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Pastoral Helps

Showing 201–250 of 3900 results

  • Body Of Praise


    Do our physical bodies really matter in corporate worship? Isn’t our soul the most important part of us? Aren’t our bodies, at best, negligible to worship and, at worst, a hindrance? The answer to this last question is categorically no, as Christians have attested throughout history and across the global church. The purpose of the body instead is to offer to God in worship what only it can offer–and what must be offered to God.

    By drawing on the wisdom of the Bible, church history, and theology, and by taking advantage of the unique insights of the arts and sciences, ethics, and spiritual formation, a respected theologian and pastor argues in this book that there is something for our physical bodies to do that decisively forms Christlikeness in us within the context of corporate worship. What we do with our postures, gestures, and movements in worship matter. How our senses of sight, scent, sound, taste, and touch are involved in worship matter. How our spontaneous and prescriptive activities form us in worship matter. All of it matters to faithful and fulsome worship for the sake of a body that is fully alive in the praise of God.

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  • Male And Female He Created Them


    The aim of this study is to provide an accessible curriculum for the average church goer, to those looking for biblical and theological answers to the questions of gender identity in the 21st century.

    Male and Female He Created Him is a new curriculum on manhood, womanhood, gender and sexuality. Curated by specialists in the area of study, Burke, Smothers and Closson present a positive vision for biblical sexuality and engage contemporary discussions around gender orientation, gender dysphoria and identity with the timeless truth of Scripture. By the completion of the study, participants will have a better grasp on the Biblical teachings around gender, sexuality and the implications around such subjects in the 21st century; thence allowing an increased scope in their ministries in church, home and work.

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  • Luke Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    Lisa says, What I’m drawn to most in Luke’s account of the gospel is its humanity, the consistent theme that the Living Hope of Jesus Christ is for everyone-Jews and Greeks, men and women, rich and poor. There’s no one who exists beyond the compassionate reach of our Messiah.

    Luke’s gospel account is a literary masterpiece, but it doesn’t celebrate the elite. Instead, it’s like the biblical version of Shakespeare whose main characters are paperback kind of people like lepers, prostitutes, and tax collectors who were absolutely stunned by the compassion Jesus extended toward them despite their cultural status as outcasts. This book proves that the pretense of perfection is overrated and certainly isn’t a prerequisite for a relationship with God. All twenty-four chapters present real people in real need of a real Savior. And while not everyone will be saved, Luke reminds us that anyone can be saved!

    In this eight-session video Bible study, Bible teacher Lisa Harper exposes the utter humanity and compassion of Jesus shared by Luke, defined consistently and overtly in the original Greek, splagnitzomai, otherwise known as gut-level compassion. Dive deep into the well of perhaps the most common-man exposition of what a gift Jesus is in this new Beautiful Word Series study. This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

    *The study guide itself-with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

    *Personal study of Scripture and context.

    *Scripture memory cards and coloring pages.

    *An individual access code to stream all eight video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

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  • Body Of Praise


    Do our physical bodies really matter in corporate worship? Isn’t our soul the most important part of us? Aren’t our bodies, at best, negligible to worship and, at worst, a hindrance? The answer to this last question is categorically no, as Christians have attested throughout history and across the global church. The purpose of the body instead is to offer to God in worship what only it can offer–and what must be offered to God.

    By drawing on the wisdom of the Bible, church history, and theology, and by taking advantage of the unique insights of the arts and sciences, ethics, and spiritual formation, a respected theologian and pastor argues in this book that there is something for our physical bodies to do that decisively forms Christlikeness in us within the context of corporate worship. What we do with our postures, gestures, and movements in worship matter. How our senses of sight, scent, sound, taste, and touch are involved in worship matter. How our spontaneous and prescriptive activities form us in worship matter. All of it matters to faithful and fulsome worship for the sake of a body that is fully alive in the praise of God.

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  • Fault Lines Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Don’t miss this companion piece to the bestselling book, Fault Lines!

    In this helpful companion piece to the bestselling book, Fault Lines, Voddie Baucham explains the sinister worldview behind the social justice movement and Critical Race Theory–revealing how it already has infiltrated some seminaries, leading to internal denominational conflict, canceled careers, and lost livelihoods. Like a fault line, it threatens American culture in general, and the evangelical church in particular.

    The culture war is now in close combat territory. Whether you’re a layperson who has woken up in a strange new world and wonders how to engage sensitively and effectively in the conversation on race or a pastor who is grappling with a polarized congregation, this participants’ guide offers the clarity and understanding you need to either hold your ground, or reclaim it.

    Ideal for solo or group study, this guide is meant to be used in conjunction with the video series or book by the same name. Using it will give you:

    *an opportunity to learn and reflect on how and why the current movement to enact social justice directly opposes biblical justice.

    *the ability to form biblically based opinions about the issues, rather than emotional ones, and

    *freedom from this ideology and forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ alone.

    *This version does not include a video DVD.

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  • Awe Of God Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    What if you were told of a hidden virtue that is the key to all of life? It unlocks the purpose of your existence and attracts the presence, protection, and providence of your Creator. It is the root of all noble character, the foundation of all happiness, and provides the needed adjustments to all inharmonious circumstances you may face. To firmly embrace this virtue will lengthen your life, procure you good health, ensure success and safety, eliminate lack, and guarantee a noble legacy.

    If presented with these statements, most would sneer and say no such virtue exists. Yet every promise above was written by one of the wisest men to ever live. Even more astounding, he wrote these words under the inspiration of our Creator. However, prior to his departure from this life, he fell from the bliss he scribed. He became wise in his own eyes and deemed it no longer necessary to heed the wisdom of this virtue. He lost his way and eventually fell to the depths of a bitter cynic. Life became meaningless to him.

    The good news is that this man’s story doesn’t end in the depths of despondency. He eventually returned to life’s most important virtue. We don’t know how many months or even years he spent writing his dismal book, but his final chapter gives a glimpse into his recovery. He begins by writing seven times in one form or another, “Remember your Creator,” with his final words being: “Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV).

    King Solomon, the author of these words, didn’t fully realize the value of godly fear, even though he taught it under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit! Prior to his fall, godly fear wasn’t his treasure, or his delight; it wasn’t an immovable foundation for his motives and actions. It was only after stumbling, experiencing folly, and finally recovering that he more fully grasped the magnitude of its power.

