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Spiritual Warfare

Showing 101–150 of 227 results

  • Art Of Spiritual War


    Know the enemy. Anticipate his attack.

    Expert linguist Dr. Andrew Farley has discovered a device containing thousands of archived files that reveal a worldwide spiritual conspiracy. Operation Screwtape, the largest of these files, details an intelligent scheme to steal, kill, and destroy.

    At great personal risk to himself and his reputation, Dr. Farley has translated this document and made it available to the world. What you do with this information is up to you.

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  • How To Conduct Spiritual Warfare


    Have you ever been oppressed by a spiritual or physical infirmity and couldn’t seem to break free? Have you ever wondered how Satan works against believers? Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ call to “free the captives” means for believers today?

    In this book, Mary Garrison imparts the wisdom that she’s gathered in her years of ministry on how to conduct spiritual warfare. Along with sharing personal experiences and testimonies of people who have broken free from spiritual strongholds, she equips readers to distinguish between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Join her in discovering how to effectively engage in spiritual warfare, exploring such questions as…

    *Who is the enemy?
    *How do I recognize Satan’s strategies?
    *How do I discern and try the spirits?
    *By whose authority do believers work?
    *How important is faith in spiritual warfare?
    *And so many more!

    This book will prepare you to take action. Every power must yield to the risen Christ. Equipped with His power and authority, you can cast out demons and set the oppressed free-you can walk in victory!

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  • Battles Not Yours


    The reason this devotion was written is very simple! There are some believers out there, that are under attack, and don’t know what to do! There is absolutely no power above, in , or beneath the earth, that God can’t handle! The book has thirty-one chapters. You can read one chapter a day, the whole book in one day, or whatever chapter you are feeling the need to meditate on. However you do it, you are encouraged to read it.
    My final word: There are some battles you need to be equipped to fight! Never go into battle, ill prepared, and ill advised, and ill trained! However, there are some battles you are not supposed to fight; those battles belong to the Lord!

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  • Spirit Of Python


    If it feels like your dreams and passions are suffocating and you don’t know why-you might be dealing with the spirit of python.

    In the natural world pythons have an interesting way of killing their prey. They constrict it until it can no longer breathe, literally suffocating the life out of its veins. In the spirit realm the python spirit acts in the same manner. It comes to put limits on you. It comes to quiet your voice and kill your dreams. It creeps into your life and, slowly but surely, suffocates your zeal for praising and worshiping God.

    New York Times best-selling author Jentezen Franklin is back with a message that will inspire you to break free and reclaim a life of passion, purpose, and praise. Based on some of his best-selling ministry products, Prey of the Python helps you understand the strategies of this subtle destroyer, how it works, how to detect it, and how to break its hold from your life.

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  • Prayer Warrior : The Power Of Praying Your Way To Victory


    No one can sit on the sidelines today when it comes to spiritual matters. A war is going on between good and evil, and every believer is involved. For every Christian who wants a meaningful prayer life that is more than just asking for blessings, bestselling author Stormie Omartian shows how to pray with strength and purpose–prayers resulting in great victory, not only personally but also in advancing God’s kingdom and glory.

    Readers will find help and encouragement in 12 practical and significant chapters that address

    *knowing your Commander and standing on His side
    *being certain of your authority in prayer
    *becoming skilled with your spiritual weapons
    *following God’s orders to resist the enemy
    *seeing what’s happening from God’s perspective

    Stormie also provides many powerful prayers on numerous subjects that concern people today. For anyone eager to answer the call of God on his or her life to pray while responding to the desire of his or her heart to see people and situations change, Prayer Warrior is a must-read.

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  • How To Try A Spirit


    “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.”
    -1 John 4:1

    In order to walk in the truth and avoid being deceived the worldly theories of this day, we must try the spirits, according to the mandate of 1 John 4:1, to see whether they are of God. Many believers are aware of this command but do not know how to try the spirits in their lives. Where do they begin?

    If you are one of these people, do not fret. This book can help! Mary Garrison has compiled a guide to the principal evil spirits at work in our world today, so that you can identify them and avoid being deceived. In this book, you will learn…
    *The biblical names of the principal evil spirits
    *The fruits of these spirits
    *The tactics they use in the lives of believers
    *Scriptural methods of overcoming evil spirits
    *How to live in victory of the evil one

    Do not be deceived any longer. Learn how to try the spirits and walk in the victory Christ has purchased for you on the cross. You were not made to be deceived. You were made to walk in the truth, and that truth will set you free!

