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Christian Living

Showing 101–150 of 7592 results

  • Finding Our Muchness


    You are a part of a great company of women who are called and empowered by God.

    At the forefront of every move of God have been women. These women found their muchness–their ability to be brave, dream big, take risks, rise to their calling, and advance the Kingdom. It’s time for a new generation to find their muchness, too.

    With fresh prophetic insight and practical wisdom, Kim Maas calls you away from the competing voices in culture by reminding you of the brave women in Scripture. Battling struggles, loss, and judgment amid cultural oppression and religious suppression, these women were politically savvy, prophetically perceptive, and covenantally obedient. And their lives give you permission to be audacious, showing you how to:

    ? break through cultural barriers, religious traditions, and political limitations
    ? refuse to be defined by your circumstances
    ? dream, risk, and fight again
    ? discover your Kingdom identity and purpose

    Now is your time to rise up in faith, move forward with boldness, and fulfill your role in God’s plans for our time.

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  • Grieve Breathe Receive


    What do you do when your world seems to be falling down all around you? When loss is too much to bear? When disappointment becomes your new reality? Pastor Steve Carter is certain you’ll find hope and life through these three simple yet profound steps: Grieve. Breathe. Receive.

    In 2018, in light of further misconduct allegations against Willow Creek Community Church founder and senior pastor Bill Hybels, Steve Carter announced publicly that he was resigning from his dream job as a lead pastor at that church. After posting his resignation online, he turned off all of his devices and began to weep on his wife’s shoulder. The next morning as he was taking a walk to process all the thoughts and feelings tumbling around in his mind, he cried out to Jesus in desperation, begging for an answer. “What am I supposed to do now?” He expected nothing but the silence that had overwhelmed him since hitting send on his message to the world, but before he could take two steps, a gentle whisper impressed three words upon his heart: grieve, breathe, receive.

    Those three words would become a profound mantra for Steve in the season he would soon begin–a season focused on healing. Deep healing. The kind that comes after painful trauma. In this book, Steve is more personal and vulnerable than he’s ever been, and by doing so he encourages all of us to:

    *Allow ourselves the necessary time and space to properly GRIEVE what is, what you thought it was going to be and how key people let you down rather than fill our days with activities and commitments that distract us.

    *Slow down to BREATHE in God’s grace, His peace, and His love . . . and to learn how to exhale all the negativity, pain, resentment, and bitterness we carry within us.

    *Be open to RECEIVE all the lessons, surprises, and healing God knows we need for every part of us to be made whole.

    This process of grieving, breathing, and receiving was a life-restoring gift from God for Steve and his family, and he is certain that it will bless anyone who prayerfully follows it.

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  • Dwell Differently : Overcome Negative Thinking With The Simple Practice Of


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    Hardcover Book
    Hardcover BookThis product will be released on 05/14/24.
    Our Price$17.49
    Retail: $24.99

    eBookThis product will be released on 05/14/24.
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    What if you had God’s words with you all the time? Not just on your phone, but deep in your soul and on the tip of your tongue? It may sound daunting, or even impossible.
    Knowing how hard Scripture memorization can be, Dwell Differently founders Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz created a simple, creative, and smart way to memorize Scripture and keep God’s promises in your heart. Natalie and Vera not only reveal the importance of having a mind built on God’s Word, they actually give you the tools necessary to defeat negative thoughts. In doing so, they help you:
    * fight lies with truth
    * replace fear with peace
    * focus your heart on what really matters
    In a world filled with negative voices competing for our attention, just one word from God is more powerful than any other. It’s time to store up a wealth of them.

    Product Information
    Title: Dwell Differently: Overcome Negative Thinking with the Simple Practice of Memorizing God’s Truth
    By: Natalie Abbott & Vera Schmitz
    Format: Hardcover
    Number of Pages: 240
    Vendor: Bethany House
    Publication Date: 2024
    Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
    Weight: 2 pounds
    ISBN: 0764242547
    Change the way you think, one verse at a time

    What if you had God’s words with you all the time? Not just on your phone, but deep in your soul and on the tip of your tongue? It may sound daunting, or even impossible.

    Knowing how hard Scripture memorization can be, Dwell Differently founders Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz created a simple, creative, and smart way to memorize Scripture and keep God’s promises in your heart. Natalie and Vera not only reveal the importance of having a mind built on God’s Word, they actually give you the tools necessary to defeat negative thoughts. In doing so, they help you:

    * fight lies with truth
    * replace fear with peace
    * focus your heart on what really matters

    In a world filled with negative voices co

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  • Habits For A Sacred Home


    Change the world by changing your home, one habit at a time

    In a world as chaotic as it is right now, it can feel downright difficult to be raising kids. Our culture has come unhinged from Christian moorings and timeless values. But Jennifer Pepito wants you to know there is hope.

    A mom of seven and a mentor to mothers around the world, Jennifer helps you establish nine restorative habits and practices in your home to foster peace, simplicity, and stability during turbulent times. Leaning on the practices of historic Christians–like Saint Benedict and Amy Carmichael–this book guides you toward habits of work, prayer, hospitality, and more to create the sacred home you long for. Learn how to:

    * push back chaos by finding your own rhythm
    * eliminate distractions so your home becomes a place of refuge
    * foster a family culture of simplicity and stability

    Don’t fear the future. Create a home that brings life to future generations–and shines with hope and peace in these trying times.

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  • Man Code : 12 Priorities Every Man Needs To Know


    A Bold Plan of Action for Godly Men

    Our world needs men–not just any men, but the kind who understand and embrace the unique calling God has given them as men, husbands, fathers, and leaders.

    Scripture provides a code of godly manhood that emboldens you to become all God designed you to be. In The Man Code, pastor Mark Henry distills the essentials of biblical masculinity into 12 key action points, helping you apply the Bible’s transformative teaching to every aspect of your life. In this practical guide, you will be:

    *encouraged toward a greater love for Christ and commitment to living out God’s priorities
    *empowered to build your livelihood on the foundation of God’s Word
    *enabled to experience the real and lasting fulfillment that comes from living as a godly man
    *equipped to share a clear, biblical ethic of masculinity with the next generation

    Packed with useful insights, authentic stories, and engaging study questions, The Man Code will inspire you to embrace your true calling and serve God with courage, conviction, and hope.

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  • From Garden To Glory


    Discover Your Place in God’s Grand Story

    Many of us read the Bible without realizing that it is one story from beginning to end–a story about God’s great mission to redeem all things. From Genesis to Revelation, we see God’s heart in his redemptive plan for humanity, and how earnestly he desires for us to be a part of it!

