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Christian Living

  • Point Man Revised And Updated 30 Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    The bestselling guide for Christian men who want to lead their families well is now revised and updated to help fathers and husbands navigate the complexities of today’s challenges.

    With more than half a million copies sold, Point Man has long been the go-to resource for men who want to serve as effective spiritual leaders in their home. This updated edition of the classic resource provides powerful inspiration, clear biblical direction, and contemporary examples to equip you to take your God-given position on the front lines in the battle for your family.

    New material examines how recent cultural and societal forces affect the family, including the rise of fatherlessness, shifting views of masculinity and femininity, the declining influence of church and faith, and fractured perspectives on morality and values even within the church.

    Point Man is your trustworthy guide to leading a family, showing you how to faithfully love your wife and children, walk boldly through challenging seasons of marriage and parenting, stand firm against personal temptation, and help your family forge a faith that shines brightly amid a culture of compromise and corruption.

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  • When Anxiety Roars


    According to the American Psychological Association, today’s children and teenagers are anxious about many things. In addition to the stressors common to any generation–family issues, financial instability, pressure to perform in school or sports–these young people also worry about gun violence, social justice, the state of their divided nation, the fate of a warming planet, and much more. To top it off, recent global events and resulting restrictions have added significant stress even as they have stripped away support systems.

    For parents, teachers, counselors, and youth leaders longing to understand and help the young people in their lives, When Anxiety Roars unpacks the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors that influence anxiety in children and offers specific practical steps to take together to tame that anxiety. Integrating faith with best practices to reduce anxiety, it also teaches coping skills that will help children live more confidently today and into the future.

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  • Dos Arboles En El Huerto – (Spanish)


    Todos necesitamos discernimiento para navegar esta vida lleno de oportunidades y peligros. El discernimiento es una funcion de nuestro espiritu al intuir, sentir, escuchar y experimentar su realidad. El discernimiento espiritual nos brinda una ventaja estrategica para ganar cada batalla.

    el “radar del Espiritu Santo. La capacidad de discernir los espiritus es uno de los nueve dones del Espiritu Santo entregados a los creyentes

    Para crecer y ejercitar el discernimiento, se requiere de la Palabra y del Espiritu para percibir. Esto implica que la Palabra de Dios debe volver a cobrar vida en nosotros y que estemos atentos a escuchar el Espiritu.

    La autora Jane Hamon es reconocida por su capacidad de discernir y ensear de una manera clara y practica para todos quienes la reciban y apliquen. Usted aprendera a:

    *Discernir al Espiritu de Dios
    *Discernir el corazon humano
    *Discernir los tiempos
    *Discernir en la guerra espiritual
    *Discernir para liderar
    *Y mucho mas

    Se recomienda este excelente libro sobre este tema; todo cristiano necesita leerlo con el fin de mejorar su comprension y discernimiento espiritual. Una vez empiece, no podra dejar de leerlo

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  • En Defensa Del Cielo – (Spanish)


    El premiado autor de best sellers Lee Strobel entrevista a expertos sobre las pruebas de la vida despues de la muerte y ofrece respuestas creibles a las preguntas mas provocadoras sobre lo que ocurre cuando morimos, las experiencias cercanas a la muerte, el cielo y el infierno.

    Todos queremos saber que nos espera al otro lado de la muerte, pero hay alguna prueba fiable de que haya vida despues de la muerte? El autor de investigacion Lee Strobel ofrece un estudio vivo y convincente sobre uno de los temas mas provocadores de nuestros dias.

    A traves de fascinantes conversaciones con respetados eruditos y expertos, un neurocientifico de la Universidad de Cambridge, un investigador que analizo mil relatos de experiencias cercanas a la muerte, y un ateo convertido en filosofo cristiano; Strobel ofrece razones convincentes de por que la muerte no es el fin de nuestra existencia, sino una transicion a un emocionante mundo por venir. A partir de los relatos biblicos, Strobel despliega lo que nos espera despues de exhalar nuestro ultimo aliento y responde a preguntas como:

    *Existe una vida despues de la muerte?
    *Como es el cielo?
    *Como pasaremos nuestro tiempo alli?
    *Y que significa ver a Dios cara a cara?

    Con un enfoque equilibrado, Strobel examina la alternativa del infierno y la logica de la condenacion, y da una mirada cuidadosa a la reencarnacion, el universalismo, las pretensiones de exclusividad de Cristo y otras cuestiones relacionadas con el tema de la vida despues de la muerte. Con vulnerabilidad, Strobel comparte la experiencia de como estuvo a punto de morir hace aos y como la realidad de la muerte puede moldear nuestras vidas y nuestra fe.

    Siga a Strobel en este viaje de descubrimiento de la vida venidera, totalmente creible y estimulante.

    The Case for Heaven

    Bestselling and award-winning author Lee Strobel interviews experts about the evidence for the afterlife and offers credible answers to the most provocative questions about what happens when we die, near-death experiences, heaven, and hell.

    We all want to know what awaits us on the other side of death, but is there any reliable evidence that there is life after death? Investigative author Lee Strobel offers a lively and compelling study into one of the most provocative topics of our day.

    Through fascinating conversations with respected scholars and experts–a neuroscientist from Cambridge University, a researcher who analyzed a thousand accounts of near-death experien

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  • Anne Neilsons Angels Guided Journal


    Are you ready to go deeper on your spiritual journey and breathe new life into your faith? Love, joy, wisdom, and hope–these are just a few of the things we all want more of in our lives. In Anne Neilson’s Angels Guided Journal, you will have a chance to engage in these topics and more while enjoying Anne’s inspiring angel art. Embrace your quiet time with God as you pour out your fears, challenges, hopes, and dreams in this gorgeous full-color journal.

    Anne Neilson’s Angels Guided Journal offers:
    *A foreword by friend and longtime fan, Kathie Lee Gifford
    *Thought-provoking stories from Anne to inspire you
    *Guided writing prompts
    *Journaling space to write your thoughts and deepen your reading experience
    *Original angel art from Anne throughout

    “My prayer,” says Anne, “is that the art and stories throughout this little book will be a beautiful reminder for you that God is both our Creator and the fulfiller of His promises to us.”

