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Showing 2401–2450 of 2464 results

  • Deeper Experiences Of Famous Christians


    A life of greater power can be yours! James Gilchrist Lawson examines the ways in which some of the most famous Christians of the ages reached a greater experience of God’s love and power. The impact and influence of John Bunyan, Fenelon, Madame Guyon, D. L. Moody, and many others are here intimately revealed–mostly in their own words. There is a life of spiritual fullness beyond salvation, and God is waiting for you to be receptive so that He can pour out this blessing to you. You, too, can experience the Spirit-filled life today!

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  • Words Of Wisdom


    Charles Spurgeon reflects on topics from short beds to capital punishment, approaching each with a sound biblical perspective. Set in contemporary language for today’s reader, Words of Wisdom provides you with Godly truths that will inspire your daily walk with the Lord.

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  • When God Interrupts


    1. Losing Our Lives
    2. Terrifying Opportunity
    3. A Place You’d Rather Not Go
    4. Abandoned 17y Success
    5. Abandoned By Health
    6. Abandoned By Family
    7. Abandoned By God

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    When you’re facing difficult times and unwanted changes—the death of a loved one, a child leaving home, an illness—doesn’t it seem as though God has moved far away? Barnes wants you to understand that the opposite is true. He promises hope without denying despair by showing that God is always right at your side—even in the middle of unwanted change.

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  • For His Glory


    Written in the tradition of the psalmists and inspired by the Holy Spirit, Cindy Price’s verses have never failed to be a source of encouragement. Whether they are a celebration of joy, an expression of sorrow, a question of why, a plea for deliverance, or a song of praise, her verses always glorify God and magnify His holy name. After reading this collection of inspirational writings, you will find yourself gazing at familiar stories and scriptures with a new outlook, and you will see the wild extravagence of God’s love in a new light.

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  • Who Put The Skunk In The Trunk


    Lawman John Stranger returns to Denver with a marvelous wedding present for Breanna and together they anticipate the ceremony. Then, just weeks before the wedding, John is sent to Phoenix to solve a difficult case for the U.S. Marshal’s office. His work there sets him against a gang of outlaws who are bent on revenge. Now, its uncertain whether the ceremony will take place as planned, or if John and Breanna will find themselves on their way to their honeymoon or a very different place.

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  • Our God Is Wonderful


    1. God’s Wonderful Creation
    2. God’s Wonderful Providence
    3. God’s Wonderful Redemption

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    We should take time to revel in all God’s creation. Everything He made is marvelous beyond description. Everyone owes it to himself or herself to be awestruck by the demensions of the universe, the number of stars, and the precision with which they move. No one should miss the mind-boggling world of potential in the living cell. What a tragedy it would be to go through life hugging the commonplace and missing the beautiful, majoring in the mundane and missing the majestic. So let’s stop and smell the roses and also admire God’s works in the universe.

    In this thrilling book, a companion volume to his popular The Wonders Of God, the author takes us on a journey through creation, providence, and redemption–proving again that Our God Is Wonderful. The more we spend time with Him, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we will become like Him.

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  • Stories For A Teens Heart


    Nourish the souls of your young people with this collection of 110 bite-sized stories! Humorous, poignant, and uplifting, these quotes, anecdotes, and encouraging tales from best-selling Christian authors speak straight to the issues kids face. A great gift for on-the-go teens that reassures them they aren’t alone as they walk the road to adulthood.

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  • Colors Of The Spirit


    Seldom does a teacher come along with the ability to take the exuberance of spiritual joy and put it on a page in lessons of graceful simplicity and life-giving power. But in Colors of the Spirit, readers are introduced to just such a teacher in Dorothy Ederer. Here she shares her own prescription for a fulfilling life, and illustrates it with the stories of those who have enriched her own journey. You will see in these stories people who looked inside themselves and discovered the potential God gave them to touch others. These individuals were the colors that brightened Dorothy’s world, a world which was sometimes darkened by the hopelessness she encountered in her work as a counselor and teacher. Yet she found that just as white light is filtered through raindrops to create a rainbow, so too is God’s light filtered through all of creation and manifested in each being in a unique way. In Colors of the Spirit, Ederer goes through each color of the rainbow to share the special meanings they have for her, and how the qualities they represent can bring us peace and joy in our own lives.

