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Showing 21401–21450 of 36344 results

  • Grace In The Dark Places


    Why are people drawn to alternative religions that deviate from the norm of Christian beliefs? Why do they stay? What compels them to cling to a false dogma, even in the face of evidence that their beliefs are in error? Why do they engage in scriptural gymnastics in defense of beliefs that have no grounding in Christian theology? Why do they tolerate abusiveness from charismatic leaders and cede personal freedom? Why are they willing to defend these leaders and their institutions to the bitter end? After a lifetime of spiritual incarceration, Jim Turner began studying the cult mentality in order to better understand his actions. He researched religious cults and their practices and traced their teachings throughout history as they found their way into the “New Religions.” His studies have convinced him that there is indeed “nothing new under the sun.” New Religions offer amended ideas that identified past cults. Modern cults have extracted beliefs from past groups and added a spin that presents them as original and, of course, inspired. Psychological manipulation plays a significant role in the development and continuation of modern cults, but Jim Turner has presented a convincing argument that the psychological condition and willingness of cultists to surrender their freedom to cult leaders and their irrational tendencies to elevate a revered leader to a semi-divine level are equally responsible for the advancement of cults. Follow the author through the early stages of cult indoctrination, the personal abuses he experienced at the hands of the cult, his personal choices as he rose through the ranks of the cult and his eventual enlightenment to the deceptiveness of the cult led by Herbert W. Armstrong. Walk with him out of the darkness of cultic deception into the glorious light of the Grace of God through Jesus Christ.

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  • My Struggles My Bondage And My Freedom And Deliverance


    A true miracle took place in my life… I had my gun in my hands at one point, to kill myself. A miracle took place as the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent me, intervened and stopped me. A divine intervention, a true miracle, took place in my life that day; and God’s hand is creating a new chapter in our evolution, through me, for all whose time have come to be rescued from the bondage of the adversary in our world today. I was bound down by the devil for twenty six years with an addiction to cocaine while handling my everyday business, and no one knew – not even my families and loved ones. Furthermore, God eradicated my twenty six year cocaine addiction, without the help from any doctors or clinics for addiction whatsoever. Yes, God still does miracles and He is as alive today as He ever was. My book is non-fiction and is of God. I’ve had revelations from God clearly on my new journey, and I know this book will be used by God to deliver many with its contents.- Eddy

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  • Cancer And Me


    You simply say, “Oh, no, this can’t be cancer!” You talk to God like never before. And you realize it is time to get in touch with your inner self to learn who you really are. You ask questions like:

    “How will I come out of this, mentally and spiritually?”

    “Will I make it?”

    “Will my family make it? Have I prepared them for such a bumpy road?”

    Through it all, you learn to lean on God like never before, as well as on your praying friends. When treatment is over and good reports start coming in, you realize that you are a changed person. You have a new attitude about yourself; you realize you have a caring concern for others going through a similar trial.

    My desire is to reach out to those hurting “others”, to give them hope and brighten their days. Perhaps, ultimately, even to encourage them in their personal relationship with God.

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  • Summers Kill


    Assistant District Attorney Trisha Miller grew up in a loving, protective Christian home. The horror of one dark night and an encounter with pure evil left Trisha first questioning and then abandoning her faith. If God didn’t answer her desperate prayer cried out in terror, she didn’t need Him. Now, depending only on herself, Trisha is driven to seek justice for other victims, knowing full well that she might never experience that same justice as the years pass and her assailant remains at large. Criminal behavioralist Colin Reid has spent the last eleven years trying to track down the diabolical murderer who stole his fiancee Liz from him, and who continues to murder another young woman in the same manner every summer since. As their paths cross unexpectedly, neither can deny the attraction toward the other. Just as God begins to heal Trisha’s wounded heart, her worst nightmare materializes in the flesh. Can Colin put the pieces together in time to solve the mystery and rescue the woman who now means more to him than any other that he’s met? If you have ever struggled with unanswered prayer, forgiveness, and trust, this is a book for you.

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  • Hurricane


    Bonnie enjoys helping Daddy track hurricanes, but when Hurricane Hazel, a killer storm, unexpectedly hits her own little farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Bonnie’s trust in God’s goodness is sorely tested and she asks one of life’s hardest questions, “Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?”

    “Little Farm” books illustrate the joys and trials of growing up on a farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania during the 1950s, while presenting Christian values in an entertaining format. This is the sixth book of a projected eight-book series. As the story unfolds in future books, Bonnie continues to grow in her knowledge of God through good times and bad.

