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Showing 51–100 of 817 results

  • Prayer Map For Women Simplicity Cover Design


    THE ORIGINA L Prayer Map!

    What Does Prayer Look Like? . . .

    Find out in The Prayer Map for Women.

    This engaging prayer journal is a fun and creative way for you to more fully experience the power of prayer. Each page features a lovely 2-color design that guides you to write out thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .creating a specific “map” for you to follow as you talk to God.
    Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has worked in your life. The Prayer Map for Women will not only encourage you to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!

    This lovely journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features:

    *A user-friendly spiral binding–lays flat!
    *Delightfully designed two-color interior
    *Space to record the date on each Prayer Map
    *Prompted sections guide the creation of each Prayer Map–from start to finish
    *Carefully selected scripture on every spread

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  • Women Work And Calling


    Women now have professional opportunities beyond what previous generations ever imagined. But as our roles in public life have grown, the church’s vision for women’s work and calling has not grown with us, leaving us feeling isolated and under-resourced. Christian women face multiple tensions between home and work, navigating complex gender dynamics in the workplace and social pressure to hold together picture-perfect lives.

    Joanna Meyer addresses a critical gap in Christian women’s discipleship by speaking to the roles we play in public and professional life. Acknowledging the brokenness of workplaces and industries, she provides a theological framework for women’s work and influence and offers resources for the challenges of working life. This book will help you:

    *Ignite your vocational imagination, with a biblical framework for work and calling.
    *Build strength from within, with emotional and spiritual health to support your work.
    *Navigate common workplace challenges, with practical tools to help your influence grow.
    *Pursue purposeful relationships, collaborating and building strong relationships with others.

    Learn from the lived experience of godly female leaders and discover how women can have a redemptive impact through our work.

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  • When A Friendship Falls Apart


    We all long for “friends forever”–but what happens when forever ends?

    They say friends are the family we choose. And that choosing–the joy of loving and being loved by someone who isn’t genetically obligated to share life with us–adds priceless worth to our days, but also great risk. Because hurt can happen even in the closest friendships, and sometimes friendships fall apart. The loss can be staggering. As we struggle to digest the pain and confusion, we wonder, How could this happen? And what do I do now?

    In When a Friendship Falls Apart, beloved author Elizabeth Laing Thompson comes alongside readers as they process their struggling friendships–the faltering, the fractured, and the failed. Blending personal story, biblical examples, and faith-filled wisdom, each page explores questions like the following:

    *How do we guard against the poison of bitterness so we can process the hurt and move forward?

    *When and how do we seek reconciliation? What does forgiveness look like?

    *How do we know when it’s time to leave a friendship behind?

    *How do we open up again and entrust our wounded hearts to new friendships?

    If you find yourself in the midst of a friendship that’s falling apart, or you’re grappling with past hurts and regrets, this book is for you. May it be a comfort and help, leading you closer to the Friend who will never leave.

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  • 90 Day Bible Reading Devotional For Women


    Daily Bible study made simple with themed devotional plans!

    Do you want to spend time in God’s Word, but aren’t sure where to start? The 90-Day Bible Reading Devotional for Women can help!

    This fantastic book features three themed 30-Day Bible Reading Plans: Getting to Know God, Knowing Jesus Better, and Growing Your Faith. Each entry includes the scripture reference for the day’s Bible reading, questions for further thought, a devotional reading, and prayer starter-all to encourage you to apply God’s Word to your own life and heart.

    This practical book is perfect for personal quiet time or small groups.

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  • Well To The Core


    You deserve to feel good–not just in your body, but in your whole being.

    Robin Long, certified Pilates instructor and founder of Lindywell, is on a mission to help you reclaim your health, your fitness, and your body. In Well to the Core, join Robin on a journey toward holistic health and discover:

    *ten core components of an effective and realistic approach to healthy and balanced living;

    *a grace-over-guilt mindset to release shame and develop helpful habits in every season of life;

    *how breath, nature, rest, and play can improve your quality of life; and

    *exclusive Pilates workouts, mindfulness exercises, and deliciously crafted recipes to nourish your mind, body, and soul.

    It is possible to break free from constant stress about what you’re eating, how you’re exercising, or how much weight you need to lose in order to really start living. This is where true wellness begins. Let Robin Long show you the way in Well to the Core.

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  • Purpose Doesnt Pause


    Purpose Doesn’t Pause asks: What if this season of confusion became a season of spiritual transformation? What if as you wait for life to begin you realize it’s already started?

    Even if you’re feeling stuck–lost about who you are and where you’re going–God invites you to live with intention and joy. With true stories and faith-based practical ideas, author Hope Reagan Harris speaks into ten different experiences that cause confusion, such as when:

    *Something good comes to an end
    *You feel pressure to figure out who you are
    *You’re called out of your comfort zone
    *Nothing is going as planned
    *You wonder if you’re good enough

    You could keep waiting for the life you want. Or you could embrace God’s purpose in the life you have. With free video content and interactive prompts for reflection and discussion, Purpose Doesn’t Pause helps you create a map for the road ahead as you flourish in who God created you to be.