    From Garden to Glory will help you read the Bible as the beautiful story it is–and experience God’s astounding love for you. In Courtney Doctor’s overview that spans from Eden to eternity, you will:

    *grow in your appreciation for how all the parts of the Bible fit together brilliantly as a unified whole

    *understand your value, significance, and purpose on a more profound level

    *be encouraged to live in hopeful anticipation of the story’s epic finale–when heaven and earth are renewed in glory and we’re finally, fully, and forever in God’s presence

    This engaging journey through God’s grand story of Scripture will deepen your gratitude and awe as you discover how the God of the Bible has stopped at nothing to bring you back to himself!

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  • Joy Challenge : Discover The Ancient Secret To Experiencing Worry-Defeating


    What if you could close the “joy gap,” that distance between how you feel now and the way you wish you felt? In The Joy Challenge, pastor and bestselling author Randy Frazee shares the secret to experiencing real, lasting joy–and stepping into a life of contentment and purpose.

    If this sounds familiar, Frazee has good news for you. In The Joy Challenge, he shares the secret to experiencing genuine joyfulness, the kind of resilient happiness that doesn’t evaporate in the face of challenges and setbacks. Bringing together research about the science of happiness with the apostle Paul’s masterclass on joy in the book of Philippians, The Joy Challenge will help you:

    *discover the vital link between increasing your joy and winning the battle against worry and anxiety;

    *develop patterns and mindsets of gratefulness and forgiveness that clear obstacles to happiness; and

    *access the kind of circumstance-defying contentment that opens the door to a truly fulfilled life–even when there’s a gap between the life you have now and the life you hope for.

    As you encounter these easy-to-understand principles, thought patterns, and habits, you’ll begin to experience more joy and happiness, transforming your relationships and your outlook for the better. It’s time to discover the freedom of a deeply joyful life.

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  • Do It Anyway (Large Type)


    In this inspiring guide to the power of faithful resilience, Tasha Cobbs Leonard–Grammy Award winner and Billboard’s Gospel Artist of the Decade–shares the secret that helps her persevere: When saying yes to God doesn’t make sense, do it anyway.

    Pastor, entrepreneur, and gospel music icon Tasha Cobbs Leonard tells of journeying through moments of unforeseen challenges while holding to an unshakable God and discovering that our greatest breakthroughs come when we make the courageous choice to show up and do hard things anyway.

    Tasha tells remarkable stories of experiencing this firsthand when she committed to dreams even when they seemed unrealistic, pursued adoption though it looked impossible, navigated the dynamics of a blended family despite challenges, and watched God move in each step of endurance through infertility and depression.

    With true testimony and conviction, Tasha inspires you toward a bolder way of life with the promise that it will always be worth it on the other side. Along the way, she equips you with practical tools to help you:

    – Dream big with God again
    – Focus on God’s direction over the loudness of the world
    – Never forget God’s faithfulness, especially in the midst of your hopelessness
    – Don’t let fear of failure force you to quit on your miracle too soon
    – Believe firmly that no mess and no amount of pain is beyond God’s redemption

    Whether you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or simply weary–there’s a more a hopeful way to live, a bolder way to believe.

    To follow God when the way seems impossible, persevere in faith even when the odds are stacked–this is what it means to “do it anyway.”

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  • Do It Anyway


    In this inspiring guide to the power of faithful resilience, Tasha Cobbs Leonard–Grammy Award winner and Billboard’s Gospel Artist of the Decade–shares the secret that helps her persevere: When saying yes to God doesn’t make sense, do it anyway.

    Pastor, entrepreneur, and gospel music icon Tasha Cobbs Leonard tells of journeying through moments of unforeseen challenges while holding to an unshakable God and discovering that our greatest breakthroughs come when we make the courageous choice to show up and do hard things anyway.

    Tasha tells remarkable stories of experiencing this firsthand when she committed to dreams even when they seemed unrealistic, pursued adoption though it looked impossible, navigated the dynamics of a blended family despite challenges, and watched God move in each step of endurance through infertility and depression.

    With true testimony and conviction, Tasha inspires you toward a bolder way of life with the promise that it will always be worth it on the other side. Along the way, she equips you with practical tools to help you:

    – Dream big with God again
    – Focus on God’s direction over the loudness of the world
    – Never forget God’s faithfulness, especially in the midst of your hopelessness
    – Don’t let fear of failure force you to quit on your miracle too soon
    – Believe firmly that no mess and no amount of pain is beyond God’s redemption

    Whether you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or simply weary–there’s a more a hopeful way to live, a bolder way to believe.

    To follow God when the way seems impossible, persevere in faith even when the odds are stacked–this is what it means to “do it anyway.”

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  • Safe All Along


    Leave behind your anxious thoughts and embrace a steady confidence that you are never beyond the reach of God’s loving hand, from the bestselling author of Kisses from Katie.

    As a missionary, wife, and mom of fifteen, Katie Davis Majors knows how hard it can be to receive God’s peace instead of giving in to fear and worry. Family emergencies, unexpected life-shifting events, and the busy rhythms of family life have at times left her reeling.

    In Safe All Along, Katie offers reflections and stories from around the world and from her own kitchen table about her personal journey toward living from a place of surrendered trust. Every chapter leads us deep into Scripture as we learn what it looks like to break free from anxiety and take hold of peace.

    Rich in biblical explorations of lament and praise, forgiveness and hope, service and surrender, Safe All Along asks, What practical choices can we make to experience the peace Jesus promised amid disappointment and uncertainty? How can we live with joy and confidence even when we’re pulled into the rapids of life?

    Our God has promised us a peace that transcends all understanding. And we can accept His promise, trusting that in Him we are safe all along.

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  • It Wasnt Roaring It Was Weeping


    Born White in the heart of Zululand during the racial apartheid, Lisa-Jo Baker longed to write a new future for her children–a longing that set her on a journey to understand where she fit into a story of violence and faith, history and race. Before marriage and motherhood, she came to the United States to study to become a human rights advocate. When she naively walked right into America’s own turbulent racial landscape, Baker experienced the kind of painful awakening that is both individual and universal, personal and social. Yet years would go by before she traced this American trauma back to her own South African past.

    Baker was a teenager when her mother died of cancer, leaving her with her father. Though they shared a language of faith and justice, she often feared him, unaware that his fierce temper had deep roots in a family’s and a nation’s pain. Decades later, old wounds reopened when she found herself spiraling into a terrifying version of her father, screaming herself hoarse at her son. Only then did Baker realize that to go forward–to refuse to repeat the sins of our fathers–we must first go back.

    With a story that stretches from South Africa’s outback to Washington, D.C., It Wasn’t Roaring, It Was Weeping is a courageous look at inherited hurts and prejudices, and a hope-filled example for all who feel lost in life or worried that they’re too off course to make the necessary corrections. Baker’s story shows that it’s never too late to be free.

