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Showing 1301–1346 of 1346 results

  • 1 Day At A Time (Reprinted)


    Many Christians are locked in a cycle of addiction, particularly in the areas of alcohol and drug abuse. Adapting his successful Steps to Freedom in Christ, Dr. Neil Anderson has provided an alternative model of recovery for substance and alcohol abusers–a model that has also freed hundreds of thousands struggling with other kinds of addictions. But the devil doesn’t give up easily. So to further help recovering addicts still struggling with temptation, there is the One Day at a Time devotional. Here are inspirational readings that reinforce the Steps to Freedom and encourage those on the road to recovery. This product is for those who want to break free from a debilitating lifestyle of addiction, and for pastors and counselors to use with their clients.

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  • Be Not Afraid (Student/Study Guide)


    God offers us his comfort. He promises us his power and strength. But sometimes when hard times hit us-illness, death, job loss, relationship troubles-we need to be reminded that God is with us.

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  • Words Of Wisdom


    Charles Spurgeon reflects on topics from short beds to capital punishment, approaching each with a sound biblical perspective. Set in contemporary language for today’s reader, Words of Wisdom provides you with Godly truths that will inspire your daily walk with the Lord.

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  • Abba


    “Most Christian people often find it difficult to say their prayers in any meaningful way. Here, in these extracts from a book of devotional meditations by Evelyn Underhill, will be found clear but profound guidance on how to pray. The title of the book, Abba, is the term used in more than one place in the New Testament for addressing God as Father and it is with the ‘Our Father’ prayer that these meditations are concerned. At first sight it might be thought impossible to say anything fresh on something so familiar to all Christians as the Lord’s Prayer. Yet the inexhaustible depths of meaning to be found in it may, by the very fact of familiarity, all too easily escape notice and understanding. In these meditations those depths are explored with passionate intensity by an acknowledged expert in Christian mysticism. Both as a scholar of widely recognized academic distinction in her chosen field of story and as one of the leader conductors of retreats in her day, Evelyn Underhill (1875 – 1941) proved to have an unusual gift for combining spiritual perception of a rare order and a deep sympathy with the human situation.” –from the preface by Roger L. Roberts

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  • God And Me Devotions For Girls Ages 6-9 Volume 1


    We are pleased to introduce “God and Me”, a new series of three books from Legacy Press. From toddlers trhough pre-teens, girls need to know that God is the friend they can count on as they mature. This book teaches them to rely on Him as they learn more about the Bible and themselves. Each age-based book includes over 100 devotions and activities to help girls establish a dynamic Christian life. “God and Me” is part of Legacy’s Criss Cross Collection, a series of books written specifically for Christian girls. PUBCOMMENTS: This is one in a series of three dynamic devotional journals for girls. Each book is geared toward the interests of that specific age group. Every devotion includes a memory verse, theme statement, contemporary reading, prayer, and questions with space to write answers.

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  • Quiet Time Companion (Revised)


    Turn your daily quiet time into life-changing encounters with God’s Word—in only 20 minutes a day! You’ll gain a fresh perspective and deeper understanding with a 2-year overview of the Bible and in-depth studies based on character, topical lifestyle, and Bible themes. The book is conveniently divided into eight 13-week seasons for group use.

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  • Journeying Through Lent With Mark


    In this devotional, meditations for each day between Ash Wednesday and Easter focus on passages from the Gospel of Mark. Reflection questions and a prayer with each reading encourage readers to consider the passage’s meaning for their lives. A study guide is included for six weeks of small-group discussion.

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  • Wisdom Of The Cloister


    This collection of 365 daily readings captures the full scope of this varied and fascinating Christian tradition. Contributors include Thomas Merton, Bede Griffiths, Kathleen Norris, and many others.

