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Family Concerns

Showing 701–750 of 1192 results

  • Adultery : The Snare Of An Affair


    Has your heart been broken by an unfaithful spouse? Has your life been gripped by the agony of adultery? Has your life been forever changed because of the snare of an affair? Adultery is no small matter, especially for those who experience the intense pain of living with a mate who breaks the marriage covenant. In God, there is hope for you and your situation. Gods uses the marriage relationship to develop sacrificial love, commitment, and forgiveness. Because of God’s magnificent grace there is redemption for the adulterer, and God promised to lift up the one whose heart has been broken.

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  • Domestic Violence : Assault On A Womans Worth


    God designed the marriage relationship to benefit one another. He intended married couples to love, honor, and cherish each other all the days of their lives, but life doesn’t always turn out that way. In some relationships, cruelty has replaced the sacred relationship defined by God. The Domestic Violence mini-book outlines a Christian approach to help you identify and stop physical and emotional abuse.

    Experts estimate that 1-in-3 women suffer from some form of violence from a husband, boyfriend, or relative. In too many homes around the world, the marriage bond has become bondage-shared lives have become shattered by abuse. Husbands berate, belittle, and betray their wives. Yet these secret assaults stay hidden from the outside world. One mate harming the other has undermined the sacred relationship created by God.

    Any form of abuse is a flagrant violation of the marriage vows, To have and to hold from this day forward,”to love and to cherish, ’til death do us part.” And although such abuse is too frequently behind closed doors, it is blatantly in the open before the eyes of the Lord.

    Included in the mini-book Domestic Violence: Assault on a Woman’s Worth are abuse checklists with a list of behaviors that you may have observed or experienced. God has a heart for those who are victims of domestic violence. He wants you to know that he hears your cries; he thinks you are worthy of love without violence, and he holds you in the palm of his hand. Learn the causes of violent behavior and the reasons many women won’t leave abusive relationships.

    In the section titled, “Steps to Solution,” June Hunt gives many tools:
    *How to answer a person who claims that violence is justified.
    *How to know whether the abuser has really changed
    *How to build healthy boundaries
    *How to prepare a safety plan
    *How to use the law in the United States
    *And much more.

    This mini-book is a quick overview and is easy-to-understand. It focuses on the key issues and is perfect for the busy person who needs instant advice.

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  • Message For My Child


    ‘Message for my Child’ is Patrick Atkinson’s international classic that has been enjoyed by millions. Rich with powerful and straight-forward advice for people of all ages, and particularly teens and young adults, this book guides the reader to take control of their life, responsibility for their decisions, and create victory and success. Simple and beautifully-illustrated by the author’s son, Ernesto, ‘Message for my Child’ is the perfect birthday, graduation, holiday, and just-because-I-love-you gift. This easy-to-read book has the power to change lives forever.

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  • Marriage Builder : Creating True Oneness To Transform Your Marriage


    Bestselling author Larry Crabb cuts to the heart of the biblical view of marriage: the ‘one-flesh’ relationship. He argues convincingly that the deepest needs of human personality—security and significance—ultimately cannot be satisfied by a marriage partner. We need to turn to the Lord, rather than our spouse, to satisfy our needs. This frees both partners for ‘soul oneness,’ a commitment to minister to our spouse’s needs rather than manipulating them to meet our own needs. With ‘soul oneness’ comes renewed ‘body oneness,’ where couples enjoy sexual pleasure as an expression and outgrowth of a personal relationship.

    The Marriage Builder also identifies three building blocks essential to constructing marriage: the grace of God, true marriage commitment, and acceptance of one’s mate. Discussion questions are included to aid couples who want to dig into it and apply the principles to their own lives and marriages. The Marriage Builder is for anyone who longs to transform marriage from trial to triumph.

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  • Gods Covenant With You For Your Family


    From the Old Testament to the New, God has never consistently blessed a people without first having a covenant with them.

    John Eckhardt’s previous series on prayer has sold over half a million copies. In this new series that follows the same dynamic format, he shares his teaching on covenant and the blessings that accompany it.

    Covenant is the foundation of everything that we are as believers. Based on the covenant blessings listed in Leviticus 26:3-12 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14, John Eckhardt’s covenant series outlines how covenant is enacted in every part of our lives from marriage and family to deliverance and freedom all the way to our finances. God’s Covenant With You for Your Family covers:

    *Explanations on what covenant means in the Old and New Testaments
    *What God says about you and your household
    *Maintaining your covenant with God and breaking generational curses

    When we stay true to our covenant with God, we can be sure that no matter what storms come in life, it is God’s everlasting covenant of peace that will bring us through victoriously and sustain us.

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  • Why Children Matter


    Raising a child has never been more challenging. If you ever doubt yourself or wonder if it is worth the heartache, read this little book. If you worry that your family will not weather life s storms or if you fear losing your children to the prevailing culture, read it again. “Why Children Matter” offers biblical wisdom and commonsense advice on how to hold a family together and raise children with character.

    Johann Christoph Arnold, a father, grandfather and pastor, has written eleven books, including three on parenting and children s education. As the fabric of family and society is torn apart, this book offers up concrete steps to encourage parents faced with difficult child-rearing decisions.”