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  • Turn Your Radio On


    Turn Your Radio On tells the fascinating stories behind gospel music’s most unforgettable songs, including “Amazing Grace,” “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “He Touched Me,” “I’ll Fly Away,” “Were You There?” and many more. These are the songs that have shaped our faith and brought us joy. You’ll find out: What famous song traces back to a sailor’s desperate prayer, What Bill Gaither tune was recorded by Elvis Presley in 1969 — and won a Grammy, What song was born during a carriage ride through Washington, D.C., at the onset of the Civil War. Turn Your Radio On is an inspiring journey through the songs that are part of the roots of our faith today.

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  • Christheart : A Way Of Knowing Jesus


    Awakening: The Boy Jesus In The Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
    Setting Out: Jesus’ Baptism (Matthew 3:13-17;Mark1:2-11; Luke 3:21-22)
    The Temptation: Setting Priorities (Matthew 4:1-11;Luke 4:1-13)
    Beginning The Adventure: Jesus’ Mission Statement (Matthew 4:18-22;Mark
    1:16-20;Luke 4:14-30;5:1-11; John 1:35-42)
    Invitation: Jesus’ Plea To All Humankind (Matthew 11:28-30)

    A First Glimpse Of Glory: The Wedding At Cana (John 2:1-12)
    Being Family/Being Oneself: Jesus’ Definition Of The Family (Mark
    Who Am I To You?: Jesus’ Question To His Inner Circle (Matthew
    One Last Chance: The Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:20-30)

    Confrontation With Grace: The Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-20)
    First Things First: Jesus And Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)
    Doing The Right Thing: Healing The Man With The Shriveled Hand (Mark 3:1-6)
    Forgiving Sins: The Woman Caught In Adultery (John 8:1-11)
    Facing Persistence: The Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)
    Lifting People Up: Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)

    Multiplying Loaves And Fishes: Feeding The Hungry (John 6:1-15)
    Order Out Of Chaos: Healing The Demon-Possessed Man (Mark 5:1-20)
    The Wrath Of God: Cleansing The Temple (John 2: 12-25)
    Unwrapping Souls: Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

    Friends Helping Friends: Healing Thee Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)
    The Hem Of His Garment: Healing A Suffering Woman (Mark 5:21-43)
    Reversing Roles: Washing Feet (John 13:1-17)
    The Child’s Way: The Only Way (Mark 10:13-16;Matthew 18:1-6;19:13-15;Luke
    The Power Of One Thing: Mary And Martha (Luke 10:38-41)

    Honoring Doubt: Appearing To The Disciples (John 20:19-29)
    Second Chances: Reinstating Peter (John 21:1-19)
    Waling On Water: Calming Seas And Hearts (Matthew 14:22-33;Mark 6:45-61)
    Do You Want To Get Well?: Healing Thee Man At Bethesda’s Pool (John 5:1-15)

    Seeing The Light: Healing Blindness (John 9:1-41)
    Receiving Love: Jesus’ Feet Anointed By Mary (Luke 7:36-50)
    Surrender: Jesus In Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46)
    Love’s Way: The Cross Event (Matthew 26:47-75;27:27-55;John 19:17-27)

    Drawing Near: Jesus’ Appearance To Mary (John 20:10-18)
    Making All Things New: Jesus On The Emmaus Road (Matthew 28:19-20;Luke

    Additional Info
    ChristHeart is a book of meditations based on thirty-four (34) events or teachings from the life of Jesus Christ. The reader is invited to enter more fully into the life of the human Jesus and to identify with the feelings and thoughts of Christ as he carried out his earthly ministry.

    Designed to facilitate contemplative prayer, the author encourages readers to imagine the responses of Jesus as he dealt with conflict, entered into friendship with the disciples and others, and healed people and taught them about a vital, personal, love relationship with God. The reader can enter into the experiences of Jesus by reading a selected scripture from the Gospels and one of the meditations, and then picturing the scene and identifying with the feelings and thoughts of Jesus in that scene.

    At the end of each meditation is a question to encourage reflection and a deepening of one’s own understanding of how the life of Christ intersects with and transforms the reader’s life.

    Miley has written seven mediations for each of the thirty-five (35) Gospel stories

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  • Following Jesus In The Hindu Context


    Narayan Vaman Tilak was raised in western India in a Brahmin family as a Hindu of the highest caste. He was an ardent nationalist and gifted poet. Baptized in 1895, he remained one of the most highly placed Hindu leaders to turn to faith in Jesus Christ. This book tells Tilak’s story as a pioneer in Protestant mission history.

