Christian Living
Showing 351–400 of 697 resultsSorted by latest
Mantenimiento Milagros – (Spanish)
$12.99Con cada don que “recibe” de parte de Dios esta la responsabilidad de “mantenerlo”, pues si no, se arriesga a perder la bendicion de ese don. Aunque muchos cristianos entienden este concepto con respecto al area de la sanidad fisica, tambien se aplica a muchas otras areas de nuestra vida. Los dones pueden llegar en forma de respeto, honor, favor y oportunidades, al igual que compasion, amor, perdon, reconocimiento e instruccion. Y lo que hagamos con los dones que recibimos de Dios puede afectar a la trayectoria de nuestra vida.
La autora y maestra Joan Hunter le conducira por un viaje de revelacion a medida que usted…
Aprende la diferencia entre tomar y recibir
Edifica su confianza en la provision milagrosa de Dios
Entiende como posicionarse para recibir los dones de Dios
Es consciente de obstaculos para recibir
Descubre los secretos de mantener las bendiciones que recibeAprender a mantener los milagros que recibe afectara a cada area de su vida. Cambiara su modo de pensar, vera usted con vision renovada, y vivira con el latido del corazon de Dios.
With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this concept as it relates to the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives, as well. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.
Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
Learn the difference between taking and receiving
Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
Become aware of hindrances to receiving
Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receiveLearning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.
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En Su Presencia – (Spanish)
$16.99Este libro no habla de quienes fueron otros y lo que hicieron, !sino de quienes somos nosotros y lo que podemos hacer!
El internacionalmente aclamado maestro de la Biblia, Dr. E. W. Kenyon, levanta el telon para revelar el lugar santisimo y nuestra capacidad de entrar en su interior para estar en la presencia del Padre, quien esta disponible para cada hijo de Dios. En el aprendera a…
Escalar a nuevas alturas de realidad espiritual.
Quitar la neblina que ha rodeado el tema de la oracion aventurandose a la Luz de la Vida.
Estar firme sobre sus derechos como hijo de Dios.
Situar todas las cosas en sujecion bajo los pies de Dios.
Vencer a los enemigos de su vida de oracion.
Usar la autoridad del nombre de Jesus.Este libro ha sido un desafio y una bendicion para incontables multitudes en todo el mundo. No aceptara la invitacion, abrira la puerta y entrara en la presencia del Padre?
This book is not about who others were and what they did but about who we are and what we can do!
Internationally acclaimed Bible teacher Dr. E. W. Kenyon lifts the curtain to reveal the Holy of Holies and our ability to enter within to stand in the presence of the Father, who is available to every child of God. In this book, you will learn to…
Climb to new heights of spiritual reality
Remove the mist that has surrounded the subject of prayer by venturing into the Light of Life.
Stand on your rights as a child of God.
Put all things in subjection under God’s feet.
Overcome the enemies of your prayer life.
Use the authority of the name of Jesus.This book has been a challenge and blessing to multitudes all over the world. Won’t you accept the invitation, open the door, and enter into the presence of the Father?
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Buscando Su Presencia – (Spanish)
$13.99I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old.
-Psalm 78:2 NIVThousands of years ago, God imbedded mysteries within the pattern of Moses’ wilderness tabernacle. But just as earthly treasures must be searched for and mined, we also must diligently search for the spiritual riches that God has buried for us in His Word.
With David Cerullo as your guide, this book will be your treasure map to assist you on this journey of discovery and transformation. With it, you will…
*Explore ancient scriptural truths unveiling the pathway into God’s awesome presence.
*Understand as never before the riches hidden within the tabernacle.
*Discover the joy of ever-deepening intimacy with the Lord.Get ready to embark on a life-changing path that will draw you straight into the very heart of God!
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Saldras De Esta – (Spanish)
$17.99No sera sin dolor.
No sera rapido.
Pero Dios usara este desastre para bien.
No seas insensato, ni ingenuo.
Pero tampoco desesperes.Con la ayuda de Dios, saldras de esta.
Tienes temor de no lograrlo. Todos le tememos a eso. Tememos que la depresion nunca se vaya, que los gritos nunca cesen, que el dolor no nos deje. En los abismos, rodeados de paredes escarpadas y dolorosos recordatorios, nos preguntamos: Se aclarara este cielo gris? Se alivianara esta carga?
En Saldras de esta, el pastor Max Lucado, uno de los autores mas leidos segun el New York Times, ofrece una dulce seguridad. “La salvacion es a la Biblia, lo que el jazz a Mardi Gras: bien definida, estridente y esta en todas partes”.
Max les recuerda a los lectores que Dios no promete que salgamos de las pruebas rapidamente y sin dolor. No fue asi para Jose -lanzado a una fosa por sus hermanos, vendido como esclavo, arrestado injustamente, olvidado y rechazado- pero su historia en el Antiguo Testamento esta en la Biblia por esta razon: para ensearnos a confiar que Dios triunfara sobre el mal.
Con la compasion de un pastor, el alma de un narrador de cuentos y el regocijo de aquel que ha visto lo que Dios puede hacer, Max explora la historia de Jose y la verdad del Genesis 50:20. Lo que Satanas intenta para mal, Dios lo redime para bien.
You’ll get through this.
It won’t be painless.
It won’t be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
Don’t be foolish or naive.
But don’t despair either.With God’s help, you’ll get through this.
You fear you won’t make it through. We all do. We fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. In the pits, surrounded by steep walls and aching reminders, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten?
In You’ll Get Through This, pastor and New York Times best-selling author, Max Lucado offers sweet assurance. “Deliverance is to the Bible what jazz music is to Mardi Gras: bold, brassy, and everywhere.” Max reminds readers God doesn’t promise that getting through trials will be quick or painless. It wasn’t for Joseph–tossed in a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery, wrongfully imprisoned, forgotten and dismissed–but his Old Testament story is in the Bible for this reason: to teach us to trust God to trump evil.
With the compassion of a pastor, the heart of a storyteller, and the joy of one who has seen what God can do, Max explores the story of Joseph an
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Jesus Es – (Spanish)
$13.99!Un best-seller del New York Times!Jesus es ____. Como terminaria usted la frase?El sujeto esta ahi, y tambien esta el verbo, pero lo que viene despues? Su respuesta podria arrojar luz sobre el camino para convertirse en quien usted fue hecho para ser.En estas paginas, Judah Smith llena esa frase una y otra vez, cada vez que revela aun mas el caracter de Jesus. Escribe como si escribiera a un amigo, ilustrando la importancia del mensaje de Cristo a los hombres y mujeres modernos. -ste es un libro para los nuevos creyentes, para los seguidores de toda la vida, y para los simplemente curiosos.Juda Smith nos muestra al Jesus que las pinturas e himnos sombrios no pueden captar. Con pasion, humor y conviccion, el muestra que Jesus es vida. Jesus es la gracia. Jesus es tu amigo. Jesus es una nueva y mejor manera de ser humano.
