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Pneumatology (Theology of the Holy Spirit)

Showing 51–76 of 76 results

  • Surprising Work Of God (Reprinted)


    “From the Publisher” Just after the Great Awakening had spread throughout New England, Jonathan Edwards felt called to publish this eyewitness account of the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit upons people’s hearts.

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  • Secret Power


    Have you ever met someone who stands out from the crowd? They’re strong, confident, and full of peace. Even though they face the same stresses and difficulties as others, they have a joy the others don’t have. They’ve found peace in a chaotic, violent, and stressed world. No matter what the opposition, they seem to pull through with power. What’s their secret? D.L. Moody will show you how to find the power of the Holy Spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit to guide you, you can live a truly effective life that will touch and inspire those around you.

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  • Andrew Murray On The Holy Spirit


    The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father as a Comforter when you are worried or afraid, as Strength when you are weak, as Safety when you are in danger, and as Peace in the midst of confusion. Andrew Murray explores the powerful, divine life that is meant for every child of God. Discover the secret of how to live for Christ in His strength instead of your own efforts. A dynamic, joyful life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit can be yours today!

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  • Holy Spirit


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591600312ISBN10: 1591600316Annie BarksdaleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Fire And Wind


    A collection of essays and sermons by prominent Presbyterian theologians and leaders on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and its application for the faithful today. This is a companion piece to Confessing the Faith Today (both are collections of presentations made at convocations on important topics).

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  • Living The Presence Of The Spirit


    This popular theology on the Holy Spirit is at once profound and remarkably accessible. Jack Haberer tracks the doctrine of the Spirit through the Bible, contemporary experiences, and church life and examines the way it applies to social issues in the world today. Haberer’s clear presentation brings stories from the Bible to life and makes this book a standout among those on the Spirit and spirituality.

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  • Spurgeon On The Holy Spirit


    1. The Work Of The Holy Spirit
    2. The Necessity Of The Work Of The Spirit
    3. The Chief Office Of The Holy Spirit
    4. The Personality Of The Holy Spirit
    5. The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit
    6. Adoption – The Spirit And The Cry
    7. Grieving The Holy Spirit
    8. The Holy Spirit And The One Church
    192 Pages

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    “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” — Acts 1:8 NKJV

    Who can measure the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives? When we are in the dark, He brings the Light. When our minds are perplexed, He gives the Answer. When we need an encouraging promise, He provides the Word. When we are lost, He shows the Way.
    In these pages, Charles Spurgeon clearly communicates profound truths abouth the Holy Spirit. Discover the joy of having the Spirit of Christ within you, and learn how He will. . .
    * Remind you of God’s promises
    * Guide you in your decisions
    * Intercede for your needs
    * Strengthen your faith
    * Comfort you in your sorrows
    You can experience the Spirit of God living within you, guiding and empowering you daily life.

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  • Experiencing The Holy Spirit


    Experiencing the Holy Spirit offers insight to those who are hungry for a deeper, more probing experience of God’s nature as revealed in the person of the Holy Spirit.

    While most Christians have an awareness of the third person of the Trinity, they have little experience of this personhood or power. Experiencing the Holy Spirit shows readers how to welcome the Holy Spirit’s presence into their lives and grow in intimate relationship with Him through hearing and obeying His voice; praying and walking in the Spirit; operating in His power, gifts, signs, and wonders; and receiving His anointing. Includes more than 50 interactive exercises.

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  • Holy Spirit And Spiritual Gifts


    SKU (ISBN): 9780853647584ISBN10: 0853647585Max TurnerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2000Publisher: Authentic Print On Demand Product

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  • Holy Spirit : Activating Gods Power In Your Life


    Exactly who is the Holy Spirit, and what does He do? In this classic volume, Graham offers a sensitive and comprehensive portrait of this much discussed but often misunderstood member of the Trinity.

