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Christian Living

Showing 351–400 of 475 results

  • Revelacion Divina Del Oracion – (Spanish)


    !La oracion realmente funciona!

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no pueden vencer sus pecados y sus tentaciones, y cual es la razon de que sus oraciones pidiendo por una mejor salud, bendiciones financieras, y restauracion en sus relaciones con otras personas, no han recibido respuesta.

    La autora de Best Sellers Mary K. Baxter comparte visiones y revelaciones acerca del poder de la oracion, que abren los ojos hacia una nueva perspectiva.

    Sus respuestas personales tan asombrosas te van a ayudar a:
    ” Vencer temores, ataduras y fracasos
    ” Poder escuchar claramente la direccion de Dios
    ” Recibir sanidad y liberacion de todo tipo de adicciones
    ” Poder vivir el tipo de vida que deberias vivir
    ” Experimentar el poder de Dios diariamente

    !Descubre los secretos que estan en la oracion
    para poderosas victorias transformadoras el hoy mismo!

    When you pray but don’t see an answer, you can be tempted to think God isn’t listening to you. Yet even when you do not visibly see God at work, He is actively answering your requests in the invisible realm. In A Divine Revelation of Prayer, Mary K. Baxter and George Bloomer share fascinating dreams and revelations concerning the power of prayer and their experiences with answered prayer as they’ve ministered throughout the world.
    You will discover…
    * How our prayers are received in the spirit realm.
    * How to pray in expectation.
    * How to live in confident faith that God’s will has been done as you wait for the physical manifestation of your answer.
    * Why you should never give up on prayer but rather give in to God.
    * How to discern and overcome hindrances to your prayers.
    * How to exercise the power of prayer in your everyday life.
    Ask for God’s help, and He will make you an overcomer in every facet of your life.

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  • Convirtiendose En Lider – (Spanish)


    Active su potencial de liderazgo

    El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de libros de exito, aclara el mito de que solamente algunas personas estan destinadas a ser lideres, mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores. Usted puede llegar a convertirse en el lider que Dios dispuso usted fuera.

    Descubra como…

    “Activar su potencial de liderazgo.
    “Desarrollar un legado positivo.
    “Encontrar recursos para cumplir con su mision.
    “Desenvolver su funcion original en la vida.

    !Reconozca sus habilidades de liderazgo innato y llegue a ser el lider que se supone usted debe ser!

    Becoming a Leader has been used by Fortune 500 corporations, universities, and international organizations as a tool for leadership development. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals the secrets of dynamic leadership that will turn your leadership potential into a potent reality. With the insight of Dr. Munroe, you will be able to:
    -Become a front-runner as you overcome barriers to effective leadership.
    -Discover natural leadership qualities lying dormant within you.
    -Understand that true leadership means deploying others to become as good as or better than you are.
    -Be encouraged, provoked, and stimulated as your leadership gift within is activated.
    True leadership is not something you grasp but something you become.

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  • Claves Para Matrimonio – (Spanish)


    Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos practicos, este libro de citas de inspiracion del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduria para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para el Matrimonio le permite cultivar esta vital relacion para que florezca y prospere. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente sera renovada y su vida sera transformada.

    Usted entendera el diseo original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su proposito en el mundo, proposito que fue dado por Dios.

    In Keys for Marriage, Dr. Munroe provides wisdom for building and renewing your most vital relationship on earth. Understanding the inherent, God-given design for men and women will enlighten your perspective on your spouse and help you to build a healthy, dynamic marriage.
    As you understand how marriage is designed to function, you will experience a changed heart, a stronger relationship, and a more joyful and fulfilling life.

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  • Claves Para Liderazgo – (Spanish)


    Repleto de citas motivacionales y consejos practicos, este libro de citas de inspiracion del autor de libros de mayor venta, el Dr. Myles Munroe, provee sabiduria para vivir su vida de acuerdo con los propositos de Dios. Claves para el Liderazgo revela la esencia del espiritu de liderazgo, la actitud mental personal y las cualidades esenciales que le convertiran en un lider en su reino de dones. A medida que medite en estas verdades, su mente sera renovada y su vida sera transformada.

    Usted entendera el diseo original del Creador para que con gozo y confianza pueda cumplir su proposito en el mundo, proposito que fue dado por Dios.

    In Keys for Leadership, Dr. Munroe reveals that the one thing all leaders have in common is not education, knowledge, or networking. It is a spirit. When you think according to the spirit of leadership, you begin the process of becoming a leader. Every human being has the capacity for leadership, but most lack the understanding or will to develop it. Learn the keys for leadership, capture the spirit of leadership, and you will discover the leader within you.

