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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 2001–2030 of 2030 results

  • Yahweh Is A Warrior


    Millard C. Lind’s classic study of warfare in ancient Israel. Israel saw God alone as delievering his people, without the need of human warriors.

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  • Inerrancy


    This is another in a series of books sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. The fourteen leading evangelical scholars who have contributed to this volume come from various denominations and have written on a wide range of topics related to the doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible. Believing that this doctrine is “an essential element of the authority of Scripture and a necessary ingredient for the health of the church of Christ,” they have made a strong defense of it. This book is presented as an appeal to the church of Jesus Christ. To those churches that hold to the inerrancy of Scripture, it is a call to hold the line. To those churches that have given way to the persuasions of radical higher criticism, it is a call to return to the historic position of Christianity. Inerrnacy is shown to be a doctrine of crucial importance to the church. Among the chapter titles are these: Christ’s View of Scripture – Alleged Errors and Discrepancies in the Original Manuscripts of the Bible – Higher Criticism and Biblical Inerrancy – Legitimate Hermeneutics – The Human Authorship of Inspired Scripture – The Meaning of Inerrancy – Philosophical Presuppositions of Biblical Errancy – The View of the Bible Held by the Church – B. B. Warfield Versus G. C. Berkouwer on Scripture — Included as an appendix is the Statement of the Council. This Statement consists of three parts: a Summary Statement, Articles of Affirmation and Denial, and an Exposition. The intent of this declaration underlies all of the chapters in this significant book.

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  • Rapture Question (Large Type)


    Now completely revised and enlarged, using quotations from the New International Version — John F. Walvoord’s classic work on the Rapture! The Rapture Question examines the four views of the church’s role in the tribulation: Partial Rapturism, Pretribulationism, Midtribulationism, and Posttribulationism, with the revised edition particularly discussing the current debate between pretribulationism and posttribulationism. In updating his work, the author also added treatments on the Rapture in the Gospels, in 1 Thessalonians 4, in 1 Thessalonians 5, in 2 Thessalonians, in 1 Corinthians, and in Revelation. A bibliography of current literature plus general and Scripture indexes are included.

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  • Historical Theology A Print On Demand Title


    “An ideal historical theology, or even an introduction to it,” says Geoffrey Bromiley, “lies beyond the limits of human possibility.” And he does not intend this volume to be an all-inclusive theological study about everybody and everything. Rather, “this work is composed for beginners, for inquirers, for those who know nothing or very little of the history of theology, but who want to know something, or something more.

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  • Theology In A New Key


    “I do not think there are any issues on the theological and human scene more important than the ones liberation theologians are raising,” says Robert McAfee Brown. In this book Brown explores how we can respond to liberation theology without condescension, arrogance, or co-optation. He surveys in detail the kind of challenges to North American Christians issued by South American theologians. He then calls upon the church to work to make itself what it ought to be and to take sides politically in support of human rights.

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  • Speaking In Parables


    Too many times theology becomes abstract and systematic, and therefore is not effective at spreading the gospel. For McFague, Jesus’ parables and the stories, poems, and confessions of many early Christians should be our models of how to spread the good news. By examining common writing traditions, McFague shows how the Great Commission can be better served.

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  • New Testament Era



    I. Judah Under Persian Rule, 539-332 B.C.
    1. The Iranian Sphere Of Influence
    2. The Early Achaemenids
    A. Cyrus, Darius I, Xerxes, And Artaxerxes I
    B. Ezra And Nehemiah In Jerusalem
    C. Judaism In The Persian Empire
    3. The Late Achaemenids
    A. The General Situation
    B. The Samaritan Schism
    C. The Last Perisan Wars
    D. The Effects Of Persian Rule On Judaism

    II. Judea Under Hellenistic Rule
    1. The Hellenistic Sphere Or Influence
    A. Alexander’s Campaign
    B. Hellenism
    C. Diadochi And Epigoni
    2. Egyptian Hegemony
    A. Ptolemy I-III And The Rise Of Egypt
    B. Jerusalem Under The Ptolemies
    C. Ptolemy IV, Ptolemy V, And The Decline Of Egypt
    3. Syrian Hegemony
    A. Antiochus III, Seleucus IV, And Antiochus IV
    B. Religious Oppression
    C. Maccabeus, Jonathan, And Simon

    III. The Hasmonean Rule
    1. Rule By High Priests
    A. Simon As High Priest
    B. Hyrcanus I
    2. Kings
    A. Aristobulus I
    B. Janneus
    C. Alexandra, Hyrcanus II, And Aristobulus II

