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Family Concerns

Showing 801–850 of 1192 results

  • New Moms Guide To Life With Baby


    A new mom runs into a host of new challenges once baby arrives. With compassion and humor–and always the privilege of motherhood in mind–The New Mom’s Guide to Life with Baby helps mom establish a daily routine, keep her marriage strong, understand the changes in her body, and find her own mothering style. This practical book offers real advice from women who have been there, done that, and want other moms to benefit from their trials and triumphs. A perfect gift for baby showers, Mother’s Day, or any day, this guide is designed for the mom who can only find a few minutes of peace each day to read.

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  • Orphanology : Awakening To Gospel Centered Adoption And Orphan Care


    Orphanology unveils the grassroots movement that’s engaged in a comprehensive response to serve hundreds of millions of orphans and “functionally parentless” children.
    You’ll see a breadth of ways to care with biblical perspective and reasons why we must. Heartwarming, personal stories and vivid illustrations from a growing network of families, churches, and organizations that cross culture show how to respond to God’s mandate. The book empowers:
    – churches-to plan preaching, teaching, ministering, missions, funding adoption, supporting orphans;
    – individuals and families-to overcome challenges and uncertainties;
    – every believer-to gain insights to help orphans in numerous ways.

    Discover how to
    – adopt;
    – assist orphans in transition;
    – engage in foster care;
    – partner with faith-based fostering agencies;
    – become orphan hosts.

    Along with their families’ adoption stories, Merida and Morton give steps for action and features on churches doing orphan ministry, faith-based children’s homes, orphan-hosting groups, and other resources.

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  • Gone But Not Lost (Reprinted)


    We all expect our parents to precede us in death. No one expects to have to make their child’s funeral arrangements. And the loss of a child brings with it a special and persistent manifestation of grief that can feel “like a stomachache that never ends.”

    Gone but Not Lost is a thoughtful gift for a family that has experienced the death of a child. Each of its brief chapters covers one element of grieving, bringing readers through sorrow and helping them deal with feelings of anger or guilt, as well as the marital strain that may follow the loss of a beloved child.

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  • If Only He Knew


    With over 800,000 copies in print, If Only He Knew by bestselling author Gary Smalley has long been esteemed as one of the premier books on marriage for men. Smalley helps men understand their wives and meet their needs in order to establish a loving, thriving relationship that will last a lifetime.

    Newly revised and expanded to reflect up-to-date research and the current cultural landscape for today’s modern audience, this book is the perfect guide for husbands who want to love their wives and strengthen their marriages in a way like never before.

    Using humorous and touching illustrations from his own life, as well as case histories and biblical examples, Gary Smalley maps a blueprint to a better marriage that will have a deep and lasting impact on men and their wives.

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  • Raising Your Childrens Children


    There are more than six million children in the United States being raised by grandparents. In Raising Your Children’s Children, Martha Evans Sparks gives tips and wisdom so grandparents can find hope and direction to help them face their new and unexpected adventure in parenting once again. Included are the practical concerns of court proceedings, lawyer bills, hospital bills, and custody arrangememts. Your world may have just changed unexpectedly, but you are not alone. For quick, accurate answers to your sudden questions, this book is a great primer.

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  • What Dads Need To Know About Daughters What Moms Need To Know About Sons


    It’s a boy!
    New mothers welcome this announcement with both excitement and trepidation. It’s the beginning of a great adventure, as well as one of the most challenging jobs a woman can face.
    Moms, your desire to understand your son can equip you with the power to influence his life for good, thereby influencing his family and generations to come. God made you this little boy’s mom on purpose! And with John Burns’s experienced help in this book, you can learn not only to endure it but to celebrate it.
    It’s a girl!

    Those three little words create a rush of joy and anticipation for every new dad — typically followed by a healthy dose of fear and apprehension.
    Dads, from God you can learn the qualities and characteristics that will make you the kind of dad your daughter needs you to be — and the kind of dad God always intended you to become. And with Helen Burns’s gentle advice about girls, it may be easier than you think.
    Join us now as we celebrate the divine differences in sons and daughters. Learn to be gentle, loving, and understanding dads and moms from the wise and gracious Father of us all.

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  • Intentional Parenting : Family Discipleship By Design


    There are literally thousands of books available on how to live various aspects of the Christian life. Of these, at least a couple of dozen pertaining to family life and child training are well worth reading. This is not one of those books. This book is designed to help you take those other books, as well as all the sermons, teachings, and exhortations you have received on child training and leadership in the home, and make sense of it all. Pastor Tad Thompson has assembled a biblical approach to effective family discipleship. Let him share it with you in this clear, encouraging, accessible book. This is not another book of tactics and techniques. It is a book of strategy for parents who want to be intentional about discipleship in the home.

