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Showing 4351–4400 of 35834 results

  • Art Of Holy Week And Easter


    Brimming with Sister Wendy Beckett’s’s irrepressible wisdom and enthusiasm, this little book explores the spiritual riches to be found in some of the world’s greatest paintings of the Passion and resurrection of Jesus.

    Illustrated in full color with thirty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, The Art of Holy Week and Easter is a chance to hear again the voice of Sister Wendy as she leads you gently into a deep appreciation of all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye.

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  • Art Of Lent


    Join Sister Wendy on a journey through Lent, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world’s greatest paintings.

    Illustrated in full colour with over forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful book will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye.

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  • Young Gifted And Black


    “Young, gifted and black, Open your heart to what I mean . . . ” Nina Simone’s popular anthem from the civil rights movement speaks to both the celebrations and trials of the Black experience. Young, Gifted, and Black gives voice to the real-life stories of Black teens and young adults. If life was a race, it’s assumed that every runner has a fair shot at winning. However, it’s not always the case for young, gifted, and Black folks. Sheila Wise Rowe goes beyond the common narrative that focuses solely on their struggles. Her stories point toward hope, joy, and healing. Drawing from her years of experience in counseling trauma and abuse survivors, Rowe provides stories, reflections, and tools for Black readers of all ages and their allies. In the telling of these stories, Rowe offers an opportunity to explore, reflect, and journey toward healing from the barriers that affect their lives, the lives of their children, and their communities.

    Giving voice to the real-life stories of Black teens and young adults, this book goes beyond their struggles to point towards hope, joy, and healing. Drawing on years of counseling trauma and abuse survivors, Rowe provides stories, reflections, and tools for Black readers of all ages as they journey toward healing from the barriers affecting them, their children, and their communities.

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  • Calvinism For A Secular Age


    Abraham Kuyper, the Dutch Neo-Calvinist theologian, pastor, and politician, was well-known for having declared that there is not a square inch of human existence over which Jesus Christ is not its sovereign Lord.

    This principle is perhaps best reflected in Kuyper’s writings on Calvinism originally delivered as the Stone Lectures in 1898 at Princeton Theological Seminary. These lectures reflecting on the role of the Christian faith in a variety of social spheres–including religion, politics, science, and art–have become a touchstone for contemporary Reformed theology. How might the lectures continue to inform the church’s calling in a secular age? In this volume, Jessica Joustra and Robert Joustra bring together theologians, historians, scientists, and others to revisit Kuyper’s original lectures and to critically consider both his ongoing importance and his complex legacy for today.

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  • Covenantal And Dispensational Theologies


    How does the canon of Scripture fit together?

    For evangelical Christians, there is no question about the authority of Scripture and its testimony to the centrality of Jesus Christ in God’s salvation plan. But several questions remain: How do the Old Testament and New Testament relate to each other? What is the relationship among the biblical covenants? How should Christians read and interpret Scripture in order to do justice to both its individual parts and its whole message? How does Israel relate to the church? In this volume in IVP Academic’s Spectrum series, readers will find four contributors who explore these complex questions. The contributors each make a case for their own view–representing two versions of covenantal theology and two versions of dispensational theology–and then respond to the others’ views to offer an animated yet irenic discussion on the continuity of Scripture. Views and Contributors:

    *Covenant Theology: Michael S. Horton, Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California

    *Progressive Covenantalism: Stephen J. Wellum, professor of Christian theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

    *Progressive Dispensationalism: Darrell L. Bock, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

    *Traditional Dispensationalism: Mark A. Snoeberger, professor of systematic theology and apologetics, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

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  • Samaritan Womans Story


    Most Christians have heard a familiar description of the Samaritan woman in John 4: she was a sinner, an adulteress, even a prostitute.

    Throughout church history, the woman at the well has been seen narrowly in terms of her gender and marital history. What are we missing in the story? And what difference does our interpretation of this passage make for women and men in the church? Caryn A. Reeder calls us to see the Samaritan woman in a different light. Beginning with the reception history of John 4, she pulls back layers of interpretation entangled with readers’ assumptions on women and sexuality. She then explores the story’s original context, describing life for women and expectations regarding marriage and divorce in the first century. With this clarified lens, Reeder’s exegesis of the passage yields refreshing insights on what the Gospel says–and does not say–about the woman at the well. Throughout the book, Reeder draws connections between interpretations of this text and the life of the church. The sexual objectification of the Samaritan woman and minimization of her positive contribution has ongoing consequences for how women are seen and treated–including in the failure of many Christian communities to respond well to accusations of abuse. In the age of #MeToo and #ChurchToo, The Samaritan Woman’s Story offers a bold challenge to teach the Bible in a way that truly honors the value and voices of women.

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  • Jonathan Edwards And Deification


    The doctrine of deification or theosis is typically associated with the Eastern Orthodox tradition.

    Indeed, the language of participation in the divine nature as a way to understand salvation often sounds like strange music in the ears of Western Christians despite passages like 2 Peter 1:4 where it appears. However, recent scholarship has argued that the theologies of some of the most prominent figures in the history of the Western church, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley, share more in common with deification than has been acknowledged. In this volume of IVP Academic’s New Explorations in Theology series, theologian James Salladin considers the role of deification in the theology of another well-known Western theologian: Jonathan Edwards. In addition, he reflects upon the question of how Edwards’s soteriology compares with the rest of the broader Reformed tradition. Here, we discover how Edwards’s theology affirms what it means for sinners to be brought into the hands of a loving God.