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  • Spiritual Warfare


    Spiritual warfare is the conflict between good and evil. It is the ongoing battle between two diametrically opposed kingdoms: God’s kingdom (good) and satan’s kingdom (evil). Though it is inherently a spiritual conflict, spiritual warfare also is manifests in the natural realm of flesh and blood. Humans who really are spiritual being are caught in the midst of this conflict and may participate in the struggle on either side. The origin of the conflict between good and evil goes back before the creation of Man. One of God’s powerful angels, lucifer, satan, the devil, who rebelled against God. We have primarily three scriptures Ezekiel 28:12-13; Isaiah 14:12-15; and Revelation 12:7-9.Jesus came and restored rulership of God’s kingdom on earth back into the hands of mankind (True believers). As we understand the mission of Jesus we need to know that there are some things that have been conferred upon us. In reading Matthew 28:18-20; Genesis 1:28; and Luke 10:19. It is awesome to think that we are co-heirs with Jesus, with all the authority and power that he has. Through the authority of Christ, we are to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Lord and teaching them to do all that Christ commanded. Through these actions we are to expanding God’s kingdom, ultimately bringing all things under its rule. We must know the enemy and how he works: (2 Corinthians 2:11)

    -What are the snares of the enemy?
    -How the enemy does attacks us?
    -Description of Demons/Evil SpiritsWe are here to demonstrate the devil defeat: (1 John 3:8)
    -Spiritually Dressed For Success -Warfare Disciplines-Starting your day in prayer -Weapons of our Warfare

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  • Pulling Down Strongholds


    You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not

    Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.

    As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…

    Discover why spiritual warfare exists

    Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates

    Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare

    Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes

    Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit

    Satan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!

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  • If The Battle Is The Lords Why Am I So Tired (Revised)


    RPJ And Company Publication

    Randy Newberry portrays God’s wisdom and his experiences in helping readers to find a balanced approach to spiritual warfare and Christian living. As this non-denominational book is read, God will begin enlightening the reader to new ways of living the Christian life. The journey of discovering insight into living easier and being more intimate with God will be one of joy, the way He intended from the beginning.

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  • Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel (Reprinted)


    Charisma news editor and prophetic voice exposes the overlooked manifestations of the Jezebel spirit and reveals vital information on how to overcome this murderous evil.

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  • Dressed To Kill


    Featuring a 16-page full-color centerfold, Rick’s classic teaching on spiritual warfare is now better than ever! Rick provides vivid Greek word studies on every part of the spiritual armor God has given believers to maintain their victorious position over Satan.

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  • Did The Devil Make Me Do It


    1. Origins: Where Did Satan Come From?
    2. Activity: What Is Satan Like And What Does He Do?
    3. Control: What Is Demon Possession?
    4. End: How Did Jesus Defeat Satan?
    5. Walk: How Should We Live In A World Where Satan Still Prowls?

    Additional Info
    When Jesus walked the earth, he cast out demons and had powerful encounters with the devil. But who exactly is the devil, and where did he come from? And what is he up to in the world today?

    This short, readable book explains clearly and simply what we can say with certainty from the Bible and Satan, demons and evil spirits.

    Suitable for all Christians – especially those who are struggling with questions about Satan.

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  • Kiss Of Satan


    Glimpse into the World of Fortune-tellers, Witches, and Demons

    Every day, millions of people innocently play with the fire of the occult, having no idea how badly they can be burned. They explain it all away, saying things like…
    “It was only a seance.”
    “Horoscopes are harmless fun.”
    “Let’s get our palms read!”

    As an expert in demonic activity and deliverance ministry, H. A. Maxwell Whyte dares to tell the truth about every aspect of the occult arts-from horoscopes to hypnosis, from fire-walking to good luck charms.

    Never in history has a generation been so educated and yet so fascinated with demonic practices that were once thought to be the marks of ignorance and superstition.

    What’s behind this revival of interest in the occult? Whyte investigates this question and comes up with some startling answers.

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  • Whos Guarding The Gates


    From the cradle to the pulpit, precious things have been taken from God’s people. Somewhere, someone left a gate open; somewhere, someone failed to guard a gate and the enemy seized the opportunity to break in and run off with the good stuff. There is a growing, holy roar in the kingdom of God and amongst His people. They are awake and want their things back! God has provided a divine strategy to regain possession of the gates. That strategy is found in our radical obedience to Him. The battle begins with the reconstruction of individual gates first. Who’s Guarding the Gates? is the engaging question that every person must ask and be prepared to answer.