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  • Perilous Fight : Overcoming Our Culture’s War On The American Family


    Learn from one of our leading conservative voices how we can return to the biblical values our nation was founded upon, especially the vital importance of the family, in order to secure a prosperous future for generations to come.

    Does America no longer feel like home? Widespread divorce rates, the erosion of traditional marriage, the popular rise of radical ideologies, attacks on faith, and government interference are only a few of the factors contributing to the struggles of families in our culture. And because of the importance of healthy families to every part of our national life, the breakdown of the family threatens to rob us of the country we love. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    Like many of us, Dr. Ben Carson fears we are losing the country we love. In this provocative and ultimately hopeful book, he gives us the facts, inspiration, and theory-to-action answers we need to restore a key foundation of America: the family.

    The Perilous Fight equips us to understand:

    *The hard data behind the breakdown of the family and its effects on our society, including poverty, crime, and deteriorating education

    *The core biblical beliefs that led our nation into unprecedented freedom and prosperity–and why abandoning those beliefs led to the social decline we see today

    *The fresh ideas and public policy options that could reverse negative trends impacting the family while maintaining a balance between constitutional freedoms and governmental involvement

    This is a practical and inspiring book for anyone who:

    *Feels discouraged about the state of our country and its institutions
    *Needs hope that there are commonsense, attainable solutions that we all can practice
    *Appreciates a conservative, Scripture-based approach to restoring faith, liberty, community, and life in America

    Strong families are the cornerstone of strong communities. Strong communities build a strong nation. Only when we prioritize the family as an institution established by God will we proudly remain the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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  • Hope In Our Scars


    Aimee Byrd peels back the church’s underlying and pervasive theology of power to face the shame that lurks there and find the lasting hope of belonging in Christ.

    Some things happening in the church these days should provoke our anger. It’s racked with scandals of fraud, abuse, cover-up. It’s embroiled in racism, misogyny, marginalization, and hatred. The truth is that we have to fight to love Christ’s church. Many of us are left wondering what kind of hope can the church offer if its leaders will not care for its wounds, admit their complicity, and move toward true reconciliation with God’s people.

    From the author of Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood comes a passionate plea to work through our disillusionment with the church and rediscover what’s true and beautiful about our covenantal union with Christ.

    Having tread her own path of disillusionment, Aimee Byrd invites us to see Christ among the chaos so apparent in his church. Along the way, Aimee guides us through deeply theological and personal reflections on how we can:

    *Cultivate healthier forms of trust by recognizing power structures at work.
    *Understand the limits of authority, and free ourselves from tribes and celebrity culture.
    *Take appropriate social risks by speaking up when we’re uncomfortable.
    *Rediscover how our stories matter to God.

    This book is written to those who have been wounded by the church. To those who have suffered abuse at the hands of church leaders and are left with deep scars. To those who are disillusioned or deconstructing their faith, The Hope in Our Scars offers a way forward with a God who walks with us in our affliction and wants to make it into something beautiful.

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  • Truth In True Crime


    Explore fifteen life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom.

    “Every murder investigation teaches two lessons: a death lesson and a life lesson.”

    For decades, cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace investigated the causes behind deaths and murders, chasing one lead after another as he attempted to solve the case. Several of these cases remain open, unsolved mysteries. . .

    But even those that haven’t yet revealed the identity of the killer do expose the truths of human nature: what’s important to us, what threatens our well-being, and what causes us to flourish.

    Join Wallace as he investigates life lessons he learned as a detective, so that you can:

    *Better understand your own identity and the identity of your Creator.

    *Rethink the nature of death so you can live a better life.

    *Uncover life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom.

    *Discover profound attributes of human beings that will guide you down the path of true self-discovery.

    Each chapter introduces you to an investigation of a death as Wallace and his partner Rick chase down leads and along the way learn guiding principles to help you thrive and flourish as a human being created in the image of God.

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  • Survivors Secrets : Once Trafficked, Now Free From Feelings Of Worthlessnes


    In a world where darkness can seem impenetrable, A Survivor’s Secrets emerges as a testament to the indomitable power of the human spirit and the transformative nature of God’s love.

    Just as she emerged from years of childhood physical and sexual abuse, Gina Cavallo found herself ensnared for nearly three years in the clutches of human traffickers, enduring the unspeakable horrors of prostitution. After a harrowing escape, Gina spent the next three decades shackled by fear, shame, and a crushing sense of worthlessness as she concealed her painful past–even from her husband. Her tale is ultimately one of resilience, courage, and eventual liberation. Today, Gina is a prominent speaker, advocate, and mentor for survivors of human trafficking. A Survivor’s Secrets will …

    *increase your understanding of the human trafficking crisis,
    *strengthen your resolve for change,
    *provide insight into the mechanisms used to lure people, and
    *inspire you to advocate for those trapped in bondage.

    You will discover God’s astounding power to free anyone of the grip of fear, shame, and worthlessness that holds so many captive. Witnessing Gina’s pathway to recovery becomes a guided tour to inviting God’s brilliant light to penetrate even the darkest memories and traumas that we or our loved ones have been enduring.

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  • Caring For Kids From Hard Places


    Why doesn’t he act his age? Why does she behave so impulsively? Why does he have meltdowns so often?

    There is always meaning behind behavior in all of us. It might be a behavioral reaction from something as simple as hunger or exhaustion. Or something far more serious – a triggered reaction to a traumatic, frightening experience.

    Children who have experienced early childhood neglect or trauma are often greatly impacted in developmental ways. Children in foster care or who are given up for adoption often deal with these kinds of negative early experiences and it can be difficult to know how to help. People who teach-either in school or children’s ministry often see these youngsters’ behavior as confusing and don’t understand why.

    In Caring for Kids from Hard Places, Jayne and David Schooler discuss the reasons behind why children and teens sometimes exhibit potentially disruptive behavior. Together, they offer practical strategies on training, equipping and resourcing staff and volunteers to provide a responsive environment for children with behavioral challenges. Caring for Kids from Hard Places includes:

    *Insights on how to understand adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
    *Principles for creating a trauma-informed environment
    *Strategies for facilitating healing
    *Tips on how to create a sensory-smart classroom

    Discover how to better love children from difficult backgrounds and pave their way for a better life.

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  • Heart That Sees God



    What if everything you think you know about the Sermon on the Mount has only scratched the surface?

    This book will challenge you to embrace the process of change so that you can live an authentic, fulfilled, and intimate life with God.

    The Sermon on the Mount is more than a list of blessings-it’s the recipe to becoming who God created you to be. Francis Frangipane invites you to remove the blinders from your heart and take a fresh new look at the only full sermon of Jesus ever recorded. Revisit Jesus’s teaching and discover the amazing and life-transforming truths hidden behind the words He shared as He saw the multitudes gathering that day and led them on a journey from seeing their own needs to seeing God.