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  • Maestro De Los Emociones – (Spanish)


    Study the personality of the one who revolutionized the trajectory of the human race.
    In El Maestro de las emociones, the second book in the Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo collection, Augusto Cury studies Jesus’ emotions and explains how he was able to endure the most difficult trials in the name of faith. Throughout his life story, Jesus proved that it is possible to face pain with wisdom. He had plenty of motives to abandon his calling and become a closed, aggressive person. Yet he was an icon of joy, freedom, and hope. Jesus’ example helps us improve our quality of life and avoid psychological illnesses like depression, anxiety, and stress. Analysis of his brilliant behavior lights up our consciences and opens us up to the infinite wonders of existence.

    Estudie la personalidad de aquel que revoluciono la trayectoria humana.
    En El Maestro de las emociones, segundo libro de la coleccion Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo, Augusto Cury estudia las emociones de Jesus y explica como el fue capaz de soportar las mayores pruebas en nombre de la fe. A traves de su historia, Jesus demostro que es posible encarar el dolor con sabiduria. El tenia todos los motivos para desistir de su llamado y convertirse en una persona encerrada y agresiva, pero, a pesar de eso, fue un icono de celebracion a la alegria, a la libertad y a la esperanza. El ejemplo de Jesus nos ayuda a mejorar la calidad de vida y a prevenir enfermedades psiquicas como la depresion, la ansiedad y el estres. Analizar su brillante comportamiento enciende la lampara de nuestra consciencia y nos hace personas mas abiertas para las infinitas maravillas de la existencia.

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  • Grandeza Para Cada Dia – (Spanish)


    Live to your best!Every issue of Reader’s Digest features a story that exemplifies people living to their best, often through adversity and challenge. This collection of inspiring stories, the best from the Reader’s Digest archives, are brought together with pertinent commentary from Dr. Stephen R. Covey to become an inspiring and life-changing resource for anyone who wants more from life. The format lends itself to either serious study or more casual perusal. Topics include: Searching for Meaning, Taking Charge, Starting Within, Creating the Dream, Teaming with Others, Overcoming Adversity, and Blending the Pieces. The collection includes some of the world’s best-known and most-loved writers, leaders and celebrities: Shakespeare, Walt Disney, Maya Angelou, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Erma Bombeck, Betty Ford, and many others. Only from Reader’s Digest could such a broad and deep collection of writings be collected and assembled into this cohesive work.

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  • Renueva Tu Corazon Se Como Cri – (Spanish)


    How often, when we look around, do we focus on the spiritual immaturity of many believers? This bestseller teaches us how to change our heart so that every aspect of our being is in harmony with the kingdom of God. At the end of every chapter there are questions for personal reflection or group study.

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  • Verdadero Discipulado – (Spanish)


    Paso a paso, el reconocido expositor William MacDonald, nos explica como conseguir vivir el discipulado cristiano, desde sus condiciones hasta su recompensa.

    Step by step, well known expositor William MacDonald explains how to live the Christian life. He covers everything from the conditions to rewards.

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  • Integridad – (Spanish)


    Drawing on experiences from his work with Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and individual leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and nationally syndicated radio host, shows how our character can keep us from achieving all we want to (or could) be.

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  • Maestro De Los Maestros – (Spanish)


    Discover the mind of Christ as you enjoy this first-hand study of the person who changed the world.
    While in medical school, Dr. Augusto Cury became fascinated with the impact a healthy mind can have on emotions and life. After many years of research and founding The Intelligence Institute, he concluded:

    Every person is a genius because everyone has the power to think.
    Harnessing “mind power” has been scientifically proven to enhance a person’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
    The human act of thinking is the greatest wonder of the universe.
    El Maestro de los maestros centers around the issue of self-esteem in a person. Drawing on examples in the life of Christ, Cury pulls insights into how we can learn from his life and better our own.

    Cury takes us inside the mind of Christ to see how he met adversity with forgiveness, silence, intelligence, humility, and strength

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  • Creado Para Ser Amigo De Dios – (Spanish)


    Blackaby shows us the powerful ways God shaped Abraham to be His friend. He also tells us how God can make a follower a true friend.

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  • Revelacion Divina De La Libera – (Spanish)


    Liberacion de los
    ataques de satanas

    Muchos cristianos se preguntan por que no han podido vencer al pecado, a las tentaciones, y por que estan sufriendo con problemas recurrentes, en su salud, sus finanzas, y en sus relaciones. Revelacion Divina de la Liberacion expone todas estas tacticas de Satanas.