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  • Together Moments For Couples


    A lovely new cover and title for Minute Meditations for Couples from bestselling author Emilie Barnes and her husband, Bob, will enrich and mentor even more marriages with their messages of living for God, getting the most out of marriage, and managing time to create loving homes.

    Following the format of their highly successful Minute Meditations for Women and Minute Meditations for Men, Emilie and Bob offer inviting devotions that give busy couples quick opportunities to draw near to God-and each other.

    These devotions reflect the deep bonds and love that adversity sparks in couples committed to each other. Filled with encouragement, inspiring quotes, and practical advice, this relationship-nurturing devotional shares the richness of living in Christ and helps couples spend time together in God’s presence.

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  • Winning Him Without Words (Reprinted)


    Week after week, they sit in church . . . alone. They are the spiritually mismatched, those who are committed to a spouse who does not share their faith. Feeling abandoned by their spouse and forgotten by their church, they live out their faith in survival mode, guarding the spiritual flame yet never feeling free to share it. But God wants them to thrive–not just survive. Winning Him Without Words presents ten Christ centered keys to thriving in a spiritual mismatch. Readers are encouraged to commit to Christian community, to release their spouse to God’s capable hands, to find peace in their relationships with Christ and with their spouse, to continue their pursuit of a growing faith, and to love their spouse with fresh enthusiasm. God wants every marriage to exude peace and love, and Winning Him Without Words empowers readers to create that environment in their homes and thrive as God works. Winning Him Without Words was the recipient of the Nonfiction Book of 2011 Award from the San Diego Christian Writers Guild, one of the largest Christian writers group in the United States.

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  • Couples Who Pray


    In this entertaining, highly readable book, couples learn that a fabulous marriage can be the outcome of learning to pray together, a minimum of five minutes a day, causing a 20 to 30% increase in romance, conversation and happiness.

    Best-selling author SQuire Rushnell and his wife, entertainer and talk show host, Louise DuArt take readers step by step through The 40 Day Prayer Challenge(TM) in which couples commit to praying together five minutes a day for forty days. Backed by compelling research from Baylor University and Gallup Poll, the true-life experiences of 24 test couples reveal that daily prayer is a “life changing experience” in which most couples report positive outcomes in less than two weeks.

    Celebrity couples share extraordinary experiences on how the most intimate act between a man and a woman has improved their marriages. The couples include Denzel and Pauletta Washington, Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford, Donna Summer and Bruce Sudano, Scott and Tracie Hamilton, Christina Ferrara and Tony Thomopolous, and Gavin and Patty MacLeod.

    Couples Who Pray includes an easy questionnaire prepared by Baylor University to help couples to chart their own progress during The 40 Day Prayer Challenge(TM). According to never-before-published research the “quantity and quality of lovemaking” gets better by 20% when couples pray more. There’s also a significant reduction in disagreements evidenced by a 21% elevation among respondents who say that they are trying to make their marriages better. Astonishingly, the fear of divorce plummets to zero when couples pray “a lot.”

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  • Whispers From God


    “A wise and prudent person sees evil coming and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished with suffering!” (Proverbs 22:3) What you hear is critical… What is the feeling or image you see in your spirit? What is God communicating to prevent a season of misery and loss? The time to know is at your first hello, not years later after Satan has had his way with you. The demise of a relationship can be seen from it’s beginning. Will you employ a pitiless messenger, an educator you won’t like? Will you find yourself disappointed and saddened? What is it that you already know? Will you Judge the information correctly, or downsize the data you receive? Our relationships and marriages are powerless without listening… Outside God’s voice of love they die in the heat of the day. Our excruciating toil gives us nothing in return. But your good decision will prevent harmful seeds of sorrow from ever entering the ground. – A negative venue never has to become visible. To know beforehand is a wonderful place to live. The end of the matter is crystal clear at the beginning. You can see the future and change your danger zone… WHISPERS FROM GOD integrates Dorthy’s own life revealing story and teaches pertinent insights and strategies to re-direct unnecessary pain. Dorthy energizes and enriches lives and relationships in the areas of identity, people dependencies, inner healing and unresolved relationship issues. She is a minister of the Good News and conference speaker. Her mission is transforming lives, healing hearts and showing the irresistible love of Jesus Christ. You can learn more about Dorthy and “WHISPERS FROM GOD” by visiting – “Because they received not the love for truth that they might be saved, God sent then strong delusions that they should believe a lie. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)

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  • Becoming Your Spouses Better Half (Reprinted)


    It’s no secret that men and women are different. And it’s no secret that they don’t always get along because of these differences, even when they love each other. But having a successful marriage is not about finding the perfect person to marry. It’s about loving someone in an unselfish, Christlike manner. Whatever we want out of marriage–unconditional love, forgiveness, passion–that is what we have to give to our spouse. Rick Johnson shows couples how to go beyond merely tolerating each other’s differences to using those God-given differences to add spice and passion to their relationship.