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  • Love Sex And Marriage


    In all three Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, marriage is part of God’s plan for humanity, as illustrated in the Hebrew Scriptures, the New Testament, and the Koran as well as the religious literature of these three traditions. It is viewed as a sacred bond as well as a means to personal fulfilment. It is more than a legal contract, rather an institution with cosmic significance, legitimized through divine authority. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the purpose of marriage is to build a home, create a family and thereby perpetuate society. Yet, despite the similarity of perception in the great monotheistic faiths, there are important differences. In this book three scholars outline sex law, betrothal and marriage, family life and the understanding of divorce in these traditions and discuss the differences between them in a student-friendly and accessible way.

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  • Power Of A Parents Blessing


    There are seven critical times in life at which God intends for every person to receive a powerful impartation from Him of identity and destiny. In the first six God uses parents, and in the seventh He uses adult children to impart blessing back to their parents.

    The primary connotation of the Hebrew word baruch, “to bless,” is “to empower to prosper.” Thus, parents who bless their child at these six critical times literally empower the child to prosper, while parents who, through lack of knowledge, fail to bless-or actually curse-may spiritually and emotionally cripple the child.
    Craig Hill answers key questions for each critical time in a child’s life, including:

    * What is the key identity and destiny question to be answered in the heart of the child?
    * When is the appropriate time to bless?
    * What are potential consequences of not blessing?
    * What is the role of each parent in blessing at this specific time?
    * What are practical tools to use in blessing?

    Blessing is a custom established by God and meant to function in every family. The Power of a Parent’s Blessing gives readers the practical tools by which they can experience the transformational blessings of God for themselves and their families.

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  • Prayer Warrior Mom


    Any mom can become a prayer warrior!

    In Prayer Warrior Mom, author Marla Alupoaicei helps moms break through to blessing for themselves and their children using life-transforming principles. Readers learn to: pray Scripture, stand in the gap for their kids, discern God’s will, pray with power and authority, satisfy the conditions for answered prayer, cultivate an attitude of gratitude, arm their children against the powers of darkness, and much more.

    Today’s Christian moms earnestly want to be godly parents, but many of them have not been equipped with the prayer skills, scriptural knowledge, and practical strategies needed to effectively fight a spiritual battle for themselves or their children. Prayer Warrior Mom inspires modern-day moms looking for a biblical, fun-to-read, and relevant resource for navigating the challenges of parenting in a new generation.

    In Prayer Warrior Mom, author Marla Alupoaicei encourages and guides moms to:
    Be equipped to effectively pray for their children, no matter what age they are
    Feel empowered to positively impact the spiritual lives of their children
    Experience a greater depth and richness in their own spiritual lives
    Prayer Warrior Mom draws moms closer to God and empowers them to entrust their precious children to him through effective, life-transforming prayer.

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  • 10 Lifesaving Principles For Women In Difficult Marriages (Revised)


    If you feel you have no control over your circumstances and you are spinning your wheels in your marriage relationship, apply any or all of these principles, and watch them improve your life. This new and updated version of 10 Lifesaving Principles for Women in Difficult Marriages will help you find peace and confidence, regardless of the specific problems in your marriage.

    *Reach out to others
    *Understand scriptural truths
    *Change yourself, not him
    *Detach with love
    *Nurture yourself
    *Face your fears
    *Speak the truth in love
    *Set boundaries
    *Make your children a priority
    *Enter God’s rest

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  • Motherhood : Being Grounded In Christ


    Motherhood is complicated. It can bring about feelings of deep love and joy, frustration, helplessness, tenderness, guilt, contentment and longing–all in an hour! In these studies on biblical motherhood, mom Patty Pell helps you discover the truth about who you are, who God is and how he sees you. As you learn to rest in your identity as his beloved, you’ll be empowered to love your children with his love.

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  • Just Us : Finding Intimacy With God And With Each Other (Reprinted)


    Marriages have a better opportunity of thriving when couples spend time together with God. In Just Us, David and Jan Stoop provide just what couples need to make the most of the precious time they spend together seeking God. Each week’s devotions revolve around a specific theme. In just a few minutes each day, couples will focus on God’s view of marriage, how God blesses marriage, how to grow in love and intimacy, faithfulness, improving communication, resolving conflicts, the roles of husband and wife, building trust, forgiveness, the importance of prayer, and how to have an intentional marriage. At the end of each devotion, couples will enjoy the “Talking Together” section with thought-provoking questions for the couple to discuss and further develop the theme or strengthen it in their marriage. By setting aside short daily times together each week, every couple has the opportunity to plant these themes deeper into their lives. What a gift for couples!

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  • Father To Daughter (Revised)


    To Guide and Inspire.

    Share her wonder. Dance with her always. Teach her to be courageous, fearless, confident in any situation. Anchored in values and filled with clear and simple words of wisdom, this small book speaks large truths about raising a daughter. About respect and trust. About unicorns and sports and boys. And about the joys and responsibilities that come with being the first man in her life.

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  • Mommy Time : 90 Devotions For New Moms


    Every new mom experiences a myriad of emotions-joy, love, the frightening, yet terrific reality that you are now responsible for a tiny little dependent. And in the midst of all these emotions-and burpings, feedings, diaper changes, and quick naps-moms need to be reminded of God’s awesomeness. In this gift-like book, new mom and best-selling author Sarah Arthur writes about how delivering her son three weeks early reminds her of God’s timing, how her trip home from the hospital with her newborn son tucked away in his car seat points to God being in control even when she is fearful, and how a mom’s concern over friendly strangers touching her young child in the grocery store also reminds her that people are sent to help. In a fresh and contemplative style, Arthur sits alongside Mom and helps her understand that God is in control . . . even when her life feels drastically out of control. This devotional will be a great companion for Mom during the small amount of time she gets to sit and be still and think of the truths of God’s word, while relating it to her new favorite subject-her baby.