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  • Translating Your Past


    Uncover the spiritual strength of your family story.

    We all have a desire to learn more about where we’ve come from, and technology has made this more possible than ever. But our family stories are more than a list of DNA results on a piece of paper or a bunch of fading Kodachrome images filling old photo albums.

    In an era often marked by both fragmentation in family and culture and a hunger to discover our genetic roots, our family stories–including the difficult, complex ones–can carry great spiritual strength. The desire to trace, interpret, and pass on our family’s history is embedded in Scripture from beginning to end–there are nine genealogies found in the book of Genesis alone. When we bring together the various threads of our family stories with Scripture’s insights, they can provide the key to decoding our identity and helping us discover our place in family, church, and world.
    In Translating Your Past, author Michelle Van Loon helps readers uncover how patterns and gaps in family histories, generational trauma, adoption, genetic clues and surprises, spiritual history, and the church help us translate our own pasts and understand why these stories matter. Each chapter includes questions designed for individual reflection or small group discussion, as well as an appendix of helpful tools readers can use to translate their own pasts and create meaning in order to transform their unique family history into living, faith-filled heritage.

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  • Fight Like Jesus


    Throughout Holy Week, two competing approaches to peacemaking collide. What if we’ve embraced the wrong one?
    At the start of Holy Week, tears streamed down Jesus’ face as he cried out, “If only you knew the things that make for peace.” From that moment, until a week later when he triumphantly declared, “Peace be with you,” Jesus spent each day confronting injustice, calling out oppressors and contending for peace.

    But what if–despite all our familiarity with the events of Holy Week–we still don’t know how Jesus makes peace? And what if–despite clinging to the cross of Christ for our salvation–we’ve actually embraced a different approach to peacemaking? One that justifies killing enemies. One whose methods include nailing criminals to crosses.

    We desperately need to recover the radical vision of peacemaking that Jesus embodied throughout Holy Week. And we urgently need to be trained in his way of making peace. So, come. Let’s journey together day-by-day through Jesus’ final week and discover anew why he is called the Prince of Peace.

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  • Crown And Salvation


    This is the story of a young Jewish boy who reached manhood during the tumultuous period of Roman rule in Israel. Young Atara joins the burgeoning Zealot movement because of his hatred and anger towards the Roman occupiers. Through forces beyond his control, he is inadvertently catapulted into the midst of the most significant event in human history: the final Passover week of the Messiah.

    The Crown and Salvation was honoured to be shortlisted by Word Alive Press for their annual Braun Award for Fiction. It was also nominated for the Castle Quay Award by The Word Guild of Canada.

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  • Speak With Impact


    When you know what to say and how to say it, people listen. Find your powerful voice, and step into leadership. Speak with impact.

    Every day, you have an opportunity to use your voice to have a positive impact — at work or in your community. You can inspire and persuade your audience — or you can distract and put them to sleep.

    Presentation styles where leaders are nervous, ramble, and robotic can ruin a talk on even the most critical topics. As your performances become weak, your career prosects start to dim. To get ahead and make an impact, you need to deliver well-crafted messages with confidence and authenticity. You must?sound?as capable as you are.

    Public speaking is a skill, not a talent. With the right guidance, anyone can be a powerful speaker. Written by former opera singer turned CEO and TEDx speaker Allison Shapira, Speak with Impact unravels the mysteries of commanding attention in any setting, professional or personal.

    Whether it’s speaking up at a meeting, presenting to clients, or talking to large groups, this book’s easy-to-use frameworks, examples and exercises will help you:

    *Engage your audience through storytelling and humor
    *Use breathing techniques to overcome stage fright
    *Strengthen and project your voice by banishing filler words/uptalk
    *Use effective body language and build your executive presence
    *Compose a clear message and deliver confident, authentic presentations

    Learn to conquer fear, capture attention, motivate action, and take charge of your career with?Speak with Impact.

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  • Attacking Anxiety : From Panicked And Depressed To Alive And Free


    Shawn Johnson, lead pastor of Red Rocks Church, gives a searingly honest portrait of anxiety and depression and shows readers how to fight back and live free.

    Shawn Johnson was the lead pastor of a thriving, fast-growing church. He was supposed to have it all together. But he was also struggling in silence with anxiety and depression, suffering from debilitating panic attacks that told him the lie that this would never end, that he’d spend the rest of his life in excruciating pain. Until one day he ended up sobbing and screaming on the side of the road. He had to be brought home by his wife and two friends, who removed any potential weapons from his house while he sat with his head in his hands, begging God for a miracle.

    In Attacking Anxiety, Shawn vulnerably shares about this dark time and offers those familiar with that same struggle everything he’s learned in his battles with anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. As readers join Shawn on this journey, he will:

    *expose the lies that lead toward isolation and replace them with the truths that are essential to survival;

    *reveal the things that most people don’t realize are adding more anxiety and depression to their lives and replace them with the wisdom and support that lead to true freedom;

    *explain what to do when you, or someone you love, is in the middle of a panic attack, and

    *guide you through what you need to know, what you need to start doing, what you need to stop doing, and what you need to remember in order to start attacking anxiety and depression.

    This is not a one-and-done process that will completely free you from all brokenness, but it will help you recognize that, even in the middle of so much brokenness and overwhelming pain, God has a plan and a purpose for your life, and he is ready to heal you in ways you never thought possible.

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  • What Are Christians For


    What should a Christian politics look like in our day?