    In The Awe of God, bestselling author and pastor John Bevere reveals how embracing godly fear empowers us to remain under submission to God’s truth and, in so doing, keeps us on the path of life. He explores more than forty distinct promises in Scripture that are given to those who embrace this virtue–rewards such as holiness, wisdom, eternal legacy, confidence, fearlessness, happiness, and security. And he shows how learning to approach God in this entirely new way–through holy fear–allows us to discover a deeper relationship wi

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  • Mental Health And Your Church


    Many people are struggling with mental-health conditions, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and life in our image-conscious culture. Statistics tell us that, worldwide, one in six of us will have experienced a mental-health struggle in the past week, and serious depression is the second-leading cause of disability (Mental Health Foundation).

    That means there are brothers and sisters in our church families battling with thoughts, feelings, impulses and even voices that distract, drag down and nudge them towards despair. But when it comes to helping, it can be tricky to know where to begin, especially if we have very little knowledge of mental illnesses and are afraid of making things worse by saying and doing the wrong things.

    This wise, compassionate and practical book is written by Steve Midgley, psychiatrist and Executive Director of Biblical Counselling UK, and Helen Thorne, Director of Training and Resources at Biblical Counselling UK. It will help readers understand and respond with biblical wisdom to people who are struggling with their mental health.

    While acknowledging the importance of liaising responsibly with medics and counsellors, this book focuses on equipping readers to play their part in making churches places where those who struggle with mental-health conditions are welcomed, understood, nurtured and supported: a foretaste of the new creation.

    This is a useful book for anyone who cares for others pastorally: pastors, elders, small-group leaders and congregation members.

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  • Navigating Gospel Truth Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    The Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–are four accounts of one extraordinary life. Each book tells the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These book aren’t fairytales, fiction, or legend; they are gospel truth. Our eternal future hinges on whether or not they are trustworthy testimonies of the events of Jesus’s life and accurate records of HIs teaching.

    While exploring the terrain of the gospels, you’ll learn to identify and understand the different kinds of writing in these ancient texts, including narrative, poetry, parable, and more. Through this journey, your confidence in the truth of Scripture will be renewed and you’ll gain a more captivating view of the Savior. And along the way you’ll acquire skills that will help you become a better student of all of Scripture.


    *Leader helps for group discussion
    *7 weeks of personal study to be completed between the 8 group sessions
    *Teaching videos, approximately 20-25 minutes, via redemption code printed in the Bible study book


    *Affirm that the accounts of Jesus’s life in the Gospels are reliable and true.?

    *Gain a clearer and more captivating view of Jesus’s ministry and purpose.

    *Cultivate an ability to read, understand, and interpret the different types of genres in the Bible.

    *Develop a desire to be a diligent and confident student of Scripture.

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  • Hes Where The Joy Is Bible Study Book With Video Access


    It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.

    But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word.

    Join Tara-Leigh Cobble in this 7-session study as she breaks down the intimidating doctrine of the Trinity. You’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of our Triune God that will transform how you relate to Him. Understanding God’s three-in-oneness and each of the Persons of God individually-Father, Son, and Spirit-will lead you to deeper intimacy with God and greater joy in knowing Him!

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  • Reconnect Your Church


    A practical, road-tested vision and process to equip church leaders to reinvigorate their church

    How can churches stay healthy and dynamic over the long-term? What’s needed to avoid or reverse church stagnation and decline?

    While some churches are vibrant and growing, many more are struggling, especially after Covid. The congregation might be declining and ageing, there’s little success in reaching out to with the gospel, and more time is spent on inward facing problems than loving God and loving others. But the potential that could be released is huge.

    David Brown draws on his experience revitalising a church in central Paris to offer a vision and a process for church revitalisation, with a focus on UK and European contexts. Whether you are church planting, in a well-established and thriving church, or looking to turn around a church in decline, Brown provides biblically grounded wisdom along with change management principles for long-term health.

    When we reapply God’s priorities to the church, we unleash new life and energy in following Christ in community.

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  • Gideon Bible Study Book With Video Access


    When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or the fleece he laid out under the evening sky. But Gideon’s story is so much bigger than that-bigger than any one man and his mark on Israel’s history. Like everything else in the Bible, this is a story about God and His people. His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of their weakness-even through their weakness. And because God’s people includes you and me, Gideon’s story is also about us-our lives, our doubts, our struggles, and our possibilities as believers. From a state of fear, weakness, and insecurity, Gideon emerged as Israel’s hero, filled with God’s presence and His passion for deliverance. This 7-session study by Priscilla Shirer will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. In what ways do you feel insufficient? Those places create the greatest opportunity to experience the sufficiency of God. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, see them as the gifts that they are, given specifically and strategically by God to unlock the door of God’s strength.

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  • In The Footsteps Of The Savior Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study G


    In the Footsteps of the Savior is an invitation to come alongside bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado as he shares key teachings from the Gospels and Acts on the people and places that shaped Jesus’ life. Filmed entirely in the Holy Land, Max weaves together in-depth teachings with reflections on his time in the Holy Land, guiding you through the events that took place at these places in Israel:

    *Capernaum: where Jesus’ healed a woman with issue of blood and synagogue leader’s daughter

    *Sea of Galilee: where Jesus miraculously walked on water and calmed a storm

    *Mount of Beatitudes: where Jesus preached his famous “Sermon on the Mount”

    *Temple Steps: where Jesus proclaimed his authority and offered all to come to him for life

    *Garden Tomb: where Jesus defeated death and rose from the grave

    *Caesarea: where Peter discovered the salvation Jesus brought was for all people

    As you see these places where Jesus actually walked and ministered, you will deepen your connection with the King of the universe who became the Savior on the cross.

    Sessions and video run times:

    1. Capernaum: Following Jesus When You Doubt (20:00)
    2. Sea of Galilee: Following Jesus in Your Storms (20:00)
    3. Mount of Beatitudes: Following Jesus When You Worry (21:00)
    4. Temple Steps: Following Jesus . . . And Only Jesus (20:00)
    5.Garden Tomb: Following Jesus When You Need Hope (20:30)
    6. Caesarea by the Sea: Following Jesus When You Need Grace (21:00)

    This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

    *The study guide itself–with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

    *An individual access code to stream all video sessions online. (You don’t need to buy a DVD!)

    Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2028. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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  • Deacon Ministry Handbook


    If you ask any pastor about what keeps their church moving forward, they will all likely point to the serving work of the deacon. These special men who are known for their unique leadership from the role of the servant are the foundation of healthy churches, no matter the size. They likely make visits to those that are homebound or those that are sick and often pray and care for those in need.

    Aspiring deacons see the actions of these servants, forming their understanding quite well on what a deacon does, but this does not equate to understanding what a deacon is. Through this Alan Witham and other men that have served the church well for decades seek to bring clarity to the role of deacon by providing a practical guide for the role of the deacon.

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  • Fractured Ground : Preaching In The Wake Of Mass Trauma


    Mass trauma is an unavoidable reality in the United States. Trauma from violence, natural disasters, and disease has become all too familiar in the American experience, inevitably raising questions about where God is to be found in the midst of such tragedies. In every case, the aftermath leaves communities’ sense of well-being broken and capacity to imagine a way forward thwarted. Though language often fails us in the midst of trauma, preachers and religious leaders are nevertheless called on to offer a Word.

    Fractured Ground helps pastors craft sermons that fully plumb the disorienting suffering created by events of mass trauma, while still offering an authentic word of hope. Kimberly Wagner provides both incisive explanations of what trauma is and especially how it affects communities of faith, along with practical guidance for crafting sermons that reflect the brokenness of the traumatic situation and the persistent love of God that binds the broken together. Drawing on the burgeoning field of trauma studies, eschatological theologies of hope, scriptural wisdom, and liturgies of lament, Wagner helps preachers imagine what it might mean to preach a narratively fractured sermon in the aftermath of a communal traumatic event, ultimately affirming that no amount of brokenness is beyond the presence and promise of God.

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  • Meeting Jesus At The Table


    The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with disciples, friends, even tax collectors and Pharisees. Whether multiplying bread to feed a whole crowd, relaxing with his inner circle, or telling curious elites stories about even greater banquets, Jesus imparts wisdom as he shares the wine and grants forgiveness as he distributes the fish. This eight-chapter resource provides biblical insights along with thought-provoking queries regarding our own time, such as whom should we invite to Sunday dinner and who is left out and left behind in our culture today.

    Illustrations by artist Kevin Burns complement each chapter and invite further meditation on the Gospel story and its meaning for our lives.

    Each chapter includes questions for small group discussion or personal reflection. A guide for church leaders offers suggestions for preaching this book as a sermon series and incorporating food-related outreach and hospitality efforts.

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  • Valleys : Finding Courage, Conviction, And Confidence In Life’s Low Points


    These studies guide you through the storyline of Scripture-each following a person, place, or thing in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic storylines with literary elements and appreciate the Bible as the masterpiece that it is.

    Each study is five weeks long and can be paired with its thematic partner for a seamless ten-week study to fit in a church semester. Every study features:

    *Gospel presentation at the beginning of each Bible study

    *Full Scripture passages included in the study so that you can mark up the text and keep your notes in one place

    *Insights from female scholars and scholars of color

    *Free resources for preaching and leading small groups

    Valleys in the Bible have far more meaning than just as geographical markers or pins on an ancient map. In his literary genius, God repurposes valley settings throughout Scripture to signal tests of faith–and deepening of confidence in the One who is with us in the valley. In Valleys, we’re going to explore:

    *Numbers 13-14: the Valley of Eshkol, where spies scouted the Promised Land
    *Judges 4-5: the Valley of Kishon, where Deborah and Jael defeated the enemy
    *1 Samuel 17: the Valley of Elah, where David fought Goliath
    *Psalm 23: the Valley of Death, where God comforts scared people
    *Ezekiel 37: the Valley of Dry Bones, where Ezekiel prophesied of Israel’s restoration

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  • Unoffendable Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    You can choose to be unoffendable. The statement stood out to Brant Hansen when he heard it at a business meeting. The speaker was actually saying that being offended is a choice that we make. Brant found the idea to be offensive.

    So, he did what any rational, fair-minded, spiritually mature person would do: He scoured the Bible for verses to destroy the argument. The only problem was that the more he searched, the more evidence he found that Christians should forfeit their right to be offended–and give up their right to be angry. When they do this, they make a sacrifice that is pleasing to God, practice humility, and become others-centered.

    Over time, Brant came to the realization that the idea of having righteous anger is just a myth. While we all will get angry at times–after all, we are human–we cannot hold on to it. And as it turns out, when we do release our anger and give up our right to be offended, we will find it to be one of the most freeing, healthy, simplifying, relaxing, refreshing, stress-relieving, encouraging things that we can do.

    In Unoffendable, a six-session video study based on the bestselling book, Brant shares insights from his journey and offers practical ways to live life with less stress and more care, including: (1) adjusting our expectations to fit human nature, (2) replacing perpetual anger with refreshing humility and gratitude, and (3) embracing forgiveness and beginning to love others in unexpected ways.

    This study lifts religious burdens from the participants’ backs and allows them to experience the joy of gratitude, perhaps for the first time, every day of their lives–flourishing the way God intended.

    Sessions include:

    1. The Myth of Righteous Anger
    2. We Know What Humans Are Like
    3. The Physiological Effects of Anger
    4. What About Injustice?
    5. How to Not Be Offendable
    6. The Difference Unoffendable Makes

    Designed for use with the Unoffendable Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Mountains : Rediscovering Your Vision And Restoring Your Hope In Gods Prese


    These studies guide you through the storyline of Scripture-each following a person, place, or thing in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic storylines with literary elements and appreciate the Bible as the masterpiece that it is.

    Each study is five weeks long and can be paired with its thematic partner for a seamless ten-week study to fit in a church semester. Every study features:

    *Gospel presentation at the beginning of each Bible study

    *Full Scripture passages included in the study so that you can mark up the text and keep your notes in one place

    *Insights from female scholars and scholars of color

    *Free resources for preaching and leading small groups

    In the ancient, symbol-driven world of the Bible, location didn’t just matter–it had meaning. The Mountains Bible study will guide you through five mountaintop Bible stories because mountains are holy ground for connecting with God. We will explore:

    *Genesis 1-2: Mount of Creation, where God created the world
    *Exodus 19-20: Mount Sinai, where God gives the Israelites the Mosaic law
    *Matthew 5: Mount of the Sermon, where Jesus’ delivers his most famous message
    *Matthew 17: Mount of Transfiguration, where Jesus revealed his glory
    *Matthew 28: Mount of the Great Commission, where Jesus commissioned his disciples

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  • Turning Donors Into Partners


    Fundraising can be one of the most stressful parts of ministry. Budget needs are daunting, prospects seem limited, and the cycle is unending. How do we get off of the treadmill of crisis-driven fundraising to more sustainable ministry funding?