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  • U Turn God Turns


    Come take the journey with Michael Vincent Robinson as he navigates you through the roads of his life. This transparent view is both down-to-earth and compelling. You will be able to feel him at every turn so buckle up and enjoy the journey. It is easy to make wrong turns. Some come out of it quickly while others take almost a lifetime to break free. No matter how long it takes, you can overcome with the help of the Lord. He alone can keep you from reaching the dead end. Just know when you make a U-TURN, God will turn your life around. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Michael Vincent Robinson is a humble servant of God with a message. He holds a BS Degree in Business Administration from Oklahoma State University. He is a voice out of the wilderness to let you know that prayer, praise, and worship can unlock so many doors in your life. The author currently resides in Baltimore, MD.

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  • Hells Spells : How To Identify Take Captive And Dispel The Weapons Of Darkn


    It’s time for Christians to be aware of who and what they are allowing themselves to associate with, and start cleaning house.

    Hell’s Spells is based on the most intense and also the most popular series Pastor Jim Raley has ever preached. In this important book that draws from Paul’s writings to the Galatian church, you’ll discover how to identify, take captive, and dispel the weapons of darkness in your life and home.

    Many Christians never experience the full power of the Christian life because they are unknowingly allowing the enemy to have access to their lives. Once he gains entrance, he can manipulate, dominate, and intimidate even the strongest Christian. After reading this important message, no longer will you be at the mercy of evils such as:
    *Controlling Spirits
    *Generational Curses
    *Witchcraft in the Home

    It’s time to get down and dirty and expose the devil for who he is. This book’s message is intense, but its intention isn’t to cause you to live in fear; it’s to wake you up and help you break free to live the victorious life God wants you to live.

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  • Spiritual Warfare Self Study Bible Study Course


    Be Prepared for Spiritual Warfare

    Do you know how to wage effective warfare against our spiritual enemy, Satan? Spiritual battles are not just for preachers or other spiritual leaders. Whether you are a new believer or have known the Lord for many years, you will inevitably experience the devil’s attacks. But you can learn how to protect yourself from them, take the offensive, and fulfill what God has called you to do in life.

    The principles in the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course apply to all believers. They show you step-by-step the nature of the spiritual realm and how to effectively defeat the enemy. Be encouraged! God has provided everything you need to be “more than a conqueror.”

    You will learn how to:
    *stand firm against Satan to protect your spiritual health and growth
    *loosen the devil’s chains and cast down demonic strongholds through the weapons of warfare God has given believers
    *fight on behalf of others whom Satan is attacking and help set them free
    *thwart Satan’s schemes and bring the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven
    *live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, enjoying fellowship with your heavenly Father and receiving all that He has for you

    In Jesus Christ, you have both authority and power to overcome the enemy’s attacks against you and your loved ones. Are you prepared for this warfare? You can be ready and equipped through the Spiritual Warfare Self-Study Bible Course.

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  • Muddy Waters : An Insiders View Of North American Native Spirituality


    Many Christians see no problem combining the beliefs and practices of Native American Spirituality with their view of Christianity. But Nanci Des Gerlaise knows differently. Raised on a Metis settlement with fifteen brothers and sisters, Nanci’s childhood and young adult life was riddled with terrors that come with being the daughter and granddaughter of medicine men. Muddy Waters tells the story of this Cree Native American woman, who after years of struggle, oppression, and spiritual darkness found light and truth in the One who offered her freedom.

    But Muddy Waters is not just a biography. It delves deeply into the framework of Native Spirituality. While Native American Christians are looking for a great spiritual awakening within the First Nations/Native American groups–by incorporating Native Spirituality practices into their Christianity–right under their noses, a massive worldwide deception is swiftly surging forward. Partly in overcompensation for very real injustices com

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  • Satan A Defeated Foe


    Seize Your Victory!

    Satan wants to blanket the earth in darkness, but Jesus is the Light of the world. Christ has made His power available to us so that we can defeat the enemy in our lives. Here are powerful biblical strategies to overcome Satan when he tries to maneuver his way into your life.

    Charles Spurgeon reveals how you can…
    *Dodge the darts of the enemy
    *Live without condemnation and guilt
    *Bring your loved ones to Christ
    *Have power over sin
    *Be set free from anxiety
    *Literally shake the gates of hell

    Discover your God-given ability to use Satan as your stepping stone to greater spiritual heights. Learn how to defeat the enemy of your soul and experience victory in Jesus’ name.