    Presented by Esther Press: Books for Courageous Women

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  • See Yourself Beautiful See Yourself Happy


    If someone asks you who you are, you probably have a pat answer that tells them what you do. But saying who you are? That’s not always so easy.

    In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy: An Invitation to Discover Who You Were Meant to Be, Sonia Luna invites you to embark on a journey to discover your true self. As the pastor of a church that reaches thousands weekly, she is known for her strong faith and Holy Spirit anointing.

    Through each chapter, Sonia shows her vulnerability, sharing details of her life as a daughter, wife, mother, and minister of the Lord, explaining how everything developed her identity. By way of example, she offers insights into spiritual, psychological, and emotional issues that confront us as life unfolds.

    This journey is shaped by our experiences since birth, the influences of our families, the moments that mark us, and the many stages that we go through in our development as human beings.

    In an intimate, relatable narrative, Sonia describes how the psychological and emotional wounds that once affected us in our childhood and youth can continue to cause deep traumas that alter or threaten our identity. These can lead to insecurities, fears, difficulty in recognizing our own talents, and unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships.

    But Sonia offers reason for hope, affirming that there is not a single life that cannot be transformed by God. She invites you to discover your identity through the “infinite trigger” of Christ. By placing your life in His hands, you will fulfill your divine purpose and see yourself as you are: beautiful, valued, and loved.

    “It is only when we understand how valuable we are to God that we start to notice the mistaken concept we had of ourselves,” Sonia says.

    Once you see the best in yourself as God does, you will know your true identity as His beloved child. Happiness awaits when you work to achieve the divine purpose He has for you.

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  • Your God Knows


    This powerful Bible study about God’s faithfulness explores Nahum–a rarely studied collection of prophetic poems–to remind us that God is ever-present and always working, even when we feel alone or discouraged.

    Throughout history, God has said to His people: “I see you. I know you. And I will make this right.” This is a crucial message for women today, as we so deeply need to rest in an all-knowing God who can handle what is happening in the world and in our lives. In Your God Knows, Bible teacher and bestselling author Lisa Whittle draws on Scripture throughout the Old and New Testaments as she helps answer six critical questions for our times:

    *Am I forgotten?
    *How does good come from bad?
    *Do my desires and dreams matter?
    *Am I generationally blessed or cursed?
    *Will God make wrong things right?
    *Will I be okay?

    This interactive, video-based companion to Lisa’s book, God Knows, addresses your most pressing questions while immersing you in the truth of God’s promises so you can know deep in your soul that a sovereign God understands your pain–and will one day make all things new.

    Presented by Esther Press: Books for Courageous Women

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  • Love Everybody Wants


    Is there something wrong with me? How many more wrong ones until the right one? Am I hard to love?

    Madison Prewett Troutt knows what it’s like to ask these questions in the middle of the night–to doubt and worry about never finding the love so desperately hoped for. But Madi has discovered a deeper truth now, that the love we’re searching for is already ours.
    In The Love Everybody Wants, Madi sets aside the shallow messages our culture shouts every day to help us hear God’s beautiful whisper: I have loved you with an everlasting love. And nothing will ever change that.

    Drawing from Scripture and stories from her own life, Madi invites us to embrace God’s unconditional love so we can love ourselves well–and never settle for less. The Love Everybody Wants empowers you to

    – view relationships in whole, holy, and healthy ways
    – rely on biblical strategies for healing when your heart is hurting
    – overcome lies such as “I have to follow my heart and feelings above all else”
    – understand that a life partner is meant to complement you, not complete you
    – look to your future with joy–because you were made to love

    This isn’t a manual for how to get a boyfriend or a manifesto for getting married. It’s a book about the abundant love already at your fingertips–the love God has for you. The love that lasts forever, the love that changes everything. The love everybody wants.

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  • Praying Your Way To A Happy Life


    If you crave a life full of peace and joy. . .this book of daily prayers is just what you need!

    This book of daily inspirational prayers will set you on a path to joy-filled living. Each devotional-like prayer and related scripture selection will help you to discover true delight and contentment, peace and comfort, compassion and grace, and so much more, every day of the year! Each of the 365 readings in Praying Your Way to a Happy Life will help you to encounter a life of purpose with the heavenly Father as your Friend and Guide.

    A truly happy life. . .is just a prayer away!

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  • My Daily Prayer Plan 2024 Edition


    Looking for a way to jump-start your prayer life?

    My Daily Prayer Plan will help grow a vibrant prayer life while keeping a record of your faith journey throughout 2024. This dated, interactive prayer tracker gives you the perfect place to record your conversations with God throughout the year. Each month opens with a calendar and devotional theme, including Blessings, Faithfulness, Joy, Love, Contentment, and more! Every day includes a scripture and short devotional prayer starter as well as dedicated areas for personal prayer, daily prayer requests, praises, and answers to prayers. Truly interactive, My Daily Prayer Plan: 2024 Edition will leave you with a lasting record of how God worked in your life all year long.

