Rick Warren
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Whats Driving Your Life
$3.99Add to cartIn this concise book, Rick Warren, bestselling author of The Purpose Driven Life, will help you explore what’s really driving your life and how you can experience a fresh start in your habits, your schedule, your finances, and even your identity. This affordable booklet, designed to be enjoyed and given away, invites you to discover real purpose, lasting peace, and God’s promise for you each and every day.
*Don’t let the alarming media narrative lure you in.
*Resist the impulse to doomscroll negative content.
*Find refreshment and renewal in the Bible.Purpose and peace are at your fingertips when you seek a relationship with your Creator in the pages of his Word.
It’s a perfect time to turn over a new leaf and create a new habit. Spend the next ten days examining what drives your life and where you can find true meaning and lasting fulfillment.
Daily Hope Devotional
$24.99Add to cartDiscover real purpose, lasting peace, and faithful promises in God’s Word each day, with a devotional written by Rick Warren, the bestselling author of The Purpose Driven Life.
Ever feel like you’re just floating along, not really anchored to anything? Are you searching for purpose and peace in your life? Do you feel like something is missing? It’s time to anchor yourself to something solid, something unchanging–but not to just any old thing. Take hold of something firm and secure. Take hold of hope–” an anchor for the soul” (Hebrews 6:19 NIV).
So where do you turn to find real hope? The only answer is God. In Romans 15:13, the Bible says, “May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith in him. Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (GW).
God is the only source of hope that will never disappoint. In fact, the Bible says he is the God of hope. He wants his hope to overflow into your daily life, providing the power to conquer fear, reduce stress, resolve conflict, build healthy relationships, overcome temptation, and face any challenge.
In this Daily Hope Devotional: 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise, you will experience clear, practical, and biblical teaching, helping you stay anchored to the real and unfailing hope that comes only from God. Discover what God has for you in the pages of the Daily Hope Devotional.
*365 daily devotions: Fill your heart with hope and encouragement every day
*Lessons rooted in the Bible: Scripture verses with each reading
*The latest from Rick Warren, author of the runaway New York Times bestseller The Purpose Driven Life -
Gods Great Love For You
$6.99Add to cartNow in softcover, God’s Great Love for You, written by #1 New York Times bestselling author and respected pastor Rick Warren, takes children on a whimsical and heartfelt journey that reminds them God’s love is with them wherever they go.
Combining Rick Warren’s powerful words with breathtaking illustrations by Chris Saunders, God’s Great Love for You:
*Assures children that God’s love is big and unstoppable
*Inspires children with its warm and sincere message of acceptance and love
*Is well-loved by parents, grandparents, and their little ones as a perfect read aloud story for children ages 4-8
*Makes a perfect gift for birthdays, christenings, dedications, Valentine’s Day, and more
God’s Great Love
Created the entire universe
And everything in it
Including you. -
Daniel Plan : 40 Days To A Healthier Life
$19.99Add to cartFeast on Something Bigger than a Fad
This six-session video-based small group study from Rick Warren (guide sold separately), Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman is centered on five essentials that will launch your journey to health: faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends.
With support from medical and fitness experts, Pastor Rick Warren and thousands of people from his congregation started on a journey to transform their own lives. It’s called The Daniel Plan and it works for on simple reason: God designed your body to be healthy and He provided everything you need to thrive and live an abundant life.
This small group study is a vital component of The Daniel Plan because it emphasizes the powerful community component of the program. As Dr. Mark Hyman says, “community is the cure” for healthy living.
The Daniel Plan small group study teaches simple ways to incorporate healthy choices into your daily lifestyle. This study guide includes biblical inspiration from Pastor Rick, instruction from our doctors and wellness experts, practical food and fitness tips, and much more.
Sessions include:
1. Faith: Nurturing Your Soul (28:00)
2. Food: Enjoying God’s Abundance (25:00)
3. Fitness: Strengthening Your Body (26:00)
4. Focus: Renewing Your Mind (27:30)
5. Friends: Encouraging Each Other (23:00)
6. Living the Lifestyle (20:30)Designed for use with The Daniel Plan Study Guide (sold separately).
Purpose Driven Life 100 Illustrated Devotions For Children
$17.99Add to cartThoughtful and engaging devotions written especially for children and paired with vibrant illustrations, The Purpose Driven Life 100 Illustrated Devotions for Children will help readers understand God’s amazing plan for them. Based on the life-changing bestseller The Purpose Driven Life, pastor Rick Warren provides relevant devotions and Scripture that will speak to the daily challenges children face and give real-world application for readers to discover their purpose and grow confident of their value in God.