    (Book VI will be more fully enjoyed if Books I through V are read first.)

    Book I -“A Little Family Moves In”
    Book II -“Trouble, Mischief, and Adventure”
    Book III -“The Fire”
    Book IV -“Fluffy”
    Book V -“Stealing from God”

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  • Messages From Heaven


    Having the gift of the Holy Spirit, under His anointing the author wrote poetry only as the Holy Spirit gave it. By January, 2008, he had written 260 Holy Spirit-inspired poems for a book, and one for the reader.

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  • I Envy Birds


    My father, Joe B. Chapman, was shuffled from town to town during his childhood as his father followed work on the pipeline. He saw many places and met many people. Texas A&M was the college of his choice and where he earned a degree in Industrial Engineering. His education enabled him to pursue a career which enabled him to see what was once considered the far and exotic reaches of the earth. Not only did my father obtain the knowledge found in books, but he saw the mysteries of other cultures. By human standards, you could say that my dad, although not of noble birth, was influential in his field and has great wisdom. (I Corinthians 1:25-31) these verses teach us, the foolish things of the world can confound the wise. Daddy understands this truth and he has kept his eyes on the Lord and trusted in the Lord’s wisdom and guidance throughout his life. When he tells stories of his travels in the past, he does not boast of the things he has seen or done, but he boasts of what the Lord has allowed him to see and experience as well as the protection He has afforded my dad. By God’s standards, my dad is of noble birth. He is covered in the righteousness of Jesus, which makes him a joint heir in all that God has and loves to give to His children. What my dad wants you to know, and tells you through his poetry is that you too can be a child of The King. You can be redeemed and sanctified by God and you too can boast in the Lord. Written by Pamela Chapman Barrett. (Joe’s Daughter)

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  • 10 Things Every 10th Grade Girl Should Know


    Tenth grade is a lot like that last emergency drill before life taps you on the shoulder and says, “It’s time.” Although you are still a minor, the next two years will require you to take on more responsibility and to make bigger decisions. Now is the time to mentally prepare yourself for the whirlwind ahead because after tenth grade, things begin moving very quickly. Between now and your senior year, several hallmark events await you, such as taking senior pictures, getting your class ring, going to prom, ordering your cap and gown, and finding a way to pay for it all. Before you know it, you will be eighteen, graduating, and embarking on a whole new level of life. If you are not prepared, your final years of high school will leave you dazed, confused, and wondering what just happened (not to mention broke).

    “10 Things Every 10th-Grade Girl Should Know” discusses the top ten things that affect the lives of young women ages 15-17 from a Biblical perspective without hiding behind political correctness. It is real talk for real times. Use it as a guide to avoid the common mistakes that many teen girls tend to make during this particular season of life. You may not be able to completely avoid having emotional baggage when you are done reading, but you can at least have a 2-carry-on limit.

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  • Weaving Through Lives


    Every story has a beginning. Childhood experiences shape lives toward decisions, placing individuals in situations that determine choices. For Mary of Bethany, the beginning of her story was in the alabaster box she lavishly poured on her Lord, expressing the joy of her salvation and new life. Mary Magdalene wasted too many years fighting her demons, until she was rescued by a man from Galilee who gave her answers instead of questions. Who was the woman at the well and why was she shunned by her entire community? When her well was empty, her Savior came to fill her with living water. Their stories have been told for two thousand years leaving audiences pondering their circumstances and choices before Jesus came into their lives. Tragedy and trauma are redeemed when divine appointments bring hope and new beginnings. Weaving Though Lives is the story of three young girls who grow into women and learn to trust again in spite of their beginnings.

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  • Corner Of His Garment


    “The Corner of His Garment” chronicles the lives of two extra-ordinary women who lived centuries ago in a place called Moab. These women have a story that in many ways is so very similar to the stories of women today. Ainslee has attempted to connect the lives of Ruth and Naomi with the lives of today’s women. Study these women and grow in your knowledge of what persevering faith, true worship, godly relationships, and real femininity looks like. See God in His glorious character and be drawn to Him with a longing heart. See how it is that Jesus can be YOUR Kinsman-Redeemer.