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  • Nobody Told Me (Reprinted)


    Teens have their whole lives ahead of them, but making poor choices can undermine their hopes for a bright future. Too many young adults look back on decisions they made in the heat of the moment and regret the path they chose–they wish someone had told them how premarital sex could negatively impact their future relationships. Here is a book to help teens make the right choices when it comes to sex, based on actual questions the author has received from real-life teens.Nobody Told Me is written for young men and women who want passionate, long-lasting marriages in the future but haven’t considered how the decisions they make now impact their chances for fulfillment. This accessible book contains information teens need about the physical, emotional, and spiritual risks associated with premarital sex, as well as guidelines for making healthy choices. Teens have questions about sex, and now there is somewhere to find the answers.

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  • Irrevocable Purpose Of A Woman In Life


    This book is a wake-up call to all who have decided to reject the basic truth of God’s Word because of the tradition they have adopted, rendering the Word of God about marriage less effective. His Word says a man will definitely need a helper on his journey through life. The only precise and adequate helper the almighty God has provided is the precious woman; no other choice is appropriate. If you do choose a different helper, it is against God’s principle of life. A life without a woman is incomplete.

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  • Always A Wedding


    Plan the marriage and not just the wedding!

    “Dr. Collins has the unique gift of guiding couples from planning a ceremony to establishing a happy and lasting marriage. His wisdom and joy did this for us 23 years ago” Hunter and Missy Keith

    “While planning our wedding, Dr. Collins opened our eyes to view marriage as a covenant and not just a legal contract. We have our agreements of ‘Fighting Fair’ framed on our bedroom wall to remind us that love is patient, kind, and keeps no record of wrongs once forgiven.” Billy and Brittany Glynn

    “We just wanted to get married when we met with Dr. Collins in 1988. However, our premarital counseling led us to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ who made our Covenant of Marriage possible. We used our chalice for communion in our wedding to witness Christ as the central person in our lives.” John and Teri McIntyre

    “Our marriage was blessed from the start when the Lord brought us to Dr. Collins. He taught us the ‘Four Goals of Marriage’ which have encouraged us to grow together with our Lord as the third person in our Covenant. We are realizing the true gift and joy of a happy marriage.” Dan and Denise Flynn

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  • Why Are So Many Relationships Falling


    Most all our relationships go something like this. Even though you can see something good in the other person, you only get glimpses of the good. It is like being in a jail cell next to each other; reaching through the bars to hold hands maybe even steal a kiss, but you cannot embrace that good person. Some go so far as to have sex, but not really embrace, like most married couples are doing today.

    Most of us have taken that risk, taken the chance on a relationship with that special someone. However, too often one or the other gets hurt, feels frustrated, and walks away without trying to understand why this is happening. It hurts so bad it feels like your insides are being torn out of your body. This is not a physical pain, but the spiritual and emotional separation that hurts physically. Somewhere through the pain we make up our minds consciously or subconsciously that no one will ever hurt us like that again.

    Jesus said to confess our sins to one another so that we may be healed. We usually try to bury our pain and think we have forgiven our offenders. Jesus’ way is to deal directly with the pain.

    Rose Kennedy was a smart women she said, “It has been said ‘time heals all wounds’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time the mind (protecting it’s sanity), covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but is never gone.”

    Jesus did not come to tell us how to live with our pain, He came to heal us of the pain.

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  • Wrestling With An Angel


    It sounded at first like something out of an old horror movie. I thought maybe someone was just playing around, but then I heard it again and again, a loud piercing cry, and less like Hollywood every time. The windows were down in my police cruiser on that warm fall day, but I still couldn’t tell where the sounds came from. I began looking around for the unlikely sight of someone being disemboweled in a mall parking lot on a Saturday afternoon. Seeing nothing, and still hearing the screams, I called in a “disturbance.’ Around the next corner I found the source of the commotion. So begins Greg Lucas’ captivating account of life as a husband, a police officer, and Jake’s dad. Jake Lucas, the first of four children, lives with severe physical and mental challenges. Caring for him each day is an ordeal few of us can imagine, and this story of Jake’s first 17 years is not one you will soon forget. But the remarkable thing is how the whole narrative is saturated with wonder at the grace and goodness of God, who brings hope and promise through his Son into the darkest of circumstances. In this book, we see that Jake’s problems are our problems, only bigger, and the challenges of caring for him carry profound lessons about God’s care for us. Wrestling with an Angel is about tragedy and laughter and pain and joy. It is about faith and grace and endurance and God’s unfailing, loving wisdom daily being worked out in each of our lives, whatever the nature or extent of our difficulties. Here is a book that may explain faith to you in ways you never quite grasped, through a life few of us can relate to. When it is all done, we come away better able to live as Christ calls us to live.