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  • Undistracted : Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy


    Through his pithy and inspiring storytelling that has endeared him to millions, New York Times bestselling author Bob Goff reassures readers that they can harness today’s distractions, follow Jesus’ example, and find focus, purpose, and joy.

    You probably know what it’s like to be driving down the road when you suddenly feel the vibration and hear the guh-guh-guh-guh-guh of the rumble strips–those groves in the pavement–warning you that you’ve drifted out of your lane. You didn’t mean to get distracted. You only took your eyes off the road for a moment, but you drifted off course. And that’s a lot like life, isn’t it?

    In Undistracted, Bob Goff lovingly yanks us back in our lane and helps us get back on track so we can live our lives with real purpose and joy. In his trademark storytelling style, Bob helps us:

    *learn the destruction of distraction and the benefits of living a life of undistracted love and authentic connection;

    *identify the distractions in our lives and either eliminate them or route around them; and

    *catch a vision of our future, undistracted selves where we can experience true happiness and joy.

    Bob’s inspiring and entertaining stories in Undistracted show us what it looks like to live a beautiful and purposeful life rather than drifting aimlessly from one season to the next. He encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus and harness life’s distractions so we can find joy despite our circumstances.

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  • No Le Des Al Enemigo Un Asient – (Spanish)


    En No le des al enemigo un asiento en tu mesa, Louie Giglio te ayuda a encontrar aliento, esperanza y fuerza en medio de cualquier valle mientras rechazas las voces enemigas de miedo, ira, lujuria, inseguridad, ansiedad, desesperacion, tentacion o derrota.

    Las Escrituras son claras: el enemigo es un mentiroso que no se detendra ante nada para tentarte para tomar malas decisiones y tener mentalidades autodestructivas, haciendote sentir temeroso, enojado, ansioso o derrotado. Es demasiado facil para Satanas tomar un asiento en la mesa destinada solo para ti y tu Rey. No obstante, puedes defenderte.

    No le des al enemigo un asiento en tu mesa describe las formas de superar esas mentiras para poder encontrar paz y seguridad en cualquier circunstancia o situacion desafiante. Con el mismo enfoque audaz y emocionante de las Escrituras que se emplea en Goliat debe caer y sus obras anteriores, el pastor Louie Giglio examina el Salmo 23 de maneras nuevas, destacando el versiculo 5: Preparas una mesa delante de mi en presencia de mis enemigos.

    Puedes encontrar libertad de la inseguridad, la tentacion y la derrota, si le permites a Jesus, el Pastor, liderar la batalla por tu mente y corazon. Este libro de guerra espiritual para aquellos que desconfian de los libros de guerra espiritual resonara con la pasion central de la tribu de Louie, asi como con cristianos de todas las edades que quieren vivir una vida triunfante en Dios.

    Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table

    In Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, Louie Giglio helps you find encouragement, hope, and strength in the midst of any valley as you reject the enemy voices of fear, rage, lust, insecurity, anxiety, despair, temptation, or defeat.

    Scripture is clear: the Enemy is a liar who will stop at nothing to tempt you into poor decisions and self-defeating mindsets, making you feel afraid, angry, anxious, or defeated. It is all too easy for Satan to weasel his way into a seat at the table intended for only you and your King. But you can fight back.

    Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table outlines the ways to overcome those lies so you can find peace and security in any challenging circumstance or situation. With the same bold, exciting approach to Scripture as employed in Goliath Must Fall and his other previous works, pastor Louie Giglio examines Psalm 23 in fresh ways, highlighting verse 5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

    You can find freedom from

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  • Sacred Conversation : Exploring The Seven Gifts Of Spiritual Direction


    God created humans with the desire to both know others and be known. People weren’t meant to go it alone on their spiritual journeys, and God has provided many fellow travelers to accompany us.

    Some of these fellow pilgrims–spiritual directors–are called to walk the spiritual path with others. The spiritual director, however, does not seek to tell their counterpart how to live out the faith. Instead, the spiritual director accompanies others on their spiritual journey and helps them discover how God may be working in their lives. The spiritual director listens, notices, encourages, asks questions, and prays for the person receiving spiritual direction.

    In Sacred Conversation, readers will learn what spiritual direction is and what it isn’t. They will explore spiritual practices that have helped people for hundreds of years develop a closer relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Marsha Crockett introduces readers to seven gifts of spiritual direction: awakening, hospitality, story, pilgrimage, silence, meditation, and belonging.

    Each chapter contains reflection questions for individuals to use in conversation with their spiritual director, as prompts for journaling, or for sharing with small groups.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions For An Anxious Heart


    Got 3 minutes to spare?

    You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in 3-Minute Devotions for the Anxious Heart.

    Written for women, this delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and peace into just-right-sized readings for readers looking for hope in the face of anxiety.

    Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
    Minute 2: a short devotional reading
    Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God

    Take time to pause, reflect, rejuvenate by reading scripture, encouraging words, and a prayer starter to begin a dialogue with God. No matter what your day brings, this just-right-sized inspiration is guaranteed to be just the pick-me-up you need in your faith walk.

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  • Stick Figures Save The World


    Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well

    Have you ever tried to share your faith but struggled, not really knowing what to say? This book helps solve that problem. Practical and funny, Pam Arlund offers a refreshing change from standard methods in disciplemaking.

    In Stick Figures Save the World, you will learn to draw Bible stories in a simple way to equip even the newest follower of Jesus to pass on what they have learned to another. This method works when drawn in the dirt of a remote village or on a napkin in a coffeehouse. Whether you are trying to reach your own children, the neighbors, or a person across the world, this book can show you how.

    The surprising two-fold outcome of this method is how exciting Scripture will become and how well prepared you will be to share Jesus with others. Stick figures aren’t just for kids, they are for everyone who wants to make the most of the opportunities the Lord gives to authentically share His love with the world.

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  • Resisting Tyranny : Covid, The Church, And Christian Duty


    Sincere believers are asking:

    *As we watch the dying of the West and demise of the free world, how should Christians respond?

    *Should the Church have any prophetic voice in society against tyranny and for freedom?

    *How should Christians respond to coercion and mandates (masks, vaccines) in the workplace, at school, and elsewhere?

    *Should believers defend human rights and civil liberties as coworkers, neighbours and citizens? If so, when and how do we resist tyranny without confusing the mission of the Church or harming our Christian witness?