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  • Battle For The Ephod


    We are all from a tribe and the tribe makes a nation. Each tribe is besieged by “thorns” and these thorns are used by the enemies to steal, kill and destroy the EPHOD. The Battle for the Ephod teaches about the weaknesses and strengths of the tribes and how to engage in spiritual warfare. It also explains the realignment of all the tribes in fulfillment to the word of God.
    * Are you a Leader?
    * Are you afraid to enter into leadership position due to the spiritual warfare it entails?
    * Are you still struggling to hear from God in order to enter into your calling?
    * Have you been disappointed in the past and discouraged by other leaders?
    * Are you a Joseph who wants to receive the eleventh hour miracle?
    * Are you a Dan who must be delivered from idol worship?
    * Are you a Zebulon who must dwell in the secret place of the Most High God?

    ARISE and take back what the enemy has stolen from you. The 12 Tribes Leaders had their challenges, strength and weaknesses as well. The prayers at the end of each chapter will enable you to actualize the call of God upon your life. Do not miss this divine opportunity. Take back your EPHOD by Fire.
    Pastor Lawrence Adetunji, Regional Overseer says, The Battle for the Ephod, is a book every Christian and minister of God must have to give both fundamental and consolidation for the knowledge required to operate as a Christian soldier, researcher and student in the school of biblical studies …..with operational guidelines for spiritual warfare.

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  • Mystery Of Life


    Life is full of mysteries, which reason and logic cannot unravel. These mysteries span Christianity, science, man’s origin, his destiny and well being. Millions of people die daily on account of ignorance, as Prophet Hosea predicted thousands of years ago. This book stands as the tree of life for those who would embrace it. Using the principles and techniques obtained by divine assistance, the author has been able to conquer poverty, sickness and ignorance, offering this book to all as the common heritage of mankind.

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  • Satan You Cant Have My Marriage


    Biblical principles and declarations to confront the devil and cast his evil influence out of your relationships.Christian Family Counselor Iris Delgado wants Satan to know that marriage is a territory that Christians can take back from demonic interference and control-and that it never needs to become the devil’s territory. This book reveals what makes marriage work-and what destroys it. Delgado tackles nearly fifty important marriage issues from an understanding of covenant, relationships with in-laws and children, household behaviors and chores, all the way to deeper issues of intimacy, integrity, finances, workaholics, habits, and communication. She gives biblical principles and declarations to confront the devil and cast his evil influence out. She includes interactive thought-provokers and an index of relevant words. She answers questions like:
    Who will pay the bills and keep the financial records?
    How do I handle an argument?
    Whose house do we visit on holidays?
    What are the hidden secrets of unresolved things in my life?
    How can God help when my spouse doesn’t want any help?
    What are the secret, bad habits that could tear us apart?

    This book will be a mentoring handbook you won’t want to be without! It will be useful for dating and engaged couples as well as for married couples who want to eliminate Satan’s influence from their marriage and lives.

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  • Kingdom At War


    The Kingdom at War is a prophetic view of the structure and power of the Church that will be given authority to overcome the enemy and see the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the last days. The book concentrates on establishing a “city church” that will reap the harvest, extend the Kingdom of God, overcome the kingdom of darkness, and bring glory to the King. Using prophetic Scriptures from the Old Testament, the author applies them to the New and the present Church, presenting a comprehensive picture of the glorious possibilities for today’s Church.

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  • In Allah They Trust


    If the thought of covering America’s beloved Statue of Liberty in a Burka bothers you, then this book is for you. Sound ridiculous? Who would dream of desecrating America’s eminent symbol of freedom? Islamic fundamentalists. In fact, recently a prominent Muslim activist was quoted saying that it is their goal is to someday see the Islamic flag flown over the White House. These alarming facts and many more are chronicles in this new book by former Muslim from Iran, Kamran Karimi.

    Until now, for Christians in America there have been more questions that answers and more silence than sincere action. Today’s climate of political correctness and fear of offending others has prevented the truth from being shared. So, the question becomes – what role are Christians and the Church to play in stemming the tide of Islam in America?

    Now, through this groundbreaking new book, you will be informed and armed with knowledge about the surprising-but-true Islamic agenda that seeks to systematically infiltrate every facet of American culture including the banking and financial markets, education, politics, religion, the court system and virtually every area of life as we know it. It is time to awaken to the truth that America is under attack, and it reaches far beyond the World Trade Center attacks and the war in the Mideast. The real battle is waging within our borders right now and the outcome will affect this generation and the generations of Americans to come.

