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Showing 22801–22850 of 36344 results

  • Names Of God


    Each of God’s names reveals a wonderful aspect of His nature to meet your deepest needs, comfort you in times of personal tragedy, and release you to new heights of joy.

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  • Significant Living : A Road Map For The Second Half Of Your Life


    You are invited to celebrate the joy of living while finding new signifiance for the “second half” of your life. It is never too late to find your purpose and continue growing-spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, relationally, and vocationally.

    Your latter years can be, by far the most fruitful and satisfying season of your life. Follow the suggestions in this book and you will keep on course for a future of signifiance.

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  • Strongs Exhaustive Concordance To The Bible Updated Edition


    This updated edition of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance takes James Strong’s monumental work and updates it to be even more useful to the modern reader.

    It maintains all of the features that have made Strong’s indispensable for over 100 years:
    * Allows the reader to easily find all biblical occurrences of a word in the King James Version
    * Points the reader to the underlying Hebrew and Greek words
    * Uses the Strong’s numbering system which is used in many of the new study tools of today

    And adds new features that make it even more useful:
    * Corrected, updated, and expanded using the latest computer technology
    * Extra-clear typesetting and page design make this edition readable and easy to navigate
    * Updated and improved Hebrew and Greek dictionaries tie each word to the Greek or Hebrew root
    * Includes maps and additional Bible study aids
    * Clear edge-tab indexing for handier use

    An indispensable resource for better Bible study
    * Easy-to-read, extra-clear typeface
    * Find every occurrence of any word in the King James Version Bible
    * Discover the Hebrew and Greek words underlying the KJV English using the Strong’s numbering system
    * Use the updated Hebrew and Greek dictionaries to find brief definitions of each word of the original languages
    * Quickly find your place with clear edge-tab indexing

    “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance deserves a place next to your Bible as one of the most valuable and versatile tools of Bible study ever developed. Students of the Bible have long used concordances to go in search of lost riches within the pages of Scripture. Few, however, make full use of the wealth of resources offered in Strong’s – from doing word and thematic studies to probing the deeper meanings embedded in the original languages of the Bible… Go beyond mere searches for lost verses and hone your skills by utilizing this tool’s more advanced features.”
    -from the Introduction

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  • Fathered By God


    New York Times best-selling author John Eldredge unveils the six stages men must complete to become who God designed them to be. In this life-changing message from John Eldredge, readers discover a paradigm-shifting path to manhood. He unveils the six stages many men miss, stages they must complete in order to become the man God designed them to be. Inspiring, insightful, and challenging for men and the women in their lives, Fathered by God delivers the very thing men need, a way to forge companionship with God the Father while undergoing a transformation, releasing the fullness of life and the passion God designed them to live.

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  • Moses And The King My First I Can Read


    God tells Moses to save the Israelites from slavery. Can Moses convince the King to let the Israelites leave Egypt?

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  • Lost Son My First I Can Read


    Jack decides to leave his family and try living on his own. When things don’t work out, will his dad take him back?

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  • Baby Moses And The Princess My First I Can Read


    Miriam’s mom puts her baby brother Moses in a basket on the river because she cannot keep him. Worried Miriam stands by the river to watch. Will he be okay? Will anyone find him?

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  • Joseph And His Brothers My First I Can Read


    Sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph eventually becomes the king’s assistant. Now his brothers need his help. Will Joseph forgive them for sinning against him?

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  • Super Ace And The Rotten Robots Level 2


    Space hero Super Ace is called to planet Roop because the planet’s robots are making messes, being mean, and ruining everything. The planet is in chaos! Super Ace tries to use his super powers (strength and good looks) to make the robots obey him, but no matter what he tries, the robots are still bad. The planet leader turns to sidekick Ned, and Super Ace laughs. But Ned uses his God-given wisdom to discover that the main switch at Robot Control has been bumped. The lever that should point to Good now points to Bad. That’s why the robots are bad. They can’t choose how to act, like people can. Ned moves the lever to Good, and the robots begin to clean up the mess and help people again. This level-two I Can Read book uses engaging characters and a simple plot to build children’s confidence as they discover the joy of reading independently.

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  • Berenstain Bears Play A Good Game


    Brother and Sister Bear love to play soccer, and their own Papa Bear is the coach of their team. But, during one tough game, they learn important lessons about fair play and sportsmanship for young and old, alike.