    *How do we know when political agendas have wrongly polarised us or not?

    *What is the place of godly patriotism in the Great Commission, without confusing the cross and the flag?

    *Is ‘For God and country’ a biblical motivation?

    *What does being ‘gospel-centred’ mean when applying the gospel and Christ’s lordship to moral and ethical issues of our day?

    *How do we think biblically about a theology of the face, and about free speech and dissent?

    *What happens when the ‘tyranny of the weaker brother’ or the ‘greater good’ rules a church, a society?

    *In seeking biblical answers to the above questions, what can we also learn from church history and modern examples?

    Read on for answers to these questions and more!

    “There are only two possible forms of government: Either people rule themselves and the government exists to protect that freedom; or government dominates people and they have no freedom. Right now we’re moving from the former to the latter. People are giving up their freedom in order for government to take care of them. To pull that off, you have to be lied to, truth must be obscured, chaos must reign. Then in the ignorance and confusion of it all, fear drives people to run to government for security. Cantrell unmasks that in this important book and offers a biblical response, showing the role of the Church as ‘the pillar of truth’ in a world of lies (1 Tim. 3:15). I’ve used this material extensively and can recommend it to you wholeheartedly.”

    John MacArthur, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California; Chancellor, The Master’s University and Seminary

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  • Mentality Of Success


    “Failure is an option; however, success is your destiny!”

    If you’ve ever felt stuck or as if you lack the clarity necessary to activate your dreams and unlock your potential, Joshua Washington’s The Mentality of Success will ignite the great value within you. It was written to help today’s generation define success in their own terms and identify life purpose as they discover who they are, what they’re made of, and how they best serve!

    Designed to function as a roadmap, traverse these pages through four zones:

    *Dreams: Search for and uncover the dreams that are worth your most precious commodity-time.

    *Discovery: Discover your strengths, talents, and skills and how they function within the most critical areas of your life.

    *Development: Leverage your understanding of processes over outcomes and develop a plan to transform yourself into the person you’re meant to be.

    *Decisions: Hone your decision-making skills, so you make the choices that are right for you and those you love with clarity and confidence.

    When you focus your mentality on success, you maximize the return on your value by becoming a high-capacity leader and leaving your mark on this world. Why settle for failure, when SUCCESS is your destiny?

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  • A La Mesa Con Jesus – (Spanish)


    A la mesa con Jesus invita a los lectores a sesenta y seis dias de ricos encuentros con el Buen Pastor, proporcionando verdades mas profundas, poder y conexion para caminar a traves de los problemas de la vida.

    A traves de devociones practicas diarias, A la mesa con Jesus invita a los lectores a sentarse con el Buen Pastor, creando el habito de vivir la vida con el. El viaje comienza en el salmo 23, pero lleva al lector por todas las Escrituras para construir una relacion mas solida con el Dios del universo.

    At the Table with Jesus

    At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sixty-six days of rich engagements with the Good Shepherd, providing deeper truths, power, and connection to walk through life’s troubles.

    Through practical daily devotions, At the Table with Jesus invites readers to sit at the table with the Good Shepherd, building a habit of living life with him. The journey starts in Psalm 23 but takes the reader throughout all of Scripture to build a stronger relationship with the God of the univers

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  • Good Guys Guide To Great Sex


    If you ever wonder, Is this all there is to sex? or I wish I knew how to help my wife enjoy this more, you’ll appreciate this straightforward, helpful, and faith-based advice on how to have a better sex life.

    Based on groundbreaking surveys of more than twenty-five thousand people, this highly practical, research-based book shows guys how to rock their wife’s world. The Good Guy’s Guide to Great Sex from popular marriage blogger and speaker Sheila Wray Gregoire and her husband, Dr. Keith Gregoire, will help you:

    *Discover what your wife wants most from you in the bedroom
    *Realize what can derail a couple’s sex life and how to get it back on track
    *Find healing from past trauma, previous relationships, and porn addiction
    *Understand your own sex drive and how to keep it revved
    *Learn the secrets to giving your wife the most fulfilling sex she’s ever had

    This can-we-start-tonight? book about making sex wonderful explores how emotional, spiritual, and physical intimacy all work together. It will appeal to:

    *Newly engaged couples who want to start their marriage off right
    *Married couples who wonder if sex will ever become what they hoped it would be
    *Readers of The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex
    *Pastors and counselors seeking a resource for helping engaged and married couples

    The Good Guy’s Guide to Great Sex also features Couple Projects at the end of each chapter and very specific Good Guy Dares to help you woo your wife in and out of the bedroom as you find your way to a delightful, God-given passion.

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  • Out Of The Dark


    Grammy award-winning music artist Mandisa tells an inspiring story of peaks and valleys, trials and joys, wins and losses. Through her gripping narrative, she shows that our choice to trust God can not only overcome our need to understand why bad things happen, but can help us to embrace a life of joy and freedom.

    Out of the Dark is Mandisa’s exploration of the journey she’s taken from when she first became a Christian, to her rise as an American Idol finalist and receiving multiple Grammy and Dove Award nominations, as well as the dark and challenging times she experienced along the way. She writes personally and openly about the hardships she has faced and the way she felt betrayed by God, but also about how God has brought her out of the valley into His glorious light. Along the way, she also shares her struggles in learning how to love her body and care for her health.

    Just as Mandisa’s Grammy-award winning song “Overcomer” was topping the Contemporary Christian Music charts, her friend for whom “Overcomer” had been written passed away. After losing this close friend to cancer, despite years of prayers on her behalf, Mandisa descended into depression, isolating herself and turning to her familiar friend, food, for comfort.

    Throughout Out of the Dark, Mandisa uses her experiences to address the following themes:
    *The pain of grief and loss
    *Surviving abuse
    *Embracing true beauty and a healthy body image
    *Coping with severe depression
    *Healthy–and disordered–eating
    *The role of faith in hope and healing
    *Letting go of shame
    *Following your unique calling and passion
    *How friends and family are crucial for healing
    *The challenges of 2020, including protecting mental and emotional health while navigating a public health crisis; quarantining; and coping with racial injustice
    *Trusting God daily for hope and healing
    In the darkness, Mandisa knew God was there — but she wondered if she could trust Him. Even at her lowest point where she saw no human way forward, God was at work, powerfully redeeming her story and calling her out of the dark.