    A traves de las escrituras, visiones de la guerra espiritual, y encuentros personales con las fuerzas espirituales del mal,

    Mary k. Baxter descubrio verdades poderosisimas que pueden ayudarte a:
    ” Vencer el temor que tienes del enemigo
    ” Reconocer y conquistar las trampas satanicas
    ” Obtener la victoria sobre los pecados y los fracasos
    ” Ser libre de ataques inexplicados
    ” Interceder por la liberacion de otros

    Esta es una guerra que debe ser peleada con el poder y las armas sobrenaturales de Dios

    Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family members. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

    With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G.
    Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
    * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
    * Break spiritual strongholds
    * Overcome your fear of the enemy
    * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
    * Defeat recurring sins and failures
    * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
    * Bring healing to the oppressed
    * Free people from mental bondage
    In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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  • Minas En El Camino Del Creyent – (Spanish)


    Dr. Charles Stanley identifies seven destructive temptations and gives Christians the hope and skills they need to live an abundant and obedient life.
    When you’re in the heat of spiritual battle, it doesn’t take long to realize that Satan will do anything to prevent you from becoming the person God has planned for you to be. However, he doesn’t always employ an all-out frontal assault. Sometimes the danger comes in subtle, secretive schemes: landmines hidden along our paths. These landmines, once detonated, can paralyze us spiritually and stop us from living an abundant and obedient life. In Minas, beloved pastor Dr. Charles Stanley shows readers how to identify, avoid, or defuse the landmines of pride, jealousy and envy, insecurity, compromise, unforgiveness, sexual sin, and laziness.

    Avoiding serious trouble is not difficult, says Dr. Stanley, especially if you follow the route God has given you to travel. God knows the way through every minefield.

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  • Caminar Con Dios – (Spanish)


    Caminar con Dios moves through a year in the life of John Eldredge, showing and teaching what an intimate relationship with God looks like day to day.

    God longs to speak. It is our right and privilege to hear His voice. Our deepest longings could all find sufficient fulfillment in God’s company. Yet, somehow, the looming discontent of most Christians is a lack of intimacy with God. Caminar con Dios is unlike any book John has written. It moves through a year in his life, showing and teaching what conversational intimacy with God can be like. It teaches readers how to make decisions aligning with God’s will, understand barriers and “agreements” keeping them from the life God intends, fight spiritual battles for their own heart and for others, and much more. Ultimately, Caminar con Dios shows readers that walking intimately with Him can be a normal part of the Christian life.

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  • Ritual De Transicion En La Cri – (Spanish)


    No es un secreto: algo les ha sucedido a las familias estadounidenses. Cambios dramaticos en nuestra cultura quieren decir que lo que una vez fue una manera aceptable de producir adultos maduros y capaces practicamente ha desaparecido. Si le preocupan los efectos del caos cultural actual; si nota en sus hijos la falta de responsabilidad, la falta de una buena etica laboral o la falta de respeto a la autoridad; si le preocupa que sus hijos puedan experimentar falsos ritos de iniciacion como la blasfemia, el fumar, las drogas, el alcohol, agujeros en el cuerpo o el sexo; deje que Walter Moore le muestre como proveer las cuatro experiencias esenciales que a la mayoria de los ninos le hace falta: (1) un rito de iniciacion autentico, (2) tareas significativas, (3) consecuencias logicas y (4) depositos de gracia de los padres, abuelos y otros adultos caritativos. En La crianza como rito de iniciacion, Moore le muestra como evitar el dano y ayudar a sus hijos a pasar a la adultez de una manera saludable.

    Practical, easy steps to help parents give their children a head start
    It’s no secret: something has happened to America’s families. Dramatic shifts in our culture mean that what was once an acceptable way to produce mature, capable adults has now all but disappeared. If you are concerned about the effects of the current cultural chaos; if you notice in your children a lack of responsibility, the lack of a good work ethic, or disrespect for authority; if you are worried that your children may experiment with false rites of passage like profanity, smoking, drugs, alcohol, body piercing, or sex; let Walker Moore show you how to provide the four essential experiences most children are missing: (1) an authentic Rite of Passage, (2) Significant Tasks, (3) Logical Consequences, and (4) Grace Deposits from parents, grandparents, and other caring adults. In La crianza como un rito de iniciacion, Moore shows you how to prevent the damage and help your children move toward adulthood in a healthy way.

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  • Ocho Decisions Sanadoras – (Spanish)


    Ocho Decisiones Sanadoras (Life’s Healing Choices) promises freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits, assuring readers that true happiness can be theirs — if they choose it. now this life-changing book is poised to bring wisdom to a whole new audience.
    Eight simple yet powerful choices are the basis of this promise-filled book, in which author John Baker reveals God’s enlightening passageway to wholeness, growth, spiritual maturity, and yes, real happiness. These eight choices have been life-tested in more than 400,000 lives in 10,000 churches through the nationwide Celebrate Recovery ministry.