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  • Faith : A Way Of Life


    Like individuals in the Bible who lived their lives with purpose and conviction, who walked with God, believed His Word and experienced outstanding breakthroughs and experienced tremendous victories, our life also is to be a wonderful adventure in faith where the strategies of the enemy are defeated, the will of God is accomplished, and promises are obtained. Smith Wigglesworth said, “God has designed that the just shall live by faith.” Discover the power that is released when someone believes God and what it actually means for faith to become a way of life. Sherry Jones travels extensively ministering the Word of God. Her message is positive, powerful, and practical – bringing strength and encouragement to everyone. Sherry ministers the Word in churches, at conferences, Bible schools, and at weekly meetings. Sherry’s teachings are being broadcast on radio and throughout the world via the internet. Her liberating message of faith, redemption, the authority of the believer, and who the believer is in Christ continue to bless and benefit people on both a local and a worldwide basis.

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  • Gods Formula For Kingdom Living


    Pastor Eugene Hartley is a dynamic Bible Teacher with over 53 years of evangelizing and pastoring churches. He started 6 churches and built 15 buildings for Christ. He is currently the pastor of the CornerStone Church in Stapleton, Alabama. This is a church where Jesus is Lord and your Eternity has already begun!

    Trail of Satan
    The Missing Link
    Complaining Souls under the Alter
    3 People who told the Story of Creation for the first 2500 years
    Where have the Dead gone since Adam?
    What became New in 70 AD.
    Was All the Scriptures fulfilled by 70 AD?
    Does the Bible-History and Science Agree?
    Where did all the Races come from?
    Has The Great Tribulation already happened?
    Who is the Antichrist?
    Revelation Fulfilled by 70 AD 83 years in building the Jewish Temple
    The Sinless Conscience The Perfection of The Believers
    The Missing Signs of the Last Days. End of The World or End of an Age?

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  • Christian Athlete Playbook 1


    The Christian Athlete Playbook equips the athlete for success in position and kingdom purpose by:
    * Providing 20 Proven Life Lessons, meditation scriptures, “transparent” personal testimony and prayer confessions that will result in spiritual transformation and maturity.
    * Utilizing Application Drills to assist the athlete with becoming a “doer” and not just a hearer of the Word of God.
    * Equipping the athlete with Scouting Reports, Offensive and Defensive Strategies on how to defeat the opponent. “Whether you are a Christian athlete or an athlete in general, time is a valuable commodity. As athletes, we often find time for everything and everyone, but little time for God.
    This Playbook is not a substitute for the Word of God or Book of Life (Bible), but it is a valuable tool to help you stay close to the Word and assist in your study of the Word. It covers all the strategic blows the enemy uses against us as Christians, young and old.” Taj McWilliams-Franklin Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) Player “A must read for all, but especially the Christian athlete. Norma’s testimonies and experiences as a professional athlete were God given to produce this work and bless the body of Christ. It is a Playbook designed to help you win at the most important game – life.” Elder Gerald Johnson Detroit World Outreach Redford, Michigan Norma Jeans Evans, aka Norma “Mean Jean” Knight on the basketball court, is a three-time Hall of Famer, NCAA (National Collegiate Athlete Association) Women’s Basketball’s Finest, former Coach and WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) Detroit Shock Chaplain to name a few. Norma is most proud that she is an Ambassador, chosen by God to coach and equip the body of Jesus Christ.

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  • Bye Bye Ta Ta


    “Cancer” sounds like death. What comes next? Will I lose my hair? Will it come back? Will I die? Will I see my grandchildren grow up? In a very personal and honest account, Willamina documented her journey through cancer. From the diagnosis, through surgery, chemotherapies, radiation, lymphodema, and complications, all of her fears and triumphs and discoveries are documented to show how her faith grew through a terrible ordeal. Rather than suffer in silence, she chose to tell the world how she survived. It is her hope that others will be comforted in their own trials.

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  • Into His Presence


    So What’s It All About?

    Entering into His presence!
    Now and Forever

    Not always but often it seems, SUFFERING becomes the pathway leading to the highest awareness of God’s presence. I have, therefore, imagined characters who endure differing degrees of challenge, sadness, or suffering.

    But I pray my readers will patiently read on past the sorrow, anticipating the vicarious joy of entering into His presence with Nick, or Matt, or Timmy, or the young guilty sinner-and with all the others!

    No matter the intensity of the struggle, each character discovers powerful victory in this life’s journey or transitions into ultimate victory-into the King’s eternal presence.

    Oh, to catch a glimpse of Him-for now and forever!

    The greatest gift I have ever received is the apprehension of just one profound truth-that life everlasting and joy unending is available at no cost to us, for King Jesus paid it all.