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  • Pilgrim Souls : A Collection Of Spiritual Autobiography


    What is the source of personal writing? When do we begin to consider our own lives worthy of a story? These powerful and passionate selections of spiritual autobiography do not merely represent a vital literary tradition; they bring together fifty-eight writers whose search for truth and understanding has spanned over two millennia and several continents.

    From Saint Augustine and Rabi’a to T. S. Eliot and Kathleen Norris, each of these autobiographers tells the story of the inner life as a spiritual quest. Although separated culturally, historically, and linguistically, they are united by their efforts to respond to Socrates’ challenge to “know thyself.” In four parts this insightful collection includes works by:

    * Wanderers and seekers, like Leo Tolstoy and Thomas Merton, who feverishly explore many experiences and world views
    * Pilgrims and missionaries, like Anne Bradstreet and David Livingstone, who unwaveringly pursue God and holiness in lives of self-sacrifice
    * Mystics and visionaries, like Julian of Norwich and Annie Dillard, who discover the ecstasy of epiphany in a life of contemplation and seclusion
    * Scholars and philosophers, like Simone Weil and Blaise Pascal, who seek to ground spiritual conviction in a rational certitude.

    Strong, deep, and enduring, the selections in this illuminating anthology remind us that “the unexamined life is not worth living” and speak to us with an immediacy that transcends time and space.

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  • Divine Romance : Turn Back O City Turn Back O Bride Of God


    63 Chapters

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    A book of power, beauty, and grandeur. Rarely has a piece of Christian Love Story literature combined the simplicity of the storytelling art with the profound depths of the Christian faith. In this sweeping saga, spanning from eternity to eternity, you will discover some of the deepest riches afforded the believer. Like some mighty symphony, here is a majestic rendition of the love of God. Behold the story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection as it has never before been presented … from the view of angels! Be there when, rising from the dead, the Lord brings forth his beautiful bride. The story concludes at the consummation of the ages, when a victorious Lord takes his bride to himself. This truly is the greatest love story ever told!

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  • Meeting Place (Reprinted)


    Set along the rugged coastline of 18th century Canada in what was then called Acadia (now Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), The Meeting Place re-creates a world that was home to native Indians, French settlers, and English garrisons. Such diverse populations did not live in accord, however. Instead, they were isolated within their own groups by a brewing political tension under the difficult English rule.

    Amid such chaotic times two women, both about to become brides and both trying to live lives of quiet peace, meet in a lush field of wildflowers. Louisa, a Frenchwoman, and Catherine, who is English, continue to meet secretly through the seasons, sharing both friendship and growing faith.

    The outside world does not mirror their own tranquil happiness, and the dreaded crackdown by the English throne threatens far more than their growing bond. In the face of a heart-wrenching dilemma, Louisa and Catherine strive to maintain their faith and cling to their dreams of family and home.

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  • Inheriting Paradise : Meditations On Gardening


    The garden is a personal place of retreat and delight and labor for many people. Gardening helps us collect ourselves, much as praying does. For rich and poor – it makes no difference – a garden is a place where body and soul are in harmony.
    In Inheriting Paradise Vigen Guroian offers an abundant vision of the spiritual life found in the cultivation of God’s good creation. Capturing the earthiness and sacramental character of the Christian faith, these uplifting meditations bring together the experience of space and time through the cycle of the seasons in the garden and relate this fundamental human experience to the cycle of the church year and the Christian seasons of grace.

    The tilling of fresh earth; the sowing of seeds; the harvesting of rhubarb and roses, dillweed and daffodils – Guroian finds in the garden our most concrete connection with life and God’s gracious giving. His personal reflections on this connection, complemented here by delicate woodcut illustrations, offer a compelling entry into Christian spirituality.

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  • Never Lick A Frozen Flagpole


    Keep this book nearby for those times when you need a smile to brighten your day, or just want to laugh out loud at life’s many amusing circumstances! Phillips offers a collection of humorous stories and uplifting spiritual insights that will motivate and encourage you with reminders of God’s love.

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  • Psalms Of Lament (Large Type)


    If you’ve ever mourned the loss of a loved one, you can identify fully with Christian poet Weems’s poignant verses concerning her grief and anguish over her own son’s death. Like the Hebrew psalmist, she manifests a variety of emotions as she bares her soul before God. Would make an appropriate gift for someone who suffers.