    Politics ought to be defined by fidelity to the common good of all the members of society. But our modern Western politics are defined by a determination to bend the natural world and human life to its own political and economic ends. This wholesale rejection of the natural order is behind the dominant revolutions in our history, and defines our experience in Western society today–our racialized hierarchy, modern industry, and the sexual revolution. In What Are Christians For?, Jake Meador lays out a proposal for a Christian politics rooted in the givenness and goodness of the created world. He is uninterested in the cultural wars that have so often characterized American Christianity. Instead, he casts a vision for an ordered society that rejects the late modern revolution at every turn, and is rooted instead in the natural law tradition and in the great Protestant confessions. Here is a politics that is anti-racist, anti-capitalist, and profoundly pro-life. A truly Christian political witness, Meador argues, must attend closely to the natural world and renounce the metallic fantasies that have poisoned common life in America life for too long.

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  • 5 Steps To Romantic Love (Workbook)


    Five Steps to Romantic Love will help you and your spouse to know and meet each other’s needs and overcome the habits that destroy your love. This workbook takes the proven concepts found in Dr. Harley’s His Needs, Her Needs and Love Busters and helps you make them a reality in your marriage. All of the worksheets, inventories, and questionnaires that Dr. Harley recommends in these two bestsellers are available here in a full-sized and easily reproducible format. Fall in love again and enjoy an intimate, passionate marriage that lasts.

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  • Librarian Of Saint Malo


    Libraries are being ransacked. France is torn apart by war. A French librarian is determined to resist. Told through smuggled letters to an author, an ordinary librarian describes the brutal Nazi occupation of her small coastal village and the extraordinary measures she takes to fight back.

    Saint-Malo, France: August 1939. Jocelyn and Antoine are childhood sweethearts, but just after they marry, Antoine is drafted to fight against Germany. As World War II rages, Jocelyn uses her position as a librarian in her town of Saint-Malo to comfort and encourage her community with books. Jocelyn begins to write secret letters smuggled to a famous Parisian author, telling her story in the hope that it will someday reach the outside world.

    France falls and the Nazis occupy Jocelyn’s town, turning it into a fortress. The townspeople try passive resistance, but the German commander ruthlessly begins to destroy part of the city’s libraries. Books deemed unsuitable by the Nazis are burnt or stolen, and priceless knowledge is lost.

    Risking arrest and even her life, Jocelyn manages to hide some of the books while desperately waiting to receive news from her husband Antoine, now a prisoner in a German camp.

    Jocelyn’s mission unfolds in her letters: to protect the people of Saint-Malo and the books they hold so dear. Mario Escobar brings to life the occupied city in sweeping and romantic prose, re-creating the history of those who sacrificed all to care for the people they loved.

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  • Aggressively Happy : A Realist’s Guide To Believing In The Goodness Of Life


    This weary world can be ugly, despairing, and cynical. But you don’t have to be.

    Instead, you can cultivate resilient joy–an act of defiance that will give you peace and delight in times of turmoil, pain, and chaos.

    In this inspiring read, beloved writer Joy Clarkson leads the way, crafting an audacious case for happiness that will leave you feeling lighter, braver, and wiser. With eloquent truths, humor, and memorable storytelling, Joy offers a philosophy of life that doesn’t make light of the heartbreaks of the world, gives you strategies for a hope-offense, defends goodness, and wards off the paralyzing forces of cynicism.

    Aggressively Happy is a timely read, drawing on literary, theological, and artistic examples and personal experiences. Each chapter offers inspiration and practical insight into living a fuller and braver life. In this book, Joy offers readers respite and rejuvenation, acknowledges both beauty and pain, and reveals simple secrets to lasting happiness.

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  • Shaped By The Waves


    Growing up along the Oregon coast, Cassie George has always been fascinated by the ocean. She’s used her studies in marine biology as a convenient excuse for staying away from her small hometown and avoiding the shame over her unplanned pregnancy. But when she receives a call that her aunt has suffered a stroke and has been hiding a Parkinson’s diagnosis, she knows she must return.

    Cassie finds a mostly warm welcome from the quirky community–including her high school nemesis, Nora Milford. But Cassie is confused by the mysterious package that greets her as well, containing typed pages telling a story of an anonymous woman who seems to have ties to Cassie’s own life. As she begins to read more and investigate its implications, she’ll discover who she thought she was and who she wants to become are both about to change.

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  • Unbroken And Unbowed


    In this compelling and informative volume, Jimmie R. Hawkins walks the reader through the many forms of Black protest in American history, from pre-colonial times though the George Floyd protests of 2020. Hawkins breaks American history into five sections, with subsections highlighting how Black identity helped to shape protest during that period. These protests include slave ship mutinies, the abolitionist movement, the different approaches to protest from Frederick Douglas, W. E. B. Dubois, and Booker T. Washington, protest led by various Black institutions, Black Lives Matter movements, and protests of today’s Black athletes, musicians, and intellectuals, such as Lebron James, Beyonce, and Kendrick Lamar. Hawkins also covers the backlash to these protests, including the Jim Crow era, the Red Summer of 1919, and modern-day wars on the Black community in the form of the War on Drugs and voter suppression.