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  • Investment For Kids


    INVESTMENT FOR KIDS Raising the Next Generation Money Masters This book is intended to be for reference and guide to young parents, professionals and youths to cultivate investment mentality and wealth creation principles right from their early years. It contains stories and principles of many both in the workplace and life settings who have leveraged on these principles to propel them from their Zero to Hero Levels. In this book, you will discover how to: -Focus on prayer as a principal factor for success. -Develop the Habits of saving for the long haul. -Go contra-culture by third world brothers to break free from poverty. -Developing Financial Intelligence and Re-education. -Unlock the Gateways to wealth Creation.

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  • Why Is Collin Like That


    My story begins with a very unhappy baby boy, screaming day and night. My son, Collin, was diagnosed with PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), under the Autistic spectrum, by the age of two. As Collin grew, the unmasking of his disorders did also. PDD, ADHD and OCD were among them. So began my new career as “doctor” stay at home mom.

    I remember a seminar I attended a couple years ago with my mother. Questions from concerned parents swarmed the room like bees around a disturbed hive. The presenter addressed everyone patiently. He calmly said, “Listen, most importantly, you are looking for very peculiar behaviors.” My mother turned to me and said with a sigh of relief, “Well, thank God Collin doesn’t have any of those.” I looked at her so strange and replied, “Yeah, mom, you’re right. His sucking on batteries, throwing away silverware, keeping the spoons under his mattress and licking his hands while “grooming” his face is certainly not peculiar. I think we are safe…” We burst out laughing.

    My daughter, Karlie, is a beautiful and loving little girl. Unfortunately, it took me a few years to discover how much she had taken on emotionally being the “big sister”. As parents, we do not always recognize just how much children are affected when it comes to having a sibling with a disability. Just the simple task of watching television together can be so hard for them. As parents, we need to raise awareness on the affects our “non-disabled” children deal with every day. Many prayerful nights have been spent attempting to communicate these issues to others. Prayerfully, this book will help you and His children. God hears you…and I HEAR YOU!

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  • 1 Year Love Language Minute Devotional


    Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t love-it’s your love language. The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional is your daily guide to how to express heartfelt love to your spouse.

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  • No More Hippos


    Do you love someone who struggles with pornography?
    Do you feel alone in this situation?
    Do you wish you could find help and healing from the effects of pornography
    in your marriage, life and family?

    There is hope! You are not alone.
    This book is a testimony of God’s
    redemptive grace and restoration of my marriage and life.
    For those who long to walk in freedom from the stronghold of pornography,
    this book is for you.

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  • 7 Ways To Be A S M A R T E R Mom


    1. We’re All In This Together
    2. Everybody Has A Junk Drawer
    3. Streamline The Situation
    4. Make A Goal
    5. Accept Reality
    6. Resist The Call Of The Distracted Life
    7. Take A Chance
    8. Evaluate All Processes And Procedures
    9. Reserve Time For You-Renew!

    Additional Info
    Being a mom in the twenty-first century is tough. Thedemands and requests made of moms makesbalancing their responsibilities a challenging task.

    Through 7 Ways to Be a S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Mom, motherswill learn how to work smarter, rather than harder, asthey streamline the situations they encounter eachday. With this practical resource, author KaseyJohnson teaches mothers how to set and reach theirgoals and embrace a new approach to the dailydemands of being a mother and wife.

    A text about returning to the basics of mothering, thisinspirational text will challenge women to redefinewho they are in the eyes of their children and theworld, and bring glory to God for His faithfulness andstrength in being a smarter mom.

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  • What Was Lost


    United Methodist Pastor Elise Erikson Barrett draws on her own painful experiences as well as on interviews with others who have gone through the devastation of miscarriage in an effort to help women grieve and, in time, to think theologically about pregnancy loss.
    Barrett also offers some much-needed practical advice about breaking the news to others, coping with insensitive comments, and grieving what is often a private loss, unmarked by the world.

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  • Bequest : A Fifty Year Journey To Find A Birth Father


    February 1998
    I have a growing sense of who is my biological father. I may never know for sure in this life even though some circumstances are formidable indicators. There are still questions and the need for proof positive.