    Known for messages that lead you straight to the heart of God and deepen your relationship with Him, Frangipane’s writing not only reveals the mysteries of Jesus’s sermon he also reveals the true condition of your heart as he challenges you to embrace the process of change that is the only way to live the authentic, fulfilling, intimate Christian life you’ve always wanted to live.

    Jesus never intended for us to think of this sermon as a list of blessings; He intended it as a progression of spiritual realities that leads us to become all God wants us to be. Rediscover Jesus’s words and begin the journey that will transform your life and change your world.

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  • 101 Devotions On Powerful Prayer For Women


    You know that prayer is important. . .this book provides the biblical insights you need, plus the encouragement to really, truly pray.

    God wants to hear from His children. At any time, in any circumstance, you have the privilege of talking with the almighty Creator of the universe. And according to Jesus, the “default setting” of prayer is that His Father will hear and answer: “Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).

    Perhaps that has not been your experience with prayer. Or maybe you’ve enjoyed success in prayer, but would like to be even more effective. Whatever the case, the Bible offers many insights, and this book distills them into 101 principles such as:

    *Prayer Can Be Learned
    *Prayer Gets God’s Attention
    *Prayer Blesses Others
    *Prayer Is the Answer to What You’re Seeking

    If you make prayer a priority–by studying its biblical basis and then putting those truths into practice–you’ll find yourself in a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
    Isn’t that what life is all about?

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  • Devotions And Prayers For Managing Anxiety And Depression For Teen Girls


    Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . .

    It’s difficult to manage life’s burdensome feelings and frustrations.

    When you don’t know where in the world to turn, God’s Word can help.
    These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start–by offering much-needed assurance, comfort, encouragement, understanding, love, support, and more truth-filled tools to help you manage and overcome your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

    In the pages of Devotions and Prayers for Managing Anxiety and Depression, you’ll encounter just what your anxious soul needs. Every wisdom-filled devotion offers biblical encouragement and support for life’s difficult days.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll discover the truth and tools you need to better manage your feelings of anxiety and depression. . .and will come to trust you’re never alone and always loved.

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  • Devotions And Prayers For Managing Anxiety And Depression For Teen Boy


    Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . .

    It’s difficult to manage life’s overwhelming feelings and frustrations.

    When you don’t know where in the world to turn, God’s Word can help.

    These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start–by offering much-needed assurance, comfort, encouragement, understanding, love, support, and more truth-filled tools to help you manage and overcome your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

    In the pages of Devotions and Prayers for Managing Anxiety and Depression, you’ll encounter just what your anxious soul needs. Every wisdom-filled devotion offers biblical encouragement and support for life’s difficult days.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll discover the truth and tools you need to better manage your feelings of anxiety and depression. . .and will come to trust you’re never alone and always loved.

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  • Daily Devotions To Conquer Anxiety And Depression


    Where should you turn when you’re struggling with anxiety and depression? . . .

    To God and His Word!

    Each of the meditations and prayer starters in this reassuring daily devotional will remind you that you’re never alone in your struggles.
    With each turn of the page, you’ll encounter a memorable scripture, a truth-filled reading, and a prayer that promise to encourage, inspire, and strengthen your faith.

    As you read every heartfelt word, trust in and lean on the one who “is with you in this” (1 Chronicles 28:20). . .the one who’s with you in all things.

    With the heavenly Creator by your side, you’ll be well on your way to conquering your anxiety and depression.

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  • How To Tell The Truth


    The story of Preston Perry’s path toward God. A hope-filled apologetics and evangelism book written by the popular cohost of the podcast, With the Perrys. Includes a foreword by Jackie Hill Perry.

    In this compelling and gripping book, Preston tells the story of how God chased him. The streets of Chicago were his home, and it was there that he encountered all sorts of people who had their own versions of the truth–from Jehovah Witnesses to Mormons to Hebrew Israelites. That is where Preston discovered not only the importance of the truth but how to tell the truth in a way that speaks to someone’s heart. Sharing our faith is not about winning arguments; it’s about winning hearts. And the way we do that is by engaging with friends, neighbors, and coworkers around us about our beliefs with truth, dignity, and respect.

    With How to Tell the Truth, you will:

    *be inspired by Preston’s own incredible story about how God transformed his life forever by showing him the very heart of what it means to be a Christian;

    *be equipped with practical and easy ways to reach your friends and your neighbors with the truth of the gospel with kindness and love;

    *be challenged to respond to God’s call to be bold. Eternity is at stake.

    This book is like no other book you’ve read. Preston’s own story, including his successes and failures, is woven throughout the book to help us see how urgent our task is–and how powerful our God is.

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  • Imagina Al Dios Del Cielo – (Spanish)


    Millones de personas alrededor del mundo han reportado experiencias cercanas a la muerte. Prueban tales descripciones la existencia de un Dios amoroso?

    Jamas en la historia habiamos tenido acceso a tantas historias de personas alrededor del mundo que han sobrevivido la muerte clinica. La resucitacion medica moderna y la comunicacion digital han revelado una mina de oro de intrigantes experiencias cercanas a la muerte (ECM). Por tres decadas, John Burke se ha dedicado a estudiar que tienen en comun mas de mil ECM. El comenzo su investigacion como un agnostico esceptico cuando su propio padre estaba muriendo de cancer. Al leer por primera vez estas anecdotas de testigos oculares, no pudo evitar preguntarse:

    Podria ser evidencia real–incluso prueba–de la existencia de Dios?.

    En este libro, se presentan las historias de mas de setenta personas que provienen de cada continente y han muerto, resucitado y afirmado estar mas vivas que nunca en la presencia de un Dios amoroso que no querian dejar atras jamas. Gente de toda etnicidad, transfondo de fe y profesion –incluyendo doctores, ingenieros y jefes ejecutivos–experimenta al mismo Dios. John Burke revela la historia de amor y las caracteristicas de este Dios de todas las naciones, revelado a lo largo de las Escrituras, quien ahora es ilustrado por estos emocionantes encuentros. Te daras cuenta de que el amor, el poder, la compasion, la amistad y la guia de Dios estan mas cerca de lo que te podrias imaginar. Y para un momento como este, las personas necesitan saber que un Dios amoroso esta a su alcance.

    Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do these accounts prove the existence of a loving God?

    Never in history, until now, have we been able to hear from so many people around the world who have been brought back from clinical death. Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed a gold mine of intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs). John Burke has spent the last three decades studying the commonalities of more than one thousand NDEs. He started his investigative journey as a skeptical agnostic when his own father was dying from cancer. After he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself:

    “Could this be real evidence–even possible proof–of God’s existence?”