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  • Voices Long Silenced


    Hundreds of women studied and interpreted the Bible between the years 100-2000 CE, but their stories have remained largely untold. In this book, Schroeder and Taylor introduce readers to the notable contributions of female commentators through the centuries. They unearth fascinating accounts of Jewish and Christian women from diverse communities-rabbinic experts, nuns, mothers, mystics, preachers, teachers, suffragists, and household managers-who interpreted Scripture through their writings. This book recounts the struggles and achievements of women who gained access to education and biblical texts. It tells the story of how their interpretive writings were preserved or, all too often, lost. It also explores how, in many cases, women interpreted Scripture differently from the men of their times. Consequently, Voices Long Silenced makes an important, new contribution to biblical reception history. This book focuses on women’s written words and briefly comments on women’s interpretation in media, such as music, visual arts, and textile arts. It includes short, representative excerpts from diverse women’s own writings that demonstrate noteworthy engagement with Scripture. Voices Long Silencedcalls on scholars and religious communities to recognize the contributions of women, past and present, who interpreted Scripture, preached, taught, and exercised a wide variety of ministries in churches and synagogues.

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  • Madison Park : A Place Of Hope


    Welcome to Madison Park, a small community in Alabama founded by freed slaves in 1880. And meet Eric Motley, a native son who came of age in this remarkable place where constant lessons in self-determination, hope, and unceasing belief in the American dream taught him everything he needed for his journey to the Oval Office as a special assistant to President George W. Bush.

    Eric grew up among people whose belief was to give and never turn away from your neighbor’s need. There was Aunt Shine, the goodly matriarch who cared so much about young Motley’s schooling that she would stand up in a crowded church and announce Eric’s progress or his shortcomings. There was Old Man Salery, who secretly siphoned gasoline from his beat-up car into the Motleys’ tank at night. There were Motley’s grandparents, who bought books for Eric they couldn’t afford, spending the last of their seed money. And there was Reverend Brinkley, a man of enormous faith and simple living. It was said that whenever the Reverend came your way, light abounded. Life in Madison Park wasn’t always easy or fair, and Motley reveals personal and heartbreaking stories of racial injustice and segregation. But Eric shows how the community taught him everything he needed to know about love and faith.

    This charming, engaging, and deeply inspiring memoir will help you remember that we can create a world of shared values based on love and hope. It is a story that reveals the amazing power of faith in God and each other. If you’re in search of hope during troubled times, look no further than Madison Park.

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  • Christian Beliefs Revised Edition (Revised)


    Learn the Teachings of the Bible that Every Christian Must Know.

    Now Revised and Updated. Over 300,000 Copies Sold!

    Not every Christian needs to go to seminary, but there are certain teachings of the Bible that every Christian should know. Whether you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus or a mature Christian looking for a better understanding of basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you.

    This readable guide to twenty basic Christian beliefs condenses Wayne Grudem’s award-winning book Systematic Theology, prized by pastors and teachers everywhere. He and his son, pastor Elliot Grudem, have boiled down the essentials of theology for everyday Christians and made them both clear and applicable to life. Each brief chapter concludes with questions for personal review or group discussion.

    In this revised and updated edition of Christian Beliefs, you will learn about:

    *The Bible and its authority for our lives
    *The characteristics of God
    *The importance of prayer
    *Angels and the reality of spiritual warfare
    *What it means that we are created in the image of God
    *What God has done for us in Christ
    *The purpose of the church
    *What will happen when Christ returns
    *The biblical understanding of heaven
    *And much more

    Christian Beliefs is the ideal book for every Christian who wants a solid foundation for understanding the most basic and essential teachings of the Bible.

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  • 3:16 Study Guide Plus Streaming Video Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    This study guide includes:

    *Individual access to 5 streaming video sessions
    *Discussion and reflection questions with video notes
    *Personal study for between sessions
    *Leader’s Guide

    In this updated classic, bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado unpacks the meaning behind John 3:16, one of the best-known and most-beloved passages in the Bible. This simple verse came out of an unusual conversation that Jesus had under the cover of night with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. From the start, Nicodemus made it clear he inhabited a land of good efforts, sincere gestures, and hard work. Give God your best, his philosophy said, and God does the rest. Jesus’ response? Your best won’t do. Your works don’t work. Unless you are born again, you can’t even see what God is doing.

    Born again. The word born, by definition, implies a passive act. The enwombed child contributes nothing to the delivery. Postpartum celebrations applaud the work of the mother who does the delivery. And the Greek term that Jesus used for again implies that the one who did the work the first time will repeat it. In other words, the original Creator will re-create his creation! Born: God exerts the effort. Again: God restores the beauty. We don’t try again. We need, not the muscle of self, but a miracle of God.

    The thought bewildered Nicodemus. “How can this be?” he asked. Jesus answered by leading him to the Hope diamond of the Bible: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” A twenty-six-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. A verse brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment . . . yet solid enough to weather 2,000 years of storms and questions. As this study will reveal, the heart of the human problem is the heart of the human. And God’s treatment for the human heart is prescribed in John 3:16: “He loves. He gave. We believe. We live.”

    The five sessions include:

    1. The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
    2. Hope for the Hard Heart
    3. The Heart He Offers
    4. Heaven’s “Whoever” Policy
    5. The Last Word on Life

    Designed for use with 3:16 Video Study, Updated Edition (sold separately).

    *Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2026. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Eligible only on retail

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  • Garden The Curtain And The Cross Sunday School Lessons


    This six-session Sunday School curriculum is based on the bestselling storybook The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross and takes kids on a journey through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, thrilling them with God’s loving determination for his people to enjoy life with him.

    Featuring age-differentiated lesson plans for 2-4s, 5-8s, and 9-12s, this flexible resource will work for any size of kids’ group and is easy to use for any leader.