    Mandisa tells her story with warmth and vulnerability, challenging us all to focus on God’s purpose for our lives, surround ourselves with friends who will fight for us, and face life’s challenges with courage and faith. If you’ve ever found yourself in a dark place as the result of grief, depression, or loss, Mandisa’s story will reassure you that even when you’re walking through dark valle

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  • Hacia Donde Vamos Ahora – (Spanish)


    Los titulares de hoy proclaman las plagas modernas, las tensiones sociales, las crisis economicas y la depresion desenfrenada. Muchos se preguntan: que dia es hoy en el calendario profetico de Dios? Maestro de la Biblia y pastor de confianza, el Dr. David Jeremiah abre la Palabra de Dios para revelar lo que tiene que decir sobre los dias en que vivimos.

    Comparte como las profecias y la sabiduria de hace siglos siguen diciendo la verdad hoy y sealan el camino a seguir para el maana. Ya sea si eres nuevo en el mundo de las profecias biblicas o si llevas mucho tiempo estudiando la Biblia, este mensaje oportuno te animara y recalibrara la mision de Dios en tu vida cotidiana. Viaja con el Dr. Jeremiah de vuelta a la Biblia para descubrir: Hacia donde vamos ahora?

    Where Do We Go From Here?

    Today’s headlines shout of modern plagues, social tensions, economic crises, and rampant depression. Many are asking, what day is it on God’s prophetic calendar? Trusted Bible teacher and Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah opens up the Word of God to reveal what it has to say about the days we are living in.

    Sharing how prophecies and wisdom from centuries ago still speak the truth today and point the way forward for tomorrow. Whether you are new to biblical prophecy or a longtime student of the Bible, this timely message will encourage and recalibrate you to the mission of God in your daily life. Journey with Dr. Jeremiah back to the Bible to find out, Where Do We Go from Here?

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  • Gods Covenant Partners


    Dick Bernal presents God’s covenant plan for the redemption of all people. Beginning with Adam and Eve in the Old Testament, he traces the threads of covenant through them and the lives of the patriarchs, the making of a covenant people after the exodus and the judges and prophets and kings who governed them. In the New Testament, all the varicolored threads come together in a stunning, finished design that shows what lengths God went to in order to prove His love for us in the life, death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

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  • Case For Faith Student Edition


    Why is there suffering? Doesn’t science disprove miracles? What about hell-and the millions who’ve never heard of Jesus? Is heaven for real? Is God unjust? Lee Strobel decided to use his award-winning journalistic skills to investigate the idea of faith, and prove that placing our trust in things we cannot see is a solid bet. This updated The Case for Faith Student Edition adapts Strobel’s bestselling The Case for Faith to present hard-hitting findings as well as interviews with believers and skeptics alike in an easy-to-follow manner so you can make a decision about Christian faith for yourself.

    The Case for Faith Student Edition:

    *Is written for readers ages twelve and older

    *Presents the arguments for and against having faith that teens and young adults often ask and encounter so they can see the real evidence and facts

    *Uses logic and solid information to examine why Christians believe what they do

    *Can also be used in the classroom, in group studies, or as part of a religious studies or comparisons class

    *Contains infographics and charts to make the facts clear

    *Pairs well with The Case for Christ Student Edition, The Case for a Creator Student Edition, The Case for the Real Jesus Student Edition, and The Case for Miracles Student Edition

    Lee Strobel’s research provides:
    *Scientific data, expert testimonies, and interviews
    *Cross-religious comparisons
    *Historical and archeological proofs he discovered during his investigation

    Prepare yourself for an eye-opening, no-punches-pulled investigation into eight of the toughest objections to Christianity. The answers will prove whether or not Jesus is who he says he is and if heaven is for real, leading you to a life-changing decision in your current case for or against Christianity. Even if you’re an atheist or just aren’t sure about Jesus, these stories will turn your whole world upside down. If you’re already a Christian, you’ll gain powerful insights that will reshape your understanding of the Bible and affect your life of faith like never before.

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  • What If Its Wonderful


    Don’t spend your life practicing disappointment and rehearsing tragedy when you can experience God’s gift of joy and celebration today.

    Author and marriage and family therapist Nicole Zasowski knows that it’s difficult to trust joy and find the courage to celebrate when you have endured seasons of disappointment and despair. When God has been your faithful anchor in the storm, does joy then leave you unmoored? Nicole reminds us that we can stay tethered to the hope of Christ in seasons of celebration, because even joyful days hold the learning, growth, and intimate encounters with Jesus that our hearts crave.

    What If It’s Wonderful? offers a new perspective. With a compelling psychological and spiritual case for the importance of embracing joy and celebration, even when it feels scary, it will help you:

    *identify common barriers and hesitancies to experiencing joy, debunk their lies, and overcome your fears,

    *confront toxic messages you have received about joy as you learn to see celebration as an avenue of growth and intimacy with God,

    *approach life with an expectant heart, a receptive posture, and courage to trust God’s good gifts, and

    *stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in seasons of joy and celebration.

    Things don’t always have to be hard to find God and to stay close to him. Release your fears and accept his beautiful gift of joy and celebration.

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  • Start With Prayer


    Do you find it difficult to pray? Do you struggle to find the words to articulate how you are feeling and what you need? Max Lucado knows what it feels like to struggle with prayer. Start with Prayer will help you create a prayer routine and feel more comfortable when you communicate with God.

    Start with Prayer is a prayer book that includes:

    *240 prayers

    *prayers on a variety of topics: anxiety, fear, forgiveness, grief, gratitude, hope, love, peace, strength, and much more

    This book of prayers by New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado is perfect for:

    *men and women wanting to create a habit of prayer
    *beginners in prayer and seasoned prayer warriors
    *birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduations, and holiday gifting
    *anyone needing encouragement, coping with a challenging season, or searching for hope and strength

    Start with Prayer is a resource that you can turn to no matter how you’re feeling or what season you’re going through. Max reminds us that starting with prayer is the answer to everything.

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  • You Can Rest


    Is your worry wheel spinning out of control?