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  • Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors


    The Little Lights Berenstain Bear series helps children learn how God wants them to live every day. Most of the Berenstain Bears’ neighbors are like the Bear family-they keep their homes neat and clean. Except for the Bogg Brothers who live in a run-down shack. In The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors children learn that being a good neighbor takes more than keeping a nice home.

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  • About The Bible (Revised)


    In this newly revised and expanded edition About the Bible: Short Answers to Big Questions, Terence E. Fretheim offers straightforward answers to reoccurring questions about how the Bible was written, organized, and interpreted – and why people have such different opinions about what the Bible has to say.

    Built on a bestselling volume first introduced to readers in 1999, this edition welcomes added questions to a unique question-and-answer format. Among the questions are: Who wrote the Bible? How did it come to be? Do Lutherans believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, for instance the Creation Story? Can we draw responsible ethical discernment from the Bible? How do we read the Bible for spiritual growth?

    Arranged according to topic, the books is ideal for individual and group use. Both devoted Bible readers and Bible novices are sure to find answers to many of their biggest questions here

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  • Rose Conspiracy


    Publishers Weekly called Craig Parshall’s Trial by Ordeal “an enjoyable romp for legal thriller aficionados.” Now Parshall takes his readers to the nation’s capital, where a hitherto unknown document has turned up…and turned into murder. As the Smithsonian’s president examines a newly discovered account of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, an intruder steals in, kills him, and disappears into the night with the document.

    Vinnie Archmont, an accomplished and stunningly beautiful artist, is implicated. She hires the brilliant but secretly guilt-burdened criminal law professor J.D. Blackstone. Blackstone finds himself uncovering the Mystic Freemasons’ most guarded secret. He reluctantly turns to his uncle, a Bible-quoting Anglican priest and occult-religions expert. Enemies like a sorcery-obsessed billionaire English lord, a powerful U.S. Senator, and a ruthless prosecutor force Blackstone to employ all his cunning.

    In the process, he is compelled to choose between spiritual counterfeit and Gospel truth, guilt and forgiveness…destruction and a new beginning.

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  • Bibles Redemption Pattern And Numeric Map


    God has placed numbers strategically throughout the Bible to point to His ten-step redemption plan. Symbolism associated with numbers one to ten reveals that each number represents progressively intricate elements of the plan. For example, the number one represents God the Father, but it also represents beginnings, creation, and separation (darkness from light, water from land, etc). The most valuable aspect of the Redemption Pattern is understanding God’s ten progressive steps of spiritual growth. This book explains numbers’ symbolism, as well as showing the incredible DNA-like intersection of numbers across Scripture, numbers that form a Numeric Map and built-in Bible concordance. Numbers validate that the Bible, miraculously, still exists as God intended, and they prove the Old and New Testaments are two inseparable parts of one book. While many believe numbers studies should be avoided, this book shows how God uses numbers in very precise ways that, when understood, contribute to more-accurate biblical interpretation. Number meanings are easy to use and don’t reduce study to numerical analysis. Instead, they add exciting new dimensions to understanding God’s Word. Gaining understanding of biblical numbers will transform your Bible study into a great adventure. Compelling evidence proves these claims can’t be coincidence. Examples include – John 3:16, the keystone verse for Christianity, is in the 1,000th chapter. Matthew 24:42, warning of the “Day of the Lord,” is the precise 24,000th verse. Psalms 117, the only two-verse chapter, is located exactly as the Bible’s middle chapter. With much more amazing discoveries inside, get ready to be amazed.

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  • Backslider Like Me


    In this book you will find hope and help for anyone who has blacksliding tendencies; how to recognize and overcome the lies and wiles the enemy uses to get you to turn away from God; 16 biblical tools you can use to help keep you from backsliding; God’s great love for backsliders and how He reaches out to them; steps to help you return to God if you are backsliding; and 44 powerful keys that every person with backsliding tendencies can access whenever they need them.

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  • Historical Christ And The Theological Jesus


    Informally presents and evaluates complex-sometimes troubling-issues in scholarly discussion of Jesus Christ.

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  • Imminent Domain : The Story Of The Kingdom Of God And Its Celebration


    What is the kingdom of God? Where is it? How should the church celebrate the coming of the kingdom? In this popularly written study Ben Witherington addresses these and various other questions about the ever-elusive kingdom of God. Clearly defining the kingdom in terms of God’s dominion, Witherington discusses both its present (“already”) and future (“not yet”) dimensions, and he brings out at length the implications of kingdom thinking for theology, ethics, and worship.