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  • Seeing The Unseen


    Abandoning at age 30 what promised to be a lucrative law practice, John Collins escaped to Spain for a three-year sabbatical to search for the meaning of life. In SEEING THE UNSEEN: Opening the Closed Circuit of Everyday Consciousness, he relates his findings in maxims and identifi es seven impediments that commonly hinder our capacity to render our everyday experience of people, places and things intelligible, meaningful and joyful. Collins believes the greatest obstacle to realizing personal fulfi llment, or salvation or the Kingdom
    of God is psychological. Living our lives almost entirely on the conscious surface of Self, we neglect the unconscious core of our being, resulting in the inability of the whole Self to truly see and know reality. Collins suggests that religion’s fi nest hour may come when it assumes responsibility for healing this rupture in our innermost being, allowing us to achieve greater understanding of ourselves, of the world and ultimately, of God.

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  • Glimpse Of Light


    Before I gave my heart to Jesus Christ and received Him as my Lord and Savior,
    I lived a life that reflected decisions made outside the will of God. Christianity
    and salvation were the furthest thoughts from my mind, and I was happy living
    for the moment. Even though my sins were not categorized by man as being
    horrible sins worthy of punishment, nonetheless, in the sight of God, they were
    sins worthy of His punishment and, yet, His forgiveness.
    I wrote this book of poetry because I want you to know that Jesus is knocking
    at the door of your heart (or someone that you know). He wants to lift you
    from the darkness of sin and place you in the presence of the marvelous Light.
    He wants to become the Rock of your foundation, the Head of your life, the
    Redeemer of your sin, the Healer of your illness, and much, much more.
    Receiving Him changed my life! Now He wants to change yours!

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  • Glimpse Of Light


    Before I gave my heart to Jesus Christ and received Him as my Lord and Savior,
    I lived a life that reflected decisions made outside the will of God. Christianity
    and salvation were the furthest thoughts from my mind, and I was happy living
    for the moment. Even though my sins were not categorized by man as being
    horrible sins worthy of punishment, nonetheless, in the sight of God, they were
    sins worthy of His punishment and, yet, His forgiveness.
    I wrote this book of poetry because I want you to know that Jesus is knocking
    at the door of your heart (or someone that you know). He wants to lift you
    from the darkness of sin and place you in the presence of the marvelous Light.
    He wants to become the Rock of your foundation, the Head of your life, the
    Redeemer of your sin, the Healer of your illness, and much, much more.
    Receiving Him changed my life! Now He wants to change yours!

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  • Gold Of Kings


    After Storm Syrrell’s grandfather is murdered, she discovers that he served as a trusted go-between for those in the highest ranks of international business and government. Desperate to solve the mystery of his death, Storm joins forces with professional treasure hunter Harry Bennett. Will she uncover the truth—or suffer the same fate as her grandfather?

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  • Embracing Your Second Calling


    A woman’s guide to understanding, connecting, and making her best years count. Women over forty long to redefine the rest of their lives. Dale Hanson Bourke and the friends she interviewed-including General Claudia Kennedy, Kay Warren, Becky Pippert, journalist Peggy Wehmeyer, and Jill Briscoe-resoundingly affirm that midlife can be a time of spiritual rebirth and a chance for God to get one’s attention, now that others’ demands on her life have diminished. In Embracing Your Second Calling, Bourke offers essential principles and specific suggestions with interactive elements:
    Reflection questions
    Action ideas
    Quotes and informative side bars
    Purposeful prayers

    Through this women discover their stories and callings so they can embrace and enjoy this important chapter in their lives.

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  • Mothers In Law Vs Daughers In Law


    1. The Retreat
    2. Why The Conflict?
    3. Letting Go Of Your Expectations
    4. The Gift Of Decreasing
    5. The Gift Of Love
    6. The Gift Of Empathy
    7. The Gift Of Boundaries
    8. The Gift Of Acceptance
    9. The Gift Of Spiritual Growth
    10. The Measure Of Success

    Additional Info
    The conflict between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law has existed throughout all of history. In the Old Testament, Rebekah complained that her daughters-in-law were making her so miserable, she’d rather be dead. Now, thousands of years later, we’re still complaining about our in-laws, often even hoping they really won’t ever come visit.
    In Mothers-in-Law vs. Daughters-in-Law, author Elisabeth Graham examines this in-law conflict with aims to draw readers into a different perspective: that women will learn to recognize their in-laws as a beneficial relationship-a gift-to and for the entire family.

    With sound biblical wisdom and clever insights, Graham teaches women to find peace in all aspects of their relationships with their in-laws.

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  • Global Awakening : How 20th Century Revivals Triggered A Christian Revoluti


    The last century has seen the revolutionary remaking of Christianity into a truly world religion. How did it happen?The last century has seen the revolutionary remaking of Christianity into a truly world religion. How did it happen? Mark Shaw’s provocative thesis is that far-flung revivals in places like Africa, Korea, Brazil and India are at the heart of the global resurgence of Christianity.