    In this book, you will hear from nearly seventy people from every continent who have died, resuscitated, and claimed to be more alive than ever in

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  • Jesus Through Us Following His Example In Love And Service


    In Jesus Through Us, you will be an eyewitness as Jesus multiplies His ministry by sending out His disciples, challenges His followers to serve God and others wholeheartedly, heals lepers, raises Lazarus from the dead, faces plots against His life, and rides triumphantly as King into Jerusalem, where He speaks of the resurrection of believers just before His own death and resurrection. Each day features a Scripture reading, a “Life Lessons with Jesus” segment, questions for reflection, and a prayer.

    Experiencing life with Jesus will lead you to become more deeply committed to God and serving others in His name.

    Jesus Through Us is the third book in the Life Along the Way series, which takes you through the life of Jesus via all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish-from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The three other devotionals, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are #1, Jesus with Us: Meeting Him Where He Began, #2, Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles, and #4, Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends.

    As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to love Jesus and love like Jesus.

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  • Journey Into Divine Love


    Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, host of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, draws from his deep understanding of Scripture to unlock the mysteries of one of the most beautiful portions of God’s Word-the Song of Songs.

    In what he considers one of the most important teachings the Lord has ever given him, Rabbi Schneider helps readers discover new depths of intimacy with the Lord and better understand how much God loves them by showing how the Song of Songs (or the Song of Solomon) is not just a poetic love story but also a prophetic message of God’s love for His church.

    With practical guidance and insightful analysis, Rabbi Schneider illuminates the layers of meaning and symbolism in the Song of Songs, revealing the profound truths it holds for our spiritual lives today. Whether they are seeking to deepen their relationship with God or simply want to better appreciate the beauty of this ancient text, A Journey Into Divine Love is a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual renewal.

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  • Beautiful Freedom : How The Bible Shapes Your View Of Appearance, Food, And


    Every day we are exposed to messages about health, food, exercise, and looking good. It’s hard not to get swept along with it all; in fact, it’s easy to end up caring too much about these things and even to feel trapped trying to live up to the ideals that we see in the media.

    Author Stacy Reaoch points you to the Bible to find freedom! The Bible tells us that our physical selves do matter. But it also invites us to think about our bodies in a God-centered way-helping us to reset and find a balanced approach that is grounded in our faith.

    Beautiful Freedom is an invitation to love the body God gave you and to explore his priorities for the ways in which you live, eat, and exercise.

    This book will help you find freedom from damaging narratives about weight, fitness, appearance, and aging. Even better, it will turn your gaze toward Jesus and help you love him more and more.

    Reflection questions at the end of each chapter are useful both for personal reflection and group study.

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  • Beauty From Ashes (Revised)


    Introducing the updated Beauty from Ashes by Donna Sparks, a captivating and inspiring memoir that takes readers on a transformative journey.

    In this revised edition, we are thrilled to present gripping new chapters that further delves into the author’s life, revealing additional layers of healing, redemption, and victory. Donna Sparks fearlessly opens up about her past, which was once plagued by shattered relationships and self-destructive tendencies. However, amidst the ruins, she discovers a glimmer of hope as the Lord extends His hand, tenderly lifting her from the ashes and into His loving embrace.

    With transparency and vulnerability, Donna recounts how her life underwent a remarkable transformation, leading to a profound and powerful relationship with God. But the story doesn’t end there. This revised edition includes captivating new chapters that explore the author’s continued growth and journey with the Lord.

    As Donna Sparks shares how her faith has strengthened, readers are invited to witness the unfolding of her spiritual transformation. Through her heartfelt words, she presents God’s unwavering capacity to restore even the most broken souls, showing that He turns our ashes into something truly beautiful.

    Furthermore, Beauty from Ashes emphasizes a fundamental truth – that God’s desire is to use those who struggle, empowering them to become vessels worthy of His divine purpose. By sharing her testimony and offering uplifting encouragement, Donna Sparks dismantles any excuses readers may have for doubting their own worth or the power of the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.

    Prepare to be moved, inspired, and challenged as you journey with Donna Sparks through the pages of Beauty from Ashes. Discover the profound truth that no matter what your past holds or the apprehensions you may carry, the Holy Spirit stands ready to empower and use you in ways you never deemed possible.

    We are also delighted to announce that the foreword for this edition is written by Joanna Weaver. Joanna is the best-selling author of “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.” Her words of praise and endorsement add an additional layer of credibility to this empowering testimony.

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  • Courage And Calling


    You have a calling.

    First, God calls us all to know and love him. Second, for each individual there is a specific call-a defining purpose or mission, with implications for all of life.

    In this classic book on vocation, Gordon Smith invites you to discover your calling by listening to God and becoming a coworker with him. Courage and Calling has helped thousands of readers explore questions such as these:

    *What is my calling?
    *How do I live it out in the midst of difficult relationships or moral challenges?
    *Will my vocation change as I enter a new stage of life?
    *With competing needs and demands, how can I craft a balanced way of living?

    Smith explores how to pursue excellence in all kinds of work and how to continue growing throughout a lifetime. He also considers four examples of particular callings: business, the arts, education, and religious leadership.

    This third edition includes a new chapter that explores how a church community can be a dynamic venue for discerning vocation. Church leaders can help sustain a conversation about vocation, work, and career, and celebrate the diverse ways in which God is calling people. From students exploring careers to elders leaving a legacy, this book provides rich insight for all who long to courageously follow God’s call.

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  • Crucibles That Shape Us


    We often see setbacks and disasters as events that keep us from our best life. But they’re really opportunities to grow in leadership.

    The problem of suffering is a spiritual hurdle for many that disorients us and those we lead. Gayle D. Beebe tackles the existential crisis head-on, revealing that, although we are bewildered at first, these situations ultimately prepare us. Previously viewing these challenges as insurmountable, he has come to recognize them as essential passageways in our relationship with God.

    Beebe identifies seven crucibles-powerful catalysts for transformation-that, when embraced, shape us on this profound journey. Each chapter of this book delves into one of the crucibles, which Beebe intimately understands and has personally faced. Amid the realities of life’s suffering, use this illuminating guidebook and find how colossal setbacks become a bedrock for a better, richer faith.

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  • Wallflower That Bloomed


    Introducing The Wallflower that Bloomed by Cally Logan, an empowering and thought-provoking exploration of the hidden potential within each of us.

    In this profound and introspective book, author Cally Logan, renowned for her impactful works Hang In There, Girl! and Dear Future Husband, unveils the untapped brilliance often overlooked in those who adorn the walls of life like forgotten decorations. As children, many of us are burdened with labels such as “shy,” “quiet,” “awkward,” or simply “different.” These descriptors, casually assigned by others or even self-imposed, confine us to the sidelines, rendering our voices faint and our presence unnoticed. But within the depths of our being lies a multitude of stories to be shared, perspectives to be offered, and reflections to be pondered.