    Professional fundraiser Brad Layland revolutionizes fundraising and transforms it into a relational process where donors truly become partners in ministry. With decades of expertise in leading multimillion-dollar capital campaigns and working with major donors, he offers a more strategic and personalized yet less labor-intensive approach. Practical insights include ten essential elements of a case and four key steps that lead up to making an ask. Ultimately, fundraising is best done in community, and this book will help you develop a community of people who enjoy giving and want your organization to succeed.

    Fundraising can become a life-giving, energizing experience of developing partners who fuel your ministry’s vision. Discover how you can become fully funded and accomplish the work that God has given you to do.

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  • Solo Pastor : Understanding And Overcoming The Challenges Of Leading A Chur


    Being a pastor is a complex and demanding role, especially for someone leading alone. The majority of pastors find themselves in this position, leading their smaller church with no additional professional assistance. The challenges are many, including loneliness, isolation, self-doubt, overwhelm, feelings of inadequacy, and a constant search for additional resources and volunteers. Where does a solo pastor turn for help and encouragement?

    With compassion and plenty of proven, practical strategies, church consultant and former solo pastor Gary L. McIntosh steps in to fill the void. In this book he helps the solo pastor:

    – understand the strengths and challenges of the solo-pastor church
    – develop effective leadership skills
    – build and maintain vital relationships
    – manage expectations
    – spot and neutralize “bullies” who seek to control the church
    – communicate clearly
    – make the most of limited resources
    – establish healthy priorities and boundaries
    – and more

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  • Welcome : Loving Your Church By Making Space For Everyone


    Walking into church can be intimidating, whether for the first time or after a period of absence, whether you are a non-believer or a believer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your church was a place where everyone received a warm welcome? A place where newcomers can quickly feel at home and where non-believers receive the welcome of God’s people alongside the welcome of Jesus?

    This warm, practical book by Jen Oshman explores what the Bible says to help readers discover how to make space for others, however different they are to them, in their church and in their lives. She also gives practical advice, drawing on good practice from churches around the world in a range of situations. In a world of division, individualism and isolation, readers will see that their church can witness to Christ by being a place of welcome, community and connection.

    Chapters include how Jesus welcomes us, the impact of welcoming in the early church, the effect of being siblings in Christ, how to welcome beyond Sunday, helpful systems and strategies, how our joy in Christ causes us to be outward-looking, and mirroring the glorious vision set out in Revelation.

    Whether you’re a pastor looking to encourage your congregation to welcome others or a church member wanting to see unbelievers come to faith and help everyone feel part of the family, this book is for you.

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  • Gather : Loving Your Church As You Celebrate Christ Together


    Why do we meet on Sundays?

    Now that technology allows us to access services remotely, many see little need to meet face to face every week. Others think that because we have a personal relationship with Jesus as Christians, church is an optional add-on. For some, they know deep down that there is a reason why gathering on Sundays is important, but they are weary and don’t feel excited about it. So what is the purpose of corporate worship, and what is our role in it?

    In this book, Tony Merida highlights how in-person Sunday gatherings are central to God’s plans and to our faith and joy. He reminds believers of their privileges as citizens of heaven, members of God’s family and stones in God’s temple.

    Readers will see how each part of a church service (preaching, praying, singing, baptism, Lord’s Supper and building each other up in conversations) are ways to enjoy and share God’s grace, and are therefore essential for spiritual endurance. You’ll also be reminded that your presence in corporate worship matters because you have a part to play in encouraging your brothers and sisters and spurring them to love and good deeds:

    “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

    Read this book to renew your understanding and enjoyment of going to church and to be excited by the ways in which your presence can encourage others.

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  • Belong : Loving Your Church By Reflecting Christ To One Another


    Author Barnabas Piper states in the first chapter of his book:

    “We are looking for something personal, something deeply meaningful, something with which we can identify. And this book is an invitation to find that in the church, because God wants us to …Part of God’s perfect strategy is offering hurting, tired, worn out, needy sinners like you and me a place to belong in … A place in which to encounter the profound, transformative, healing, restoring grace of Jesus Christ.”

    This book explores how you can help to create a church where everybody feels at home: a place where fellow believers build genuine, honest, meaningful Christian relationships and enjoy deep fellowship as a community of believers.

    You may be a new believer and wonder what it means to belong to a church; you may be reluctant to commit to your church because of past experiences; you may have recently relocated and want to find a church where you feel at home; or you may love your church and desire to commit to it more deeply and serve it more fully. Whatever the case, this book will help you to see that belonging to a church is a good gift from God, the outworking of our identity as brothers and sisters in Christ, and worth your time, love and commitment.

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  • Abide Bible Study Book With Video Access


    How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us?

    In this 10-session study of 1, 2, and 3 John, Jen Wilkin will help you discover how 2,000 years later, the apostle John’s words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth. He reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us as well.

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  • Pray First Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    Prayer is the lifeblood of the Christian faith, but many of us struggle to make it part of our daily lives. We’re intimidated, uncertain, and embarrassed about how to talk to God. Prayer feels quaint and old-fashioned to some of us and sacred and uncomfortable for others. We know it’s important to pray, but we don’t know how to weave it into the daily fabric of how we live.

    In Pray First, bestselling author and pastor Chris Hodges addresses these issues by walking participants through the fundamentals of prayer and the benefits that can be obtained by having daily interaction with God. He also explores several models of prayer that can be found in Scripture and discusses the power of prayer and fasting.

    Sessions include:

    *Practicing Prayer
    *Praying Leads to Power
    *Communicating with God
    *Focusing Our Prayers
    *Fasting and Prayer
    *Building a Prayer Shield

    Timeless and specific, practical and profound, challenging and encouraging, Pray First is the how-to manual on experiencing prayer in ways that are dynamic, intimate, and incredibly personal. Never again will prayer be a last resort once we understand how to Pray First!

    Designed for use with Pray First Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Beginnings Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The purpose of The Jesus Bible Study Series is to help readers understand that Jesus is front and center throughout the Bible. He is as visible on the first page of Genesis as he is one the last page in Revelation-as present in the Garden of Eden as he is in the garden tomb and the new heavens and new earth. As readers follow this thread, they will discover a new depth to the Bible’s meaning as they come to discover Christ in every chapter of the story.

