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Showing 1651–1700 of 35834 results

  • Here For It The Good The Bad And The Queso


    We all long to do life together with people who really “get” us. Amy Weatherly and Jess Johnston, bestselling authors and founders of the wildly popular “Sister, I Am with You” online community, simplify some of the trickier aspects of friendship and give readers practical ways to deepen the friendships they already have.

    Making friends as an adult is hard! It’s weird and it’s tricky and it can feel overwhelming.

    Maintaining those friendships and taking them to a deeper level can be even harder. Just as Amy and Jess gave readers a road map for finding real, authentic relationships with I’ll Be There (But I’ll Be Wearing Sweatpants), they now provide a toolkit for building up and building on those friendships. Here For It (The Good, the Bad, and the Queso) will dig deeper into the hows and whys of doing life together in a culture that constantly tries to keep us separate. Readers will learn how to:

    *distinguish between different types of friendships and recognize when a seasonal relationship has run its course;

    *understand the importance of self-awareness, healthy confrontation, and differing love languages in friendship; and

    *maintain long-distance friendships, foster real relationships with your neighbors, and establish traditions that strengthen your connections.

    With this new book, Amy and Jess give readers the tools they need to continue laying a strong foundation and building relationships that are steady, secure, and made to withstand whatever life throws their way.

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  • American Queen : A Novel Based On A True Story


    In 1869 a kingdom rose in the South. And Louella was its queen.

    Over the twenty-four years she was enslaved on the Montgomery Plantation, Louella learned to feel one thing: hate. Hate for the man who sold her mother. Hate for the overseer who left her daddy to hang from a noose. Hate so powerful there’s no room in her heart for love, not even for the honorable Reverend William, whom she likes and respects enough to marry.

    But when William finally listens to Louella’s pleas and leads the formerly enslaved people off the plantation, Louella begins to replace her hate with hope. Hope that they will find a place where they can live free from fear. Hope that despite her many unanswered prayers, she can learn to trust for new miracles.

    Soon, William and Louella become the appointed king and queen of their self-proclaimed Kingdom of the Happy Land. And though they are still surrounded by opposition, they continue to share a message of joy and goodness–and fight for the freedom and dignity of all.

    Transformative and breathtakingly honest, The American Queen shares the unsung true history of a kingdom built as a refuge for the courageous people who dared to dream of a different way of life.

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  • Incomparable : 50 Days With Jesus


    Whatever you think about Jesus, He is more.

    Incomparably more.

    Get to know this Jesus by joining beloved author and Bible teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on a fifty-day journey, inspired by J. Oswald Sanders’ classic volume, The Incomparable Christ, to explore His one-of-a-kind story. From heaven to earth. From birth to death. From resurrection to right this minute. From before time to all time.

    In these meditations, you’ll spend time reflecting on the person of Christ–His humanity, divinity, childhood, adulthood, and more. You’ll consider the work and words of Christ. And you’ll contemplate His preexistence, prayer life, majestic silence, anguish, atoning work, post-resurrection ministry, and promised second coming.

    Find in Jesus–fully God and fully Man–everything you will ever need. He alone is able to save you to the end and understands you to the core. Able to forgive and befriend you, challenge and change you.

    This book can be used at any time of the year but serves as an ideal devotional companion for the season leading up to and immediately following Easter.
    As you walk through these days, you will be reminded that there is no one else like Jesus. He is quite simply . . . Incomparable.

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  • William J Seymour


    William J. Seymour: Pentecostal Trailblazer and Revered Pastor of the Azusa Street Revival? is a rich and thorough account of the life and ministry of William J. Seymour. Seymour, the son of former slaves rose to prominence within the Pentecostal movement as the pastor of the Azusa Street Revival.

    Dr. Larry Martin’s extensive research and knowledge of William J. Seymour provides a solid framework for the telling of Seymour’s life, ministry, and the history of the Azusa Street Revival. Martin’s work not only provides details on Seymour’s life and ministry but also recounts the racism and discrimination that Seymour faced in everyday life and within the church.

    Seymour followed God’s call to Los Angeles and in 1906 the Azusa Street Revival began ushering in a new era of Pentecostal revival in Los Angeles and spreading throughout the country and around the world. While the revival’s prominence over the year’s waned due to ongoing prejudice, divergent ministry objectives and attempted takeovers the worldwide Pentecostal movement remains unbowed and strong over a century later.

    Dr. Martin is part of the Pentecostal legacy and has over fifty years devoted to ministry as a pastor, educator, and evangelist. He is the author of several books on the Azusa Street Revival, the history of early Pentecostals, and the Pentecostal Church of God.
    Includes photos of Seymour’s life and ministry.

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  • Charlie And The Preschool Prodigal


    A Retelling of the Parable of the Prodigal Son

    We so often desire to save ourselves, either through running from rules or self-righteously following them-missing the true joy and rest found in the Father’s unconditional love. In this picture book for kids ages 3-7, author Ginger M. Blomberg retells the story of the prodigal son through the eyes of wild-child Eddie and his rule-following brother Charlie.

    Eddie decides to run away from home, taking his brother Charlie’s candy and his father’s new tie with him on his journey. When Eddie returns home feeling scared and guilty about his choice, his father is waiting for him with open arms. But Charlie, who is confused by his father’s immediately welcoming reaction, is hesitant to join in the celebration. This book, like the parable, doesn’t resolve Charlie’s story but instead invites young readers to imagine themselves in Charlie’s position-spurring thoughtful discussion between parents and children as they learn about sin, grace, and the unconditional love of the Father through his son’s death on the cross. A TGC Kids book.

    *Written for Kids Ages 3-7: Accessible story accompanied by colorful illustrations to keep kids engaged

    *Teaches Kids an Important Life Lesson: This engaging story introduces children to the dangers of self-righteousness

    *Practical Approach for Parents and Guardians: A “Note to Grownups” provides advice for parents as they guide their children through the conversation of sin, grace, and the unconditional love of God

    *TGC Kids Series: Teaches kids biblical truths while engaging their hearts and imaginations

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  • Encouraging Words For A Discouraging World


    Life on earth isn’t easy. How do we reach for hope in the midst of a world that can be so discouraging? Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World, from beloved Bible teacher and author Dr. David Jeremiah, reveals the hope, purpose, and security that is ours because of the God we serve.