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  • Prayers Encircling The World


    This anthology of contemporary prayer reflects the truly ecumenical and international character of the Christian community, with prayers from more than sixty countries. A peasant from El Salvador prays in these pages alongside a businessman from the United States and a group of African mothers. The 300 prayers repesent a wide spectrum of Christian traditions, including Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Methodist, Reformed, and Evangelical. The themes range over life’s experiences: work and rest, war and peace, family and community, grief and joy, provery and plenty, churches and nations – all find their place in this tapestry of prayer.

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  • Bright Intervals


    These services with meditations are appropriate for any setting or occasion, but are especially useful for worship services in health care centers, retirement homes, and hospitals. Themes will have special meaning for older adults, while humor and narrative stories enliven the message.

    These brief worship services with pastoral meditations are appropriate for any informal setting or special occasion. They will be particularly helpful for those who plan worship services for health care centers, retirement homes, hospitals, and nursing homes.

    The selected theme of each meditation and service are of broad interest to a wide age spectrum, but will have special meaning for older adults. Beringer uses both humor and narrative stories to enliven the message.

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  • Light And Death


    Begun in 1994, The Atlanta Study is the first comprehensive investigation of its kind into near-death experiences (NDEs). The study’s name hardly captures what lies behind it: life-and-death dramas played out in operating rooms and hospital beds–and simultaneous events unseen by medical personnel but reported with astonishing clarity and conviction by nearly 50 individuals who returned from death’s door. Now the founder of The Atlanta Study, Dr. Michael Sabom reveals their impact on the people who have experienced them. From both medical and personal perspectives, he shares the electrifying stories of men and women from all walks of life and religious persuasions. He explores the clinical effect of the NDE on survival and healing and discloses surprising findings. He questions some common conclusions about NDEs. And he scrutinizes near-death experiences in the light of what the Bible has to say about death and dying, the realities of light and darkness, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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  • My Souls Been Anchored


    Rev. Beecher Hicks Jr. knows that great preaching and great storytelling go hand in hand. He believes in the power of imagination to teach us about God and about life, and he knows that nothing can spark the imagination like a story well told. In My Soul’s Been Anchored, he presents vivid portrayals of the biblical truth shining through people he has known and experiences he has had.

    Family, friends, church members, neighbors. . .well-loved faces peer from these pages. In their warm humanity they illustrate simple, profound lessons that touch us all. You’ll meet “Uncle Mugga,” a woman poor in money but rich in love for neighborhood children. Reverend Jones, whose dentures flew out over the pupil in mid-prayer. Mother Jackson, everybody’s mother at Second Baptist Church. Wilson McCray, who ran his shoes off praising God. Each person is a unique, creative snapshot — sometimes funny, sometimes poignant — of a living faith that helps us overcome obstacles, love God and each other more effectively, and make this world a better place.

    Dr. Hicks’ stories read the way his sermons preach — full of life, feeling, and beauty. My Soul’s Been Anchored captures in print the oral tradition of the great African-American preachers — the cadences, the rhythms, the passion, the urgency. And the vision. Dr. Hicks says, “This is a time to rise above our limitations and set our sights on those things that the world believes are beyond us.” He encourages us to reach for purpose, to put our faith in motion, to never give up on our potential or God’s promises. Here is storytelling at its finest from a gifted writer and preacher, with universal truths that speak to every culture.

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  • Burdensome Joy Of Preaching


    In this volume, James Earl Massey explores the sense of burden and the sense of joy that accompany the preaching task. He gives attention to the preacher’s sense of both the inward side of the task and the outward side of preaching. He then considers the togetherness that earnest preachers seek to experience with their hearers, followed by reflec- tions on the planning necessary for the eventfulness that preaching was ordained by God to offer. 102 page soft- cover from Abingdon Press.

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  • C S Lewis A Print On Demand Title


    A compulsive writer from childhood, C. S. Lewis saw the world primarily through the medium of books. He read voraciously, and his own writing covers a broad range of genres. This timely study of C. S. Lewis casts a unique light on this beloved figure by tracing his development as a reader and a writer of books.

    Lionel Adey shows how the two sides of Lewis’s personality, for which Adey adopts the motifs of “the Dreamer” and “the Mentor,” are key to understanding Lewis’s writing in its various modes. Adey describes Lewis’s early development and then devotes a chapter to each kind of writing he attempted: literary history, practical and theoretical criticism, novels for adults and for children, poetry, apologetics, essays and addresses, and letters. Throughout, Adey discusses formative biographical events in Lewis’s life, such as the death of his mother when he was nine years old. Adey concludes with an estimate of Lewis’s achievement and enduring legacy as a writer.