    In Beginnings, the first study in this series, readers will explore how their story begins with a creating God who made them in his image. They will see how the triune God worked through the Son to bring about the creation of everything. “For in him [Jesus] all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16). As they go through this study, they will begin to also see their place and purpose in this great story.

    Lessons include:
    *The Trinity
    *Imago Dei

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  • Finding Jesus In The Psalms Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    A meaningful encounter with Jesus and the Psalms through the season of Lent with Barb Roose.

    In this six-session study, Bible study author Barb Roose guides the reader through a meaningful encounter with the Psalms through the season of Lent. Combining an interpretation of the psalms with prayerful engagement, the study moves through the familiar words of Psalm 23 toward the painful cries of Psalm 22 uttered by Jesus on the cross. The study includes invitations to pray the Psalms and develop new prayer practices in the context of Lent. Additional components for this six-week study include a book and DVD/Video Sessions featuring Barb Roose.

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  • Trustworthy Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    When hard times come and it seems God is deviating from the plan we assume our life should follow, we’re much more likely to want to tame God, not trust Him. It’s then that we begin to press into our ways and our own timing. No human can carry the weight of being their own god, but so many of us try.

    In this 6-session study of 1 & 2 Kings, you can join Lysa TerKeurst in Israel as she honestly reveals the places of distrust in her own heart while exploring the deeply personal applicable Scriptures that will teach us how to truly trust God.

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  • Consejeria – (Spanish)


    Si esta tratando de condensar el ministerio de consejeria en un volumen, !aqui lo tiene!
    Se presentan solidos fundamentos teologicos de la consejeria biblica a diferencia de las teorias humanistas y seculares de la consejeria psicologica. Un libro practico, proactivo y relevante para estudiantes, lideres de iglesia y laicos. Esta coleccion de escritores representa a algunos de los maestros y consejeros biblicos mas destacados de Estados Unidos.

    Otros colaboradores incluyen a: Ken L. Sarles, David Powlinson, Douglas Bookman, David Maddox, Robert Smith, William W. Goode y Dennis Swanson.

    Gain a knowledge of counseling methods that are practical and consistent with Christian theological convictions.

    What do the Scriptures say about counseling? What is the biblical basis for using Scriptures in counseling? What does it mean to think biblically about counseling-related issues?

    At the root of this book is the confidence that Christ and his Word are not only sufficient for effectively handling the personal and interpersonal challenges of life but are superior to the resources found in the world. The practice of psychological counseling is a ministry and should not belong only to the realm of humanistic and secular theories of the mind.

    Written to pastors, elders, deacons, seminary students, and laypeople; well-known pastor John MacArthur and contributors present a system of biblical truth that brings together people, their problems, and the living God. This kind of counseling is based on the convictions that:

    *God’s Word should be our counseling authority.
    *Counseling is a part of the basic discipling ministry of the local church.
    *God’s people can and should be trained to counsel effectively.

    Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically provides biblical guidelines to counsel people who are struggling. The contributors represent some of America’s leading biblical teachers and counselors, including: Ken L. Sarles, David Powlison, Douglas Bookman, David B. Maddox, Robert Smith, William W. Goode, and Dennis M. Swanson.

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  • Predicacion – (Spanish)


    Si esta tratando de condensar la predicacion biblica en un volumen, !aqui lo tiene!
    John MacArthur y otros distinguidos maestros de predicadores responden al mandato apostolico en este tratado completo de la predicacion expositiva. La reconocida pasion que tiene el doctor MacArthur por las Escrituras se combino con la vision y destreza de otros miembros de la facultad de The Master’s Seminary para producir una declaracion definitiva de como dar a conocer el significado de la Palabra de Dios con eficacia a la congregacion de hoy en dia.

    Otros colaboradores incluyen a: James F. Stitzinger, James E. Rosscup, Robert L. Thomas, George J. Zemek, Donald G. McDougall, Richard L. Mayhue, Irvin A. Busenitz y David C. Deuel.

    Many sermons preached today lack the divine knowledge and spiritual understanding available only through dynamic expository preaching. In Preaching: How to Preach Biblically, John MacArthur” well-known passion for the Bible combines with the expertise of faculty members at The Master’s Seminary to inspire and equip preachers in effective biblical preaching.

    Preaching: How to Preach Biblically flows from biblical foundations for expository preaching through a detailed process of developing expositions and creating sermons to the actual delivery of expository messages, connecting what pastors learn in seminary with the sermons preached in a local church. This volume shows how to progress purposefully from one phase to the next in preparing to minister to God’s people through preaching.

    This book answers these questions and more:
    *What is expository, biblical preaching?
    *What are the theological and historical foundations for insisting on expository preaching?*What are the steps involved in preparation for and participation in biblical preaching?
    *What models exist for expository preaching today?

    The Master’s Seminary faculty, with over thirty years’ experience in preaching and seminary training of preachers, contributes a treasury of expertise alongside insights from expositor John MacArthur. While united on their commitment to exposition, the variety of individual expressions and methodological preferences discussed offers beneficial assistance for any preacher seeking a higher level of expository excellence.

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  • Good Boundaries And Goodbyes Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Gui


    Relationships are wonderful . . . until they’re not.

    Have you ever thought, I can’t keep doing this-something has to change? Or, I’ve tried everything to fix this relationship but nothing is working-I fear I’m becoming someone I don’t even like? Or even, I love this person, but this is starting to feel impossible?

    Lysa TerKeurst understands this dance with dysfunction and wants to be your insightful, compassionate friend who will teach you that it isn’t unloving to set a boundary, and it isn’t unchristian to say goodbye. You’ll be relieved to learn that boundaries aren’t just a good idea, they’re a God idea. In this video Bible study, you will discover how to set boundaries you can keep, communicate them, and finally see them working in your life. Good Boundaries and Goodbyes was born out of Lysa’s own personal struggles with boundaries, extensive theological research, and therapeutic experiences that transformed the way she defined and pursued healthy relationships. Lysa is now more committed than ever to loving people well without losing the best of who she is. She wants to help you do the same.
    Designed for use with Good Boundaries and Goodbyes Video Study (sold separately).

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  • I Am A Christian Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    What does it really mean to be a Christian?