    With wisdom and clarity, Kamran Karimi insightfully defines the problem, thoughtfully offers biblically sound solutions to the advancement of Islam, and puts forth a call to action. He gives encouraging answers while promoting a love and compassion for Muslims worldwide. He demonstrates that Muslims are held captive by the Spirit of Islam and need the genuine love of God to liberate them from the chains of tyranny. It is vital that we understand that we are not wrestling with Muslims, but we are wrestling against a force named Islam which has come to destroy the freedom that is found in Jesus Christ. It is then that Christ-followers can effectively reach and minister to those who say In Allah We Trust

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  • Spiritual Housekeeping : Sweep Your Life Free From Demonic Strongholds And


    Do you struggle with the should-have, could-have, would-have dilemmas of life? Daniels outlines key principles that will help you develop spiritual strength, avoid compromise, and discern what’s holy—and what isn’t! Discover the importance of obeying God’s commandments and depending on the Holy Spirit if you’re going to live in the world and please God.

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  • Victory In Spiritual Warfare


    Dr. Tony Evans, one of the most respected church leaders in the country, is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, a thriving congregation of 8000. In this timely, unique exploration of spiritual warfare, Dr. Evans unveils a simple yet radical truth: every struggle and conflict faced in the physical realm has its root in the spiritual realm.

    With passion and clarity, Dr. Evans demystifies spiritual warfare so that readers can tackle challenges and obstacles with spiritual power-God’s authority-as they:
    *understand how the battle is fought by Satan
    *actively use the armor of God
    *find strength in prayer and sufficiency in Christ
    *win over chemical, sexual, emotional, relational, and other strongholds

    Dr. Evans is compelling, down to earth, and excited for believers to experience their victory in Christ and embrace the life, hope, and purpose God has for them.

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  • Spiritual Warfare Strategy


    Discover how Jesus and the early Church overcame the enemy-and you can overcome too. We live in a day when the Holy Spirit is speaking strongly to the churches about aggressively retaking the dominion over creation that Adam forfeited to satan.

    This level of spiritual warfare is a new ministry area to many Kingdom-minded believers. Spiritual Warfare Strategy provides a biblical and theological rationale as well as practical tools for advancing God’s Kingdom. Dr. C. Peter Wagner examines the role spiritual warfare played in Christ’s ministry and among His first followers and applies it to today’s battle.

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  • Licensed To Kill


    The Christian life is not a playground, but a battleground. One of the fiercest foes in this battle dwells within our own hearts: the enemy of indwelling sin. The Scriptures command us to “put sin to death.” This is what pastors and theologians of another generation called the “mortification” of sin. But how do we mortify sin? And what role does the gospel play in this effort to apply lethal force against sin? How can we avoid falling into legalism while still maintaining a passion for holiness? And what kinds of strategies actually work in the daily battle? These are questions I have personally wrestled with as both a Christian and a pastor. This book is my attempt to answer those questions and provide a biblical and practical guide for the war against sin.

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  • Pigs In The Parlor Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This Study Guide is perfect for Individual and Group study.

    Are you in search of deliverance for yourself or for someone you love? This companion book to Pigs in the Parlor has been designed as a tool to enable you to diagnose and effectively deal with your deliverance needs.

    Are you interested in studying the scriptural basis for the deliverance ministry? This guide has been designed as a Biblical resource, detailing the
    extensive coverage of this ministry in the Old and New Testaments.

    Are you feeling led to become involved in a deliverance ministry of your own, to help set captives free? This guide has an entire section on the methods and techniques, the pro’s and con’s of how to effectively minister deliverance.

    This Study Guide includes questions and answers that follow the text of Pigs in the Parlor, as well as a wealth of scripture that supports the deliverance ministry. You will also find quotes from the leaders of the 1st – 4th Century Church on the validity of casting out demons, healing and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

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  • Believers Guide To Spiritual Warfare (Reprinted)


    People who are in trouble must discern the source of the problem. A correct assessment of the problem’s origins is the first step toward responding well and resolving the situation. Is the issue explainable by natural causes? If not, it is likely that the believer is under spiritual attack. The Believer’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare is a practical guide to overcoming the forces of the world, the flesh, and the devil that come against believers’ personal lives, families, vocations, and ministries. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing to free Christians from spiritual attack, and this essential handbook will help readers access that power. They will learn to discern the source of an attack, free themselves and others from spiritual bondage, and pray effectively to protect their homes, businesses, churches, and ministries from the forces of evil. The Believer’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare goes beyond theory to equip believers with simple, effective tools and techniques for winning victory.

