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Books (Spanish)

Showing 851–900 of 981 results

  • Como Salgo De Mis Deudas – (Spanish)


    How to get out of debt seems to be a question on everyones mind. In his book Como salgo de mis deudas? (How Do I Get Out of Debt) author Andres Panasiuk examines the reason why so many are in debt and then gives practical advise on how to get out of debt and stay that way.

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  • 17 Leyes Incuestionables Del T – (Spanish)


    Todo el mundo es parte de un equipo.

    Si usted esta casado, usted y su conyuge son un equipo. Si es un empleado, usted y su compaeros de trabajo son un equipo. Si usted da su tiempo a una iglesia u otra organizacion, es parte de un equipo de voluntarios. En su estilo unico y facil de entender, el Dr. Maxwell explica de una manera sencilla de retener el proceso de construir un equipo ganador y como ponerlo en practica.

    17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

    Everyone is part of some team.
    This book contains laws that you can count on when it comes to getting people to work together, but it tells them in such a way that you can start applying them to your life today.

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  • Que Comeria Jesus – (Spanish)


    The Christian market is flooded with diet and exercise programs, each claiming to be “God’s way” to healthy living. While some of them are based on biblical principles, and some have even proven effective for weight loss, there is not one program leading the pack daring to answer the question What Would Jesus Do? Or better yet, What Would Jesus Eat? This comprehensive eating plan examines Scripture and reveals what we know Jesus ate and what we can confidently infer He ate. Using current medical research, What Would Jesus Eat? demonstrates why the diet Jesus followed is ideal for twenty-first century living as well. Readers will:
    Understand why foods forbidden in the Old Testament dietary laws are unhealthy for us.
    Learn how to follow Jesus’ eating model with foods that are available today.
    Realize the health benefits of the food Jesus ate and the health risks of the food He avoided.
    The second half of the book equips the reader with tools to effectively follow the plan — recipes, nutritional information, and practical advice. For those desiring to safely lose weight and for those seeking a healthier, Bible-based eating program, the only question to ask is, What Would Jesus Eat?

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  • Introduccion A La Mision – (Spanish)


    “La iglesia existe por la mision, al igual que el fuego existe por la combustion”. Con estas palabras de Emil Brunner, el autor nos recuerda que ser la iglesia es estar en mision. Despues de describir las diferentes cautividades de la mision, que han subyugado al cristianismo de los Estados Unidos, el autor lucha para exponer una fuerte y comprometida practica de la mision, comenzando en las congregaciones locales y extendiendose hasta la comunidad mas amplia.Este libro de Introduccion a la Mision, puede ayudar a estudiantes de seminario, y a grupos de estudio de laicos, a conocer el mandato cristiano fundamental y unirse a la mision de Dios en el mundo.

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  • Introduccion Al Antiguo Testam – (Spanish)


    El Estudiante avanzado del Antiguo Testamento podra encontrar en esta introduccion un analisis sobrio del estado actual de la disciplina, y los pastores y pastoras, al igual que los maestros y maestras de escuela biblica-descubriran en sus paginas buenas ideas para elaborar estudios que ayuden a las congregaciones a entender y disfrutar la importante literatura biblica veterostestamentaria.

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  • Introduccion A La Etica Cristi – (Spanish)


    El estudio de la etica no solamente nos lleva a entender mejor las complejas situaciones que hoy dia enfrentamos, tambien nos ayuda a discernir lo que subyace tras nuestras decisiones. La etica nos ayuda a descubrir, aclarar, afirmar, cambiar, reformar o trasformar valores y fines que motiva nuestra conducta.Este libro nos proveera con las herramientas teoricas necesarias para conocer, describir y analizar los retos etico/morales que hoy dia enfrentamos los cristianos.

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  • Introduccion A La Teologia Cri – (Spanish)


    Una clara, concisa y atrayente introduccion a un campo que esta regresando una vez mas, especialmente entre los laicos comprometidos con el renovado interes en el crecimiento espiritual dentro del contexto de una tradicion eclesiastica. Como historiadores del cristianismo, los autores de este libro ofrecen una introduccion a las doctrinas cristianas tradicionales. Escrito en un estilo claro directo, este libro presenta una resea de las raices, los contextos particulares, y los entendimientos doctrinales de temas como la teologia, Dios, el ser humano, Jesucristo, la iglesia, y la esperanza

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  • Principios De Predicacion – (Spanish)


    Se requiere una habilidad poco usual en el manejo del idioma literario para combinar profundidad y sencillez para definir terminos profesionales en lenguaje laico y a la vez hacer un libro de texto y manual de inspiracion. Pablo Jimenez tiene esa capacidad. Su tratado sobre la predicacion esta redactado en lenguaje sencillo y ampliamente ilustrado. Es suficientemente ameno como para servir de material suplementario o de inspiracion a quienes solo quieren disfrutar un poco de buena lectura y de la cual sacar ideas para su uso personal. Sin embargo a la vez esta obra es suficientemente profunda como para convertirse en libro de texto para institutos teologicos, colegios o seminarios.