    Filled with practical wisdom on the kingdom of God and how to celebrate it faithfully, Imminent Domain fills a real niche.

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  • Where Will You Spend Eternity


    Jews, Gentiles, Atheists, Believers and Non-believers The Bible prophecies are being fulfilled The world is in worse evil chaos than in the days of Noah Did the 7 year tribulation period start October 22, 2006? Your only hope is in the Messiah our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved.” Acts 16:31 Where will you spend eternity? Only one runway to heaven to meet the Lord Jesus in the air You must be born again of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God All have sinned and need the Savior Lord Jesus! Repent from your sins and get your reservation in heaven? Christians build character through suffering by faith in Christ The devil, the father of lies, deceives and blinds non-believers No party in hell. The lake of eternal fire will be a hell of a place Before you commit suicide try Jesus. Experience true love, hope and joy forever Blasphemy, deception and false revivals in the Protestant Churches Is the Catholic Church a cult and the Pope not catholic? The Lord Jesus is Jehovah God Homosexuals in fifth place on the sinners list War, famine, earthquakes, and the rise of the anti-Christ Battle of Har Magedon the final battle on earth known as Armageddon “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1. Peter 1:3-5 Zealous James Your bond-servant of Christ

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  • Reasonable And Holy


    Reasonable and Holy addresses the conflict over homosexuality within the Anglican tradition, demonstrating that the church is able to provide for and support faithful and loving relationships between persons of the same sex, not as a departure from that tradition, but as a reasonable extension of it.

    It offers a carefully argued, but accessible means of engagement with Scripture, the Jewish and Christian traditions, and the use of reason in dealing with the experience and lives of fellow-Christians. Unlike most reflections on the topic of homosexuality, Reasonable and Holy examines same-sex relationships through the lens of the traditional teaching on the “ends” or “goods” of marriage: procreation, union, the upbuilding of society, the symbolic representation of Christ and the Church, and the now often unmentioned “remedy for fornication.” Throughout, it responds to objections based on reason, tradition and Scripture.

    Based on a series of popular blog posts, it includes a number of independent, but related resources in the form of side-bars and single-page expansions of particular themes, suitable for reproduction as handouts.

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  • Men At Work


    Dr. I.V. Hilliard gives men amazing revelation from Scripture on how to become men of purpose and fulfillment starting with their commitments.

    Men must discover God’s purpose for their life and begin working toward that in order to find fulfillment. Dr. Hilliard, with over 20 years in counseling men, helps them begin that journey by renewing their commitments to God, to themselves, and to their families. As Dr. Hilliard uncovers false ideologies, men will recognize lies about their worth, their talents, and their future. He shows men the importance of knowing who they are according to God’s Word and not man’s standards.

    Encouraging and uplifting, this book delivers solid scriptural principles with humor and realism. Men will find hope as they build positive self-esteem, learn to enjoy their work, develop strong family relationships, and, most of all, get to know God as their Lord, their counselor, and their friend.

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  • Compassionate Care : An Inspirational Guide For Caregivers Of The Seriously


    Those dealing with the physical or emotional needs and behaviors of those on the journey to death, or those dealing with the difficulties of life-changing illness or injury need special wisdom. This volume offers help and hope for those living in difficult circumstances. The circumstances of grief, depression, and the exhaustion that comes from dealing with the emotional and physical problems that attend life-changing illness or injury. The book is devotional in nature and offers encouragement and understanding. Read it and grow.

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  • Freed To Tell


    THERE IS LIFE AFTER ABUSE Only the power of Jesus Christ can transform a victim into a victor. Only the power of Jesus Christ can free a person from painful memories. Only the power of Jesus Christ can set a captive free. Child abuse is one of the most horrendous crimes against the innocent. Statistics reveal that by age fourteen at least 50% of all females have been abused sexually, physically or emotionally and most commonly by family members or someone known to them. Sarah Bratcher gives an account of her gripping and heart rending journey from a life of childhood abuse, involvement in the occult, depression, self abuse, MPD/DID, substance abuse and suicide attempts, into the healing hands of the Great Bondage Breaker, Jesus Christ.