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  • Stolen : A Daughters Chronology Of Alzheimers Disease And The Impact Of In


    “What would you say if I told you that an insidious thief maybe lurking in your mind?”, asks author and advocate Lora D. King. Her compelling anecdote in STOLEN clearly reveals the impact of a robbery that occurs in the brain as a result of the theft. This bandit is commonly known as Alzheimer’s Disease. Also known as AD, it is a brain disease which steals a person’s memory, and causes alarming thinking and behavior problems that seriously impact cognitive and functional abilities to the point of requiring 24-hour care. Alzheimer’s Disease is a complex villain, and only recently have the clinical and scientific puzzles of AD started to come together. King is a strong advocate of the research that is key to stopping this kind of pillage in the brain, and how all of us should be vested in its termination by participating in research and clinical studies. AD is an equal opportunity burglar – and crosses all levels of class, racial, ethnic, and cultural boundaries. Thus making STOLEN a definite book to read for everyone! Not a sad and depressing story – it is warm, insightful, up-lifting, and a voice of hope – according to King, a retired social worker. Every morning her Dad wakes up and navigates another day, she genuinely sees it as a personal triumph because one of her most treasured social work principles – a strength-based concept, is being carried out. The focus here is a positive outlook on what patients can do, rather than concentrating on what they cannot do. King believes this is the foundation for her dad’s care, along with caregivers with a calling, and cleverly demonstrates how others can do the same. STOLEN ends on a surprisingly high note, with a commentary commencing her blog site, “Let’s Talk” in order to stay connected with her readers. Alzheimer’s Disease is no joke, to paraphrase Betty Davis who said, “Growing old is not for sissies.” Lora King is triumphant in her magical mix of storytelling and educational information about AD. If you are a baby boomer, primary caregiver or in-home-caregiver, then you need to read this book and share it with every caregiver you know. I should know, I’ve been primary caregiver to my mother for years. M.J. Duffy, author of Lost Love, the Zankli Chronicles Book Stolen is the honest story of a daughter’s and son’s efforts to be the primary caregiver for her aging father as he slips away into Alzheimer’s Disease. It is inspiring and heart warming…a must read for any family caregiver. Judy Wunsch, member of

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  • Booty No More


    The American Church is not doing well. And what is worse, if the statistics hold up, the next generation will be in far worse shape spiritually then our own. Children from Evangelical homes are departing from the faith as they enter adulthood at a very, very, very high and alarming rate. Christian parents, who love the Lord, and love their kids, are struggling to impart their precious faith to their precious children. This is not a new problem. From the time God placed the very first family on this planet, the struggle for generational faithfulness began. Today in the West, though, we are experiencing this failure in epidemic proportions. But, there is hope! God is ALL POWERFUL, and His Word is Perfect. If we Christians can wrap our minds around that reality, we can by the Grace of God reverse the dreadful defection from the faith that Modern American Evangelicals are battling against. This book looks to give Biblical insights into Family, Church, and Cultural problems that Christians face today. May it be a blessing to both the Lord and to you. Ron Larsen presents an eye-opening book to parents on the relationship of our children to the family, to culture, to school, and to the church. Parents who are serious about rooting their children in the faith would do well to read this book. Kevin Swanson Author, Speaker, and host of Generations Radio This book is a manifesto for parents, particularly fathers, on what it will take to stem the awful tide of defection from the faith. It is a plea to fathers to turn their hearts to the home and their children before it is too late. It rebukes the laziness of so many in turning over their most important duty to the church. Pastor Michael Beck House of Prayer, Brooklyn, New York

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  • Christ In The Chaos


    Moms: Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop striving to meet false expectations. Stop thinking your performance dictates your worth.

    For far too long mothers have been beaten down by the law of “do better” and “try harder.” The burden of “getting it right” threatens to crush weary souls who desire to serve their families faithfully. Christ in the Chaos brings comfort to conflicted hearts that are starved of grace and longing for the freedom in Christ the Bible promises.

    In this book, Kimm Crandall emphasizes the importance of the gospel and how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection change every aspect of motherhood. From finding our identity in Christ and understanding God’s grace to taking off the mask of acceptability and dealing with the comparison crud, this book will free you to serve your family knowing that his love for you does not change based on your performance.

    Christ in the Chaos is a “must read” for every mother who longs for what is seemingly impossible: peace and freedom in the midst of her chaos.

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  • Remembering Italian Family Dinners


    This book is dedicated in memory of my mother Filomena Nitti. Thank you mom for all the great family dinners and recipes. Teaching us the love of making food for family and friends to enjoy together. Love you forever! $1.00 from each book sold will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association in memory of my mother.