    In this uplifting and insightful book, Dr. Jeremiah offers encouraging and inspiring words that will help you navigate the difficulties of daily life with faith, courage, and resilience. Drawing on decades of study as a pastor and teacher, Dr. Jeremiah shares practical insights and timeless wisdom from the Bible that will help you find hope, comfort, and strength in even the darkest of times. This book includes:

    *Biblical examples of hope that will inspire you during challenging seasons
    *Inspiring teaching on how to claim victory even in the hardest of times
    *Practical wisdom for holding God’s promises in your heart

    Whether you’re struggling with personal challenges, dealing with difficult relationships, or facing sadness and grief, Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World will help you find perspective, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. With his trademark warmth, wisdom, and compassion, Dr. Jeremiah reminds us that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, we can trust in God’s love and grace to guide us through every challenge.

    Whether you’re a long-time Christian or just beginning your spiritual journey, this book will inspire and uplift you with its timeless message and with biblical reminders of the hope that is ours because of who Christ is.

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  • Path Of Loneliness


    Whether through the death of a loved one, through divorce or estrangement in a marriage, or by being a single person in a world of couples and families, loneliness eventually comes to us all. It is well known that beloved author Elisabeth Elliot lost her first husband to murder in the South American jungle. Perhaps not as well known, she lost her second to the ravages of cancer. She has felt the deep pain of loss, just like you.

    In The Path of Loneliness, Elliot gives hope to the lonely through tender reflections on God’s love for us and his plans to bless us. Here you will find honesty and compassion, not platitudes. She tackles this difficult topic with grace and faith, showing you how to make peace with loneliness, however it has come about, and how to grow through it.

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  • Far Beyond Gold


    What fears are standing in your way or holding you back? How do you want to become stronger? Olympic and World champion hurdler Sydney McLaughlin wants to help you answer these questions as she shares her personal story of struggles and victories, of faith and transformation.

    Sydney McLaughlin knows about facing down obstacles. She has mastered not only racing over hurdles on the track but also tackling challenges in her personal life–from lifelong battles with perfectionism and anxiety to persistent questions about her identity and whether she was “enough.”

    Her pursuit of perfection and people-pleasing continued for years until God broke into her story with his overwhelming grace, transforming love, and empowering truth.

    In Far Beyond Gold, Sydney will share aspects of her life story and personhood she has never shared publicly before, offering a more complex picture of who she is. She will inspire you to:

    *Conquer your fears in Christ’s strength
    *Stand strong in your identity in him
    *Push past your perceived limits
    *Overcome the challenges you’re facing

    Experience the story of a woman who shifted from anxiety to boldness, from limits to freedom, and from perfectionism to purpose–and now shows the world that often what we think is impossible is possible with God.

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  • Waking Up To The Goodness Of God


    For those who have been disappointed when the good life let them down or discouraged by life’s struggles, the goodness of God is trustworthy, life-giving, and everlasting. Jesus wants to lead you on a healing path to redeem your story and to make you whole.

    The words we say and the things we pray matter to God and to our health. Where we rest our gaze and how we think about God directly impacts the condition of our souls. Proverbs 14:30 states, A heart at peace gives life to the body. God is well able to restore and renew us even when culture swirls around us. The world needs healing. But we can’t impart what we don’t possess.

    Scripture highlights the significance of 40 days as a kind of pilgrimage or spiritual journey toward a deeper dependence and reliance upon God. Science highlights how 40 days of practice (of a habit, a renewed thought, a healthy discipline, etc.) directly impacts our brain’s structure and physiological health.

    Join best-selling author, popular radio host, and Bible teacher Susie Larson on a 40-day pilgrimage to explore God’s invitation to flourish, heal, and know His peace in a way that changes us forever. Through this journey, readers will discover how to:

    *Retrain their brains and renew their minds to notice God’s goodness and to make that their default setting

    *Revive their faith by immersing in God’s promises, saying and praying them more than ever

    *Restore a right view of God’s character based on His Word and stop drawing wrong conclusions about Him

    *Redeem their story and renew their strength by following the Healer

    Do you still believe God is good? Do you believe He cares about the condition of your soul? And that He still answers prayer? Are you ready to position yourself on the path of His promises and see what He might do in and through you?

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  • Cold Threat


    Twenty years ago, several people were murdered in Des Moines, and the only evidence left behind was a snowman ornament hanging ominously on a tree in the victims’ front lawns. With a suspect behind bars, the killings have come to an end–or so everyone thought. But now crimes with a similar MO are happening in a small Iowa town, and a local detective believes the killer is back and ready to strike again.

    With little time left on the clock before they have another murder on their hands, private investigators River Ryland and Tony St. Clair must work alongside Tony’s detective father to find evidence that will uncover an evil that has survived far too long. As the danger mounts and the suspect closes in, it will take all they have to catch a killer–before he catches one of them.

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  • Wounded Pastors : Navigating Burnout, Finding Healing, And Discerning The F


    Seasoned pastor Carol Howard Merritt and psychotherapist and former pastor James Fenimore join their expertise to offer validation, support, and guidance for pastors who have been hurt by the church. With wisdom that can come only from experience, they describe and define aspects of struggle and pain readers may have difficulty articulating or claiming for themselves, and they offer compassionate, informed guidance on how to find healing.

    You’re not alone in your ministry. And you don’t have to suffer in silence. Ministry is a stressful vocation, with unspoken expectations, projected anxieties, and conflicting demands. After the pandemic caused a sudden shift to online worship and factions fighting over when and how to return to in-person worship, pastors have been leaving congregational ministry at even higher rates than usual. The emotional fallout of burnout and abuse at the hands of parishioners is something pastors carry for years, whether they stay or leave the congregation.

    Seasoned pastor Carol Howard Merritt and psychotherapist and former pastor James Fenimore join their expertise to offer validation, support, and guidance for pastors who have been hurt by the church. With wisdom that can come only from experience, they describe and define aspects of struggle and pain readers may have difficulty articulating or claiming for themselves, and they offer compassionate, informed guidance on how to find healing. A systems approach to conflict sheds light on the dynamics of church conflict and how clergy can tend their own well-being amid leadership challenges. The final chapter helps readers consider their overall vocational path based on what they’ve experienced and decide whether they can remain in congregational ministry or need to pursue a different line of work.