    Includes activity, craft, game and music ideas, along with an exclusive link and password for free downloadable resources.

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  • Jesus Easter : Explore God’s Amazing Rescue Plan – Includes Family Journali


    Help your family to appreciate the awesome, life-changing events of Easter with this 30-day devotional.

    These easy-to-lead devotions start by looking at Genesis and take us through the Old Testament to see how Easter was always part of God’s amazing plan for his people. The remainder look at the Easter story itself, helping families to experience the full joy of our resurrection hope.

    Each day there is a passage to read together, questions to think about, an explanation and a prayer. There are also age-appropriate application questions, with some for younger children and some for older children, as well as journalling space so that family members can write or draw their own response to what God has shown them.

    So why not set aside a little time each day in the run-up to Easter with this inspiring and innovative resource to celebrate what Jesus has done for us?

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  • God And The Transgender Debate


    In the West, more and more Christians are coming across the topic of gender identity in their everyday lives. Legislative changes are impacting more and more areas of life, including education, employment and state funding, with consequences for religious liberty, free speech and freedom of conscience that affect everyone. So it’s a crucial moment to consider how to engage lovingly, thoughtfully and biblically with one of the most explosive cultural discussions of our day.

    This warm, faithful and compassionate book that helps Christians understand what the Bible says about gender identity has been updated and expanded throughout, and now includes a section on pronoun usage and a new chapter challenging some of the claims of the transgender activist movement.

    Andrew T. Walker also answers questions such as: What is transgender and gender fluidity? How should churches respond? What does God’s word actually say about these issues?

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  • Rich Wounds : The Countless Treasures Of The Life, Death, And Triumph Of Je


    These short but profound reflections from David Mathis, author of The Christmas We Didn’t Expect, will help you to look deeper at Jesus’ life, sacrificial death and spectacular resurrection–enabling you to treasure anew who Jesus is and what he has done for us.

    Many of us are so familiar with the Easter story that it becomes easy to miss subtle details and difficult to really enjoy its meaning. This book will help you to pause and marvel at Jesus, whose now-glorified wounds are a sign of his unfailing love and the decisive victory that he has won:

    “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

    This book works fantastically as a devotional at any time of year. The chapters on Holy Week make it especially helpful during the Lent season and at Easter.

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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your Spouse


    A happy and healthy marriage is one of God’s sweetest gifts to us. And one of the best ways to nurture that is through the power of prayer.

    This guide will help you to pray bold, Scripture-based prayers for your husband or wife that will strengthen and enrich your marriage. It covers 21 prayer themes, with each one including five prayer prompts from a particular passage of Scripture. You’ll be equipped to pray deep and effective prayers for your spouse’s character and spiritual walk, for your life together as a couple and through challenging seasons.

    You can use this book to help you to pray on your own or as a couple, and it makes a great wedding, anniversary or Valentines Day gift.

    As Nancy Guthrie says in her foreword:
    There is a great deal we can do for our spouses. But there is so much that only God can do, so much that only he can develop, and so much that only he can provide. So we pray. And as we pray instead of worry, pray instead of complain, pray instead of strategize, we find that God is not only doing a work in our spouse; he’s doing a work in us too.

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  • 101 Prayers For Women


    Add new life and insight to your prayers when you read the prayers in the 101 Prayers for Women Turquoise Faux Leather Gift Book.

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  • Piercing Heaven Prayer Journal


    A new edition of Piercing Heaven designed for note–taking and reflection. For the Puritans, prayer was neither casual nor dull. Their prayers were passionate affairs, from earnestly pleading for mercy to joyfully praising God. These rich expressions of deep Christian faith are a shining example of holy living. The Puritans’ combination of warm piety and careful intellect have fueled a renaissance of interest in their movement. This combination is on display in Piercing Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from leading Puritans. The language in these prayers has been slightly updated for a modern audience while retaining the elevated tone of the Puritans. With prayers from Richard Baxter, Thomas Brooks, John Owen, and many more, Piercing Heaven reminds us that heartfelt prayer is central to the Christian life.This edition has been reformatted for journaling and meditation. With wider margins, readers of the Piercing Heaven Prayer Journal will be able to pray more deeply with the Puritans through note–taking and reflection.

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  • Apostles Creed : For All God’s Children


    What God’s children believe

    Join FatCat, the friendly feline, as he learns the traditional text of the Apostles’ Creed-the earliest summary of the apostles’ teaching. Enjoy vibrantly illustrated scenes of Jesus’s life and search for FatCat on every page!

    Young readers and families will read a line from the creed along with a simple reflection to tuck into their hearts. With a list of Scriptures for further learning and a family prayer, this FatCat book is perfect to read again and again.

    In a fun and accessible way, believers can visualize, memorize, understand, and confess the Apostles’ Creed, which has united all Christians for centuries.

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  • Theology Of Mission


    God’s mission is on every page of Scripture.

    In Theology of Mission: A Concise Biblical Theology, J. D. Payne traces the theme of mission throughout Scripture. The Bible is a story of God’s mission. God takes initiative to dwell with humanity. He desires to be known. To this end, he sends and is sent. Through Christ, God redeems sinful humans and recreates the cosmos. And he has invited his people to join in this mission.

    Payne shows that God’s mission is on every page of the Bible and is foundational to the church’s own existence. With reflection questions following concise chapters, all readers can consider their place in God’s work.

