help a friend, loved one, or someone you’re counseling avoid such a relationship? Basing each section on gripping case studies, this must-read book for the new millennium will help you recognize the danger signs of a sexualized relationship and show you how to keep your future with your family, your friends, your coworkers, and your God secure

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  • 1st Class Single


    1st Class Single shows women how to date God’s way. God will help you go down the right road that leads to meeting and marrying the right mate. For a woman, dating with the hopes of reaching the altar can be very risky. Your journey toward the right mate may experience air pockets and stormy weather! That is why 1st Class Single was written. Read 1st Class Single and you will discover: Consider it a Bad Sign If You are the Only One Happy about the Relationship Don’t Marry Potential Don’t Try to Make, Force, or Buy a Relationship Develop the Qualities you Seek in a Mate Don’t Go Down the Aisle If You aren’t at Perfect Peace Know Your Worth! Cultivate ‘Sister’ Friendships Look at the Signs Then Wonder! 1st Class Single gives you the benefit of learning from someone else’s personal experiences. Chock-full of biblical references and spiritual analyses, 1st Class Single is a reliable road map that will help any single woman navigate the often-dangerous course toward holy matrimony.

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  • In Moral Love


    Now that society has given itself what it claims it wants in dangerously approving premarital sex, are people happier with the loss of moral love? What happens when someone chooses to live a moral lifestyle in an immoral society? What happens when the immoral and the moral get into a relationship with each other? With change in people’s hearts at stake, the battle for control begins. In Moral Love is a unique love story that encourages single people to wait on the Lord Jesus who, like a ballroom dancer, leads the right way through difficulties. Temptations lurk in every dark corner. Lust, jealousy, insecurity, ambition, and impatience are at war with faith, patience, and purity. Spiritual blind spots loom in people. “Morality” is a dirty word in immoral society, but a spiritually restored “fallen man” seeks to establish moral love with an enticingly beautiful, worldly woman. With uncommonly stark honesty that will shock some people and inspire others, In Moral Love reveals the reshaping of a man’s character. In the end, he finds his true heart of courage and endurance, making the toughest decision of his life. Only in moral love can he prove himself to be a real man.

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  • Hes Hot Shes Hot


    “He’s the boy of my dreams—Holy, Outrageous, and Trustworthy!” Focusing on the most crucial aspect of healthy dating and marriage, the Clarks offer a practical and biblical guide to choosing a godly companion. Young adults will appreciate this fresh approach to applying God’s wisdom to one of the most challenging areas of their lives.

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  • Should I Get Married (Revised)


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Are your ready for marriage? Are you physically, spiritually and emotionally compatible? What if making such a big commitment scares you? How do you find God’s will in all this? These are crucial questions that evey man or woman asks. And they deserve our best thinking. In this revised edition M. Blaine Smith draws from his own experience and his years of counceling singles and couples and takes a refreshingly candid, open-hearted look at these issues, helping men and women think through the important disisions concerning marriage.

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  • Diez Mandamientos Del Noviazgo – (Spanish)


    Esta obra le dara ayudas utiles para crear relaciones buenas y perdurables.En el encontrara lineamientos practicos, penetrantes y sin rodeos, que le ayudaran con sus preguntas y frustraciones respecto al noviazgo.

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  • Boundaries In Dating Workbooks (Workbook)


    Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self control. If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in dating will revolutionize the way you handle relationships. Even if you’re happily dating, the insights you’ll gain from this much needed book will help you fine tune important areas of your dating life. Designed to accompany Boundaries in Dating, this workbook is your map for traveling the dating road. It’s filled with pointed assessments, insights, questions for thought and discussion, and principles for you to put into practice in your relationships with the opposite sex. The Boundaries in Dating Workbook helps you deal with four critical concerns you face as a single person: you and your boundaries; whom should I date? solving dating problems when you’re part of the problem; solving dating problems when your date is the problem. Written by authors of the best selling book Boundaries, this workbook can help you enjoy the kind of smart, rewarding dating that can take you from weekends alone to a lifetime with the soul mate you’ve longed for.

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  • Her Hand In Marriage


    1. The Authority Of Parents
    2. Preparing Sons For Courtship
    3. Preparing Daughters For Courtship
    4. Culmination Of Courtship
    5. Details Of Courtship

    Additional Info
    The modern dating system is bankrupt. It does not train young people to form a relationship but rather to form a series of relationships, hardening themselves to all but the current one. Recreational dating encourages emotional attachments without convenantal fences and makes a joke of a father’s authority. The disrespect children have for their fathers in this area is an echo of the disrespect fathers have for their own office.