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  • Spirit And Presence Of Christ


    SKU (ISBN): 9781597813242ISBN10: 1597813249Jerald WhiteBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Roger Weldon Print On Demand Product

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  • By Water And The Spirit


    SKU (ISBN): 9780881772012ISBN10: 0881772011Gayle FeltonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2000Publisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Experiencing The Spirit (Reprinted)


    The Christian life is not a set of rituals or teachings, but a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit. No matter how much you know about the Bible, no matter how strong your self-discipline, no matter how hard you try to serve and please God, if your relationship with the Holy Spirit is weak, the Christian life will not work for you. In Experiencing the Spirit, Heidler shows how God wants to unleash His power in your life, to bring you into dynamic, life-giving relationship with the Spirit of God. We were given the Holy Spirit to make the Christian life experiential, to make Jesus real in our lives. So stop struggling to survive from week to week and start living every minute in the power He has given you.

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  • Giving Gift : The Holy Spirit In Person


    This major study breaks new ground, going beyond the issue most discussed in charismatic circles (the working of the Holy Spirit) to tackle questions relating to the person of the Holy Spirit and his relationships to the Father and the Son, as well as his relationship to people.

    Smail’s theological horizons are impressively broad, embracing historical orthodoxy and including the Roman and Eastern Orthodox traditions, as well as contemporary theology. He combines full theological literacy with personal insight into renewal, thus illuminating a contemporary experience of the Holy Spirit with the sovereignty of God in salvation.

    In The Giving Gift he offers a positive understanding of Christian tradition in its relation to Scripture and a new approach to prayer as a gift that God makes by his Spirit. He also provides an attempt to understand the work of the Spirit in the church throughout the ages and in different traditions, emphasising in particular the role and contribution of the Eastern Orthodox churches.

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  • Gifted To Serve


    God has given every believer a special ministry to fulfill and has provided spiritual gifts so that we can minister to others. T. L. Lowery explains how to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and all the gifts that God has provided so that you can fulfill His calling on your life. Through this book, you’ll find out how to be filled with the Spirit, recognize your spiritual gifts, employ the underlying key to all the gifts, manifest the gifts of the Spirit, see miracles happen, lead others to Christ, and gain power and wisdom to serve others. You can live in this exciting realm of the Spirit and be God’s vessel to bring about the salvation, healing, and deliverance of others. Because you have been gifted by God, you can start living in the fullness of the Spirit today.

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  • Wild Spirit


    Reflections on the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Book Of Acts


    In these days of renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit, God’s people are looking once again at the book of Acts. The Book Of Acts is designed to give emphasis to early church history and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This insightful text unlocks the keys to the success and impact of the early Christian church and its relevance today.

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  • Welcome Holy Sprirt


    1. A New Day Dawning
    2. The Unique, Divine Person Of The Holy Spirit
    3. “Suddenly From Heaven
    4. The Names And Titles Of The Holy Spirit, Part 1:
    “In The Name Of The Father, And The Son, And The Holy Spirit”
    5. The Names And Titles Of The Holy Spirit, Part 2: “In Your Name
    6. The Wind Of The Spirit
    7. The Work Of The Spirit In The Life Of Christ
    8. From Sinner To Saint
    9. Changed From The Inside Out
    10. The Presence And The Power
    11. The Transforming Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit
    12. Removing The Barriers To Blessing
    Endnotes P. 272
    Study And Discussion Guide P. 279
    About The Author

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  • Renewing Your Spiritual Passion (Student/Study Guide)


    1. It’s Got to Glow in You All the Time
    2. Doing More and Enjoying It Less
    3. It’s All Over!
    4. Running on Empty
    5. Further Threats to Spiritual Passion
    6. Those Who Bring Joy
    7. The Happy and the Hurting
    8. Friendly Fire
    9. He Knew I Couldn’t Handle It!
    10. It’s What’s Inside That Counts
    11. Rack ‘Em Up
    12. Safe Places
    13. The Place of Secrets
    14. The Still Times
    15. Special Friends
    16. More Special Friends
    17. Renewing Your Spiritual Passion

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    Have- you ever been too far- from home to turn back yet too weary to want to continue toward your destination? Renewing, Your Spiritual Passion looks at the journey we-are on, as. Christians, and poses just that question: All of us want to have the passion to be godly people. But too many times, having that passion is easier to talk about than to actually find or maintain.
    Do you have so many things to do, and, do well, that you are unable to do them all? Are, you tired and passionless about your spiritual journey? In Renewing Your Spiritual Passion, Gordon MacDonald asks if there is a growing weariness of spirit -among Christians and discusses what they can do to change that.