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  • Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult



    15 Chapters In Four Parts
    Total Pages 178

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    They are quite satisfied with their lives, quite content with their beliefs and see no need to change.

    So how can we get them interested and make evangelism just slightly less difficult? Nick Pollard has been doing this for years and has some ideas on how we can do it too.

    This book explains why people think the way they do and offers some practical suggestions on how to reach them. The author shows how we can break through the barrier of disinterest and help people want to know about Jesus and why he can and should make a difference in their lives. He also provides ways to answer their tough questions and lead them in their first steps to faith in Christ.

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  • Book Of Miracles (Anniversary)


    Here is a book of spiritual adventure.
    From the miracle at the Red Sea to the miracle of waking up this morning, this intriguing book introduces young people to a way of spiritual thinking to last a lifetime.
    Kushner, whose award-winning books have brought spirituality to life for countless adults, here reveals the essence of Judaism in a way kids can understand and enjoy. Easy to read and imaginatively illustrated by the author, The Book of Miracles helps young people make-and treasure-the connections between religion, spirituality and everyday life.
    For parents to read to their children, for children to read to their parents, The Book of Miracles encourages kids’ awareness of their own spirituality, and shows young people how to use Judaism as a foundation on which to build their lives.

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  • Next Place


    The Next Place is an inspirational journey of light and hope to a place where earthly hurts are left behind. An uncomplicated journey of awe and wonder to a destination without barriers.

    Lose yourself in the uplifting sense of comfort and serenity. Embrace the joyful spirit of oneness. Then pour yourself into the lives of those you love.

    The Next Place is, above all, a celebration of life. Hear the music. Feel the warmth. And be carried away along life’s everlasting flight.

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  • How Good Do We Have To Be


    From the author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People comes an inspiring new bestseller that puts human feelings of guilt and inadequacy in perspective – and teaches us how we can learn to accept ourselves and others even when we and they are less than perfect. How Good Do We Have to Be? is for everyone who experiences that sense of guilt and disappointment. Harold Kushner, writing with his customary generosity and wisdom, shows us how human life is too complex for anyone to live it without making mistakes, and why we need not fear the loss of God’s love when we are less than perfect. Harold Kushner begins by offering a radically new interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve, which he sees as a tale of Paradise Outgrown rather than Paradise Lost: eating from the Tree of Knowledge was not an act of disobedience, but a brave step forward toward becoming human, complete with the richness of work, sexuality and child-rearing, and a sense of our mortality.

    Drawing on modern literature, psychology, theology,,and his own thirty years of experience as a congregational rabbi, Harold Kushner reveals how acceptance and forgiveness can change our relationships with the most important people in our lives and help us meet the bold and rewarding challenge of being human.

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  • Finding Peace In Lifes Storms


    Charles Spurgeon unwraps God’s gift of hope as he presents us with strong encouragement and a powerful tool for surviving daily struggles and temptations. This book will renew and strengthen your walk with Christ as you discover how to: Weather difficult personal storms, Experience God’s secure protection, Receive daily strength and encouragement, Turn painful memories into blessings, Build a solid foundation of faith and trust, Receive the outpouring of God’s love, Replace fear and doubt with peace, Know that Jesus will never let you go and Be assured of your salvation.

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  • More Stories For The Heart


    SKU (ISBN): 9781576731420ISBN10: 1576731421Compiled by: Alice GrayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1997Stories For The HeartPublisher: Multnomah Print On Demand Product

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  • Heart And Soul


    Dr. Gary Morsch is living proof that ordinary, faithful people can do extraordinary things. This dedicated physician founded a grassroots relief organization that has currently delivered over 100 million dollars worth of medical supplies to the poor in Bosnia, Rwanda, Somalia, and elsewhere. His story in Heart and Soul: Awakening Your Passion to Serve, is sure to challenge and inspire you! Introduction by Tony Campolo.

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  • Letters And Papers From Prison (Expanded)


    This greatly expanded edition included letters from Bonhoeffer’s fiance, parents, siblings, and others as well as legal papers regarding his trial all giving more insight into the faith and humanity of this great pastor.

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  • Daily Strength For Daily Needs


    Through some of the most inspirational words of famous Christian writers such as Jeanne Guyon, St. Augustine, Hannah Whithall Smith, William Law, Charles Wesley, and George MacDonald, you will learn how to: Live each day worry-free, Overcome present trials, Find the peace of God, Receive clear direction from God, Cast all your cares on God, Handle discouragement and temptation and Experience God’s free favor.