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  • Talking With God (Reprinted)


    Franois Fenelon was a seventeenth-century French Catholic archbishop who rose to a position of influence in the court of Louis XIV. He became a wise mentor to members of the king’s court, his writings preserved by the many people whom he counseled. These words have inspired Christians of all backgrounds for centuries with their frank honesty, spiritual wisdom, and unflinching response to truth. This beautiful, accessible, contemporary English translation, introduces you to the essential Fenelon.

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  • Amazon Top Seller Secrets


    There is a new phenomenon hitting the world of the Internet marketplace. PowerSellers who have made a fortune on eBay are moving their merchandise over to Amazon. After all, the benefits of selling on Amazon are legion-sellers have found that they can charge more for their merchandise, avoid upfront fees, and deal with less-demanding customers. The opportunities for selling are endless-Amazon now sells products in more than 40 categories and is the web’s number one retailer with more than 81 million customers. As the authors of the popular book eBay PowerSeller Secrets, Debra and Brad Schepp are experts at making big money selling products on the web. Now, in Amazon Top Seller Secrets, they show readers why Amazon is the marketplace that will bring them more cash and more customers. Sellers will discover everything they need to: * navigate the Amazon marketplace * set the right price for merchandise * drive more traffic to their product pages * achieve consistently high feedback ratings * become an Amazon Pro Merchant * open more than one Amazon WebStore * source the best products * and more With this priceless advice, readers can increase their profits and build their business without constraints and without all the hassles.

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  • Christ And Evolution


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800640132ISBN10: 0800640136Celia Deane-DrummondBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Passionate Spirituality : Loving And Living Gods Message


    Like any other relationship, our relationship with God must grow to survive — yet many Christians just go through the motions spiritually. Passionate Spirituality is a call for lukewarm Christians to dive deeper in their relationship with God, incorporating biblical principles into our daily lives. John T. Collins explores five different facets of our Christian life that, when developed and strengthened, can have a lasting impact on our relationship with God. When we cultivate grace, growth, assembling in groups, giftedness, and good stewardship, the effects will not only be felt in our personal walk with God, but also in the world around us as we reach out into the church and the community. With discussion questions following each chapter, this book is ideal for both small group study and personal reflection for Christians who want to take hold of their identity as children of God.

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  • Humor Me : The Geranium Ladys Funny Little Book Of Big Laughs


    In a collection of stories, quips, and quotes that only Barbara Johnson could conceive, readers will laugh at the zany, unforgettable surprises of being a mother.
    Mothers-they’ve seen it all-the good, the bad, and the hilarious. And now they’re talking about it. Best-selling author, speaker, and all-around funny lady, Barbara Johnson continues her tradition of serious hilarity with a humorous look at the joys of motherhood. A collection of stories, quotes, and anecdotes that help moms forget the stress and frustration of unmade beds and a fast-food lifestyle, Humor Me, I’m Your Mother is the perfect book that will soon have them giggling, chuckling, and laughing out loud.

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  • Legends Of The Fallen


    Angels never fall __ humans do! This book is a ‘must have’ for any person serious about correcting erroneous doctrines that have passed down from generation to generation. “Legends of the Fallen” is a work that calls its readers to assume their personal responsibility. Colored with humorous personal stories by the author as well as a conversational and entertaining writing style, “Legends” is an invaluable addition to your personal library as well as a wonderful study tool for group discussions and book clubs. It is an intense study that tips over many “sacred cows.” The book takes a closer look at very popular excuses for mankind’s demise such as the legendary origin, identity and fall of an angel formerly named Lucifer along with his horde of “fallen angels.” Great book – sure to raise some eyebrows and prayerfully some conscious’ as well!”

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  • Thrive Dont Simply Survive


    The bestselling author of The Power of a Positive series – whose books have sold more than 600,000 copies – returns with an outstanding guide to living with passion and joy, even when life doesn’t turn out as planned.

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  • Busy Peoples Low Carb Cookbook


    Busy People’s Low Carb Cookbook is the answer for everyone who wants to embrace the low-carb lifestyle but still wants enough variety to stay on the program and keep everyone happy!

    Dawn Hall takes low carb beyond steak and broccoli and bacon and eggs to a full line of dishes for every meal. From creative egg casseroles for breakfast to an elegant and easy dinner perfect for company, this is the cookbook to make low-carb livable.

    Using her signature 7 ingredients or less and 30 minutes or less preparation plan, Hall meets the needs of every time-stressed cook concerned with feeding a hungry family, and watching their waistlines.