    According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 1 in 8 children. With constant access to technology, news cycles, and social media-and with heightened pressures to perform in all areas of life-kids’ brains are simply overwhelmed with worries and fears, and they don’t know how to slow down and rest.

    Katy Boatman, who has worked with tween girls in ministry for 15 years, tackles this phenomenon head-on in You Can Rest, a 100-day devotional that takes an empathetic and honest approach to the topic of anxiety in the day-to-day. Structured with a Scripture to open, a devotional to ponder, a prayer to close, and a weekly journaling prompt, the book guides readers to reflect on everyday concerns from a biblical and hopeful perspective. You Can Rest addresses relevant topics such as:
    *Anxiety about the future
    *Making (and keeping) friends
    *Getting sick
    *Believing God
    *Resolving conflict
    *Being misunderstood
    *Feeling isolated
    *Even falling asleep!

    Katy is a friendly and comforting voice. She’s the mentor on the page, the one who has gone before the reader, wrestled with all of these issues too, and-despite still worrying plenty herself-can testify to the faithfulness of Jesus. She reminds the reader because of Jesus, we can rest, no matter what is going on in our lives. Packed with grace and truth and sprinkled with humor and delight, You Can Rest shows tween girls that their anxieties do not have the final say. Jesus does.

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  • Forgiveness : Overcoming The Impossible


    Whether giving or receiving, forgiveness is?the?key toward true healing and blessing.?

    God says there are no limits to forgiveness toward others or ourselves. And when Matthew West set out on a journey asking people to share their true life stories, Renee shared about how she chose to forgive the drunk driver who hit and killed her daughter.?

    This remarkable story and others like it bring peace and healing to the one needing and the ones giving forgiveness. Fifty powerful stories share forgiveness through divorce, betrayal, addiction, abandonment, death, and more. Each story ties into the promises of God’s faithfulness and healing, and ends with the story of God’s ultimate forgiveness through the message of salvation.

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  • Who Am I And Why Do I Matter


    Sooner or later, kids ask big questions about themselves and their faith: Who am I? Where do I fit in? Am I good enough? What do people think of me? What does God think of me?

    Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew has been answering big questions from kids for over a decade. In this warm, empathetic book, he shows children how to embrace and enjoy their identity as those loved by God and made in his image. He also gives lots of practical advice on how to remember what God says about who they really are.

    Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for 9-13s to engage with. Readers will be helped to replace fear and anxiety with faith and confidence as they find their self-worth in what God says about them.

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  • Domestic Monastery : Creating A Spiritual Life At Home


    What is a monastery? A monastery is a place set apart–a place to learn the blessings of powerlessness, and that time is not ours but God’s. Our home and our duties can, just like a monastery, teach us those things. The vocation of monastic men and women is to physically withdraw from the world. But the principle is equally valid for those of us who cannot go off to monasteries. Certain vocations offer the same kind of opportunity for contemplation, and provide a desert for reflection.

    In ten brief and powerful chapters, Fr. Ron explores how monastery life can apply to those who don’t live in a cloister:

    – Monasticism and Family Life
    – The Domestic Monastery
    – Real Friendship
    – Lessons from the Monastic Cell
    – Ritual for Sustaining Prayer
    – Tensions within Spirituality
    – A Spirituality of Parenting
    – Spirituality and the Seasons of Our Lives
    – The Sacredness of Time
    – Life’s Key Question

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  • No Turning Back


    For many of us, believing in Jesus feels like the first step on a journey that can only get better and better with every step. Then trials come and it can be hard to keep walking. When faced with disappointment, disillusionment, doubt, and death, we may be tempted to turn back. The road ahead seems too hard, too long, too fraught with danger and difficulty.

    With great passion and deep understanding of the struggles believers go through, Rashawn Copeland encourages and inspires you to stay the course. In No Turning Back he shares practical and productive ways you can experience true and lasting growth based on the promises God makes to those who follow him. He shows you how to apply the truths of Scripture to be transformed by God’s power, grow your identity in Christ, renew your mind, free yourself from your past, and become the person God has called you to be.

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  • More Than My Scars


    The first thing you will notice when you meet Kechi Okwuchi is her scars. One of just two survivors of a devastating plane crash that killed more than 100 people, 16-year-old Kechi was left with third-degree burns over 65 percent of her body. More Than My Scars is her incredible story. A story of not just surviving impossible odds but thriving in a world that is too often caught up with how we look on the outside rather than seeing that our true value is within.

    Now in her early 30s, Kechi has spent the last 16 years refusing to be defined by her trauma. Follow her as she decides for herself what role her scars will play in her life before society decides for her. Her strong sense of identity, rooted in seeing herself the way God sees her, has allowed her to live authentically in a world that constantly seeks to define us by its ever-changing (and ever-shallow) standards. Kechi’s story will inspire you to love and accept yourself as you are and confidently present your true self to the world.

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  • Men We Need


    The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that’s not really the point of being a man and it’s not the purpose for which men were made.

    Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are made to be: “Keepers of the Garden.” Protectors and defenders. He calls for men of all interests and backgrounds (including “avid indoorsmen” like himself) to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have.

    Using short chapters loaded with must-have wisdom and Brant’s signature humor, The Men We Need explains the essence of masculinity in a fresh, thoughtful, and entertaining way that will inspire any man who dares to read it.

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  • Beyond Racial Division


    Efforts at colorblindness and antiracism have not been very effective in addressing racial tensions in the United States.

    Colorblindness ignores the realities of race and the history of injustice. On the other hand, antiracism centers racial concerns and in so doing often alienates people who need to be involved in the process. Sociologist George Yancey offers an alternative approach to racial relations where all parties contribute and are mutually accountable to one another for societal well-being. He provides empirical rationale for how collaborative conversations in a mutual accountability model can reduce racial division. History and societal complexity mean that different participants may have different kinds of responsibility, but all are involved in seeking the common good for all to thrive. Avoiding unilateral decisions that close off dialogue, Yancey casts a vision for moving beyond racial alienation toward a lifestyle and movement of collaborative conversation and mutuality.

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  • To Be Made Well


    How can we be made well?