    The Wallflower that Bloomed challenges societal norms that pigeonhole individuals into these predetermined roles of invisibility. With heartfelt sincerity, Cally Logan urges us to strip away the stigma associated with being an outsider, to cease judging those who prefer solitude, and, most importantly, to learn to truly see others for who they authentically are. Moreover, this captivating exploration compels us to reflect upon our own journey towards self-acceptance and self-love.

    Instead of resigning ourselves to a life of isolation and judgment, we are invited to embrace the notion that we can stand proudly in our uniqueness, fully blooming into the remarkable beings we were always meant to be.

    What if we shattered the preconceived notions and misconceptions that surround individuals labeled as “wallflowers”?

    What if we focused on truly knowing, accepting, and appreciating one another for the awe-inspiring qualities that set us apart?

    And what if, in the process, we also learned to extend this grace and understanding to ourselves?

    The Wallflower that Bloomed sparks an introspective journey, inviting readers to break free from the confines of societal expectations and embrace their inherent worth. With Cally Logan as our compassionate guide, we are encouraged to unleash the dormant potential within us, stepping into the fullness of our being and embracing the brilliance that lies within. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and transformed as you immerse yourself in The Wallflower that Bloomed.

    Cally Logan’s powerful words will remind you that, just like a wallflower that blossoms, you too can break free from the shadows and bloom beautifully, embra

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  • Not So Secret Secret To Reaching The Next Generation


    5 Christlike Ways to Inspire the Next Generation for Christ

    Church leaders are continuously concerned they might lose the next generation of faithful believers. They’ve scoured for practical and effective ways to disciple young Christians, often resorting to adopting new and exciting programs, emotional appeals, or mere moralism. However helpful these attempts are, they all too often lack one critical element-Christ.

    In this concise booklet, bestselling author Kevin DeYoung presents 5 Christlike ways to effectively communicate the Christian faith and practice with the next generation. DeYoung reminds leaders that they won’t ultimately impact young hearts with cleverness, humor, or good looks but by walking with Jesus and following his ways-grab them with passion, win them with love, hold them with holiness, challenge them with truth, and amaze them with God.

    *How to Reach the Next Generation of Christians: Unpacks 5 practical and biblically sound points to lead the next generation to Christ

    *Useful for Church Leaders: Pastors, youth workers, campus staff, and anyone else who wants to pass the faith on to the next generation

    *Written by Bestselling Author Kevin DeYoung: Author of Just Do Something; Impossible Christianity; and The Biggest Story

    *Concise Repack: This portion was originally published within Don’t Call It a Comeback by Kevin DeYoung, ed.

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  • Abundant Grace : 40 Days Of Walking In The Goodness Of God


    From the creators of Crew + Co. comes a gorgeous 40-day devotional resource that will inspire reflection and encourage Christian creatives to make Scripture reading a daily practice in their lives.

    Abundant Grace, the debut devotional from Crew + Co. founders Courtney and Will Kassner, invites creative believers to meditate on and engage with Scripture daily, with devotions that are accessible, beautifully designed, and deeply encouraging. Divided into three parts–Knowing God’s Grace, Trusting God’s Grace, and Showing God’s Grace–this forty-day devotional guides you in recognizing the small moments of grace around you and teaches you how to cultivate a grace-filled perspective in even the busiest lifestyle.

    Each of the forty days pairs a full-color hand-lettered Bible verse with a thoughtful devotion that closes with either a prayer or a reflection question for helping you recognize how God’s grace works in your normal, everyday life.

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  • Jesus Method : A Reliable Approach To Navigating Today’s Urgent Social Issu

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $14.99.

    In an increasingly polarized society, we’re faced with social dilemmas and disagreements every day, from economic systems to elections, pronouns to pop culture. These topics can derail families, friendships, workplaces, churches, and of course, the dreaded Facebook comments section.

    Followers of Jesus often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to navigating tough conversations with both grace and truth.

    Do we “take a stand” and share God’s truth, even if it alienates or offends the other person? Or do we remain silent out of kindness and respect, but wonder if we’re being untrue to our values?

    The Jesus Method offers a different way: a simple, clear model for dealing with social dilemmas the way Jesus would, giving you confidence that you can respond with wisdom and love no matter what hot-button issues come your way. By examining Jesus’ mindset and approach to tough situations – not just WHAT He said, but HOW He said it – you will discover a path that alleviates the pressure to “get it right” and helps you get unstuck and move forward with those you love.

    The Jesus Method doesn’t tell you what to think or what stance to take. Instead, it gives you a process for navigating the messy middle of truth and love, honesty and self-control while engaging in Jesus’s #1 priority: relationships.

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  • 20 Truths That Helped Me In My Battle With Porn Addiction


    In 1986, Steve Gallagher was on the brink of suicide. His addiction to pornography and illicit sex had shattered his life and destroyed his marriage. But after an experience of deep repentance, Steve began to discover powerful truths from God’s Word-truths that broke the power of his addiction, transformed his inner life and healed his marriage. In the nearly four decades since, Pastor Steve and his team at Pure Life Ministries have ministered to thousands of men in sexual sin.

    This in-depth, 40-day study journal is based on Pastor Steve’s viral YouTube series, 20 Truths that Helped Me in my Battle with Porn Addiction. With over one million views on YouTube, the series has shown countless men how to begin their own life-changing journey out of porn addiction. This study will help you take the truths from each of the 20 videos to an even deeper level and apply them to your daily life.
    Included in each day’s study:

    ” A link to that day’s assigned video from the 20 Truths series
    ” A personal testimony on the transformative power of these truths
    ” A Bible study on key principles for gaining victory over porn addiction
    ” Reflection questions that will help you apply these fundamental truths

    Order your copy today, and discover how you can win this battle once and for all through the power of Jesus Christ!

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  • Embraced


    Embraced is the beautiful new devotional from Lisa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. Embraced features 100 devotions that will resonate with women in all stages of life.

    Lysa’s Most Powerful Insights
    Together for the First Time
    in a Devotional

    Lysa TerKeurst is one of the world’s most influential Christian authors and speakers. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of more than 4 million books, including Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave.

    Favorite themes from Lysa’s bestselling books have been brought together for the first time in a beautiful new devotional. The 100 readings were chosen for their relevance to the issues women face in matters of faith, marriage, motherhood, career, and church.

    The devotions include Lysa’s trademark “sticky statements” on a variety of topics such as:

    personal identity
    our gifts and God’s glory
    intimacy with God
    cleaning clutter from our lives
    negative thoughts
    the Holy Spirit
    feelings of isolation
    making good decisions

    A handy topical index gives you the freedom to flip directly to areas of interest, or you can read chronologically each day. Lysa’s hope is that with every devotion, you will know God’s love exactly where you are, no matter where that may be.

    With an exquisite cloth cover, highly designed interior, ribbon marker, and stained page edges, Embraced will be a treasured keepsake for you as well as a meaningful gift for those you love.