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  • Christian Guide To The Quran


    In order to understand and minister to Muslims, Christians must first understand the Qur’an. This guide for Christians explains the central messages of the Qur’an in simple terms and illustrates how knowledge of Islam’s sacred text can aid evangelism and religious understanding. In A Christian Guide to the Qur’an, Raouf and Carol Ghattas have created a tool that can build bridges of understanding between Christians and Muslims. Drawing upon their years of experience working in Muslim cultures and their extensive knowledge of Islam, the authors outline the worldview set forth in the Qur’an with a focus on evangelism. The authors also helpfully provide a glossary of Arabic terms and three appendices detailing important dates in Islam, biblical names found in the Qur’an, and biblical references in the Qur’an.

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  • He Became Poor


    Drawing deeply on the views of Thomas Aquinas, He Became Poor challenges the modern economic tendency toward the “proprietary self” and calls for a renewed appreciation of the virtues of trusting receptivity and humble awareness of our membership in a larger benevolent order. Christopher Franks reveals how the summons to become poor bestows a new intelligibility on formerly obscure economic teachings. In the course of his discussion Franks juxtaposes Aquinas with Aristotle, John Locke, and Alasdair MacIntyre.

    This book makes a provocative case for taking Aquinas’s thoughts on economics more seriously and illustrates how the very market conditions of the modern world cloud any attempt to fully understand Aquinas. Franks offers a convincing argument that questioning market-formed assumptions can actually help us recover the evangelical character of Aquinas’s ethics.

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  • Silver Boxes : The Gift Of Encouragement


    Now in paperback from Florence Littauer!

    Humorous anecdotes and touching insights inspire readers to reach out with encouragement to people who are hurting and need help. Learn how to make others feel special, mend broken dreams and share the affirming message of the gospel through encouragement

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  • Complete Guide To Bible Translations


    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Given the wealth of English translations of the Bible available today, how can anyone know which is the right one for them? The options seem overwhelming. Biblical scholar Ron Rhodes provides an easy-to-read guide that takes the guesswork out of choosing a Bible. He critiques the prominent theories of translation, lets readers in on the debate about gender-inclusive language, and thoroughly covers the major English translations from the King James Version to the New Living Translation and everything in between, including the two most recent Bibles for Catholics. His examination of each version includes:
    the story behind the translation
    the translation theory used
    the intended readership
    pluses and minuses
    comparisons with other translations

    A unique feature is Rhodes’ look at secondary factors to keep in mind when choosing a Bible, such as the type size, the quality of the paper, the existence and placement of cross references and other study helps, and the types of bindings. The result is an indispensable guide to help readers through the maze of choosing the translation best suited for them.

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  • Breaking Bread With The Brokenhearted


    Any kind of change in our lives has the possibility of bringing grief into the situation. This book was designed to help those who are grieving. It can be used as a devotional and to journal your thoughts. Grief comes unexpectedly and almost knocks us to our knees. Grieve, but don’t allow it to settle in and make a home in you. Then it becomes depression. Itzhak Perlman, renowned Israeli violinist is quoted as saying, “You know, sometimes it is the artist’s task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left.” We all have music left in us. We must allow God to bring it out and share it with other brokenhearted people.

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  • Dying To Live


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Many Christians acknowledge that they love Jesus but are disillusioned about their spiritual condition. They come to Christ to drink from the well of his new life, yet find that their thirst remains. Why has the Christian life not met their expectations for spiritual growth and how can they satisfy this craving for their Christian walk to have a deeper impact? Do you desperately yearn for a deeper relationship with God? Clive Calver-pastor, preacher and longtime church statesman-can relate. As a young preacher and fairly new Christian, he felt deeply frustrated in his efforts to experience spiritual transformation. Then it dawned on him that Jesus’ death on the cross achieved two things: how to die and how to live. Crucified love was God’s gift to us; resurrected life with Christ was his purpose for us.

    For far too long we have been presented with a version of the Christian faith that majors on what we get rather than on what we give. The cross has been portrayed as the place where Jesus died for us and where we receive from him but rarely as the location of our joint crucifixion with him. The uncomfortable truth is that Jesus calls us to share his cross. If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me (Matthew 16:24). Fortunately, we don’t have to be some kind of a Super Christian to allow God’s power to work through us. Calver shows how a number of ordinary believers have discovered the paradoxical fulfillment of the crucified life as they die to self and serve God and other people. By dying to live, you too can know the joy of resurrection.