    IV. Palestine Under Rome And Herod
    1. The Roman Sphere Of Influence
    A. The Rise Of Rome As A World Power
    B. Pompey Occupies Palestine
    2. Triumvirs, Antipater, And Herod
    A. Antipater
    B. Herod I
    C. The Date Of Jesus’ Birth

    V. Palenstine At The Time Of Jesus And The Apostles
    1. The Division Of Herod’s Kingdom
    2. Galilee-Perea And Northern Trans-Jordan At The Time Of Jesus
    A. Antipas’ Two Territories
    B. Jesus’ Homeland
    C. The Synagogues
    D. The Reign Of Antipas
    E. The Land And Rule Of Philip
    3. Judea And Samaria In The Time Of Jesus And The Primitive Church
    A. The Two Territories Of Archelaus
    B. The Reign Of Archelaus
    C. The Establishment Of The First Procuratorship
    D. Roman Government
    E. The Jewish Administration
    F. The High Council
    G. Sadducees And Pharisees
    H. Priests And Essenes
    I. Pilate, Golgotha, The Primitive Church
    4. Palestine In The Time Of James And Paul
    A. Agrippa I As King Of Judea
    B. The Second Procuratorship, The Zealot Movement, And The Church

    VI. The Roman Empire In The Time Of Jesus And The Apostles
    1. The Empire, The Jews, And The Christians
    2. Augustus And Tiberius
    A. Augustus’ System Of Government
    B. The Provinces Under Augustus And Afterward
    C. The Status Quo Under Tiberius
    3. Caligula, Claudius, And Nero
    A. Disappointment Under Caligula
    B. Developments Under Claudius
    C. Disintegration Under Nero

    VII. The Roman Empire In The Subapostolic Period
    1. The Jewish War And The Civil Wars
    A. The First Jewish War
    B. The Roma

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    This volume by an internationally know New Testament scholar and historian offers a concise history of the complex and often obscure period, from the Jewish exile to the completion of the New Testament writings and the onset of the age of martyrs, which was of such crucial significance for Judaism and Christianity. The author’s attention is concentrated on the political, social and religious factors in this period. Beginning with the period in which Judea was under Persian rule, from which much of the religion and cultural heritage of Judaism derives, the author goes on to describe the process of hellenization that occurred after the conquest of Alexander the Great when Persian rule came to an end. The major portion of the book is devoted to the New Testament era proper, when Palestine was under Roman domination. Finally, the author traces the events which led to the ultimate divorce of Christianity and Judaism.

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  • Message Of The New Testament


    This is a companion volume to H.L. Ellison’s The Message of the Old Testament. It is a book that can be understood by the beginning Bible student and still be valuable for those who have studied the Scriptures for years. F.F. Bruce begins with Mark – and proceeds to the earlier epistles, the prison epistles, the pastoral epistles, Luke and Acts, Hebrews, Matthew, the general epistles, Revelation, and finally the Johannine epistles and gospel. He looks at the distinctive contribution of each book or group of books. The contents are: This was the Son of God, It is God who Justifies, The Eternal Purpose, God’s Firm Foundation Stands, A Faith for the World, Jesus Christ the Teacher, Unchanging and Onward-Moving, This is the Victory, The Church in the World, and The Word Became Flesh. Contains brief bibliography and subject index.

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  • Where God Meets Man


    This book about Luther’s theology is written out of a two-fold conviction- first, that many of our problems have arisen because we have not really understood our own traditions, especially in the case of Luther; and second, that there is still a lot of help for us in someone like Luther if we take the trouble to probe beneath the surface. It is an attempt to interpret Luther’s theology for our own day.

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  • Form Criticism Of The Old Testament


    Because of its long oral tradition the Old Testament includes an array of different literary types and compositions. Analysis of these genres in the biblical material is known as form criticism. Gene Tucker draws on contemporary speech patterns to illustrate how the scholar pinpoints various categories or genres. The basic principles of form criticism are outlined and many biblical examples given. The story of Jacob’s struggle at the Jabbok and the prophetic literature are treated in detail. While form criticism does not solve all the interpreter’s problems, it forms an essential tool for exegesis and for recovering the living history of Old Testament literature.