    Rather than focusing on the past, these eight choices provide an optimistic view to the future and authentic hope for lasting change. Readers will discover the answers that have already brought freedom and healing to hundreds of thousands who were searching for liberation and peace. These eight positive principles are based on the Beatitudes of Jesus, offering hope, new life, and spiritual healing. Choice by choice, readers will learn how to deal with past choices, take control where they can, and make new choices that will change their lives forever.

    Based on Rick Warren’s sermon series “Road to Recovery,” < i>Ocho Decisiones Sanadoras promises freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. And just in case there is any doubt that these choices really work, dramatic and inspirational stories of real-life people who have found healing in these eight choices are included at the conclusion of every chapter. Encouraging and biblically based, these tried-and-proven eight principles — such as admitting need, finding help, and letting go — provide real hope, real answers, and a real future for those who desire a lasting change in their lives. It all comes one choice at a time. Choices that lead to a life worth living.

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  • No Esperes Que Yo Muera – (Spanish)


    Paul is heading towards his destiny when all of the sudden he finds himself shipwrecked and fighting for survival. As he makes a fire (to survive) he is attacked by a venomous viper. As odd as it may seem the viper fastened its fangs on Paul’s hand. Why the hand? Because the devil knew that God would use Paul’s hand to pen two-thirds of the New Testament and change the known world. As Paul shakes the snake to its death he must still deal with the four phases of the venom: pain (emotional hurt), paralysis (spiritual immobility), swelling (internal toxins), and asphyxiation (tracheal obstruction, i.e. desperation and anxiety). His enemies waited for him to swell up and die, but Paul had an antidote no one knew of: the Holy Spirit.

    Your enemies are planning your funeral, picking your tomb stone, shining your casket, and practicing your eulogy, but you can serve the notice to every devil and opposition you face: Don’t wait for me to die!

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  • Crianza De Los Hijos – (Spanish)


    Everything that parents need to survive and thrive in the 21st century
    It’s no secret that 21st century life often seems to be working against the hopes and dreams of Christian parents for their families. In this much-needed volume, Charles Swindoll offers solid advice and helpful, pastoral counsel for building close, rewarding, and fruitful family relationships. Based on his extensive study of both the Old and New Testaments, Chuck has drawn together timeless insights for building close and rewarding family relationships. Following a biblical exploration of God’s purpose and plans for families, readers are equipped with all the tools necessary to grow strong healthy families. Chuck then takes a clear-eyed look at those areas where parents and families often experience difficulties. In typical Swindoll fashion, these discussions are frank and direct but always leave the reader filled with hope and encouragement.

    No es un secreto que la vida del siglo XXI a menudo parece estar trabajando en contra de las esperanzas y suenos que tienen los padres cristianos para sus familias. En este volumen tan necesitado, Charles Swindoll ofrece consejo solido y asesoramiento pastoral util para establecer relaciones familiares estrechas, gratificantes y fructiferas. Basado en su estudio extenso tanto del Antiguo como del Nuevo Testamento, Chuck ha extraido revelaciones eternas para establecer relaciones familiares estrechas y gratificantes. Despues de una exploracion biblica del proposito y los planes de Dios para las familias, los lectores estaran equipados con todas las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar familias fuertes y sanas. Chuck luego analiza claramente aquellas areas en las que los padres y las familias a menudo tienen dificultades. En tipico estilo Swindoll, estas discusiones son francas y directas pero siempre dejan al lector lleno de esperanza y animo.

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  • Libro Diario Para La Oracion – (Spanish)


    A Daybook of Prayers a great resource that provides you with an inspirational bible verse, a significant teaching on prayer from classic and contemporary Christian thinkers, and a poignant prayer starter for you to put into words your own petitions and praise before the Father.

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  • Libre De La Manipulacion – (Spanish)


    Manipulation has many faces. One of its most painful faces is the affect. Many are those who have surrendered in a romantic relationship and then found themselves used, abused, devalued and later discarded.

    Manipulation also may be manifested in a semblance of family relationships. One example of this would be parents who control their children’s lives using methods of guilt, fear and victimization. The sexual aspect also is not free of manipulative strategies, as for example the test of love a young man might ask of his girlfriend, or used as a tool of exchange in a process of mutual blackmail practiced between husband and wife.

    Words such as mobbing and bossing, which previously were specialized vocabulary terms used only by a few experts on labor relations, now are frequently used by those who experience manipulation and abuse in the workplace at the hands of an employer who mistreats, humiliates, threatens and harangues them.