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  • Hard And Holy Work


    Mary Alice Birdwhistell and Tyler Mayfield reflect on the brave action of the midwives Shiphrah and Puah and other faithful women in Exodus, Moses’ awakening to the plight of the Hebrew people, Moses’ life-changing encounter with the burning bush, the Israelites taking the risk of crossing the Red Sea, and more-alongside numerous contemporary stories-to help readers to see anew and contemplate how God is calling them to respond to what is not right in the world: racial injustice, especially borne by women of color, houselessness, and discrimination against LGBTQ+ communities and people with disabilities.

    Are we paying attention to the holy ground beneath our feet? Where do we see burning bushes in our world today, and what are they calling us to do? Do spiritual encounters in our lives have holy consequences in the world around us? Many of us want to understand how to integrate our personal spiritual lives more actively with our engagement in working for justice and the liberation of the oppressed and marginalized. Hard and Holy Work provides a space for just that, helping readers participate in Lent in a new way by becoming attuned to God’s boundless presence in our world and waking up to and taking action for God’s justice through exploring stories from the book of Exodus that have inspired the work of liberation for centuries.

    Pastor Mary Alice Birdwhistell and Hebrew Bible scholar Tyler Mayfield reflect on the brave action of the midwives Shiphrah and Puah and other faithful women in Exodus, Moses’ awakening to the plight of the Hebrew people, Moses’ life-changing encounter with the burning bush, the Israelites taking the risk of crossing the Red Sea, and more-alongside numerous contemporary stories-to help readers to see anew and contemplate how God is calling them to respond to what is not right in the world: racial injustice, especially borne by women of color, houselessness, and discrimination against LGBTQ+ communities and people with disabilities.

    Lent is traditionally a time of self-reflection and action that prepares followers of Christ to walk more intentionally in the way of God. Hard and Holy Work takes readers through a unique Lenten journey, encouraging us to see those who are marginalized or suffering as God sees them; contemplate how privilege, fear, risk, and feelings of uncertainty can cloud our attention; and practice endurance for the messy middle of justice work, leaning on God’s provision and rest when the way forward is

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  • Swansong : Start Creating Your Legacy Of Life-giving Words Today


    Do we want to be known as someone who builds others up or tears them down?

    The words we speak to each other have real impact. They can bring love and acceptance, but they can also hurt and destroy.

    Jo-Anne Berthelsen encourages us to make our interactions with others as positive as we can through God’s strength. Combining her own experiences with biblical teaching, Jo-Anne shares how twelve words including empathy, affirmation and forgiveness can be used to build up those around us.

    By being more intentional about the way we speak on a daily basis, we can create our own unique legacy of life-giving words that reveals God’s heart to those around us.

    Content Benefits:

    Readers will learn to think carefully about the words they use, so that when they reach their final farewell they may be at peace, knowing they have done their best to leave behind a positive legacy of life-giving words in others.

    – Each chapter includes questions for personal reflection
    – Understand how you can share life-giving words with others
    – Learn how to be more intentional in your relationships with others
    – Enables you to see how God’s words have shaped your life
    – Live a more fulfilled and dynamic Christian experience
    – Suitable for anyone wanting to live more like Christ
    – Perfect for women who want to deepen their faith
    – Ideal discipleship resource

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  • Of Love And Treason


    Valentine defies the emperor and becomes a hero . . . and the most wanted man in the empire. Compelled by his faith, he has nothing to lose, until a chance encounter with the daughter of a Roman jailor changes everything.

    Rome, AD 270. In the wake of the emperor’s marriage ban, rumors swirl that there is one man brave enough to perform wedding ceremonies in secret. A public notarius and leader of an underground church, Valentine believes the emperor’s edict unjust and risks his own life for the sake of his convictions. But as his fame grows, so do fears for his safety.

    Iris, the daughter of a Roman jailor, believes regaining her sight will ease the mounting troubles at home. Her last hope rests in searching out Valentine and his church, but the danger of associating with people labeled a threat to the empire is great. Still, as Iris’s new friends lead her to faith in God, Iris is drawn to Valentine and they both begin to hope for a future together beyond the treacherous empire.

    But when a past debt and a staggering betrayal collide, Valentine, Iris, and everyone they love must fight for their lives . . . and wrestle with trusting a God who can restore sight yet does not always keep His followers from peril.

    *Discussion questions for book clubs
    *Retelling of the legend of St. Valentine
    *First Christian historical romance novel set in ancient times by author Jamie Ogle

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  • Stories For Your Soul


    Life can be hard: grief, loss, busyness, financial hardships, abuse, broken relationships, and illness are just some of the difficulties we all face on a regular basis. It’s easy to lose faith in your neighbor and feel like you’re alone–but Max Lucado assures us that hope is here.

    Stories for Your Soul: Ordinary People. Extraordinary God. by pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will reestablish your faith in people and the Lord by sharing the good in the world.

    Compiled from Max’s catalog of treasured stories, this collection of ordinary miracles sheds light on the ways that everyday people are doing God’s work while also sharing their gifts with others.

    Throughout Stories for Your Soul, you’ll read about:

    *Nicholas Winton, a twenty-nine-year-old stockbroker, who rescued 669 children during World War II

    *Favio Chavez and Don Cola Gomez–two men recycling the world’s trash into musical instruments

    *Jimmy Wayne and how complete strangers gave him a home and became his family

    *And many more amazing stories

    At the end of each inspiring story, you’ll find two reflection questions to help you dig deep into your life and identify ways you can use your own gifts to change the world while deepening your faith in God.

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  • Power Of The Blessing


    In this newly revised and abridged version of John Trent and Gary Smalley’s bestseller The Blessing–more than one million copies sold–learn how the biblical gift of The Blessing is key to your self-worth and emotional well-being. People of every age long for the gift of The Blessing–the unconditional love and approval that comes from healthy relationships with your family and with the world around you.

    This life-changing gift is essential for instilling a deep sense of worthiness and unshakable emotional well-being. In The Power of the Blessing, you’ll learn about these five keys to improving your relationships:

    *Meaningful, encouraging touch
    *A confirming spoken message
    *Attaching high value
    *Picturing a special future
    *An active commitment

    Offering solid, practical advice and a fresh perspective on making this gift a bigger part of your family, The Power of the Blessing effectively communicates these biblically based elements as necessary to prepare you for positive future relationships, including your relationship with a loving God.