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Derribando Fortalezas – (Spanish)
$8.99Usted esta en una guerra, lo sepa o no
La mayoria de cristianos no vacilarian en afirmar el concepto de que Dios tiene un reino, con sus huestes angelicas. Desgraciadamente, muchos cristianos no son conscientes de que Satanas tambien tiene un reino, representado por una hueste de demonios. Con la tierra como el campo de batalla, mientras estos dos reinos se enfrentan en una guerra por nuestras mentes y almas.
Como cristianos, necesitamos entender la naturaleza de esta guerra y como opera el reino de Satanas. El legendario autor y maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, examina el concepto de la guerra espiritual como un aspecto inequivoco de la vida cristiana. Gracias a esta crucial enseanza, usted podra…
*Descubrir por que existe la guerra espiritual
*Entender como opera el reino de Satanas
*Aprender cuales son las seis armas de la guerra espiritual
*Implementar estrategias que ataran las maquinaciones de Satanas
*Conectar con el triunfante poder del Espiritu SantoSatanas ya ha declarado la guerra al reino de Dios. Como ciudadanos del reino de Dios, no tenemos eleccion; ya estamos en guerra. Por lo tanto, es vital que estemos preparados a fin de derrotar los planes del enemigo, hacer retroceder la oscuridad, !y proclamar victoria para nuestro Dios!
You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not
Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.
As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…
*Discover why spiritual warfare exists
*Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates
*Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare
*Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes
*Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy SpiritSatan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!
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Poder Del Caracter En El Lider – (Spanish)
$16.99How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power
You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same-only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They’ve been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall.
Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character.
Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.
Como proteger la influencia y el poder de su liderazgo
Usted ha trabajado duro para lograr sus sueos y metas. Muchos otros han hecho lo mismo, solo para perderlo todo al final. Cada dia, leemos sobre personas exitosas en varios ambitos de la vida que han perdido su poder y su influencia. Han sido despedidos, obligados a renunciar, o sacados con verguenza de la vida publica. Ya no tienen un mercado para sus dones, y puede que incluso se enfrenten a acciones judiciales. Esos lideres han perdido la confianza de sus empresas, electores, naciones, seguidores y familias. Muchos quedaron sorprendidos al descubrir que sus talentos por si solos no fueron suficientes para evitar su caida.
Por que fracasaron al final? Porque carecian de la unica cualidad que habria protegido su liderazgo y les habria dado influencia perdurable. Ironicamente, esta cualidad rara vez se ensea a los lideres actualmente, ya sea formalmente o informalmente. Es la cualidad de la fuerza moral, o caracter.
Todo ser humano es un lider sobre algun dominio en el que el o ella ejercita dones e influencia. Ese dominio podria ser los pasillos del gobierno, la sala de juntas, el salo
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Como Influenciar A Las Persona – (Spanish)
$14.99No importa si eres gerente de una prestigiosa compaia, o bien, jefe o jefa de hogar; normalmente la clave del exito esta en la capacidad que tengas para influir en las personas que estan a tu alrededor.
En Como influenciar a las personas, John Maxwell ensea formas simples y perspicaces para interactuar de manera mas positiva con los demas. Al poner en marcha sus enseanzas:
*Los gerentes veran que sus empleados responden con un entusiasmo renovado
*Los padres estableceran vinculos mas cercanos con sus hijos
*Los entrenadores veran prosperar a los jugadores
*Los pastores lograran llegar a la gente
*Los ejecutivos de ventas batiran recordsYa sea que quieras crear una empresa, dar apoyo a tus hijos o atraer a la gente, puedes lograrlo aumentando tu nivel de influencia en la vida de los demas. Alcanza el exito en el hogar, en el trabajo y en cualquier otra area de tu vida. Nota que tu exito personal y organizacional se sale de la grafica cuando te tomas el tiempo necesario para influir en los demas.
A small book with big impact that shows readers how to achieve John Maxwell’s core teaching:”Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Whether you’re the head of a Fortune 500 company or just the head of your household, having the ability to influence those around you is often the key to success.
In Como influenciar a las personas, John Maxwell teaches simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others. By putting his teachings into action:
*Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
*Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
*Coaches will see players blossom
*Pastors will reach more people
*Salespeople will break recordsWhether your desire is to build a business, strengthen your children, or reach the world, you can accomplish it by raising your level of influence in the lives of others. Achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. Watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts when you take the time to influence others.
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Poder Del Amor – (Spanish)
$14.99La mayoria de los matrimonios con el pasar del tiempo se sumergen en la mediocridad de la rutina, el desencanto, y el egoismo. Descubrir El poder del amor te llevara a caminar en dimensiones de gozo, proposito y disfrute jamas soados.
El poder del amor ayudara los lectores a recuperar el brillo perdido de su vida conyugal y miraran su futuro con mayor entusiasmo compartiendo en su matrimonio honra, generosidad, comunicacion, intimidad, tolerancia y benignidad.
With the passing of time most marriages get immersed in the mediocrity of routine, disillusionment, and selfishness. To discover the power of love El poder del amor will lead them to walk in dimensions of joy, purpose and enjoyment never dreamed of.
El poder del amor will help readers to recover lost passion in their marriage. It will help them look into their future more enthusiastically.
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Gracia El Adn De Dios – (Spanish)
$15.99Grace is truly one of the most amazing and powerful themes of the Bible. Tony Cooke takes the reader on a journey to understand, experience and apply grace in every area of life the multifaceted grace of God. He explores: * The grace that saves * The grace that sanctifies * The grace that strengthens * The grace that shares * The grace that serves This book not only explains what grace provides, but also discusses what grace produces. As you learn to participate freely and fully in the grace of God, you can say with the Apostle Paul: “But by the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Corinthians 15:10).