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  • Si Quieres Caminar Sobre Las A – (Spanish)


    Peter may have gotten out of the boat nearly 2000 years ago, but Jesus’ invitation still stands today. But what is waiting on the other side could just be a lot of water and very little chance of remaining above it. As Jesus’ followers, we can follow His calling, but can we walk on water? To walk on water means to: * Face our fears and not allow others to have the last word in our lives. * Discover God’s calling for your life and follow it for the rest of your life. * Experience God’s power in your life in order to achieve what wasn’t possible in your own strength. Christ walked on water successfully. There’s only one thing that you need to do before you can walk on water successfully: You need to get out of the boat!

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  • Mujeres Que Hacen Demasiado – (Spanish)


    Are you tired of being what other people want you to be? Are you overwhelmed with work, guilt and stress? In this book, the author teaches women that doing less and more efficient work is better than doing too much. The reader will discover God’s purpose for her life and how to achieve it, as well as some tips on how to deal with everyday stress.

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  • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


    Volume 3 (Winter) sessions includes 20 presentations based on stories about the Advent season and the feasts of Christmas and Epiphany, followed by the parables.

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  • Jugar Junto A Dios – (Spanish)


    Volume 2 (Fall) sessions has an opening lesson on the church year, followed by 13 Old Testament stories, from Creation through the prophets.

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  • Tu Pueblo Sera Mi Pueblo Y Tu – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931232678ISBN10: 1931232679Language: SpanishRuth PearlBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Senor Quiero Sentirme Restaura – (Spanish)


    240 Paginas

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    Senor, quiero ser completa muestra siete pasos que ayudaron a Stormie a vencer la depresion clinica y a llevar una vida plena. Ella ensena a los lectores como la oracion y la inspiracion biblica les puede ayudar a aceptar su pasado. Tambien les dice como liberarse de la opresion espiritual y de las influencias negativas, como aprender a recibir los dones de Dios y creer las bondades que El habla acerca de nosotros, como ser conscientes de los enganos y los errores, como mantener la salud emocional por medio del cuidado de nuestros cuerpos y como ser sensibles a lo que ocurre en nuestro interior. Senor, quiero ser completa ayuda a los afectados por la depresion a encontrar su plenitud y a convertirse en todo aquello para lo que los creo Dios.

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  • Sanidad En Las Finanzas – (Spanish)


    In this book, the author takes us through the inevitable financial problems that come up in our lives. In a practical, concrete and fast way, we can discover some of the essencial principles to having adequeate administration and preparation, allowing us to have the financial freedom which God want us to have.

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  • Jesus Ejecutivo – (Spanish)


    Many have written about Jesus as a preacher, teacher and other important aspects from his personality. Not to many have discover that he is a Jesus management, administrative leader that new how to recruit, inspire, motivate and guide a team of twelve men that base on his influence and according to his plans they conquer the world for his cause.

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  • Abuela Necesito Tus Oraciones – (Spanish)


    Powerful stories and practical advice to motivate and equip grandmothers to pray consistently and strategically for their grandchildren

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  • After Pentecost – (Spanish)


    “There is always some view of language built into biblical interpretation. If we are to read Scripture to hear God’s address it is vital that we attend to current debates about language and become critically conscious in this respect.”

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  • Llaves Del Poder – (Spanish)


    The author, Dr. Dario Silva, talks about 3 concepts:

    Law, weapons and keys – important themes that will help us understand the teaching of the Gospel.

    -The Law is a demand to carry out -The weapon is the ability to develop -The keys are elements to open and close

    The honest hearts that want to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and that have a mind open to the Gospel and listen clearly to the always present voice of Jesus Christ, have to depend on those keys. This book, coming from a servant of God, will show us that the Gospel does not require only faithfulness.