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  • Stolen : A Daughters Chronology Of Alzheimers Disease And The Impact Of In


    “What would you say if I told you that an insidious thief maybe lurking in your mind?”, asks author and advocate Lora D. King. Her compelling anecdote in STOLEN clearly reveals the impact of a robbery that occurs in the brain as a result of the theft. This bandit is commonly known as Alzheimer’s Disease. Also known as AD, it is a brain disease which steals a person’s memory, and causes alarming thinking and behavior problems that seriously impact cognitive and functional abilities to the point of requiring 24-hour care. Alzheimer’s Disease is a complex villain, and only recently have the clinical and scientific puzzles of AD started to come together. King is a strong advocate of the research that is key to stopping this kind of pillage in the brain, and how all of us should be vested in its termination by participating in research and clinical studies. AD is an equal opportunity burglar – and crosses all levels of class, racial, ethnic, and cultural boundaries. Thus making STOLEN a definite book to read for everyone! Not a sad and depressing story – it is warm, insightful, up-lifting, and a voice of hope – according to King, a retired social worker. Every morning her Dad wakes up and navigates another day, she genuinely sees it as a personal triumph because one of her most treasured social work principles – a strength-based concept, is being carried out. The focus here is a positive outlook on what patients can do, rather than concentrating on what they cannot do. King believes this is the foundation for her dad’s care, along with caregivers with a calling, and cleverly demonstrates how others can do the same. STOLEN ends on a surprisingly high note, with a commentary commencing her blog site, “Let’s Talk” in order to stay connected with her readers. Alzheimer’s Disease is no joke, to paraphrase Betty Davis who said, “Growing old is not for sissies.” Lora King is triumphant in her magical mix of storytelling and educational information about AD. If you are a baby boomer, primary caregiver or in-home-caregiver, then you need to read this book and share it with every caregiver you know. I should know, I’ve been primary caregiver to my mother for years. M.J. Duffy, author of Lost Love, the Zankli Chronicles Book Stolen is the honest story of a daughter’s and son’s efforts to be the primary caregiver for her aging father as he slips away into Alzheimer’s Disease. It is inspiring and heart warming…a must read for any family caregiver. Judy Wunsch, member of

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  • Remembering Italian Family Dinners


    This book is dedicated in memory of my mother Filomena Nitti. Thank you mom for all the great family dinners and recipes. Teaching us the love of making food for family and friends to enjoy together. Love you forever! $1.00 from each book sold will be donated to the Alzheiner’s Association in memory of my mother.

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  • Love No Matter What


    How will you respond when your child makes a decision you don’t agree with?

    Parents and kids will never agree on everything but what can mom and dad do when that decision – whether a matter of preference, spirituality, or morality – is something they think is totally wrong? Author and speaker Brenda Garrison knows all too well that how parents respond will either build a wall or a bridge between them and their child.

    Brenda and her husband were forced to answer this question when their oldest daughter Katie abruptly moved out of the house with no means of support. It was not an illegal or immoral decision, but it was one that wasn’t good for her. Their determination to keep an open door of communication is documented not only by their story, but by comments from Katie in each chapter as she offers insights from her own perspective.

    Also included are other family scenarios – everything from matters of preference to foolish, immoral, and even illegal decisions – as well as insights into different styles of parenting such as servant, checked-out, gotcha, scared, and controlling parents.

    With practical tips and relatable stories, Brenda shares how to model God’s parenting style and explains the difference between the parent’s responsibilities and the child’s, then helps mom and dad discover ways to develop and nurture a relationship with their child that will last a lifetime.

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  • No Greater Love


    Which road are you on for your marriage-yours or God’s?

    Inspired by the heartwarming movie No Greater Love, executive producer Russ Rice and co-writer and director Brad Silverman have created this 90-day devotional for couples to help husbands and wives dig deeper into the mystery of marriage, addressing what it means to truly love your spouse in the sacrificial and unconditional way God loves us. Each devotion invites couples to keep God at the center of their relationship, to improve their communication skills, and to strengthen their commitment to each other. Topics include commitment, trust, truth, forgiveness, reconciliation, and more. Each devotion offers a real-life snapshot from marriage, questions for discussion, and action points. A couple’s marriage will not be the same after these ninety days. Why? Because there is no greater love between two people than a love grounded in and empowered by God’s love.

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  • Married But Lonely


    Seven Steps to a New Husband!

    You married a good man. He loves you. He’s committed to you. He treats you well. You fully and sincerely appreciate who he is and what he does for you and for the family. The problem is, he does not meet some of your most important, God-given needs. Eighty-five percent of all husbands are intimacy-challenged. Your conversations are brief, safe, and superficial. He does not reveal what he’s really thinking and feeling inside. He believes your marriage is great. He’s perfectly happy…and the intimate, romantic, emotional part of you is dying a slow death. Working together, the two of you can create an intimate marriage. In Married…but Lonely Dr. David Clarke will show you seven steps that you as the wife can implement with or without your husband’s cooperation and begin to experience the kind of marriage you’ve always wanted.

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  • Parenting In The Pew (Revised)


    Foreword By Ruth Bell Graham
    Preface To The 3rd Edition (2013)
    Preface To The Expanded Edition (2001)
    Thank You
    1. Daddy, I’d Like You To Meet My Children
    2. Worship B.C. And A.D.
    3. Praise And Puppies
    4. Sunday Morning Starts Saturday Night
    5. Counting Bricks Or Encountering God
    6. Make A Joyful Noise
    7. Prayer, Confession And Canned Goods
    8. Just How Long Was That Sermon?
    9. Saving Up For Something Special
    10. The Holy Hug
    Discussion Questions And Reflections
    Appendix A: Parenting In A Wiggly Pew, The Challenge Of An Overactive Child
    Appendix B: Childrens Worship For Seeker Churches
    Appendix C: Guidelines And Ideas For The “Children’s Sermon” In Worship
    Appendix D: Developing An Intergenerational Approach To Ministry

    Additional Info
    Daddy, I’d like you to meet my children. That’s Robbie Castleman’s attitude about taking her children to church. She believes that Sunday morning isn’t a success if she has only managed to keep the kids quiet. And she knows there’s more to church for kids than trying out their new coloring books. Children are at church for the same reason as their parents: for the privilege of worshiping God. Worship, Castleman writes, is “the most important thing you can ever train your child to do.” So with infectious passion, nitty-gritty advice and a touch of humor, she shows you how to help your children (from toddlers to teenagers) enter into worship. In this significantly revised and updated third edition Castleman includes a new preface and two new appendices that provide new perspectives on children’s sermon and intergenerational community. She also provides a study guide for personal reflection or group discussion. More than ever, Parenting in the Pew is essential reading for parents and worship leaders who want to help children make joyful noises unto the Lord.