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  • Intelligent Design Uncensored


    “What is ID? Why is it controversial? Intelligent Design is surrounded by a storm of debate. Proponents and opponents have both sought to have their voices heard above the din.
    Is it unscientific? Is it a danger to real Christian faith? Is it trying to smuggle God into the classroom? Controversy can create confusion rather than clarity. So here to clear things up is Bill Dembski, one of the founders of Intelligent Design, who joins with Jonathan Witt to answer these questions and more.”

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  • Resurrection Of Ministry


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    This book takes us deep into the practice of ministry showing us the basis of ministry in the hope of Christ’s resurrection. Ministry in and with Christ takes place in the mood of Holy Saturday, that is, between Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, between the times. We find Christ’s real joy and hope in the midst of struggles, difficulties and even suffering as we serve and minister in his name.This book takes us deep into the practice of ministry showing us the basis of ministry in the hope of Christ’s resurrection. Ministry in and with Christ takes place in the mood of Holy Saturday, that is, between Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, between the times. We find Christ’s real joy and hope in the midst of struggles, difficulties and even suffering as we serve and minister in his name.

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  • Against All Gods


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    In this book Phillip E. Johnson and John Mark Reynolds welcome the debate the New Atheists are stirring up and castigates our universities for squashing public debate about the place of faith in all knowing in the name of a false science. They argue for the reasonableness of Christian claims to take a place at the table of public debate and evaluate the strengths of arguments for atheism or naturalism. Ultimately they encourage us to ask the right questions and follow the evidence where it leads.

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  • Experience Effect : Engage Your Customers With A Consistent And Memorable B


    The decision to pay for a product or service often transcends the commodity itself to the total buying process: message, ads, sales approach, website, interaction, and more. Jim Joseph’s The Experience Effect shows how to coalesce these elements into a seamless consumer experience that resonates deeply, builds brand loyalty, and keeps customers coming back.

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  • God As Author


    God as Author takes a thoughtful literary approach to understanding the Gospel. Gene Fant writes in the preface:

    “Most of us have heard that Christ is ‘the Author and Finisher of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:2), so it makes sense that the Gospel would be God’s story. As many a church message board has noted so succinctly, ‘History is His Story.’ In our easy discussions of special revelation, I cannot help but wonder if we
    have missed something awe-inspiring that may be revealed by a reversal of the lens that we turn toward narrative. Perhaps the Gospel is not just like a story; perhaps story, narrative in general, is like the Gospel. My clear conviction is that something stands behind the power of narrative. In fact, I believe that Someone stands behind it. There is an Author whose skill and grace imbues the broad range of the stories that we tell. There is a Father who gave us a story to help us understand our place in this world, a story that points back to Him. His story is, in many ways, the only story that we know. When we use that realization as a foundation for interpreting and generating narrative, it changes everything, including ourselves.”

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  • TransforMission


    Remarkably, thirty percent of North American teenagers-millions of people between the ages of 13 and 17-have engaged in religious missions or service projects. Building on this statistic, the authors of TransforMission believe that short-term mission is one way God is taking the gospel to the nations and, concurrently, transforming the lives of these student participants.

    Writing to youth ministers, missiologists, church leaders, adult volunteers, and post-high school students, they assess strategies for further promoting this kind of involvement by exploring several questions:

    * What mechanisms is God employing to achieve this advance in mission?
    * What is taking place in the lives of believers who are obediently participating in the fulfillment of the Great Commision?
    * What are the theological and theoretical foundations for the life transformation that is occurring?
    * What is the most effective means of conducting short-term mission experiences?

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  • Practice Resurrection Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Though bringing people to new birth in Christ through evangelism is essential, says Peterson, isn’t it obvious that growth in Christ is equally essential? Yet the American church does not treat Christian growth and character formation with equivalent urgency. We are generally uneasy with the quiet, obscure conditions in which growth takes place, and building maturity in Christ too often gets relegated to footnote status in the text of our lives.

    In Practice Resurrection Peterson brings the voice of Scripture – especially Paul’s letter to the Ephesians – and the voice of the contemporary Christian congregation together to unpack what it means to fully grow up “to the stature of Christ.” Peterson’s robust discussion will move readers to restore transformed Christian character to the center of their lives.