    “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

    Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” Mathew 16:19

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  • Ayuno Y La Oracion – (Spanish)


    Nothing is more relevant in the life of a Christian than the practice of fasting and prayer. The believe that pray and fast will live closer to God and will give to everything else a second place in his life.

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  • Volvamos A La Fuente – (Spanish)


    The present church debate between the simple and sound principles of Scripture and the strength of tradition compared to the new doctrines and commandments that men have created in this world.

    There are congregations who strictly follow Biblical principles and others who don’t know God’s revelation.

    In this book, Gerardo de Avila comments about some of the mistakes made by Christian churches today.

    He also shows easy ways to go back to what should be the only source of truth for doctrine, the Bible.

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  • Orientacion Basica Para Recien – (Spanish)


    This revised and updated edition of “Orientation for New Believers” is a very useful tool for pastors, leaders, and anyone else helping newborn Christians, as well as for those who used the previous edition. In its nine chapters, the reader will find reviewing exercises and others to consolidate specific terms and concepts. Even though this work can be read by the new Christian, it is much more effective when used as a study manual for the first week’s preparation of new members. The central focus of the book is the newborn, but every Christian can benefit by reading it- even if you are an active member in your church.

    This manual will help you review key concepts of basic Biblical principles, and expand your knowledge of Christian-living. All this … and much more can be achieved through this practical and concise manual, yet vast in spiritual resources.

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  • Biografias De Grandes Cristian – (Spanish)


    They need to do some thing that will challenge their courage. They had to win a battle that will mine the trenght of the most intelligent. But they accept the challenge… Vida Publishers, present the edition of Biographies of Great Christians in a brief way, simplify biographies of some of the most distinguish character in church, from the past and present. Many wonder to whom they can attribute the great success of servant of God like Luther, Bunyan, Wesley, Whitefiled, Finney, Carey, Judson, and many others. Certainly no to their talent nor to their strength of will. The true mystery of their greatness of the christian are, and is, the prayer. For those that walk with God in prayer, like they did, there are no mystery on this. And to many, the life of these men’s has a lot to talk about, their biography inspire us and show that they victory of the Christian depend on the prayer.

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  • Caso De La Fe – (Spanish)


    In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his tenacious investigative skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief – the eight “heart” barriers to faith. The Case for Faith is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with formidable intellectual barriers standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends. In The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel probes the most thorny of questions, what he calls “The Big Eight”, including: If there is a loving God, why does this world groan under so much suffering and evil? If God really created the universe, why does science compel so many to conclude that evolution account for life? If God is the ultimate overseer of the church, why has it been rife with hypocrisy and brutality through the ages? If God truly cares about the people he created, how could he consign so many of them to an eternity of torture in hell just because they didn’t believe the right things about him? As a seasoned journalist with Yale Law background, Strobel methodically tracks sown his leads and asks the gritty, gut-wrenching questions you would want to ask questions that can make or break the Christian faith. He refuses to patronize or offer cliched, glib answers. Instead, he pieces together heard facts trough interviews with nine of the country’s top scholars and experts. The result? Solid, persuasive, engrossing, and smart answers to your deepest questions. The Case for Faith will set you on the path to belief, renewed, restored – or discovered for the very first time.

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  • Exito En Los Anos Dorados – (Spanish)


    No one has expose an exiting proposal like Jose Silva does in this book. This book is full of stimulus for all those that read it willl have a wide vision of their fellow man. Success in the Goden Age is a refreshing oasis in the middle of a road that some call it as decending. We recommend you to read this book in order to learn and value those that are less yonger, although they have more experience.

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  • Fruto Del Espiritu – (Spanish)


    Would you like true fulfillment in your life? Health in your relationships? Victory over anxiety and conflict? You can have them if you let God’s Spirit grow his fruit in your heart. In this book, Tom Trask and Wayde Goodall take you for a close look at love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and the rest of the fruit of the spirit. Here is a passionate and illuminating look at what happens to your thoughts, emotions, and actions when you live each day in intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Drawing from the storehouse of God’s Word, Trask and Goodall sow seeds of insight into your heart that both convict and encourage. They show how you can cooperate with God’s work in your life. And they offer true-life examples of how you, too, can change when you let the Holy Spirit reproduce the character of Jesus within you. Your witness for Christ is as good as the fruit your relationship with him produces. The Fruit of the Spirit points you toward a lifestyle that makes the Gospel you proclaim attractive to others because they can see its results.