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Hombre Del Reino – (Spanish)
$16.99Cuando un hombre sigue los principios de la hombria biblica, todos a su alrededor se benefician de su cuidado y de su liderazgo. Un hombre del reino desafia e equipa a los hombres a entender completamente su posicion bajo la autoridad de Dios asi como tambien su posicion sobre lo que Dios le ha dado. La definicion biblica de un hombre es aquel que ha aprendido a operar bajo la autoridad de Jesucristo llevando a cabo un liderazgo responsable y legitimo dentro de la esfera de influencia en la que Dios lo ha puesto. Un hombre del reino proporciona conceptos que los hombres pueden seguir y les ayuda a desarrollar al maximo calidades de caracter de la hombria biblica en sus vidas.
When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence in which God has placed him.
Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.
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Corazon Del Lider – (Spanish)
$14.99The greatest crisis in leadership today is character. While much has been written about the need for character, this book focuses on practical areas of every person’s character that can be transformed through application of biblical principles. The author begins the book by looking at the importance of character and how character is formed but quickly transitions to chapters on specific character issues of critical importance in leadership: a servant heart, brokenness, use of the tongue, relationship to authority, forgiveness, family and finishing well, etc. In each of these areas Biblical principles are examined, illustrated, and applied.
The work is based on the author’s premise that effective Christian leaders are strong and balance in three essential areas: Character, knowledge and the skills of leadership. Of these, character is the most pivotal as well as the most difficult to develop.
The book grows out of the author’s experience in teaching developing leaders and searching for ways to work at shaping their character. The material has been tested in the lives of many leaders at different levels and different cultural backgrounds and has consistently produced transformation.
This book is a powerful tool for personal use, but itsgreater value is that it provides a starting point for pastors, mentors, educators, and parents to work with others in developing Christ-like character.
La mayor crisis del liderazgo, en la actualidad, es el caracter. Aunque se ha escrito mucho sobre la importancia del caracter, este libro se centra en las areas practicas del caracter de cada persona, las cuales, pueden ser transformadas con la aplicacion de principios biblicos. El autor inicia el libro senalando la importancia del caracter y como se forma, pero pasa rapidamente a los capitulos sobre aspectos especificos del mismo que son de vital importancia en el liderazgo: un corazon dispuesto a servir, quebrantamiento, uso de la lengua, relacion de autoridad, perdon, familia y un buen final, entre otros. Los principios biblicos se examinan, ilustran y aplican en cada una de estas areas.
El trabajo se basa en la premisa del autor de que los verdaderos lideres cristianos son fuertes y equilibrados en tres areas fundamentales: caracter, conocimiento y habilidades de liderazgo. De estas, el caracter es la mas importante, pero tambien la mas dificil de desarrollar.
Este libro constituye una herramienta de gran impacto a nivel personal, pero lo mas valioso
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Para Que Estoy Aqui En La Tier (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99You are about to embark on a journey of discovery. In the next forty days, you and a group of friends are going to discover together the answer to life’s most fundamental question: ‘What on earth am I here for?’And here’s a clue to the answer: ‘It’s not about you … You were created by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense. It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead end. The Purpose Driven Life Small Group Curriculum is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren—the book Publishers Weekly declared the ‘bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.’The six video lessons are taught by Rick Warren, and are supplemented by small group discussion material in the accompanying study guide. When combined with the reading of The Purpose Driven Life, this study will give your small group the opportunity to discuss the implications and applications of these life-changing truths. You’ll see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created you to live.
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Sexo Mis Deseos Y Mi Dios – (Spanish)
$13.99“Every time a man knocks on a brothel door, he is really searching for God.” — G.K. Chesterton
Could the growing struggles with pornography and fantasy really be reminding us of our heart’s deepest desire, something greater and more fulfilling than sexual gratification?
According to counselor and ministry leader Michael John Cusick, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Through personal examples, lively illustrations from Scripture, and twenty years of counseling experience, Michael helps readers to understand how porn struggles begin, what to do to prevent them, and most importantly, how to overcome them once compulsive behavior presents itself.
Freedom is not an easy, how-to process:
25% of search engine requests are for pornography – 68 million per day
70% of the hits on Internet sex sites occur between 9-5 on business computers
Over 50 percent of evangelical pastors report they viewed pornography last year
Over 70% of Christian men report viewing pornography in the last yearEl sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios leads readers down a clear path toward understanding how porn struggles develop, how to distinguish between sexual gratification and intimacy, and how to break free from the shackles of this pleasurable prison.
?Podria ser que nuestra creciente lucha interna con la pornografia y las fantasias, en realidad nos esta recordando el profundo deseo de nuestro corazon, algo superior y mas satisfactorio que el placer sexual?
De acuerdo con el consejero y lider pastoral Michael John Cusick, la respuesta es un rotundo si. Mediante ejemplos personales, ilustraciones vividas de las Sagradas Escrituras, y con 20 anos de experiencia como consejero, Michael ayuda a los lectores a entender como empiezan las luchas internas con la pornografia, como evitarlas y, lo mas importante, como superarlas al presentarse ese comportamiento compulsivo.
La liberacion no es un proceso facil con pasos definidos:
La pornografia representa el 25% de las busquedas en la Internet.
El 70% de las visitas a sitios Web con contenido sexual ocurre entre las 9 a. m. y las 5 p. m., desde computadoras ubicadas en las oficinas.
Mas del 50% de los pastores evangelicos reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.
Mas del 70% de los cristianos varones reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.El sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios guia a los lectores por un camino claro que les permitira entender como surgen las luchas internas con la porno
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Millar De Obsequios – (Spanish)
$15.99Just like you, Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well. Forget the bucket lists that have us escaping our everyday lives for exotic experiences. ‘How,’ Ann wondered, ‘do we find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties? What does the Christ-life really look like when your days are gritty, long—and sometimes even dark? How is God even here?’ In One Thousand Gifts, Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline of chronicling God’s gifts. It’s only in this expressing of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we’ve always wanted … a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved — by God. Let Ann’s beautiful, heart-aching stories of the everyday give you a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of being present to God that makes you deeply happy, and a way of living that is finally fully alive. Come live the best dare of all!
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Qui En Es Este Hombre – (Spanish)
$14.99Jesus’ impact on our world is highly unlikely, widely inescapable, largely unknown, and decidedly double-edged. It is unlikely in light of the severe limitations of his earthly life; it is inescapable because of the range of impact; it is unknown because history doesn’t connect dots; and it is doubled-edged because his followers have wreaked so much havoc, often in his name. He is history’s most familiar figure, yet he is the man no one knows. His impact on the world is immense and non-accidental. From the Dark Ages to Post-Modernity he is the Man who won’t go away. And yet . . .you can miss him in historical lists for many reasons, maybe the most obvious being the way he lived his life. He did not loudly and demonstrably defend his movement in the spirit of a rising political or military leader. He did not lay out a case that history would judge his brand of belief superior in all future books. His life and teaching simply drew people to follow him. He made history by starting in a humble place, in a spirit of love and acceptance, and allowing each person space to respond. His vision of life continues to haunt and challenge humanity. His influence has swept over history bringing inspiration to what has happened in art, science, government, medicine, and education; he has taught humans about dignity, compassion, forgiveness, and hope.
