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Adventure Fiction

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  • Esa Horrible Fortaleza – (Spanish)


    Esa horrible fortaleza es la tercera novela de la trilogia de ciencia ficcion de Lewis. Ambientada en la Tierra, narra una terrorifica conspiracion contra la humanidad. La historia rodea a Mark y Jane Studdock, una pareja recien casada. Mark es un sociologo que se siente atraido por una organizacion llamada N.I.C.E., que pretende controlar toda la vida humana. Jane, por su parte, tiene extraos sueos profeticos sobre un cientifico decapitado, Alcasan. Mientras Mark se ve arrastrado inextricablemente a la siniestra organizacion, descubre la verdad de los sueos de su mujer cuando conoce la cabeza literal de Alcasan, que se mantiene viva mediante infusiones de sangre. Jane busca ayuda en relacion con sus sueos en una comunidad llamada Santa Ana, donde conoce a su lider, el Dr. Ransom. La historia termina en una espectacular escena final en la sede de la N.I.C.E., donde Merlin aparece para enfrentarse a los poderes del infierno.

    That Hideous Strength

    That Hideous Strength is the third novel in Lewis’s science fiction trilogy. Set on Earth, it tells of a terrifying conspiracy against humanity. The story surrounds Mark and Jane Studdock, a newly married couple. Mark is a sociologist who is enticed to join an organization called N.I.C.E., which aims to control all human life. Jane, meanwhile, has bizarre prophetic dreams about a decapitated scientist, Alcasan. As Mark is drawn inextricably into the sinister organization, he discovers the truth of his wife’s dreams when he meets the literal head of Alcasan, which is being kept alive by infusions of blood. Jane seeks help concerning her dreams at a community called St. Anne’s, where she meets their leader–Dr. Ransom. The story ends in a final spectacular scene at the N.I.C.E. headquarters where Merlin appears to confront the powers of Hell.

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  • Perelandra – (Spanish)


    Perelandra, la segunda novela de la trilogia de ciencia ficcion de Lewis, narra el viaje del Dr. Ransom al planeta paradisiaco de Perelandra, o Venus, que resulta ser un hermoso mundo parecido al Eden. Se horroriza al descubrir que su viejo enemigo, el Dr. Weston, tambien ha llegado y lo pone en grave peligro una vez mas. Mientras el cuerpo del loco Weston es tomado por las fuerzas del mal, Ransom emprende una lucha desesperada para salvar la inocencia de Perelandra.


    Perelandra, the second novel in Lewis’s science fiction trilogy, tells of Dr. Ransom’s voyage to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus, which turns out to be a beautiful Eden-like world. He is horrified to find that his old enemy, Dr. Weston, has also arrived and is putting him in grave peril once more. As the mad Weston’s body is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom engages in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of Perelandra.

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  • Mas Alla Del Planeta Silencios – (Spanish)


    Mas alla del planeta silencioso es la primera novela de la clasica trilogia de ciencia ficcion de C. S. Lewis. Cuenta la aventura del Dr. Ransom, un academico de Cambridge, que es secuestrado y llevado en una nave espacial al planeta rojo de Malacandra, que el conoce como Marte. Sus captores planean saquear los tesoros del planeta y ofrecer a Ransom como sacrificio a las criaturas que viven alli. Ransom descubre que viene del planeta silencioso, la Tierra, cuya tragica historia es conocida en todo el universo.

    Out of the Silent Planet

    Out of the Silent Planet is the first novel in C. S. Lewis’s classic science fiction trilogy. It tells the adventure of Dr. Ransom, a Cambridge academic, who is abducted and taken on a spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra, which he knows as Mars. His captors are plotting to plunder the planet’s treasures and plan to offer Ransom as a sacrifice to the creatures who live there. Ransom discovers he has come from the silent planet–Earth–whose tragic story is known throughout the universe!

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  • Viuda Negra – (Spanish)


    Daniel Silva, autor best seller #1 del New York Times, trae otra impresionante novela de suspenso en su ultimo relato lleno de accion e intriga internacional de alto riesgo que tiene por protagonista al inimitable Gabriel Allon.

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  • Apuesta Del Cielo – (Spanish)


    El ha dejado su pasado bien lejos… o eso es lo que cree. Kent Anthony es un brillante ingeniero de software que esta ganando mucho dinero con su carrera fenomenal. Por fin esta viviendo la vida idilica, alejado de ideas de robos, asesinatos y otras clases de conductas criminales horribles. Esta historia lo traera frente a frente con un mundo escondido mas real que lo que la mayoria de la gente piensa, un mundo en el que lo invisible es mas poderoso que cualquier cosa visible.

    A brilliant young software designer on the brink of becoming a millionare…Two sleek, well-fed bank executives who know an opportunity when they see it… A Nike-clad grandmother who literally puts feet to her prayers…A beautiful young widow who uncovers a dangerous secret… On one level it’s a psychological thriller–a fascinating account of the (almost) perfect crime. On another level it’s a romance–the tale of bittersweet love that is (almost) enough to save a soul. But most of all it’s an imaginative window into a world more real and vital than most people ever discover here on earth, the unseen world where the real dramas of the universe–and of our daily lives–continually unfold. Heaven’s Wager is one of those rare novels that is both a page turner and a thought provoker. You’ll devour it in one sitting–then find yourself pondering it for months to come.

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