    The school environment also is not immune to manipulation, and many young people today are the victims of bullying, and mistreatment of various types inflicted by their classmates, at times with terrifying consequences.

    Perhaps one of the worst forms of manipulation is the religious. We often find churches, minister, and leaders who manipulate their people in the name of goals that are at times praiseworthy and at other times obscure. This has been one of the reasons why a very high percentage of those who call themselves evangelical Christians on our continent rarely attend church services.

    What is certain is that manipulation has many faces, but among its consequence, there is a common result: the suffering of the person who is manipulated.

    Therein lies the reason for this book, written with threefold intention. In the first place, that many persons who have suffered as the victim of manipulators, can understand what has happened to them and what they have experienced, and they can be healed.

    In the second place, so that those who have allowed manipulation to become a pattern of conduct in their lives and in their relationships with other people, may understand the damage they have produced, as well as the reasons why they became manipulators, and thus also find healing.

    In the third place, the material in this book is presented to prevent future victims of manipulation; that we may learn not to fall victim to its claws, and to be aware enough not to become executioners committed to hurting others.


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  • Sobreviviendo Un Yugo Desigual – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780829745146ISBN10: 0829745149Language: SpanishLee Strobel | Leslie StrobelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Editorial Vida Print On Demand Product

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  • F O R M A – (Spanish)


    Illustrated with real-life stories, this inspiring and deeply insightful book guides you through a series of challenges that will help you uncover your God-given S.H.A.P.E.-your unique blend of Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences-and apply it in ways that bring confidence, freedom, clarity, and significance.

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  • Del Llanto A La Sonrisa – (Spanish)


    A violently honest testimony of what God can do with a life that was fighting againg all odds. Alex Campos, a well known singer-songwriter talks about his childhood and adolescence, his battles against sickness, neglect, the death of one of his loved ones, lack of resources and rejection. What is the process that God uses to shape a young man’s dream? Is it possible to reach impossible dreams and desires if you seem to have no possibilities? In this book, Alex will take you from tears to laughter just as God took him along the road of trials to a destiny of triumph.

    A challenging and innovative book that includes a DVD with an exclusive concert for his friends and a guide for youth leaders that want to help youth overcome their hurt.

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  • Matrimonio: De Sobrevivir A Pr (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    Married for 50 years and with 50-plus years of pastoral counseling experience, Charles Swindoll is committed to helping couples do more than just get by in their relationship. He wants them to flourish and grow! In Matrimonio: De sobrevivir a prosperar, Cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll uses eight engaging lessons to equip couples with the tools necessary to thrive in marriage.

    Cincuenta anos de casado y con mas de cincuenta anos de experiencia en consejeria pastoral, Charles Swindoll esta comprometido a ayudar a la pareja a hacer mas que tan solo sobrellevar su relacion, !el quiere que florezca y se desarrolle! En Matrimonio: de sobrevivir a prosperar, cuaderno de ejercicios, Swindoll usa ocho lecciones provocativas para equipar a la pareja con las herramientas necesarias para prosperar en el matrimonio.

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  • Matrimonio De Sobrevivir A Pro – (Spanish)


    Best-selling author Charles R. Swindoll uses his warm, humorous, yet always insightful writing style to bring some much needed advice on the subject of marriage. Drawing from his own personal experience with Cynthia, his wife of 50 years, as well as showing what the Bible says about marriage, Charles will give very practical and inspiring ways to building a marriage that not only survives the tests of time but also thrives.

    El autor de exitos de libreria Charles R. Swindoll escribe de una manera calida, humoristica y siempre acertada en este libro de consejos muy necesarios sobre el matrimonio. Basa el libro en su experiencia personal con su esposa de cincuenta anos, Cynthia, y muestra lo que dice la Biblia sobre el matrimonio. Brinda consejos muy practicos y ofrece ideas inspiradoras para edificar un matrimonio que no solo sobrevive los inevitables contratiempos de la vida sino que florece.

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  • Como Vivir Sobre El Nivel De L – (Spanish)


    This is a book that confronts problems with discipline and laziness and the other tendencies that push us to accept less than we should. This book will make you re-examine your goals, your priorities and the important values in life. Prepare yourself for this literary adventure that will change the way you live and at the same time teach you how to soar like an eagle above the level of mediocrity.

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  • Codigo Del Campeon Nueva Edici (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This new revised editon ncludes the essence of popular evangelist Dante Gebel’s messages, as well as more great stories that will radically challenge you. “The Champion Code” is for people who are not satisfied with their spiritual lives. It is for people who are unique, dedicated and radical.

    “You can prevent me from being a preacher with credentials, but I will be a preacher of the heart.