    Written for women and men alike, The Power of the Blessing offers five keys to create a lifestyle of blessing others, including your family and those you love. Your words are powerful, and they have the power to crush or edify. God has always been interested in blessing his people, and we are called to bless others. Choose to speak the power of the blessing today!

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  • New Marriage Same Couple Workbook (Workbook)


    For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. We say those words and mean them. Until we don’t. This is a workbook about creating a different, better, new kind of marriage with the exact same person-no matter how dire the circumstances-with vision, commitment, and hope in the Lord.

    Remember those early days of love? When your heart felt all fluttery, and you saw your person through rose-colored glasses? They could do no wrong. You were going to have the most beautiful life with big adventures and lots of sex. Of course, everyone says marriage is work, you knew that. But that was okay; you could get through anything together. It was going to be great.Until it wasn’t.

    Something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Maybe it was one big something, or a lot of little somethings over many years that landed you in a marriage you hardly recognize. For Josh and Katie Walters, it was a big something: infidelity. Now they counsel couples who find themselves exactly where they were: lost, hopeless, and unsure of how to fix their marriage.

    This accompanying workbook to New Marriage, Same Couple lays out the principles Josh and Katie learned in that season when God healed and restored their marriage. This process is broken into four parts and is an acronym for the word STAY:

    *S-start with you. (Discovering that when one person changes, the entire relationship changes.)

    *T-take quitting off the table. (Bringing your whole self to the solution and not checking out mentally and emotionally.)

    *A-allow others to be a part of your journey. (Trusting the right people, in the right ways, at the right time.)

    *Y-yield to vision. (Looking past what is and imagining what could be.)

    New Marriage, Same Couple Workbook will help establish hope in a couple’s marriage. And it will show them how to create a brand-new marriage, whether they’ve been married for a short time, or for decades.

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  • New Marriage Same Couple


    “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.” We say those words and mean them. Until we don’t. This is a book about creating a different, better, new kind of marriage with the exact same person–no matter how dire the circumstances–with vision, commitment, and hope in the Lord.

    Remember those early days of love? When your heart felt all fluttery, and you saw your person through rose-colored glasses? They could do no wrong. You were going to have the most beautiful life with big adventures and lots of sex. Of course, everyone says marriage is work, you knew that. But that was okay; you could get through anything together. It was going to be great.

    Until it wasn’t.

    Something happened. Or maybe nothing happened. Maybe it was one big something, or a lot of little somethings over many years that landed you in a marriage you hardly recognize. For Josh and Katie Walters, it was a big something: infidelity. Now they counsel couples who find themselves exactly where they were: lost, hopeless, and unsure of how to fix their marriage.

    This book lays out the principles Josh and Katie learned in that season when God healed and restored their marriage. This process is broken into four parts and is an acronym for the word STAY:

    *S–start with you. (Discovering that when one person changes, the entire relationship changes.)

    *T–take quitting off the table. (Bringing your whole self to the solution and not checking out mentally and emotionally.)

    *A–allow others to be a part of your journey. (Trusting the right people, in the right ways, at the right time.)

    *Y–yield to vision. (Looking past what is and imagining what could be.)

    New Marriage, Same Couple is a book about hope. It’s about how to create a brand-new marriage with your spouse, whether you’ve been married for a short time, or for decades.

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  • Divine Proverb Of Streusel


    Shaken by her parents’ divorce and discouraged by the growing chasm between herself and her serious boyfriend, Nikki Werner seeks solace at her uncle’s farm in a small Missouri hamlet. She’ll spend the summer there, picking up the pieces of her shattered present so she can plan a better future. But what awaits her at the ancestral farm is the past–one she barely knows.

    Among her late grandmother’s belongings, Nikki finds an old notebook filled with handwritten German recipes and wise sayings pulled from the book of Proverbs. With each recipe she makes, she invites locals to the family table to hear their stories about the town’s history, her ancestors, and her estranged father.

    What started as a cathartic way to connect to her heritage soon becomes the means through which she learns how the women before her endured–with the help of their cooking prowess and a healthy dollop of faith.

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  • New Testament Made Easy


    So many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start.

    Offering a simple, streamlined approach, the founder of The Brand Sunday study products Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

    * see the big picture story of the entire Bible
    * increase your knowledge of the New Testament
    * engage with Scripture confidently
    * cultivate a deeper relationship with God

    Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

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  • Waiting In Gratitude


    This collection of prayers by noted Hebrew Bible scholar Walter Brueggemann can be used in both public worship and private devotion.

    These prayers run the gamut from particular days in the church year to special moments in the lives of worshiping communities to events playing out on the world stage. In all cases, the prayers show us how God accompanies us through all the moments and stages of our life, bringing us the joys of life even amid a broken and hurting world and especially offering a joyous calling in Christ to serve that world.

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  • Savior Is Risen


    Do less. Connect more. This beautiful 40-day devotional for the Lenten and Easter season offers biblical reflections and full-color springtime photography to take you from burnout to burning a little brighter as you celebrate new life, fresh starts, and everyday redemptions.

    It’s a distracted world out there. Maybe you find yourself scrolling more than savoring, texting more than resting, and rushing instead of taking a deep breath. The things you thought would bring connection make you feel more disconnected than ever, with a good dose of exhaustion thrown in. It’s time for a reset.

    A Savior Is Risen is a 40-day journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter morning, a call for you to quiet your mind and soul as you focus on Jesus and His resurrection.

    In this gorgeous devotional, you are invited to:

    *Experience the Easter season with fresh eyes and an expectant heart
    *Practice a modern-day fast from the things distracting you from God
    *Reflect on Jesus’ life and Resurrection
    *Draw closer to God through silence and reflection
    *Let go of stress and embrace grace

    Each day’s entry includes:

    *A word that embodies the spirit of Easter
    *A brief reflection on integrating that word into your life
    *A Scripture passage for meditation
    *A prayer to bring peace to your mind
    *Bright springtime photography that captures the beauty of new life

    A Savior Is Risen is ideal for anyone wanting permission to slow down, as a gift for someone looking for spiritual renewal, or as a beautiful book to display as a reminder of God’s promises. So grab your morning coffee or afternoon chai, and feel your spirit settle as you immerse yourself the ultimate new beginning God has given us all.

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  • Spirit Of Our Politics


    For those discouraged and exhausted by the bitterness and rage in our politics, Michael Wear offers a new paradigm of political involvement rooted in the teachings of Jesus and drawing insights from Dallas Willard’s approach to spiritual formation.