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  • With The Master On The Mount


    “With the Master On the Mount is a women’s Bible Study of the Sermon on the Mount. John R. W. Stott says, “The Sermon on the Mount is probably the best-known part of the teaching of Jesus, though arguably it is the least understood, and certainly it is the least obeyed.” The Sermon on the Mount begins with Matthew chapter 5 and ends with chapter 7. Three chapters, only 110 verses, but what powerful words spoken from our Lord.”

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  • Rest For Your Soul


    Rest for Your Soul is for every woman who lives with an unsettled soul. She feels her circumstances and/or emotions have taken her soul hostage and have led her into the deepest of unsettledness, maybe even despair and grief. It’s Wendy’s heart to encourage and equip this woman to seek God, hear God, find God, and connect with God in the middle of any dark place and then slowly shift her perspective. She wants to provide you with the opportunity and ability to take your eyes off of your circumstances and unsettledness and, instead, fix them on God and His Word.

    Each of the six chapters contains some or all of the following: biblical and practical teaching, personal stories, practical application, prayer and opportunities to put into practice what she’s learning in the chapter. For example, memorizing Scripture, committing to times of silence with God, engaging in deeper Bible study with me through steps taught in the chapter, invitations to pray and write God’s Word.

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  • Oraciones Diarias Para Encontr – (Spanish)


    Que es el gozo? Podemos recibir momentos fugaces cuando vemos la luz del sol atravesar las nubes, o ver a un nio pequeo reir mientras sopla la pelusa de un diente de leon gastado. Pero solo hay una fuente de gozo verdadero y duradero, y ese es nuestro Salvador, Jesus.

    Durante una temporada de incognitas, Dios abrio Su Palabra a la autora Gina L. Smith y le enseo Su definicion de gozo para que pudiera experimentarlo en lo profundo de su corazon. El la ayudo a darse cuenta de que habia estado encontrando gozo en Sus bendiciones, en lugar de en El, la fuente de esas bendiciones. Y aprendio a “tenerlo por sumo gozo” (Santiago 1:2) pase lo que pase.

    Oraciones diarias para encontrar el gozo es un viaje de treinta dias a traves de la Palabra de Dios que te ayudara a descubrir el gozo que Dios quiere compartir contigo. El esta contigo siempre y puede resolver todas las cosas para bien. !Llenate hasta rebosar del gozo de Dios!

    What is joy? We can receive fleeting moments of it when we watch sunlight break through the clouds, or see a little child laugh as he blows apart the fluff of a spent dandelion. But there is only one source of true, lasting joy, and that’s our Savior, Jesus.

    During a season of unknowns, God opened His Word to author Gina L. Smith and taught her His definition of joy so that she could experience it deep in her heart. He helped her realize that she had been finding joy in His blessings, rather than in Him, the source of those blessings. And she learned how to “count it all joy” (James 1:2) come what may.

    Everyday Prayers for Joy is a thirty-day journey through God’s Word that will help you discover the joy that God wants to share with you. He is with you always and can work out all things for good. Fill yourself to overflowing with God’s joy!

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  • Rooted Joy : Prioritizing Your Connection To Christ And Your Friend – A Gir


    A Girlfriend Gathering Study of Philippians

    The Secret to a More Joyful Life Might Surprise You

    Relationships. It’s that simple. The more rooted your relationship with Christ and deeper your connection with others, the more your joy will increase. Those who have strong relationships live a happier and more fulfilled life.

    In Rooted Joy, best-selling author Becky Harling invites you to experience the deeply rooted joy promised in the book of Philippians. In this study you’ll learn how to overcome loneliness and isolation.

    So what are you waiting for? Gather your girlfriends, open your Bibles, and watch and see what God will do!

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  • Life Council : 10 Friends Every Woman Needs


    Offering a path for a new way to think about friendships, The Life Council will inspire and equip you to be a better friend, make new friends, and appreciate how different types of friendships can bring a richness to your life like never before.

    You’d love to have a “ride or die” posse like you see on social media, but instead you have a host of really good . . . acquaintances. After all, trying to find a soul friend in the midst of dirty dishes, deadlines, and, oh, a crazy busy life can be overwhelming. But what if developing great friendships was actually easier than we thought? And what if finding a “soul friend” wasn’t necessarily our highest goal?

    In The Life Council, Laura Tremaine–the writer and podcaster behind 10 Things to Tell You–tells us what we’ve been hoping was true all along: making, keeping, and even releasing friends doesn’t need to be as hard as we make it. This fun and practical guide gives you what you need to:

    *Create your own “life council” with the friends you already have

    *Understand the ten kinds of friends every woman needs–and how to find them

    *Learn how to evaluate your friendship circle for what’s working and what might need to change

    *Navigate tough conversations with friends

    *Get excited again about the possibility of new friendships

    The Life Council will give every woman the help she needs to think about friendships in a new way and find true connection, freedom, and joy in her relationships.

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  • Her Calling : A Woman’s Guide To Fulfilling Her God-Given Destiny


    What Every Woman in Ministry Needs to Know

    Her Calling is a mentor in a book. Dr. Jamie Morgan uses her decades of experience and insightful leadership to inspire women to fulfill their God-given destinies. All women called to ministry will be blessed by the practical guidance and wisdom shared by Jamie Morgan. Regardless of what God has called you to do in your ministry, this book will become one of your most valuable resources.