    You can’t stop my encouragement, you can’t stop a hurricane.

    I will always be there.

    You should choose, if you want a colleague preacher…or a thorn in your foot.”

    This phrase that imitates the speech by Dr. Patch Adams, exemplifies the revolutionary spirit in this book.

    Dante Gebel is known in the Hispanic world as a preacher able to transport his listeners to the most fascinating stories and to take them from laughter all the way to tears.

    “Champion Code” has the essence of these messages, added to these bright stories that challenge your life. This is a book written specially with passion, dedicated to all those that suffer “holy dissatisfaction”, or like the author says those that want double portions of spiritual ambition.

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  • Sanidad Del Corazon – (Spanish)


    Joan Hunter Ministries Publication

    In her new book Joan shares the struggles with obesity, breast cancer and the heart-breaking end of her 25 year marriage.

    Find out how God turned her around and she became an international author and teacher with an awesome healing ministry.

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  • Codigo Jesus – (Spanish)


    In this book, from a personal perspective, the author reveals clues to solve The Jesus Code as the great solution to all confusing things.

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  • Microempresa Megavida – (Spanish)


    Don’t let your business run your life; run your business to give you and your family a good life.

    Creating and owning a successful business is part of the American dream. Written for “ordinary folk who have more dreams than education, capital or resources,” Microempresa, Megavida promises not just professional and financial success but also a fulfilling life. Louis Barajas shows how to create a business that enriches your life as well as your wallet, that creates both money and meaning, and that provides a legacy for yourself and your family.

    Barajas has a unique integrated approach that deals with life as well as business. The four cornerstones of getting a big life from a small business are Truth, Responsibility, Awareness, and Courage. The five steps of building a small business that will lead to a big life are the following:
    Your life blueprint
    *Your vision
    *Your business blueprint
    *Your business systems
    *Your team

    Este libro es concreto, facil de leer, facil de aplicar como una guia que ayudara al lector a tomar la chispa del deseo de una vida mejor y convertirla en un fuego abrasador de una microempresa exitosa. Estos negocios proveeran mas libertad economica y personal, mas felicidad y satisfaccion para los empresarios y sus familias. Esto se muestra a traves de cinco pasos, los cuales son: Vida: el proposito de un negocio es darle a usted mas vida. Liderazgo: el precio de la grandeza es la responsabilidad. Su negocio es su negocio, no su producto. Sistemas uniformes: el sistema es la solucion. Su equipo: entre mas grande sea el sueno, mejor el equipo que necesitara.

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  • Aquellas Mujeres De La Biblia – (Spanish)


    Frequently, Christian women feel lost between the opportunities and needs of the present and the Biblical teachings of the past.

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  • Vacio Llamado Papa En Mi Coraz – (Spanish)


    Cada hija sabe lo importante que es la palabra “papi”. Cuando el padre nos desiluciona podemos ser afectados profundamente por el resto de nuestra vida. Ya sea que tu papa abuso de ti o te abandono, el resultado es un vacio que necesita ser llenado. Aqui encontrara ayuda para soportar la herida y encontrar la sanidad. Algunos de los temas que se incluyen son: Perdiendo al padre por causa del divorcio, muerte o abandono; viendo la negacion tal y como es y como esta negacion no teja avanzar; descubriendo como mejorar la relacion con tu papa; encontrando al Padre celestial, real y perfecto. Utilizando la Escritura, testimonios reales y la percepcion que comparte Norman Wright por medio de su experiencia de muchos anos como consejero, este libro puede llevarte del sufrimiento y dolor a un gozo renovado, mientras descubres que tu Padre celestial siempre ha estado a tu lado.

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  • Mensaje Secreto De Jesus – (Spanish)


    Brian Aclaren, uno de los “25 Evangelicos mas influyentes en los Estados Unidos” de la Revista TIME”, regresa y esta vez para llevar a los lectores en una travesia que sera turbulenta y estremecedora, como tambien emocionante y transformadora. Sin temor a la controversia o a los tabues de la vida, la busqueda de McLaren es hallar la esencia del mensaje de Jesus, aunque esto signifique un vuelco a nuestras ideas convencionales, prioridades y practicas. “A traves de los anos, frecuentemente he tenido un sentimiento de incomodidad” escribe McLaren, “Que el retrato de Jesus encontrado en el Nuevo Testamento no se ajusta con las imagenes de Jesus en la iglesia”. De este sentimiento de incomodidad nacio este libro, prometiendo ser el mas revolucionario que haya escrito McLaren hasta la fecha. En el nos escribe: “Quisiera compartir mi busqueda con usted, e invitarle a que usted sea parte de ella. No quiero danar el final, pero esto le dire: cuanto mas avanzo en esta busqueda del mensaje de Jesus, mas me inspiro, soy conmovido, desafiado, sacudido y motivado.”