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  • Christheart : A Way Of Knowing Jesus


    Awakening: The Boy Jesus In The Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
    Setting Out: Jesus’ Baptism (Matthew 3:13-17;Mark1:2-11; Luke 3:21-22)
    The Temptation: Setting Priorities (Matthew 4:1-11;Luke 4:1-13)
    Beginning The Adventure: Jesus’ Mission Statement (Matthew 4:18-22;Mark
    1:16-20;Luke 4:14-30;5:1-11; John 1:35-42)
    Invitation: Jesus’ Plea To All Humankind (Matthew 11:28-30)

    A First Glimpse Of Glory: The Wedding At Cana (John 2:1-12)
    Being Family/Being Oneself: Jesus’ Definition Of The Family (Mark
    Who Am I To You?: Jesus’ Question To His Inner Circle (Matthew
    One Last Chance: The Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:20-30)

    Confrontation With Grace: The Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-20)
    First Things First: Jesus And Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)
    Doing The Right Thing: Healing The Man With The Shriveled Hand (Mark 3:1-6)
    Forgiving Sins: The Woman Caught In Adultery (John 8:1-11)
    Facing Persistence: The Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)
    Lifting People Up: Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)

    Multiplying Loaves And Fishes: Feeding The Hungry (John 6:1-15)
    Order Out Of Chaos: Healing The Demon-Possessed Man (Mark 5:1-20)
    The Wrath Of God: Cleansing The Temple (John 2: 12-25)
    Unwrapping Souls: Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-44)

    Friends Helping Friends: Healing Thee Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)
    The Hem Of His Garment: Healing A Suffering Woman (Mark 5:21-43)
    Reversing Roles: Washing Feet (John 13:1-17)
    The Child’s Way: The Only Way (Mark 10:13-16;Matthew 18:1-6;19:13-15;Luke
    The Power Of One Thing: Mary And Martha (Luke 10:38-41)

    Honoring Doubt: Appearing To The Disciples (John 20:19-29)
    Second Chances: Reinstating Peter (John 21:1-19)
    Waling On Water: Calming Seas And Hearts (Matthew 14:22-33;Mark 6:45-61)
    Do You Want To Get Well?: Healing Thee Man At Bethesda’s Pool (John 5:1-15)

    Seeing The Light: Healing Blindness (John 9:1-41)
    Receiving Love: Jesus’ Feet Anointed By Mary (Luke 7:36-50)
    Surrender: Jesus In Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46)
    Love’s Way: The Cross Event (Matthew 26:47-75;27:27-55;John 19:17-27)

    Drawing Near: Jesus’ Appearance To Mary (John 20:10-18)
    Making All Things New: Jesus On The Emmaus Road (Matthew 28:19-20;Luke

    Additional Info
    ChristHeart is a book of meditations based on thirty-four (34) events or teachings from the life of Jesus Christ. The reader is invited to enter more fully into the life of the human Jesus and to identify with the feelings and thoughts of Christ as he carried out his earthly ministry.

    Designed to facilitate contemplative prayer, the author encourages readers to imagine the responses of Jesus as he dealt with conflict, entered into friendship with the disciples and others, and healed people and taught them about a vital, personal, love relationship with God. The reader can enter into the experiences of Jesus by reading a selected scripture from the Gospels and one of the meditations, and then picturing the scene and identifying with the feelings and thoughts of Jesus in that scene.

    At the end of each meditation is a question to encourage reflection and a deepening of one’s own understanding of how the life of Christ intersects with and transforms the reader’s life.

    Miley has written seven mediations for each of the thirty-five (35) Gospel stories

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  • Daily Light On The Daily Path


    Thousands have experienced the spiritual rewards of daily reading these inspiring Scripture selections. Each morning and evening devotional is designed around a biblical theme and will give you new insights into powerful spiritual truths. As you read Daily Light on the Daily Path, you will . . . Build your faith, acquire newfound wisdom, uncover deep truths of the Bible, discover new purpose for your life, find fresh insight into the promises of God, receive strength to triumph in every circumstance, and refresh yourself with daily reminders of God’s love. Scripture verses are taken from the New King James Version.