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  • Endure : Building Faith For The Long Run


    How to run and not grow weary

    Following Jesus is like running a race. But it’s a marathon, not a sprint. While we prefer to live in the immediate, our God is not after quick fixes. His ways and his timetable are better. He wants to make us like Christ, and that takes a lifetime. So how do we run the race with endurance?

    In Endure, Daniel Ritchie explores how God’s people run well. Within this book, you will find direction and encouragement for how to trust God in every year, every day, and every minute. You are loved by God. And specific attitudes and habits will build your faith and connect you to God’s love. Learn how the seemingly mundane choices can be the most important–for your good and God’s glory.

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  • What Does It Mean To Be A Thoughtful Christian


    How to love God with your heart, soul, and mind.

    Christians are surrounded by differing voices and opinions. How can you be grounded? How can you be sure you think Christianly?

    In What Does It Mean to be a Thoughtful Christian?, David S. Dockery argues that Christians must be intentional about their thought life. Thoughtful Christians follow guidance from the Bible, possess a consistent worldview, listen to voices of the past, engage with the world, and prioritize faithful community and character development. Learn how thinking well and thinking Christianly is what you, your church, and your culture needs.

    The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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  • Ecclesiastes And The Search For Meaning In An Upside Down World


    This unique book combines memoir, exegesis, and theological reflection to demonstrate the ongoing significance of the book of Ecclesiastes to the Christian life in the twenty-first century.

    Through exegesis of Old Testament passages and theological reflections on Ecclesiastes, the author deals with issues of abuse, trauma, and forgiveness. For thousands of years, God’s grace and glory have been shining in the stories and poems of broken people: the Psalms give voice to our darkest moments of pain and anger, showing us that God welcomes our rawest emotions; Ecclesiastes and Job help us confront suffering and injustice in life; and the failures of Noah, Jacob, and David help keep us tethered to the God of the Bible.

    These stories and poems still speak to the brokenness of humans today, beckoning us into the arms of the God who made us and loves us even though we too are riddled with sin, hurt, and a longing to be loved. By working through the book of Ecclesiastes, we can let the Teacher’s words seep into our hearts and shape our understanding of who God is and how he helps us navigate this upside-down world. This short and engaging book enables us to see how one part of the Old Testament–Ecclesiastes–can help us navigate a world in which things do not always turn out as they should.

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  • Average Boys Above Average Year


    Come along with Average Boy, the longtime popular character from the Clubhouse magazine feature, “Adventures of Average Boy,” in his hilarious journey through the school year. In this middle-grade fiction book, readers will follow Bob (Average Boy) and laugh at his antics as he seeks to set goals and reach them with varying success. One of his big goals is his youth group’s yearlong challenge to stand up for God.

    Enjoy the signature humor of Christian comedian Bob Smiley. 8- to 12-year-olds will love the funny stories as they learn important biblical lessons packed into every adventure with Average Boy.

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  • Best Ever Dad Journal


    Show your dad how much you appreciate his guidance and love when you wrap the Best Dad Ever Brown Faux Leather Classic Journal as a Father’s Day gift this year.

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  • Pockets Of Joy


    “No matter your situation, you have a choice. I chose joy.”

    At one point, as a struggling divorced single mom, all Roxane Battle had for dinner was a single chicken nugget.

    With wit, dignity, and gripping detail, Roxane shares her story of intentionally looking for joy during this challenging chapter of her life, when she struggled with anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Her faith was the guiding force as she searched for moments of gratitude and found a lifetime of grace.

    Alongside Roxane’s practical tips for spiritual, professional, and personal wholeness for today’s woman, Pockets of Joy reveals the incredible secret to a joy-filled life as Roxane shares her journey to a place of mental well-being.

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  • Leftovers : Baylor, Betrayal, And Beyond


    Ever since he was a young boy, Matt Sayman wanted to play basketball. He played for hours on end, studied other players, and attended numerous basketball camps. His family believed in his dream, too, even agreeing to move to Texas when one of Matt’s favorite coaches left Pennsylvania for the Lone Star State.

    Matt eventually received a full athletic scholarship from Baylor University. He was only six-feet-four but what he lacked in height, he made up for in skill and positive attitude. He was destined to go pro after graduation.

    Then the summer before his senior year, the bottom falls out of Matt’s world. A player goes missing…and is found dead. A teammate is the murder suspect. A coach is accused of paying players under the table. Some receive drug-free urine samples to pass off as their own. And through it all, Matt is supposed to be the glue who holds the Baylor basketball team together.

    In The Leftovers: Baylor, Betrayal, and Beyond, Matt shares his personal story of dealing with the fallout after tragedy and trouble nearly sank Baylor’s program. Matt was senior co-captain, but with a short-manned team of leftover players, there was no way to have a winning season. There was no way some talent scout would take a chance on him.

    Matt’s hope and faith were shaken because of the scandals that summer. He had just turned twenty-one in January and began to party and drink heavily. His post-Baylor years included a DWI, a difficult divorce, and broken relationships. Matt struggled to find peace. On his thirtieth birthday, just a few days after a deep conversation with his pastor, Matt said goodbye to alcohol and surrendered his life to God. This book tells the story of Matt’s personal redemption.

    The Leftovers is also a story of the redemption of Baylor University’s men’s basketball program; Matt’s team with a young new head coach forged the Baylor team that won the 2021 NCAA men’s basketball championship.