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  • Subversive Spirituality


    25 Chapters

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    According to respected pastor, author, and teacher Eugene Peterson, “the Christian life, in one of its main aspects, is a recovery of what was lost in Fall. We happen upon, we notice, we reach out and touch things and ideas, people and events, and among these the Holy Scriptures themselves, that were there all along but that our ego-swollen souls or our sin-blurred eyes quite simply overlooked–sometimes for years and years and years….”

    In Submissive Spirituality Peterson has gathered together a host of writings penned over the past twenty-five years that reflect on the overlooked facets of the spiritual life. Comprising occasional pieces, short biblical studies, poetry, pastoral readings, and interviews, this work captures the epiphanies of life with the pleasing pastoral style and inspiring depth of insight for which Peterson is well known.

    Freshly phrased and refreshingly honest, these reflections will–as do all of Peterson’s writings–help lead readers into a deeper understanding of the spiritual meaning of the Christian life.

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  • Honestly


    1. The Distant Rumble
    2. How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?
    3. Hiding in the Shadows
    4. Winter
    5. Why Are You Afraid?
    6. Paralyzed by Shame
    7. The Longest Night
    8. Forgiveness Comes Full Circle
    9. The Companionship of Brokenness
    10. Following the Shepherd
    11. The Incredible Lightness of Grace
    12. Stand Up and Walk
    224 Pages

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    Talented and beautiful, Sheila Walsh seemed to be on top of the world. But behind her public success as a performing artist and talk show host, a private story was unfolding. Unable to cope with the inner turmoil that plagued her, Sheila stepped down as co-host of television’s “700 Club” to deal with a pain too pressing to ignore. Honestly takes you on a journey past the walls that most of us put up and into the recesses of one woman’s heart. With rare grace, Sheila shares the story of her pilgrimage — the journey of a soul as it moved from hopelessness, to honesty, to freedom, and ultimately, to a life of deepened faith and joy.

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  • Streams In The Desert Updated Edition


    In a barren wilderness, L. B. Cowman long ago discovered a fountain that sustained her, and she shared it with the world, Streams in the Desert — her collection of prayerful meditations, Christian writings, and God’s written promises–has become one of the most dearly loved, best-selling devotionals of all time since its first publication in 1925. Filled with insight into the richness of God’s provision and the purpose of His plan, this enduring classic has encouraged and inspired generations of Christians. I heard the flow of hidden springs; before me palms rose green and fair; The birds were singing; all the air was filled and stirred with angels’ wings. Now James Reimann, editor of the highly acclaimed updated edition of My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, again brings us the wisdom of the past in the language of today, by introducing this updated edition of Streams in the Desert. With fresh, contemporary wording and precise NIV text, the timeless message of the original flows unhindered through these pages, lending guidance and hope to a new generation of believers. We never know where God has hidden His streams. We see a large stone and have no idea that it covers the source of a spring. We see a rocky areas and never imagine that it is hiding a fountain. God leads me into hard and difficult places, and it is there I realize I am where eternal streams abide. Day by day, Streams in the Desert will lead you from life’s dry desolate places to the waters of the River of Life — and beyond, to their very Source.

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  • Journey Home : A Walk With Bob Benson


    1. A Place Called Home
    2. The Journey Begins
    3. You Made Me What I Am
    4. Letting Things Grow
    5. Children
    6. The Fine Print
    7. Reading Deep
    8. Who’s Got The Urn?
    9. The Fellowship Of Suffering
    10. Home At Last

    135 Pages

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    “The sin is not in breaking rules-it’s in holding back…”

    Those who walked closest with Bob Benson say he knew how to get the most out of life. The Journey Home is for people who need to hear Bob for the first time. And for people who need to hear him for the first time – again. You’ll look at life differently after you hear Bob talk. He’ll help you hear the unspoken lessons your families, your circumstances, and the world around you are teaching. He invites you into the wonder of the ordinary.

    In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Bob Benson’s death, his wife, Peg, and family friend and writer Karen Dean Fry offer you a rare opportunity to share intimately in the life journey of this special man. In addition to the very best selections from Bob Benson’s writings, The Journey Home includes reflections from many whose lives Bob touched, including James Dobson, Amy Grant, Gloria Gaither, and others. Their words are a tribute to his legacy.