    In a world where everything from sports to politics, social media to podcasts, and movies to television vies for our attention, we need to get back to what is essential. I Am a Christian Participant’s Guide helps people grasp who they are in Christ and what their participation means to their local church through an eight-session workbook designed for use with the companion DVD experience (sold separately).

    Based on the book I Am a Christian, by respected author and church consultant Thom Rainer, this guide is a great resource for any Christian. Designed to be used with groups or individually, I Am a Christian Participant’s Guide will:

    *help you clarify your purpose and mission
    *encourage you to become a committed church member
    *help Christian communities become healthy places so they can make a significant impact on the world

    (Don’t miss the companion I Am a Christian DVD Experience!)

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  • World Of The End Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible?

    Join New York Times bestselling author and trusted Bible teacher, Dr. David Jeremiah’s as he unpacks the scriptures to reveal that the problems we are facing is to be expected, and in fact will increase as we draw closer to the End Times. But even more importantly we should not worry since Jesus has overcome the world. And because of this there is hope for this life, but more importantly for the next.

    Learn how:

    *The bible has already laid the foundation on how we can live victoriously, even in difficult times

    *Jesus not only calls Christians to a higher standard, but equips us with the tools and strength we need to confidently follow him daily

    *And explore the gospels more closely to find the comfort you need to trust God is in control and that his plan is still working to completion

    Grow your faith, by going deeper, with Dr. David Jeremiah.

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  • Disciple : How To Create A Community That Develops Passionate And Healthy F


    Can you identify the key qualities of a committed, passionate, and healthy disciple of Jesus? Chuck Lawless, a respected professor, pastor, and church consultant, discovered that many pastors haven’t thought deeply about that question. He wrote this book to provide answers and transform churches for the better.Many church leaders know their communities well and who they are aiming to make disciples of Christ. But too often they haven’t thoroughly articulated their goals and painted a vision for what a disciple looks like within their specific communities. In this book, Dr. Chuck Lawless provides a model for church leaders to build committed disciples of Christ.In Disciple, Chuck LawlessDefines biblical discipleship and explores why church leaders sometimes neglect to teach what a faithful and committed disciple of Jesus isGuides pastors and church leaders in developing an effective discipleship model and process for their churchesExplains the potential obstacles to a thriving discipleship program and how to overcome themWhen a church is filled with passionate and healthy followers of Jesus, there’s a sense that something special is happening. Are you ready to unleash that power in your congregation?

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  • Ruth Bible Study Book Updated Edition With Video Access


    Most of us like a good rags-to-riches story, especially one that includes a bit of intrigue and a moving tale of love. We can easily get lost in a narrative where, at the beginning of the story, heartache reigned, but it was soon replaced by joy. Perhaps we’re drawn to these tales because they not only provide an escape, but hope.

    Many of us struggle through seasons of bitterness, tears, and loss, wondering if there could ever be a happy ending to our stories. The story of Ruth affirms that yes, there is hope. However, it’s not found in a happy ending scribed by a novelist’s pen, but in the power and protection of a sovereign God who never takes His eyes off of us for even a moment.

    In this 7-session study from Kelly Minter, we’ll examine Ruth’s journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy. We’ll see how God proves Himself faithful as the One who rescues, revives, and restores. First released in 2009, this study is now updated with fresh content and new teaching videos from Kelly.

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  • Equipamiento Para Todos Nivel – (Spanish)


    Todas las palabras tienen un significado que las define. Sin embargo, suelen estar sujetas a la interpretacion de las personas. Cuando se las analiza de manera superficial o se las adapta a conceptos contemporaneos y culturales, corren el riesgo de perder su sentido original y su dimension. Algunos pocos ejemplos lo demuestran. Iglesia es una palabra que se suele usar para referirse a toda clase de sistema religioso que dictamina las reglas de vida que las personas deben seguir. Reino es una palabra que se suele asociar a la grandeza de un monarca, a quien se lo considera casi como el dueo del pais al que representa. Autoridad es una palabra que se relaciona con orden y justicia, o abuso y corrupcion. El hecho es que estas tres palabras se interpretaron de maneras tan variadas segun la epoca, que muchas veces su significado real se tergiverso.

    En la actualidad, como interpretan los cristianos las palabras iglesia, reino y autoridad? Las comprenden desde un punto de vista cultural, religioso, tradicional o popular? Sin duda, la unica manera de percibir estas palabras y lo que ellas representan en la dimension correcta es verlas como Dios las ve; y los creyentes tienen ese privilegio.

    Iglesia, Reino y autoridad, son los tres grandes temas tratados en Equipamiento para todos, Nivel 2, Seguridad. Independientemente de los conceptos erroneos que hayan existido, es imprescindible establecer lo que Dios dice acerca de estos temas de tanta relevancia.

    Este libro presenta una perspectiva espiritual reveladora que elevara tu mirada. Ver la Iglesia, el Reino y la autoridad como el Seor lo hace, traera seguridad a tu vida.

    Equipping for Everyone – Level 2 Security

    All words have a meaning that defines them. However, they are often subject to people’s interpretation. When they are superficially analyzed or adapted to contemporary and cultural concepts, they run the risk of losing their original meaning and dimension. A few examples prove it. Church is a word that is often used to refer to all kinds of religious system that dictates the rules of life that people must follow. Kingdom is a word that is usually associated with the greatness of a monarch, who is considered almost as the owner of the country he represents. Authority is a word that relates to order and justice, or abuse and corruption. The fact is that these three words were interpreted in such varied ways according to the time, that many times their real meaning was misrepresented.


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  • Ministerio Pastoral – (Spanish)


    Si esta tratando de condensar el ministerio pastoral en un volumen, !aqui lo tiene!

    Alentador, perspicaz y desafiante, El ministerio pastoral esta diseado para una nueva generacion de pastores que tratan de dirigir con la pasion de los apostoles. Escrito por MacArthur y sus colegas en The Master’s Seminary, esta guia bosqueja las prioridades biblicas esenciales para un ministerio eficaz.

    Otros colaboradores incluyen a: Richard L. Mayhue, James F. Stitzinger, Alex D. Montoya, James M. George, Irvin A. Busenitz, James E. Rosscup, Donard G. McDougall, Robert L. Thomas, David C. Deuel, George J. Zemek y S. Lance Quinn.

    If you are looking to sum up pastoral ministry in a 1-volume book, this is it!