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  • 3 Keys To The Kingdom


    Imagine how terrible it would be to find yourself a prisoner, locked behind bars with no chance of escape. The enemy has captured you with his lies and robbed you of your freedom. But a light suddenly dispels the darkness. You have a visitor! His eyes are full of compassion. “I have a key that opens all prison doors,” He tells you gently. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed.” In The 3 Keys to the Kingdom: Binding, Loosing, and Knowledge, Mary Garrison imparts the wisdom she’s gathered during her years of ministry. She shares personal experiences and testimonies of people who’ve been freed from Satan’s grasp as she covers topics such as: *How we know Christ chooses us *Using our keys to save others *Binding amiss for personal reasons *Destroying the work of the devil *Dealing with a perverse spirit *Four things from which we must abstain *God’s solution for complete freedomAnd much more! Learn about the keys you hold that Satan cannot take away.

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  • Daring : A Call To Courageous Manhood


    Victory is always on the other side of a fight. Here is help to win the battles and keep on winning!

    Daring: A Call To Courageous Manhood sets the tone for a new wave of masculinity by defining what it is to be a man of courage, endurance, and resolve. The unique, creative voice of Paul Louis Cole cuts through cultural clutter to speak to the issues that lay in the heart of every man.

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  • Fear : The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


    You overcome the fear of people when the fear of God becomes your priority.

    This book will teach you to recognize the fear of man and how the enemy uses it to trap you and keep you from the purposes of God for your life. It will empower you to break free from this trap and live boldly, unafraid to trust God and His promises.

    When you care more about what people think than what God thinks, you will miss out on the opportunities God has for you. The Bible says, “The fear of man lays a snare” (Prov. 29:25). This type of fear is dangerous. It can get you into all kinds of trouble, and the enemy skillfully uses this weapon to keep you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. It can silence you when you should speak or paralyze you when you should take action. It affects far more Christians than you might think, but it doesn’t have to rule your life anymore. So how can you be freed from this trap?

    The fear of God leads to wisdom and worship, and there are two ways it comes to you:
    (1) it must be taught; and (2) the presence of God can bring fear as it did on the day of Pentecost and during the Great Awakening. You also learn it as you step out in courage and choose to trust what God says in spite of what people say. As you do this, the fear of man loses its power over you.

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  • Awake My Soul


    Awaken your soul with this inspiring devotional.

    An act of kindness.

    A much-needed hug from a friend.

    A word of encouragement.

    A timely, but unexpected gift.

    These are the moments that awaken your soul to the undeniable love of her heavenly Father–the One who sees and meets your every need. Each of the 200 devotional readings in this lovely collection will speak to your heart as you experience the unchanging and overflowing love of God. Every inspiring word will draw you more closely to the Master Creator as you envelop your soul in the perpetual love found only in His Word.

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  • On Charity And Justice


    Kuyper on a Theological Approach to Justice

    The practical outworking of Kuyper’s doctrine of common grace demanded a commitment to seeking Christ’s glory in every sphere of human life. Christians are called to witness to the lordship of Christ through sacrificial service, not domination, and such service calls us to seek charity and justice for all people.

    In this anthology of articles and reflections, Kuyper articulates a Christian vision for engaging with society. Though his analysis was intended for his late–nineteenth–century Dutch context, his thoughts remain strikingly relevant for Christians living in the modern world. For Kuyper, God’s law preserved civil justice, making humane life possible. However, the law itself could not save society–only the gospel can transform the heart. But the gospel is for all of life. Kuyper elaborated a social Christian approach to politics, resulting in a distinct perspective on property, human dignity, democracy, and justice.

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  • If The Tomb Is Empty


    A beloved pastor and a New York Times bestselling author examine scripture and share inspiring personal stories to help show the important role that Jesus’ resurrection plays in our everyday lives.

    The Son of God was crucified, died and buried, and He lay in the tomb for three days–until He walked out shining like the sun. In a culture in which history is erased or rewritten at will, the existence of an empty tomb matters. Why?

    Because if the tomb is empty–then anything is possible.

    In his first book, Joby Martin, Lead Pastor of The Church of Eleven22, dives deep into scripture and traces the story of salvation by highlighting the seven mountains throughout scripture where God manifests himself. As he describes each encounter with God, Martin shows us how the interaction on each mountain laid the groundwork for the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, and shows what God revealed about Himself in the process. He illuminates seven familiar passages, unveiling how God’s plan for Christ’s sacrifice is threaded throughout scripture, and shows why Christ’s resurrection–impossible, unbelievable–means that nothing is too hard for our God. Ultimately, he asks readers, Do you live every day of your life as if the tomb is empty–or as though Jesus is still hanging on that cross?

    Written with New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, If the Tomb is Empty is an insightful and spiritually rich examination of what the miracle of Christ’s resurrection means for all of us.

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  • Dark Intercept


    When dark forces rise, are faith and firepower enough?

    On the eve of his medical retirement, Navy SEAL Jedidiah Johnson receives a frantic call from his estranged childhood best friend David Yarnell. David’s daughter has been kidnapped off the streets of Nashville in broad daylight. The police have no suspects and no leads. The only clue: the body of a dead priest left behind at the scene. With the clock ticking, David is growing desperate, as is his wife, Rachel . . . Jed’s first love.

    Despite his painful history with David and Rachel, Jed agrees to help. But he’s spent his career as a door-kicking Navy SEAL, not an investigator. His presence immediately draws unwanted attention, creates friction with the local police, and triggers a mysterious attempt on his life. Just when he thinks things can’t get worse, it starts to happen again–the voices in his head, the nightmares, the visions. Dark memories and strange abilities, things he believed he’d left behind when he fled Nashville for the Navy at eighteen, begin to resurface.