Poder De Dios De Transformar S – (Spanish)
$13.99Add to cartAlguna vez deseaste cambiar algo en ti? Un mal habito? Pensamientos destructivos? Alguna caracteristica desagradable de tu personalidad? Rick Warren, autor del exitoso libro Una Iglesia con Proposito, te ayudara a conectarte con el poder que puede producir un cambio definitivo que has estado buscando para tu vida. Te presentara el poder de la resurreccion: el poder de Dios disponible para cambiar tu personalidad. A medida que lees este libro aprenderas que puedes cooperar con Dios para permitir que su Espiritu Santo te cambie. Tambien aprenderas como experimentar paz en vez de depresion, gozo en vez de derrota, y paciencia en vez de enojo.
Respuestas De Dios A Las Dific – (Spanish)
$11.99Add to cartMucha gente sabe que las respuestas a las preguntas mas dificiles de la vida se encuentran en la Biblia, pero no entienden como encontrarlas. Este libro ayuda al lector a descubrir los pasos biblicos basicos para lidiar con temores y problemas. No solo ayudara al lector sino que el lector podra ayudar a otros.
Se ha preguntado alguna vez… Como lidio con el estres? Como me recupero del fracaso? Como supero la depresion? Como vivo por encima de la mediocridad? Como obtengo tranquilidad? Como supero mis problemas? Como tengo fe en medio de la crisis? -Como me meti en este lio? Por que me sucede esto? Como supero la soledad?
Rick Warren te lleva a la Biblia para encontrar respuestas a doce de las preguntas mas dificiles de la vida. Basado en ejemplos de diferentes personajes biblicos que enfrentan los mismos problemas, Warren ofrece ideas concisas y practicas de facil comprension y aplicacion para superar dificultades y experimentar una vida de proposito y significado.
Daniel Plan 365 Day Devotional
$16.99Add to cartFaith is the top essential that makes The Daniel Plan doable and successful for thousands of participants. The Daniel Plan Daily Devotional builds on the faith essential to help participants continue their journey toward whole health and The Daniel Plan lifestyle. With testimonies, anecdotes, and devotional thoughts from Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen, Daniel Plan leaders, team members (Jimmy Pena, Sean Foy, Steve Willis, April O’Neil) and participants, The Daniel Plan Daily Devotional introduces readers to a variety of voices who have seen God transform their health in the areas of faith, food, fitness, focus and friends, as well as leaves the readers with a question of the day about their health. Statistics show that those who journal their health journey lose more weight, so including a question for response will assist readers with progress in their Daniel Plan lifestyle.
Celebremos La Recuperacion Gui (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$9.99Add to cartUn programa de recuperacion basado en ocho principios de las bienaventuranzas: 1. Reconozco que no soy Dios. Admito que no tengo poder para controlar mi tendencia a hacer lo malo y que mi vida es inmanejable. “Dichosos los pobres en espiritu, porque el reino de los cielos les pertenece.” (Mateo 5:3) 2. En una forma sincera creo que Dios existe, que le intereso y que -l tiene el poder para ayudarme en mi recuperacion. “Dichosos los que lloran, porque seran consolados.” (Mateo 5:4) 3. Conscientemente decido comprometer toda mi vida y voluntad al cuidado y control de Cristo. “Dichosos los humildes, porque recibiran la tierra como herencia.” (Mateo 5:5) 4. Una apertura para un autoexamen y confesion de mis faltas a Dios y a alguien en quien confio. “Dichosos los de corazon limpio, porque ellos veran a Dios.” (Mateo 5:8) 5. Para que Dios pueda hacer los cambios en mi vida, me someto voluntariamente a -l y con humildad le pido que remueva mis defectos de caracter. “Dichosos los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, porque seran saciados.” (Mateo 5:6) 6. Evaluo todas mis relaciones. Ofrezco perdon a aquellos queme han hecho dano y enmiendo los danos que he ocasionado a otros, excepto si cuando al hacerlo les danara a ellos o a otros. “Dichosos los compasivos, porque seran tratados con compasion.” (Mateo 5:7) 7. Reservo un tiempo diario con Dios para una autoevaluacion, lectura de la Biblia y oracion con el fin de conocer a Dios y Su voluntad para mi vida y obtener el poder para seguirla. “Dichosos los que trabajan por la paz,porque seran llamados hijos de Dios.” (Mateo 5:9) 8. Al rendir mi vida a Dios para ser usada puedo llevar estas Buenas Nuevas a otros, tanto con mi ejemplo como con mis palabras. “Dichosos los perseguidos por causa de la justicia, porque el reino de los cielos les pertenece”. (Mateo 5:10)
Daniel Plan Jumpstart Guide
$4.99Add to cartThe Daniel Plan Jumpstart Guide provides a birds-eye view of getting your life on track to better health in five key areas: Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, and Friends being the secret to a healthy lifestyle. This quick guide provides all the key principles for readers to gain a vision for health and get started. This booklet is a 40-day guide that breaks out existing content from The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life into day-by-day action toward a healthier life and encourages readers to use The Daniel Plan and its compatible journal for more information and further success.