    From hurting bodies and souls to hurting relationships and communities, it’s clear that things are not as they should be. Some of us live with varying degrees of physical pain, and others of us harbor the emotional pain of loneliness, shame, and guilt. Looking at our culture more broadly, we see the harm of our social divisions and the unyielding reality and impact of injustice and inequity. The gospels brim with stories of Jesus healing people , but what does that mean for us today?
    In To Be Made Well, author Amy Julia Becker weaves together her own story with reflections on biblical accounts of Jesus’ healing work, providing fresh insight into both the nature of healing and the pathway to healing, then and now. This book is a powerful invitation to personal, spiritual, and social healing as we reconnect to our bodies and souls, to God, and to our communities.
    For anyone struggling with pain or loss, for anyone concerned about the things that divide us, this book goes beyond wellness and beyond miraculous physical transformations to explore how we can–personally and collectively–be made well.

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  • To Be Made Well


    How can we be made well?

    From hurting bodies and souls to hurting relationships and communities, it’s clear that things are not as they should be. Some of us live with varying degrees of physical pain, and others of us harbor the emotional pain of loneliness, shame, and guilt. Looking at our culture more broadly, we see the harm of our social divisions and the unyielding reality and impact of injustice and inequity. The gospels brim with stories of Jesus healing people , but what does that mean for us today?
    In To Be Made Well, author Amy Julia Becker weaves together her own story with reflections on biblical accounts of Jesus’ healing work, providing fresh insight into both the nature of healing and the pathway to healing, then and now. This book is a powerful invitation to personal, spiritual, and social healing as we reconnect to our bodies and souls, to God, and to our communities.
    For anyone struggling with pain or loss, for anyone concerned about the things that divide us, this book goes beyond wellness and beyond miraculous physical transformations to explore how we can–personally and collectively–be made well.

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  • Living In The Blessing


    Life is full of mountains and valleys. We can embrace each adventure with joy and confidence if we are living in the blessing.

    Living in the Blessing is a 365-day devotional book inspired by the faith journey of Dr. Charles “Chic” Shaver, who has traveled the world winning people to Jesus Christ. The reflections are ordered to move readers from the basic tenets of the Christian life to the reflections of a mature and seasoned faith. A simple and flexible design gives readers the option to use by date or in numerical order.

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  • Faithful Antiracism : Moving Past Talk To Systemic Change


    It’s time to move past talk.

    It’s no longer news to most of us that our society has a deep-seated racism problem. Christians of all ethnic and economic backgrounds are tired of seeing the ugly legacy of racism play out before their eyes and feeling ill-equipped to respond. They watch as friends and family members leave the visible church over this issue, or fall prey to a gospel of white nationalism that is an affront to the cross of Christ. Racism presents itself as an undefeatable foe–a sustained scourge on the reputation of the church. In Faithful Antiracism, Chad Brennan and Christina Edmondson take confidence from the truth that Christ has overcome the world, including racism, and offer clear analysis and interventions to challenge and resist its pernicious power. Drawing on brand-new research from the landmark Race, Religion, and Justice Project led by Michael Emerson and others, this book represents the most comprehensive study on evangelicals and race since Emerson’s own book Divided by Faith (2001). It invites readers to put this data to immediate practical use, applying it to their own specific context. Compelled by our grievous social moment and by the timeless truth of Scripture, Faithful Antiracism will equip readers to move past talk and enter the fight against racism in both practical and hopeful ways.

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  • Men We Need


    The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that’s not really the point of being a man and it’s not the purpose for which men were made.

    Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are made to be: “Keepers of the Garden.” Protectors and defenders. He calls for men of all interests and backgrounds (including “avid indoorsmen” like himself) to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have.

    Using short chapters loaded with must-have wisdom and Brant’s signature humor, The Men We Need explains the essence of masculinity in a fresh, thoughtful, and entertaining way that will inspire any man who dares to read it.

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  • When Anxiety Roars


    According to the American Psychological Association, today’s children and teenagers are anxious about many things. In addition to the stressors common to any generation–family issues, financial instability, pressure to perform in school or sports–these young people also worry about gun violence, social justice, the state of their divided nation, the fate of a warming planet, and much more. To top it off, recent global events and resulting restrictions have added significant stress even as they have stripped away support systems.

    For parents, teachers, counselors, and youth leaders longing to understand and help the young people in their lives, When Anxiety Roars unpacks the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors that influence anxiety in children and offers specific practical steps to take together to tame that anxiety. Integrating faith with best practices to reduce anxiety, it also teaches coping skills that will help children live more confidently today and into the future.

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  • Raising Them Ready


    What is the difference between the kid who struggles to “adult” and the one who jumps in feet first, ready to thrive? It all comes down to mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets. Either we as parents raise kids who are dependent on us or we raise kids who are confident, capable, and eager to take on the challenges of an independent adult life.

    In Raising Them Ready, parenting experts and bestselling authors Jonathan and Erica Catherman give you practical ways to prepare your kids for life on their own. They help you assess how your kids respond to the everyday demands of life, provide practices for redirecting them from seeing adulthood as a series of threats to anticipating exciting challenges, and give you an inventory of the real-world adulting mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets your kids should acquire before leaving the nest.

    By putting into practice the advice in this book, you can stop worrying about if your kids will make it on their own and start celebrating alongside them this adventure called life.

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  • Raising Them Ready


    What is the difference between the kid who struggles to “adult” and the one who jumps in feet first, ready to thrive? It all comes down to mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets. Either we as parents raise kids who are dependent on us or we raise kids who are confident, capable, and eager to take on the challenges of an independent adult life.

    In Raising Them Ready, parenting experts and bestselling authors Jonathan and Erica Catherman give you practical ways to prepare your kids for life on their own. They help you assess how your kids respond to the everyday demands of life, provide practices for redirecting them from seeing adulthood as a series of threats to anticipating exciting challenges, and give you an inventory of the real-world adulting mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets your kids should acquire before leaving the nest.

    By putting into practice the advice in this book, you can stop worrying about if your kids will make it on their own and start celebrating alongside them this adventure called life.

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  • Case For Faith For Kids (Revised)


    Why does God allow bad things to happen? Can you have doubts and still be a Christian? Kids ages 8-12 can join in this incredible search for the truth about faith in this book based on the bestselling The Case for Faith by award-winning author Lee Strobel, written in kid-friendly language that helps young readers explore their own beliefs decide for themselves why believing in Jesus and Christianity makes good sense.