    Learn what is happening to you, why it is happening, and what you can do about it by Renewing Your Spiritual Passion.

    For years, Gordon MacDonald has been giving -readers, conference-goers, and church members guidance and encouragement on a variety of important issues. Now, his, best-loved works can be found in The Gordon MacDonald. Bestseller Series, each including a study guide for individual of group use. Look for all four titles in the series: Ordering Your Private World, Renewing Your-Spiritual Passion, The Life God Blesses and When Men Think-private Thoughts.

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  • Holy Spirit : Contours Of Christian Theology


    The Holy Spirit, once forgotten, has been “rediscovered” in the twentieth century – or has he? Sinclair Ferguson believes we should rephrase this common assertion: “While his work has been recognized, the Spirit himself remains to many Christians an anonymous, faceless aspect of the divine being.” In order to redress this balance, Ferguson seeks to recover the who of the Spirit as much as the what and how. Ferguson’s study is rooted and driven by the scriptural story of the Spirit in creation and redemption.

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  • Holy Spirit Power


    Spurgeon shows that the Holy Spirit wants to be our Comforter, Teacher, and mighty Helper. The mi-raculous new life the early Christians lived amazed the world and turned it upside down. You can know Him personally and experience His miracles.

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  • Tongues Of Fire


    Tongues Of Fire is a refreshingly bold approach to the study of the Holy Spirit. Stroman explores in depth the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit from that “wild, weird day” of Pentecost to the characteristics of the Spirit’s activity today. He maintains that what has followed from that New Testament experience of the Holy Spirit has been a well-disciplined maturity by the church through the ages in which the embarrassing earlier irregularities no longer appear. In that process, he says, the present church has lost something. The spontaneity of the Spirit has been replaced by the accommodations we have sought to make between the Christian life and middle class cultural values. Comparing the strength and vigor of the early church with the confused and sometimes feeble performance of the divided church today, he acknowledges that the early church was open “on the Godward side of life” that is unknown to Christians today.

    Stroman examines the patterns that came out of the experience of Pentecost and discovers what meaning they have today. He finds that it is not a question of the Holy Spirit’s activity in our midst, but our awareness of where that activity is taking place.

    Toward the end of the book is a chapter on the Trinity. After all, a book on new life in the Spirit must deal with the Trinity. Christian theology begins, continues, and ends with the inexhaustible mystery of God. It helps deal with this mystery and is basic to understanding the Christian experience.

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  • Outdoor Moments With God


    48 Chapters
    191 Pages

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    For more than thirty years W. Phillip Keller has enlightened and encouraged readers with his rare combination of insight into God’s Word coupled with a celebration of God’s presence in everyday life. Once again he has turned his attention to the spiritual lessons learned from the simple experiences of life – working in the yard, hiking in the mountains, or surveying some magnificent expanse of land and sky.

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  • Holy Spirit Today


    This book gives scriptural answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in regard to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in Tongues, and the Gifts of the Spirit.

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  • Dynamics Of Spiritual Gifts


    A guide to help the individual Christian discover, develop and exercise his spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ, the Church.

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  • Baptism And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit


    1. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Charismatic Christianity
    2. The Baptism Of The Spirit Misunderstood
    3. The Baptism Of The Spirit In The Gospels
    4. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Pentecost And At Samaria
    5. The Baptism Of The Spirit At Caesarea And Ephesus
    6. The Baptism Of The Spirit In I Corinthians, Romans, And Galatians
    7. The Baptism Of The Spirit In Ephesians, Colossians, And I Peter
    8. The Baptism Of The Spirit And The Gifts Of The Spirit
    9. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Power
    189 Pages

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    The charismatic movement, with its emphasis on Spirit baptism and the manifestation gifts of the Spirit, become one of the most prominent features of twentieth-century Christianity.

    Dr. Unger traces the doctrine of the baptism of the Spirit through the New Testament. In the final two chapters he puts the doctrine into its proper place with respect to spiritual gifts and the experiences of the Holy Sprit’s power for Christian living.

    Since a great danger of the charismatic movement lies in its understanding of the nature of Christian maturity, Dr. Unger points out that true maturity is achieved only in day-by-day obedience, Bible study, and prayer.

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