Purpose Driven Life What On Earth Am I Here For Expanded Edition (Expanded)
$19.99Add to cartTranslated into over 50 languages, The Purpose Driven Life is far more than just a book; it is a guide to a spiritual journey that has transformed millions of lives. Once you take this journey, you’ll never be the same again. This new, expanded edition of The Purpose Driven Life, created for a new generation of reader, includes: Video introductions by Rick Warren to chapters 1-40 An audio Bible study at the end of each chapter, with over 30 additional hours of teaching by Rick Warren. Two new bonus chapters on the most common barriers to living a purpose driven life. Access to an online community where you can discuss your journey to purpose, get feedback, and receive support. Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond mere survival and success to a life of significance—the life you were meant to live. On your journey you’ll find the answers to 3 of life’s most important questions: The Question of Existence: Why am I alive? The Question of Significance: Does my life matter? The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for? Transform your life. Start your journey today.
Para Que Estoy Aqui En La Tier (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99Add to cartYou are about to embark on a journey of discovery. In the next forty days, you and a group of friends are going to discover together the answer to life’s most fundamental question: ‘What on earth am I here for?’And here’s a clue to the answer: ‘It’s not about you … You were created by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead end. The Purpose Driven Life Small Group Curriculum is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren—the book Publishers Weekly declared the ‘bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.’The six video lessons are taught by Rick Warren, and are supplemented by small group discussion material in the accompanying study guide. When combined with the reading of The Purpose Driven Life, this study will give your small group the opportunity to discuss the implications and applications of these life-changing truths. You’ll see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created you to live.
Daily Inspiration For The Purpose Driven Life
$9.99Add to cartDaily Inspiration for The Purpose Driven Life interweaves many of the Bible verses handpicked by author Rick Warren with reflections from his New York Times bestseller The Purpose Driven Life. Designed to be used as a convenient standalone book for daily reflection, or as an easy reference tool when reading The Purpose Driven Life, every section corresponds to each one of the 40 Days of Purpose.
Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is a wonderful resource of encouragement. Winner of the Retailers Choice Award, this expanded edition contains new material from the bestselling book’s tenth-anniversary edition.
Vida Con Proposito Edicion Amp (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$18.99Add to cartThe most basic question everyone faces in life is ‘Why am I here?’. What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God—and His eternal purpose for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’ takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning ‘Purpose-Driven Church’ and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see ‘the big picture’ of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.
40 Days Of Community Devotional
$10.99Add to cart40 Days of Community Devotional is a dynamic individual or small-group devotional journal that will help you learn how to fulfill God’s five purposes for your life. It includes the biblical support behind each purpose, the ways it applies to you and your circle of influence, and how you can use this knowledge to benefit God’s kingdom. According to Warren, from the beginning, God planned for Christians to fulfill his purposes in community with each other in our church families, small groups, and in the world as a whole. Why did God plan it this way? Because we’re better together! This 40 Days of Community Devotional will deepen your understanding of how God uses community for your own good and growth, as well as help you cultivate deeper relationships with those around you. Learn to fulfill God’s purposes … discover how we are better together. This devotional journal is designed for use with the 40 Days of Community DVD and 40 Days of Community Study Guide.
40 Days Of Community Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$9.99Add to cart40 Days of Community Study Guide—part of the Living with Purpose series by Rick Warren—is a dynamic individual or small group study guide that will help you learn how to fulfill God’s five purposes for your life. It includes the biblical support behind each purpose, the ways it applies to you and your circle of influence, and how you can use this knowledge to benefit God’s kingdom. From the beginning, God planned for Christians to fulfill his purposes in community with each other in our church families, small groups, and in the world as a whole. Why did God plan it this way? Because we’re better together! 40 Daysandnbsp;of Community Study Guide will deepen your understanding of how God uses community for your own good and growth, as well as help you cultivate deeper relationships with those around you. Learn to fulfill God’s purposes … discover how we are better together. This study guide is designed for use with theandnbsp;40 Days of Community DVD and 40 Days of Community Devotional Journal.