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  • Autumnal Tints


    Two institutions of New England, our fall colors and Henry David Thoreau, are brought together in this posthumously published rumination on Nature. Autumnal Tints was originally published in the October 1862 Atlantic Monthly. “October is the month for painted leaves. Their rich glow now flashes round the world. As fruits and leaves and the day itself acquire a bright tint just before they fall, so the year near its setting. October is its sunset sky; November the later twilight.”

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  • Stories For The Heart


    Nourish your soul and nurture your spirit with this treasury of tales rooted in God’s Word. All your favorite authors, from Max Lucado to Kay Arthur, Billy Graham to Alice Gray, James Dobson to Chuck Swindoll, share uplifting stories and poems about love, compassion, family, virtue, and more. This collection will encourage your heart, inspire your faith, and move you to laughter and to tears.

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  • Spellbinders Gift


    In his long and successful career as an agent to many of the most famous and dynamic motivational speakers in the world, Bart Manning had no peer. But when a series of misfortunes silenced the voices of his star clients, he happily retired. He’d had his last innings, and with his lovely wife, Mary, was enjoying his newfound freedom.

    So why, one morning, did he find himself headed back to the little office that he had never given up? He didn’t know. But as he sat at his dusty desk, he decided to go back into business. If God had sent him there, Bart told himself, he would wait for His plan to unfold.

    Then, at a crowded convention, he found his answer, in the person of a handsome young man named Patrick Donne, whose deep, commanding voice spoke words of profound wisdom that electrified the audience. With the thrill of discovery, Bart recognized Donne’s short speech as the best inspirational talk he had ever heard. Bart was soon caught up in the extraordinary realm that was Patrick’s ordinary world, where even tragedy and sorrow became transforming experiences and remarkable things happened. . . .

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  • Tying Rocks To Clouds


    Based on the author’s spiritual search for the fundamental meaning of life, a collection of interviews with twenty religious leaders includes the guidance of Robert Schuller, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Ram Dass, and Jack Kornfield.

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  • Spiritual Lives Of The Great Composers


    20 Chapters

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    Handel, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Dvorak, Stravinsky, Messiaen … Men of genius as different as their music-but all inspired by deep spiritual convictions.

    Patrick Kavanaugh uncovers the spirituality of twenty of music’s time less giants, revealing legacies of the soul as diverse as the masterpieces they created. Warmly written, beautifully illustrated, and complete with listening recommendations for each composer, Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers is fascinating look at the inner flame that lit the works of these masters.

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  • Secret Strength : For Those Who Search


    Do you want to know a secret?

    What’s so secret about God? Nothing. And yet everything.

    Scripture tells us, “the secret things belong to the Lord our God.” God has secrets. Some to keep, and some to tell. And who doesn’t want to know a secret?

    Most of us are filled with an incurable urge to discover secrets, to walk the higher and hidden roads. And it is our God, our wonderfully mysterious God, who has placed that yearning within us. He is the treasure we seek…the precious gem to be mined.

    So take the time to spend these one hundred concise, life-changing appointments with him. And discover incredible handholds of refreshment, courage, and endurance you can cling to in Secret Strength.

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  • Music As Medicine


    Deforia Lane shares the healing power of music. Once a budding opera singer, Lane has dedicated her talent to treating hospital patients with music therapy. The results are astonishing. In the presence of Deforia’s musical gifts, seriously ill people find new joy and hope. Lane is the first music therapist to receive a grant to study music’s therapeutic effects on cancer patients. Thousands of patients have been inspired by her, and her success has spurred hospitals across the nation to launch music therapy programs. “Music and healing are often matters of the human spirit,” says Deforia. “because of the nature of my job, I have witnessed more than a few miracles, miracles worth telling and retelling.” Music as Medicine is a window into Deforia Lane’s world of miracles, where the melody of one person’s life has brought healing and strength to many.

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  • Childrens Book Of Virtues


    The perfect companion to William J. Bennett’s number-one bestseller; “The Book of Virtues”, “The Children’s Book of Virtues” is the ideal storybook for parents and children to enjoy together:

    With selections from “The Book of Virtues”, from Aesop and Robert Frost to George Washington’s life as well as Native American and African folklore, “The Children’s Book of Virtues” brings together timeless stories and poems from around the world.

    The stories have been chosen especially for a young audience to help parents introduce to their children the essentials of good character: Courage, Perseverance, Responsibility, Work, Self-discipline, Compassion, Faith, Honesty, Loyalty, and Friendship.

    Lavishly illustrated by the well-known artist Michael Hague, these wonderful stories and the virtues they illustrate come to life on these pages.