    March 2001
    When I explained my problem to the lab director, and what I had available to work with, he was somewhat dubious. The analysis of envelopes and stamps that had crossed an ocean and been stored in a box for sixty years might be problematic. He told me he would attempt an analysis. He would need a sample of my DNA.

    May 2001
    Several weeks went by. Then, Friday evening, May 28, 2001, I was mowing the grass in the side yard. At exactly 7:34 p.m. Mary came out on the deck with the white kitchen phone saying the call was for me. “It’s the lab.”

    For many years, Donald E. Kersemeier wondered about the identity of his biological father. The results of the analysis forever changed his life.

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  • Parenting With A Purpose


    “Parenting with a purpose” is the process designed by God during which each child is led to establish a foundation on which he can build a responsible, productive adult life. There are many situational variations of this process, but each variation includes a commitment to three fundamental building blocks. These building blocks are:

    * A Sound Moral Base
    * The Best Available Education
    * The Inner Motivation To Succeed

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  • Wheres My Army


    What does it mean to be a godly man?
    Is it possible to be a “man” and love Jesus at the same time?
    How do I identify my role as a husband, as a father, as a leader in my community?
    Am I being distracted from my Godly assigned duties and responsibilities to my family?
    If I am to be the defender of my family then how do I prepare myself for battle?
    Where and how do I make my stand to defend my family?

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  • Rest In His Love Our Redeemer Jesus Christ


    Our faith is not about what we are DOING, but believing what God has DONE for us. Wow! Hallelujah!

    When God allowed my sorrow and pain to bring me to the cross, I quietly knelt in His presence. I could not ask for the reason of my sorrow and suffering. There were no words before Him. I met a God who said that He loves me even to the death. Heaven is closer to me now than ever before. My son’s death connected me with the reality of sin and death, and led me closer to my only hope, Jesus Christ. Now, I am forgiven and have hope that will see Jesus and my son some day at a beautiful place where there is no more pain, no more tears and no more fear. Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ.

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  • Mans Catastrophic Plunge Into A Dead Zone


    Since called by the Lord Jesus Christ, Reverend Christopher Peterkin has been teaching, and addressing several subjects in the Word of God.

    His love for the Lord, and His word has given him a deeper understanding, and concern for people.

    The book of Genesis, from which this book’s subject is dealt with, is very close to the author’s heart. He believes there is no understanding, nor appreciation for any other of the scriptures without the book of Genesis.

    Genesis begins everything that exists.

    Genesis tells of everything that exists.

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  • Gods Wisdom For Marriage And The Home


    Through wisdom is an house builded; And by understanding it is established. Proverbs 24:3

    Brethren, how important is it for us to know, understand, and follow God’s wisdom concerning the home? Certainly all of us in one manner or another, either as a child, as a spouse, as a parent, or as a sibling, have had, and may yet have, a relationship with the home. In fact, most of us expect to have some relationship with the home for the entire extent of our lives. Thus the home is a significant element of our lives from beginning to end. Furthermore, the marriage relationship itself is of primary significance in most of our lives. Yes, our Lord does indeed call some to be single. Yet the majority of us will enter into the marriage relationship, and for most of us that relationship will extend over the majority of our lives. Yea, even before we enter into the marriage relationship, we generally spend some period of time thinking about, planning for, and developing relationships that might lead to marriage. Thus the marriage relationship is indeed a significant element in our lives. Finally, the marriage and home relationships are the foundational building block of society. As goes the marriage, so goes the home. As goes the home; so goes the church, and so goes the country. Since marriage and the home are so significant to our existence in this present life, certainly it is of great importance that we find trustworthy guidance concerning their success. How much more trustworthy guidance may we find than that of the wisdom of the Lord our God!

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  • Rest In His Love Our Redeemer Jesus Christ


    Our faith is not about what we are DOING, but believing what God has DONE for us. Wow! Hallelujah!

    When God allowed my sorrow and pain to bring me to the cross, I quietly knelt in His presence. I could not ask for the reason of my sorrow and suffering. There were no words before Him. I met a God who said that He loves me even to the death. Heaven is closer to me now than ever before. My son’s death connected me with the reality of sin and death, and led me closer to my only hope, Jesus Christ. Now, I am forgiven and have hope that will see Jesus and my son some day at a beautiful place where there is no more pain, no more tears and no more fear. Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ.

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  • Relationship Secrets 201


    In this book, Pastor Chris reveals one of the most important relationship secrets. The secret in this book, which is a very deep relationship secret, has been hidden for ages.