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  • Blessed Are The Rest Of Us


    When Micha Boyett’s son was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with autism, she was drawn into the ancient teachings of the Beatitudes. There she found wisdom she needed in a world that values performance, perfection, and strength. Jesus instead calls his followers to embrace meekness, mercy, and suffering. The Beatitudes became an invitation to discover her worth in God’s love rather than in her own accomplishments.

    In Blessed Are the Rest of Us, Boyett shares her insights with readers–especially those who are burned out, tired of performing, living with grief, or feeling exhausted, powerless, or excluded. She invites them into an understanding of God and themselves centered on belovedness rather than accomplishment. Here is her message: in God’s dream for the world, blessing has nothing to do with ease; it’s about flourishing, and Jesus promises we find flourishing in our limits and in our longing to see the world made whole. Each chapter centers on the refreshing good news of one beatitude, poetically woven with stories of Boyett’s life.

    Beautifully reassuring and liberating, this book calls readers to rest in God’s rich and abundant love.

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  • Does Christianity Still Make Sense Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    A study guide that helps you understand and respond to the biggest challenges to the Christian faith. Written by a former skeptic.

    Does Christianity still make sense? Years after Bobby Conway became a Christian, this question haunted him. Even though by then, he was the pastor of a thriving church, it seemed as if his entire belief structure was being dismantled. Had he been duped?
    Perhaps you can relate to how Bobby felt. Maybe you find yourself questioning in the same way.

    In this study guide, designed to be used alongside the book Does Christianity Still Make Sense?, Bobby explores four key challenges to the faith:

    *Why Are There So Many Scandals in the Church?
    *Why, If God Is Good, Is There So Much Evil?
    *Why Is Christianity So Exclusive?
    *Hasn’t Science Buried God?

    Join Bobby as he explores these questions while describing his own journey through doubt to a settled trust in God.

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  • Heavenward : How Eternity Can Change Your Life On Earth


    Exploring the Life-Changing Impact of Heavenly Mindedness

    Though they’re destined for eternal glory, many Christians languish in earthly mindedness. Having never set their sights on things above, they lack hope in adversity and vibrancy in their faith. Where can believers find joy and inspiration for everyday life? It’s in the already-and-not-yet reality of heaven.

    Following the unexpected loss of his firstborn child, pastor Cameron Cole’s daily focus shifted drastically heavenward. He discovered that an intentional eternal mindset can bring meaning and joy to every Christian’s life. In this heartfelt, theologically rich book, Cole draws from his personal story of grief, the apostle Paul’s letters, and the examples of believers throughout history to demonstrate how heavenly mindedness fosters contentment, hope in suffering, motivation for missions and evangelism, commitment to morality and ethics, and no fear in death.

    *Informative and Captivating: Cole combines personal stories with a biblical theology of Paul’s letters about heaven

    *Offers Hope and Joy: A great resource for those who are grieving or need spiritual encouragement

    *Practical: Features a personal note at the end of each chapter that explains how to apply an eternal mindset

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  • Courage For Today


    Unlock your courage within.

    Many of us go through life pretending everything is perfect. Driven by fear, we hide behind a mask of confidence while secretly wrestling with self-doubt, anxiety, and isolation. But we don’t have to live this way.

    Courage for Today guides you on a 365-day journey exploring the challenges, choices, and perseverance of inspiring men and women from the Bible who overcame fear and stood firm in their faith. Draw insight and encouragement from their stories, knowing God stands beside you, too, eagerly waiting for you to take hold of his guiding hand. Learn to:

    *grow in self-confidence,
    *incorporate God’s Word into everyday life,
    *live with purpose and intention,
    *lean on God for hope and guidance, and
    *develop a spirit of boldness.

    God has given you all the courage you need to step into the authentic, abundant life he created for you. Rise each day inspired and empowered to overcome any obstacle and walk confidently in your faith.

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  • What To Say When You Dont Know What To Say


    A guide for navigating serious moments with clear, compassionate communication.

    There are times when life’s challenges can make us speechless. But that doesn’t mean we should stay silent – especially when we’re in a position to offer life-giving words. This useful guide provides helpful tips and words to share when readers aren’t quite sure what to say. It draws on Scripture to offer compassionate, Biblical communication prompts to strengthen relationships – and readers can impart words of truth and peace to give hope where, and when, it’s needed.

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  • Majoring In Motherhood


    Moms of little ones…here is the joy, humor, and rock-solid encouraging truth you need.

    Ready for your motherhood crash course? You’ll laugh, cry, and rejoice in God as you learn about:

    *Math: Exponential Laundry, Divided Sleep, Multiplied Love
    *Physics: Laws and Limits under an Infinite God
    *Language Skills: Toddler-ese and the Vocabulary of Sacrifice
    *Health and Hygiene: Lost Vitamins, Eye-Logs, and the Mirror of Motherhood
    *Phys Ed: Maternal Olympics, Hitting Our Limits, Finding True Strength
    *Fashion: The Mom Uniform, Faulty Fig Leaves, the Better Covering of Christ
    *Chemistry: Becoming the Nucleus, Fighting Entropy, Searching for Lasting Peace
    *Philosophy: The Endless Why of Toddlers and the Great Why of Motherhood

    Join Emily, a Christian mom of six, as she shares her heart, her life, and the vital, Christ-centered lessons she has learned along the way.

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  • Cat Psalms : Prayers And Spiritual Lessons From Our Beloved Companions


    A gentle, winsome tribute to the hidden spiritual wisdom of our beloved feline companions.

    Cat Psalms is a heartwarming book that celebrates the special wisdom of our feline family members. This beautifully illustrated collection of meditations and prayers reflects on the spiritual nature of cats and their role in our lives.

    Throughout the book, readers will be taken on a journey that explores the unique personalities, behaviors, and quirks of cats, while relating the lives of cats to the deep parts of the human experience. Each psalm speaks to some aspect of a cat’s nature, written in the voice of the cat, and is followed by a prayer in which the human spirit speaks to God from its cat-like nature. By turns whimsical, serious, and always deeply insightful, Cat Psalms is perfect for the imaginative spiritual seeker and for the cat lover attuned to the wisdom of these furry mystics in our midst.

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  • Through The Storm


    What if the most beautiful kind of faith is the type that has been tested and tried?

    After reading this book you will be able to trust God with every struggle, disappointment, and worry you face. No longer will you feel the need to rely on your own strength; instead, you will be able to lean totally on Christ.

    Step into the inspiring journey of resilience, faith, and triumph as Joni Lamb unveils her untold story in Through the Storm. As the visionary cofounder of the groundbreaking Daystar Television Network, Joni has navigated uncharted territories, overcome countless trials, and emerged stronger than ever before.