    This helpful study guide is designed to enable small groups in schools or churches – or even individuals – to delve deeper into the timely wisdom of Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up in Christ. Peter Santucci here breaks up Peterson’s book into thirteen “sessions,” each of which contains a summary, select quotes to consider, questions for interaction, and a prayer drawn from the text of Ephesians that is covered in the corresponding book chapter.

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  • Paul The Apostle Of Jesus Christ


    One hundred and sixty years ago F. C. Baur posed, in inescapably sharp form, a question which has haunted Christianity throughout its history: is Christianity simply a form of Judaism, a development from Judaism, or was it, as Baur argued, from the beginning something quite distinct, a religious spirit or consciousness which could not be or become itself until it broke through the limits and restrictions of its historical origins? Baur’s radical answer set the agenda for the rest of the nineteenth century, and though neglected for most of the twentieth century, the question has reemerged with renewed force in a post-Holocaust world.

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  • His Needs Her Needs For Parents (Reprinted)


    Children add a unique strain on a couple’s time and relationship, yet they desperately need parents who love each other. That’s why, according to Dr. Willard Harley, one of the most important things parents can do for their kids is keep their marriage healthy. His Needs, Her Needs for Parents, now available in trade paper, helps them do just that.

    Following the pattern of the bestselling His Needs, Her Needs, this book guides both new and seasoned parents through the whys and hows of sustaining romance in a marriage. It also offers specific, practical steps on spending quality time as a couple, deciding on child-training methods, dividing domestic responsibilities, and even handling kids with ADHD and intrusive in-laws. His Needs, Her Needs for Parents helps couples maintain their love for each other and raise happy and successful children at the same time.

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  • Contemporary Christologies : A Fortress Introduction


    1. Jesus As Revealer
    Karl Rahner, Dorothee Soelle, Roger Haight

    2. Jesus As Moral Exemplar
    Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carter Heyward, Mark Lewis Taylor

    3. Jesus As Source Of Ultimate Hope
    James Cone, Jon Sobrino, Elizabeth Johnson

    4. Jesus As The Suffering Christ
    Jurgen Moltmann, Douglas John Hall, Marilyn McCord Adams

    5. Jesus As Source Of “Bounded Openness”
    Raimon Panikkar, John B. Cobb Jr., Jacques Dupuis

    Conclusion: Fifteen Christologies Later


    Additional Info
    While many know of the signal contributions of such twentieth-century giants as Paul Tillich or Karl Barth or Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the important work since their time often goes unremarked until some major controversy erupts. Here is a smart and helpful survey of the chief approaches and thinkers in today”s understanding of the person, significance, and work of Jesus Christ.

    Schweitzer offers an insightful introduction to the contemporary context of Christology, in which basic questions in the discipline (and soteriology) are being rethought in light of globalization, postmodernity, and the contemporary experience of evil. He then offers a kind of typology of the current approaches and voices.

    Schweitzer”s volume concludes with a reflection on the recent past and present imperatives of a discipline that virtually defines what Christianity has to offer the present age.

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  • Where Would Jesus Lead


    Jesus modeled leadership by living and walking with His disciples, everyday people, and the religious leaders of His day.

    You can emulate His leadership style by changing the traditional hierarchical, pulpit-based leadership model of most Western churches to a more relational form of leading from among the people. This leadership style involves participating in the chaos of real, two-way relationships, yet bringing order by training and discipling-in the midst of chaordic interaction.

    Where Would Jesus Lead? is about leading among-rather than leading from, or leading over, or leading from titles, positions, or assumed roles. Author and ministry leader Gary Goodell believes it is time to transition to a more collaborative style of leading, one of coming alongside people, for the people’s sake, and empowering them to achieve their personal God-given destiny. Thinking prophetically, the author courageously contends that interactive relationships that are purposeful yet inherently chaotic are ones to be joyfully embraced.

    …But as He went, the multitudes thronged Him [Jesus]. Now a woman…touched the border of His garment. …She declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately. And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you well. Go in peace” (Luke 8:42-48 NKJV).

    Practical ideas and applications regarding how to carry out this vision in one-on-one relationships and in small groups are expertly presented. Emphasis on deeper, more effective relationships is God’s heart for the Church in America today.

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  • Winds Of Autumn (Reprinted)


    A New Season–and New Choices for Josh…

    On the brink of manhood, Josh’s world is filled with studies and life with Aunt Lou and the menfolk, along with an occasional fishing trip thrown in. When a new teacher arrives, Josh thrives under his encouragement–as well as from the attentions of the teacher’s pretty daughter. Josh faces important questions about life and love–and about himself.