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  • 180 Devotions For Your Best Day


    Make Today Your Very Best Day with These 180 Inspiring Devotions!

    Good days have many things in common: joy, blessings, wonder, delight, contentment. . .but the very best days are those that include God in the details. 180 Devotions for Your Best Day provides much-needed encouragement and inspiration for your soul. With each turn of the page, you will encounter a lovely design alongside faith-building, biblically based devotions and related scripture selections. Touching on topics like stress, joy, emotions, rest, relationships, freedom, and more, these 180 readings will help you discover that your very best day always begins–and ends–in conversation with your heavenly Father.

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  • Her Calling : A Woman’s Guide To Fulfilling Her God-Given Destiny


    What Every Woman in Ministry Needs to Know

    Her Calling is a mentor in a book. Dr. Jamie Morgan uses her decades of experience and insightful leadership to inspire women to fulfill their God-given destinies. All women called to ministry will be blessed by the practical guidance and wisdom shared by Jamie Morgan. Regardless of what God has called you to do in your ministry, this book will become one of your most valuable resources.

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  • She Reigns : Conquering Your Triggers, Fears, And Worries With God’s Truth


    If you’re a believer, God has given you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Yet how often do you feel assaulted by fear, worry, anxiety, or negative thoughts?

    Unpacking personal heartbreaks, struggles, and never shared before confessions, Tarah-Lynn Saint-Elien gives you an intimately empowering look at how to reign over your thoughts and feelings as God intended. Snippets of her journal entries will assure you that you’re not alone and will encourage you to speak God’s promises in spite of what you see and feel. You will be given the weapons to identify your triggers, take negative thoughts and debilitating emotions captive, and posture your heart for delight.

    Trials and dangers may abound, but you are a queen who does not cower in the face of difficulty. By God’s power, you can reign supreme over your inner world.

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  • 60 Devotions Inspired By Women Of The Bible


    This insightful, inspiring devotional examines the lives of specific women in the Bible and how their wants, needs, and feelings relate with those of women today. Each devotion includes a Scripture verse, reflection prompt, and ruled lines to write down your thoughts.

    This inspirational two-month devotional provides you with guidance and answers by highlighting the stories of women such as Esther, Ruth, Abigail, and many more. Each devotion focuses on relevant issues, such as:

    *Anxiety, depression, prioritizing mental health
    *Enoughness, equality, self-worth
    *Grief, loss, infertility, healing
    *Feminism, navigating a career, motherhood

    60 Devotions Inspired by Women of the Bible is the perfect go-to daily reader for Christian women wanting to deepen their faith. This book is a thoughtful gift for women of all ages for birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduation, holiday gift giving, teacher appreciation, or as a token of appreciation when someone special needs a “just because” gift.

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  • Overcoming Father Wounds


    If you have been hurt, neglected, rejected, or abandoned by your father, it may feel like every aspect of life is affected by that broken trust. Even your relationship with God can feel tenuous, but there is hope.

    In this vulnerable book, author and speaker Kia Stephens shares her own story of father wounds, along with eye-opening examples from wounded women in Scripture who were transformed by the love of God. With great compassion, she helps you identify your father wounds and offers practical tools to help you overcome insecurity, low self-esteem, perfectionism, and trouble connecting with God as your loving heavenly father.

    Take heart. Your father wounds do not have the last word in your life; God does. With help from Kia and love from God, you can be made whole again.

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  • Your New Now


    Life prepares us for a lot of things. Until it doesn’t. Because at some point we’ll find ourselves stuck at the crossroads of what was and what is yet to be, desperately wondering, What on earth am I supposed to do now?

    Yet this in-between space doesn’t have to be one of fear, frustration, uncertainty, and sleepless nights. Bestselling author and Proverbs 31 speaker Nicki Koziarz knows well the vulnerable and lost feelings of transition seasons. Digging into the life of Moses and sharing from her own struggles and successes, she gives you a practical, biblical plan to discover–and thrive–right where you are. Waiting for new beginnings is challenging. But you can learn to live with purpose and expectancy even when life pauses in an unfamiliar now.

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  • Mujer Celebra – (Spanish)


    La mujer suele ser quien celebra los logros de las personas que ama y otras con quienes se relaciona: cumpleaos, aniversarios, nacimientos, graduaciones, desde los momentos mas pequeos hasta los mas significativos. Despues de llevar a la mujer por la trayectoria de valorarse, sonar, crear y emprender, Omayra Font la trae al reto de celebrarse a si misma en grande y a su manera. Como en los libros anteriores, la autora imparte sus experiencias, invita a la consciencia de festejarse una misma, e incluye una carta que brota de su corazon, para la mujer desolada que necesita un camino para reconfortarse, seguir adelante y celebrar su vida. Mujer, celebra cierra la serie de libros de bolsillo “Mujer…”, y recoge los conceptos emocionales y espirituales de reconocer las victorias propias y el significado de celebrarlas.