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  • Love Dare (Revised)


    Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.The Love Dare, the New York Times No. 1 best seller that has sold five million copies and was major plot device in the popular movie Fireproof, is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage.This second edition features a special link to a free marriage assessment survey, a new preface by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, minor text updates, and select testimonials from The Love Dare readers. Take the dare!

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  • Raise Him Up


    There is no greater hope for single mothers than to watch their sons succeed, and African-American single mothers face more adversity than most. Raise Him Up delves into the challenges faced by African-American single moms and offers advice, scriptural support, and helpful prayers. Each chapter relates a spiritual point taken from the book of Acts, a mother’s story, and draws parallels to the struggles of the modern day African-American mother. Chapters also offer stories of African-American athletes who were raised by single moms, and against all odds, succeeded.

    Moms will learn to give encouragement, push their boys to try new things, and keep them out of trouble. Raise Him Up is essential reading for single African-American moms who want nothing more than to see their sons grow into happy, successful men.

    Features include:
    Helpful tips and tools for raising successful men
    Hopeful stories of success in the face of adversity
    Scripture from the book of Acts

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  • I Do What


    Dennis Fulton has served in local church ministries for sixty years. He served the Chapel Rock Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, when the megachurch movement was in its infancy in Christian churches and Churches of Christ. After a two-year hiatus for renewal and restoration, Dennis was returned to local ministries. During all of his ministry, however, his interest in world missions found him preaching or teaching in twelve different nations, with an extended stay “down under.” While in Australia, he completed the manuscript for this book. Over his lengthy ministry, there have been over five hundred couples who have stood before him to declare “I do.” Among those have been his five children and, to this date, four of his grandchildren. It has been at the insistence or encouragement of them that this book has become a reality. They think it is important for others to know what it means when they say: FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE. Surely marriage will bring those things that are better. But just as surely, there will be those things that are worse. How much worse? Is it ever worse enough to throw in the towel? FOR RICHER, FOR POORER. Two family backgrounds are coming together in a marriage. One family grabs that dollar bill and squeezes George Washington to death on the way to the bank. The other may run to Dairy Queen and lick the life out of old George. What should be done in a marriage to merge these money matters? SICKNESS AND HEALTH. Some couples have found the stress of preparation for a wedding, the ceremony, the reception, and even the honeymoon leaving them exhausted and near sickness. There are, however, those big words like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and chronic diabetes that could be future tests of this part of the vow. What if? A good understanding of what is contained in that “I do” can help many couples toward the goal of a “they all lived happily ever after” marriage.

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  • Those Loving Feelings


    This marriage-enrichment book explores how God, in the Song of Solomon, instills in his human creatures the passion to create within the marital bond a life of joy and commitment. The author structures his inspiring applications to take readers verse by verse through this classic love poem from the Old Testament. Each chapter candidly interprets the verses and enables couples to apply these to their own marriages.

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  • Art Of Falling In Love


    Find, keep, and renew the love of your life! The culmination of years of research, Joe Beam’s guide reveals four concrete steps – attraction, acceptance, attachment, and aspiration – that anyone can follow. Offering a tried-and-true process for creating a lasting relationship, he explains why we crave caring, the stages of commitment, dynamics of differences, and more. Previously titled Your Lovepath. The Group Discussion Guide at the back of the book makes it suitable for a Reading Group selection or Book Club choice.

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  • Those Loving Feelings


    This marriage-enrichment book explores how God, in the Song of Solomon, instills in his human creatures the passion to create within the marital bond a life of joy and commitment. The author structures his inspiring applications to take readers verse by verse through this classic love poem from the Old Testament. Each chapter candidly interprets the verses and enables couples to apply these to their own marriages.

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  • His Needs Her Needs Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    For over twenty-five years, His Needs, Her Needs has been transforming marriages all over the world. Now this life-changing book is the basis for an interactive six-week study designed for use in couples’ small groups or retreats, pre-marital counseling sessions, or by individual couples.

    Willard F. Harley, Jr. and his wife, Joyce, explain the important concept of the Love Bank, and teach them to meet each other’s emotional needs for affection, sex, intimate conversation, companionship, family commitment, physical attractiveness, honesty and openness, and admiration. As couples walk through the study together they will remember why they fell in love in the first place, renew their commitment to their marriage, and rediscover their passion.

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  • Love Dare (Revised)


    Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.The Love Dare, the New York Times No. 1 best seller that has sold five million copies and was major plot device in the popular movie Fireproof, is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage.This second edition features a special link to a free marriage assessment survey, a new preface by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, minor text updates, and select testimonials from The Love Dare readers. Take the dare!