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  • Dream To Follow (Reprinted)


    Will the Red River Nurture the Dreams of Its Young–Or Will It Fence Them In?

    It is 1893 and the first generation of immigrants who came to America for the promise of free land and a good life for their children have finally achieved their dreams. They labored hard on the land and now have a bountiful heritage to pass on to the next generation. However, many of the young people aren’t interested in becoming farmers–they have aspirations of their own.
    Thorliff Bjorklund has been writing stories and plays since he was a young boy and longs to attend college to study journalism. But his father has other plans for him and refuses to agree.

    Thorliff is torn between love for his father and the pull of his dream. Must he choose between the two?

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  • Case For Christ For Kids (Expanded)


    With clear facts and answers to the questions kids eight to twelve ask most, this adaptation of Lee Strobel’s New York Times bestselling and award-winning The Case for Christ uses kid-friendly language to explore the research, eyewitness accounts, and evidence behind the question of whether Jesus really was the savior the Bible promised, and what that answer means for our lives today.

    Whether they’ve grown up in the church or are encountering faith for the first time, The Case for Christ for Kids is the perfect resource to answer the questions about Jesus kids 8-12 ask most. Inside, readers will discover:

    *Historical evidence, expert testimonies, extensive research, and scientific proof that back up what the Bible says
    *Answers for why Christians believe what they do
    *Kid-friendly stories that make the facts easy to understand
    *Ways to talk to other people about Jesus and share what they know

    The Case for Christ for Kids:

    *Is a solid source of information that looks at all sides of the issue to present solid evidence behind each conclusion and fact about the Christian faith
    *Has illustrations and callout graphics to make the topics memorable for kids eight and up
    *Is an excellent resource for Sunday schools, church libraries, and homeschooling
    *Pairs with Case for Christ for Kids 90-Day Devotional, which expands on the themes of The

    Case for Christ for Kids to apply those truths to late elementary and middle school kids’ everyday lives

    This book can be used on its own or alongside The Case for a Creator for Kids, The Case for Faith for Kids, and The Case for Miracles for Kids to help children with faith development and answer questions they wonder about most.

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  • Ruby Paints A Picture


    SKU (ISBN): 9780310720232ISBN10: 0310720230Susan Hill | Illustrator: Margie MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2010I Can Read – Ruby RaccoonPublisher: Zondervan

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  • Frank And Beans And The Scary Campout Level 2


    While camping alone with his dog Beans, Frank begins to hear sounds that make him question whether or not he should go back into the house.

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  • Frank And Beans And The Grouchy Neighbor Level 2


    After Beans’ mischievous actions during a fishing trip, Frank must apologize to Mr. Granger and hope that he forgives Beans.

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  • Frank And Beans Level 2


    Frank has always wanted a puppy. The old hound Beans was not the dog he had in mind. Will Beans find a home in Frank’s heart?

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  • Little Davids Brave Day Level 1


    A lesson in trusting God. A giant cat named Goliath frightens David’s family. Little David puts his faith in God and sends the big cat away for good. This level-one reader teaches about the life of this blessed mouse whose life parallels the life of David the shepherd and king.

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  • Berenstain Bears And The Gift Of Courage


    Through the story of David and Goliath, Brother and Sister Bear learn that they can stand up to bullies and be as brave as David, because God is with them just as he was with David.

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  • Berenstain Bears And A Job Well Done


    It’s spring cleaning time at the Bear family’s tree house. Brother, Sister, and Honey are assigned the task of cleaning out their old playhouse. But it’s a beautiful spring day and tBrother and Sister are easily distracted. They learn the importance of sticking to a job and getting it well and truly done.

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  • From Buddha To Jesus


    Buddhism is not a way of harmony and cosmic unity, as Westerners tend to think. Although Buddhism is a rapidly rising religion in the West, few Westerners know what Buddhism is like from the inside. Steve, who made the journey from Buddhism to Christ, explains the Buddhist mind-set and worldview, and makes useful points of comparison. He sets out the concerns, fears, and stresses that Buddhists experience, and helps Christians understand what they truly have to offer.

    Studded with stories, parables, and illuminating observations, this book is remarkably easy to read and told by an engaging and original guide.

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  • Sun Of Righteousness Arise


    The astonishing theological creativity of Jurgen Moltmann continues in this new work, a vision of the Christian future, centered in God, God’s reign, and God’s justice or righteousness.