    In this candid account, Joni Lamb opens up about the tumultuous storms she faced while propelling Daystar to become the world’s largest Christian television network. From the relentless challenges of establishing and growing the network to the personal struggles she encountered, Joni fearlessly shares the highs and lows of her remarkable journey.

    But the storms didn’t stop there. Joni’s life took an unexpected turn with the devastating loss of her husband, Marcus. In the face of unbearable grief and uncertainty, she discovered the true depth of her faith and the indomitable strength within her. Through the darkest days, Joni clung to her unwavering belief in Christ, finding solace, purpose, and hope even in the midst of unimaginable pain.

    Through the Storm is more than a memoir. Drawing from her own experiences, Joni offers invaluable principles and profound insights for fellow believers, revealing how to navigate the tempests of life with unwavering faith. With wisdom gained through adversity, she provides a guiding light for those seeking solace and strength in their own storms.

    Discover the power of resilience, the beauty of redemption, and the unshakable faith that propels us through life’s most trying moments. Joni Lamb’s captivating story will captivate your heart, leaving you inspired and empowered to face your own storms with unyielding courage and unwavering trust in Christ.

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  • Wholehearted Love : Overcome The Barriers That Hold You Back In Your Relati


    Loving others can be so messy.

    Somewhere along the way, maybe you’ve:

    *Experienced pain and trauma that caused you to put up barriers in your heart
    *Felt disappointed that you didn’t get the relationship you once dreamed of
    *Decided it’s too risky to open yourself up to getting hurt.

    Maybe you’ve even felt this spreading into your relationship with God. If you’re honest, maybe your connection with Him only feels surface level. You’ve shutdown with him too and aren’t experiencing His love like before.

    Relationship counselors Stefanie and Caleb Rouse are no strangers to this heartache, loneliness, and brokenness. Yet despite personal pain and loss, they’ve come to discover that God wants us to experience nothing less than wholehearted love–a love that allows us to be fully safe, seen, and known, with Him and with each other. Join them in the journey as they reveal personal stories, practical coaching, and biblical wisdom to guide you towards living-and loving-wholeheartedly.

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  • Peace In The Waiting


    Your call to love those who don’t know Jesus does not mean you need to save them.
    Through real-life guidance and encouragement, Peace in the Waiting helps us navigate the grief, confusion, and urgency we feel for loved ones who have rejected or wandered away from God.

    Is your heart weary from praying for someone you love to know Jesus? Peace in the Waiting offers a hope-filled path as you turn from your own doubts and frustration to God’s sovereignty and comfort. Drawing on her experience with a close friend, author June Chapman explores:

    *How to name and process our sorrow over friends and family who don’t know God
    *Our confusion about some people being saved and not others
    *Our questions about unanswered prayers
    *Why we need to remember that a loved one’s salvation is not up to us
    *How we can embrace peace even in the longing we have for others to follow Jesus

    Peace in the Waiting calls us to take the focus off ourselves and trust in God’s promises so that we might have a renewed sense of hope for those we love most.

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  • 5 Things To Pray For A Suffering Friend


    It can sometimes be hard to know how best to help friends, family or fellow church members who are struggling through pain and suffering. But one guaranteed way to love them well is to commit to pray for them regularly. Whether someone you know is dealing with grief, illness, emotional distress, mental-health issues or difficult circumstances, this guide will help you to pray for them with compassion and purpose.

    Each of the 21 prayer themes in this book takes a passage of Scripture and suggests five things to pray for your struggling friend–relevant for whatever their troubles may be. You can use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time or pick it up whenever you want to pray for your friend.

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  • Disobedient God : Trusting A God Who Goes Off-Script


    In this powerful guidebook, the lead pastor of Fellowship Church demonstrates how the moments that test our faith are the moments God uses to direct our hearts to the one thing we truly desire most: a relationship with Christ.

    When the people of Israel, those who had witnessed the most abundant and inexplicable acts of God, grew tired of waiting for Moses to come off the mountain, they made a calf of gold. It was easier for them to make a new god than to continue serving a God that didn’t conform to their schedule and expectations.

    Just like the Israelites in the desert, we are all fundamentally longing for God… but who and what are we actually reaching for and serving? Disobedient God addresses the things we do when we feel ignored, inconvenienced and frustrated by God. What things are we reaching for in our life? Are we reaching for porn when we long for intimacy? Reaching for success when we long for security? We would never say that we have replaced God, but our actions tell a different story. Whether we are trying to replace God, trying to run away or trying to perform for Him, we have no mindset to deal with a disobedient God. Disobedient God is a book for people dealing with this disappointment and interested in properly understanding and loving the God they’ve misunderstood.

    This is not a step-by-step instruction manual for how to react when things are difficult; rather, it is a way of understanding God that leads people to discover the relationship with God that they were always meant for.

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  • Emmanuel Promise : Discovering The Security Of A Life Held By God


    God’s face is always shining toward us. Our God is not asleep, nor indifferent. But we don’t always experience this nearness or the depth of how beloved we truly are–especially if we have experienced neglect, betrayal, or indifference in our formative human relationships.

    Drawing from the deep well of Scripture, attachment theory, and her own personal story, Summer Joy Gross invites you to experience Emmanuel, God-with-us, as the One whose love toward you is secure and unchanging. She teaches you simple, repeatable practices grounded in biblical teaching and our rich and ancient church traditions that will equip you day-by-day to build a secure attachment with the God who holds you in a sure hand.

    Because when you are rooted in God’s nearness in the ordinary moments, you can rest in God in the midst of life’s storms.

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  • Joy Of The Trinity


    It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.

    But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word-particularly that He is a “three-in-one” God. Although it is a crucial and classic Christian teaching, understanding the Trinity can be intimidating at first. But it doesn’t have to be!

    Join bestselling author, Bible teacher, and podcaster Tara-Leigh Cobble as she walks you through the triune nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As you turn each page, you’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of the Trinity that will not only inform how you relate to God but give you deeper intimacy and greater joy in knowing Him!

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  • Parenting With Hope Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Build a Flourishing Family Culture

    With this study guide companion to Parenting with Hope, author and experienced mom Melissa Kruger provides wisdom for navigating the teen years and creating a home environment that encourages teens to grow and mature in their faith–long after they leave.
    Using a combination of thought-provoking questions, opportunities for reflection, and practical guidance, Melissa will help you…

    *prayerfully study and live out God’s Word

    *apply scriptural insight as you consider each aspect of your teens’ lives: home, church, school, and their social and extracurricular activities

    *identify biblical principles and values that will equip and enrich you in your parenting journey

    Parenting is not easy, and parenting teenagers comes with a unique set of challenges. This insightful resource will help you think biblically, engage gracefully, and live wisely so that this can be a spiritually formative season of life–for you and your teenage children.

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