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  • Rehearsing The Soul


    The church choir prepares musically and vocally at each of its 52 weekly rehearsals. It is the purpose of this book to assist in choir members’ spiritual preparation, as focus is aimed away from notes and rythms and temporarily toward matters of faith and life. These thoughtful, easy-to-use devotions are ideal for use during choir rehearsal, before a choir program, or as food for personal meditation. Written by a life-long participant in the music of the church, each devotion is geared toward church choir members and their particular faith-walk. Each week’s devotional reflection begins with a Scripture or hymn passage and concludes with a brief prayer.

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  • 30 Days To Understanding The Christian Life In 15 Minutes A Day (Expanded)


    Like the nearly 200,000 readers who have used Dr. Anders’ 30 Days to Understanding the Bible with great success, every Christian will benefit richly from 30 Days to Understanding the Christian Life. In this volume, innovative Christian communicator Max Anders answers the question “What does God expect of Christians?” exploring God’s goals and plans for humankind, as well as His general strategies for those who seek to follow Him.

    Dr. Anders’ effective writing and teaching style make some of the most challenging scriptural concepts-such as knowing God’s will, spiritual warfare, and using spiritual gifts-understandable in just 15 minutes a day. New believers will appreciate this concise overview of the Christian life; experienced Christians, Bible study leaders, and teachers will thank Dr. Anders for helping them “mentally organize” their beliefs and articulate the basics of the Christian life to others.

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  • His Victorious Indwelling


    Have you truly grasped the remarkable heritage that is yours in Christ? Through the years, certain Christians have stood out for their deep insight into the riches we possess in Christ. Oswald Chambers, A. W. Tozer, Hannah Whittal Smith, D. L. Moody, E. M. Bounds . . . these men and women knew the secrets of the abundant spiritual life. Drawing on the meditations and quotes from these and other well-know writers, His Victorious Indwelling explores Christ’s victory and how it can be lived through us. These 366 daily devotions bring together the best writings of such classic authors as John Calvin, Martin Luther, Watchman Nee, Charles Spurgeon, St. Augustine, and John Wesley, as well as contemporary writers such as Corrie ten Boom. These and dozens of others will help you discover the power, liberty, and joy that flow from “Christ in us.”

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  • 365 WWJD : Daily Answers To What Would Jesus Do


    What Would Jesus Do? Ask the questions and live the answers, every day of the year

    This one-of-a-kind collection of devotional readings will help you nourish and deepen your faith through the simple yet powerful daily practice of answering the question, “What would Jesus do?”

    A jewel of wisdom for every day of the year, each entry is drawn from Scripture with practical reflections on how we can live the WWJD? life as well as inspiring words from notable Christian writers, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Richard J. Foster, Charles H. Spurgeon, Billy Graham, Elisabeth Elliott, Martin Luther King Jr.,C.S. Lewis, Eugene Peterson, and many others.

    Here, author Nick Harrison invites us to accept this same challenge. It is “a pledge that the Apostle John says is a surefire test of our Christian faith….One year from now, may our lives be richer for having taken the time to learn the lessons gained by answering ‘What would Jesus do?'”

    365 WWJD? offers people of all ages daily food for thought, warmly reminding us of the many ways we can model our everyday actions after the life of Jesus.

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  • Devotions From The World Of Sports


    *What NFL quarterback led his team on a 98-yard scoring drive in the last minutes of an AFC championship game? (January 11)
    *What Native American gold medal winner had to give his medals back? (January 18)
    *What basketball player scored 100 points in a single game? (March 2)
    *What major league outfielder had a baseball bounce off his head and over the fence for a home run? (May 26)

    The world of sports is filled with special moments that teach us about life. No matter what your sport of choice — football, baseball, tennis, soccer, or any other sport — you’ll find the stories in this book fascinating. Each of the 365 daily devotionals takes a look at an event in sports history, then relates that event to a basic Christian truth that will help you grow spiritually.

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  • He Hears Your Prayers


    Don’t you wish you had a direct phone to God? Well, he’s on the line now, waiting for you call! Now you can shed your self-consciousness about praying and begin talking naturally with your Father. More than a “how to” book, Auch’s plan will help you develop a lifelong prayer life that’s right for you!