    Moltmann here brings together the biblical, historical, and theological elements of a new integrated Christian vision of the world, especially in light of our contemporary understandings of nature and the evolving universe. Anchored in the resurrection of Jesus, such a vision affirms that God is the God of resurrection promise, God is present in justice and righteousness, Jesus is the son of righteousness, and nature can be seen as the site of God’s work toward the fulfillment of life. Here is a theological vision that can integrate our faith, inform our worldview, and fuel our life engagements.

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  • Revolutionary Paul Revere


    “Quick in the saddle and fast out of town.” Watch one of America’s most remarkable heroes come alive through fast-paced prose and gripping storytelling. The Revolutionary Paul Revere starts at a gallop and never slows down. Follow Revere’s adventure-filled life from childhood through the French and Indian War; from the prerevolutionary economic disasters through the incendiary tax fights and riots; from military occupation of Boston through Revere’s part in the Boston Massacre trial; from his role in the Boston Tea Party through his early service as express rider for the Massachusetts patriots; from the tragic death of his first wife through the whimsical pursuit of a new love; from his role as waterfront spy through his famous midnight ride; from his participation in the worst American naval disaster before Pearl Harbor through his eventual vindication. Learn about Revere’s life in the Freemasons and the secret political clubs of Boston. Discover his role in Massachusetts’ ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Get the inside picture of his business dealings, and see how he transformed himself from poor artisan to wealthy industrialist, making everything from kettles to cannons. Revere’s life story is the quintessential American story.

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  • All Creation Sings


    J. Ellsworth Kalas, adapted from chapter 1:

    There’s an old hymn you may be familiar with that contains these words: “This is my Father’s world, / And to my listening ears, / All nature sings, and round me rings / The music of the spheres. / This is my Father’s world, / He shines in all that’s fair; / In the rustling grass, I hear him pass, / He speaks to me everywhere” (Maltbie D. Babcock, “This Is My Father’s World”; 1901). It is true still today that “all nature sings,” but it is increasingly difficult to catch the melody. Almost anywhere we go, nature’s voice is now muted by the sound of traffic and assorted electronic devices. Those who go out to walk or jog are likely to wear a device that keeps them in touch with news or music or speech-so that, intentionally or not, they have shut out nature’s sound and dulled its influence.

    Which brings me to the point of this book. I rejoice greatly in the “green” movement that has made new millions conscious of the wonder of our creation and the blessed necessity of caring for it passionately. This is a magnificent step in the right direction, and it puts quality content into what might otherwise be little more than sentimental feelings. But I want us to go farther than that. I want us not simply to see-and indeed, to be grateful for-the wonders of nature. I want us to go beyond nature’s exquisite beauty until we learn some of the lessons it would teach us, lessons about both life and God. When nature sings (as it does every moment) its melody draws us to God, if only we listen with our whole being.

    This book will contain a discussion guide.

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  • Beyond Belief : Finding The Strength To Come Back


    Josh Hamilton was the first player chosen in the first round of the 1999 baseball draft. He was destined to be one of those rare “high-character ” superstars. But in 2001, working his way from the minors to the majors, all of the plans for Josh went off the rails in a moment of weakness. What followed was a 4-year nightmare of drugs and alcohol, estrangement from friends and family, and his eventual suspension from baseball.

    BEYOND BELIEF details the events that led up to the derailment. Josh explains how a young man destined for fame and wealth could allow his life to be taken over by drugs and alcohol. But it is also the memoir of a spiritual journey that breaks through pain and heartbreak and leads to the spectacular rebirth of his major-league career.

    Josh Hamilton makes no excuses and places no blame on anyone other than himself. He takes responsibility for his poor decisions and believes his story can help millions who battle the same demons. “I have been given a platform to tell my story” he says. “I pray every night I am a good messenger.”

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  • Apocalypse And Allegiance (Reprinted)


    In this lively introduction, J. Nelson Kraybill shows how the book of Revelation was understood by its original readers and what it means for Christians today. Kraybill places Revelation in its first-century context, providing a vivid window into the political, economic, and social realities of the early church. His fresh interpretation highlights Revelation’s liturgical structure and directs readers’ attentions to twenty-first-century issues of empire, worship, and allegiance, showing how John’s apocalypse is relevant to the spiritual life of believers today. The book includes maps, timelines, photos, a glossary, discussion questions, and stories of modern Christians who live out John’s vision of a New Jerusalem.

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  • Externally Focused Quest


    Two highly respected missional experts distill years of wisdom in this practical step-by-step guide to making your church all God wants it to be. They identify and explain how to work through nine critically important areas: focus, purpose, scope, missions, partnering, evangelism, systems, creativity, and outcomes. 261 pages, hardcover. Jossey-Bass.

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