    Here’s a book that finally tackles the most important questions about the toughest questions surrounding faith kids often ask and wonder. This updated version of The Case for Faith for Kids is packed full of well-researched, reliable, and eye-opening investigations Lee conducted to test why people believe in Jesus, and the truths that support those beliefs. Throughout, Strobel uses his skills as an award-winning legal journalist to examine the historical records, eyewitness testimonies, and scientific evidence for faith, including Jesus’s resurrection and miracles.

    Like Strobel, will you be convinced by the evidence? What will your verdict be in The Case for Faith? The Case for Faith for Kids:

    *Is written specifically for readers ages 8-12, presented in a way that is logical and easy to understand

    *Is perfect for encouraging a child’s faith development, and is also ideal for homeschool use or as a first communion gift for boys or girls

    *Is packed full of well-researched, reliable, and eye-opening investigations of some of the toughest questions kids have about faith and Christianity

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  • Discerning Life : An Invitation To Notice God In Everything


    Spiritual discernment is a key theme in the Scriptures. From the Garden when Adam and Eve turned away from the simplest terms of a relationship with God, to the Garden when John the Apostle wrote the book of Revelation to a distracted people anticipating eternity, discerning God has been the heart of the matter. In modern times, however, we have forgotten the basic premise of practicing a preference for God, out of which we then are invited to live for God. Instead, we have implanted strategic planning, head-to-head battling, and will-of-God knowing in its place. In The Discerning Life, Stephen A. Macchia seeks to upend the one-eyed and limited Christian understandings of spiritual discernment and invite readers and leaders to reconsider how they prioritize the care of their souls, the grace of their communities, and the mission of their lives, churches, and organizations. When we have a fuller understanding of how spiritual discernment matters to the whole of our lives, we will in turn encourage others to follow likewise and then lean fully into the mission, mandate, and message of the whole counsel of God.

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  • Mandate Of Must


    Now more than ever, Christians need to know what they must do, say and tell others. This book identifies eight biblical mandates we must address and fulfill in these last days. These mandates are not God’s suggestions or requests. They are His commands and must be made top priority each day. By doing so, we allow God to be great in our lives, providing us with all the blessings to be prosperous, protected and successful.

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  • Dont Give Up


    The idea of quitting and giving up may be just a passing thought or it may have festered to the point that you feel like you’re at the end of your rope and have lost all hope. You may have experienced a life-altering event or betrayal of a close friend or alienation from family and friends. You may have an addiction you cannot kick or repeated failures that destroyed your self-confidence. Regardless of what brought you to the brink of hopelessness, there is still hope – if you will grab hold of it. Don’t Give Up was written to help heal the hurt, restore your heart and strengthen your resolve with Scriptures, prayers, and insights. Don’t give up! God is not a million miles away and He has not given up on you!

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  • Stewards Of The Earth


    Fifty years of evangelical thought on creation care

    Evangelicals have a complex relationship with environmentalism. Some lament the church’s apparent disinterest in humanity’s negative impact upon the earth. Others denounce environmentalism as a distraction from the church’s mission. In the face of polarization over the issue, how should evangelicals steward creation well?

    Stewards of the Earth collects five decades of articles from Christianity Today that display the diversity and development of evangelical perspectives on creation care. Some articles address the concerns evangelicals have over cooperating with the broader environmentalist movement or lay out positive ways to navigate or overcome these hesitations. Other articles present constructive approaches to creation care. Readers will gain a nuanced view of evangelical thought over the decades.

    With a new introduction by Loren Wilkinson and contributions from writers like Bill McKibben, Ronald Sider, Leslie Leyland Fields, and Andy Crouch, these essays preserve the wisdom of the past to provide insight for the future.

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  • In Search Of Paul


    Stand on the shoulders of giants!

    Have you ever wished you could have a mentor like the Apostle Paul–someone trustworthy to guide your spiritual development and ministry?

    Tony Cooke, author, teacher, and student of church history, has assembled a panel of the greatest Christian spiritual leaders of all time, curating a profound, yet accessible, collection of their key thoughts and teachings.

    In Search of Paul shepherds you in the footsteps of spiritual giants like the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and more.


    *The values and priorities that create a successful life

    *The power of living by example

    *Timeless qualities of supernatural life and ministry

    *Enduring wisdom on topics such as influence, delegation, discipline, prayer, evangelism, and preaching

    *Pitfalls to avoid in life and ministry

    These men of God left an indelible footprint for the Kingdom of God on this world. Guided by their example, you can do the same!

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  • Keeping Hope Alive


    Life changes in a nanosecond when storms sweep in, often without warning. They leave our knuckles white and our hearts broken. With minds barely able to think clearly, we often set our Bible aside. In reality, that’s when we need its comfort and strength most. This devotional is written for those in crisis, for those longing for hope but lacking the ability to focus on a lengthy Scripture passage. These minute-sized devotions offer respite to readers caught in the storms of life.

    Each of the 90 devotions follows a pattern:
    *Key Verse
    *Pause (devotion)
    *Ponder (application question or action step)
    *Pray (short prayer)
    *Relevant quote

    Readers of these devotions are facing difficult circumstances and need spiritual encouragement in bite-sized pieces. Their greatest need is hope. They need reassurance that God’s love will never let them go. His presence will never leave them, and His strength will carry them through. Keeping Hope Alive addresses these needs as follows:

    *Its overall message directs their minds to God’s character and promises. These bite-size bits of truth will feed their soul and give them the strength and encouragement needed for that day.

    *Devotions are short enough to read and keep their focus even when their minds are on overload.

    *All segments work together to make it easy for readers to recall truth.

    *Relevant quotes reinforce the day’s teaching.