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  • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas P – (Spanish)


    Think of it as a lean, mean, Bible doctrine course_without the lecture; but it doew have lots of options, music and drama, small-group work, and reproducible, interactive worksheets with eye-catching designs and soul-searching content. In these 12 clear, complete sessions, author Chap Clark guides kids (and you) through the Big Ideas in this first-century letter to Christians trying their darndest to live godly lives in an ungodly culture. Here are topics made to order for teenagers living at the turn of the 21st century. Teach your way through Romans with these ready-to-go sessions. Or scanvege whatever you want of the creative scripts, handouts, and other options to customize a lesson of your own. Any way you use it, this book is your no-doze ticket to solid Bible doctrine.

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  • Teologia Practica Pastoral – (Spanish)


    Would you like to know how to prepare your vision and present it to writing to the church? How to give specific job functions to each of your collaborators? How many types of leaders there are? How to write thankful notes to thankful offerings? Which are the critical phases in the pastoral ministry? What place the pastor’s wife occupies? How many different ecclesiastic governments exist? How to celebrate different ceremonies, from funerals to dedicating babies? These and other topics are discussed in this practical guide for pastors.

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  • Donde Esta Dios Cuando Sucede – (Spanish)


    Suffering: its stubborn inevitability prompts our deepest doubts about life_-as well as a profound search for meaning. Why do we suffer? Why must we lose the ones we love? Why must each of us face sickness and death? If God exists, where is God when these things happen? International evangelist Luis Palau has seen desperate suffering in the lives of millions of people all over the world and has experienced it in his own life, especially with the early death of his father and with his wife’s painful fight against breast cancer. In this book Palau helps those in pain come to grips with the crushing adversities of life by pointing them to the limitless resources found in God. Helpful to readers already committed in their faith, this book is an empathetic exploration of divine action in the midst of terrible pain.

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  • Libro De Oracion Comun – (Spanish)


    The Book of Common Prayer, Spanish Language Edition

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  • En Busca De Paz Apuntes Y Conv – (Spanish)


    Para quienes estan hartos de la papilla espiritual servida hoy dia en las vidrieras de tantas librerias, En busca de paz resultara comida fuerte y sana. Arnold no nos bombardea con recetas espirituales ni hace promesas ilusorias, sino que nos dice, sin ambages, lo que exige de nosotros la verdadera paz, que va mas alla de la satisfaccion de realizarse a si mismo. Pero quien la busca, debe estar dispuesto a hacer sacrificios.”

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  • Asedio De La Mente : La Satall – (Spanish)


    336 Paginas

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    Tim LaHaye y David Noebel hacen sonar trompetas de alarma, y nos llaman a despertar y a defender nuestro derecho a creer y a actuar como cristianos. La cristiandad ya ha sido silenciada en nuestros colegios, y echada fuera de los foros publicos. El derecho al aborto libre, los derechos de los homosexuales, las lesbianas, los feministas y los ateos practicamente han eclipsado los derechos de que gozaban los cristianos. Los autores insisten en que se trata de un conflicto entre dos cosmovisiones diferentes: la cristiana biblica y la humanista secular. Es una batalla por nuestra mente, una guerra para decidir que es lo que modelara nuestros pensamientos: si la sabiduria de hombres como Marx, Darwin, Freud y Nietzsche, o la sabiduria que Dios nos envio por medio de Moises, los apostoles, los profetas y Jesus. l helps for combating the forces of today’s popular beliefs with the Word of God

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  • Limites – (Spanish)


    Is your life out of control? Do people take advantage of you? Do you have trouble saying no? Are you disappointed with God because of unanswered prayers? Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries helps us determine who may touch us and under what circumstances. Mental boundaries give us the freedom to have our own thoughts and opinions. Emotional boundaries help us deal with our own emotions and disengage from the harmful, manipulative emotions of others. Spiritual boundaries help us distinguish God’s will from our own and give us renewed awe for our Creator. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend offer biblically based answers to tough questions, showing us how to set healthy boundaries with our parents, spouses, children, friends, co-workers, and even ourselves.

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  • Daniel Y El Apocalipsis – (Spanish)


    More than fifty years the text that the writer Sunshine Ball publish is been use as a devotional, a study group of chritian in chruch and as a text in Biblical Institutes. This is a revision, when you look at sketches, tables and grafics makes easy the study of revelation.