    Access to the secret will empower you to marry without further delay, if you are single.

    Access to the secret will empower you to enjoy your marriage, if you are married.

    Access to the secret will empower you to reconcile with your spouse, if you are separated.

    Access to the secret will also empower you to succeed in every kind of relationship.

    This book is a powerful tool for succeeding in all kinds of relationships.

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  • Relationship Secrets 101


    Success in relationships does not come by accident. There are secrets to success in relationships. In this book, Pastor Chris reveals one of the most hidden relationship secrets, which is a solution to all kinds of relationship problems.

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  • Smile From The Other Side


    Victory can come through tragedies when we lean on the strength of Jesus Christ and each other.

    The Smile from The Other Side offers practical help and hope for parents who find themselves traveling the uncertain path of caring for a terminally ill child. Each chapter begins with a portion of the author’s personal story and ends with a self-help section of resources and Scriptures. The gripping account of what Lynette Norton and her teenage daughter Melissa endured, and how they got to The Other Side, will inspire and encourage you to hold fast to the persistence and faith that life-and-death situations require.
    Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12 NIV)

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  • Keys To Compatibility


    No matter who you are, you can always increase your ability to become compatible with someone else. This is particularly true for the marriage relationship – differences in temperament, outlook, and background often result in conflict between husbands and wives. If seeming incompatibilities are keeping your marriage from being all you know it can be, this book is for you.

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  • How To Separate And Divorce As A Christian


    “Dr. Fredrika is a powerful, authentic, and sincere author who truly cares about making a difference in the lives of her readers. How to Separate and Divorce as a Christian is an invaluable resource which will help anyone who finds themselves in the challenging transition process of ending a covenant relationship. Having been through the process herself, Dr. Fredrika takes a very interactive, supportive, scripturally-based approach to helping you with all the major aspects of rebuilding your life after dissolution. The rest of your life is the best of your life, and this book helps you manifest that reality.”-Delatorro McNeal, best selling author of Caught Between a Dream and a Job.

    This book is for you if you are a Christian who:

    * Is facing separation or divorce after having tried everything to save your marriage and is in need of practical and spiritual advice to maneuver through the divorce process
    * Knew what to do during your marriage but didn’t do it and is now facing separation or divorce
    * Loves God, is well-meaning towards your spouse and yet you are contemplating whether to separate or divorce

    This book does NOT:

    * Promote or endorse divorce over the sanctity of marriage
    * Condemn Christians who are facing separation or divorce

    Now is the time to learn how to:

    * Hear from God when making decisions about you and your children’s lives
    * Let God teach you how to run your life rather than let your life run you
    * Protect you and your children
    * Arm yourself with 10 powerful spiritual weapons
    * Encourage yourself even when you make mistakes

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  • Skunk Tales : Making Sense Of Scents


    New Lineage Publication

    Skunk Tales is a book of true short stories written by a mother about her small family. These original tales teach valuable character lessons from her life experiences. In 2002 Lynn and her son Alex moved from Florida to Texas and lived at a retreat center in the hill country. Their new life in the country along with their passion for the open air resulted with them encountering animals of various shapes, sizes, and scents. These new, unfamiliar experiences proved to be novel opportunities of learning and adventure. What a surprise it was when they arrived at their new home and discovered a strange foul odor about their house! Later they would learn that they had some uninvited quests. The close proximity of wildlife challenged Lynn to look at her life in a more meaningful way. This period of reflection resulted in her desire to share with others chapters of her life. In Skunk Tales Lynn writes about how God miraculously guided and cared for her and her son and compares these lessons to their observations of the various animals they observed. Flash is the story about the day they were raking leaves near the pond at the camp and a fox ran into the brush and dropped its food. Later that day Alex rushed through his school work and Lynn reminded him of the fox they had seen earlier in the day and encouraged him to pace himself with his studies. This opportunity prompted them to study the habitat and behaviors of the fox and all the important lessons they could learn from its example. Digger is the story about curiosity and staying on task. During their evening camp duties Lynn and her son decided to stop working to observe a skunk they had spotted. The skunk dug himself into a hole. Lynn and Alex ended up with their own consequences from this adventure. They learned a valuable lesson from Digger the skunk about following their noses. You will enjoy over sixty beautiful illustrations in Skunk Tales which accurately portray the true events of the stories. At the end of each chapter is an exciting and delightful section called Pooky’s Time Out. This is a very useful tool for parents to teach character lessons, motivate learning, and encourage families to spend intimate time together. Pooky’s Time Out is rich with fun activities to do and idioms to learn as well as Scriptures and prayers to read and songs to sing. As a result of reading Skunk Tales you will gain a fresh perspective and appreciation for the many valuable and meaningful o