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  • Fight Of The Faith


    Are we going to let the Lord have all the territory of our being in every way? It is not so easy as saying, “Yes!” It becomes a daily challenge (the fight). We never know how difficult it is to let the Lord have His way until He lights upon some pet opinion of our self-life. But that is the issue. When the Lord has gained His full way in all His own, as He will at the end, the manifestation of the sons of God will take place, and the whole problem will have been solved, the problem of this universe.

    What is the faith? The faith is this, that Jesus is the Son of God. But that is something more than a personal, objective relationship. That is a spiritual reality which has to come into expression through Him in the Church, in His members as representing the heavenly seed, coming to the fullness of Christ; which being accomplished, is to supplant and oust all this other seed which Satan has introduced into God’s universe. That is the faith. The faith comes down to this, namely, what we are spiritually in God’s universe. That is the faith.

    Oh, the conflict is there, and the fight of the faith comes right in amongst Paul and Peter in principle. That is a terrible thing. The fight of the faith! Oh, you would never find Paul and Peter fighting one another over the deity of Christ. You would never find them in conflict over any of these fundamentals of Christianity; the inspiration of the Scriptures, the Person of the Lord Jesus, the coming again. Oh no. You would find them absolutely one on all those matters, however many they were. But here, strangely, we find Peter and Paul in conflict, one having to withstand the other to the face, and it is the faith which is involved.

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  • Mission Of The Holy Spirit


    This book, The Mission of the Holy Spirit, grew out of a series of messages given by Pastor Wade Graber in 1995. Now fifteen years after the initial vision, paradigm shift, and some personal spiritual growth, Wade’s hope in penning The Mission of the Holy Spirit is for Christians to more fully understand the presence and ministry of God the Holy Spirit and for unbelievers to receive the indwelling Spirit. The message of the book is quite simple. You are the mission field of God the Holy Spirit. He has numerous things He wants to do in your life that affect your present and your eternity. The Holy Spirit wants to transform you into Christ’s image and glorify the Father and the Son. This book and the accompanying songs require uninterrupted worship and meditation in order to experience the richest reality of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Mission Of The Holy Spirit


    This book, The Mission of the Holy Spirit, grew out of a series of messages given by Pastor Wade Graber in 1995. Now fifteen years after the initial vision, paradigm shift, and some personal spiritual growth, Wade’s hope in penning The Mission of the Holy Spirit is for Christians to more fully understand the presence and ministry of God the Holy Spirit and for unbelievers to receive the indwelling Spirit. The message of the book is quite simple. You are the mission field of God the Holy Spirit. He has numerous things He wants to do in your life that affect your present and your eternity. The Holy Spirit wants to transform you into Christ’s image and glorify the Father and the Son. This book and the accompanying songs require uninterrupted worship and meditation in order to experience the richest reality of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Power Of Confessions And Spiritual Warfare


    Are you ready to put on the full Armor of God?

    Are you tired of the enemy wreaking havoc in your life?

    Do you want to experience the victory in every area of your life?

    Allow the Holy Spirit to take you on a journey through the scriptures, to find out why Jesus said you are an over comer and that He came to set the captive free.

    Open your heart and mind to the word of God as the Holy Spirit loose shackles, tear down strongholds and restore your mind by the living word of God.

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  • God Planted The Trees


    “The Life of Man” has been marred by constant struggles that were not given to man by God in His creation. This is the “lie” man has lived since the fall of Adam. In this book, Vera M. Conyers asks you to “leave” on the “Tree of Life” that God planted.

    And to this day, we continue to commune with these things, which all started with Adam’s fall from God’s grace. All heartaches and pain are brought about by one force: God’s fallen angel-the devil.

    In this book, God Planted the Trees: The Life of Man, Vera M. Conyers elucidates on these things and why they happen, telling us that there is a solution to our inherited descent from the Lord’s esteem. She shares her insights into what happened during Adam’s time and the subsequent effects thereafter. But there is a way out of our bondage to the Fallen One, and we are assured of triumph.

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  • Prayers That Rout Demons And Break Curses


    This leather-bound volume combines the two best-selling books by John Eckhardt in the Spiritual Prayers series, Prayers That Rout Demons and Prayers That Break Curses. This compendium is a handy reference tool that enables the reader to access powerful, Scripture-based prayers and decrees to overcome demonic influence and opposition. This book includes warfare prayers for every circumstance, including avoiding Satan’s attack in the areas of finances, pride, rebellion, relationships, healing, and demonic bondages. With these resources, readers will break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God in their lives.