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  • At Home In Your Heart


    Where do you live-truly live? You may have a street address. You may think of your childhood home. But your real home, this side of heaven, is your heart. Your heart is home to your soul and your emotions as well as your thought life. Your attitudes, habits, and dreams are found there.At Home in Your Heart: Inviting Christ into Every Room is written for women of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life. Each day in this ninety-day devotional by Carol Burton McLeod includes an essay on the thought for the day, a heart inspection, prayer, and words from Scripture. Topics include: Is Anybody Home?; A Knock at the Door; Fingerprints; My Heart, His Home!; A Lavish Banquet of Love; Dust Bunnies; A Magnifying Glass; Leave the Light On; and many more, all offered with Carol’s characteristic humor, love, and affection. If you are a Christian, Jesus lives in your heart with you, no matter what condition it’s in. If there are problems, however, He wants to clean until His hands bleed. Carol invites you to walk through the rooms of your heart to identify the issues that Christ is shining His light on. “Jesus wants to paint your heart the color of white snow,” she says. “He will gently move around priorities, set things out for the trash man, and replace every outdated attitude with His unconditional love and inexpressible joy. He can take a home that has been literally demolished by the storms of life and rebuild it into a palace fit for a king.”

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  • Never Give Up


    What if the answers to our modern crises are found in ancient truths?

    This book will give you the hope and courage you need to stay firm in your faith despite the circumstances going on around you. You will keep your devotion to God and boldly share your faith.

    The truth of the gospel is in great danger. Biblical beliefs are being attacked. Biblical morality is being assaulted. Christians are being insulted for holding to the ancient truths found in the Scriptures. We are in a fight to be heard and not canceled–to share our faith amidst the cancel culture. What is God’s message to us this day? What does He want from us in these troubled times? Resilience. Courage. Faithfulness. His call to us is to never give up.

    *Never give up…on the infallible Word of God.
    *Never give up…on the faith once delivered.

    In his last letter, the aged and imprisoned apostle Paul realized that his final days were approaching. So, he wrote his last legacy message for his beloved Timothy and for future generations of disciples–namely you and me.

    In Never Give Up, Dr. Michael Youssef echoes the words of the apostle Paul so that we may experience encouragement–and know triumph in the midst of defeat. With a sense of urgency, we are called to the steadfast service of a certain conviction. Despite hardship and suffering, we can learn to be unwavering in our devotion. As followers of Jesus, too often we are tempted to throw in the towel, give up the fight, and give in to fear. But we must not let that be our reality. We have not been abandoned. God is here. Yet conviction is needed and service is required. No matter what comes our way, we must never give up.

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  • Power In Hope


    In an increasingly troubled world, there is power in hope.

    The apostle Paul prayed, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13)–and this new devotional is designed to help you find the blessing God offers.

    Through 365 readings, both contemporary and classic (from the works of Charles Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, D. L. Moody, and John Wesley), Power in Hope will spur you on to:

    *greater trust in God
    *a more positive outlook on life
    *a deeper impact on your world

    Joy, peace, overflowing hope. . .what could be better than that? Power in Hope will guide you to God’s strength for daily life.

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  • Rule The Day (Large Type)


    #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen teaches readers to keep their days full of faith, praise, and victory.

    You would like to savor each moment, grow into your best life, engage in productive relationships, and see your dreams come to pass. But distractions, delays, and disappointments relentlessly hijack your plans and undermine your good intentions. While you can’t control everything that comes your way, you can control how life’s unexpected setbacks affect your attitude, emotions, thoughts, and actions.

    In his latest work, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen shows you how to be intentional and Rule Your Day. With his trademark wisdom and unwavering positivity, Joel reveals six keys for claiming control over each new day. He teaches you how to identify faulty thinking, recast your vision for the future, rise above your circumstances, guard your heart and mind against negativity, and transcend distractions to focus on what matters most.

    When you work with the tools God has given you and take control of your time, you can bounce back from disappointments, prevent poisonous thoughts from entering your atmosphere, and fully enjoy the bright future that’s ahead of you. Don’t settle for surviving when you could be thriving– Rule Your Day!

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  • More Than My Scars


    The first thing you will notice when you meet Kechi Okwuchi is her scars. One of just two survivors of a devastating plane crash that killed more than 100 people, 16-year-old Kechi was left with third-degree burns over 65 percent of her body. More Than My Scars is her incredible story. A story of not just surviving impossible odds but thriving in a world that is too often caught up with how we look on the outside rather than seeing that our true value is within.

    Now in her early 30s, Kechi has spent the last 16 years refusing to be defined by her trauma. Follow her as she decides for herself what role her scars will play in her life before society decides for her. Her strong sense of identity, rooted in seeing herself the way God sees her, has allowed her to live authentically in a world that constantly seeks to define us by its ever-changing (and ever-shallow) standards. Kechi’s story will inspire you to love and accept yourself as you are and confidently present your true self to the world.

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  • Astronauts Wife : How Launching My Husband Into Outer Space Changed The Way


    A true story about making the most of your one incredible life.

    On July 20, 2019, Stacey Morgan kissed her husband goodbye before he donned his space suit and headed to his waiting Soyuz rocket. With an overwhelming mix of pride, excitement, and terror, she and her children held hands and watched the rocket ignite and lift off for a nine-month mission aboard the International Space Station . . .

    This is the story of the astronaut’s wife. And it’s full of unexpected twists she never saw coming. Because while the love of her life orbited Earth, Stacey was about to embark on a knock-your-socks-off adventure right here at home. Being an astronaut’s wife was different than Stacey expected. The risks were greater, the loneliness was deeper, and the stress was more intense. It was an incredibly challenging yet deeply meaningful season–one in which she learned rich lessons about:

    *preparing for any mission or adventure life throws at you
    *rediscovering your fun side when you’ve been trapped in survival mode too long
    *trusting God’s strength when you feel like you’re hitting the wall
    *choosing the path of hope in the face of fear and uncertainty

    Containing behind-the-scenes glimpses into a side of space flight that most of us will never experience, The Astronaut’s Wife is a funny, poignant, and meaningful exploration of living life to the fullest–no matter where you roam.

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  • I Love You Mom


    This sweet collection of sentiments from mother-daughter duo Helen McIntosh and Blythe Daniel is a deeply sincere tribute to moms everywhere. Whether they are still on the parenting journey or enjoying the grandmothering phase of life, moms of all ages will be blessed and encouraged by these inspirational thoughts and special affirmations of love. Beautifully designed with cheerful full-color artwork in a unique layered hardcover package, this special all-occasion gift is a thoughtful, meaningful way to celebrate Mom and let her know how much you love, cherish, and appreciate all that she is and does!

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