    “The Children’s Book of Virtues” is an enduring treasury of literature and art that will help lead young minds toward what is noble and gentle and fine.

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  • Child Called It


    This book chronicles the unforgettable account of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. It is the story of Dave Pelzer, who was brutally beaten and starved by his emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother: a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games–games that left him nearly dead. He had to learn how to play his mother’s games in order to survive because she no longer considered him a son, but a slave; and no longer a boy, but an “it.”

    Dave’s bed was an old army cot in the basement, and his clothes were torn and raunchy. When his mother allowed him the luxury of food, it was nothing more than spoiled scraps that even the dogs refused to eat. The outside world knew nothing of his living nightmare. He had nothing or no one to turn to, but his dreams kept him alive–dreams of someone taking care of him, loving him and calling him their son.

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  • Out Of The Garden


    As the one work that has held moral and religious sway over the Judeo-Christian tradition for thousands of years, the Bible is unsurpassed in world literature. For women, its meaning is particularly complex; traditionally, the Bible has been used to keep women in their place, but it has also been a book of enduring inspiration. Out of the Garden marks a new stage in women’s relations to the Bible: this is the first collection of essays in which women read and respond to the Bible out of pleasure and curiosity–free to explore what is really relevant to women’s lives.

    Drawing on their own experiences and interests, Louise Erdrich, Cynthia Ozick, Fay Weldon, Phyllis Trible, Rebecca Goldstein, June Jordan, Ursula K. Le Guin, and twenty-one other writers boldly, imaginatively–and sometimes reproachfully–address the Old Testament stories, characters, and poetry that mean the most to them. Thoughtful, challenging, and playful, these beautifully written essays explore the Bible in fresh new ways. Out of the Garden reclaims the Bible for women and shows readers that the Bible is a source we can return to again and again.

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  • When Grief Breaks Your Heart


    1. Healing Where It Hurts
    2. When Someone You Love Dies
    3. Bouncing Back From A Broken Heart
    4. Why Do Good People Suffer?
    5. Amazing Grace

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    Grief is a natural part of life, yet no one is ever completely prepared to deal with it. The experiences of heartache, pain, disappointment, and loss can leave even the strongest of us devastated and searching for an anchor, for shelter from these storms of life.

    WHEN GRIEF BREAKS YOUR HEART explores how our faith can help us through these difficult times. Stories from the lives of everyday people illustrate how we can find the comfort and healing that come only from God. James W. Moore shows that it is God’s loving grace that holds us up and sustains us. With God, we can find peace and strength in our time of grief and begin to heal.

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  • Quest For Character


    41 Chapters

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    So many voices today tell us that avoiding pain and dodging trouble are the best we can expect from life. Yet God is at work in us. He doesn’t call us to a bland vanilla existence but to an exciting quest for the best thing in life — a heart that reflects the character qualities of Jesus Christ. Let Chuck Swindoll show you the building blocks of character that God wants to develop in you and how these traits can help you achieve lasting fulfillment. The Quest for Character offers forty encouraging meditations on character qualities that can significantly change your life. Each brief devotional ends with helpful suggestions for refining your character and scripture readings to draw you into God’s Word.

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  • Awakened Heart : Opening Yourself To The Love You Need


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060654733ISBN10: 0060654732Gerald MayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 1993Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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  • Releasing Your Potential


    1. The Tragedy Of Unreleased Potential
    2. How Will You Be Remembered?
    3. What Is Potential?
    4. How To Release Your Potential
    5. The Foundation Key
    6. Know Your Source
    7. Understand Your Function
    8. Understand Your Purpose
    9. Know Your Resources
    10. Maintain The Right Environment
    11. Work: The Master Key
    12. Potential And The Priority Of Work
    13. Understanding Work
    14. Responding To Responsibility P. 157

    Additional Info
    Releasing Your Potential is a complete, integrated, principles-centered approach to releasing the awesome potential trapped within you. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, this book reveals a step-by-step pathway to releasing your potential. If you have been frustrated by your dreams, ideas and visions, this book will activate your buried treasure and ignite the wheels of productivity. It will release a death blow to procrastination and set you on a path to personal fulfillment, purpose and productivity.

    Releasing Your Potential will enable you to:

    Take the next step from the author’s first best-selling volume Understanding Your Potential.

    Activate, stimulate and release the wealth of your potential

    Break free and leap over the limitations of past opinions

    Comprehend and appropriate the principle keys for unleashing for the next generation the wealth of potential trapped inside.

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