    The woman is usually the one who celebrates the achievements of the people she loves and others with whom she is related: birthdays, anniversaries, births, graduations, from the smallest moments to the most significant. After taking women along the path of valuing themselves, dreaming, creating and undertaking, Omayra Font brings women to the challenge of celebrating themselves in a big way and in their own ways. As in the previous books, the author imparts her experiences, invites the conscience to celebrate oneself, and includes a letter that springs from her heart, for the desolate woman who needs a way to comfort herself, move forward and celebrate her life. With Woman, celebrate, she closes the series of pocket books ” Woman…”, introducing the emotional and spiritual importance of acknowledging women’s own achievements and the meaning of celebrating them.

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  • God Grant Me Peace That Replaces Worry


    Trade Your Worries for Life-Sustaining Peace!

    These 180+ devotional prayers encourage women to ask God to work in mighty ways in their lives. God, Grant Me. . .Peace That Replaces Worry will help you focus your prayers on the life-sustaining peace that God supplies–the kind of peace that “shape[s] your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG).

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  • Pray Better Devotional: Meditations For Women Plus Bonus Prayer Maps


    Pray Better Today.

    Encouragement and inspiration for purposeful, more focused prayer is right here!

    Practical and inspiring, The Pray Better Devotional will guide you through 28 weeks of devotional readings and prayers plus the creation of weekly prayer maps to help you better focus your daily prayer time. With prayer-related themes like TRUSTING GOD, BEING PERSISTENT IN PRAYER, and EXPERIENCING THE POWER OF PRAYER, you will be encouraged to spend regular time in the heavenly Father’s presence and share what’s on your heart. . .as you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!

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  • Overcoming Father Wounds


    If you have been hurt, neglected, rejected, or abandoned by your father, it may feel like every aspect of life is affected by that broken trust. Even your relationship with God can feel tenuous, but there is hope.

    In this vulnerable book, author and speaker Kia Stephens shares her own story of father wounds, along with eye-opening examples from wounded women in Scripture who were transformed by the love of God. With great compassion, she helps you identify your father wounds and offers practical tools to help you overcome insecurity, low self-esteem, perfectionism, and trouble connecting with God as your loving heavenly father.

    Take heart. Your father wounds do not have the last word in your life; God does. With help from Kia and love from God, you can be made whole again.

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  • Your New Now


    Life prepares us for a lot of things. Until it doesn’t. Because at some point we’ll find ourselves stuck at the crossroads of what was and what is yet to be, desperately wondering, What on earth am I supposed to do now?

    Yet this in-between space doesn’t have to be one of fear, frustration, uncertainty, and sleepless nights. Bestselling author and Proverbs 31 speaker Nicki Koziarz knows well the vulnerable and lost feelings of transition seasons. Digging into the life of Moses and sharing from her own struggles and successes, she gives you a practical, biblical plan to discover–and thrive–right where you are. Waiting for new beginnings is challenging. But you can learn to live with purpose and expectancy even when life pauses in an unfamiliar now.

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  • Quenched : Discovering God’s Abundant Grace For Women Struggling With Porno


    Lust is a man’s problem, right? Wrong. When we see lust as an exclusively male issue, it leaves Christian women with nowhere to turn when they struggle with the same things. They suffer silently and feel like they will never be free.

    Jessica Harris has been there, and she has made it her mission to break the silence, banish the shame, and bring women’s struggles into the light of God’s grace and forgiveness. She understands that when you suffer in silence, you are building a wall of shame between yourself and God that God does not desire for you. In this authentic and honest book, she shows women a road map for restoration that answers the question “Is there grace left for me?” with a resounding and emphatic “Yes!”

    For any woman who desires to escape the pull of lust, pornography, and sexual shame, this book is a refreshing drink of water that will quench the fire within and point the way toward freedom.

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  • Worth It And Wonderful


    An inspiring clarion call for Christian women who often feel pressured to choose between seemingly mutually exclusive options: career and familyLeadership-lifestyle blogger and inspirational TV personality, Caitlyn Scaggs draws from her eclectic background and Christian principles to offer practical insight and encouragement to women striving to lead a fulfilling and complete life. She champions a new approach-how to find balance between seemingly opposing forces and live out what you were created to do.

    With inspirational stories from her life and career alongside those of others’ she’s met along the way, Scaggs provides insight on how to thrive in your roles in both career and family life. She shows you can boldly embrace both even when facing obstacles. Scaggs encourages readers to contemplate the choices they feel torn between. She then urges a different approach to navigating personal and professional lives, with the goal of finding balance, purpose, and satisfaction. Each chapter includes practical takeaways and actionable steps that invite readers to apply the insight shared to their own lives. Scaggs writes with the modern Christian woman in mind, but her engaging style and thoughtful insight will also appeal to women of all faiths and backgrounds.

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  • Everyday Prayers For Peace


    How do you pray for peace when it seems like your whole life is spinning out of control?

    In Everyday Prayers for Peace: A 30-Day Devotional & Reflective Journal for Women, author Brooke McGlothlin guides you through prayers for peace wherever it’s needed–in your family, your community, your workplace, your church, and the world at large.