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5 Dias Para Un Matrimonio Feli – (Spanish)
$14.995 dias para un matrimonio feliz is for anyone who needs help organizing a family, whether their own or someone else’s, including couples, young singles seeking advice about how to establish a home, educators, family support organizations, etc. This book’s main objective is to provide principles that give a framework for married life, and its approachable, narrative style reads almost like a novel.
With true wisdom from above, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz gives us the fundamentals for a happy marriage in 4 parts as follows:
Part 1: A wise man and my crisis
Part 2: Columns of marriage
Part 3: Communication as a great column for the family
Part 4: How to deal with hurts and crisis in the family5 dias para un matrimonio feliz va orientado a todos aquellos que buscan la forma de consolidar la familia. Sea la suya o la de otros. Matrimonios, jovenes solteros que buscan principios para establecer su hogar, educadores, instituciones de apoyo a la familia, etc. El objetivo fundamental es proveer de principios que sirvan de columnas para el matrimonio, y hacerlo en un estilo narrativo que resulte facilmente asimilable, de ahi la forma novelada de este trabajo. Con la verdadera sabiduria de lo alto, 5 dias para un matrimonio feliz nos da los fundamentos para un matrimonio feliz en 4 partes de la siguiente manera:
Parte Primera: El sabio y mi crisis
Parte Segunda: Columnas del matrimonio
Parte Tercera: La comunicacion es una gran columna para la familia
Parte Cuarta: ?Como gestiono mi familia?Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Que Hacer Cuando No Sabes Que – (Spanish)
$10.99Life is difficult. Life for every person on earth is a challenging journey – with or without God. Those who invite God to join them on this adventure believe that when bad things happen they can trust God to be present and work on their behalf. But just exactly how does He go about the business of helping us when we don’t know what to do?
Henry Cloud and John Townsend believe God has given us instructions on how He makes a way for us when we call on Him. If you follow God’s eight principles in this book, you can thrive relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. As clinical psychologists, the authors deal daily with real people facing real problems, so this book is not just psychological or biblical theory. It is a life system that captures God’s wisdom for coping with our most difficult problems.
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Identificar Y Romper Maldicion – (Spanish)
$9.99Redemption from Curses
Perhaps you are plagued by family disputes and bickering. Your marriage is crumbling, and you just can’t seem to connect with your kids. Maybe you’re sick of living paycheck to paycheck. You’ve prayed and fasted and prayed some more, but nothing has seemed to work.
No matter what kind of problem you’re dealing with-financial, familial, or physical-you may be unknowingly living under a curse. Here is how to determine if you’re under a curse and, if so, how to break that curse.
Redencion de las Maldiciones
Quiza este usted inundando de disputas y peleas familiares. Su matrimonio se desmorona y parece que usted no puede conectar con sus hijos. Puede que este enfermo y se limite a vivir de salario en salario. Ha orado y ayunando, y ha vuelto a orar, pero nada parece funcionar.
Sin importar cual sea su dolencia, sea economica, familiar o fisica, puede que inconscientemente este usted viviendo bajo una maldicion. Aqui tenemos como determinar si esta usted bajo una maldicion y, si es asi, como romper esa maldicio.
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Amor Hace – (Spanish)
$15.99You don’t need another Christian message or a self-help book. You need to have your paradigms about the world shifted into truth. That’s exactly what you get in El amor hace . Have you ever noticed that the real change in your life-the growth that sticks and becomes a part of you-never happens with a program or the sheer grit of your best efforts? It happens over time, like a glacier slowly carving valleys through the mountains.
In this book of compelling stories paired with eye-opening truths, author Bob Goff shows you a new way to live, a way that’s drenched with the whimsy of God’s love and the spontaneity of following where He leads when He says “Go!” In this book, you learn what it looks like to be secretly incredible and advance God’s kingdom everywhere you are and wherever you’re going.
For anyone who’s wanted to change the world but thought they needed money, a committee, and permission to get started, El amor hace shows what can happen when you decide to do instead of plan, act instead of strategize, and fiercely, invisibly fight for the possibility God has gifted you to uniquely see.
El amor hace comparte historias impactantes combinadas con verdades reveladoras y habilita a todo el que ansia un mundo mejor y fe abundante.Lo que necesitas no es otro mensaje cristiano o un libro de autoayuda. Lo que necesitas es hacer que tus paradigmas sobre el mundo pasen a ser verdad. Eso es exactamente lo que lograras con Love Does. Has notado que el cambio real en tu vida –ese crecimiento que se aferra y se vuelve parte de ti– nunca sucede con un programa o con todo el empeno de tu mejor esfuerzo? Sucede con el tiempo, como un glaciar que va poco a poco esculpiendo los valles a traves de las montanas. En este libro de historias fascinantes combinadas con verdades reveladoras, el autor Bob Goff muestra una nueva forma de vida, una forma cubierta caprichosamente con el amor de Dios y la espontaneidad de ir hacia donde El nos conduce cuando El dice “!Vamos!”. En este libro, aprenderas como sentirte increible en secreto y avanzar hacia el reino de Dios en cualquier lugar en que estes, y adondequiera que vayas. Para todo aquel que ha querido cambiar el mundo pero pensaba que necesitaba dinero, una comitiva y permiso para empezar, Love Does muestra lo que puede suceder cuando decides hacer en vez de planear, actuar en vez de crear estrategias y, con intensidad pero de modo invisible, luchar por esa posibilidad que Dios te ha dado el don exclusivo de d
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Vida Con Proposito Edicion Amp (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$18.99The most basic question everyone faces in life is ‘Why am I here?’. What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God—and His eternal purpose for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’ takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning ‘Purpose-Driven Church’ and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see ‘the big picture’ of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.