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  • Walking With God


    1. Walking With God In My Intuition
    2. Walking With God In A Good Conscience
    3. Walking With God In Spirit Of Communion
    1. Walking With God In My Mind
    2. Walking With God In My Emotions
    3. Walking With God In My Will
    1. Walking With God In My Bodily Drives
    2. Walking With God In My Bodily Desires
    3. Walking With God In My Bodily Behavior

    Page 160

    Additional Info
    Best-selling author Phillip Keller explores the practical implications of living in daily communion with God. Many Christians believe that this kind of intimate fellowship is a special favor granted only to the loftiest of saints. But Phillip Keller reminds us that every believer can live in the daily joy of God’s presence.
    Walking with God in the spirit, in the soul, and in the body – abiding wholly in the presence of Immanuel – will energize and illuminate every corner of one’s life with God’s guidance and comfort. Keller calls the reader to accept God’s invitation to walk humbly with Him. When we accept His invitation, He will reveal to us who we truly are, what life direction we are taking, and the ultimate destination of our individual walk of faith.
    Walking with God is for “the weary and worn who have lost their way and are uncertain where to turn….It is intended especially for those seeking souls who long to walk with God in humble joy – who ache fiercely for the Master’s friendship.”

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  • Desert : An Anthology For Lent


    The desert, with its great emptiness and silence, has long been a symbol of solitude. In our Spiritual lives, we sometines seek such isolation as a means of abandoning ourselves completely to God. At other times, solitude comes upon us uninvited and unwelcome, as we find ourselves totally alone and desolate. In facing the silence and the vast expanses of loneliness, we test our courage, deepen our faith, and hear the voice of God anew. This book explores the tradition and relevance of desert spirituality in the life and worship of the church today and offers a collection of pertinent writings in a daily format, by many acient and contemporary authors.

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  • Rabboni


    Manufactured On Demand Title

    Rabboni is the product of many years of personal study, meditation, and daily experience with Christ. Keller traces the role of the second person of the Godhead from the creation of the world to His ascension in resurrection glory.

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  • Daily Strength For Daily Needs


    Through some of the most inspirational words of famous Christian writers such as Jeanne Guyon, St. Augustine, Hannah Whithall Smith, William Law, Charles Wesley, and George MacDonald, you will learn how to: Live each day worry-free, Overcome present trials, Find the peace of God, Receive clear direction from God, Cast all your cares on God, Handle discouragement and temptation and Experience God’s free favor.

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  • Angels Love Children



    A Word From The Author
    Angel Of Rainbows
    Angel Of Hearts
    Angel Of Parties
    Angel Of The Cross
    Angel Of Honor
    Angel Of Love
    Angel Of Mercy
    Angel Of Believing
    Angel Of On High
    Angel Of Wonderful
    Angel Of Peace
    Angel Of Safety
    Angel Of Seed
    Angel Of Brightness
    Angel Of Praise
    Angel Of Joy
    Angel Of Tears
    Angel Of Glory Light
    Angel Of Birth
    Angel Of Royal
    Angel Of Welcome
    Angel Of Blue
    Angel Of Hope
    Angel Of Good News
    Angel Of Behold
    Angel Of Earth
    Angel Of Balance
    Angel Of Circles
    Angel Of Time
    Angel Of Halos P. 124

    Additional Info
    Inspired by children’s drawings of angels, Herbert Brokering offers thirty fresh understandings of God. From his conversations with the young artists, Brokering spins exciting new insights about heavenly messengers and the God they serve. Plus, there are imaginative, provocative ideas to think about and talk about together. A brief prayer concludes each devotion. Wonderful read-aloud fare for bedtime, mealtime – anytime!