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  • Beyond Ordinary : When A Good Marriage Just Isnt Good Enough


    How safe is your marriage? The answer may surprise you. The biggest threat to any marriage isn’t infidelity or miscommunication. The greatest enemy is ordinary. Ordinary marriages lose hope. Ordinary marriages lack vision. Ordinary marriages give in to compromise. Ordinary is the belief that this is as good as it will ever get. And when we begin to settle for ordinary, it’s easy to move from “I do” to “I’m done.”Justin and Trisha Davis know just how dangerous ordinary can be. In this beautifully written book, Justin and Trisha take us inside the slow fade that occurred in their own marriage-each telling the story from their own perspective. Together, they reveal the mistakes they made, the work they avoided, the thoughts and feelings that led to an affair and near divorce, and finally, the heart-change that had to occur in both of them before they could experience the hope, healing, and restoration of a truly extraordinary marriage.

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  • Nonprescription Drugs In Pregnancy


    A Smart Start Press Title

    Many women of child-bearing age buy over-the-counter medications for a variety of disorders, such as seasonal allergies, colds, headaches, and others. Whether planning their pregnancy or already pregnant, they want to know if these nonprescription drugs are safe for unborn babies. All nonprescription drugs contain one or more active ingredients that treat the patient’s symptoms and are actually drugs themselves. Twenty to thirty years ago, many of these active ingredients were FDA-approved prescription drugs. At the time, those prescription drugs were assigned a Pregnancy Risk Category: A, B, C, D, or X. Although some of these drugs switched from prescription to nonprescription status, meaning they could be sold over-the-counter, their Pregnancy Risk Categories still applied. This unique book contains the FDA’s Pregnancy Risk Categories for the active ingredients in five hundred nonprescription drugs, and includes a procedure for locating risk categories for any drug that isn’t in the book.

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  • 55 And Counting


    “Without personal responsibility there can be no personal prosperity.” – Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. In this reflective work, Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. shares timeless truths and life lessons that will position parents and leaders to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. You will learn: * Why work is about more than just paying the bills. * One simple way fathers can immediately change our culture * How platforms alleviate pressure (and how you can leave one behind) * and much more… Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. is a pastor, scholar, entrepreneur, artist, and motivational speaker. Dearest to his heart, he is a loving husband and dedicated father. Since 1983, Bishop Hilliard has served as Senior Pastor of Cathedral International (the Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Bishop Hilliard is a man of many hats and he wears them all well.

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  • Dancing With Death


    In a small North Texas town a family is devastated when their son is diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease. In the lowest time of their lives, God works through

    Michael Jordan, Derek Harper, Coach Grant Teaff, Dino, Joe Montana, J. D. Hill, a camel, and the local community to give strength and support to the Martin family. Dancing with Death illustrates the power of faith, hope, love, Christian friends, and family.

    The authors’ details are gripping. Readers will feel a bond with the authors through reading about their inner feelings. The Martin’s bravely make themselves vulnerable to their audience, even including such questions as, “God, don’t you think we’ve been through enough?” It’s a question we all ask in our minds but are usually too intimidated to say aloud. Things like this make the book unique, touching and very valuable reading for everyone.

    The authors give God credit, glory and praise throughout the book, terrifically conveying how God was with them every step of the way.

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  • Dancing With Death


    In a small North Texas town a family is devastated when their son is diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease. In the lowest time of their lives, God works through

    Michael Jordan, Derek Harper, Coach Grant Teaff, Dino, Joe Montana, J. D. Hill, a camel, and the local community to give strength and support to the Martin family. Dancing with Death illustrates the power of faith, hope, love, Christian friends, and family.

    The authors’ details are gripping. Readers will feel a bond with the authors through reading about their inner feelings. The Martin’s bravely make themselves vulnerable to their audience, even including such questions as, “God, don’t you think we’ve been through enough?” It’s a question we all ask in our minds but are usually too intimidated to say aloud. Things like this make the book unique, touching and very valuable reading for everyone.

    The authors give God credit, glory and praise throughout the book, terrifically conveying how God was with them every step of the way.

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  • Excellence In Marriage


    Married and Happy?

    Yes, it is possible! Your marriage can be all that you ever dreamed it would be-no matter what season you are in. In this honest, open, down-to-earth book, Diane Hampton explores the wonders of married life, as well as the woes. For those who want make their marriages better, Excellence in Marriage offers life-changing principles that are easy to put into practice.

    Learn to live in true unity by using these biblical principles. Enduring love, stored-up treasures, intimate communication, and true forgiveness are just a few of the marital building blocks you will be able to establish in your home. Your marriage can be transformed and flourish, far exceeding the expectations you had on your wedding day.

    Are you ready to be blessed with the “marriage made in heaven” that God desires for you? Keep reading-this book has the answers!

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  • You Cant Make Me But I Can Be Persuaded


    For more than 10 years, this popular resource has been equipping exasperated parents with proven techniques to motivate, discipline, and communicate effectively with even the most frustrating strong-willed child.

    It’s easy to recognize a strong-willed child. Difficult to discipline, at times impossible to motivate, strong-willed children present unique, frustrating, and often exhausting challenges to those who care for them. But now, the miracle parents long for can happen. Offering new hope, achievable goals, and a breath of fresh air to families and teachers, Cynthia Tobias explains how the mind of a strong-willed child works – and how to use that information to the child’s best advantage.

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  • Daddy Dates : Four Daughters One Clueless Dad And His Quest To Win Their He


    One day motivational leader Greg Wright realized that the four set of pretty young eyes under his own roof were looking to Dad to be strong, fearless, and wise.

    The reality was, the lone male in an all-girl household (“heck, even the dog was female”) was only thirty years old and felt like he had been shoved into the deep end of the estrogen pool without swimming lessons.