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  • Spiritual Warfare 2


    Dr. Elsie Clark is a long-time Author/ Bible Scholar of over 54 books. She operates in the five-fold ministry of an apostle/ prophetess. She prophesied over “political officials and prominent leaders” of the world and has appeared on television/radio networks. She evangelizes the gospel of Jesus Christ, pastored for over twenty-one years and raised up ministry leaders. She taught God’s Word, globally for over 24 years and ministered in places such as Rome, Italy; Corinth, Philippi, Thessalonica, Switzerland, Egypt, Haiti, Africa, etc. Dr. Elsie sets up boot-camp training in churches and is a well sought after speaker. She has written twelve volume series on Spiritual Warfare that includes this book. Her other books are powerful tools for biblical research. She is an available speaker for church conferences, workshops, conventions and seminars. Her vision is to build multiple ministries to win multiple souls into the Kingdom of God.

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  • In The House Of Grace


    …finding rest in The House of Grace

    Ever wonder if you might be the only one that GOD couldn’t love because of some past sins you might’ve committed? I know I have…Paul expressed it this way: “Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death…?” The struggle to know whether or not HE wants to; can find rest in The House of Grace. A place where grace flows in the direction of the broken and contrite heart and saves to the uttermost. Wild grace abounds in our day and says you are entitled to prosper in the areas of self, health & wealth.

    But is that true? Is it really all about prosperity and selfish glorification? If it is than why do Christians living in the “third world” exist in abject poverty, starvation and pestilence everyday? GOD’s love for them isn’t any different than it is for the Christians in the more affluent Nations, is it? In this book I hope to identify & answer some of these concerns from a biblical standpoint and show how you can prosper in just knowing the peace of GOD through grace, repentance, and forgiveness. Life & that more abundantly, begins “In The House of Grace…”

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  • Back To Sender


    So many Christians experience delayed marriages, separation, divorce, suffering, affliction, sickness, poverty, disappointments and failures in their endeavours. Do you think it is the will of God that Christians experience such problems? It is definitely not the will of God. If it is not the will of God, why then do many still have problems? Very many suffer afflictions because they unknowingly practise some wrong doctrines.

    One of such doctrines that make some Christians suffer is the back-to-sender prayer. The prayer seems logically reasonable but it actually opens the door for the devil into a person’s life. Anyone who prays such prayer has no relationship with Jesus Christ. In this book, Pastor Chris used the scripture to expose how praying back-to-sender opens the door for the devil into a Christian’s life, and how you can easily receive your heart desires.

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  • On My Way Down I Looked Up And


    My prayer for those who are reading this book is that the spirit of change will take control of your total being, and drive you from Lodebar to grace. One of the saddest parts about the unexpected challenges that life brings is that, people around you do not always understand what you are suffering or why. This kind of misunderstanding validates why Job maintained his integrity; in his challenges, he said: “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job13:15). Job did what some of us do in suffering; we get the source of our affliction twisted. We blame God for what is wrong, not realizing that what is meant for evil, God meant for our good.

    We need to learn how to trust God when everything around us is falling apart. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). We must activate this truth during our time of despair. We must trust God even when we cannot trace Him. When everything is pointing in the opposite direction, we need to have our faith in God. No matter what you feel like in your downward state, God is in control. He “works all things after the council of His own will” (Ephesians 1:11). “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalms 30:5). Don’t give up or give in to the tactics of the enemy.

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  • I Took It Personally


    The enemy of your soul would have you roll over and play dead while he destroys your sons, daughters, families, and ministries. Read this book and experience God’s supernatural redeeming love for a 21st century prodigal son. Read this book and experience the victorious account of how the Anchor Academy for Boys saved a life to be used by God. Read this book and win the war!

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  • Are Demons Real


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615799312ISBN10: 1615799311Shirley WatersBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Are Demons Real


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615798964ISBN10: 161579896XShirley WatersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Breaking Curses Experiencing Healing


    Many Christians wonder why they cannot overcome sins and temptations or why they experience recurring problems in their health, finances, or relationships. Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing exposes these life-destroying schemes from unseen but powerful spiritual enemies. Seen by millions on ABC’s 20/20, MSNBC, the History Channel, and the BBC, Tom Brown shows the relationship between spiritual deliverance and healing. Learn how to receive divine protection and use the spiritual weapons that are rightfully yours so you can:
    *Identify the causes of curses
    *Take back what Satan has stolen
    *Break free from generational curses
    *Release God’s blessings and favor
    *Experience miracles in your life

    Uncover and defeat the spiritual attacks in your life, and bring complete healing to yourself and others today!