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  • Right From The Start


    1. Money – Your Premarriage Experience With Finances
    2. Money – Your Premarriage Expectations About Finances
    3. Sex – Your Premarriage Experience With Sexuality And Intimacy
    4. Sex – Your Premarriage Expectations About Sexuality And Intimacy
    5. Power – You Premarriage Experiences With Power And Control
    6. Power – Your Premarriage Expectations About Power And Control
    7. Faith – Your Premarriage Experience With Faith And Values
    8. Failth – Your Premarriage Expectations About Faith And Values
    9. Family – Your Premarriage Experience With Family Life
    10. Family – Your Premarriage Expectations About Family Life

    Additional Info
    This book explores the art of conversation, and the process of good listening and counseling. Right From the Start: A Premarital Guide for Couples is full of real-life stories and advice to help couples prepare for and thrive in married life. Through story-telling, David and Lisa Frisbie open up the doors for couples to hash out their ideas, differences, and misunderstandings before anyone is hurt in the future. A little drama now is better than a lot of trauma later. Marriage is for life, and it is your duty as a couple to deal with the issues now before you find out it s too late.

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  • To An Unwed Mother


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615799718ISBN10: 1615799710Marjorie BookerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • God Is Busy Fixing Things


    God Is Busy Fixing Things

    How do I know this? I’ve been one of his co-workers for more than fifty years. I’ve been one with Him in building His church. I’ve been one with Him in making disciples. I’ve been one with Him in building homes. I’ve been one with Him in uniting brothers and sisters in Christ. I’ve been one with Him in restoring sinning brothers, and rebuilding shattered relationships.

    Summing everything together, I have been and still am one with Him fixing that which got broke in Genesis three. Namely, His crowning creation; (mankind, you and me)

    Only He can fix us. He fixes us one at a time. He always does His fixing in a vital way, through His Living Word by His Spirit.

    As one of His co-workers my part is to prayerfully use His tools (His Word, His Cross, His Gifts) in total dependence upon His Spirit to fix people on the inside. When He does and continues to do His work of fixing (regenerating and sanctifying) broken people, I get my reward in seeing transformed lives and homes like you will read about in this book.

    As He imparts life to the dead and they continue to grow:
    The proud become humble.
    The covetous become generous.
    The angry become meek.
    The bitter become sweet.
    The divided become united.
    The Self-centered become God-centered.

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  • Pebbles From Gods Courtyard


    Pebbles from God’s Courtyard

    * Have you ever wondered about the reason for and purpose of all the trials you went through?
    * Maybe your whole life is just an accumulation of happenings you can’t make sense of?
    * Or do you feel it’s too late, that you simply are too old to take on a new venture?

    This intimate account of a life set in the turbulent storms of the past century displays the wonder of discovering God’s guidance and involvement in Eva’s life; as well as the blessing of peace that came from her dawning comprehension of meaning in all she went through, illuminated by God’s steadfast love.

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  • Heart Of Remarriage


    Bestselling Authors and Counselors Help Remarried Couples Grow and Strengthen Their Families

    Too often, couples enter remarriage unaware of and unprepared for the challenges stepfamily life will bring. “The Heart of Remarriage” helps couples heal from the inside out rather than offering surface suggestions that may change circumstances but not the lives of couples and their families.

    Drs. Gary and Greg Smalley partner with remarried couple Dan and Marci Cretsinger to offer a marriage-changing idea: No matter what circumstances or challenges a remarried couple and their stepfamily face, the solution starts in their hearts. Couples will learn how to examine their own hearts and heal them from past hurts, so they can be filled with God’s love. “The Heart of Remarriage” teaches readers how to create emotional security for every family member and offers practical ideas for connecting at the heart level with their spouse and children.

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  • I Still Do


    I Still Do is filled with scriptural principles, real life examples, practical suggestions, and thought provoking questions that will help you become a better marriage partner. This book is a systematic guide to help couples find answers to make their marriage better and become stronger followers of Christ in the process. It is a great resource for pastors and Christian counselors.

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  • Still Healing


    Still Healing!
    Pastor Lloyd Wright Sr.:

    Jesus tells us in the gospel of Luke chapter 4:18 that he comes to heal the broken hearted. Many people hearts are broken and crushed after losing a spouse. If you want to be healed, look to God. God still wants to heal you no matter how unbearable your pain may be.

    For those of you struggling with a sick child and going through a divorce or remarriage, I strongly encourage you to embrace my words of encouragement and the many experiences I share in this book.

    Reverend Lloyd Wright is the Senior Pastor of the Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church-in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is married and has a son.