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  • Hacia La Meta – (Spanish)


    It doesn’t matter if you study in a class room or in the confortabiblity of your home, To the Goal will orientated in a clear and simple way in order to fulfill those purposes. Because of the demand from the people of God to have more knowladge in the development of the gospel it was necessary to do this book. This book will guide the student that want’s to have better results in their studies.

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  • Cuando Cristo Venga – (Spanish)


    Max Lucado cree que el dia que Jesucristo regrese es el comienzo _de lo mejor_. Nuestra tarea como cristianos es aprender a esperar en paz y estar preparados para su regreso.

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  • Secretos Del Crecimiento De La – (Spanish)


    This is truly the age of church growth, not only small church growth, but great church growth. It’s the responsibility of the church to continue to grow, but this is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.

    Estamos en la era del crecimiento de la iglesia, no solo pequenos crecimientos sino grandes crecimientos. La iglesia mundial tiene la responsabilidad de continuar con estos crecimientos, pero esto solo es posible con la ayuda del Espiritu Santo.

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  • Recupere A Su Esponso Antes Qu – (Spanish)


    The author helps wives understand how to work toward a succesful reconciliation.This book was written especially for the woman who wants her husband back in spite of his choice to separate.

    El autor guia a las esposas a entender los pasos hacia una exitosa reconciliacion. Este libro esta escrito especialmente para la esposa que desea recuperar a su esposo a pesar de la decision de el de separarse.

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  • Iglesia Celular – (Spanish)


    The cell-church model is a powerful tool that can help any size church contain, nurture and pastor a large number of new believers. It’s a tool that equips the average Christian to do the work, rather than letting it all fall on the shoulders of the pastor.

    La iglesia celular es un instrumento formidable que puede ayudar a cualquier iglesia a retener, alimentar y pastorear a un gran numero de nuevos creyentes.

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  • Jornadas De Fe (Large Type) – (Spanish) (Large Type)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780835809221ISBN10: 0835809226Language: SpanishEditor: Carmen GaudBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2000Publisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Caso De Cristo – (Spanish)


    The project: determine if there’s credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God. The Reporter: Lee Strobel, educated al Yale Law School and award-winning former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune_with a background of atheism. How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence exist for Jesus outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual historical event? This colorful, hard-hitting book is no novel. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure. The reader will determine ultimately what is the verdict in The Case for Christ.

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  • Diez Mandamientos Del Noviazgo – (Spanish)


    Esta obra le dara ayudas utiles para crear relaciones buenas y perdurables.En el encontrara lineamientos practicos, penetrantes y sin rodeos, que le ayudaran con sus preguntas y frustraciones respecto al noviazgo.

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  • Invasion De Otros Dioses – (Spanish)


    Encourages readers to stand firmly against the New Age Movement’s second tidal wave.

    Exhortacion a permanecer firmes contra la segunda marejada de la Nueva Era.

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  • Preparemonos Para La Adolescen – (Spanish)


    Un tratado acerca de la adolescencia escrito tanto para los adolescentes como para sus progenitores.

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  • Manual De Guerra Espiritual – (Spanish)


    Un amplio, completo y practico manual sobre gue-rra espiritual.

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  • Ni Tan Solo Una Hora – (Spanish)


    Principios que pueden cambiar la vida, el ministerio, el hogar, la iglesia y el mun-do, a traves de la oracion.

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  • Dile Que Si Al Amor – (Spanish)


    Una mirada al modelo original divino para el hogar y el matrimonio.

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  • Misterio De La Voluntad De Dio – (Spanish)


    This is a book about the life long journey of getting to know God and His will for you, not about easy answers.

    Este es un libro sobre la jornada de toda una vida de conocer a Dios y su voluntad para con nosotros, no de respuestas faciles. Muchos piensan que si pudieran descubrir ese plan de Dios, marcharian sin esfuerzo por la vida. Pero la vida no es asi. Probablemente el mayor error al tratar uno de descubrir la voluntad de Dios radica en el concepto de que, si hago esto, la lucha terminara, las preguntas cesaran, las respuestas llegaran y vivire feliz para siempre. Pero eso es un cuento de hada. No es la realidad.

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  • Sangre – (Spanish)



    192 Pages In 17 Chapters La Sangre (Spanish Edition)

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    Explica por que la sangre siempre ha sido importante para Dios y como nos pro-porciona la promesa del Senor.

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  • No Dejes Tu Cerebro En La Puer – (Spanish)


    Evidencias cristianas para evitar confusion, sobre Dios, la Biblia y la fe.

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