    This thirty-day devotional features Brooke’s “Think, Pray, Praise” method of daily prayer–a practical, biblical way to pray the Word of God over yourself and the people you love.

    Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27).

    Brooke says Jesus does not simply give us peace; He is our peace. He is “our refuge in the storm, a place where we can run to get strength, comfort, and truth to see us through whatever troubled circumstances would come our way.” This peace offered by our dear Lord can be ours if we just pray.

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  • Come Sit With Me


    Being human is hard. Being in relationships with other humans is even harder. People are complex and relationships are messy but loving one another well is possible. Whether navigating political or religious differences, or dealing with toxic people or our own unforgiveness, this book tackles the struggles no one really wants to talk about. But there is hope! We can actually grow closer to God and others through the circumstances we’d rather run from.

    In Come Sit with Me, 26 (in)courage writers help you navigate tough relational tensions by revealing their own hard-fought, grace-filled learning moments. They show you how to:

    – delight in your differences
    – honor and value others even when you disagree
    – connect before you correct
    – trust that God is working even when people disappoint you
    – live and love like Jesus by serving others

    Whether you’re in the middle of a conflict without resolution or wondering how to enter into a friend’s pain, this book will serve as a gentle guide. Discover how God can work through your disagreements, differences, and discomfort in ways you might never expect.

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  • Reignite Your Leadership Heart


    How can a woman who has it all-a happy family, an effective ministry, a thriving business, and the respect of her community-detour into a wilderness journey and a secret that threatens to cost her everything? Ann Griffiths is a successful leader and a woman of faith. But when she experiences deep loss and God’s calling takes a backseat to her business ambitions, she finds herself in a dark place that she can navigate only with God’s amazing grace.

    A passionate mentor to women who are called to positions of leadership, Ann Griffiths encourages others who may be lost in their own wilderness and in need of that same hope and grace. Through biblical examples and her own story of struggle and restoration, Ann invites you to ignite-or reignite-your full potential and leave a timeless fingerprint that inspires others. Here, you will find hope in your own situation, discover what it is to be an effective leader, and learn practical skills to help you grow.

    If you are a woman who wants to Reignite Your Leadership Heart, this book will inspire you to unleash your full potential.

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  • Girl Persist In Prayer


    Refreshing Devotional Readings Pave the Way to a More Courageous Faith!

    If you’ve ever desired a stronger connection to the heavenly Father through prayer, this lovely devotional collection is for you! Dozens of practical and encouraging devotions and just-right-sized prayer starters will inspire you to be persistent in your conversations with God as you build an unshakable foundation of faith for life. Girl, Persist in Prayer will help you discover that God is always listening, and He will answer your prayers in His perfect timing. This book is just the motivation and encouragement you need for a deeper prayer life!

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  • Come Sit With Me


    Being human is hard. Being in relationships with other humans is even harder. People are complex and relationships are messy but loving one another well is possible. Whether navigating political or religious differences, or dealing with toxic people or our own unforgiveness, this book tackles the struggles no one really wants to talk about. But there is hope! We can actually grow closer to God and others through the circumstances we’d rather run from.

    In Come Sit with Me, 26 (in)courage writers help you navigate tough relational tensions by revealing their own hard-fought, grace-filled learning moments. They show you how to:

    – delight in your differences
    – honor and value others even when you disagree
    – connect before you correct
    – trust that God is working even when people disappoint you
    – live and love like Jesus by serving others

    Whether you’re in the middle of a conflict without resolution or wondering how to enter into a friend’s pain, this book will serve as a gentle guide. Discover how God can work through your disagreements, differences, and discomfort in ways you might never expect.

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  • Engaging Heaven Today For Women


    Are you engaged with heaven?

    Culture has plenty to say about a woman’s value and what she should be doing with her life, but women were made for more than this world.

    In Engaging Heaven Today for Women, author James Levesque urges you to pursue biblical truth and world-changing action. Discussing many topics, including careers, relationships, social media, and boundaries, these 365 devotions will:

    *bring you out of your comfort zone,
    *ground your identity as a secure daughter of God,
    *inspire self-evaluation and renewal,
    *remind you of the glorious truths of Scripture, and
    *encourage you to follow God daily.

    Embark on a year of actively partnering with heaven every day and watch your faith flourish.

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  • Confessions Of A Crappy Christian


    Why does it so often feel like Christians can’t talk about the real, hard stuff in life? We know our lives should reflect Jesus; what He did and said, and how He interacted with others. But if we’re being honest, there are days when we face tough, confusing things that can make us feel, well, very not like Jesus. As our culture moves further from truth and grace, Christians are burned-out, isolated, and unsure of where to turn for sound biblical advice that applies to their everyday struggles. If you’ve ever felt this way or wished someone would talk about things like forgiveness, mental health, broken friendships, redirected dreams, sex, facts versus feelings, church hurt, rest, weakness, healing, and more in honest, down-to-earth terms while sticking to what Scripture has to say about them, you’ve come to the right place. Confessions of a Crappy Christian is for you if you:

    *have ever thought you’re too messed up for church
    *feel exhausted and alone in your struggles
    *think you need to complete a checklist before God will love you
    *need a friend who cares about you too much to let you stay stuck

    With honesty and vulnerability, Blake Guichet, host of the popular podcast Confessions of a Crappy Christian, helps us embrace the truth that we can’t do it all perfectly and gives us the wisdom, guidance, and hope to move from “crappy” Christian into a freer and fuller walk with Christ.