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  • Streams In The Desert Updated Edition


    In a barren wilderness, L. B. Cowman long ago discovered a fountain that sustained her, and she shared it with the world, Streams in the Desert — her collection of prayerful meditations, Christian writings, and God’s written promises–has become one of the most dearly loved, best-selling devotionals of all time since its first publication in 1925. Filled with insight into the richness of God’s provision and the purpose of His plan, this enduring classic has encouraged and inspired generations of Christians. I heard the flow of hidden springs; before me palms rose green and fair; The birds were singing; all the air was filled and stirred with angels’ wings. Now James Reimann, editor of the highly acclaimed updated edition of My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, again brings us the wisdom of the past in the language of today, by introducing this updated edition of Streams in the Desert. With fresh, contemporary wording and precise NIV text, the timeless message of the original flows unhindered through these pages, lending guidance and hope to a new generation of believers. We never know where God has hidden His streams. We see a large stone and have no idea that it covers the source of a spring. We see a rocky areas and never imagine that it is hiding a fountain. God leads me into hard and difficult places, and it is there I realize I am where eternal streams abide. Day by day, Streams in the Desert will lead you from life’s dry desolate places to the waters of the River of Life — and beyond, to their very Source.

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  • Faith To Meet Our Fears


    Foreword By Charles E. Poole
    Chapter 1. Do We Have To Be Perfect?
    Chapter 2. When Anger Gets The Best Of Us
    Chapter 3. The Faith That Matters
    Chapter 4. Listening For The Whisper
    Chapter 5. The Last Word Is Peace
    Chapter 6. Learning To Love Ourselves
    Chapter 7. Do We Really Want To Be Changed?
    Chapter 8. The Power To Forgive
    Chapter 9. A Faith To Meet Our Fears
    Chapter 10. Is There Life After Divorce?
    Chapter 11. The Focus Of Our Attention
    Chapter 12. Living With Wonder
    Appendix – Preaching That Matters

    Additional Info
    A Faith to Meet Our Fears takes seriously some of life’s toughest questions and attempts to shed some biblical insight on them. Reading this book, filled with real-life issues, is like talking with a counselor or a good friend. Learn how your faith can help you handle anger, fear, and perfectionism.

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  • Walking With Praise


    SKU (ISBN): 9781853111976ISBN10: 185311197XPaul IlesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1997Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich Print On Demand Product

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  • Joy Of Living


    Manufactured On Demand Title

    The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Philippi in order to help “make their joy complete.” In this practical exposition of the letter to the Philippians, J. Dwight Pentecost helps the reader discover a joy that transcends any circumstance and a contentment that is greater than any trial.

    Dr. Pentecost observes that “knowing Christ, walking in fellowship with Him, and being obedient to Him floods the life and heart and mind of the apostle Paul with an incomparable joy…so that in Christ he has found perfect rest, satisfaction, and contentment.”

    This commentary on the English text can be used for personal Bible study of sermon preparation. Helpful study and review questions are included at the end of each chapter. Some of the topics included are the antidote for worry, the secret of contentment, and the way to find joy in the midst of suffering.

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  • Secret Strength : For Those Who Search


    Do you want to know a secret?

    What’s so secret about God? Nothing. And yet everything.

    Scripture tells us, “the secret things belong to the Lord our God.” God has secrets. Some to keep, and some to tell. And who doesn’t want to know a secret?

    Most of us are filled with an incurable urge to discover secrets, to walk the higher and hidden roads. And it is our God, our wonderfully mysterious God, who has placed that yearning within us. He is the treasure we seek…the precious gem to be mined.

    So take the time to spend these one hundred concise, life-changing appointments with him. And discover incredible handholds of refreshment, courage, and endurance you can cling to in Secret Strength.

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  • Making Of A Champion


    This Treasury of Powerful Wisdom Principles Will Inspire You To Overcome Mediocrity And Pursue Excellence In Every Area of Your Life. Discover The Keys To Breaking Old Patterns / Unlock Your God-Given Potential / Stop Taking Journeys Into Yesterday / Decisions Create Destinies / Failure Is Not Fatal. A 31 Chapter Daily Devotional.