    Encouraging, insightful, and challenging, El ministerio pastoral is designed for a new generation of shepherds who seek to lead with the passion of the apostles. Written by MacArthur and his colleagues at The Master’s Seminary, this guide outlines the biblical priorities essential to effective ministry.

    Other contributors include: Richard L. Mayhue, James F. Stitzinger, Alex D. Montoya, James M. George, Irvin A. Busenitz, James E. Rosscup, Donard G. McDougall, Robert L. Thomas, David C. Deuel, George J. Zemek, and S. Lance Quinn.

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  • Uninvited Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you ever feel left out, lonely, less than loved? Most of us have. Many of us do now… Sometimes you simply need to be reminded how loved you really are–that every day, with every breath, you are loved with such precision that every hair, every molecule of you is known, counted, invited, and welcomed.

    This six-session video study guide (video streaming included) is that reminder. Best-selling author and speaker Lysa TerKeurst will walk you through the Holy Land in order to come closer to Jesus’ words that will help you enter a place of healing and new perspective. You and your group are invited to:

    *Explore the roots of rejection and learn practical ways to process your pain in a safe space.
    *Dwell on the majestic declarations of God’s love in the Bible.
    *Discover a deep assurance of your adoption into Christ’s family that leads to new life.

    Be a part of this biblical learning process of living loved. Uninvited will remind you and your group that you are destined for a love that can never be diminished, tarnished, shaken, or taken–a love that does not reject or uninvite.

    This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

    *The study guide itself–with discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a leader’s guide.

    *An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don’t need to buy a DVD!).

    Sessions and video run times:

    1. Living Loved (25:30)
    2. Empty or Full? (15:30)
    3. The Yoke of God is Freedom (16:00)
    4. Set Apart (12:30)
    5. Remembering God’s Presence (24:00)
    6. Lessons from the Olive (21:00)

    Bonus Session: Review and Celebration (no video)

    Watch on any device!

    Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2027. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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  • Jesus Followers Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    In order to instill truth that leads to genuine faith, parents and grandparents must be intentional. Using the metaphor of a relay race, Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter, Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright, demonstrate how the baton of faith is passed from generation to generation through our witness, our worship, our walk, and our work. Within the framework of Anne’s exploration of biblical characters from Genesis 5, Rachel-Ruth tells family stories that will encourage, inspire, and motivate Christians to follow hard after Jesus and to develop their children and grandchildren into Jesus Followers.

    Anne and Rachel-Ruth take turns teaching and telling stories in each session of this five-session video Bible study sharing a real-life example of just how impactful a life of grace, love, forgiveness, and mercy can be, from one mother to the next, and on through generations.

    Designed for use with Jesus Followers Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Creating Cultures Of Belonging


    With increasing interest from donors and board members to see faith-based, missional organizations reflect the diversity of God’s kingdom, these organizations desire to have women in positions of leadership. However, this proves difficult when the organizational culture is one that silences and even penalizes the unique giftings that women bring to the table.

    Many organizations still lack the ability to embody a new culture-what Beth Birmingham and Eeva Simard call a belonging culture. Such a culture is one where all employees are secure and recognized, where leaders seek productivity and connectivity, and where the organization is committed to supporting a diverse community of employees.

    Creating Cultures of Belonging offers solutions for leadership teams, board members, and managers that reshape organizational culture in ways that invite and celebrate gender equity. With practical steps to enhance mentorship opportunities, human resources practices, and management tactics, Beth and Eeva point a way forward by identifying the changes that need to be made to create a belonging culture.

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  • Embracing Complementarianism : Turning Biblical Convictions Into Positive C


    It can be tempting to shy away from addressing the issue of gender roles in church because it’s often controversial. But this can result in churches either being increasingly influenced by secular culture or simply sticking with the status quo when it comes to what men and women do in church.

    Building on the belief that complementarianism is both biblical and positive, this book focuses on what these convictions look like in practice. Moving beyond the familiar discussions around and leaving room for variety in how readers implement these ideas, it will encourage a church culture where men and women truly partner together-embracing their privileges and responsibilities, and maximizing their gifts, in joyful service of God’s kingdom.

    This book provides a great opportunity for church leadership teams to think intentionally about complementarianism and how it manifests itself in their church context.

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  • Uncommon Unity : Wisdom For The Church In An Age Of Division


    Our world is facing increasing hostilities. Political and cultural differences rage, even among people who otherwise show goodwill. And the church is no stranger to extreme polarization, theological backbiting, and political squabbling. Jesus’s prayer in John 17–that the church be one as he and the Father are one–seems increasingly unattainable.

    But what if Scripture actually provides the key for thinking about unity in diversity?

    In Uncommon Unity: Wisdom for the Church in an Age of Division, Richard Lints explores the nature of diversity and how Christians can think more clearly about unity in an increasingly polarized age. Drawing on theological, historical, and sociological resources, Lints exposes problems with the inclusion narrative of democracy and shows a better way forward for fostering unity in the midst of extreme diversity. If we are to think rightly about diversity, wisdom is required for the church in our late modern world. Through wisdom, Christians can display real unity in diversity and bear witness of the God who made them for himself as diverse members of his one body.

    Readers of Uncommon Unity will be heartened that Scripture and Christian tradition provide an antidote to division.

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  • Pastoral Visitation : For The Care Of Souls


    Christ comes to, and through, his people

    Many consider pastoral visitation antiquated and impractical. People seem busier than ever, and technology appears to trivialize personal contact. As a result, personal visits are often reserved only for the gravest of situations.

    Tyler C. Arnold argues that pastoral visitation is essential to the pastoral role. In Scripture, God visits his people to show his personal interest and concern. This is seen most clearly in the incarnation. Christ’s ministry is one of presence. But Jesus is not only an example of visitation ministry; he is the embodiment of it. And in visitation, pastors and laypeople continue Jesus’s ministry by bringing Christ to the individual in their very place of need.

    Established in strong theological foundations and sensitive to contemporary concerns, Pastoral Visitation exhorts pastors to return to this classic method of individual soul-care.

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  • Spiritual Warfare : For The Care Of Souls


    Jesus Christ is the light that no darkness can overcome.

    Spiritual warfare isn’t always obvious. It’s normally not scary or spooky; it’s usually rather mundane. Yet it’s real and always miraculous.