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Circulos De Oracion – (Spanish)
$16.99According to Pastor Mark Batterson in his book, The Circle Maker, ‘Drawing prayer circles around our dreams isn’t just a mechanism whereby we accomplish great things for God. It’s a mechanism whereby God accomplishes great things in us.’ Do you ever sense that there’s far more to prayer, and to God’s vision for your life, than what you’re experiencing? It’s time you learned from the legend of Honi the Circle Maker—a man bold enough to draw a circle in the sand and not budge from inside it until God answered his prayers for his people. What impossibly big dream is God calling you to draw a prayer circle around? Sharing inspiring stories from his own experiences as a circle maker, Mark Batterson will help you uncover your heart’s deepest desires and God
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Conversacion Suprema – (Spanish)
$20.99Ha pensado usted alguna vez en lo que significa hablar con Dios? Es realmente posible comunicarse con el Creador de todo lo que existe, y ser capaz de entender los planes y propositos de El para su vida? Quiza haya preguntas para las cuales usted necesita desesperadamente respuestas. Tal vez este enfrentando una prueba demasiado grande o dificil sin la ayuda de nadie, y anhela tener direccion divina. O sencillamente sienta curiosidad por saber lo que Dios le diria.
En su libro La Conversacion Suprema, el Dr. Charles Stanley habla sobre como conocer verdaderamente a Dios por medio de la comunicacion con El. El autor basa su peregrinaje personal y 55 aos de ministerio en la oracion. Nos ensea la disciplina de la interseccion y explica en este libro como enfrentar las batallas de la vida en comunion intima con el Seor, ademas de explorar temas como:
*Aprender a reconocer el sonido de la voz del Padre celestial
*La manera como nuestra percepcion de Dios moldea nuestra vida de oracion
*Como ganar las batallas en oracion
*El encuentro de la paz y el gozo verdaderos por medio de la intimidad con el SeorNo importa que preguntas desconcertantes, circunstancias turbadoras, o dilemas en apariencia insuperables este enfrentando usted hoy, la solucion es absolutamente obvia para Dios. El conoce profundamente y entiende todo lo que hay en el universo -incluso su situacion personal- y anhela compartir sus respuestas con usted. El Seor tambien tiene el poder y la sabiduria para ayudarle a superar los problemas mas dificiles y a experimentar los exitos mas gratificantes. Por lo tanto, acerquese mas al Padre celestial. Llegue a conocer a Dios al unirse con El en La Conversacion Suprema.
Have you ever considered what it means to talk to God? Is it really possible to communicate with the Creator of all that exists and be able to understand His plans and purposes for your life? Perhaps there are questions you desperately need answered. Maybe you are facing a trial that is too large or difficult to face on your own and you yearn for divine direction. Or it could be you are simply curious about what He would say to you.
In The Ultimate Conversation, which is based on a lifetime of walking with the Father and fifty-five years of ministry founded on prayer, Dr. Charles Stanley not only teaches the disciplines of intercession but also explains how to fight life’s battles through intimate communion with the Lord. Dr. Stanley discusses how to truly know God through
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Elvis Pitagoras Y La Historia – (Spanish)
$14.99500 years after the birth of Jesus, Pythagoras taught that the universe trembled because there was a truth greater than what we could imagine. In the XVI century, the director of Luther’s choir initiated a worship movement using the harmony in the choir arrangements for the first time. In the XIX century, an atheism leader, Frederick Nietzsche, coins the concept ‘Christian values’ and in XX century, Presley begins making Christian music popular. God has been present in the history of humanity without being restrained by the four walls of the church and in this book Junior Zapata helps us see Him active in the midst of that history.
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Lider Como Jesus – (Spanish)
$16.99Effective leadership-whether on the job, in the community, at church or in the home-starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know who you are. Every leader must answer two critical questions: Whose are you going to be? and Who are you going to be? One deals with your relationship to Christ. The other with your life purpose.
With simple yet profound principles from the life of Jesus, and dozens of stories and leadership examples from his life experiences, veteran author, speaker and leadership expert Ken Blanchard, guides readers through the process of discovering how to lead like Jesus.
El liderazgo eficaz, sea en el trabajo, la comunidad, la iglesia o el hogar comienza internamente. Antes de que espere dirigir a alguien, usted debe conocerse a si mismo. Cada lider debe hacerse dos preguntas vitales: De quien va a ser? Quien va a ser? Una tiene que ver con su relacion con Cristo. La otra con el proposito de su vida.
A traves de principios sencillos pero profundos de la vida de Jesus y docenas de historias y ejemplos de liderazgo de su experiencia propia, el veterano autor, orador y experto en liderazgo, Ken Blanchard, guia a los lectores en el proceso de descubrir la forma de dirigir como Jesus.
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Paz Del Perdon – (Spanish)
$14.99Charles Stanley, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our day, shares the key to personal and even world peace in La paz del perdon. As Stanley points out that no sin is so shockingly evil it blocks God’s forgiveness nor so trivial it negates the need for God’s mercy, he shares the specifics of how to go about receiving and giving forgiveness.
Una guia practica acerca del perdon de Dios y hacia nuestros semejantes.
Charles Stanley, uno de los lideres espirtuales mas influyentes de nuestra epoca, comparte la llave de la paz tanto personal como para todo el mundo en La paz del perdon. Stanley muestra que ningun pecado es tan malvado que Dios no lo puede perdonar ni tan trivial que no se necesita la misericordia de Dios. Comparte pasos espicificos en cuanto a como recibir y dar el perdon.
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Gracia Guia Del Participante (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Gu
We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.
But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no?
Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?
God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.
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Gracia – (Spanish)
We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.
But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no? Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?
God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.
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Fe Familia Y Finanzas – (Spanish)
$15.99Rebuild the Foundations of
…Your Faith
…Your Family
…Your FinancesGod is ready to help Christians rebuild and strengthen the foundations of their lives. By calling on Him and returning to His plan for success, you can:
*Break free from the chains of debt
*Enjoy God’s miraculous provision
*Strengthen family relationships
*Make wise decisions
*Find freedom from fear
*Build a power-filled faith
*Protect your family from spiritual attacks
*Live a joyful, victorious lifeExperience all of the blessings, prosperity, and abundance God has in store for every area of your life!
Reconstruya los cimientos de
…su fe
…su familia
…sus finanzasDios esta preparado para ayudar a los cristianos a reconstruir y fortalecer los cimientos de sus vidas. Al clamar a El y regresar a su plan para el exito, usted puede:
*Ser libre de las cadenas de la deuda
*Disfrutar de la milagrosa provision de Dios
*Fortalecer las relaciones familiares
*Tomar decisiones sabias
*Encontrar libertad del temor
*Edificar una fe llena de poder
*Proteger a su familia de ataques espirituales
*Vivir una vida gozosa y victoriosa!Experimente todas las bendiciones, prosperidad y abundancia que Dios tiene preparadas para cada area de su vida!