    When political division shows up not only on the campaign trail but also at our dinner tables, we wonder: Can we be part of a better way? The Spirit of Our Politics says “yes,” offering a distinctly Christian approach to politics that results in healing rather than division, kindness rather than hatred, and hope rather than despair.

    In this profound and hope-filled book, Michael Wear–a leading thinker and practitioner at the intersection of faith and politics–applies insights taken from the work of Dallas Willard to argue that by focusing on having the “right” politics, we lose sight of the kind of people we are becoming, to destructive results. This paradigm-shifting book reveals:

    *Why we need to reframe how we view our political involvement as Christians
    *How as Christians we can reorient our politics for the good of others
    *The crucial connection between discipleship to Jesus and political involvement
    *A different way of talking about politics that is edifying, not stomach-turning
    *How to navigate political strife in churches and small groups
    *Why who we are in our political life is not quarantined from who we are in “real life”
    *Why gentleness is entirely possible in our political discourse

    The Spirit of Our Politics is for readers of any political perspective who long for a new way to think about and engage in politics. That new approach begins with a simple question: What kind of person would I like to be?

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  • Big Shoes To Fill


    How to step into an inherited leadership role and guide your team through a polished transition process.

    Starting something from the ground up is challenging. But how about transitioning into the leadership role of an existing organization? No matter how qualified you are, it can feel like an impossible juggling act to manage expectations without creating unnecessary conflict. Or to build trust and learn from others while implementing changes.

    And yet most leaders step into roles they didn’t create. You have to navigate special personal, professional, and organizational needs that take into account the entire team and requires a certain mindset that doesn’t come naturally to many leaders.

    Gavin Adams has spent his professional life innovating solutions and implementing strategies for leaders of businesses and ministries. Whether you’re a first-time manager, a CEO, or a church pastor, Big Shoes to Fill will help you more confidently step into a new role and effectively lead your inherited team through that tricky transitional process. You’ll learn how to:

    *Reduce the time it takes for you to transition from positional authority to relational influence.

    *Understand the tensions and problems associated with stepping into new leadership spaces.

    *Create a learning environment focused on teams that expedites trust.

    *Guide everyone through the emotional demands of change

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  • Kiki Finds Her Voice


    When the school talent show creates an issue between her and her friends, little Kiki learns what it means to follow your heart and be a leader. Based on a true story from the life of Grammy-nominated singer and actress Kierra Sheard-Kelly, this inspiring picture book helps kids discover how to best use their God-given gifts and what it means to be true to yourself even when it’s not the popular thing to do.

    The school talent show is a big deal, and Kiki is thrilled when the popular girls ask her to perform with them. But when the song her new friends choose turns out to be one Kiki’s parents don’t want her singing, she must decide if it’s more important to be popular and please her friends or speak up and do what she knows is right for her.

    Kiki Finds Her Voice helps children ages 4-8:

    *Learn how to stand up to peer pressure
    *Embrace their differences and love what makes them unique
    *Better understand how their faith plays a part in their everyday lives

    In addition, Kiki Finds Her Voice is ideal for:

    *birthday, back-to-school, Christmas, and holiday gifts
    *bedtime and story time reading
    *encouraging faith development, and building character and self-confidence

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  • Survey Of The Black Church In America


    If the Bible is allowed to be the standard by which blacks and whites determine truth, then freedom from this moral and racial malaise will be the outcome; for as Jesus taught, the truth has a unique capacity of making people free. Dr. Tony Evans

    Respected and beloved pastor Tony Evans provides an accessible overview of black church history. Evans opens the eyes of the reader to the black presence in the Scriptures and takes a focused look at the uniqueness and place of the black church. Drawing from stories and historical events, best-selling author Evans addresses the myth of black inferiority and looks at the rise of black evangelicalism. In addition, Evans faithfully interacts with movements such as Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and the 1619 Project.

    This timely resource is for anyone seeking unity and understanding. In an age where division and confusion abound, A Survey of the Black Church in America provides a divine, clear, kingdom-focused perspective.

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  • Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence


    How many survivors will it take for us to see the life behind the abortion?

    Today’s culture would have us believe that abortion is simply a choice, a right, a controversial argument, and a religious and political issue of pro-life vs. pro-choice. It has become easy to think of the unborn as disposable products of conception-medical waste. But all of that changes when that “product of conception” defies the odds and arrives into this world as a living, breathing human being.

    In Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence, we hear the true stories of abortion survivors whose resilience and courage humanize this discussion of “choice” and life emerging from the womb. They are flesh and blood people who, against all odds, survived abortion attempts and have dramatic, touching stories of their own. These stories often begin in shame and secret, but emerge to become inspiring dramas of hope, love, and forgiveness.

    This book includes:

    *Stories of ten abortion survivors
    *A compassionate look into the pressures many women feel to abort
    *Accounts of medical personnel who worked in the abortion industry

    Abortion Survivors Break Their Silence stirs the heart, challenges readers, and humanizes the sanctity of life in concrete and transformational ways.

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  • Jesus Passion Week (Student/Study Guide)


    Over 3 million LifeChange studies sold

    LifeChange Bible studies train you in good Bible study practices as you enjoy a robust and engaging study of a topic or book of the Bible. Learn the skill as you study the Word. Your study of the Scriptures will never be the same!

    Jesus’ last days show that He was not just leaving behind a legacy: He was launching a new kingdom where all people are welcomed. As you study Jesus’ last week, may you be moved by the passion of Jesus, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and inspired to lead a life of sacrificial love. Jesus embodied the height and depth of God’s love in a person, demonstrated by servanthood, suffering, and sacrifice. Ultimately, He made this love accessible to us through what He accomplished on the cross.

    The LifeChange Topical studies are optimized for small group use. This study is broken down into 8 sessions of about 45 minutes. Each session includes:

    *Stories from Jesus’ final week on earth, with a corresponding passage from the Bible
    *Questions ideal for small-group discussion
    *Cross-references and suggestions for further study
    *Historical background, word definitions, and explanatory notes

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  • ESV Bible Promises


    Hundreds of God’s Promises Organized and Made Accessible

    In moments of confusion or doubt, humans look beyond themselves for answers. Thankfully God offers us countless assuring promises, and it’s our joy to encounter them throughout Scripture. In this convenient resource, 700 of God’s most beloved promises are thematically organized into one easily accessible volume Christians will cherish for years to come.