    In Spiritual Warfare, Harold Ristau shows how faithful spiritual warfare isn’t about secret methods and rituals. Rather, for the care of souls, pastors already have all they need in God’s word. The Spirit’s gifts equip Christians for whatever challenges await them in ministry–even fighting against the wiles of the devil. Spiritual Warfare helps pastors inform, prepare, and equip the saints for the battle. The good fight is fought in prayer and worship. As the church preaches the forgiveness of sins, the darkness is pierced with the light of Christ and those in bondage are freed.

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  • From Beginning To Forever Bible Study Book With Video Access


    Many Christians today are daunted by the Bible, seeing the size and scope of Scripture as intimidating and overwhelming. The result is often a fragmented understanding of parts of the Bible, which leads us to view it through the lens of our individual stories, primarily looking for different verses or passages to help us live our everyday lives. But, in our search for personal truth, we fail to see how the entirety of Scripture works together to show a bigger story-God’s work to redeem and restore the entire world.

    In From Beginning to Forever, Elizabeth Woodson guides you through the story of the Bible, showing how all 66 books combine to form one unified narrative. Weaving together the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation, this 8-session study shows the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how he invites us to be a part of it.

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  • Resilient Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Guide)


    The human soul has a built-in yearning for joy and beauty and all good things. But that craving for life has taken a real beating in recent years. Between false promises of ease and comfort on one side and the sheer trauma of global disease and disasters on the other, people today are facing a shortage of peace, happiness and strength.

    In the Resilient video Bible study, bestselling author John Eldredge provides skills and tools to help participants strengthen their hearts and souls–and reveals a path toward genuine recovery and resilience provided by Jesus himself. Drawing on wisdom from scripture and Christian tradition, and illustrated throughout with powerful true stories of grit and survival, Resilient will help participants:

    *Recover from the trauma of recent world events and tap into the supernatural graces that God promises

    *Learn to be patient with themselves–genuine recovery from spiritual and emotional trauma takes time and intentionality

    *Create a plan–because resilience and victory aren’t going to come with a swipe on a home screen

    *Discover deep wells of freedom and strength through Christ, who lives within us

    Thriving requires a resilient soul. This study will help participants find the resilience they need when the world has gone mad–and discover in Jesus himself the strength that prevails.

    This study guide includes:

    *Individual access to streaming video sessions
    *A guide to best practices for leading a group
    *Video notes and a comprehensive structure for group discussion time
    *Personal study for deeper reflection between sessions

    Designed for use with Resilient Video Study, (sold separately).

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  • Angels Of Christmas


    Explore the four angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus with Susan Robb in Angels of Christmas, a four-week Advent study.

    Angels of Christmas: Hearing God’s Voice in Advent, a four-week Advent study by Susan Robb, explores the four angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus with Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. In this study, the reader will explore the visits and dive deep into the history of the angel Gabriel-and other angels-in the Old Testament. Angels of Christmas uses these four angelic appearances to discuss God’s presence in history and our lives today. The messages of the angels hold meaning for listeners both then and now.

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  • Dont Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table Study Guide Plus Streaming Video: (Stud


    In this six-session video Bible study (video streaming code included), bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio unpacks Psalm 23 to offer insight into how to overcome the enemy’s lies and find peace and spiritual security in any circumstance or situation.

    This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:

    *The study guide itself–with video notes, personal study and group discussion sections, and a guide to best practices for leading a group.

    *An individual access code to stream all six video sessions online (you don’t need to buy a DVD!).

    God has prepared a table for you. It’s set with a banquet of peace, clarity, and purpose. But Satan is constantly looking for an invitation, seeking to fill your mind with distractions, fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation, doubt…

    It’s an ongoing battle. But you can learn how to protect your mind from unhealthy thoughts and experience rest and nourishment at God’s table.

    The Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table study offers biblical insight on how to:

    *Cancel the lies that will wreck your life and take the empowering steps to live fully alive in Christ

    *Restore peace and rest in your life by taking authority over your thoughts

    *Break free from the endless cycle of destructive thinking and recapture your emotions

    *Embrace the true purpose behind your journey through challenging circumstances

    Sessions and run times include:

    1. The Table Before Us (21:30)
    2. The Tactics of the Enemy (22:00)
    3. The Battle for Our Mind (22:30)
    4. The Path to Victory (22:30)
    5. God’s Invitation Always Stands (22:30)
    6. In the Presence of Our Enemies (23:00)

    You can find freedom from the battles in your mind if you allow Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to lead the battle. Learn how to find encouragement, hope, and strength no matter what valleys you face.

    Watch on any device!

    Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail purchases inside the United States. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.

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  • Church After Innovation


    Churches and their leaders have innovation fever. Innovation seems exciting–a way to enliven tired institutions, embrace creativity, and be proactive–and is a superstar of the business world. But this focus on innovation may be caused by an obsession with contemporary relevance, creativity, and entrepreneurship that inflates the self, lacks theological depth, and promises burnout.

    In this follow-up to Churches and the Crisis of Decline, leading practical theologian Andrew Root delves into the problems of innovation. He explores where innovation and entrepreneurship came from, shows how they break into church circles, and counters the “new imaginations” like neoliberalism and technology that hold the church captive to modernity. Root reveals the moral visions of the self that innovation and entrepreneurship deliver–they are dependent on workers (and consumers) being obsessed with their selves, which leads to significant faith-formation issues. This focus on innovation also causes us to think we need to be singularly unique instead of made alive in Christ. Root offers a return to mysticism and the poetry of Meister Eckhart as a healthier spiritual alternative.

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  • Nelsons Preachers Sourcebook Apologetics Edition


    Plan a full year of sermons with Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook.

    Inspiration doesn’t always have to come from the mountain top. God can just as easily use a resource like Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook to give you fresh and new ideas for your sermons, small group meetings, and seasonal gatherings. With suggestions for creative outlines, scripture text, preaching techniques and historical notes, use this sourcebook as a jumping off point when talking to God about the message He wants you to deliver.

    This Apologetics Edition of Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook has an emphasis on evangelism and includes a sermon series focusing on apologetics.

    Features include:

    *Sermons, creative outlines, illustrations, and quotes for every Sunday of the year
    *Special articles focusing on evangelism
    *Worship helps, including hymns, prayers, and Scripture text
    *Inspirational thoughts and preaching techniques
    *Sermons of special occasions and holidays
    *Sermons and register pages for weddings and funerals

    With Nelson’s Preacher’s Sourcebook, you’ll have engaging content for every Sunday of the year that your congregation will not just listen to, but truly hear.

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