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  • Women At Halftime


    Are you feeling adrift as you face transitions in a new season of life? It’s time to start dreaming again . . .

    Have you made personal sacrifices to pursue something–a career, a relationship, or a quality family life–and now it has changed, gone away, or just doesn’t feel as rewarding anymore? If so, you may be looking for a new source of energy, significance, and joy in the next season. Shayne Moore, a former client of the Halftime Institute, and Carolyn Castleberry Hux, a coach with Halftime, which was founded by the author of the bestselling book Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance, know from experience what it means and how difficult it can be to navigate this territory. In Women at Halftime, Shayne and Carolyn offer you the building blocks for getting unstuck and finding renewed joy and purpose.

    Shayne and Carolyn set out to ask you key questions like:

    *Whose voice in your head still silences your voice and your dreams–and what can you do about it?

    *How can you evaluate the activities, people, and places in which you invest your time?

    *Where do you need to embrace freedom from limiting beliefs, fears, perfectionism, or other obstacles holding you back?

    Know you are not alone. Transformative growth takes time, but the end result is worth it.

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  • KJV Devotional For Women


    This insightful devotional featuring Scripture verses from the King James Version of the Bible enriches women’s lives with wisdom from God’s Word and encouragements for daily living.

    The King James Version of the Bible is one of the most venerable and popular translations in history, loved for its unrivaled eloquence and literary richness.

    This collection of beautifully worded verses, coupled with short spiritual applications, makes a welcome addition to any woman’s devotional library and quiet time with the Lord. Topics addressed in this devotional include the importance of hearing God’s voice, living righteously, and showing kindness.

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  • Forgiven And Set Free (Revised)


    No matter what influences a woman to end a pregnancy, the physical, psychological, and spiritual side effects are real and not always anticipated. Feelings of guilt, shame, and grief become a heavy burden, and many women feel that they will never be free, that no one understands, that God will never forgive them. But there is hope.

    Linda Cochrane has been there. With an understanding spirit and a gentle hand, she guides hurting women to bring their emotional scars “out of the dark past and into his holy light” where true and lasting healing can take place. Cochrane delves into the Scriptures to offer help with issues such as relief, denial, anger, forgiveness, depression, letting go, and acceptance.

    For every woman yearning for the peace of God’s forgiveness, this study can be the first step to healing and wholeness.

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  • 180 Devotions For When Life Is Overwhelming


    When Life Feels Overwhelming, This Is Just the Inspiration Your Soul Needs.

    With 180 Devotions for When Life Is Overwhelming, you will discover just the inspiration and encouragement your heart needs for every area of life, including family, finances, work, health, faith, and so much more. Whatever life brings your way–on the days you have it all together. . .and the days that you don’t!–you will encounter words that uplift and inspire your soul in this lovely devotional.

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  • Finding Your Fearless Journal



    What do Jochebed, Rahab, Abigail, the woman at the well, the woman with the issue of blood, and Priscilla have in common? They lived fearlessly. My prayer for you is to find your fearless strength within their stories.

    It’s not easy to find our voice in a loud world. We wrestle with nagging questions that chip away at our worth, uncertain if we’re up to the challenges around us. It’s exhausting carrying pain from the past, pressure from the present, and fear of the future. Is it possible to rise above the doubts that kill our courage and move forward into God’s call on our lives? We might just be surprised to hear what these women have to say about the complex dilemmas we face today.

    You’re invited to discover what happens when uncommon faith has an unexpected encounter with an extraordinary God. Stop the cycle of comparison and overcome the barriers to live fearlessly as you ground your worth in the Word of God instead of the world.

    The Finding Your Fearless Journal enhances your experience and includes:
    *30 Ways to Find Your Fearless
    ?*Journal Pages-Capture what God has placed on your heart.
    ?*Key Takeaways from Fearless

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  • Embracing Trust : The Art Of Letting Go And Holding On To A Forever-Faithfu


    Trusting God. It’s such a cliche. Yet nothing means more to our heavenly Father than when we surrender our lives completely to him and choose to believe he has our best in mind. David modeled that kind of deliberate dependence: as a shepherd boy, as a man running for his life, as a king who made grave mistakes. In both triumph and failure, David looked to God rather than to himself.

    In Embracing Trust, Joanna Weaver, bestselling author of the runaway hit Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, shares personal stories, practical tips, and life-changing principles gleaned from Scripture. If you struggle with disappointment from the past, frustration with the present, or fear of the future, Joanna invites you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Relinquishing control and putting your hope in a forever-faithful Father–that’s the beautiful secret of unshakeable faith.