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  • Healing After Loss


    Meditation For Every Day Of The Year

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    For those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, here are strength and thoughtful words to inspire and comfort.

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  • You Set My Spirit Free


    40 Chapters

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    John of the Cross (1542-1591) was one of the brightest spiritual lights of the dark and tumultuous 1500s. His teaching led thousands to inner freedom from “the dark night of the soul”-the state of spiritual blindness in which most of us live our days, unaware that God is right beside us, in love, in freeing power. Through great opposition and danger, John taught countless men and women how to find freedom in the Spirit.

    John’s words and deep understanding of spiritual truth will also help you find a richer experience of God, leading you to:
    *a fresh infilling of the love of the Father.
    *renewed wonder at the beauty and holiness of Jesus, our Lord and brother.
    *the discovery of the Holy Spirit’s presence, helping you daily, with new strength and freedom from within.

    Treasured and classic writings that have had a profound impact on the church down through the ages.

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  • Outdoor Moments With God


    48 Chapters
    191 Pages

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    For more than thirty years W. Phillip Keller has enlightened and encouraged readers with his rare combination of insight into God’s Word coupled with a celebration of God’s presence in everyday life. Once again he has turned his attention to the spiritual lessons learned from the simple experiences of life – working in the yard, hiking in the mountains, or surveying some magnificent expanse of land and sky.

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  • Jumper Fables : Strange But True Devotions To Jump Start Your Faith


    This book will teach you things you didn’t know you didn’t know! Such as:
    *the difference between a dead gopher and a loaf of bread.
    *why Ken wore a little set of bronze lips on his letter jacket in high school.
    *why Ken’s dog Ralph was a better Christian than Ken was.
    *why Ken almost ate his wife’s glasses.
    *how to turn a bus driver into an armadillo.

    And that’s just a little of what you’ll learn in JUMPER FABLES, a most unusual devotional book by Ken Davis and David Lambert. This book is a collection of strange-but-true stories that’ll make you laugh-and leave you thinking about the things that really matter. Such as how to know God’s will, where sex fits into your life, whether death is the worst thing that can happen, how to talk about Christ with your friends, why parents say no, and why we can trust God to do what he says.

    JUMPER FABLES was written with teenagers in mind. The authors talk about things that have happened to them and to other people, and then they suggest some Bible verses that’ll help you understand those stories, as well as some things you can do that’ll help you not make the same mistakes yourself.

    So-want to jump-start your day? Read a Jumper Fable first thing in the morning. They’re strange-but true!

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  • 1 Minute Businesswomans Devotional


    A Woman’s Devotional Filled With Success Principles From The Scriptures And Practical Methods For Achieving And Maintaining Your Goals. Gain the edge you need to succeed in today’s competitive business society through topics such as…5 Steps For Setting Goals / 12 Things You Can Expect From God / 6 Things You Must Eliminate From Your Life. This Book Could Be The Turning Point of Your Life.

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  • 1 Minute Businessmans Devotional


    This Business Devotional Will Strengthen Your Relationship With God, Unlock Career Opportunities And Stabilize Personal Relationships At Home And The Office. 60 Devotionals For Success / 10 Ingredients For Success / 20 Keys For Winning At Work…are included. You Will Want To Add This Book To Your Personal Collection.

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  • From The Fathers Heart


    133 Pages/115 Letters Of Varying Topics

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    From the Father’s Heart a glimpse of God’s nature and ways

    These intimate messages are written as letters from our heavenly Father. They are meant to be read aloud to help you more fully experience His reality-to become attuned to His thoughts and emotions.

    Allow these letters to sensitize your spirit to the heart of your God so that, being touched by His presence, and quickened by His love, you may find the joy of knowing your Father…

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  • Guide To Prayer For Ministers And Other Servants


    A bestseller for nearly two decades! You’ll like the way this classic devotional and prayer book arranges material thematically for each week of the year. Stay grounded in the Lord through daily invocations, Scripture readings, reflections, prayers, hymns, benedictions, and psalms. Includes themes and schedules for 12 personal retreats.