    Each carefully selected passage is arranged into 150 centralized topics, including anxiety, faith, family, heaven, renewal, thanksgiving, work, and more. Readers can use this tool to supplement their daily Bible readings, utilize the alphabetical table of contents to find verses on a particular topic, or simply flip through passages for encouragement. ESV Bible Promises will bless believers in all stages of life and faith as they meditate on the assurance of God’s unfailing promises.

    *700 Carefully Selected Passages: Each verse helps believers strengthen their faith and rely on God’s unfailing promises

    *Organized Thematically: Features 150 centralized themes including anxiety, faith, family, heaven, renewal, thanksgiving, work, and more

    *Accessible: Alphabetical table of contents, ribbon marker, and easy-to-read layout help readers access Scripture effectively

    *Useful Tool for All: Great for both men and women in all stages of life

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  • Dr Colberts Health Zone Essentials


    Effective protocols for restored health and longevity!

    After reading this book, I will have the knowledge and the understanding to create clean, healthy habits to guide my lifestyle so I can prevent and reverse a life of illness.

    Don Colbert, MD, the acclaimed author of multiple New York Times best-selling books, curates the most effective protocols from his popular Zone series-Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Brain Zone, Dr. Colbert’s Fasting Zone, Dr. Colbert’s Hormone Health Zone, and Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Gut Zone-to present his most comprehensive guide for lasting health and wellness.

    Dr. Colbert’s Health Zone Essentials leads readers into a treasure trove of wisdom and practical advice to restore their body’s health at its foundation and then rebuild a healthy life upon it, showing them:

    *How to optimize their hormone levels

    *Use the power of fasting to reset their digestive system and set the stage for a healthy gut

    *Enjoy great-tasting foods from the best of the Mediterranean and keto diets to maintain good health

    *Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are protecting their body and brain health both now and in the future

    *Dr. Colbert’s balanced, preventive, and natural healing solutions will give readers the tools to protect and optimize their well-being now and in the future.

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  • 1st Words Of Easter


    Introduce your little one to the story of Easter with this colorful first words primer.

    Perfect for curious little ones, this book tells the story of Easter in bite-sized pieces. Short sentences and colorful illustrations guide children through the momentous story–from Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem all the way to his miraculous Resurrection–while each page highlights a new word found in the biblical account–such as colt, cross, and tomb. Whether you use this book to encourage language development or to introduce the story of Easter to a special little one, it’s sure to make a great gift.

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  • Living Undivided : Loving Courageously For Racial Healing And Justice


    As the church and as a country, we’ve often neglected and avoided addressing the impact and ongoing reality of racism. We have been more focused on order than justice, more concerned with social media posturing than solidarity, more committed to judgment than repentance. But God’s people are called to more. We need to lead the way to true racial healing, solidarity, and justice. And we need two things to do it: courage and love.

    Through enlightening history and eye-opening personal stories, Living Undivided will equip and empower you with the biblical, transformative tools you need to move from just hoping and wishing for racial justice to actionable change that makes an observable difference in your life and the lives of churches, neighborhoods, and cities.

    In this season of division and injustice, this book opens up a clear path to a better future.

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  • Double Take


    She survived a murder plot and her attacker is dead–isn’t he?

    Detective James Cross has been honorably discharged from the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division due to wounds sustained when an IED blew up near him. Now with the Lake City Police Department, he’s rooming with his good buddy and partner, Cole, while he figures out his family dynamics.

    Physician Assistant Lainie Jackson is eighteen months out from an attempted murder perpetrated by her ex, which ended when she managed to grab the weapon and shoot him. When he appears to have survived and is back to finish the job he started, Lainie insists it’s not possible. But someone keeps trying to kill her, and she keeps seeing his face.

    Together, Lainie and James must work together to find out who exactly is after her and why he wants her dead. And failure is not an option.

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  • Seamstress Of Acadie


    As 1754 is drawing to a close, tensions between the French and the British on Canada’s Acadian shore are reaching a fever pitch. Seamstress Sylvie Galant and her family–French-speaking Acadians wishing to remain neutral–are caught in the middle, their land positioned between two forts flying rival flags. Amid preparations for the celebration of Nol, the talk is of unrest, coming war, and William Blackburn, the British Army Ranger raising havoc across North America’s borderlands.

    As summer takes hold in 1755 and British ships appear on the horizon, Sylvie encounters Blackburn, who warns her of the coming invasion. Rather than participate in the forced removal of the Acadians from their land, he resigns his commission. But that cannot save Sylvie or her kin. Relocated on a ramshackle ship to Virginia, Sylvie struggles to pick up the pieces of her life. When her path crosses once more with William’s, they must work through the complex tangle of their shared, shattered past to navigate the present and forge an enduring future.

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  • Have A Beautiful Terrible Day


    Tender and powerful spiritual reflections and blessings that invite readers to honestly and joyfully walk through their everyday, wonderful, messy humanity, from the New York Times bestselling author of Good Enough

    Kate Bowler, author of the instant New York Times bestseller Good Enough and national bestseller The Lives We Actually Have, wants to encourage people to develop their capacity to feel the breadth of their experiences. The better we are at identifying our spiritual highs and lows, the more resilient we become. In Bowler’s previous books, she offered a singular way to view the everyday in all of its heartache and glory. Now in Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day!, Bowler is inviting readers for the first time to fully embrace the terrible along with the beautiful by offering readers honest, heartfelt daily devotionals followed by blessings and action steps that lead readers to feel seen, heard and understood no matter what their day may bring.

    In addition, Bowler has written Advent and Lenten sections to round out the book that offer readers a rich, meaningful way to enter into these seasons of expectation and contemplation. Along the way, Bowler shares funny and poignant moments in her own life while enduring a dark season of pain. As she says, ” What I want more than anything is to bless you and me right now, and feel the truth of our realities without letting reality itself overwhelm us…So here’s to us having beautiful, terrible days.”

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  • Habits Of The Household Bible Study Guide Plus Streaming Video (Student/Study Gu



    Parenting happens in habits. We make meals, shuttle our kids to events, answer their questions, discipline them, and do bedtime. But did you know that even these ordinary routines can serve as extraordinary opportunities to live out God’s love in profound ways? In Habits of the Household, you will discover simple practices you can implement around your daily routines and seemingly mundane moments that will lead to a lifetime of growing closer to God–both for you and everyone in your home.