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Demonios Y Liberacion – (Spanish)
$15.99Power-packed authority
Satanic activity continues to increase at an explosive rate. H. A. Maxwell Whyte provides practical answers to the most frequently asked questions about demons, including…
*What exactly is a demon?
*How does a person come under demonic influence?
*Can we inherit evil spirits from our ancestors?
*Can a believer be possessed?
*How can Christians resist the powers of darkness?
*Can just anybody cast out a demon?
*Are there any dangers in casting out demons?Discover how you, as a Christian, have the authority to defeat oppression, addiction, sickness, mental problems, and unexplainable behavior with lasting results.
Autoridad cargada de poder
La actividad satanica continua aumentando a un ritmo explosivo. H. A. Maxwell Whyte aporta respuestas practicas a las preguntas mas frecuentemente formuladas acerca de los demonios, incluyendo…
*Que es exactamente un demonio?
*Como se situa una persona bajo influencia demoniaca?
*Podemos heredar espiritus malos de nuestros antepasados?
*Puede un creyente ser poseido?
*Como pueden los cristianos resistir a las potestades de las tinieblas?
*Puede cualquiera echar fuera un demonio?
*Hay algun peligro en echar fuera demonios?Descubra que usted, como cristiano, tiene la autoridad para derrotar la opresion, la adiccion, la enfermedad, los problemas mentales y la conducta inexplicable con resultados duraderos.
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Doce Heroes Inconcebibles – (Spanish)
$15.99In the third installment of the Twelve series, readers discover that true success is measured in terms of obedience, humility and faithfulness to God.
They faltered. They struggled. At times, they failed. Yet God worked through them in incredible ways to accomplish his purposes. In Twelve Unlikely Heroes, the third installment of Dr. MacArthur’s Twelve series (Twelve Ordinary Men, Twelve Extraordinary Women), readers gain new insights into the kind of people God uses, and what it means to be successful in his eyes. Readers receive deep biblical teaching and inspiring life instruction from Bible characters like:
Joseph: a slave who saved his country and his family
Miriam: the sister who helped shape one of Israel’s foremost deliverers
Samson: an uncontrollable man whom God empowered and used
Jonathan: an heir to a throne he was willing to give up
Esther: the woman God used to spare the Jewish people
Mark: a coward who was restored and wrote the second gospel
Onesimus: a runaway slave who became a minister And more!Twelve Unlikely Heroes highlights this wonderful mystery: that God uses weak, foolish, and broken people to showcase his power, wisdom, and love. He works through those who are humble, contrite, and eager to obey. By God’s grace and for his glory, ordinary sinners are unexpectedly transformed into heroes of the faith.
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Restauracion De Dios – (Spanish)
$14.99Readers encounter a new message about God’s redemptive plan for their failures and shortcomings.
One bite of forbidden fruit is all it took to send humanity reeling from God. What Sheila Walsh unveils in God Loves Broken People is that God had a divine plan even then that is hidden underneath our pain and mistakes. God intends to wield our failures, our wanderings, and the deep hurt of our lives not only to drive us toward him but also to give us a deeper experience of his grace and healing power. So many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, look at their wounds and sense that they are somehow beyond repair, that their moments of weakness make them spiritually defective. In this powerful book full of deep biblical teaching, Walsh encourages readers with God’s truth that he is not done with them yet, that he can and will redeem their failures to create a deeper intimacy with him and accomplish his kingdom purposes.
Everyone has messed up somehow, sometime. For anyone who is not able to move beyond and experience the deep love and grace of God, they need God Loves Broken People.
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Jesus De Nazaret – (Spanish)
$18.99The person of Jesus continues to be just relevant as ever in the last two thousand years. There is still much to be said and to know about a person who inspires so much interest. Dr. Pagan defends and appraises the virtues that religious experience adds to society.
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Conocimiento Revelado – (Spanish)
$16.99El cielo quiere vaciar su contenido en la tierra. Y somos nosotros los “contenedores” del cielo. Ya lo llevamos por dentro. Es imposible que vengamos del cielo y tengamos tan poco de el. Que invadamos la tierra con el cielo es el proposito de Dios, y dominarla… es la agenda. Entre mas revelacion tenemos, mas nuestro espiritu recuerda esa agenda divina. Es por eso que nos parece natural el llamado a caminar en lo sobrenatural. No puede ser de otra manera porque no fuimos creados de otra manera.
En el jardin del Eden conociamos y eramos conocidos. No aprendiamos… sabiamos. Pero tan pronto el diente se hundio en la fruta comenzamos a desaprender lo que sabiamos. Una vez que creimos tener la razon… nos empezamos a quedar sin ella.
El Espiritu de Dios esta encargado de recordar a nuestro espiritu lo que nunca debio olvidar. Estamos regresando a casa porque el lugar de donde vinimos nos esta alcanzando. El pedazo de cielo que nos fue dado… ya empezo a manifestarse.
Los ojos de nuestro entendimiento estan siendo abiertos por el Espiritu de Sabiduria y Revelacion. El conocimiento revelado nos esta devolviendo al plan original, nos esta recordando quienes somos y nos esta posicionando en el “aqui y ahora” de Dios.
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Mas Cortante Que Una Espada De – (Spanish)
$14.99Mas Cortante que una Espada de Dos Filos” es una compilacion y un resumen de las dieciseis revelaciones de mayor demanda e importancia que Dios me ha dado. Algunos inclusive han dicho que estas son las versions Cliff Note (guias de studio para estudiantes) de mis mensajes. Cada capitulo trata un tema especifico de una manera abreviada, facilitando la comprension de la manera un que estas verdades se relacionan y dependen unas de otras.
Popular television host and minister, Andrew Wommack shares sixteen of his best teachings in this powerful new book. Teachings include sections from some of his most popular titles: Better Way To Pray, God Wants You Well, The War is Over, Believer’s Authority, Spirit Soul & Body, You’ve Already Got It, The True Nature of God, The Holy Spirit, True Christianity, Hardness of Heart, The Effects of Praise, Grace: The Power of the Gospel, Harnessing Your Emotions, Staying Full of God, and more.
The power to live a holy life does not come from your works, but only through His grace. Discover rest in knowing that Jesus wants you to live in peace, not condemnation. Andrew Wommack, seen nationwide on his television broadcast, The Gospel Truth, brings a remarkable revelation of God’s grace for readers today!Por ejemplo, si tu entiendes el mensaje de la gracia pero no lo has equilibrado con la fe, ninguno de los dos funcionara efectivamente en tu vida. Tomate el tiempo suficiente para leer todo el libro para obtener un panorama general y despues regresate a estudiar los materials recomendados al final de cada capitula.