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  • In Gods Care


    The books in the Hazelden Meditation Series have guided millions as they search for the wisdom and understanding they need to live one day at a time. Originally developed for people recovering from alcoholism and other addictions, these books will also appeal to anyone interested in personal and spiritual growth.

    In God’s Care guides readers in understanding and strengthening their connection with a Higher Power, however they choose to define that presence. With the inspiration and support unique to Hazelden meditation books, In God’s Care offers encouragement and guidance for “practicing the presence of God” in daily life.

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  • Taking Flight : A Book Of Story Meditations


    Best-selling author Anthony de Mello presents over 250 story meditations to be used as stepping stones to a spiritual life based on self-knowledge and understanding.

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  • Eye Of The Eagle


    Includes exercises so that we can experience for ourselves the many aspects of vision.

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  • Keep It Simple


    These daily meditations are for people in recovery who are either beginning a Twelve Step program or looking for renewal in the basic principles of recovery. Keep It Simple shows how prayer, meditation, and action can bring sobriety and peace to one’s life. Suggested daily activities help readers integrate these concepts into their daily lives. Keep It Simple presents the basics of recovery in terms that allow any reader the chance to enjoy the gifts of sobriety and serenity.

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  • Answers In The Heart


    Offers personal guidance on sexuality, intimacy, and relationships, helping individuals understand feelings, change attitude, and develop spirituality.

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  • Together Till Death Us Do Part


    How can pastors help couples make a solid beginning as they launch out into the rocky waters of marriage? How can the pastor speak briefly but effectively to them when they approach the altar?
    John M. Braaten provides 21 well-crafted homilies for marriage in a Christian context. A wide variety of scripture and circumstances are represented in this choice collection. This single-volume library will serve the busy parish pastor well as he or she ministers to couples coming to make their wedding promises.
    “Things I like about these sermons include… the up-beat spirit of them… the emphasis on the embrace of the community of faith… the mellow realism…”
    Gerhard Frost, Professor Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “I like this little book. In a day when wedding homilies have become incidental to the marriage service and are sometimes omitted altogether, Pastor Braaten gives us short, warm, and practical sermons that would enhance any wedding.”
    Alvin Rogness
    Author, pastor, President Emeritus
    Luther-Northwestern Seminary
    “These sermons include an astouding variety of material and text, yet they all present the gospel to those who are beginning their life together.”

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  • Days Of Healing Days Of Joy


    This book of daily meditations speaks to adult children of alcoholics and addicts, instilling hope, confidence, and courage.

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  • Bible Readings For Caregivers


    We all have opportunities to show caring to others in our daily lives. Caregiving is not limited to the professionals. Whenever we reach out in empathy to someone in need we are caregivers. We may stand beside cheer to a lonely person. We may allow a person to express feelings about a job loss or the agony of a divorce. As a member of the body of Christ, “if one part suffers, every part suffers with it” (1 Cor. 12:26). If we listen through the pain, walk with the person through troubled times, and present a word of hope in Christ, we offer Christian caring.

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  • Touchstones : A Book Of Daily Meditations For Men


    Men striving to achieve serenity or working on maintaining emotionally and spiritually balanced lives a year’s worth of daily support and guidance.

    Exploring men’s roles as lover or spouse, father, and friend, each reading includes a meditation and a closing thought to ignite new possibilities.

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  • Night Light : A Book Of Nighttime Meditations


    Remember how comforting it felt, as a child, to fall asleep with a night-light glowing in the dark? Our Night Light is a collection of meditations that helps us remember how our Higher Power is like a comforting, ever-present light in our lives. These nightly readings can help us learn to trust the spiritual light within us for strength, comfort, and guidance.

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  • Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life (Abridged)


    This devotional classic, written by William Law, an eloquent religious teacher of the eighteenth century, was designed to prod indifferent Christians into making an honest effort to live up to what they professed to believe. It has been appreciated in every succeeding generation because of its innate vigor and virility.

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