    Each session includes practical examples of prayers, liturgies, and activities that you and your family can put into practice right away. As you create rhythms around your everyday routines, you will find your family has a greater sense of peace and purpose as your home becomes a place where you learn how to love each other and love God.

    This study guide includes:

    *Individual access to five streaming video sessions
    *Schedule for using as a weekend retreat
    *A guide to best practices for leading a group
    *Video notes and a comprehensive structure for group discussion time
    *Personal study for deeper reflection between sessions
    *Includes plans for hosting a weekend retreat for your group or church

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  • Fiona And The Easter Egg Hunt


    Join your favorite hippo, Fiona, the beloved internet sensation from the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, as she plans an Easter egg hunt for her animal friends at the zoo! Fiona and the Easter Egg Hunt is another addition to the New York Times bestselling Fiona the Hippo series.

    Spring has sprung, and new adorable babies are being born all over the zoo! Fiona and her friend Rico the porcupine decide to have an Easter egg hunt for the animals. But when one of Mrs. Swan’s eggs gets accidentally mixed in with the Easter eggs in Fiona’s basket, will Fiona and her friends find the egg before it hatches?

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  • Easter Ideals 2024


    Find hope in the pages of this family-favorite, time-honored Easter tradition.

    Loyal readers are drawn to Ideals for its celebration of life’s most treasured moments. This year’s compilation of prose and poetry continues Ideals’ legacy of providing inspiration and comfort for readers. The Easter issue, always a reminder of the true heart of Easter, includes heartwarming text selected with care, alongside beautiful, full-color photographs and fine art reproductions. Beloved writer Pamela Kennedy shares holiday memories and family traditions; poet Eileen Spinelli taps into the charm of the season; and the original Easter story is told through Bible passages accompanied by fine art. The Family Recipes feature, a reader favorite, offers Easter-appropriate recipes to prepare and share.

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  • Yappy Easter


    Fetch some Easter fun with this board book full of playful pups who are “egg-cited” to celebrate!

    Here’s the holiday hilarity you’ve been hunting for! Silly, eager, and downright adorable pups are “hoppy” to celebrate Easter with their favorite humans in this photo-filled board book. Little ones will love the pictures of dogs in Easter mode, paired with sweet illustrations of dogs and kids interacting. Pun-filled text from the dog’s point of view shares just what it is about the holiday that makes them so “yappy.”

    This little book is perfect for Easter baskets and will be an instant favorite with your dog-loving little one.

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  • Jesus Among Us Walking With Him In His Ministry And Miracles


    In Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles, you will travel with Jesus as He clarifies His true mission to John the Baptist, teaches vivid parables about the kingdom of God, feeds the 5000, heals the sick, gives His disciples authority over disease and Satan, and ministers to people’s needs in a variety of settings, from the Sea of Galilee to the temple in Jerusalem. Each day features a Scripture reading, a “Life Lessons with Jesus” segment, questions for reflection, and a prayer.

    The more closely you walk with Jesus, the more you will be convinced that nothing is impossible with God.

    Jesus Among Us is the second book in the Life Along the Way Series, which takes you through the life of Jesus in all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish–from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The three other devotionals, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are #1, Jesus with Us: Meeting Him Where He Began, #3, Jesus Through Us: Following His Example in Love and Service, and #4, Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends.

    As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to love Jesus and love like Jesus. Where are you on your walk with Jesus?

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  • Tending To My Thoughts


    Tending to My Thoughts continues the story of Sharon Hastings, a medical doctor and Christian living with severe mental illness. Her personal experience of recovery offers a starting point to help readers think through what recovery could look like for them or their loved ones.

    Peppered with personal anecdotes, shot through with medical knowledge and chock-full of helpful explanation, this book inspires hope and provides evidence that life with mental illness can improve. Sharon Hastings writes to encourage those who walk alongside people who are suffering, as well as to equip individual Christians and churches to effectively support those in recovery, particularly from severe mental illness.

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  • Our Radiant Redeemer


    This devotional looks at the transfiguration of Jesus in depth, giving readers a glorious lens through which to view Jesus during Lent and Easter.

    Tim Chester says:

    “The transfiguration is a light that illuminates the meaning of the cross and resurrection. As we look deeper, we’ll discover that it’s not just Jesus who is transfigured. His promise is that we, too, can be transfigured by the light he brings to our lives.”

    As we see Jesus in all his glory, we will be reminded of how marvellous he is and how brilliant our future with him will be. We will be moved to worship Jesus with our whole lives, giving thanks for all that he is and all that he has done.

    Each of the devotions includes prompts to reflect and pray.

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  • More To The Story


    What does the Bible really say about identity and gender, dating and sex? Are its teachings out of date and repressive? Or are they the way to joy and contentment?

    Long-time youth worker Jennifer Kvamme knows teens are grappling with these questions. In this book she helps readers cut through the cultural confusion and find answers to questions like:

    *why does God care what I do with my body (if I’m not hurting anyone)?
    *why does it matter what pronouns I use?
    *why is sex “good” in marriage but “bad” before it? Isn’t love love?
    *is the Bible really against gay marriage?

    Rather than listing dos and don’ts, this book looks at the whole story of God’s love for us to give readers an essential backdrop for the Bible’s teachings on sexuality. It will help you navigate wisely complex issues around dating, sex and gender. You’ll not only learn how to honor Jesus in this area of life, but why he can be trusted to bring the kind of lasting joy and contentment that “sexual freedom” can’t. You’ll discover there’s hope even if your experience of sexuality has been painful, complicated or filled with shame.

    Each chapter includes reflection questions to help you think through these issues and apply them to your own life, as well as a discussion guide for youth groups.

    You will be encouraged to trust Jesus with your deepest desires as you follow him in all of life, including your sexuality and relationships.

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  • Hope For Widows


    Hope for Widows offers women connections in their grief, guiding them to see hope, grace, and comradery on an unfamiliar path. With personal reflections, questions, and expressions of gratitude, widows will join Marilyn Nutter in recognizing God’s faithful presence in details and unusual places. The 65 vignettes apply Scripture and relevant quotes to grief and mourning and look with transparency at how widowhood dramatically changes a woman’s life.