    Jed realizes that to save the missing girl, he must take a leap of faith and embrace the gifts he’s denied for all these years. To foil this dark intercept, he’ll need more than just his years as a SEAL operator, because he has no choice now but to take up arms and join the battle in the unseen spiritual warfare raging all around him. And there is far more at stake than just a missing girl: the world is not the place he thought it was–and he is not alone.

    Follow the military heroes of The Shepherds series as they bring the power of light into the dark mystery of Sara Beth’s abduction.

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  • Ladys Mine : A Novel


    New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers returns to the California frontier in this sweeping, romantic tale of a displaced New England suffragette, a former Union soldier disinherited by his Southern family, and the town they join forces to save.

    1875. When Kathryn Walsh arrives in tiny Calvada, a mining town nestled in the Sierra Nevadas, falling in love is the farthest thing from her mind. Banished from Boston by her wealthy stepfather, she has come to claim an inheritance from the uncle she never knew: a defunct newspaper office on a main street overflowing with brothels and saloons, and a seemingly worthless mine. Moved by the oppression of the local miners and their families, Kathryn decides to relaunch her uncle’s newspaper–and then finds herself in the middle of a maelstrom, pitted against Calvada’s most powerful men. But Kathryn intends to continue to say–and publish–whatever she pleases, especially when she knows she’s right.

    Matthias Beck, owner of a local saloon and hotel, has a special interest in the new lady in town. He instantly recognizes C. T. Walsh’s same tenacity in the beautiful and outspoken redhead–and knows all too well how dangerous that family trait can be. While Kathryn may be right about Calvada’s problems, her righteousness could also get her killed. But when the handsome hotelier keeps finding himself on the same side of the issues as the opinionated Miss Walsh, Matthias’s restless search for purpose becomes all about answering the call of his heart.

    Everyone may be looking to strike it rich in this lawless boomtown, but it’s a love more precious than gold that will ultimately save them all.

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  • You Can Count On God For Kids


    From New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, these 100 devotions will help kids worry less, bravely try new things, and draw closer to God as they learn to trust His faithfulness.

    Adapted from the encouraging devotional for adults, You Can Count on God teaches children that they can count on God because He will never leave them, and will love them unconditionally. Each of the 100 entries:

    *includes a comforting Bible verse and a short devotion that show an example of God’s faithfulness

    *presents the message that God is trustworthy in a way that children, ages 6 to 10, can understand

    *reassures kids that God can help them with their challenges, sorrows, and questions

    *offers a takeaway section with a key point, reflection question, or prayer to guide kids in understanding and applying the biblical truth

    *is perfect for families to read together or for older readers to enjoy alone

    Give your child the gift of knowing that they can count on God, no matter what. This kids devotional is perfect for:

    *families who want their children to feel secure in their faith
    *a present to commemorate a decision of faith, baptism, or confirmation
    *an Easter basket gift

    With a ribbon bookmark, presentation page, attractive textured hardcover, and bold color interiors, this hope-giving devotional for kids is the perfect gift for any child needing courage for a new challenge, peace from anxieties about the future, or relief from disappointment, insecurity, and overwhelm. You Can Count on God will guide children into a deeper relationship with God as they learn about His faithfulness in the past and build confidence that they can always trust Him to help them.

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  • In View Of Gods Mercies Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Romans is a passionate letter written by Paul, a man completely captured by the beauty, mercy, and majesty of God and His glorious salvation. Paul wanted his readers, then and now, to know how amazing and all-encompassing this salvation actually is-that it’s powerful, planned, eternal, free, and leads to a transformed life.

    In this 9-session study, walk through the Book of Romans, focusing on specific passages to discover that salvation doesn’t just change your eternal future; it changes your present reality. Because of God’s salvation, hope, peace, life, faith, trust, and endurance are yours.

    Learn that after God saves you, He invites you to join Him on His two-fold mission- to sanctify and transform you into the image of Jesus and to send you out into the world to share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

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  • Blessed Are The Chosen


    Blessed Are the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 2 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen. This study brings both the Old and New Testaments to life in an approachable and conversational way.

    This study guide works in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:
    *A deeper look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount
    *Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from each episode
    *Scripture to provide lesson context
    *Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection
    *Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge
    *Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection

    Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity; we’re ushered into a new reality–one that is sure, powerful, and life changing.

    And so–
    *We have hope no matter our circumstances.
    *We have assurances and resources, even in life’s trials.
    *We are blessed in all things because we are chosen by Him.

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  • Throw The First Punch


    In this modern-day collection of our enemy’s activities, learn to anticipate how Satan will attack and discern powerful techniques to preemptively fight against him.

    Learn to fight against the Devil.

    Through biblical examples and engaging stories from Beth Guckenberger’s own life experiences, become equipped and encouraged to battle Satan with boldness and wisdom. Throw the First Punch will teach readers how to fight by:

    *Anticipating how Satan will attack spiritually, emotionally, and physically
    *Discerning specific techniques to preemptively fight against the Enemy
    *Understanding the limitations God has placed on the Enemy
    *Confidently engaging the power they have as co-heirs with Christ

    This resource teaches readers to draw up a spiritual combat plan and be prepared to enter into the battles of everyday life. Live in the power and freedom God created for you, and throw the first punch!

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