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Provision Sobrenatural – (Spanish)
$15.99Dios sana a los creyentes no solo fisicamente, emocionalmente y espiritualmente, sino tambien financieramente. Hablando por experiencia personal en vencer las dificultades financieras, la autora de exitos de ventas Joan Hunter comparte sabiduria biblica y le muestra como:
*Ver victorias milagrosas
*Vencer la pobreza y la perdida
*Llegar a estar libre de deudas
*Prosperar en medio de la adversidad
*Tener todas sus necesidades satisfechas
*Aplicar secretos para formar riqueza
*Prosperar en tiempos de incertidumbre
*Abrir las ventanas de los cielosUsted puede caminar en las abundantes bendiciones de Dios.
God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to:
*See miraculous breakthroughs
*Overcome poverty and loss
*Become debt-free
*Prosper in the midst of adversity
*Have all your needs met
*Apply wealth-building secrets
*Thrive in uncertain times
*Unlock the windows of heavenYou can walk in God’s abundant blessings.
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Gloria De Dios – (Spanish)
$16.99Es la gloria de Dios una simple teoria o es algo que podemos experimentar?
En este libro, el Dr. Guillermo Maldonado nos revela los misterios de la Gloria de Dios y nos guia a tener un encuentro real con Dios y experimentar Su presencia, !aqui y ahora! El Dr. Guillermo Maldonado vierte mas de 20 aos de experiencia manifestando el poder sobrenatural de Dios en su ministerio, donde ha sido usado por Dios para hacer que los ciegos vean, los sordos oigan, los cojos caminen, los muertos se levanten, y los oprimidos sean liberados, en mas de 50 paises alrededor del mundo.
Este libro le impartira y lo activara para ser un vaso escogido por Dios para manifestar Su gloria dondequiera que vaya, por medio de milagros, seales y maravillas. A traves de este libro usted…
*Entendera que es la gloria de Dios y la experimentara
*Conectara la revelacion con la manifestacion
*Recibira el fuego que lo apasionara a buscar Su presencia
*Aprendera a construir una atmosfera de adoracion que traiga Su presencia
*Experimentara una transformacion radical
*Diferenciara las fuentes genuinas de poder de las falsas
*Aprendera como ser un vaso escogido que manifieste Su gloria, aqui y ahoraIs the glory of God only a theory or is it something we can experience?
In this book, Dr. Guillermo Maldonado reveals the mysteries of the Glory of God and guides you to having a real encounter with God and experience His presence-here and now! Dr. Guillermo Maldonado pours out more than 20 years of experience in manifesting God’s supernatural power in his ministry, where he has been used by God to make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead raise, and the oppressed be delivered in over 50 countries around the world.
This book will impart and activate you to be a chosen vessel of God to manifest the glory of God wherever you go with miracles, signs, and wonders-here and now! Through this book you will…
*Understand what the Glory of God is and experience it
*Be able to connect revelation to manifestation
*Receive a fire for passion to search for His presence
*How to build an atmosphere of worship in order to draw His manifested presence
*Experience a radical transformation
*Identify the genuine source of power versus the counterfeit
*How to become a chosen vessel to manifest his glory here and nowAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Dile Si A Dios – (Spanish)
$13.99You have a plan for the rest of your life. God has a plan for the rest of your life. Are they the same? Say Yes to God—formerly titled Dangerous Surrender—will help you find the answer.
You have expectations for how your life will play out, and you hope those plans will become realities. But what if God’s plan for your life is far different from what you had in mind? Can you accept that? Will you surrender your goals for God’s?
Kay Warren had a plan. Together with her husband, Rick Warren, author of the megaseller The Purpose Driven Life, she planned that after her kids were grown, she’d travel the world, teaching and encouraging couples in ministry. It was a good plan. But it wasn’t what God had in mind for her.
In her own startling wake-up call, Kay discovered the shocking realities of the AIDS pandemic in Africa while reading a magazine. ‘I want to use you!’ she heard God say. That began the struggle—first to avoid God’s call and then to surrender herself to God.
She cried out to God, ‘Why are you bothering me with this? There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m just an ordinary person. What could one person do about such a gigantic problem?’ But God had grabbed her attention and wouldn’t let go.
If you’ve ever struggled with knowing and doing God’s will, this book is for you. With raw honesty, Kay goes straight to the heart of the matter: the bottom line is surrender. Will you say yes to God? Along the way she’ll introduce you to others—people like you—who have said yes to God and have made a difference in the world. Using their skills, energy, faith, and a willingness to take risks, they became powerful instruments of change and tools in God’s hands. Giving in to God isn’t easy. It’s not for cowards. It’s the boldest, riskiest step you’ll ever take. This dangerous surrender can bring both joy and pain, both heartache and ecstasy, but it enables you to know God in a far deeper way than ever before.
‘I had to make a conscious decision. Would I retreat to my comfortable life and to my settled plans? Or would I surrender to God’s call and let my heart engage with the cause to which he called me one that I was pretty sure would include buckets of pain and sorrow? I felt like I was standing on the edge of a giant precipice; I couldn’t go back, and yet the way forward looked like stepping into a void.’
Kay Warren took that step, choosing to say yes to God. That decision transformed her life and reshaped h
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Abrazados Por El Espiritu – (Spanish)
$13.99Embraced by the Spirit is a highly insightful book that comes alongside believers who are running on empty, who are hungry for more, and eager to experience all the blessings God has in store. Swindoll is convinced we overlook, even quench important dimensions of the Spirit. To be vital, joyful Christians, he believes we must find a more spontaneous, intimate, and dynamic relationship with God. Swindoll provides new insight as well as drawing on previously published material from his archives to create a fresh take on the Holy Spirit.
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Seis Lugares Donde Jesus Derra – (Spanish)
$14.99!Descubra la plena revelacion de lo que Jesus logro para usted por medio de su muerte y resurreccion!
Cada pagina de este revolucionario libro del pastor Larry Huch le llevara a un notable viaje por los ultimos dias de la vida y el ministerio de Jesus. Usted recibira una nueva perspectiva sobre como derramo El su sangre no solamente una vez, !sino siete!
Las frescas perspectivas y las profundas revelaciones del pastor Huch le mostraran el poder para salvar, liberar y sanar mediante cada lugar donde Jesus derramo su sangre.