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  • Spiritual Warfare : Protect Your Home From Spiritual Darkness


    Satan’s War against the Family

    Satan has a plan… to destroy God’s kingdom, the church, and especially our homes and families! Beginning today, your family can be safe from the devastation of attacks by unseen spiritual forces of darkness-strife, division, emptiness, bitterness, despair, and much more. In this hard-hitting book, Marilyn Hickey shows, through her own experiences and those of others, how to successfully fight back using the powerful spiritual weapons that God has given you. Then, you can:
    *Break free from generational curses.
    *Conquer entrenched sins and habits.
    *Receive powerful answers to prayer.
    *Block Satan’s attacks.
    *Release others from spiritual bondage.
    *Overcome temptations.
    *Receive divine protection.

    Spiritual Warfare reveals the enemy’s strategies and equips you to engage in spiritual battles AND WIN!

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  • Silencing The Enemy With Praise


    Praise and worship are more than words and music, says author and pastor, Robert Gay. Praise is a weapon of warfare. God will fight for you as you praise the greatness of His name.

    In Silencing the Enemy With Praise, you learn what God’s Word says about the power of praise to: destroy the strongholds of Satan; bring healing, deliverance, and restoration; release the prophetic word; win the victory in spiritual warfare; and drive out demonic principalities.

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  • How To Wage Spiritual Warfare


    What part should we, as Christians, play in the constant Conflict, which is raging between the angels of God and the demons, or fallen angels, directed by Satan? What are the symptoms of demonic oppression? What are the symptoms of demon-possession? How can a man or a woman render himself, or herself, vulnerable to demonic invasion? How can we distinguish between demon-possession and mental illness? The author answers these questions in this book. He examines the occult, the cost of occult involvement, and the dangers of spiritism and mediumship. He emphasizes the victory which the Lord Jesus Christ, our Head, has won, by His blood, over the powers of darkness, and he explains how we, the members of His body on earth, should appropriate the victory in the ministry of deliverance. He concludes by citing examples from his own experience.

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  • Simplifying The Christian Life


    Life is full of choices! Your life can be full of God’s peace, His joy, His power, and His purpose, if you learn a few, yet extremely significant principles that God has established in His word, and choose to apply them to your life. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. God loves us so much that He willingly sent His only son Jesus, to die in our place, for our sins, on Calvary’s cross, so we could spend eternity with Him, if we choose to love, obey and follow Jesus. God wants us to enjoy our life, free from stress, anxiety, fear, and the worries of this world and in His word He gives us everything we need to know in order to live a happy, content, satisfying, victorious life in Him. He also gives us the battle plan and all the armor we need to fight our enemy, Satan and his army of demons, whose purpose it is, to steal, kill and destroy those of us who love Jesus. Learn what God expects of us, as born again believers and how He wants us to live. Learn how to increase your faith, so that you are operating under God’s faith. Learn about God’s promises to us and how to stand on those promises and claim them, receiving the blessings of those promises for whatever you need in your life. Learn how the enemy uses our attitudes to defeat us and how we have the power and authority through the precious name and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to overcome the enemy and live in victory, because Jesus already defeated Satan at the cross, the choice is yours!

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  • Warfare Prayer : What The Bible Says About Spiritual Warfare


    Warfare Prayer provides a toolbox and an operator s manual for those who take seriously the Apostle Paul s statement that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The demonic world around us is a reality, but all too few believers understand that realm of darkness to say nothing of having the skills to use effectively the weapons of warfare that God has given us. Based on a combination of sound biblical theology and real life experiences, this book is a user-friendly guide for those committed enough to join the army of God.

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  • Righteousness Exalts A Nation


    “Righteousness Exalts A Nation” is a call to battle against the forces of evil that threaten to destroy America’s Christian heritage. Through this book, you will be challenged to fight this war by first equipping yourself with the armor and weapon of KNOWING God’s love for you. This is the key to victory in your own personal life as well as America’s Christian future. Chapter nine will challenge you to understand 2 Chronicles 7:14 from God’s viewpoint. This is critical revelation for our nation to experience the healing of our land. America’s destiny, as a nation, needs you to KNOW God’s great love for you, please don’t disappoint her.

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