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  • Adventure Bible Storybook


    The newest edition to the top-selling Adventure series, this storybook Bible for kids ages 4-7 begins a child’s journey with the Bible as they learn its main stories and themes-all within a fun, exciting theme of discovery, imagination, and suspense-everything you’d expect from a fantastic adventure.

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  • Inheritance


    McKenna and her rebellious younger brother Robert accept an invitation from their distant cousin and move to Copper Creek, Colorado, seeking a fresh start in a quaint mountain town. There she meets US Marshall Wyatt Caradon who begins to suspect McKenna’s brother of a number o illegal activities.

    When McKenna’s cousin dies, leaving her the ranch and a young child, the future seems laid out for her. But a distant relative shows up to contest the will-and the judge is disinclined to grant the inheritance to an unmarried woman with no means to pay a mortgage. Wyatt’s growing affection for McKenna and the likely ruling in the case motivate him to propose a marriage of convenience, but at what cost?

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  • Book Of Mary


    “Of all the women in the Bible,” writes Nicola Slee, “Mary has been for me the most ambivalent, the most alien and yet, at some level, the most alluring. I’ve taken a long time to come to her-or for her to come to me. I grew up in a religious tradition-low church Methodism-in which Mary hardly featured, other than in the nativity story. Yet it is hardly possible to exist as an inhabitant of the western world, with even half an eye open to the visual and cultural heritage of Christendom, and not to have been in some way affected by this woman, the woman of the Christian tradition.”

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  • Holy Island Of Lindisfarne


    A book of stories about the island than a history. It aims to show the island’s human face, its trials and tribulations as well as its celebrations, revealing how Lindisfarne and its people have coped with and adapted to change. A pick-up-able book that will give those who are interested a feeling for the history of the island and the part it has played in shaping the history of our land.

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  • Was Jesus A Muslim


    SKU (ISBN): 9780800663254ISBN10: 080066325XRobert ShedingerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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  • Light And The Glory (Revised)


    Repackaged Edtiion

    Did Columbus believe that God called him west to undiscovered lands? Does American democracy owe its inception to the handful of Pilgrims that settled at Plymouth? If, indeed, there was a specific, divine call upon this nation, is it still valid today?

    The Light and the Glory answers these questions and many more for history buffs. As readers look at their nation’s history from God’s point of view, they will begin to have an idea of how much we owe to a very few–and how much is still at stake.

    Now revised and expanded for the first time in more than thirty years, The Light and the Glory is poised to show new readers just how special their country is.

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  • 42 Days To A New Life


    America is in the midst of the greatest epidemic of its history. It is not a virus; it is not global warming; it is not obesity, per se. It is the imbalance of fat in our diet that is leading to heart disease, cancer, depression, ADD/ADHD, osteoporosis, arthritis, and many other disorders. * Why are 650,000 Americans dying annually from heart attacks? * Why are 3 young adults committing suicide every day? * Why do we all know of a loved one suffering or dead from cancer? These and many other questions about the decay of America’s health are answered by the imbalance of fat in the western diet. This book explores the background and devastation caused by this fat imbalance that has developed in our lifetime. From alpha to omega, it gives you guidance toward better health, and a new life in 42 days.

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  • Healing By Design (Revised)


    Your body CAN heal itself! The world system is currently training you to be sick. Are you still participating?

    Radically restore your body’s health by tapping into its built-in healing mechanisms. Learn how your system works, how to take control of your healing and how to maintain your God-given health like never before.

    It doesn’t matter if the problem is a chronic degenerative condition, trauma, childhood obesity, ADHD, a neurological problem or any other type of disease. The body has the ability to heal itself if proper balance can be restored. This understanding will revolutionize your healthcare, right down to how you feed, cleanse and protect your cells.

    GET READY! Everything you once believed regarding healthcare is about to change. Armed with biblical principles and medical facts, you’ll have the tools you need to make better health choices for yourself and your family from now on.

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  • Easter Experience Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Paint yourself into the story and transform Easter into a truly life-changing experience. Once you experience the story of Easter, absolutely everything in your life changes. The Easter Experience is a unique, DVD-driven study which brings the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching. This companion to The Easter Experience small group DVD follows the six 20-minute episodes, providing additional information, discovery questions, and tips for helping your small group grow spiritually and bond with each other as well as with the eternal message of Easter. Also available are the Easter Experience Church Program and the Easter Experience Ministry Devotional.