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  • Cloud Of Women


    Discover inspiring parallels between biblical figures and the lives of both contemporary and historical Black women and be encouraged to greatness from a biblical perspective. Eve, Esther, Mary, and Deborah are a few of the guides as A Cloud of Women navigates cultural and women’s issues then and now. Learn from icons such as Marian Wright Edelman, Biddy Mason, Sojourner Truth, Shirley Chisholm, and present-day judges, teachers, artists, and scientists.

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  • Fragile Designs


    There’s only one thing more dangerous than family secrets.

    Since her police-officer husband Eric’s mysterious murder, Carly Harris has been struggling to support herself and their infant son. Her career as an antique dealer isn’t sustainable, nor is her dream of becoming a novelist. So when her grandmother proposes she and her two sisters restore the family’s large Beaufort home and turn it into a bed-and-breakfast, she immediately gets to work clearing out the house. In the process, she uncovers a family secret that Eric kept hidden. And an heirloom that the wrong person wouldn’t hesitate to kill for.

    Homicide detective Lucas Bennett isn’t his neighbor’s biggest fan, not since she broke his brother’s heart years ago. But when Carly turns to Lucas for help, believing she’s found a lost Faberge egg that would be worth millions and that could put her family’s lives in danger, he can’t help but get involved. Soon, they’re entangled in a mystery with threads that lead all the way to the Russian mafia. Lucas has gotten in deep, and while he trusts his ability to keep Carly and her family safe, he begins to realize he’s vulnerable to an unexpected kind of danger. And he’s helpless to stop the freefall. As they continue working closely together, Carly and Lucas realize they may have found something more precious than gold. Yet it’s only a matter of time before Carly–or, worse, someone she loves–gets hurt.

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  • Easter Love Letters From God Updated Edition


    Are you looking for a way to teach your child about Holy Week and Easter? What if your child could also read a personal letter from God to make the lessons come alive? Easter Love Letters from God: Updated Edition, contains seven beautifully illustrated Bible stories, each accompanied by a special Bible verse and an encouraging letter to your child.

    Easter Love Letters from God is part of the Love Letters from God series written by Glenys Nellist. Unique features include:

    *Seven letters from God

    *Endearing text that applies each Easter story directly to your child’s life and helps grow their faith

    *Gorgeous, bright illustrations by Sophie Allsopp

    *The wonderous stories leading up to Jesus’s resurrection on Easter Sunday

    *is perfect for ages 4-8

    *is great for Easter baskets or as an addition to your child’s home library.

    Check out other titles from this series: Love Letters from God, Love Letters from God: Bible Stories for a Girl’s Heart, and Christmas Love Letters from God: Bible Stories.

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  • Wimee Learns About Money


    Join your favorite robot Wimee from the PBS show Wimee’s Words as he learns about what money is and how it works. Readers will have fun as they discover earning, spending, saving, giving, and other money facts.

    Wimee is excited! He has received some money from his grandmother as a gift. But he isn’t sure what to do with it. Join Wimee and his friends Moby and Siblee in the park, as they get a lesson in money facts from Mr. Bill. Then follow along as Wimee puts a plan together for how he can use his money.

    Wimee Learns About Money includes:

    *Wimee’s friends featured on the Wimee’s Words television show
    *Bright, engaging illustrations that bring Wimee’s imaginative world to life
    *A note to parents and educators with ideas on how to use the book to further learning
    *An early introduction to financial concepts like how to get money (invest, receive a gift, or earn), the purpose of money (to buy things), and what to do with money (buy things now, save it to buy things later, or use it to help others).

    Wimee’s Words is an interactive mixed media show for preschoolers that inspires kids to learn through imagination, vocabulary building, and storytelling through puppetry, music, wordplay, and technology. Watch Wimee on your local PBS affiliate!

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  • Twas The Season Of Lent


    ‘Twas the Season of Lent is a 40-day devotional and storybook that explores the life, words, and works of Jesus and encourages families to draw closer to God during the Lenten Season. From beloved author Glenys Nellist, this book focused on Jesus’s mission to the least, the lost, and the lonely, with each story and accompanying prayer prompt encouraging children to try to be more like Jesus and to do what God calls them to.

    Written in both prose and poetry, this gorgeous picture book shares the true story of the days leading up to Christ’s death and resurrection. The read-aloud rhymes and stunning illustrations by Elena Selivanova make this a perfect read for the whole family during the Lenten season. With an eye-catching cover decorated in shining foil and embossing, this book is designed to be a treasured tradition for families and church ministries for the Lenten season for years to come.

    ‘Twas the season of Lent, when for forty whole days
    The people were trying to think of new ways
    To be more like Jesus–to love, care, and give,
    In hopes that they’d choose the right way to live.

    ‘Twas the Season of Lent:

    *Is written by Glenys Nellist, author of the beloved The Wonder That Is You, and the Snuggle Time and Love Letters from God series

    *Is told in the lyrical style of Clement Moore’s iconic poem–“‘Twas the Night before Christmas”

    *Explores what the season of Lent is all about and how we can draw closer to God during this time

    *Features a familiar rhythm and rhyme that children ages 4-8 will love

    *Brings to life the story of Jesus’s ministry and the days leading up to his death and resurrection through Elena Selivanova’s beautiful, rich illustrations

    *Is the perfect way for adults to share the powerful meaning of the Lenten season with the little ones in their lives leading up to the Easter holiday

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  • Ignite Your Life


    Prayer is a life-altering, game-changing tool given to us by God amid an unrelenting world. Your prayer impacts the lives of those who are not praying for themselves. The day you call for help, the tide of the battle turns. In Ignite Your Life: 14 Powerful Things That Happen When You Pray, author Frankie Mazzapica unpacks critical passages from Scripture that show the transformative power of prayer and how you can complete your God-given assignment through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Frankie says, “Short prayers are powerful prayers. Every single prayer you pray ignites more of God’s power working within you.”

    The course of your life has a direct link to the consistency of your prayer life. The book’s fourteen chapters are devoted to breaking new ground in how we can view our prayer lives, interact with Scripture, and achieve personal growth. Frankie directly encourages you to engage in your prayer life and experience rekindled intimacy with God and how prayer can produce power within.

    Learn how prayer can strengthen your family and loved ones, and teaches you how to hear the voice of God. This book is perfect for anyone craving to experience more of God and walk closer with Him than they ever have before. Discover how prayer changes the trajectory of your life!

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