Vaya con el paso a paso a medida que le lleva al huerto de Getsemani, donde Jesus sudo gotas de sangre, al poste de los azotes, donde su espalda quedo rasgada por los treinta y nueve latigazos, hasta las heridas de los clavos en sus manos y pies en el Calvario y la lanza que traspaso su costado.
Cada lugar donde la sangre de Jesus fue derramada se convertira en una conexion transformadora para que usted reciba las bendiciones redentoras de Dios. Experimentelas ahora en Los 7 Lugares Donde Jesus Derramo Su Sangre.
Discover the full revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you through His death and resurrection!
Every page of this revolutionary book by Pastor Larry Huch will take you on a remarkable journey through the last days of Jesus’ life and ministry. You’ll receive a fresh perspective on how He shed His blood not just one time, but seven!
Pastor Huch’s fresh insights and deep revelations will show you the power to save, deliver, and heal through each place Jesus shed His blood.
Go with him step-by-step, as he takes you to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus sweat drops of blood, to the whipping post where His back was laid bare by the thirty-nine stripes, to the nail wounds in His hands and feet at Calvary, and finally to the spear thrust into His side.
Every place Jesus’ blood was shed will become a life-changing connection for you to receive the redemptive blessings of God. Experience them now in The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.
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Vence La Adversidad – (Spanish)
$13.99Revealing the survival instinct that God has placed in every believer, so that along with the guidance that He provides, we can survive and be winners when confronted by the challenges of life. Emphasizing the importance of a defiant attitude when faced with faced with adversity.
Making use of certain situations described in the word of God, where the persons involved, when faced with adverse circumstances, understood that it was possible to survive where others had fallen.
From Jonah, who survived in the belly of a whale, to Samson chained in the temple of Dagon and forward to the well-known story of the prodigal son, who despite a bad start, was able to survive and return to the place that his father made for him.
Every believer goes through difficult times, but these moments demonstrate the divine nature that may be in evidence and on display at any given moment. And just like Jonah, Samson, and the prodigal son, we all have that survival instinct that makes us SURVIVORS.
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Nunca Pense Que Veria El Dia – (Spanish)
$21.99Is Western civilization in an accelerating decline? And if it continues will it eventually weaken and cause us to come to the end of cultured civilization as we now know it? “Yes,” says David Jeremiah, and in his book, I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THE DAY! he details numerous signs of this cultural decay including:
America held hostage by Iran
Marriage becoming obsolete
Creeping socialism
The invisibility of culture’s enemies
Increase in “spiritual warfare”
America turning its back on Israel
Atheist attack on religionCan this downward spiral be reversed? Yes, but only if one person at a time returns to God with our heart, our manner of life, our dedication to genuine worship of God, in serving God by helping others, in our giving, and in prayer.
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No Pretendas Mas – (Spanish)
$16.99Geri Scazzero knew there was something desperately wrong with how they were doing their life and ministry. She finally told her husband, ‘I quit,’ and left the thriving church he pastored, beginning a journey that transformed her, her marriage, and her church. She quit being afraid of what others think. She quit lying. She quit denying her anger and sadness. She quit living someone else’s life. I Quit provides you a way out of an inauthentic, superficial spirituality to genuine freedom in Christ. I Quit is for every person who thinks, I can’t keep pretending everything is fine!’ When we quit for the right reasons, quitting changes us. Something breaks inside of us when we finally say, ‘No more.’ But it must be done for the right reasons, at the right time, and in the right way. That’s what this book is about.
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Dios Prodigo Guia Del Discusio (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99Two sons, one who kept the rules religiously and one who broke them all. One Father who loved both lost sons beyond anything they could imagine. Discover how deep and far God’s grace goes in The Prodigal God
The Prodigal God discussion guide will help you uncover, personalize, and apply life-changing insight from The Prodigal God DVD and book.
In six captivating sessions, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller opens your eyes to the powerful message of Jesus’ best-known—and least understood—parable. The Prodigal God is a revelation of the very heart of the gospel: God’s radical love for sinners of every kind.
Taking you beyond the traditional focus on the wayward younger son, Keller helps you glean insights from each of the characters in Jesus’ parable: the irreligious younger son, the moralistic elder son, and the Father who lavishes his love on both.
Inside this guide, you’ll explore questions for group discussion and personal reflection, and exercises that will help you experience the truths of Jesus’ parable in your own life.
The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely. Whether you’re a devout believer or a skeptic, The Prodigal God will challenge you to see Christianity in a whole new way.
Session titles include the following:
The Parable
The People Around Jesus
The Two Lost Sons
The Elder Brother
The True Elder Brother
The Feast of the FatherDesigned for use with The Prodigal God DVD and book.
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No Lo Soy Pero Conozco Al Yo S – (Spanish)
$10.99We wear ourselves out trying to be smarter, bigger, the center of attention. But dynamic communicator Louie Giglio’s latest book puts success back in perspective. When John the Baptist said that he must decrease while Jesus must increase, he was expressing the secret to astonishing freedom…and incredible rest. This book will teach you the rich, meaningful lifestyle of being small. Free from the worries that used to strangle you, you’ll radiate the power of the God who is all the things you aren’t!
I am not, but God knows my name.
I am not, but He has pursued me in His love.
I am not, but I know the Creator of the universe.
I am not, but I know I AM!
If you see life as your own one-act play and history as your story, you could be in for a rude awakening when the curtain finally closes on your tiny tale-and you discover that life wasn’t all about you after all.
The real story of life is God-I AM-the main character and true star of time and eternity. He is at center stage in all of Creation, and He wants you to know Him by name. Knowing I AM means embracing your smallness in light of His greatness.
Savor the true meaning of life as you learn to work and rest in His power, spending your life for what lasts forever-the unending glory that is God’s alone
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Vence Tu Temor Comparte Tu Fe – (Spanish)
$14.99Evangelism Made Easy. The co hosts of The Way of the Master TV series and radio program, Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort offer this simple and flexible curriculum for churches and small groups who want to obey the Bible’s command to tell others about Jesus. Kirk and Ray guide participants step-by-step through their straightforward method of evangelism, made popular through their award-winning show. Those who complete the course will have every tool they need to overcome their fear and talk about their faith with friends, neighbors, coworkers and even strangers! Four complete lessons can be presented in a one-day crash course or offered in four weekly class sessions.
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Contigo Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)
$9.99The Holy Spirit is a divine person, part of the Trinity. He speaks, listens, and desires you. He is guide, teacher and intercessor. He feels joy, jealousy, anger, and sadness. But most importantly, he intensely desires to have a relationship with you and to bless you.
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