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  • Basic Questions In Theology 2


    The essays included in this volume focus on specific standpoints inherent to our understandings of God. From a survey of Western philosophies, Pannenberg concludes that the Christian view of truth is distinctive because of its emphasis on the future. On the subject of faith, he asserts that rational knowledge does not oppose faith, but rather gives support to it. Also, the ideas of Feuerbach and Nietzsche as well as those of the dialectic theologians are critiqued by the author. All in all, Pannenberg’s uniting of classic theological insights with contemporary life will speak to the contemporary appropriation of traditional Christian themes.

    In this classic, two-volume set of collected essays, Wolfhart Pannenberg gives special focus to the ways in which history, hermeneutics, reason and truth all guide and inform our various attempts at understanding God. This focus, then, offers the reader a unique insight into the revelation of God. Pannenberg writes, “To say that the revelation of God is not a supernatural event which breaks into history perpendicularly from above but rather that it is the theme of history itself, the power that moves it in its deepest dimension, is to say something about God and his relation to the world.”

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  • Paul As Apostle To The Gentiles


    The author competently demonstrates that the equality of Jew and Gentile is the main subject matter of Paul’s soteriological argument in his letter to the Romans. Chae argues that it is Paul’s self-awareness of being an apostle to the Gentiles that has significantly influenced the shape, content and structure of his inclusive argument. Thus he offers an important alternative to the prevailing post-Holocaust interpretation of Romans and of Paul.

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  • Sacraments A Print On Demand Title


    The Sacraments is the tenth work to appear in the American edition of Berkouwer’s monumental Studies in Dogmatics. In it the author examines, explicates, and defends the Reformed teaching on the sacraments in the light of the Word of God and church theology. In the process, Berkouwer discusses and evaluates the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and various contemporary views of the sacraments.

    His method is to construct a general concept of the “sacraments” first, during which he takes into consideration the sacraments proper (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). He does not seek to analyze the essence of “the sacraments” apart from a consideration of the individual sacraments, for, Berkouwer contends, the nature of the sacraments turns precisely upon the concrete givenness of baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the historical revelation in Christ.

    The study proceeds to deal with the questions of: the number of sacraments, the relation between Word and sacrament, the efficacy of the sacraments in relation to faith, the nature of Christ’s presence in the sacrament, the meaning of “sign and seal,” and the controversial questions of infant baptism and open communion. In treating these issues, Berkouwer sorts out the massive complications that have developed over the years and, with devout faith and unfaltering logic, threads his way between confusion and oversimplification.

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  • Melanchthon And Bucer


    Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works, each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century, contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries. The Library of Christian Classics ensures that this great literature of the Christian heritage is easily available and invites the ongoing development of theology.

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  • Interpreting The Atonement A Print On Demand Title


    In this widely praised volume Robert H. Culpepper places the doctrine of the atonement at the center of the Christian faith and carries on his discussion of it against the background of a biblical understanding of sin, presenting the Old Testament foundations, the New Testament witness, and various historical interpretations. He concludes with a constructive statement of the doctrine that will serve the reader as well as a guide to a deeper understanding of Christianity and its practice in today’s world.

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  • Plain Account Of Christian Perfection (Unabridged)


    28 Chapters

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    Loving the Lord our God with all our heart. Now let this perfection appear in its native form, and who can speak one word against it? Will any dare to speak against loving the Lord our God with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourselves? Against a renewal of heart, not only in part, but in the whole image of God? Who is he that will open his mouth against being cleansed from all pollution both of flesh and spirit; or against having all the mind that was in Christ, and walking in all things as Christ walked? What man, who calls himself a Christian, has the hardiness to object to the devoting, not a part, but all our soul, body, and substance to God?

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  • Work Of Christ A Print On Demand Title


    Following the order of the Apostles’ Creed, Berkouwer discusses at length Christ’s incarnation, passion, resurrection, ascension, and rule, concluding with a thorough discussion of four aspects of Christ’s work – reconciliation, sacrifice, obedience, and victory.

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  • Divine Election A Print On Demand Title


    In this series rooted in the normative significance of Scripture, noted Dutch theologian G. C. Berkouwer examines great doctrines of the Reformed faith, developing and defending Reformed theology through interaction with a wide range of theologies and theologians.