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  • Alphabet Of Grace


    With characteristic eloquence and insight, Buechner presents a three-part series of reflections that probe, through the course of one day, the innermost mysteries of life. Blending an artist’s eye for natureal beauty, the true meaning of human encounters, and the significance of occurances (momentous or seemly trival), with a wealth of personal, literacy, biblical, and spiritual insights, he offers a matchless opportunity for readers to discover the hidden wisdom that can be gleaned through a heightened experience of daily life.

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  • Mistaken Identity : Two Families One Survivor Unwavering Hope


    The stunning true story of two families trading places from graveside to bedside.

    Five lives were lost in a tragic accident involving a Taylor University van, and one young woman, severely injured and comatose, was rushed to the hospital. Families, faculty, students, and communities grieved their losses and joined in prayer and hope as the one young woman, Laura Van Ryn, fought for her life in a hospital bed. The national news spread the story, and people everywhere shared the grief and the hope.

    Five weeks passed for the Cerak family. Believing they had buried their daughter, the Ceraks clung to their faith and worshipped God through their tears, learning to look forward with hope to an eternal reunion with their lovely daughter Whitney. They spent weeks in mourning and grief, slowly moving toward healing.

    Five weeks passed for the Van Ryns. Keeping a constant bedside vigil over their precious daughter Laura, they sat and prayed and hoped. They rejoiced at each tiny advance toward recovery. They celebrated each sign of Laura’s healing.

    And then the shock! “Okay, Laura, I would like you to write your name for me,” the occupationaltherapist said. W-H-I-T-N-E-Y.

    An event that could be seen as pure tragedy becomes a celebration of life’s unfathomable gifts and mysteries.

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  • Genesis 2


    Genesis is not merely an Old Testament book. Genesis is the beginning of the Bible’s macro-narrative, the over-arching narrative which stretches from the creation in Genesis 1 and 2 to the new creation in Revelation 21 and 22. To read Genesis as Christian Scripture requires that we also read Genesis in light of its meaning for Christians who know Jesus Christ to be the ultimate seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:16).

    This section of Genesis differs from chapters 1-11 in two main ways. First, it deals with the chosen family, the precursor to the nation of Israel. Second, it focuses much more on the lives of individual characters who come to life on its pages. A predominant theme in this section of Genesis is the concept of election or “chosenness,” referring to God’s choice of particular individuals as the human channels of his blessing to the entire world. Often God’s choice runs counter to the human choice. Isaac is chosen over Lot and Ishmael; Jacob over Esau; Judah over his older brothers Reuben, Simeon and Levi. Joseph, the tenth son, is elevated above his brothers. The chosen nation descends from a series of individuals chosen for other reasons than their order of birth or expected social status. Israel is a chosen nation descended from the unlikely and improbable choices that God made of individuals. This theme of God’s surprising choices binds the narratives of Genesis together and hints at the humility that the chosen nation Israel must have toward their own election.

    Unlike the earlier section of Genesis where human characters are little more than types, in this section of Genesis we have full-fledged characters such as Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph and Judah. With fullfledged characters comes the complexity and ambiguity of such characters. The characters in Genesis are not portrayed as good Christian people! They were not Christians and their narrative portrayals are not simplistic. The lessons we learn from them come as much from their weaknesses and mistakes as it does from their moral examples. The characters of Genesis are not white-hatted heroes riding white horses or black-hatted villains riding black ones. The message of Genesis is elsewhere than in simplistic moralizing.

    Genesis 12-50 makes clear that even the chosen family is itself significantly sinful. This prepares the ground for the Bible’s great surprise ending. God himself, in his son Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham, took on flesh and b

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  • Ripe Fields : Promise And Challange Of Latino Ministry


    Timed to be launched at 2009 General Convention, Juan Oliver definitive look at the history and potential future of Latino ministry in the Episcopal Church comes at an opportune time. With Latino ministries growing around the country in all traditions, and with increasing resource and programmatic offerings being allocated to serve those communities, this highly descriptive handbook profiles the culture, faith, and importance of this emerging minority.

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  • Spilt Milk : Devotions For Moms


    Spilt Milk is a collection of brief, hilarious stories and meditations mixed with biblically based applications that encourage women in their spiritual journey. Written by a Gen-X mom, these stories remind busy mothers that God’s grace is always there in the messes and marvels of life, love, and being a mom.

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