    That’s when the love-struck father of four gorgeous pre-teens started searching for a plan for how to be a successful Dad, and did what any sensible guy would do. He bailed. Not only on his family, but into the woods, to seek a “solution.”

    Daddy Dates is an entertaining and practical look at how one American father found his sea legs and is navigating through the tricky waters of parenting girls. In this game-changing book, Greg shares his easy-to-follow secrets for how married and single dads can go beyond high-fiving to bridge the gender gap and become the clued-in man who knows his daughter best.

    Dads have more influence on their girls than anyone. Learn what makes your daughter tick, how to talk to her effectively and connect more profoundly, at any age.

    If being their hero is your mission, it’s not impossible. Daddy Dates is your road map to get there.

    “Hi honey. It’s Daddy. I’m calling to see if you’d like to go on a date with me tonight.”

    “Um, yes, Daddy I think I would.”

    It’s a phone call Greg Wright has made over and over again. By age thirty, Greg was the overwhelmed father of four beautiful little girls, with one thought running through his mind over and over again: Don’t Screw Up.

    Daddy Dates is about a guy taking his best shot at being a successful dad by trying to know his girls-really know their fears, dreams, and opinions-and how he stumbled across an incredible strategy to do that with daughters of any age or stage. This funny, insightful, and relatable book poses the wildly original concept that should be a “duh” for most dads-but isn’t. In order to raise a confident woman-to-be, show your daughter what it feels like to be treated with love, respect, and true interest by a man who loves her.

    Daddy Dates is not another “how to” book from a parenting expert. It’s a personal, eye-opening, often humorous look at an Average Joe’s intentional pursuit of his daughter’s hearts and minds, and the love-inspired steps he is taking to solidify Dad’s place in each of their lives, forever.

    Whether married or single, Daddy Dates can help you

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  • Letters To Karen


    Every bride wants her father’s blessing and to have the wisdom that comes from more than forty years of happy marriage. In this classic book, a father writes letters of love, encouragement, and advice to his newly engaged daughter. In his letters are the hopes and dreams that all parents share for their children as they begin a new chapter of their lives. Beloved for its thoughtfulness and insight, the advice found in Letters to Karen is a sound and relevant today as when it was originally written in 1965.

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  • Winning Together : His Needs Matter Her Needs Are Important


    Heavenly Realm Publishing Company

    Winning Together is for the married couple who is pursuing a better, closer relationship, and intimacy within their marriage. It is a guide to help the Covenant Marriage to build, re-build, and rekindle the fire within their marriage again as they seek to exercise the promises and expectations of God’s Covenant love within the marriage. Stephanie helps the married couple to reach deep within themselves first, then within their relationship and offer steadfast love, loyalty, forgiveness, and commitment to resolving conflict to a peacemaking communion as they both seek spiritual growth within the marriage. In Winning Together, Stephanie helps the couple to win in every area of their marriage. She shows how communication and sexual intimacy are one of the most important aspects in developing a successful winning relationship and Covenant marriage. It provides lifelike scenarios, examples, and biblical principles that answer the most common questions the couple or those seeking marriage may have. Winning Together provides a vehicle to understand that sex is not the only answer to a successful marriage, it also involves the couple’s personal commitment, spiritual, emotional, social, and love lasting oneness.

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  • Living Together : Myths Risks And Answers


    Since the late 1960s, the number of couples living together before marriage has increased significantly, as this phenomenon was thought to be the answer to obtaining a successful marriage. The theory that couples could “practice” seemed a perfect solution to an increasingly higher divorce rate. “After all,” many argued, “if we live together first, we will really know if we’re compatible.”

    Mike and Harriet McManus, co-founders of the Marriage Savers(R) organization, argue in this important book that theory and reality are often not the same. They take a fundamental position that one can not practice permanence, and unless a marriage is established as permanent, a couple will not approach it the same way. This significant finding has come from the McManuses’ fifteen years of studying marriage and divorce and their desire to help couples build strong marriages that last a lifetime.

    In the pages of this book, you will discover that the divorce rate is actually higher among couples who live together before marriage, as well as important principles that really do give couples the necessary tools for a successful marriage.

    Consider this book an investment in yours or someone else’s marriage. Whether you are a counselor seeking to help others in their marriage, a parent helping a child as he or she is contemplating living with someone, a pastor who needs a reliable tool to help couples in his ministry, or a person considering living with someone yourself, “this book is for you!”

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  • Family Ministry : A Comprehensive Guide (Revised)


    Structure And Purposes
    Section 1: The Context Of Family Ministry
    1. Our Genealogy: A Brief History Of The American Family
    Fighting About Family Kinship And Households
    Colonial America
    Frontier America
    Slavery And Family Life For African Americans
    The Industrial Revolution And Beyond
    2. The American Family Today
    Today’s Family Statistics
    Why Defining Family Is Important
    3. The Family In Christian Thought
    Early Christianity Changes And Challenges
    Family Life
    The Catholic Church: Marriage As Sacrament
    The Protestant Reformation
    The Enlightenment
    The Church And Non-European Cultures
    The Church And Families In Recent History
    Learning From History
    4. A Biblical Frame For Defining Family In The Beginning . . .
    Jesus’ Life: A Transformation Of “Family”
    Jesus’ Teachings By Word And Example
    The Ethiopian Eunuch
    The Family Of God
    Implications For The Church
    5. An Agenda For Family Ministry
    The Development Of Family Ministry
    Defining Family Ministry
    Family Ministry As Perspective