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  • Travesia Del Corazon Salvaje – (Spanish)


    Book Description
    En La travesia del corazon salvaje, John Eldredge, autor de exitos de libreria, ensena a los hombres que Dios quiere completar su crecimiento a traves de seis etapas de masculinidad y equipar a los padres para que puedan ensenar esto mismo a sus hijos varones.

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  • No Se Admiten Personas Perfect – (Spanish)


    The church is facing its greatest challenge – and its greatest opportunity – in our post-modern, post-Christian world. God is drawing thousands of spiritually curious “imperfect people” to become his church – but, how are we doing at welcoming them? This book shows you how to deconstruct the five main barriers standing between emerging generations and your church by creating the right culture. The book offers inspiring stories of real people once far from God and practical ideas that can be applied in any church.

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  • Perdonar Es Sanar – (Spanish)


    Basado en investigacion cientifica, este revolucionario estudio ofrece una perspectiva reveladora acerca del poder curativo del perdon. Por medio de vividos ejemplos (que incluyen su trabajo con victimas de ambos lados de la guerra en Irlanda del norte), el Dr. Luskin nos ofrece un metodo de perdon en nueve pasos, que nos permite ir mas alla de sentirnos victimas para vivir una vida mas sana y feliz.

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  • Doctrina Cristiana – (Spanish)


    There are certain areas of doctrine that every Christian simply must know. Theology is important because what we believe affects how we live. If you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus, or if you’re a more mature Christian looking for a quick brush-up on basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you. This readable guide to twenty basic Christian beliefs is a condensation of Wayne Grudem’s award-wininng book on systematic theology, prized by pastors and teachers everywhere.

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  • Receta Del Gran Medico Para Di – (Spanish)


    El autor de exitos Jordan Rubin, junto al Dr. David Remedios nos ensena como adoptar las 7 claves en La Receta del Gran Medico para la Salud y el Bienestar para enfocarnos agresivamente en la diabetes y desarrollar un plan contra ella.

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  • Correccion Creativa – (Spanish)


    Drawing from her own family’s experiences, and from interaction with other parents, Lisa Whelchel offers creative solutions for parents who are out of ideas and desperate for new, proven approaches to discipline

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  • Secretos Del Lugar Secreto – (Spanish)


    The secret place is “the beginning of the morning”, the central stream of the true productivity of God’s kingdom. This book was written to strengthen and inspire our secret relationship with God. Bob Sorge’s prayer is that when you read this book, you will catch a vision of the living relationship God desires to have with you.

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  • Autoridad Espiritual – (Spanish)


    This is a profound yet simple book that ought to be read with prayer. In times when the foundations of authority are falling to pieces in the church, the home, and life in general, the author offers advice and teachings to guide our life. “May your authority not exceed your ministry”, Watchman Nee advises us in this book.

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  • Paternidad Espiritual – (Spanish)


    The purpose of this book is to unite the heart of the pastor with church members through the revelation of Spiritual Fatherhood. This is a time when God is trying to unite us as a family. His desire is to establish His household under the authority of the pastor and church members as children. The problem of the church today is that there are many members but few children, many pastors but few fathers. This book’s objective is to create a balance between the authority delegated to pastors and their congregations.

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  • Pareja De Un Dia O De Por Vida – (Spanish)


    Descripcion (Description): Este libro ayuda a los hombres y a las mujeres que desean matrimonios saludables y satisfactorios a identificar las primeras seales de advertencia de una relacion daina. El doctor Warren les muestra a los lectores la forma de esperar lo mejor de Dios para sus vidas en vez de decidirse por la primera persona que aparece; tambien enumera los factores que aumentan las oportunidades del exito matrimonial. Para aquellas personas que desean ser mas sabias en sus decisiones relacionales, esta guia practica les ayudara a encontrar el amor que quieren y a evitar el dolor que no necesitan.

    This book helps men and women who want healthy and satisfying marriages identify the early warning signs of an unhealthy relationship. Dr. Warren shows readers how to hold out for God’s best for their lives instead of settling for the first one to come along and outlines the factors that increase the chances for marital success. For those who want to become wiser in their relationship choices, this practical guide will help them find the love they want and avoid the pain they don’t need.

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  • Deleites De Dios – (Spanish)


    “You really don’t know somebody until you know what makes them happy.” From a theological view, Pastor John Piper shares the Biblical evidence which will help us see and feel what the things that please God show us about Him in order that we may become more like Him. What the church and the world need today more than anything is to know and love the great, glorious, sovereign and joyful God of the Bible.