    Biblical courtship provides a wonderful freedom. It involves familial wisdom and godly protection. Grounded upon the involved authority of the father, courtship delights in its public connection to the lives of families. Sexual purity is a great inheritance for a marriage, and part of the fathers job is to guarantee to protect that heritage.

    Biblical courtship is a humble affront to the sterility of modern relationships. And as a new generation rejoices in this ancient wisdom, the current waves of broken relationships will begin to recede.

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  • I Gave Dating A Chance


    In recent years, “dating” has become a dirty word in many Christian circles. So dirty, in fact, that young believers are now encouraged simply not to date. This position has provoked an open debate among teens, their parents and youth workers, and single adults. For a great number of them, many questions remain unanswered.
    -“Lord, what do I do with this desire to date?”
    -“Can dating be an option for young adults who love the Lord and long to please Him?”

    Is not dating really the only acceptable option in God’s eyes? The answer, assures author and youth pastor Jeramy Clark, is a resounding “No!”

    The time has come for a sound, biblical, and practical approach that balances out the extreme perspectives: dating without responsibility versus a complete withdrawal from the dating process. Learn how you can confidently pursue healthy dating relationships that are characterized by holiness and integrity–and ultimately bring glory and honor to God–in I Gave Dating a Chance.

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  • Boundaries In Dating


    Boundaries in Dating provides those in the dating world a way to think, solve problems, and enjoy the benefits of dating in the fullest way, including increasing their ability to find and commit to a marriage partner.

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  • Black Christian Singles Guide To Dating And Sexuality


    1. Singleness: Burden, Blessing, Or Both?
    2. Male And Female: Appreciating The Differences
    3. No Condom For The Mind
    4. Sanctified Sex
    5. Beyond Dinner And A Movie
    6. Common Questions, Uncommon Answers
    7. Solo Sex
    8. Date Rape
    9. Homosexuality
    10. Breaking Up Without Breaking Down
    11. How To Recognize Mr. Or Ms. Right
    12. Who’s Loving You?

    160 Pages

    Additional Info
    1. Singleness: Burden, Blessing, Or Both?
    2. Male And Female: Appreciating The Differences
    3. No Condom For The Mind
    4. Sanctified Sex
    5. Beyond Dinner And A Movie
    6. Common Questions, Uncommon Answers
    7. Solo Sex
    8. Date Rape
    9. Homosexuality
    10. Breaking Up Without Breaking Down
    11. How To Recognize Mr. Or Ms. Right
    12. Who’s Loving You?

    160 Pages

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  • Sexual Man : Masculinity Without Guilt



    List Of Figures

    1. Male Sexuality-The Untold Story
    2. Am I Normal?
    3. Why Male Sexuality Goes Wrong
    4. How Men Think About Sex
    5. What Men Really Want From Sex
    6. Why Men Love/Hate Pornography
    7. Teenage Sexuality
    8. Sex And The Married Man
    9. Men, Sex, And The Workplace
    10. Religion And Sex
    11. Creating A Healthy Sexuality

    Appendix 1: Survey: The Heterosexual Male Experience
    Appendix 2: Where To Get Help For Sexual Problems
    Notes P. 219

    Additional Info
    What “good men” think about sex:

    “Am I oversexed?” “Why do I think such X-rated thoughts?” “What is ‘normal’ when it comes to sex?” “Do other men struggle the way I do?”

    Dr. Archibald Hart, eminent psychologist and highly acclaimed author and lecturer, addresses these and other questions men face daily in The Sexual Man: Masculinity Without Guilt. The result of research gained form confidentially surveying more than 600 men, this book de-mystifies what men secretly think and feel about male sexuality. In it, Dr. Hart reveals:
    *What satisfies men sexually and what the limits should be.
    *Sexual fears, fetishes, and failures that haunt males.
    *How to ensure healthy sexual development-from boyhood to manhood.
    *Keys to a fulfilled and guilt-free sex life.

    Based on the author’s groundbreaking nationwide research, the book refutes the current myths surrounding male sexuality and provides a psychologically sound view of what men secretly feel about:
    *love and lust
    *frequency of sex
    *sexual harassment
    *pornography, fantasy, and masturbation
    *oral sex
    *sex and aging
    *making sexual dreams come true
    *sex and religion
    *sex and the workplace
    *sex and affection
    *wives and lovers

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