    Includes a 10-week companion Bible study.

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  • Woman Thou Art Loosed


    More than a blank page journal or fill-in-the-blanks exercise, this guided journal from Bishop T.D. Jakes provides a unique format for readers to explore their hearts, minds, desires, needs, wants, and spirits to manage their everyday lives, leading to an exciting lifestyle of health and happiness.

    After reading specially selected excerpts from T.D. Jakes’ bestselling books, readers are prompted with comments, scenarios, and questions designed to identify and/or stir up energies and emotions, secrets and situations that may be holding them back from experiencing freedom spiritually, physically, relationally, mentally, and emotionally.

    With Scripture and inspirational writings by T.D. Jakes, readers can partner with the Holy Spirit to seek and find solace, joy, strength, and liberty. The journal focuses specifically on the uniquely personal aspects of women’s issues, and is designed to inspire and edify every reader to ponder her private dreams, yearnings, ideas, and musings.

    Journal page titles include:
    *Identify Yourself
    *The Devil Is a Liar
    *The Divine Physician
    *Moved by Compassion
    *Salvation Is Not Theology
    *Possibility and Power

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  • Ripple Effects : Discover The Miraculous Motivating Power Of A Woman’s Infl


    Discover the God-inspired difference only you can make in the world . . . using the key you never knew you had.

    Tim Tebow credits his mom with being the key to his success-but Pam never expected that she would be known on a national stage. For most of her life, she was serving quietly and faithfully as a wife and a mom-choosing life for her child in the face of medical risks, answering the Lord’s call to mission work in the Philippines, and homeschooling before anyone knew what the word meant. But all along the way, her experiences-and her consistent, everyday choices to follow the Lord and to serve wherever He placed her-were creating unexpected ripples of influence throughout her family, her community, and her world. And they would end up extending far beyond anything she ever imagined.

    Pam believes that every one of us can be influential-and that deep within a woman’s heart is the desire to use her influence for good. In Ripple Effects, Pam uncovers and explores the miraculous motivating power of influence we can have on this generation and the next, no matter where we are planted in life. Whether we are in the midst of endless diaper changes, climbing up the corporate ladder, or simply doing our best to live, love, and serve well each day, Pam will encourage us to maximize our God-given opportunities for influence-and watch how far the ripples will spread.

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  • Stress Less Pray More


    What do you stress about most? . . .

    No matter your age, there’s likely one thing (probably more!) that stresses you to your very core.

    Whether you stress about piles of laundry, troubles at work, difficult relationships, finances, or something more, this devotional guide will help alleviate your anxiety-inducing thoughts as you learn to live in the freedom of Almighty God, who offers tranquility for your stressed-out soul. As you read the devotions and prayers, you’ll grow ever closer to the Stress-Reliever Himself, who will transform your tense heart into a heart of serene faith.

    Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. . . . Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11-12 MSG)

    Read on. . .and discover the stress-free life today.

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  • Daily Conversations With God


    Daily Inspiring Prayers. . .Just for Women!

    Stress. Self-esteem. Work. Health. Relationships. Spiritual matters.

    Daily Conversations with God covers all these topics and more. This inspiring book created just for you offers everyday down-to-earth prayers that are brief–especially for busy women–but bold enough to have life-changing impact. With Daily Conversations with God, you will find true refreshment for your spirit and a renewed sense of God’s loving presence in everyday life. You won’t be able to resist buying one as a gift and one to keep!

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  • Beautiful Wisdom Bible Promise Book


    Beautiful Bible Promises from God’s Word Just for Women

    The Bible Promise Book is now available in the Beautiful Wisdom family of books, featuring the easy-to-understand New Life Bible. With more than 60 relevant topics-including Adversity, Duty, Friendship, Modesty, Protection, Sincerity, Strength, and Zeal-this book includes nearly 1,000 total verses. Each topic includes a brief introductory comment to put the verses into context. Designed in a beautiful package, The Beautiful Wisdom Bible Promise Book will bless the lives of women of all ages.

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  • Unstoppable God : Hope-Filled Devotions And Prayers For Women


    We serve an unstoppable God!

    This lovely devotional, inspired by Job 42:2 GW (“I know that you can do everything and that your plans are unstoppable”) features more than 200 uplifting devotions for your heart. Created to encourage you to stay strong in your faith no matter what you’re experiencing in life, each devotional reading is complemented by an inspiring scripture selection and prayer starter. Touching on topics important to you, like Trust, Hope, Prayer, God’s Provision, Faith, Perseverance, and more. . .with each turn of the page, you will find your soul encouraged by the undeniable power of your heavenly Creator.

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  • Beautiful Wisdom Bible Study Journal


    You want the most from your time in God’s Word. . .

    The Beautiful Wisdom Bible Study Journal provides encouraging, edifying quotations, refreshingly approachable New Life Version scriptures, and ample space for you to jot down your reflections. This journal will provoke thought and allow you to share your own insights, creating a treasured record of your personal walk with God.

    With a flexible textured binding, two-color interior printing, stained page edges, and a ribbon marker, it makes a perfect gift–for a friend or oneself!

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