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  • Diez Mandamientos La Importanc – (Spanish)


    The Ten Commandments are the first direct communication between a people and God. Designed to elevate our lives above mere frantic, animal existence to the sublime levels humanity is capable or experiencing, they are the blueprint of God’s expectations of us and His plan for a meaningful, just, loving, and holy life. Each commandment asserts a principle, and each principle is a moral focal point for real-life issues relating to God, family, sex, work, charity, property, speech, and thought. Written in collaboration with Rabbi Stewart Vogel, The Ten Commandments incorporates lively discussion of the Bible and the Judeo-Christian values derived from it. Filled with passion, emotion, and profound insights, it will move, enlighten, inspire, entertain, and educate you on the meaning each commandment has in our daily lives today:

    I am the Lord, your God, Who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

    You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence.

    You shall not take the Name of the Lord., your God, in vain.

    Remember the Sabbath day and sanctify it.

    Honor your Father and your Mother.

    You shall not murder.

    You shall not commit adultery.

    You shall not steal.

    You shall not bear false witness against your fellow.

    You shall not covet.

    Los Diez Mandamientos son la primera comunicacion directa entre las personas y Dios. Estan diseados para elevar nuestras vidas por encima de una frenetica y salvaje existencia hacia los niveles sublimes que la humanidad es capaz de experimentar, y constituyen el esquema de las expectativas que Dios tiene de nosotros y de Su plan para que vivamos una vida significativa, justa, cariosa y santa. Cada uno de los Mandamientos afirma un principio, y cada principio es un punto moral central para asuntos de la vida real que se relacionan con Dios, la familia, el sexo, el trabajo, la caridad, la propiedad, la comunicacion verbal y el pensamiento.

    En Los Diez Mandamientos, la Dra. Laura Schlessinger nos recuerda que le damos o quitamos el significado a nuestras vidas por medio de nuestras decisiones cotidianas, y nos explica como el mantenerse fiel a los ideales superiores y la moralidad consistente con los Mandamientos puede crear una vida de gran proposito, integridad, valor y felicidad duradera. Escrito en colaboracion con el Rabino Stewart Vogel, Los Diez Mandamientos incorpora animadas discusiones de la Biblia y los valores judeocr

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  • Mero Christianismo – (Spanish)


    This is a forceful and accessible discussion of Christian belief that has become one of the most popular introductions into Christianity and the most popular among C.S. Lewis books. Mere Christianity is a book that uncovers common ground upon which all those who have Christian faith can stand together. This is the Spanish-language edition of MERE CHRISTIANITY.

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  • Corazan De Enojo – (Spanish)


    El enojo, ?Ha sido un problema en su hogar? ?Alguna vez sus hijos le han hablando con un tono airado o irrespetuoso? ?Pelean entre ellos? ?Ha perdido usted alguna vez la compostura o la paciencia mientras trataba una situacion irritable en su casa? Pues bien, si usted contesto honestamente “si” a alguna de estas preguntas, usted necesita este libro.

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  • Crisis En La Familia De Hoy – (Spanish)


    En Crisis en la familia de hoy usted encontrara principios basados en la Palabra de Dios que le ayudaran a reforzar, madurar y solidificar su matrimonio y su vida familiar segun las reglas divinas establecidas en la Escritura. El

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  • Cura Para La Vida Comun – (Spanish)


    Es domingo por la tarde y ya esta temiendo que llegue el lunes. Se pasa mas de 50 horas en un trabajo que odia, solo para llegar a su casa exhausto y hacer algo mas que ver la monotona television. Pues bien, no esta solo: 87 por ciento de los trabajadores no le encuentran significado a su trabajo y 80 por ciento asegura que sus talentos no son utilizados. Y hay consecuencias. Se de cuenta o no, nuestra actitud impacta nuestra salud, nuestras relaciones, nuestras familias y nuestro sentido basico de la felicidad, pero el autor de exitos de libreria Max Lucado, tiene una cura. Todos somos individuos unicos, creados a la imagen de Dios, con nuestros propios dones, pasiones y puntos fuertes. Con su voz encantadora y estimulante, Max ofrece a sus lectores herramientas practicas para explorar e identificar nuestra propia singularidad, una motivacion para ponerla en practica y una perspectiva para volver a definir nuestro concepto de trabajo. Nunca es tarde para descubrir sus puntos fuertes, la voluntad de Dios o una nueva direccion en su carrera, curando asi lo que de otra forma seria una vida comun.

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  • Descubra Sus Dones Y Talentos – (Spanish)


    In order to minister effectively, the believer should discover and use his gifts.

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