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  • Sacramental Teaching And Practice In The Reformation Churches A Print On De


    “In the present study we shall be primarily concerned with sacramental practice and interpretation as they are to be found in the Reformation churches and especially those which took the Reformed rather than the Lutheran path. But this does not mean that we shall be committed merely to an historical survey. The main interest of the Reformers themselves was to be true to the teachings of Holy Scripture itself, and we shall be most loyal to them if, along with the general lines of their tradition, we attempt a biblical rather than an historical statement. This will have a threefold advantage. It will submit the Reformed interpretation itself to its own biblical standard. It will bring us into fruitful contact with other views in which over-emphases or distortions conceal positive elements of truth. And it will give to our discussion a living relevance for Christians of the present day, for whom the sacraments may never be regarded merely as objects of scientific enquiry, but must always be gratefully used as divinely ordained means of blessing.” – Geoffrey W. Bromiley (from the introduction)

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  • Calvin Commentaries


    This volume, demonstrating the main elements of Calvin’s doctrine as they appear in his many commentaries on the books of the Old and New Testaments, speaks with singular power to the ordinary reader today. Included are more than two hundred selections under headings ranging from the Bible, knowledge of God, and the church. Introductory selections from Calvin’s own writings also are provided. The editor’s general introduction tells how the commentaries came to be.

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  • Early Latin Theology


    This series presents in the English language, and in convient-size soft cover volumes, a selection of the most indispensable Chirstian treatieses written before the end of the sixteenth century. These books meet the need of lay people and libraries, students and pastors, for a single set of books containing the great literature of the Christian heritage. The texts are heightened in usefulness by a wealth of introductory material, explanatory notes, bibliographies, and indexes. The contents of each volume are exactly the same as in the original edition

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  • General Revelation A Print On Demand Title


    Asserting that there is no more significant question in the whole of theology than that of the nature and reality of revelation, Berkouwer examines this question along with the claims of natural theology and the radical character of the history of religion since the nineteenth century.

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  • Augustine Later Works


    The three works of St. Augustine translated in this volume, in whole or part, were all published in the years between 410 and 420, when Augustine was in his late fifties or early sixties, still at the height of his powers, and not yet wholly absorbed by the Pelagian controversy, which forced him to imprison his doctrine of Grace in a system of rigid logic.

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  • Christology Of The Later Fathers


    Presented in the English language, and in convenient-size soft cover volume, here are a selection of the most indispensable Christian treatises written before the end of the sixteenth century. This book meets the need of lay people and libraries. A biographical sketch and a consideration of the chief writings of three of the most dominant Christian thinkers of the fourth century, Athanasius, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa. Also a well selected series of documents illustrating the understanding, misunderstanding, and final definition in the Christological controversies from the eartly fourth to the late seventh centuries, including the Third Council of Constantinople.

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  • Augustine Earlier Writings


    These are Augustine’s writings from the time of his conversion to Christianity in A.D.386 until he became Bishop of Hippo in 395-396. This volume is part of The Library of Christian Classics containing the great literature of the Christian heritage.

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  • Christian Theology 2


    Most widely used systematic theology of the 20th century in the Wesleyan-Arminian tradition

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  • Lectures On Calvinism (Reprinted)


    This classic expression of the Reformed faith offers six lectures on Calvinism. Though these lecture were delivered at Princeton in 1898, what Kuper says is not of historical interest alone; for on many of the issues he addresses, the lines are still drawn in the same places nearly a full century later.

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  • Church Members Handbook


    “This is a small book (1962) on church membership to place in the hands of members to help them know the meaning of their membership and understand the doctrines and polity of Baptists. Chapters include The Meaning of Church Membership, The Church covenant, Christian Growth, Baptist History, Baptist Doctrine, Baptists and Other Denominations, God’s Plan of Church Finance, and Baptist Churches at Work.”

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  • Work Of The Holy Spirit


    After three- quarters of a century, Dr. Abraham Kuyper’s exhaustive study of the work of the Holy Spirit — how available for the first time in a paperback edition — still stands undiminished as a comprehensive Protestant statement about a central but much-misunderstood part of the Christian faith.

    “I have made an effort,” Dr. Kuyper writes in his preface, “to represent the work of the Holy Spirit in its organic relations, so that the reader may survey the entire domain. And in surveying, who is not surprised at the ever-widening dimensions of the work of the Holy Spirit in all the things that pertain to God and man?”

    The 123 brief sections that make up this work first appeared in the Heraut, a Dutch religious weekly of which Dr. Kuyper served as editor. So it is that this profound exposition is lucidly written in the language of the ordinary people for whose spiritual growth he was deeply concerned.

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  • Summary Of Christian Doctrine (Reprinted)


    Similar to the author’s Manual of Christian Doctrine, this volume offers a simpler and briefer presentation of Christian doctrine geared especially to high school students. Technical terms and detailed explanations have been avoided, and important Scripture passages are printed in full. Review questions are included.

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