Respuestas A Las Dificultades – (Spanish)
$10.99Add to cartSe ha preguntado alguna vez…
-Como lidio con el estres? -Como me recupero del fracaso? -Como vencer la depresion? -Como vivir por encima de la mediocridad? -Como tener tranquilidad? -Como supero mis problemas? -Como confiar en medio de la crisis? -Como me meti en este lio? -Por que me sucede esto? -Como supero la soledad?
Muchas personas saben que las respuestas a las dificultades de la vida estan en la Biblia, pero no saben donde ubicarlas.
En este libro descubrira los pasos que debe dar para lidiar con los temores y problemas que enfrenta a diario.
Ademas, podra ayudar a otros.
Poder De Transformar Su Vida – (Spanish)
$11.99Add to cartHave you ever wished that you could change something about yourself? A bad habit? Destructive thoughts? An unpleasant personality trait? Rick Warren, author of the bestseller ‘The Purpose Driven Church’, will help you plug into the power that can produce the lasting change you long to see in your life. He will introduce you to resurrection power—God’s power available to you to change your personality. As you read this book, you will learn how you can cooperate with God to allow his Holy Spirit to change you. And you will learn how to experience peace rather than pressure, joy rather than defeat, patience rather than irritation.
Everything Is Possible With God Study Guide
$9.99Add to cartWould you like your faith to be stronger? Like exercise strengthens and develops a muscle, this six-session video study with participant’s guide from Pastor Rick Warren helps you recognize, understand, and cooperate in the predictable patterns and processes God uses to strengthen your faith and develop your character.
Gods Answers To Lifes Difficult Questions Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$14.99Add to cartStress. Failure. Loneliness. We are all facing similar obstacles in an overly busy, sometimes lonely, always challenging world. In his newest six session group study DVD-God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions-pastor and bestselling author Rick Warren helps you find the simple, straightforward answers in ancient Scripture that lead to purpose, peace, and a life of significance – starting today.
40 Dias Con Proposito Guia De (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G
$12.99Add to carthe Purpose Driven Life DVD Study Guide is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren-the book Publishers Weekly declared the “bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.”
Rick Warrens Bible Study Methods
$22.99Add to cart“The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to make us like the Son of God.”-Rick Warren in The Purpose Driven Life You were created to become like Christ. This is one of the five God-ordained purposes for your life described in The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and it’s why studying the Bible is so important. The Bible’s truths will transform you, aligning you with the character and ways of Jesus as you encounter him in the Scriptures. This easy-to-understand book shows you how to study the Bible Rick Warren’s way. It gives you not just one, but twelve methods for exploring the riches of God’s Word. At least one of them is exactly what you’re looking for-an approach that’s right for you, right where you’re at. Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through the how-tos of the following methods:* Devotional * Chapter Summary * Character Quality * Thematic* Biographical * Topical * Word Study * Book Background * Book Survey* Chapter Analysis * Book Synthesis * Verse Analysis Thousands of individuals, small groups, churches, and seminary classes have used this practical manual to unlock the wonderful truths of Scripture. You can too. Written by America’s pastor, Rick Warren, Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods will help you develop a customized approach to studying, understanding, and applying the Bible.
Metodos De Estudio Biblico Per – (Spanish)
$15.99Add to cartThis “how to” book explains in detail 12 different ways to study the Scriptures – living, step-by-step instructions. You will learn various personal study methods including: devotional, biographical, topical, book background, chapter analysis, book synopsis and word study. It has been translated into seven languages.
What On Earth Am I Here For
$4.99Add to cartAn amazing introduction to The Purpose-Driven Life! This trustworthy guide will lead you on a seven day adventure of discovery. By the end of the adventure you will begin to understand God’s purpose for your life and how your life can help fulfill God’s great purpose for all of creation. Let Pastor Warren help you discover your purpose and prepare for eternity!
Iglesia Con Proposito – (Spanish)
$19.99Add to cartEvery church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick Warren believes that in order for a church to be healthy it must become a purpose-driven church with Jesus in the lead. The founding pastor of Saddleback Church shares a proven five-part strategy that will enable your church to grow. . .- Warmer through fellowship – Deeper through discipleship – Stronger through worship – Broader through ministry – Larger through evangelism. Discover the same practical insights and principles for growing a healthy church that Rick has taught in seminars to over 22,000 pastors and church leaders from sixty denominations and forty-two countries. The Purpose-Driven Church(R) shifts the focus away from church building programs to emphasizing a people-building process. Warren says, “If you will concentrate on building people, God will build the church.”