    Pam Battle:
    I want to share with you how God, is definitely my healer. Walking through the dark journey of losing my spouse to cancer and then being diagnosed with breast cancer, I call this double jeopardy.

    Raising three small children without their father truly was a trying time for me because my heart was truly broken. I didn’t want to live, but God came through and helped me to trust and have faith in him. As you read Still Healing, you will see how God has helped me to heal in many areas of my life. My prayer for you is that you let God help you through this difficult time in your life.

    The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18

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  • Mothers In Law Vs Daughers In Law


    1. The Retreat
    2. Why The Conflict?
    3. Letting Go Of Your Expectations
    4. The Gift Of Decreasing
    5. The Gift Of Love
    6. The Gift Of Empathy
    7. The Gift Of Boundaries
    8. The Gift Of Acceptance
    9. The Gift Of Spiritual Growth
    10. The Measure Of Success

    Additional Info
    The conflict between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law has existed throughout all of history. In the Old Testament, Rebekah complained that her daughters-in-law were making her so miserable, she’d rather be dead. Now, thousands of years later, we’re still complaining about our in-laws, often even hoping they really won’t ever come visit.
    In Mothers-in-Law vs. Daughters-in-Law, author Elisabeth Graham examines this in-law conflict with aims to draw readers into a different perspective: that women will learn to recognize their in-laws as a beneficial relationship-a gift-to and for the entire family.

    With sound biblical wisdom and clever insights, Graham teaches women to find peace in all aspects of their relationships with their in-laws.

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  • His Needs Her Needs For Parents (Reprinted)


    Children add a unique strain on a couple’s time and relationship, yet they desperately need parents who love each other. That’s why, according to Dr. Willard Harley, one of the most important things parents can do for their kids is keep their marriage healthy. His Needs, Her Needs for Parents, now available in trade paper, helps them do just that.

    Following the pattern of the bestselling His Needs, Her Needs, this book guides both new and seasoned parents through the whys and hows of sustaining romance in a marriage. It also offers specific, practical steps on spending quality time as a couple, deciding on child-training methods, dividing domestic responsibilities, and even handling kids with ADHD and intrusive in-laws. His Needs, Her Needs for Parents helps couples maintain their love for each other and raise happy and successful children at the same time.

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  • 1st Steps : A Parents Guide To Fighting Autism


    You suspect your child is suffering from autism- but aren’t sure where to start? Written by parents for parents, this book serves as a roadmap for navigating those early days. As we draw upon our own journey we address the need of knowing what to do and what to expect at the beginning. It’s our hope and prayer that this book helps you set the ground work for many successful years of therapy, with the ultimate hope of recovering your child.

    The recipe section in the back of the book will also give you a great start on tackling the special dietary requirements most kids with autism struggle with. After six years of dealing with our own child’s very restricted diet, the recipes included in this book will give you a variety of options to start with.

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  • Heart Of My Heart


    Celebrate the amazing journey you and your children share! Whether God is guiding you to raise your youngsters or using your kids to help you grow, Armstrong’s daily devotional offers Scripture verses and personal reflections to encourage you in your spiritual walk as you rely on God and become the mother he intends.

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  • Different World : Predator Proof Your Family


    “A Different World” offers insight into how to recognize a potential molester, raises awareness regarding the ripple effects of child sexual abuse, contains suggestions on how to keep kids safe, exposes the connection between pornography and child molestation, and points the way to healing for victims.

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  • Isnt That Just Like God


    Are you spiritually hungry to know God better? To walk hand in hand, close to Him, and begin to comprehend His ways?

    Are you a blood-bought Christian who longs to see God manifest His victorious right arm today? What would you think if perhaps He wanted to do it through you?

    Maybe you’re like me. Maybe someone told you years ago that “the days of miracles had passed.”

    Would you like to find out for yourself that this wasn’t true then-or now! If you want everything God has prepared for you-and you may not know it even exists!-perhaps you would enjoy this book! You might, like me, find that your Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are just waiting for you to launch out on His promises. You might even be involved in miracles you never thought could happen!

    So grab your hat! When God moves you out, He moves fast and exciting things happen! You can never predict what God will do next. No box can contain Him. He is sovereign, you know! So, cast your cares upon Jesus-and let’s soar together in the Heavenlies (Ephesians 2:6) where miracles take place!

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  • Cinderella Dreamzzz : If The Shoe Fits


    Most women desire to be a part of their very own Cinderella story. The reality is that our life experiences play a large role in determining what type of prince we end up with. We must first realize the type of shoes we are currently wearing and how our life experiences placed those shoes on our feet.

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