    Section 2: Family Formation

    6. Fieldguide Of Family Relationships
    A Family Story
    Single Adults
    Married Adults
    Parents Siblings Older Adult Families
    Who Are Families?
    7. Family Development
    Developmental Stages
    The Processes Of Family Development
    We Are Family
    Cyclical Phases Of Family Development
    Family Life As Christian Formation
    8. Families In Physical And Social Space
    The Ecosystemic Approach
    Habitat Adaptation And Stress
    Possibilities And Complexities Of An Ecosystemic Approach
    Emergencies, Crises And Catastrophes
    Strong Families
    9. Culture And Family Identity
    Families In Culture
    The Unique Culture Of Families
    Becoming Culturally Competent Family
    Identity Family Rituals
    Family Stories
    Implications For Family Ministry

    Section 3: The Processes Of Family Life

    10. Family Interaction
    Types Of Communication
    Conflict And Anger
    Forgiveness And Repentance
    Intimacy Implications For Family Ministry
    11. Power And Roles
    Jesus’ Teaching About Power
    Gender Roles
    Family Violence
    12. Working Together
    Defining Family Faith
    Biblical Narratives Of Family Faith
    A Story Of Family Faith
    Service As A Family Affair
    Engaging Families In Ministry
    Hospitality Woven Into Family Life

    Section 4: Leading Family Ministry

    13. Congregational Life As Family

    Additional Info
    North American families are in crisis, and the need for family ministry is more evident than ever. In her many years of ministry, research and teaching, author Diana Garland has found that the strength of Christian families is rooted in their faith and nurtured in their congregations. Garland believes that Christian families gain strength in part because of their communities of faith. Twelve years after first coming to print, the award-winning Family Ministry has been given a significant makeover. In this new edition Garland takes a three-pronged approach to family ministry, which includes developing families grounded in Christian faith, helping families live the teachings of Jesus with one another, and equipping and supporting families as they learn to serve others. The insights gained are organized into four main sections: The Context for Family MinistryFamily FormationFamily DynamicsLeading Family Ministry Garland examines and fully integrates the historical, sociological, theological and biblical contexts to understand the role and meaning of family in the life of Christians and the church. She perceptively connects these explorations with the social and cultural context of the early twenty-first century.
    Now revised and updated throughout, Diana Garland’s core text for ministers and others in the helping professions provides a comprehensive look at the Christian purpose of family and the complex world our families inhabit

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  • Raising Financially Confident Kids (Reprinted)


    It’s natural to want your kids to have a secure future. But when it comes to teaching the next generation how to handle money, parents are failing. Still there is hope! Financial expert Mary Hunt shows parents how to raise kids who have a healthy relationship with money–even if the parents themselves have made financial mistakes along the way or are struggling financially right now.

    Drawing from solid statistics and her own hard-won knowledge and experience, Hunt helps parents protect their children from the financial pitfalls of easy credit, an attitude of entitlement, and our culture’s chummy relationship with debt. From preschool through the teen years, every stage of a child’s development is covered, including how to talk to them about money, how to help them start saving money and giving it away, and how to manage money wisely.

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  • Praying Circles Around Your Children


    Become a praying parent! Based on his bestseller The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson shares five key lessons to help you become extraordinary influencers in your children’s lives. With biblical insights and practical advice, he illustrates how to create prayer lists unique to your family, claim God-inspired promises for your children, and discover their individual life themes.

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  • Ideas For Parents


    101 Creative Parenting Tips by Mark Matlock is divided into short, easy to read sections so parents can go straight to the topic most pressing in their household. Parents are given wise counsel, quick tips, and a Christian perspective on how to deal with a host of parenting concerns.

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  • Instant Family Devotions (Reprinted)


    Parents want their children to grow closer to God, but may not always know the best way to facilitate that growth. Mike Nappa and Jill Wuellner take the guesswork out of family devotional time with this practical, imaginative resource. They provide a year’s worth of engaging, transforming, and easy-to-lead Bible discussion guides for parents and children. Combining biblical depth with entertaining and educationally sound teaching techniques, this book will both challenge and inspire families toward lasting spiritual growth.

    All 52 studies require zero pre-session preparation and can be used in a variety of settings and times–around the dinner table, during family-night activities, or just before bedtime. They are also perfect for impromptu lessons in Sunday school classes and elementary-aged youth groups.

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  • 7 Things Children Need (Revised)


    This is a revised edition of a Herald Press classic that has sold over 125,000 copies.
    It has been translated into nearly twenty languages.
    The author discusses seven of the most basic needs of the growing child. The seven are
    significance, security, acceptance, love, praise, discipline, and God. This is a practical,
    personal, down-to-earth book for people who care about children as persons.

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  • Mothers And Daughters


    You love your mother…

    You hate your mother…

    Mothers and daughters. In perhaps no other relationship are our hopes so high, and the dysfunction so disappointing. You feel locked into a hurtful relationship that you must deal with, and it’s wearing you down. But Jesus knew the brokenness we would face in the world, even in close places such as family relationships, and still He promised the Counselor would come alongside us.

    As a daughter who has struggled to maintain a healthy relationship with her mother, author Teena Stewart will help you name your hurts, face the barriers that stand in the way of a healthy relationship, and forgive even the unforgivable. Learn how to cultivate a friendship, communicate more effectively, and become the change you want to see. There is hope for restoration and renewal.

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